VE :: Volume #8 三阶首战影之忍者

#762: Strongest? You do not match!( Asked to subscribe)

Beast Tamer, this Occupation has no distinction with the hunter of belt/bring baby, even in some sense compares can also reluctantly the hunter leaning branch of singles. The hunters besides can various control Familiar, itself be a combatant who excels at the jungle warfare and trap control layout, after was dragged into the fight, can guarantee own survival rate. 驭兽师,这一职业就和带宝宝的猎人没有什么分别,甚至某种意义上比起还勉强能够单打的猎人更加偏科。猎人除了能够御使各种使魔之外,本身还是一个擅长丛林战以及陷阱操控布局的战斗员,被人拉入战斗后还能够保证自己的生存率。 But the Beast Tamer overwhelming majorities really weak chicken, lost Familiar protection most Beast Tamer at least to be weak the upper stage compared with promotion of same rank. Beside promotion who except that the medical service, is expert in auxiliary, must be Beast Tamer to be easiest to jump the ranks kills. 驭兽师绝大多数就是真的弱鸡了,失去了使魔的保护绝大多数驭兽师比起同等级的晋升者最起码弱上一级。除了医疗、辅助专精的晋升者之外,就要属驭兽师最容易被人越级强杀。 But Mitsufuji Shinya can become Japan most Beast Tamer besides his far ultra ordinary person Familiar, more essential is the move that he uses nowadays[ Beast God fusion]. This move is the common hunter grasps[ wild nature resonance] ultimate strengthened version. Not only made Beast Tamer oneself enter Familiar within the body, thus caused to expose Beast Tamer under enemy muzzle obtained the strong exoskeleton, can conducts the super strengthening according to Beast Tamer oneself strength and skill rank to Familiar. 光藤真也能够成为和国的最驭兽师除了他那远超常人使魔之外,更关键的就是他现如今使用出来的这一招[兽神融合]。这一招是一般猎人所掌握的[野性共鸣]的终极强化版。不但令驭兽师本人进入到了使魔体内,从而使得一直暴露在敌人枪口下的驭兽师得到了超强的外甲,更能够根据驭兽师本人的实力以及技能等级对使魔进行超级强化。 Original Tyranitar merely is in the B level existence of position, then and Mitsufuji Shinya fuses later Tyranitar already now is strongest one batch in B level high-rank. The build big three times of its strength that incessantly raises possibly far over three times. 原本的班吉拉仅仅是b级中位的存在,那么现在和光藤真也融合之后的班吉拉已经是b级上位中的最强一批。体形大了三倍不止的它实力那是拔高可能远超三倍。 At least had not disclosed from Tyranitar that stable aura strength incessantly three times that are so then simple, moreover Tyranitar under this condition can say that shares everything with Mitsufuji Shinya completely, displaying of order absolutely did not have the time-gap, by the reaction capacity is to deserve supervelocity. 最起码从班吉拉那还未稳定的气息里透露出来的实力便不止三倍那么简单,况且这种状态下的班吉拉可以说完全与光藤真也不分彼此,命令的施展完全没有了时间间隔,论起反应能力是当之无愧的超速度。 Just struck to faint the Metagross barbarian facing Le Yuan this, Tyranitar that is the opens the mouth struck to gather the destructive power Hyper Beam. Enough three meters thick energy beam to the speed clash toward Le Yuan inconceivable, was the complementary waves that Hyper Beam formed then had/left the deep channel the ground plow merely. 面对乐渊这个刚刚击晕了巨金怪的野蛮人,班吉拉那是张口就是一击聚集了十分破坏力的“破坏死光”。足足三米多粗的能量射线以不可思议地速度向着乐渊冲了过来,仅仅是破坏死光形成的余波便将地面犁出了深深的渠道。 But coerces arena floor tile fragment Hyper Beam to be not only powerful, the attack speed is quickly like the lightning, at least opens mouth to gather the air/Qi in Tyranitar the instance, before energy beam then already that round is flashing the white light shot the body of Le Yuan . 而裹挟着竞技场地砖碎片的破坏死光不仅威力十足,攻击速度更是快如闪电,最起码在班吉拉张开嘴聚气的瞬间,那发闪着白光的能量射线便已经射到了乐渊的身前。 Hyper Beam without doubt is in all move of techniques that Tyranitar grasps strongest one, but such powerful a move has the fatal weakness, is very familiar with this move of Le Yuan also to be naturally clear. Because in the game displays this move the skill backlashes round unable to act second. 破坏死光无疑是班吉拉所掌握的所有招术中最强的一种,但是这么强大啊一招却有着致命的弱点,十分熟悉这一招的乐渊自然也非常清楚。在游戏中施展出这一招后会由于技能反噬第二回合无法行动。 But performance of this move of side effect in reality, that is because the extreme speed condenses the huge energy to launch the attack to make the body enter the high load condition to enter the temporary body unable the control condition. 而这一招的副作用在现实之中的表现,那就是由于极速凝聚庞大的能量进行攻击而使得身体进入高负荷状态而进入暂时的身体不能控制状态。 The attack of Hyper Beam is rapid, aims at Le Yuan the then already to make Le Yuan detect in it extremely in a short time sufficiently and counter-attacks. Hyper Beam attack that impossible avoided, knows across Le Yuan when body has a fuzziness, in Tyranitar within the body detected that this Mitsufuji Shinya understand this afterimage, true body already is separated from that place immediately together early. 破坏死光的攻击再迅疾,在它瞄准乐渊的这个极短时间内便已经足以令乐渊发觉并进行反击。原本不可能避开的破坏死光攻击,知道穿过了“乐渊”的身体之时才发生一阵模糊,在班吉拉体内察觉这一幕的光藤真也立刻明白这是一道残影,真身早已经脱离了那个地方。 What a pity even has strengthened Tyranitar, facing side effect of imprint Hyper Beam in its body is unable the immunity. Is that short a half second instantly, Tyranitar then by Le Yuan near body. 可惜就算是强化过的班吉拉,面对烙印在它身体里的破坏死光的副作用还是无法免疫。仅仅是那么短短半秒的刹那,班吉拉便被乐渊近身了。 Bang “嘭 The Tyranitar body side, its waist dominates the weakest place not to have the protection by a Le Yuan boxing. By Le Yuan Strength, even if not strike full power, the created injury still goes far beyond the common missile. 班吉拉的身侧,它那腰间凌驾最为薄弱的地方全无防备地被乐渊一拳击中。凭借乐渊力量就算不是全力一击,造成的伤害也远远超过一般的导弹。 However is such fearful strikes, hits in the Tyranitar theoretically weakest place, actually still cannot cause any damage to it, besides is presented some marks by the place that Le Yuan hit, could not see that was injured. 不过就是这么可怕的一击,命中在班吉拉理论上最为薄弱的地方,却依然没有能够对它造成任何的伤害,除了被乐渊击中的地方出现了些许印记之外,根本看不出一丝受伤。 This Tyranitar can be said as most splendid one that in Mitsufuji Shinya all Familiar trains, starts to train from Larvitar of most foundation, trains until the evolution little is the final shape, can say that this only Tyranitar gathered Mitsufuji Shinya most painstaking care. But the Tyranitar speed without doubt is a big disadvantage, but the Hyper Beam side effect is Mitsufuji Shinya has naturally also studied many unsolved problems. 班吉拉可以说是光藤真也所有使魔中培养的最为出色的一个,从最基础的由基拉开始培养,一点点训练直至进化为最终形态,可以说这只班吉拉集合了光藤真也的绝大多数心血。而班吉拉速度无疑是一大劣势,而破坏死光的副作用自然也是光藤真也研究过许多的老问题。 But deep understand this shortcoming is Mitsufuji Shinya of fatal factor does things the other way round, is not thinking the shortcoming that makes up for the speed strikes weakening of side effect, strengthened Tyranitar strongest defensive power on the contrary. 而深深明白这个缺点是致命因素的光藤真也反其道而行,不想着弥补速度的缺点一击副作用的削弱,反倒是加强了班吉拉的最强一点防御力。 The Tyranitar defensive power excels by far most little elves, in addition strengthening of desirably Mitsufuji Shinya defending this characteristics strengthened the limit, therefore in seeing Le Yuan near body wanted to rely on the fist to destroy the defense of Tyranitar, Mitsufuji Shinya smiled thoroughly. 班吉拉防御力本身就冠绝绝大多数的小精灵,加上光藤真也的刻意强化更是将防御这一特性加强到了极限,因此在看到乐渊近身想要凭借拳头破坏班吉拉的防御时,光藤真也是彻底地笑了。 No mistake, the Le Yuan strength indeed came as a surprise to his, can play probably solution Metagross, besides having reason of Mitsufuji Shinya contempt, Le Yuan own powerful strength is also determining factor. However after putting forth trump card Tyranitar, Mitsufuji Shinya did not think that Le Yuan can also overturn. 没有错,乐渊的实力的确出乎了他的预料,能够像是玩似的解决掉巨金怪,除了有光藤真也轻视的缘故之外,乐渊自身的强大实力也是其中的决定性因素。不过当使出了过去的王牌班吉拉之后,光藤真也不觉得乐渊还能够翻盘。 Thunder Fang!” 雷之牙!” The counter-attack of Tyranitar so rapidly, stroked facing just a fist in oneself Le Yuan, Tyranitar to fully not conform to the fast movement of its huge body to lower the head the growing up mouth to nip the head of Le Yuan. 班吉拉的反击来得如此迅速,面对刚刚一拳击打在自己身上的乐渊,班吉拉以完全不符合它那庞大身体的迅捷动作低下头长大嘴巴咬上了乐渊的脑袋。 Tyranitar that giant jaws besides the strong biting strength, has the blue electric light are to have the unexpected destructive power the paralysis function. According to the estimate of Mitsufuji Shinya, even if the head of Le Yuan is the steel does, under this bit is still the destiny of death. 班吉拉那巨大的上下颚除了强劲的咬力之外,带着的蓝色电光更是有着出人意料的破坏力呃麻痹作用。按照光藤真也的预计,就算乐渊的脑袋是钢铁做的,在这一咬之下也是死亡的命运。 “啪 The mouth of Tyranitar forward under bites fiercely stopped, will see only Le Yuan both hands move together to depend on the meat palm to bring high-tension current the mouth of Tyranitar to keep off forcefully. Over ten thousand volts electric current ripe is not so only simple the person electricity, even if the stone entire will be blown to pieces, what a pity such electric current after contacting both hands of Le Yuan met the family/home to be the same unexpectedly probably, was inhaled his within the body completely. 正向下猛咬的班吉拉的嘴巴停了下来,只见乐渊双手齐动手硬生生靠着肉掌将带着高压电流的班吉拉的嘴巴挡了下来。上万伏特的电流不仅仅是将人电熟那么简单,就算是石块都会被整个炸成碎片,可惜这样的电流在接触到乐渊的双手后竟像是遇到了家一般,被完全吸入了他的体内。 Has not received Tyranitar of mouth not to retreat to continue the organization new round attack, went forward to lift a both arms bear to hug on the contrary personal entire to press his chest Le Yuan. The powerful proportion as to run over Le Yuan like this while still alive, but just held a while Tyranitar to feel the fierce resistance. 没有收嘴的班吉拉不退守继续组织新一轮的攻击,反倒是贴身上前抬起双臂一个熊抱将乐渊整个按进了他的胸口。强大的比例似乎想要就这样将乐渊活活压死,不过刚刚抱了一会儿班吉拉就感觉到了剧烈的反抗。 Very powerful Strength, is this fellow the anomaly that specializes in? This is also has no time to let compared with my Tyranitar, even is stronger? How Japan will present such powerful fellow, how possibly a news?” “好强的力量,这家伙是专修的变态吗?这比起我的班吉拉也是不遑多让,甚至更强?和国怎么会出现这么强大的家伙,怎么可能一点消息都没有?” Looks that only depended on then to resist the Tyranitar bear to hug, and as if also had Le Yuan that was separated from the Tyranitar control trend, Mitsufuji Shinya is scolding bad while is thinking the countermeasure, suddenly he as if thought of the countermeasure. 看着仅凭便抵抗住了班吉拉的熊抱,并且似乎还有脱离班吉拉控制趋势的乐渊,光藤真也一边骂着糟糕一边想着对策,突然他似乎想到了对策。 Saw only Tyranitar to lower the head slowly to arms Le Yuan was opening the mouth fiercely, this was not used to nip, did not say that Le Yuan condition Tyranitar cannot nip now, was Le Yuan can make it bite is also an issue. 只见班吉拉慢慢低下头对着自己怀里的乐渊猛地张开了嘴巴,这可不是用来咬的,不说乐渊现在所处的状态班吉拉根本咬不到,就是乐渊会不会让它咬到也是个问题。 „......” “啊啊……” With shakes the deaf ultra-high sound shell noise sufficiently, a type is the Pokémon skill[ noise] immediately used to Le Yuan that is unable to evade. This move usually can make the average person head feel dizzy merely, is out of sorts some time. But if the short distance starts, without doubt can cause the destruction that cannot be repaired to the auditory system of person. 伴随着足以将人震聋的超高声贝噪声,一式属于宠物小精灵的技能[噪声]登时对着无法逃避的乐渊使用了出来。这一招平常仅仅能够令一般人脑袋发昏,失神一段时间。但是如果近距离发动的话,无疑能够对人的听觉系统造成不可修复的破坏。 Collapses “崩 Because in Tyranitar[ noise] when attack is slightly lax, Le Yuan collapsed its bear to hug instantaneously, Le Yuan that the next second just extricated was another hit on the body of Tyranitar. 就在班吉拉由于[噪声]攻击稍稍松懈之时,乐渊瞬间崩开了它的熊抱,下一秒刚刚解脱的乐渊便是又一圈命中在了班吉拉的身上。 Different from the condition of just completely not having moved, is receiving Le Yuan this to strike later Tyranitar to be struck to fly instantaneously over 30 meters distance. A fist printed already imprint in Tyranitar hard armor, the fierce ache made Tyranitar give out startled day angry roaring. 不同于刚刚完全没有动弹的状态,在受到乐渊这一击之后班吉拉瞬间被击飞了超过30米的距离。一个拳印已经烙印在了班吉拉的硬甲上,剧烈的疼痛令班吉拉发出了惊天的怒吼。 Mitsufuji Shinya similarly to Le Yuan this move, not only causes the damage in Tyranitar hard armor, is thorough Tyranitar within the body conducts the style of destruction to be surprised. If some slightly attacks were also not enough to pose the threat before. Then the Le Yuan action adds on to be able Hitting the Cow Behind the Mountain then to threaten the Tyranitar life and death across the attack of Tyranitar hard armor now sufficiently. 光藤真也同样对乐渊这招不但在班吉拉硬甲上造成伤害,更是深入班吉拉体内进行破坏的招式感到惊讶。如果之前略有的攻击还不足以构成威胁。那么现在乐渊的行动力加上能隔山打牛穿过班吉拉硬甲的攻击便足以威胁到了班吉拉的生死。 When Le Yuan vanishes from the Tyranitar field of vision again, control Tyranitar action the attack of Mitsufuji Shinya understand Le Yuan soon is then arriving. Cannot keep up with the Le Yuan movement Tyranitar this matter is a living target, sees only does not know that actually Tyranitar used stiffened adds the condition so forth the move, in Tyranitar that bluish gray hard armor sent out the light white light. 乐渊再一次从班吉拉的视野中消失的时候,控制班吉拉行动的光藤真也便明白乐渊的攻击就快要到了。根本跟不上乐渊动作的班吉拉此事就是活靶子,只见也不知班吉拉究竟是使用了变硬还是诸如此类加状态的招数,班吉拉那青灰色的硬甲上发出了淡淡的白光。 Bang “嘭 Le Yuan such as just the general attack hit again on the body of Tyranitar, Tyranitar after is eating hardly this struck the attack, white light becomes more and more dazzling. And its energy increase doubled and re-doubled. 乐渊如刚刚一般的攻击再一次命中在了班吉拉的身体上,班吉拉在硬吃了这一击攻击之后,身上的白光变得越来越耀眼。并且它身上的能量成倍的增加。 [Counter], as a type wrestle attribute skill, is most physical attack nemesis. Can withstand to attack later compulsory to return by the double injuries in the little elf to the move of opposite party, it can be said that only has the little elf of dedicated defense to display the pinnacle the move. [返拳],作为一式格斗属性的技能,是绝大多数物理攻击的克星。能够在小精灵承受攻击之后强制性以双倍的伤害返还给对方的招数,可以说是唯有专注防御的小精灵才能发挥到极致的招数。 The counter-attack way of this move of counter- fist is extremely unreasonable, even to be far away with unable to move aside. 这招反拳的反击方式极度不合理,就算想要远离也跟无法躲闪过去。 Similarly cannot hide past Le Yuan double in own attack hit, whole person counter-attacked flew instantaneously. The fist of Le Yuan is not the general heaviness, even do not want to block at the Tyranitar tonnage completely, let alone the Le Yuan body weight is also only the ordinary person level. 同样没有能够躲过去的乐渊被双倍于自己的攻击命中,整个人在被反击的瞬间飞了出去。乐渊的拳头不是一般的重,就算是以班吉拉的吨位也别想完全挡住,更何况乐渊的体重也只是常人水准而已。 Saw only Le Yuan to fly to be over hundred meters one on wall that immediately fell into the arena, along with the mist and dust of wall dispersing, Tyranitar exuded the victory roar. 只见乐渊登时飞出去超过了百米一头栽进了竞技场的墙上,伴随着墙体散开的烟尘,班吉拉发出了胜利地吼声。 „, So practices powerful the speed and attack, double in own attack also only then throws the life of street. However somewhat seems to be strange, Second Order promotion can resist the suppression of third-order promotion, compels this me? Present fellow, is third-order......” “切,把速度和攻击练得如此强大,中了双倍于自己的攻击也只有扑街的命。不过似乎有些奇怪,二阶的晋升者可以抵御三阶晋升者的压制,把我逼到这一步吗?难道说眼前的这家伙,也是三阶……” Just striked to fly Le Yuan, Mitsufuji Shinya thinks suddenly continuously by a matter that he neglected. After that promotes to the third-order, he has not basically met to be able with him to dispute the so horizontal person, even if hit the inextricably involved Japan third person with him before, after he successfully promotes the dozen the probably oppressive child generally is still easy. 刚刚将乐渊打飞出去,光藤真也就突然想到了一直被他忽略的一件事情。那就是晋升到三阶之后,他基本上就没有遇到能够和他较量到如此水平的人,就算是之前和他打得难分难解的和国第三人,在他成功晋升之后打起来也像是虐小孩一般容易。 Only has is not suppressed with Sword Saintess Kamiya Hikari that he promotes similarly, in other words third-order promotion third-order promotion can resist with it. Then has overthrown third-order promotion in present Le Yuan hidden with him, is actually his goal what? 唯有与他同样晋升的女剑圣神谷光并没有被压制到,换句话说三阶的晋升者只有三阶的晋升者可以与之对抗。那么一直和他打倒现在的乐渊岂不是一个隐藏的三阶晋升者,他的目的究竟是什么? Felt like oneself seemed by the pit Mitsufuji Shinya looked up the place that Le Yuan was being struck to fly suddenly, suddenly is above the golden flash of imagination to appear in together his at present. This before Tyranitar cannot respond, the golden flash pierces him thoroughly. 隐隐觉得自己好似被坑了的光藤真也突然抬起头望着乐渊被击飞的地方,突然一道超乎想像的金色闪光出现在他的眼前。这在班吉拉更不没有能够反应过来之前,金色闪光将他彻底洞穿。 Tyranitar also has Mitsufuji Shinya of its within the body only to think that consciousness a fuzziness, later then forces to be withdrawn from the arena, this is one that defeat can present, in other words defense expert Tyranitar unexpectedly before cannot respond, was struck Le Yuan that flies to use not the well-known move direct second to kill? 班吉拉还有它体内的光藤真也只觉得意识一阵模糊,随后便从竞技场内强制被退出,这是战败者才会出现的一幕,换句话说防御专家班吉拉竟然在没能反应过来之前,便被击飞的乐渊用了不知名的招数直接秒杀了? Cracking a joke, I am the Japan first powerhouse! 开什么玩笑,我可是和国第一强者! Mitsufuji Shinya is roaring while wants looks for Le Yuan to ascertain, actually fiercely turns to oneself was used as the egg of gambling stake also to have the necessary part, actually saw these thing to deliver to the Le Yuan backpack in instantaneous already that he was defeated automatically. 光藤真也一边咆哮着一边想要找乐渊问个清楚的时候,却猛地翻向了自己用来作为赌注的蛋还有配套部件,却见那些东西在他落败的瞬间已经自动送到了乐渊的背包中。 ... ...
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