VE :: Volume #8 三阶首战影之忍者

#761: Your egg I wanted

What! You said that you don't want to trade? You want to sit the starting price, do not forget the token on your hand merely is a key, in your hands without the slight use, you wants to cling to tenaciously your elder brother thing really to become the waste until it?” “什么!你说你不想交易?难道你想坐地起价,你可别忘了你手上的令牌仅仅是个钥匙而已,在你的手里没有丝毫的用处,难道你想死守着你哥玩意直到它真的成为废物吗?” Mitsufuji Shinya when hears Le Yuan does not seem to continue to carry out the transaction again, Le Yuan that will be wanting to leave blocked, urgent that on face is not an attire, but really by the action of Le Yuan provoking anger. 光藤真也在听到乐渊似乎不愿再继续进行交易的时候,一手将正欲离开的乐渊拦了下来,脸上的急迫那可不是装的,而是实实在在被乐渊的行动给惹急了。 „, Please make way, solemn Black Dragon Society does Mitsufuji Shinya also want to buy and sell by using compulsion? Your thing indeed seems like the value not poor, but I am those words , compared with my thing is really not symmetric, wanting at least the commodity that trades takes up enough sincerity to come out, otherwise leaves, when my road!” “啧,请让开,难道堂堂黑龙会光藤真也也想要强买强卖吗?你的东西的确看起来价值不菲,但是我还是那句话,跟我的东西比起来实在是不相称,想要交易最起码拿起足够诚意的商品出来,不然别当我的路!” Was saying Le Yuan also with a look that looks at the poor devil squints also to lower Mitsufuji Shinya of half head, naturally this vision deliberately has not really installed, but is Le Yuan the self-confidence of since entering Inner World for a long time having trained, after all compares with his rich person, Mitsufuji Shinya of body reluctantly A Level goods also is really a poor devil. 说着乐渊还用一副看穷鬼的眼神斜视着比自己还低半个头的光藤真也,当然这种目光还真的不是刻意装出来的,而是乐渊从进入里世界以来长久培养出来的自信,毕竟和他这个大款比起来,身上勉强有一件a级物品的光藤真也那还真就是一个穷鬼。 By despising that in Le Yuan that look not minces to Mitsufuji Shinya that stirring up for quite a while could not speak, looks the back that Le Yuan that desire must depart to clench teeth, took out other two goods from own backpack again, placed the side of that egg them together seemed like for own commodity increases price. 乐渊那眼神中毫不掩饰的鄙视给激得半天说不出话来的光藤真也,望着乐渊那欲要离去的背影咬了咬牙,从自己的背包内再次取出了另外的两件物品,将它们一道放在了那个蛋的身旁像是为自己的商品加码。 Good, perhaps Digi-Egg cannot bring to your attention, but how adds on this again? This is this Digi-Egg necessary Digivice and is loaded with the evolution key of badge, I want to add on these this eggs value already to be as good as that token on your hand sufficiently?” “好,一个数码蛋或许引不起你的注意,但是再加上这个又如何?这是这个数码蛋配套的神圣计划和装有徽章的进化钥匙,我想加上这些这枚蛋的价值已经足以抵得上你手上的那枚令牌的了吧?” Digivice also has the badge to come, Le Yuan is then given the attraction by the style of that badge immediately. Pink badge color as well as above that so long as sees the bright badge trace that could not have forgotten absolutely, Le Yuan responded that Digi-Egg most likely object Gatomon before body instantaneously. 神圣计划还有徽章一现身,乐渊便立刻被那枚徽章的样式给吸引了。粉红色的徽章颜色以及上面那只要见过就绝对忘不了的光明徽章纹路,乐渊瞬间就反应过来自己身前的那枚数码蛋最有可能的对象迪路兽 The Digi-Egg that however even this, this can still explain merely has to become the potential of most Familiar, before cannot tally the person of bright badge appears, Gatomon Digi-Egg really can only be the dead egg. 不过即使是这样,这也仅仅能说明的这枚数码蛋有着成为最使魔的潜质,在没有能够符合光明徽章的人出现以前,迪路兽数码蛋就真的只能是死蛋。 Interesting, in addition these your chip is very indeed full, but was a pity thing that very much you give is not I most needs, on the contrary my token is actually your required thing, such being the case......” “有意思,加上这些你的筹码的确很足,但是很可惜你给的东西并不是我最需要的,相反我的令牌却是你非要不可的东西,既然如此……” Le Yuan with an expression that looks at the dog wealthy and powerful family is looking at Mitsufuji Shinya, wrote "make you suffer" these three characters on the difference on the face. However even if Le Yuan clarified wanted pit Mitsufuji Shinya, opposite party still impossible stopped there. 乐渊用一副看狗大户的表情望着光藤真也,就差把“坑死你”这三个字写在脸上了。不过就算乐渊摆明了要坑光藤真也,对方也不可能就此罢手。 General that just like Le Yuan said that although this Digi-Egg precious incomparable, but indeed needed lots of time and financial resource can train successfully, harvested and pays is not proportional very much difficultly. Falls also possibly really becomes the illusion to Le Yuan on, on the contrary this token to the Mitsufuji Shinya hand is true fish dive Dragon Gate. 正如乐渊所言的一般,这数码蛋虽然珍贵无比,但的确需要大量时间与财力才能培养成功,收获与付出很困难根本不成正比。落到乐渊手上也可能真的成为镜花水月,相反这令牌到了光藤真也手中就是真正的鱼跃龙门。 You leave extremely in reaching out for a yard after taking an inch, my exercising forbearance has the bottom line, do not think that you had the token to rise in prices again and again, have an old saying to say well, the ordinary man innocent bosom jade was guilty, really do not let one basic cause the fatal disaster to your useless thing......, if knew the limitation, might as well join Black Dragon Society, after wrapping you, had boundless prospects!” “你别太过于得寸进尺,我的忍让是有底线的,别以为你有了令牌就能一而再,再而三地提价,有句古话说得好,匹夫无罪怀璧有罪,可别真让一件根本对你无用的东西引得杀身之祸……如果识相,不如加入黑龙会,包你以后前途无量!” To a wooden club, enjoys a candy. Although Mitsufuji Shinya looked that Le Yuan is extremely uncomfortable, after all dares to blackmail his person also really few, but thinks Le Yuan can or obtains A Level to draw through A Level Quest, Le Yuan regarding Mitsufuji Shinya also had the value of winning over. 给一记棒槌,赏一颗糖果。光藤真也虽然看乐渊极度不爽,毕竟胆敢敲诈他的人还真没几个,不过一想乐渊能够通过a级任务或是得到a级抽奖,对于光藤真也而言乐渊也就有了拉拢的价值。 Actually saw Le Yuan raised up the index finger of right hand in Mitsufuji Shinya at present shakes shaking, later directly in Mitsufuji Shinya at present that special token in the hand, makes opposite Mitsufuji Shinya forward immediately excitedly two steps seemed like must receive to look from Le Yuan. 却见乐渊竖起右手的食指在光藤真也的眼前晃了晃,随后直接在光藤真也的眼前将那枚特殊的令牌拿在了手中,顿时令对面的光藤真也激动地不由向前走了两步像是要从乐渊手上接过来看一看。 „, I think that Mitsufuji-kun is also the powerhouse who Japan ranks among the best, occupies under Sword Saintess Miss Kamiya......” “诶,我想光藤君也是和国数一数二的强者,也就屈居于女剑圣神谷小姐之下……” Le Yuan before the thinks highly, half a word made Mitsufuji Shinya hear light, half a word will not make him feel from now on discontentedly, what is called to occupy under Kamiya Hikari? Must know he who continuously and Kamiya Hikari competes although indeed has not taken Kamiya Hikari, and is at a disadvantage during the confrontation, cannot compare to compare to any star to want dazzling Kamiya Hikari in the Japan popularity, simultaneously even the appearance puts together is also heaven and earth...... 乐渊的这番恭维前半句令光藤真也听得轻飘飘的,不过后半句就令他感到不满了,什么叫做屈居于神谷光之下?要知道一直和神谷光打擂台的他虽然的确没有拿下过神谷光,并且在交锋之中处于下风,在和国的人气也比不上比起任何明星都要耀眼的神谷光,同时连外貌放在一起也是一个天一个地…… However Mitsufuji Shinya never has to feel oneself occupy under Kamiya Hikari, powerful enemy who treats as the same level at most, moreover after there is new Familiar that on the world obtained, Mitsufuji Shinya to Kamiya Hikari has now confidence to win victories. 但是光藤真也可从来没有觉得自己屈居于神谷光之下,顶多当作同一水准的劲敌而已,而且有了上个世界获得的新使魔之后,光藤真也现在对上神谷光可是有着必胜的信心。 „Is your scoundrel, I compares that woman to be stronger obviously? Encounters I to want her to be attractive next time absolutely, you wait!” “你这混账,明明是我比那个女人更强好吗?下一次交锋我绝对要她好看,你等着瞧!” Argued facing the Mitsufuji Shinya violent anger, Le Yuan continued to say leisurely. Say/Way not only said very clearly, but also was all placed in the Mitsufuji Shinya front carefully and painstakingly. 面对光藤真也的暴怒争辩,乐渊继续慢条斯理地说道。这其中的道道不但说得很清晰,而且一板一眼地全都摆在了光藤真也的面前。 In brief is, Le Yuan and Mitsufuji Shinya come a fight of 1 v 1, the winner can all take away the cargo of defeated. The collateral that Le Yuan relaxes naturally is a token, but Le Yuan indicates the collateral that Mitsufuji Shinya must put is Digi-Egg adds on additional Digivice and evolution key and badge. 总而言之就是,乐渊光藤真也来一场1v1的战斗,胜者可以将败者的货物全都拿走。乐渊放松的抵押物自然是令牌,而乐渊指明了光藤真也要放上去的抵押物则是数码蛋加上附加的神圣计划和进化钥匙以及徽章。 Really is interesting, is used for the gambling to fight unexpectedly, are you want to challenge my Japan to be strongest? Really stupidly! Also or you think that your strength also wants powerful compared with me, really overreaches oneself!” “真是有意思,竟然用来赌斗,你这是想要挑战我这个和国最强吗?真是愚蠢至极!亦或者你认为你的实力比我还要强大,真是不自量力!” Mitsufuji Shinya this is not the self-confidence is surplus, but has the sufficient confidence regarding own strength purely. Itself/Ben of his strength in nowadays Japan Second Order domain pats in the first three characters, before was also pursues Sword Saintess Kamiya Hikari to enter the third-order domain tightly, is nowadays Japan only two two third-order promotion. 光藤真也这不是自信心过剩,而是纯粹对于自己的实力有着充足的信心。他的实力在现如今的和国二阶领域中本就是拍在前三的人物,之前也是紧追着女剑圣神谷光进入了三阶领域,是现如今和国唯二的两个三阶晋升者。 Even if such strength places the entire world, that strength is still peak existence, the name of his powerhouse deserves without a doubt. Facing the challenge of Le Yuan this Wuming (Nameless) private, how he may care. 这样的实力就算是放在全世界,那实力也是最顶尖的存在,毫无疑问他的这个强者之名是当之无愧的。面对乐渊这个无名小卒的挑战,他怎么可能会放在心上。 This is not I compares certainly oneself to others to have strength that can be similar to you, but can with a Japan strongest Beast Tamer war, I think that this is also a rare opportunity not? Japan strongest does Beast Tamer really plan to take my token white/in vain? When the time comes really took, perhaps to your reputation not good right? I think when the time comes Mitsufuji-kun will buy the token from here?” “这当然不是我自比拥有能够与你相若的实力,只不过能够与和国最强的驭兽师一战,我想这也是个难得的机会不是吗?况且难道和国‘最强’的驭兽师真的打算白拿我的令牌吗?到时候真的拿了,恐怕对您的名声也不太好对吧?我想,到时候光藤君会从我这里买令牌的吧?” Mitsufuji Shinya after hearing the Le Yuan words scolded a deceit secretly obvious, Le Yuan this gained steadily does not compensate. Indeed an unknown unimportant person had won him on impossible, this gambling fought simply with delivering his token is the same, won quite happily no, lost that to lose face, when the time comes did not take some advantage to seal the Le Yuan mouth, then the Mitsufuji Shinya reputation destroyed thoroughly. 光藤真也在听到乐渊的话后却不由暗自骂了一声奸诈,乐渊这明摆着稳赚不赔啊。的确一个名不见经传的小人物本来就不可能赢过他,这场赌斗简直就和送他令牌一样,赢了没什么好得意的,输了那更是丢脸,到时候不拿一些好处封乐渊的口,那么光藤真也的名声就彻底毁了。 When Mitsufuji Shinya thinks guessed correctly Le Yuan hits at heart is anything pays attention, actually completely does not know Le Yuan, although said that wants the pit he, actually basic is not gives the fish food, drew a pie to tempt Mitsufuji Shinya to enter the jar merely. 就在光藤真也自认为猜到乐渊心里打得是什么注意的时候,却完全不知道乐渊虽然说要坑他,却根本连饵料都不算给出,仅仅是画了个大饼引诱光藤真也入瓮而已。 Bet the instance of fight of establishment, Mitsufuji Shinya and Le Yuan is dragged into the independent arena. As a result of the request of Mitsufuji Shinya, the fight of this 1 v 1 does not have existence of observer, some final result people do not know. 赌斗成立的瞬间,光藤真也乐渊被拉入了单独的竞技场内。由于光藤真也的要求,这一场1v1的战斗并没有旁观者的存在,最后的结果也并不会有人知道。 Boy, lets your I most self-satisfied Familiar quietly! Goes, Tyranitar!” “小子,就让你悄悄的我最得意的使魔!去吧,班吉拉!” Sees only pulls out a red small ball along with Mitsufuji Shinya, as on the ball projects a light more than 2 meters high grey dinosaur to appear in his body first 2 meters many place together. 只见伴随着光藤真也掏出一个红色小球,随着球上射出一道光一只二米多高灰色的恐龙出现在他身前二米多的地方。 Tyranitar, the rock + the wicked attribute made him become the desert tyrant of being worthy of the reputation. Race value 600 existences, indeed worthily are the would-be gods in Pokémon. However most made Le Yuan feel what was surprised, from Mitsufuji Shinya releasing the special energy of the consciousness of making him and Tyranitar synchronized one, this perhaps was so-called Aura Power. 班吉拉,岩石+恶的属性令他成为了名副其实的沙漠暴君。种族值600的存在,的确不愧是宠物小精灵中的准神。不过最令乐渊感到惊讶的是,从光藤真也身上释放的特殊能量令他与班吉拉的意识同步到了一起,这或许就是所谓的波导之力 Stone Edge!” 岩石利刃!” Sees only Mitsufuji Shinya after summoning Tyranitar has not stayed, immediately move of Stone Edge summoned innumerable giant stone to stab to drop from the clouds, all closed off the Le Yuan around escape route. 只见光藤真也在召唤出班吉拉之后没有停留,当即一招岩石利刃召唤无数的巨大石刺从天而降,将乐渊的前后退路全都封锁。 However this did not finish, dodges arena Nejan to have not the well-known sand storm while Le Yuan somehow. This is the desert tyrant Tyranitar ability, summoning the sand storm is his slight effort matter, but this sand city the injury is not high, but the disgusting earth energy will still wear down by stamina of covering sufficiently. 不过这还不是结束,就在乐渊躲闪的同时不知怎的竞技场内扬起了不知名的沙尘暴。这就是沙漠暴君班吉拉的能力,召唤出沙尘暴不过是他举手之劳的事情,而这种沙城虽然伤害不高,但是依然足以令人恶心的土之能量会消磨被笼罩者的体力 But Tyranitar or Mitsufuji Shinya immunity injury, this means Le Yuan , if not decode this move, is equal to debuff that a move has continued. 而无论是班吉拉还是光藤真也都免疫这种伤害,这意味着乐渊如果不将这招数破解,就等同于中了一招一直持续的debuff。 Adds a material to you again, you also go to Metagross, Meteor Fist!” “再给你加点料,你也去吧巨金怪,流星拳!” The energy of steel sees only just presented the steel fist of Metagross right hand then taking from Poké Ball, he of dropping from the clouds disregarded the influence of sand dust completely, as if planned that ends this fight with this fist. 只见从精灵球中刚一出现的巨金怪右手的钢拳便带上的钢之能量,从天而降的他根本无视了沙尘的影响,似乎打算用这一拳终结这一次的战斗。 Everything may become vulnerable, and is not enough to describe Metagross all might of the fist. However has been maintaining and Mitsufuji Shinya of Metagross synchronization actually frowns, through with visual sharing of Metagross, he very clear just that fist has not hit Le Yuan. 地动山摇,并不足以形容巨金怪的这一拳的所有威力。不过一直保持着和巨金怪同步的光藤真也却皱起了眉头,通过和巨金怪的视觉共享,他很清楚刚刚的那一拳并没有击中乐渊 „, Really is skidding, but insufficient!” “切,真是滑溜但是不够啊!” Sand storm all in Tyranitar control, so long as Le Yuan places in the sand storm. Tyranitar can confirm the Le Yuan position through the attack of sandstorm, therefore can also synchronize control Metagross to conduct the feedback action as Mitsufuji Shinya of control center. 沙尘暴的一切都在班吉拉控制之中,只要乐渊身处沙尘暴内。班吉拉都能够通过风沙的打击确认乐渊的方位,所以作为控制中枢的光藤真也亦能同步控制巨金怪进行反馈行动。 Regarding is arriving at Metagross behind Le Yuan instantaneously, in Mitsufuji Shinya control, Metagross brought the fist of energy of steel to condense the alloy claw to collide instantaneously again with Le Yuan that fought with the fists. 对于在瞬间来到巨金怪身后的乐渊,在光藤真也控制中,巨金怪瞬间带着钢之能量的拳头再次凝聚起合金爪与正一拳打来的乐渊碰撞到了一起。 Bang “嘭 Is constituted by the alloy clashes by the mortal body and whole body Metagross that Mitsufuji Shinya already cannot help seeing pitiful condition that Le Yuan that right arm flies horizontally. 以肉身与全身由合金构成的巨金怪对撞,光藤真也已经忍不住要看到乐渊那右臂横飞的惨状了。 However struck later Mitsufuji Shinya to be silly, Le Yuan simply non- human. Facing the attack of alloy claw, not only had not been broken the right arm, on the contrary also depended on the mortal body to suppress Metagross Strength. 不过一击之后光藤真也傻了,乐渊的简直非人类。面对合金爪的攻击,不但没有被打断右臂,相反还靠着肉身压制住了巨金怪力量 Broken!” “碎!” The Metagross reaction speed may not have the rapidness of Le Yuan, after an alloy claw, inevitably has an extremely short dormant period, this when is fatal facing Le Yuan, in the flash, Metagross was striked to fly the range of sand storm instantaneously. Although the alloy body made its biggest possibly to disperse the injury, however a fist of Le Yuan still made him lose resistance Strength thoroughly. 巨金怪的反应速度可没有乐渊的快,一记合金爪之后不可避免有着一个极为短暂的间歇期,这在面对乐渊的时候是致命的,在一瞬之间,巨金怪被瞬间打飞出了沙尘暴的范围。虽然合金躯体令其最大可能性地分散了伤害,但是乐渊的一拳依然令他彻底失去了反抗的力量 Is drawing support from Tyranitar regarding the control of sand dust, Mitsufuji Shinya detected instantaneously oneself lost the Le Yuan trail unexpectedly. 在借助班吉拉对于沙尘的掌控,光藤真也瞬间发觉自己竟然失去了乐渊的踪迹。 Damn, Beast God fusion!” “该死,兽神融合!” When Le Yuan just broke through the sand storm, Mitsufuji Shinya already vanishes, what replaces it is compared to at first powerful over three times giant Tyranitar. 乐渊刚刚突破沙尘暴的时候,光藤真也已经消失,取而代之的是比起最初强大了三倍以上的巨型班吉拉 ... ...
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