VE :: Volume #8 三阶首战影之忍者

#759: Ecstatical attempt

In this early already Heaven and Earth big change world, the domestic overseas person's present life is almost the same. Had the talent and opportunity person already noisy crowd enters in New World to seek the turning point that grasped Strength, without that opportunity entered can only use all might to seek livehood in the reality. 在这个早已经天地大变的世界中,无论是国内国外的人现在的生活都相差无几。有天赋和机遇的人已经一窝蜂地进入到了新界之中寻找着掌握力量的契机,没有那个机会进入其中的则只能在现实中摸爬滚打求生着。 In this human already was compelled to enter to defending in the world in wall, does not grasp Strength predator of human already from food chain peak to lower the rank to become the delicious prey in numerous Variant Beast mouth without a doubt absolutely. 在这个人类已经被逼得进入到防御壁内的世界中,毫无疑问并不掌握绝对力量的人类已经从食物链顶端的捕食者降格成为了众多异兽口中的美味猎物。 What money and power cannot compare solid Strength to come materially beneficially, anyone not to know that after all this has protected the protection wall of human city to have such a day to withdraw suddenly. Moreover human and Variant Beast see only will have the decisive battle finally such a day, Strength is decides the both sides life and death the decisive key. 什么金钱、权力都比不上实实在在的力量来得更加实惠,毕竟谁也不知道这一直保护着人类城市的防护壁会不会有那么一天突然撤去。而且人类和异兽只见终将会有决战的那么一天,力量便是决定双方生死的决定性关键。 Even Japan, once second largest economy of this before the world mutation, by numerous Variant Beast are surrounding the island country (Japan) now as a result of diastrophism already situated in the new continent edge. Although cannot say the onset and retreat to be roadless, but also has the military power to compare it stronger China also to have United States of America compared with the population and national territory is at condition in imminent danger without doubt. 就算是和国,这个在世界异变之前曾经的第二大经济体,被被众多异兽包围着的岛国现在由于地壳运动已经处于新的的大陆边缘。虽然不能说进退无路,但是比起人口、国土还有军事实力比它更强的华夏还有米利坚合众国无疑是处于岌岌可危的状态。 Although Le Yuan, because the round-the-world trip temporary lie in the Japan Second Order region, has not seen in the reality with own eyes the Japan battlefield, but can often hear from the mouth of Japan Second Order player has about the reality tactical situation. 虽然乐渊由于环球旅行暂时停驻于和国二阶区域,并没有亲眼见到现实中和国的战场,但是从和国二阶玩家的口中还是能够经常听到一些有关于现实的的战况的。 For example now, Le Yuan to maintain , in the former world use Gungnir also had some equipment to arrive at the system to provide continually the equipment market that conducts the routine maintenance, one group of Japan players actually forthrightly speak freely. 就比方说现在,乐渊为了保养在之前世界中连番使用的永恒之枪还有身上的部分装备来到了系统提供的装备市场进行日常维护的时候,身边的一群和国玩家倒是丝毫不避讳地畅所欲言。 Because Japan the proportion of population Japan earth area is not optimistic, was good to store up numerous commodities then not to cause the big rebellion because of mutation initial stage, as the little foreign development made Japan be able to be self-sufficient reluctantly. 由于和国的人口和国土面积的比例并不乐观,在异变初期好在囤积了众多的物资这才没有引起较大的暴动,随着一点点对外的开发才勉强令和国能够自给自足。 But the price of like this developing was numerous and person also has the death of elite promotion, although said that died already to become accustomed to such world early, but eventually was the ultra-high mortality rate that the peace age is unable to compare. 而这样发展起来的代价就是众多和人还有精英晋升者的死亡,虽然说在这样的世界里面死亡早已经习以为常,但终究是和平年代无法比拟的超高死亡率。 But regarding advocating Japan of individual military force, in can have the present of unusual strength naturally to have many influences enthusiastically, many once illegal gangs walked onto the stage by the huge manpower and strength. 而对于崇尚个人武力的和国,在能够拥有超凡实力的现在自然踊跃出了许多势力,其中不乏一些曾经的不法帮会凭借庞大的人力和实力走上前台的。 This nearly one year that in Le Yuan takes vacation in Naruto World , the Japan home it can be said that flame of war are flying, the major organizations seem pushing up in most powerhouses in gang the Japan strongest given name. 而在乐渊火影世界度假的这近一年时间里面,和国国内可以说是战火纷飞,各大组织似乎都在将自己帮会中的最强者推上和国最强的名号上。 In order to obtain the Japan strongest given name, relatively steady Second Order region becomes always belligerent. 为了得到和国最强的名号,一直以来相对平稳的二阶区域变得火药味十足。 But now the contender of hottest two Japan strongest names, are have Kamiya Hikari of name of Japan first Sword Saintess as well as are known as Mitsufuji Shinya of most Beast Tamer. These two are representing the government influence, the other side is Black Dragon Society most powerhouse. 而现在最为炙手可热的两个和国最强之名的争夺者,便是有着和国第一女剑圣之名的神谷光以及号称最驭兽师光藤真也。这两人一方代表着政府势力,另一方则是黑龙会的最强者。 Most powerhouse title that both sides to obtain Japan everyone approve, it can be said that struggled the subordinate ten times, but has not decided the final victory and defeat for various reasons. 双方为了得到和国所有人认同的最强者称号,可以说是明争暗斗了部下十次,但是由于种种原因至今没有分出最后的胜负。 Japan is so restless may not only to compete for only unwarranted reputation, has the appearance like the battle in also various serious offenses of survival. As if at the same time, everyone's brain by battle controlled. 和国这么闹腾可不仅仅是为了争夺区区一个虚名而已,像这样的争斗在至今还幸存的各大过内都有出现。似乎在同一时刻,所有人的脑子都被争斗的所支配了。 Heard? This Japan most powerhouse will as if become the Japan representative, does not know that what significance this on behalf of also has, now this is quick the end in the day, what Olympic Games will also have to be inadequate?” Sees only Le Yuan to hold in the mouth a toothpick as nearby a player of Japan vagabond appearance, was saying to companion on the chair backward weak. “听说了吗?这和国最强者似乎会成为和国的代表哦,也不知道这代表还有什么意义,难道说现在这都快末日的日子里,还会有什么奥运会不成?”只见乐渊作为旁边的一个和国浪人模样的玩家叼着一个牙签,向后瘫软地靠在椅子上对着身边的同伴道。 „, Your this is what news. Your this is obsolete, now the latest news seems to be before the day changes starts, world leaders then already reaches an agreement generally, will as if later have a various country to strive for hegemony, must send out the most powerhouses in various countries to struggle what first in any case, as if has big advantage “切,你这算什么消息。你这早就过时了,现在最新的消息是似乎早在天变开始前,各国首脑便已经商量好了一般,似乎之后会有一场诸国争霸,反正是要派出各国的最强者争什么第一名,似乎有大好处” These two players said scattered many about present various countries battle frequent hearsay, was actual and fictitious to blend the guesses of many folk, but also makes Le Yuan understand many a period of time important matters. 这两个玩家零零散散说了不少关于现在各国战斗频繁的小道消息,其中有真有假参杂了不少民间的猜测,不过却也让乐渊了解了不少近段时间内的大事。 Mister, your equipment already repairs, but also please receive!” “先生,您的装备已经修理完毕,还请接收!” After the time of when only informing , before Le Yuan arrives at the weapon shop counter time, the sales clerk gave Le Yuan a light ball. The master who the goods in light ball only then equip can know, this is also one type protects the information for the player the mechanism. 只等到通知的时间到了以后,乐渊走到武器店柜台前的时候,店员将一个光球递给了乐渊。光球内的物品只有装备的主人才可以得知,这也算是一种替玩家保护信息的机制。 In order to maintain has not received many equipment of heavy losses one time, points of Le Yuan expenditure puts down ordinary person not to dare to imagine. Not only has the Le Yuan equipment rank high reason, similarly is also the present entire Inner World trend. The maintenance and daily supplies of equipment is a bottomless pit, several points that each adventure scores to come almost must consume on this, even some people need to sell off not the easy spoils of war to be able reluctantly to maintain the balanced revenues and expenditures. 为了维护一次没有受到多少重创的装备,乐渊花费的积分就是平常人根本不敢想象的。这其中不但有着乐渊装备等级高的原因,同样也是现在整个里世界的趋势。装备的维护和日常的补给就是一个无底洞,每一次冒险得来的几分几乎都要重新消耗在这上面,甚至有的人需要变卖得之不易的战利品才能勉强维持收支平衡。 While after Le Yuan tidies up all, is about to leave the equipment shop time, a wear black waistcoat chest has the man of character symbol to keep off in front of Le Yuan. Lends the aura that the living person do not enter from him, although the appearance delicate is not the evil person, but does not know so long as why is the person saw that he would not being unconscious to divide one side of the darkness him. 正当乐渊收拾好一切后准备离开装备店的时候,一个穿着黑色马甲胸口有着字记号的男子挡在了乐渊面前。从他身上散发出生人勿进的气息,虽然面目清秀并非恶人之相,但是不知为何只要是人见到他总会不自觉得将他划分到黑暗一侧。 One side the main road walks upwards respectively, were some people in the way Le Yuan unable to get away inadequately this road? Also without paying attention to this appearance somewhat unusual man, Le Yuan turns around to want toward another side of road to walk, after all can low-key be low-key in the foreign country. 大路朝天各走一边,有人挡路难道乐渊还走不了这条路了不成?也没有理会这个面相有些奇特的男人,乐渊转身就想要朝着路的另一边走过去,毕竟是在异国他乡能够低调就低调一点。 Le Yuan wants the low key, however opposite that black waistcoat man actually does not give Le Yuan this opportunity. When Le Yuan turns around wants to depart, he is frowning to look that seems like to Le Yuan is determining anything, when Le Yuan leaves almost 5 meters again he actually seems like observes closely Le Yuan to be common thoroughly, again horizontally before the Le Yuan body. 乐渊想要低调,但是对面的那个黑马甲男子却根本不给乐渊这个机会。在乐渊转身欲要离去的时候,他皱着眉头看向乐渊似乎是在确定着什么,当乐渊再一次离开差不多五米的时候他却像是彻底盯住乐渊一般,再一次横在了乐渊身前。 How however although does not know at present the strength of man, but arrives at the skill before Le Yuan body then to know that depending on him is not a mediocre person, but how this is still not the Le Yuan opponent. 不过虽然不知道眼前男子的实力如何,但是光凭他来到乐渊身前的身手便知道绝不是个庸才,但是这又如何依然不是乐渊的对手。 While the black waistcoat man just wanted to put out a hand to stop Le Yuan, his present Le Yuan sudden flower then vanished before his body, later light sound of footsteps from his behind transmitting. 在黑马甲男子刚想要伸出手止住乐渊的同时,他眼前的乐渊突然一花便消失在了他的身前,随后一阵平淡的脚步声从他的身后传来。 You! Halts to me!” “你!给我站住!” Detected that already crosses itself toward Le Yuan that at the same time walks, the black waistcoat man runs fiercely to the Le Yuan right hand right shoulder that held Le Yuan. 察觉到已经越过自己朝着一边走去的乐渊,黑马甲男子猛地跑向乐渊右手一把抓住了乐渊的右肩。 „” “啪” The Le Yuan shoulder has not moved, abuts Qi Energy then to shake the hand of black waistcoat man. Although does not know that actually the black waistcoat male asks himself to have what matter, but Le Yuan understand this absolutely is not the good deed, he does not have a person of understanding in Japan, how may be the friend visit? 乐渊肩膀未动,紧靠着气劲便将黑马甲男子的手震开。虽然不知道黑马甲男究竟找自己有什么事情,但是乐渊明白这绝对不是什么好事,他在和国可是没有一个认识的人,怎么可能会是朋友来访? „, This brothers do not first be busy leaving! oneself am Black Dragon Society Mitsufuji Shinya, but also asked the friend to enjoy a face, one side with oneself together how went to the teahouse to chat a friend?” “诶,这位兄弟先别忙着离开!本人乃是黑龙会光藤真也,还请朋友赏个面子,和本人去一边的茶楼一起聊个朋友如何?” Mitsufuji Shinya stands in front of Le Yuan, is testing the genial smile and Le Yuan talks. However coordinates his to look is not the honest Quest makings, how saying that how to find it ridiculous. 光藤真也站在乐渊面前,试着用和善的微笑和乐渊搭话。但是配合他那一看就不是正派任务的气质,怎么说怎么觉得可笑。 Mitsufuji Shinya? Most Beast Tamer?” 光藤真也?最驭兽师?” Le Yuan said gently, completely without expecting just heard the information of concerned this person then in this goes out bumped, let alone this person or Black Dragon Society most powerhouse. The Black Dragon Society nature decided its management style is not soft, chatted friend matter also only then the idiot believes. 乐渊轻轻说道,完全没有料到刚刚听到有关此人的信息便在这出门之际碰了个正着,更何况此人还是黑龙会的最强者。黑龙会的性质决定了它的办事风格就不是偏软的,聊个朋友这种事情也就只有白痴才会相信。 Has anything when this said that do not do that set, I rush to time!” “有什么事情还是当这面说吧,别搞那一套了,我赶时间!” Went to the teahouse not to know that can be ambushed, who knows that can have in Inner World special stops up gate item to exist, really must tie down by this group of people, perhaps later waited to be difficult in Japan. 去了茶楼还不知道会不会被埋伏个正着,谁知道在里世界会不会有专门堵门的道具存在,真要被这群人缠住了,恐怕以后在和国待下去就难了。 Good, straight talk from a straightforward person I like!” “好,快人快语我喜欢!” after hearing Le Yuan as if also wants to directly soar the subject, the Mitsufuji Shinya eye narrows the eyes, later seems like in appearance of observation peripheral one group of people, later put forth the exchange way of being similar to secret voice transmission, relayed in his sound the ear of Le Yuan merely, in brothers your hand had thing that I wanted, does not know that can share with me, I think that this can achieve the biggest effect in my hands!” 一听乐渊似乎也想要直奔主题,光藤真也眼睛一眯,随后似乎是在观察周边一群人的样子,随后使出了类似于传音入密的交流方式,将他的声音仅仅传达到了乐渊的耳中,“兄弟你手上有我想要的东西,不知道能不能匀给我,我想这在我的手里才能够发挥出最大的效果!” This is wants from Le Yuan the rhythm of that treasure, but most makes Le Yuan feel what is curious actually what is this Mitsufuji Shinya to want is anything. After Le Yuan arrives at Area Japan, in the final analysis has not come out several times, moreover Mitsufuji Shinya has not recognized evidently Le Yuan. As for revealing possibility, only just sent to the maintenance Gungnir and so on equipment, only if Mitsufuji Shinya and Area Japan are familiar to with wearing pants, otherwise basic impossible knows the Gungnir specific information. 这是想要从乐渊手里那宝贝的节奏,不过最让乐渊感到好奇的是这光藤真也究竟想要的是什么。说到底乐渊来到和国之后就没出来过几次,而且看样子光藤真也也没把乐渊认出来。至于显露的可能性,唯一的就是刚刚送去维护的永恒之枪之类的装备,除非光藤真也和国熟悉到同穿一条裤子,否则根本不可能知道永恒之枪的具体信息。 You want anything, my body brings thing may be many, you did not say that I have not said with Kungfu completely!” “你想要什么,我身上带着的东西可不少,你不说我可没拿功夫全部说一遍!” Le Yuan is looking at Mitsufuji Shinya careless, as to see anything from him. 乐渊漫不经心地望着光藤真也,似乎想要从他身上看出些什么来。 Ha, is the brothers is refreshed. However what I want is only one, as soon as I raise you to think immediately that is a token, the special token, it is also a pass, I think that you should remember it!” “哈哈哈,还是兄弟爽快。不过我想要的只是一个,我一提你立马就能想起来,那是一枚令牌,特殊的令牌,它也是一份通行证,我想你应该记得它吧!” In the Mitsufuji Shinya heart is fiery thing that very much, he wants to look for was very long, but had not heard who has. Today bumps into a player who coincidentally has the divination ability occupied an trigram for him. 光藤真也心中可是火热的很,他想要找的东西可是很久了,不过一直没有听说过谁拥有。今天刚巧碰上一个拥有占卜能力的玩家替他占了一卦。 The trigram shape demonstrated: The profit, the advantage has you toward, advantage big river. 卦象显示:益,利有攸往,利涉大川。 According to this trigram shape, explained that Mitsufuji Shinya today's action has harvested inevitably. But the player of divination ability was gives him one to present as a gift the poem by own ability, this can say that made Mitsufuji Shinya fully-confident. 根据这个卦象,说明光藤真也今天的行动必然有所收获。而占卜能力的玩家更是由自身的能力给了他一句赠诗,这可以说令光藤真也信心百倍。 The stone conceals priceless jade and Jane|treasure, another region guest seeks by all means. Just like holding the lamp seeks the fire, might as well tidy up works with the heart in vain. 石藏无价玉和珍,只管他乡外客寻。宛如持灯更觅火,不如收拾枉劳心。 Here stone hides probably is he who Yuzhen refers to the concrete manifestation of thing of asking, but another region guest was suggesting without doubt Le Yuan this person who came from China. However Mitsufuji Shinya simply has not comprehended this meaning, does not know as for following two. 这里的石藏玉珍指的大概就是他所求之物的具体表现,而他乡外客无疑是在暗示乐渊这个从中国来的人。不过光藤真也根本没有领会这一句的意思,至于后面的两句更是不得其解。 If Mitsufuji Shinya does not raise the token, Le Yuan feared to almost forget in oneself hand to have an extremely special token. That was his arena 100 victories in a row came from the female Martial God hand initially, although had not obtained any prompt initially, but Le Yuan was still regarded as a treasure to collect it. 如果光藤真也不提令牌,乐渊恐怕自己都快忘了自己手上有着一枚极为特殊的令牌。那还是当初他竞技场100连胜从女武神手中得来的,虽然当初没有得到任何的提示,但是乐渊依然把它当作是一件宝贝收藏了起来。 Nowadays it seems like that this treasure is really also worthy of the reputation, even if can walk in some foreign people, actually the present issue is this Mitsufuji Shinya how locks him in the boundless huge crowd, this does not clarify, Le Yuan sleeps on pins and needles. To be continued. 现如今看来这个宝贝还真的名副其实,就算是在异国他乡还是有人能够找上门来,不过现在的问题是这光藤真也究竟是如何在茫茫人海中锁定住他的,这不弄清楚,乐渊寝食难安。未完待续。 ... ...
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