VE :: Volume #8 三阶首战影之忍者

#763: Pit you? Refuses to accept solo

Mitsufuji Shinya, since childhood in the said/tunnel Japan person who Japan grows. Although from small is not good at studying, after growing up , the mistakes arising out of chance circumstances entered Black Dragon Society, but he it can be said that believes that among human has the trust of foundation. 光藤真也,一个从小在和国成长的地道和国人。虽然从小并不善于学习,长大后也阴错阳差进入了黑龙会,但是他可以说是坚信人类之间还是有着基础的信任。 However, in this time, him by pit. Moreover this pit is also not general serious, the value of loss is not the common goods can counter-balance, he only thought that oneself personality was insulted. Thinks oneself infallible Japan first he, by one is not known the person who directly where comes defeats, this person had not been placed Le Yuan in eye by him, how this did not make him be angry. 不过,就在今时今日,他被坑了。而且这坑的还不是一般的严重,损失的价值远不是一般的物品可以抵消的,他只觉得自己的人格都被人侮辱了。自以为是和国第一的他,直接被一个不知道从哪里来的人击败,这个人还是一直没被他放在眼中的乐渊,这如何不令他感到愤怒。 If and Sword Saintess Kamiya Hikari such open and aboveboard fight, after oneself use the skills, defeats. Perhaps Mitsufuji Shinya will not think that extremely in the aggrievedness, after all even the Black Dragon Society member, essentially he is a being able to lose person, otherwise still impossible has such disposition to grow to nowadays step. 如果说是和女剑圣神谷光那样堂堂正正的战斗,自己使出浑身解数之后才战败的。或许光藤真也也并不会觉得太过于憋屈,毕竟就算是黑龙会的成员,本质上他还是一个输得起的人,不然也不可能有如此心性成长到现如今的这一步。 However facing Le Yuan, he is really refuses to accept! On strength display that this ratio fights, Mitsufuji Shinya, although shouted that oneself trained most assiduous Tyranitar and Metagross, but must say that this was Mitsufuji Shinya strongest strength that also underestimates him. 但是面对乐渊,他实在是不服啊!论这一场比斗的实力发挥,光藤真也虽然喊出了自己训练得最为刻苦的班吉拉巨金怪,但是要说这就是光藤真也的最强实力那还真是低估他了。 Even the trainer 1-2 elves in Pokémon, Mitsufuji Shinya dares to be known as that incessantly is strongest Beast Tamer naturally does not boast the atmosphere. Familiar on his hand arranges the innumerable tactics sufficiently, ten eight Familiar had not really had the face to see the person. 宠物小精灵里的训练师都不止1-2精灵,光藤真也敢号称是最强的驭兽师自然不是胡吹大气。他手上的使魔足以布置出无数的战术,没有个十个八个使魔还真没脸见人。 But just that fight, Mitsufuji Shinya only shouted from beginning to end two Familiar, simply had not relieved the fit condition with enough time, many Familiar will shout, was killed by Le Yuan that not well-known move one move of second. Must say aggrievedly, said was Mitsufuji Shinya plays to take off/escape like this, basic including the person who the 50% strengths have not displayed. 而刚刚的那一场战斗,光藤真也从始至终都只喊出了两个使魔而已,根本没来得及解除合体状态,将更多的使魔喊出来,便被乐渊那不知名的招数一招秒杀。要说憋屈,说的就是光藤真也这样玩脱了,根本连自身50%实力都没有发挥出来的人。 When Le Yuan comes out from the arena similarly, Mitsufuji Shinya did not give the opportunity that Le Yuan sneaked off to block directly before the body of Le Yuan, the eyes stared the eldest child stubbornly to stare on the face of Le Yuan, looks at Le Yuan that already after the face of camouflage, as if wanted to look through the camouflage of system by an own pair of naked eye. 乐渊同样从竞技场内出来的时候,光藤真也根本不给乐渊溜走的机会直接拦在了乐渊的身前,双眼瞪得老大死死地盯在乐渊的脸上,看着乐渊那张已经经过伪装的脸,似乎想要凭借自己的一双肉眼看破系统的伪装。 What matter has? Mitsufuji-kun, this comparing notes made me profit time a great deal, never expected that Mitsufuji-kun such naturally, in order to lets my Wuming (Nameless) private obtain the confidence to lose to me unexpectedly intentionally, was really thanks. That Digi-Egg I will look after attentively, will make you be startled absolutely!” “有什么事吗?光藤君,这一次的切磋可是令我受益良多,没想到光藤君是这么的大方,为了能够让我这个无名小卒获得信心竟然故意输给我,真是太感谢了。那枚数码蛋我会用心照顾的,绝对会令你大吃一惊的!” Le Yuan seems like simply had not seen the look that Mitsufuji Shinya that almost must kill people, still displays to seem like one to with Mitsufuji Shinya compare notes, but big fee/spent flustered Japan promotion. 乐渊像是根本没有看到光藤真也那几乎要杀人的眼神,依然表现得像是一个为了和光藤真也切磋而大费周章的和国晋升者。 „...... Do not put on airs, can in the situation that in I have not tried is defeated how possibly is the Wuming (Nameless) private. Without strength basic impossible of third-order promotion poses the threat to me, actually you are, Japan promotion impossible presents is recorded by me at heart......” “你……别装模作样了,能够在我未尽全力的情况下打败的怎么可能是无名小卒。没有三阶晋升者的实力根本不可能对我造成威胁,你究竟是什么人,和国的晋升者不可能出现没有被我记载心里的……” Although a powerhouse circle of country cannot say is small, but compares promotion in entire country is not without doubt big. Let alone the Japan environment decided that the powerhouse circle of this country cannot run away winning over of two big influences. One is the camp of current government, another is Black Dragon Society, but worthless person promotion few can stay out, therefore promotion basically already that so long as basically can amount to something was in file of both sides, basic impossible has the powerhouse who Le Yuan this has not recorded completely. 一个国家的强者圈子虽然不能说小,但是相比较整个国家的晋升者而言无疑并不大。更何况和国的环境决定了,这个国家的强者圈子逃不了两大势力的拉拢。一个是现任政府的阵营,另一个则是黑龙会,而散人晋升者鲜少能有置身事外的,所以基本上只要上得了台面的晋升者基本上都已经处在了双方的档案上,根本不可能乐渊这样完全没有记录的强者。 Right? Never expected that Mitsufuji-kun is so high to my appraisal, but hits now also fired off, goes various home to look for various mothers respectively, my family member also waited for me to go home to finish eating the food, bye!” “是吗?没想到光藤君对我的评价这么高呢,不过现在打也打完了,还是各回各家各找各妈吧,我家里人还等着我回家吃完饭呢,再见!” Was saying already successfully obtained Le Yuan that wants thing has not continued with the Mitsufuji Shinya entanglement, was saying wants to bypass Mitsufuji Shinya to leave, but Mitsufuji Shinya how possible ignores Le Yuan to take to love dearly serious Digi-Egg and badge and other goods left, the value that thing adds is not absolutely low, even in the Mitsufuji Shinya net worth still few with thing that it compares favorably with, moreover Le Yuan token he has not taken. 说着已经成功得到了想要东西乐渊也没有继续和光藤真也纠缠的,说着就想要绕过光藤真也离开,但是光藤真也怎么可能放任乐渊拿着自己心疼得不得了的数码蛋和徽章等物品离开,那东西加起来的价值绝对不低,就算是光藤真也的身家里面也没有几个与之媲美的东西,况且乐渊身上的令牌他还没有拿到手。 Wait, are actually you...... who? Actually does the token on your hand come from where? It is not the Japan third-order, you can be......” “等等,你……究竟是什么人?你手上的令牌究竟来自于何处?不是和国的三阶,难道说你会是……” Mitsufuji Shinya indeed is not good at studying, but does not represent his brain to transfer slowly. Although also had language already to become the style of Japan person after system the semblance of camouflage later Le Yuan, but every action and every movement have not the suppressible difference from the Japan person, perhaps the average person could not pay attention, however Black Dragon Society Mitsufuji Shinya has experienced but the person was innumerable, this small difference simply has not escaped his eye. 光藤真也的确是不擅长学习,但不代表他的脑子转得慢。虽然经过系统的伪装之后乐渊的外表还有语言已经变为了和国人的样式,但是一举一动却与和国人有着不可隐藏的差异,或许一般人注意不到,但是黑龙会光藤真也见识过的人可是数不胜数,这点小差异根本没有逃过他的眼睛。 But the Le Yuan real status also judged in his mind unceasingly, nowadays entire world third-order, although was being pinched by conceals, but more or less already exposed much, the quantity itself/Ben was few, but conformed to Le Yuan this to shift to other countries' situation at will, Battle King that only then already went into hiding from China. 乐渊的真实身份同样在他的脑海中不断判断,现如今全世界的三阶虽然被各国藏着捏着,但是或多或少已经暴露出了不少,数量本就是屈指可数,而符合乐渊这个随意转移到别国情况的,只有已经华夏销声匿迹的斗王 However quick Mitsufuji Shinya had doubts again, to the China Battle King style, can be initially such as Le Yuan is so at present dreadful to installing to deceive his Digi-Egg fellow weakly? Was the system blind the eye, will make such person first-generation Battle King unexpectedly. 不过很快光藤真也又再次疑惑了,以当初华夏斗王的行事风格,会是如眼前乐渊这般猥琐到装弱骗他数码蛋的家伙?系统是不是瞎了眼睛,竟然会让这样的人成为第一代斗王 Being all right make way, you kept off my road, present you are very disgusting, understand?” “没事闪开,你挡我的路了,现在的你很令人厌恶,明白了吗?” Le Yuan has no free time to handle Mitsufuji Shinya now completely, without attracted his good thing sufficiently, this Mitsufuji Shinya is pure passerby A, has not distinguished in Le Yuan eye neutralization ordinary Japan promotion completely. What Japan can second, catch Le Yuan spear/gun undying? Necessity that cannot, that not remember completely. 乐渊现在是完全没空打理光藤真也,没有了足以吸引他的好东西,这光藤真也就是个纯粹的路人甲,在乐渊眼中和普通的和国晋升者完全没有区别。什么和国第二,能够接住乐渊一枪不死吗?不能,那就完全没有记住的必要。 You!” “你!” Mitsufuji Shinya had almost not been irritated by the Le Yuan tone, initially two people discussed trades token the performance of time Le Yuan to be courteous, how Kungfu in an instant became is hard to communicate, what wasn't this swindler cheats is? 光藤真也差点没被乐渊的语气气死,当初两人商量交易令牌的时候乐渊的表现可是非常有礼的,怎么一转眼的功夫就变得这么难以沟通了,这不是骗子坑人又是什么? „...... You have the least bit as beginning generation of Battle King dignity? Beginning solemn China generation of Battle King, swindle Digi-Egg with the method of this low from my hand unexpectedly, do you have the guts and I compete with one again? The open and aboveboard contest, bets your I two people of dignity!” “……你还有半点身为初代斗王的尊严吗?堂堂华夏初代斗王,竟然用这种下三滥的手段从我的手中骗取数码蛋,你有胆量和我再比试一场吗?堂堂正正的较量,赌上你我二人的尊严!” During these 2-3 words, Mitsufuji Shinya wanted to bring back by the action that pit thing took carry back to be risen the dignity level from Le Yuan here him, the charm of language has been bloomed in his hands. 这2-3话之间,光藤真也就把他想要从乐渊这里取回被坑的东西拿回来的举动上升到了尊严层次,语言的魅力在他的手中得到绽放。 Dignity? Related with you? The defeat dog does not have the qualifications and I discusses the dignity, is really disinclined to respond your flatter, the good dog not to obstruct the road!” “尊严?和你有关吗?败犬没有资格和我谈尊严,真是懒得搭理你阿,好狗不挡道!” Although makes the inadequate injury in Inner World, however the minimum kinetic energy impact can achieve, Le Yuan lifts the right hand in his palm to wield by the speed that Mitsufuji Shinya is unable to respond, immediately Mitsufuji Shinya seemed like kite of line in flowering shrubs that fell down not far away. 虽然在里世界造不成伤害,但是最起码的动能冲击还是能够做到的,乐渊光藤真也根本无法反应的速度抬起右手在他的身上一掌挥出,顿时光藤真也像是断了线的风筝一头栽倒进了不远处的花丛中。 „, baka! Your pit my does Digi-Egg, want to walk away? Our Black Dragon Society will not let off your, has this matter with entire Japan promotion is being an enemy, has the courage not to walk!” “咳咳,八嘎!你坑了我的数码蛋,难道就想这么一走了之?我们黑龙会是不会放过你的,有这事在与全和国的晋升者为敌,有胆子别走!” Mitsufuji Shinya that crawls from the ground, although has not been injured, but was hit after suddenly, thought is uncomfortable, looks at already to walk Le Yuan far away to shout greatly. 从地上爬起来的光藤真也虽然没有受伤,但是突然被击中后还是觉得非常不舒服,望着已经走出去老远的乐渊不由大喊道。 Pit you?” Le Yuan one seems like then responding to the Mitsufuji Shinya words, later stretched out a finger to shake saying that „my is not called the pit you, was you jumps in the pit, did I have to make you look for me? Refuses to accept, solo? Till I project on was sincerely convinced, but does not have money not to come to look for me, but my time was very precious!” “坑你?”乐渊一回头像是在回应光藤真也的话,随后伸出一根手指晃了晃道,“我这可不叫做坑你,是你屁颠屁颠自己跳进坑里来的,我有让你来找我吗?不服,solo啊?我打到心服口服为止,不过没钱别来找我,我的时间可是珍贵得很!” Le Yuan final a few words made Mitsufuji Shinya hear are pain in the ass, this was wants him the meaning that continued to spend to challenge. But if anything does not do, then what thing cannot attain without a doubt, but really must challenge, Mitsufuji Shinya does not have that the confidence to win victories, Le Yuan has not denied now he is beginning generation of Battle King, Mitsufuji Shinya may not have the assurance that must win, even if his new card in a hand is highly regarded, but...... 乐渊最后的一句话令光藤真也听得又是一阵蛋疼,这是要他继续花钱挑战的意思。但是如果什么都不做,那么毫无疑问什么东西都拿不到,但是真要挑战了,光藤真也也没有那个必胜的信心,乐渊现在可没有否认他就是初代斗王,光藤真也可没有那个必胜的把握,纵然他的新底牌不可小觑,但是…… Looks in hesitant Mitsufuji Shinya, Le Yuan is still sighing to turn around to pace to leave. Le Yuan this left to inspire the Mitsufuji Shinya nerve immediately, saw only him to extend the right hand to beckon to say to Le Yuan: Wait, I and you compare again, the collateral was this, the victory words I do not want Digi-Egg, gave me your token!” 望着还在犹豫的光藤真也,乐渊叹了一口气转身踱步离开。乐渊这一动身立马引动了光藤真也的神经,只见他伸出右手向乐渊招手道:“等等,我和你再比一场,抵押物就是这个,胜利的话我也不要数码蛋了,把你的令牌给我!” Le Yuan looked to Mitsufuji Shinya this giving collateral, qualifications purple Poké Ball. The style comes that compared with Poké Ball of ordinary edition is heaven and earth, this is located in all Poké Ball apexes, was known as that can catch all Pokémon Master Ball. 乐渊看向了光藤真也这一次给出的抵押物,资格紫色的精灵球。样式比起普通版本的精灵球来那是一个天一个地,这正是位于所有精灵球顶点,号称可以捕捉所有pm大师球 However Le Yuan present Master Ball is not pure capture item or the carrying/sustaining Pokémon vessel, this is one can use the multiple A Level item Pokémon summon ball ( 1 / 3 ). 不过乐渊眼前的大师球可不是一个单纯的捕捉道具或是承载pm的容器,这是一个能够使用多次的a级道具pm召唤球。 Effect not only simple and is practical, that summoned race value over 600 mature body Pokémon randomly, through obtaining the approval of opposite party thus transformed it as own Familiar. Most Pokémon approved ways only then, that beats them. 效果既简单又非常实用,那就是随机召唤出种族值600以上的一只成熟体pm,通过得到对方的认可从而将其转化为自己的使魔。绝大多数pm得到认可的方式只有一个,那就是将他们击败。 But race value over 580, means that their strengths at least are also in the B level the position start, perhaps in which most powerhouse can achieve A Level also perhaps. 而种族值580以上,意味着它们的实力最起码也是b级中位起步的,或许其中的最强者能够达到a级也说不定。 Hits again, does not have so-called domain Mitsufuji Shinya regarding Le Yuan does not set the password the credit card, since oneself deliver, then Le Yuan was actually disrespectful. 再打一场,对于乐渊而言没有所谓领域的光藤真也也不过是个不设密码的信用卡,既然自己送上门来,那么乐渊就却之不恭了。 Two people entered in the arena again, compared with just fight, Mitsufuji Shinya these exposed oneself all cards in a hand time thoroughly. Tyranitar, Metagross, Dragonite, Ursaring, Kyogre, Aerodactyl as well as Chansey? 两人再一次进入到了竞技场内,比起刚刚的战斗,光藤真也这一次是彻底展露了自己所有的底牌。班吉拉、巨金怪、快龙、圈圈熊、盖欧卡、化石翼龙以及一只吉利蛋 However made Le Yuan care truly is actually not such Pokémon corps, but stood in Mitsufuji Shinya red dinosaur Guilmon, this was Mitsufuji Shinya Digimon. Virus Type dinosaur, has fight Digimon of Digital Hazard mark. 不过真正令乐渊在意却不是这么一只pm战队,而是站在光藤真也身旁的红色恐龙基尔兽,这就是光藤真也数码兽病毒种恐龙型,有着数码危机印记的战斗型数码兽 Makes you experience my true strength, the Guilmon fit evolution!” “让你见识一下我真正的实力,基尔兽合体进化!” But along with these words, Mitsufuji Shinya integrated Guilmon within the body without a doubt, but nearby six Digimon changed to the light to enter Guilmon within the body similarly together one after another, under the gatherings of so many Strength, the Guilmon data inflated suddenly, immediately surpassed the carrying/sustaining limit of his body. 而伴随着这一句话,光藤真也毫无疑问融入到了基尔兽的体内,而一旁的六只数码兽同样化作一道光相继进入基尔兽的体内,在如此多力量的汇聚之下,基尔兽的数据急剧膨胀,顿时超越了他身体的承载极限。 It is not evolution that like that if Le Yuan expects becomes Gallantmon, but is opposite Evil Dragon Type Ultimate Body Megidramon. 并不是如乐渊所预料的那般进化成为了红莲骑士兽,而是相反的邪龙型究极体破灭魔龙兽 From the Megidramon that unstable aura, the strength already far ultra B level, should already reach the A Level standard. However looked that its appearance then knows, is one simply cannot grasp domain Strength false A Level, because the evolution way is provides the energy by numerous Pokémon the reason, this condition cannot for a long time maintain. 破灭魔龙兽那不稳定的气息来看,实力已经远超b级,应该已经达到了a级的标准。不过看它的样子便知道,是一个根本没能够掌握领域力量的伪a级,而且由于进化方式是由众多pm提供能量的缘故,这种状态并不能长久保持。 However the bonus is so, present Mitsufuji Shinya indeed has to be known as that worthily the Japan first strength, indeed was is not just struck a second of killing vexed appearance to compare by Le Yuan. 不过饶是如此,眼前的光藤真也的确不愧是有着号称和国第一的实力,的确不是刚刚被乐渊一击秒杀的窝囊模样能比的。 ... ...
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