VE :: Volume #8 三阶首战影之忍者

#760: Six the countries strive for hegemony

This Mitsufuji Shinya will look for Le Yuan also to be the arrangement of destiny, wants, in the boundless huge crowd locks on person some goods, only if has on the Le Yuan lucky compass common special goods, however such goods have too many limitations and fortuitousness, the mistake rate/lead is not also low. 光藤真也会找上乐渊也算得上是命运的安排,想要在茫茫人海锁定住一个人身上的某间物品,除非拥有乐渊身上的幸运罗盘一般的特殊物品,但是这样的物品存在着太多的局限性和偶然性,失误率同样不低。 But before Mitsufuji Shinya can arrive at the equipment shop, what directly is main is the divination of that soothsayer, after that all depends on a miniature radar in his hands Le Yuan locking. This goods said that precious also has no use, said that simple is not simple. 光藤真也能够直接来到装备店前最主要的还是那个占卜者的占卜,其后将乐渊锁定则全赖于他手中的一个小型雷达。这件物品说珍贵倒也没什么用处,说简单也绝不简单。 The effect of radar is to naturally be used to search the target, but nearly all goods of this radar to the world had not all responded, the only function is locks that not to know the so-called token, and search radius of radar only then surrounding area 50 meters, perhaps if not close to have no major role extremely. 雷达的功效自然是用来搜索目标的,而这个雷达对世上近乎所有的物品全都没有反应,唯一的作用就是锁定住那个不知所谓的令牌,并且雷达的搜索半径只有方圆50米,如果不是极度接近恐怕根本没有什么大作用。 Like this radar of search token has one batch in major national champion Central Capital, is searches the token in own worthless person player hand. 这样搜索令牌的雷达在各大国手中都有一批,为的就是搜索到自己一方散人玩家手里的令牌。 In some news that just Le Yuan obtained indeed had the place to be exaggerating, but a little not wrong. That is before the mutation starts, various great nation then already obtained the function about token under the arrangement of Inner World. The so-called various countries strive for hegemony also to really have its matter, so-called various country already was confirmed in that time already. 刚刚乐渊得到的部分消息中的确有地方是夸大的,但是有一点没有错。那就是早在异变开始之前,各大国便已经里世界的安排之下得到了关于令牌的作用。所谓的诸国争霸也确有其事,不过所谓的诸国却已经在那时已经被确认。 Nowadays six big states respectively are United States of America, Russia, China, Japan, European Union and Palestinian-US Republic. 现如今六大国度分别是米利坚合众国俄寒国华夏国和国欧联共和国、巴美共和国 These six countries the mutation after the mutation had not been shaken the foundation of its powerful nation, is developing in the world of this variation unceasingly, submerges the weak country in Variant Beast sea compared with numerous already without a doubt early, they are the hopes of human counter-attack. 这六个国家无论是在异变前还是异变后都没有被动摇其强国的根基,在这个变异的世界中不断发展着,毫无疑问比起众多早已经淹没在异兽海洋之中的弱国,它们才是人类反击的希望。 However although in fact said decided but not yet announced six countries, but can participate in that various country striving for hegemony truly also to need the respective effort. The participated certificate is that special token on Le Yuan, do not visit it now averagely not wonderful appearance, but to some specific time then can display to affect immediately. 不过事实上虽然说内定了六个国家,但是真正能够参与到那诸国争霸还需要各自的努力。参加的凭证就是乐渊手上的那种特殊令牌,别看它现在平平无奇的样子,但是到了某个特定的时候便能在第一时间发挥出作用来。 But this token is no one can, is not various countries can take through the privilege. In the final analysis, the Inner World goods purchase through the system store either, either gains from Quest World directly. 而这令牌也不是谁都能够得到的,也不是各国通过特权就能拿到手的。说到底,里世界的物品要么通过系统商店购买,要么直接从任务世界获取。 The source of this token also exactly is in the respective state Second Order region, during all players Quest of Quest Calculation draw. If the light is this definition requests, how then the probability fears the output of token still to be above everyone's imagination without a doubt even again lowly absolutely. Then adds on another Limited conditions again, then decided can attain the person of this type of token only to be a powerhouse. 这令牌的来源也恰恰是各自国度二阶区域内,所有玩家的任务结算任务抽奖之中。如果光是这一个限定要求,那么毫无疑问就算概率再怎么低恐怕令牌的产量也绝对超乎所有人的想象。那么再加上另一个限定条件,便决定了能够拿到这种令牌的人只会是强者。 A Level this is the absolute threshold, only has through A Level Quest or A Level draws just now may obtain the token. This which person regarding is existence of can be found by chance but can not be sought after, after all compares most people the B level is their lifetime goals, A Level needs high-grade Quest World absolute familiar, but also Quest that wants certain chance to trigger is relative, can advance A Level the final appraisal. a级这是绝对的门槛,唯有通过a级任务或是a级抽奖方才有可能获得令牌。这一条无论是对于哪一个人而言都是一种可遇而不可求的存在,毕竟相较于绝大多数人而言b级就是他们一生的目标,a级既需要高等级任务世界的绝对熟悉,还要一定的机缘能够触发相对于的任务,才能将最后的评价一路推到a级 The average people let alone complete Quest in high-grade Quest World , even survives possibly is an expectation. In news that therefore until now, spreads occasionally, the emergence of token also only has in few person hands spreads, this is in having many false information situations. 一般人别说在高等级的任务世界完成任务,连生存都可能是一种奢望。因此直到现在,偶尔传来的消息之中,令牌的出现也唯有在极少数的人手中流传,这还是在有不少虚假信息的情况下。 Without a doubt, regarding Mitsufuji Shinya, he is his back Black Dragon Society exerts its utmost to this token. After all represents a country to go to battle, is Black Dragon Society is one bolsters its momentum regarding him, thus gains the golden opportunity that the people approve, even there is a possibility to throw off the current cabinet directly, to choosing Black Dragon Society the representative high-rank also perhaps. 毫无疑问,对于光藤真也而言,无论是他还是他背后的黑龙会都对这枚令牌势在必得。毕竟代表一国出征,无论是对于他还是黑龙会都是一个壮大其声势,从而获取民众认可的大好时机,甚至有可能直接掀翻现任内阁,对选黑龙会的代表人上位也说不定。 But Beast Tamer Mitsufuji Shinya and battle between Sword Saintess Kamiya Hikari, in some sense is in Japan the battle miniature between political power, a side is the Japan current government, the other side is optimal possibly replaces the organization of current government, no matter which side has the extremely high prestige in Japan, who first obtained the token basically to establish obtained the next being in power foundation. 驭兽师光藤真也女剑圣神谷光之间的争斗,某种意义上就是一场和国内部政权之间的争斗缩影,一方是和国现任政府,另一方则是最优可能取代现任政府的组织,不管哪一方都在和国有着极高的声望,谁先取得令牌基本上就奠定了取得下一任掌权的基础。 What kind of, the brothers may once intend to trade with me, I can also help you enter Black Dragon Society, guaranteed after you, absolutely is the high level personnel, entire family does not need for the life worry!” “怎么样,兄弟可曾有意和我进行交易,我可是还能帮你进入黑龙会哦,保证你以后绝对是高层人员,全家都不必为生活烦恼!” An appearance of Mitsufuji Shinya sales promotion expert, almost said the glib lips did, for was makes Le Yuan be able the token transaction to him. Moreover in the spoken language disclosed once for a while regarding the pride of Black Dragon Society backbone, seems like him to think that by the Black Dragon Society reputation, can make the Le Yuan intent move absolutely. 光藤真也一副推销能手的样子,几乎是把嘴皮子都说干了,为的的就是令乐渊能够将令牌交易给他。而且言语之中时不时透露出对于黑龙会骨干的骄傲,看起来他认为凭借黑龙会的名头,绝对能够让乐渊意动的。 What a pity Le Yuan is not the Japan main body resident, so-called Black Dragon Society does not have that strong attraction to him. Besides regarding the function of token curious, Le Yuan did not think that this Mitsufuji Shinya can have with him conducts the treasure of transaction, must know that the Le Yuan vision absolutely is entire Inner World maximum one batch, without the B level level do not take disgracefully, this is the Le Yuan strength nowadays. 可惜乐渊并非和国本体居民,所谓的黑龙会对他也没有那么大的吸引力。除了对于令牌的作用好奇之外,乐渊并不觉得这个光藤真也能够有和他进行交易的宝贝,要知道乐渊的眼光绝对是整个里世界最高的一批,没有b级水准就别拿出来丢人现眼,这就是现如今乐渊的实力。 In the final analysis the transaction is extending of both sides sincerity, my sincerity your already knew, what however is your sincerity? Doesn't take to give me to look? Must know that thing background may be big, don't, when I am a novice who who can deceive!” “说到底交易是双方诚意的延伸,我的诚意你已经知道了,但是你的诚意又是什么?难道不拿出来给我看一看吗?要知道那东西的来头可不小,别当我是谁都能糊弄的新手!” Function Le Yuan of token had not known from the Mitsufuji Shinya mouth, after all trades must keep prices down as far as possible, once makes Le Yuan understand that the true value of token, how Mitsufuji Shinya also takes from Le Yuan. 令牌的作用乐渊并未从光藤真也的口中得知,毕竟交易还是要尽可能压价的,而一旦让乐渊了解到令牌的真正价值,光藤真也还怎么从乐渊手里面拿到手。 after hearing Le Yuan wants first to look at the transaction cargo, Mitsufuji Shinya smiles. Since there is a possibility of transaction, then he will trade in any event as far as possible from Le Yuan here. 一听乐渊想要先看交易货物,光藤真也嘿嘿一笑。既然有交易的可能性,那么无论如何他都会尽可能地从乐渊这里换回来。 Sees only Mitsufuji Shinya to beckon as if toward Le Yuan to bring Le Yuan to a secluded place, Le Yuan , before and Mitsufuji Shinya exchange already has then taken a fast look around the surroundings, does not have the Mitsufuji Shinya subordinate and so on existence, all naturally followed with. 只见光藤真也向着乐渊招招手似乎想要带着乐渊到一处僻静的地方,乐渊在之前和光藤真也交流的时候便已经扫视过了周围,并没有光藤真也的部下之类的存在,所有自然紧随其后跟了上去。 When around two people cannot see other players again, saw only Mitsufuji Shinya to make Le Yuan see the transaction goods in his hand through the transaction pattern. 当两人周围再也见不到其他玩家的时候,只见光藤真也通过交易模式令乐渊看到了他手中的交易物品。 Big egg that a size and ostrich egg is almost the same, above is proliferating its piebald stripe, the appearance let alone some were much strange. Le Yuan sees such strange thing, the first response is quite familiar, as if this type of egg has seen in certain places. 一颗大小和鸵鸟蛋相差无几的大蛋,上面遍布着其一的花斑条纹,样子别说有多奇怪了。乐渊见到这么奇怪的东西,第一反应就是好熟悉,似乎这种蛋在某些地方见到过。 Hey, such big, you do not think that only soft-boiled egg can send me? Must know that you are I must look at the sincerity!” “喂,这么一大颗,你不会以为区区一颗水煮蛋就能打发我吧?要知道你可是我是要看诚意的哦!” Le Yuan that not to worry or care about at all sound made the eyebrow of Mitsufuji Shinya shake, as if touched his some nerve in that flash. Under sees only him to suppress the anger , to continue a introduced to Le Yuan. 乐渊那满不在意的声音令光藤真也的眉毛一抖,似乎在那一瞬间触及到了他的某根神经。只见他强忍下怒气,向乐渊继续介绍道。 Brothers your not understand, this was a Familiar egg, can grow by the potential to the B level high-rank at least, I must obtain it is not simple initially!” “兄弟你这就不明白了吧,这可是一枚使魔的蛋,论潜力最起码也能成长到b级上位,我当初要得到它也不简单!” Mitsufuji Shinya goes all out is introducing to Le Yuan, but since Le Yuan also carefully studied this so-called Familiar egg from his hand. However along with the function of Le Yuan Appraisal Technique, although cannot do understand this egg the concrete type, however its origin was actually done understand by Le Yuan, because has doubts. 光藤真也卖力似的向乐渊介绍着,而乐渊也从他手中仔细地研究起了这枚所谓的使魔蛋。但是伴随着乐渊鉴定术的作用,虽然没能搞明白这枚蛋的具体种类,但是它的来源却被乐渊明白了,但正是因为如此才更加疑惑。 This is purebred Digi-Egg, without wrong is that evolution and ultra evolution also has ultimate evolution the egg of Digimon. From the beginning Le Yuan also its relates to the Pokémon egg, who called between both exceptionally to be indeed similar. 这是一枚纯种的数码蛋,没有错就是那个进化、超进化还有究极进化的数码兽的蛋。一开始乐渊还把它联想到宠物小精灵的蛋了,谁叫两者之间的确异常相似。 However in flattering regarding Mitsufuji Shinya mouth, Le Yuan can only listen to half merely. The Digimon potential is indeed astonishing, so long as were exists to evolve final Ultimate Body that the fight planted indeed to have the B level high-rank potential without a doubt, but the premise was this Digimon does not throw the street goods Numemon egg. 不过对于光藤真也口中的吹捧,乐渊仅仅只能听取其中的一半。数码兽的潜力的确非常惊人,只要是战斗种的存在进化到了最后的究极体毫无疑问的确有着b级上位的潜质,但是前提是这个数码兽不是扑街货鼻涕兽的蛋。 Digimon comes in many different varieties, the disparity between strongs and weaks is not general big. Like Digimon that all previous protagonist has without doubt is the potentially promising type, in any stage is above-average existences, the Digi-Egg related introduction that but Le Yuan sees now, has not known its concrete value. 数码兽的种类繁多,强弱之间的差距也不是一般的大。像历代主角拥有的数码兽无疑是潜力无穷的类型,在任何阶段都是中等偏上的存在,但是乐渊现在看到的这枚数码蛋并没有相关的介绍,根本不知道它的具体价值。 Mitsufuji-kun your is not the Beast Tamer first person should have the attitude that the value fluctuation of this Digi-Egg is very big, doesn't have some necessary explanations and attaches the complimentary gift? What to do if can present Numemon that should? The words saying that really must have potential so, you haven't used?” 光藤君你这可不是驭兽师第一人该有的态度,这数码蛋的价值浮动可是很大的,难道就没有一些配套的说明和附赠品吗?万一要出现个鼻涕兽那该怎么办?话说真要有这般潜力,你还不自己用了?” The inquiry of Le Yuan can be said as Mitsufuji Shinya not thinking completely, this Digimon is not the average person can contact, the difficulty is higher than general Quest World , he is also barely escapes then to trade this egg in that world. 乐渊的提问可以说是光藤真也完全没有想到的,这数码兽可不是一般人可以接触到的,难度比一般的任务世界都要高,他在那个世界也是险死还生这才换回来这枚蛋。 Facing the inquiry of Le Yuan, Mitsufuji Shinya can only smile awkwardly. He indeed had not disclosed regarding the Digi-Egg information completely, is used to make the exchange not to have a pit Le Yuan plan with Le Yuan. 面对乐渊的提问,光藤真也只能尴尬地笑了笑。对于数码蛋的信息他的确没有全部透露,用来和乐渊做交换未尝没有坑乐渊一把的打算。 This Digi-Egg is on him in the world adventure comes, was assists Dark Masters to strike to kill protagonist gang the product of after Digimon. But has not chosen this egg uses, is this egg has a big issue purely. 这枚数码蛋是他上个世界冒险中得来的,是协助黑暗四天王击杀了主角一伙人的数码兽后的产物。而之所以没有选择将这枚蛋自己使用,纯粹是这枚蛋有着不小的问题。 Digimon as protagonist, although died, but changed to Digi-Egg to retain, and also has the possibility that hatched again. However actually not everyone can its hatching, without satisfying the special condition, this Digi-Egg and a dying thing has not distinguished. Since Mitsufuji Shinya obtains it, has fled in all directions in the hands of countless person, simply does not have to be able it to activate. 身为主角数码兽,虽然死亡了但是还是化作数码蛋保留了下来,并且还有着再一次孵化的可能性。但是却并非所有人都能将其孵化,如果没有满足特定条件,这枚数码蛋和一个死物没有区别。自从光藤真也得到它后,也在无数人的手中流窜过,根本没有一个能将它激活。 However this reason is not Mitsufuji Shinya the whole factor that it trades, and impossible such and Le Yuan confesses clearly, that is not looks for trouble for oneself. 不过这个原因也不是光藤真也将它交易的全部因素,并且也不可能这么和乐渊交代清楚,那不是自己给自己找麻烦嘛。 Haha, this Digimon person can only urge one, my already had Virus Type Digimon, but in this egg is not a match with me, therefore is then used as the exchange, this is a rare Saint beast Digimon egg, do you have no interest?” “哈哈,这数码兽一人只能驱使一个,我已经有了一个病毒种数码兽,而这一枚蛋里面的和我并不般配,所以这才用来作为交换的嘛,这可是一枚难得的圣兽型数码兽的蛋哦,难道你就没有兴趣?” Mitsufuji Shinya traps little loli weird uncle probably, is recounting Digi-Egg all sort of advantage. 光藤真也像是诱骗小萝莉怪蜀黍,一个劲地述说着数码蛋的诸般好处。 However Le Yuan with the market, basic impossible was also said by such several words is completely muddled exchanged own token this Digi-Egg. Actually first does not propose the value how much of token, light/only looks at this Mitsufuji Shinya to want that Digi-Egg to trade the stance of token urgently, has a big issue on understand this Digi-Egg absolutely. 不过乐渊也是久经商场,根本不可能被这么几句话说得晕头转向将这数码蛋交换了自己的令牌。先不提令牌的价值究竟几何,光瞧这光藤真也这么急迫想要那数码蛋换令牌的架势,就明白数码蛋绝对有着不小的问题。 Moreover Le Yuan is very clear a matter, the evolution of Digimon was not the pure growth was good, really must say that was completely unreasonable, Le Yuan was not protagonist can coordinate Digimon to complete the evolution. 而且乐渊可是很清楚一件事情,数码兽的进化并不是单纯的成长就行了,真要说起来完全不讲道理,乐渊可不是主角能够配合数码兽完成进化。 This Digi-Egg fell to own in became a waste, read Le Yuan to intend to reject this transaction hence. 数码蛋落到自己手里面岂不是成了一件废物,一念至此乐渊有意拒绝这门交易。 ... ...
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