VE :: Volume #8 三阶首战影之忍者

#758: Settles accounts daily

Was extracted in Small World along with a final rule by Le Yuan, does not wait for him to continue from Naruto World to absorb the extra rule then to feel an evil intention that came from the whole world packages him, so long as evidently Le Yuan will dare the unnecessary movement then to come under the thunder attack. 伴随着最后的一点规则被乐渊提取到小世界内,不等他继续从火影世界内摄取额外的规则便感受一股来自于整个世界的恶意将他包裹,看样子只要乐渊胆敢有多余的动作便会受到雷霆般的攻击。 Also is really a mean-spirited world, but oneself magnanimous do not haggle over with you, harvested to many should go back......” “还真是一个小气的世界,不过本人大度不跟你计较,收获颇丰到了该回去的时候了……” Is looking at this piece of high-end Strength already swept away Ninja continent, Le Yuan already does not have any to yearn. Although evacuated Ninja continent not to see to loaf until Le Yuan in Sage of Six Paths of the world , does not know that he received the prompt of the world purposely to evade Le Yuan, but already completed harvesting work Le Yuan also no longer to haggle over this small issue. 望着这一片高端力量已经被横扫的忍者大陆,乐渊已经没有什么好留恋的。虽然直到乐渊搬空了忍者大陆也没有见到游荡在世界的六道仙人,也不知他是不是受到了世界的提示故意避着乐渊,但是已经完成了收割工作的乐渊也就不再计较这一点的小问题。 Leaves the Naruto World process as before is quiet, the body of Le Yuan turned into condition from existence to non-existence from Naruto World directly, on the contrary Le Yuan in the Quest Calculation space grew out of nothing to appear there directly. 离开火影世界的过程依旧是悄无声息,乐渊的身体直接从火影世界变成了从有到无的状态,相反在任务结算空间里面乐渊直接从无到有出现在了那里。 Regarding just moved into Small World Hokage one group of child people, Le Yuan was not worried that they will make what trouble, first did not say that Le Yuan has not inducted Small World Hokage that side rule completely, making the Naruto World person to display own strength completely, the light was Valhalla Great Army then suppresses all situations sufficiently, did not need Le Yuan to begin personally. Even really presented irresistible existence, when really the administration authority of Le Yuan world is the good-looking but useless goods. 对于刚刚搬入小世界火影的一帮子人,乐渊并不担心他们会闹出什么乱子来,先不说乐渊还没有将火影那边的规则完全导入小世界,令火影世界的人可以完全发挥出自己的实力,光是英灵殿大军便足以镇压一切情况,根本不用乐渊亲自动手。就算真的出现了不可抵挡的存在,真当乐渊世界的管理权限是样子货。 Perhaps four levels and five levels of jurisdictions do not have this ability, but then controlled Le Yuan Small World to write off certain not law-abiding people to the Yui that stage third-level jurisdiction sufficiently fundamentally. So long as the strength of opposite party has not achieved to break open the level of Le Yuan world, is unable to resist came from writing off of Small World. 或许四级、五级权限并没有这个能力,但是到了结衣那一阶段的三级权限便足以操控乐渊小世界将某些不安分的人从根本上抹杀。只要对方的实力并未达到破开乐渊世界的水准,便无法抵御来自于小世界的抹杀。 Passed through one to be familiar to cannot the familiar one-way street, Le Yuan arrive in front of the Quest Calculation work table. Looks the machine that has not been activating, Le Yuan lifts the hand own right palm according to the display monitor, the next second of entire work table was activated, on the black screen presents the light the vortex, images appear again. 走过一段熟悉到不能再熟悉的单行道,乐渊来到了任务结算的工作台面前。望着还未激活的机器,乐渊抬起手将自己的右掌心按在了显示屏上,下一秒整个工作台被激活,黑色的屏幕上出现光的漩涡,一个个影像再一次出现。 The Le Yuan look flashes past from several appearing suddenly pictures occasionally, faces most people's fight in the fight in previous world be at the steamroll condition, has almost nothing is the place that is worth Le Yuan tasting, only the fights of some few scenes to Ninja World leader is the true life and death contest. 乐渊的眼神偶尔从几个突现的画面中一闪而过,在上个世界的战斗中面对绝大多数人的战斗都是处于碾压状态,几乎没有什么是值得乐渊回味的地方,唯有少数几场面对忍界顶尖人物的战斗才是真正的生死较量。 Reviews an experience of this adventure with the aid of the picture that the system settles accounts time, Le Yuan then saw this Quest Calculation finally. 借助系统结算的画面重新温习了一下这一次冒险的经历,乐渊接下来总算是见到了这一次的任务结算 Quest Scene: fiction and magic scenario 任务场景:架空魔幻场景 Quest World Strength: c + A Level 任务世界强度:c+a级 Quest Difficulty: c + level 任务难度:c+级 Quest Modus: Slaughters explores 任务形式:杀戮探索 Main Quest 1: Konoha collapses (Complete) 主线任务一:木叶崩坏(完成) Quest Description: the Ninja world is not you dies is he perishes, as you of Orochimaru subordinate eliminates Konoha is not natural. The Orochimaru defeat body dies, Third Hokage has not died, Konoha had not been achieved 45% by the attrition rate 任务描述:忍者的世界不是你死就是他亡,身为大蛇丸部下的你消灭木叶不是理所当然的吗。大蛇丸战败身死,三代目火影未死,木叶受损率未达到45% Quest 2: death of (Complete) Six Paths 任务二:六道之死(完成) Quest Description: Defeats Pain Six Paths personally, captures Rinnegan. 任务描述:亲手击败佩恩六道,夺取轮回眼 Main Quest 3: Ninja World fights( failure to lose randomly finally achieves 54%) the foundation Quest appraisal to rise to d + + 主线任务三:忍界乱斗(失败最终损失达到54%)基础任务评价上升至d++ Quest Description: when Ninja World war balances battle efficiency of both sides, the assistance person connects the army to get rid of Impure World Reincarnation condition resurrected Kage. 任务描述:忍界大战之际平衡双方的战斗力,协助人接连军干掉秽土转生状态复活的影 Main Quest did not have the words saying that although said that three fights could be the magnificent scene in average person eyes, but the opponents of three fights at most were in the B level the position, even some still paced back and forth in the strength of B level low-rank. Main Quest 3 of only failure is also because wants the power gap of control both sides, did not make the Ninja World allied armies disturb the final fight many not to interfere. 主线任务没话说的,虽然说三场战斗都算得上一般人眼中的大场面,但是三场战斗的对手顶多就是b级中位,甚至有的还在b级下位的实力中徘徊。唯一失败的主线任务三也是由于要控制双方的实力差距,不令忍界联军打扰最后的战斗才一直未曾多加干涉。 However this foundation appraisal lowered much compared with the level of Le Yuan estimate. After all the difficulty of the world is placed there, because even these three Quest the reason of strength is not very difficult, but first two Quest complete perfectly, but pushed down the final foundation appraisal as a result of the failure of Main Quest 3 finally. 不过这一次的基础评价还是比乐渊预想的水准低了不少。毕竟世界的难度摆在那里,就算这三个任务由于实力的缘故本就不是很难,但是前两任务可是完美完成,不过最终还是由于主线任务三的失败而拉低了最后的基础评价。 It seems like, later has really not been able to give up Quest casually, otherwise this appraisal ugly a point......” “看来,以后还真不能随便放弃任务,不然这个评价难看了一点……” After this since Second Order, Le Yuan that the foundation appraisal has not been lower, looks own this time Quest finish rate twittering, but these harvested already not to excess the budget in Le Yuan well time, drawing of this tiny bit has not really been possible to compare favorably with he in the harvest of Quest World . 这自从上了二阶以后基础评价就没有低过的乐渊,看着自己这一次的任务完成率呢喃着,不过好在乐渊这一次收获已经不需超出了预算,这一星半点的抽奖还真不一定能够比得上他在任务世界的收获。 Optional Quest one: The Ninja autobiography( completes final achievement Jōnin) Quest to appraise the small scope to rise to c- 可选任务一:忍者自传(完成最终成就上忍)任务评价小幅度上升至c- This did not have the words saying that what request was Le Yuan relies on own charisma and ability can be elected in some people of village accumulation personal connection unceasingly. But Le Yuan was opportunistic in No. 2 world obtained the Jōnin title, but this also had the unspoken rule, cannot even be spiritual attack forces current Five Kages to abdicate with the military force becomes Kage of a village in disguised form. 这一条没话说的,要求的是乐渊凭借自己的人格魅力和能力不断在某一人村积累人脉才能当选的。而乐渊取巧在二号世界得到了上忍的称号,不过这一条还有潜规则的,不能用武力甚至是精神攻击逼迫现任的五影退位变相成为一村之影 Optional Quest two: The tailed beast gatherer (Incomplete) Quest appraisal is unprevailing 可选任务二:尾兽收集者(未完成)任务评价无影响 Is more pitiful as for Optional Quest two, tailed beast of No. 1 world change into the divine tree fruit energy completely, was swallowed the belly by Le Yuan one. This appearance was not collected tailed beast by the system approval, on that 35% Nine-Tails as for Le Yuan is not complete tailed beast, because No. 2 world Le Yuan has not begun by the system default is the capture, although was received in Small World by Le Yuan finally equally, but simply has not calculated. 至于可选任务二则更加可怜,一号世界的尾兽们全部重新化为神树的果实能量,被乐渊一口吞下了肚子。这个样子根本不被系统认可是收集了尾兽,至于乐渊手上的那个35%的九尾根本算不上一个完整的尾兽,而二号世界则由于乐渊没有动手而被系统默认为捕获,虽然最后一样被乐渊收入小世界中,但是根本没有计算进去。 timeline that B+ Hidden Main Quest no one knows changes (Complete) Quest to appraise the large scale rise to c + + b+隐藏主线任务无人知晓的时间线变动(完成)任务评价大幅度上升至c++ the B+ world punishes the world of Quest rebellion dark (Complete) this/should Quest not to appraise to have the influence on Quest, placed c + + b+世界惩罚任务暴动的世界之暗(完成)任务未对任务评价造成影响,保持在c++ A Level Hidden Main Quest redeems (Complete) Quest to appraise the large scale rise to B+ a级隐藏主线任务救赎(完成)任务评价大幅度上升至b+ the S level hidden World Quest to gamble (Complete) this/should Quest not to appraise to have the influence on Quest, placed B+ s级隐藏世界任务博弈(完成)任务未对任务评价造成影响,保持在b+ Following four triggering B level above Quest, seemingly on big incomparable, Le Yuan also all 11 completed them, what a pity is the appraisal cannot come up. One is because punishes Quest absolutely not to have the so-called appraisal awarded marks, simply what another S level Quest aims at time is Le Yuan rather than this adventure, moreover S level Quest reward already paid completely, is not naturally able to conduct the appraisal awarded marks again. 后面四个触发的b级以上的任务,看起来高大上无比,乐渊还全都将他们一一完成了,可惜的是评价死活都上不去。一个是由于惩罚任务完全没有所谓的评价加分,另一个s级任务则干脆针对的是乐渊而非这一次的冒险本身,而且s级任务的奖励已经全部支付了,自然也就无法再一次进行评价加分。 Finally Quest evaluation: B+, the attribute selects the * 5 , b level to draw * 1 最终任务评定:b+,属性点*5,b级抽奖 Finally Quest evaluation: points 6.7 w, Experience Point 360, the attribute selects * 14, draws the * 3 , b level to draw * 1, legend * 2. 最终任务评定:积分6.7w,经验值360,属性点,抽奖*3,b级抽奖,传说度。 But was determined until this final reward, Le Yuan is relaxes truly. points this thing said that were many, says little much, brought some local products that to have been to ten thousand from Quest World the points drawing directly, but the average person serviced the equipment even to buy and sell the supplies to make them directly the moonlight clan, only had Le Yuan this to form the person of industry chain to turn a blind eye to the points settlement of Quest World . 而直到这最后的奖励被判定下来,乐渊才算是真正松了一口气。积分东西说多不多,说少不少,从任务世界带回来的一些土特产就能直接将积分拉到过万,但是一般人维修装备甚至买卖补给都能让他们直接成为月光族,唯有乐渊这样能够形成产业链的人才能对任务世界积分结算视若无睹。 As for no function of Experience Point and regarding most people, only has few person including Le Yuan to collect Experience Point crazily, is promoting Adventure Rank. 至于经验值对于绝大多数人而言并没有什么作用,唯有极少数包括乐渊在内的人在疯狂地收集经验值,提升着冒险等级 On Attribute Panel never has the useless attribute, the rank is this, already was demonstrating 8 points legend similarly are this, is present Le Yuan also contacts their true functions merely unqualified. 属性面板上从来就没有无用的属性,等级是这样,已经显示着八点的传说度同样是这样,仅仅是现在的乐渊还不够资格接触它们真正的作用而已。 However will play the role compared with these future however now is good-looking but useless goods thing, what Le Yuan pays more attention is this time acquired four time draw. Although definitely is unable to place on a par with previous drawing time, but how there is words saying that the mosquito again slightly was also the meat! Even if cannot obtain good thing, coming the comfort prize to extract several ingredient to come back, Le Yuan is still good to go home to make the belly of feast gratuity whole family, then wants to come is also the excellent matter. 不过比起这些将来会发挥出作用但是现在就是个样子货的东西,乐渊更加关注的是这一次获得的四次抽奖。虽然完全无法与上一次的抽奖相提并论,但是有句话是怎么说的,蚊子再小也是肉啊!就算得不到好东西,来个安慰奖抽出几个食材回来,乐渊也好回家做顿大餐犒赏全家人的肚子,那么想来也是极好的事情。 Machine of drawing must want the human life dragon's head Gashapon, as Le Yuan presses down to turn the switch of egg. Today draws the first law to spout one from the dragon's head directly, but the turning egg of this blue electric light. 抽奖的机器还是那个强得要人命的龙头扭蛋机,随着乐渊按下扭蛋的开关。今日抽奖第一法从龙头中直接喷出一枚但这蓝色电光的扭蛋。 , incites “滋滋,滋滋滋 Even if were met on the way of flight by Le Yuan, the turning egg that this brings the electric spark is turning toward the outside emission current and Le Yuan as before unceasingly its entire crumb, immediately rewarded to appear, blue bracelet, evidently was an equipment. 即使被乐渊飞行途中接了下来,这枚带着电火花的扭蛋依旧在不断向着外边放射电流、乐渊将它整个捏碎,登时奖励出现了,一个蓝色的手环,看样子是一件装备。 However after Le Yuan sees clearly the function of this thing almost throws directly her. The name of this thing, so long as has slightly contact in Animation, Comics, and Games can recognize Kämpfer Contract Bracelet. Was that defined after the female carried bracelet, can change the thing that a beautiful young girl fought, according to the description of this equipment, the user had the aptitude even to be able from the average person to change to obtain d + is as for the battle efficiency of c + level. 不过当乐渊看清楚这玩意的作用之后差点把她直接扔出去。这玩意的名字,只要在acg界稍稍有所接触的都能认出来肯普法誓约手环。就是那个限定了女性携带手环后可以变身美少女战斗的玩意,根据这件装备的描述,使用者更具资质甚至能够从普通人摇身一变得到d+乃至于c+级的战斗力。 thing is undeniable, regarding most people are good thing, but Le Yuan first is not a female, the second strength far exceeded the Kämpfer strength limit, this thing most leaves Yui to treat as the toy or puts in the space backpack to press the bottom. 东西不可否认,对于绝大多数人而言都是好东西,但是乐渊第一不是女性,第二实力远超了肯普法的实力极限,这玩意最多留给结衣当作玩具或是放到空间背包里面压箱底。 Although not to the Le Yuan useful equipment, but has the commemorating value as a collection very much. While winning under the pursuit Le Yuan pressed down continuously twice, first even/including two turn the egg to fly to shoot from Gashapon. 虽然并不是对乐渊有用的装备,但是作为一件收藏品还是很有纪念价值的。趁胜追击之下乐渊连续按下了两次,一连两枚扭蛋从扭蛋机中飞射而出。 However this situation may be not so satisfying time, the turning egg speed that flies to shoot is not fast, even can say that slow making one could not mention spirit. This phenomenon indicates that this time goods rank is not high, perhaps also can only be regarded as comfort. 不过这一次的情况可就不那么令人满意了,飞射出来的扭蛋速度并不快,甚至可以说慢的令人提不起精神。这种现象预示着这一次的物品等级并不高,或许也只能当作是安慰品而已。 Le Yuan arrived instantaneously before turns the egg, asks for its to hold, who once wants just to grip to turn the egg the instance, that turned the egg to explode directly. 乐渊瞬间来到了其中一枚扭蛋前伸手就要将其抓住,谁曾想刚刚握住扭蛋的瞬间,那枚扭蛋直接爆了。 The turning egg might that explodes will not compare the highly explosive grenade to come weakly, the average person was hit dead absolutely, but was very difficult dead to the C level above, was at most remnant. But to existence of Le Yuan such half A Level, that injured is very difficult to injure, at most under one does not pay attention to be somewhat embarrassed. 爆开的扭蛋威力不会比高爆手雷来得弱,一般人被击中绝对死定了,不过到了c级以上就很难会死,顶多残了而已。而到了乐渊这样半步a级的存在,那就连伤都很难伤到,顶多一不注意之下有些难堪而已。 „, Bumps into the ultra low probability unexpectedly the trap, hopes that another one individual did this matter again......” “切,竟然碰上超低概率的陷阱,希望另一个别再搞出这种事情了……” Le Yuan was saying moves again to another turns the egg, just explosion was ratio thanks participation this type not to reward a worse situation, although being able dead person, but did not pay attention also really to be done slightly to live to want. 乐渊说着再一次移动向另一个扭蛋,刚刚的爆炸是比“谢谢参与”这种无奖励更加恶劣的情况,虽然死不了人,但是稍不留意还真有可能被搞得欲生欲死。 After Le Yuan second turns the egg to block next, it has not had the explosion. After it opens, obtains one to seem like the waste however actually somewhat mysterious goods. 乐渊将第二枚扭蛋拦下后,它并没有发生爆炸。将其打开之后获得了一件看似废物但是却有些神奇的物品。 The appraisal only has e + junks Inextinguishable Torch. According to the referral center said, this torch illumination range and ordinary torch are nondistinctive, but will actually not be extinguished as well as other external condition influences by the rainwater, does not need any fuel to shine forever. 评价只有e+的杂物永不熄灭的火把。根据介绍所说,这个火把的照亮范围和普通火把并无区别,但是却不会被雨水熄灭以及其他外在条件影响,无需任何燃料永远地亮下去。 So long as this torch were not destroyed, then this torch can burn theoretically in ancient times. However this equipment also can only work as junks, it of E level is an average person can destroy, but the function besides the ignition and illumination, is used at most in addition scary, perhaps early period the primitive era even feudalism can also the production point function. 只要这个火把不被摧毁,那么理论上这个火把可以燃烧到地老天荒。不过这件装备也只能当个杂物,e级的它是个普通人都能摧毁掉,而作用除了点燃和照明之外,顶多加上用来唬人,或许在原始时代甚至封建早期还能产生点作用。 After the Le Yuan direct use last B level draws, this drew all vanished, the acquired goods that three first times unhappy brought cannot say that increased the Le Yuan battle efficiency, is actually Le Yuan provided the enormous convenience to a certain extent. 而当乐渊直接动用最后一个b级抽奖之后,这前三次抽奖带来的不快全都消失了,获得的物品不能说增加了乐渊的战斗力,却是在某种程度上为乐渊提供了极大的便利。 B+ level Quest designation, through designating some item and equipment, or the person matches the world that is connected in many Quest World as far as possible, the foundation probability 20%, the closely related goods are more, the world success ratio that can lock is bigger. b+级任务选定器,通过选定某个道具、装备、或是人在诸多任务世界尽可能匹配到相关联的世界,基础概率20%,相互关联的物品越多,能够锁定的世界成功率就越大。 ... ...
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