VE :: Volume #8 三阶首战影之忍者

#757: A round into soul, Chakra Transportation Cannon

Finished completely beforehand one week in the Le Yuan resident time, Huang Rong and the others already chose the return. But Le Yuan also through the mouth of Konoha spread over all ninja village the news after being ready, but third from the bottom day the relocation started in that. 乐渊停留时间完全结束之前的一个星期,黄蓉等人已经选择了回归。而乐渊也在准备就绪之后通过木叶之口将消息传遍了所有忍村,而在那倒数第三天搬迁开始了。 As Le Yuan submits all the goals of designation, after the world screening determination has not surpassed 30% shares, this related to made a final decision to a population business of the world. Entire Ninja World besides few people, few knows that their destinies handed over then the junction to hold in the hand of another person. 随着乐渊将所有选定的目标提交,世界甄别确定并没有超出30%的份额之后,这一份涉及到一个世界的人口买卖就这么敲定了。整个忍界除了极少数的人之外,几乎没有人知道他们的命运转手之间便交托到了另一个人的手上。 With agreeing of this side world, Le Yuan the strength of the world to the entire Konoha sky, one time is for the first time only expanded the domain to several hundred square kilometers, this to absorbing Fruit of Life Le Yuan absolutely is a challenge, on spirit on, the strength of the world transforms the domain carrying/sustaining object who comes, but Le Yuan. 随着这一方世界的首肯,乐渊的世界之力到整个木叶的上空,第一次也是唯一一次将领域扩大到数百平方公里,这对吸收了生命之果乐渊而言绝对是一种挑战,无论是精神上还是上,世界之力转换而来的领域承载对象可是乐渊 Although the strength of the world is nearly inexhaustible, but Le Yuan wants the carrying/sustaining he actually to use own spirit and supports. Therefore this every minute every seconds is huge suffering, but the world does not have the ambiguous instantaneous entire Konoha selected place entire is picked up, the land that Konoha is at climbs to the domain in upper air instantaneously. 虽然世界之力近乎无穷无尽,但是乐渊想要承载他却不得不用自己的精神和去支撑。因此这每一分每一秒都是一种巨大的折磨,而世界也没有含糊瞬间整个木叶被圈定的地方整个被托起,木叶所在的土地瞬间升至高空中的领域。 „, Swallows to me!” “咳咳,给我吞进去!” Facing with huge Konoha that the domain contacts, Le Yuan rejoiced that before and Namikaze Minato they have had the consultation, First Layer had barrier of Konoha Ninja subordinate to protect everyone very well. However so, Le Yuan is still even careful, the destruction that otherwise the vibration results in can this barrier instantaneous collapse. 面对与领域接触的庞大木叶,乐渊庆幸之前和波风水门他们有过协商,一层木叶忍者部下的结界很好地将所有人保护了起来。不过就算如此,乐渊依旧要小心谨慎,不然震动引发的破坏能够将这结界瞬间崩坏。 Konoha carried off by the entire pack in just 3 minutes, but Le Yuan also entire collapses in just 3 minutes. Although this domain treats as a transmission gate effect merely, suppression that does not need to oppose the enemy, but will want such a big domain to maintain is an issue. 木叶村在短短3分钟之内被整个打包带走,而乐渊也在短短3分钟之内整个虚脱。虽说这领域仅仅是当作一个传送门的功效,并不需要对敌的压制,但是想要将这么大的一个领域维持住还是一个问题。 However is good because of the body of Le Yuan enough strongly besides, is much stronger regarding the compatibility of this limit, the survival of the fittest ability of Fruit of Life evolution is not chats, the present Le Yuan body almost experiences a fight, a test and an accident/surprise to have a pointed strengthen every. 不过好在乐渊的身体除了够强之外,对于这种极限的适应性同样强得可怕,生命之果进化的适者生存能力可不是说笑的,现在的乐渊身体几乎每经历一次战斗、一次考验、一次意外都能够有所针对性的变强。 Although opens the domain for the first time greatly indeed injures, however after restoring has enough confidence to persist in regarding the next relocation lengthening. After Konoha, merely quite a while, Le Yuan then Sunagakure and Iwagakure evacuating. But according to such that before planned, Le Yuan in the following 2 days also Kirigakure and Kumogakure evacuating. 虽然第一次将领域开得这么大的确非常伤,但是在恢复之后对于下一次的搬迁却是有着足够的信心坚持得更加长。木叶之后仅仅半天,乐渊便紧接着将砂隐村土隐村给搬空了。而按照之前计划的那样,乐渊在接下来的2天时间里面又随之将雾隐村云隐村给搬空。 However in Kumogakure, Fourth Raikage A bestowed a quite pleasantly surprised big ritual to give Le Yuan. Must say that advances a time the chakra science and technology in a short less than 10 years of time, no doubt has the peace also to have the technique development of chakra technique, similarly could not lack the research of Kumogakure for a long time chakra weapon militarization. 不过在云隐村的时候,四代雷影艾可是赠送了一份颇为惊喜的大礼给乐渊。要说在短短十年不到的时间里面将查克拉科技推进一个时代,固然有着和平还有查克拉技术技术发展,同样也缺少不了云隐村长久以来查克拉武器军事化的研究。 It can be said that on entire Ninja continent, must discuss the technical technique content is Otogakure and Kumogakure is without doubt strongest. What the former depends is the Uncle Snake super mind, but the latter depends is the strength of set people as well as came from the oppression of Le Yuan strength accomplishes. 可以说整个忍者大陆上面,要论科技技术的含量无疑是音隐村云隐村最强。前者靠的是蛇叔的超级头脑,而后者靠的则是集合众人之力以及来自于乐渊实力的压迫造就而成的。 When Le Yuan arrives at the Kumogakure sky, Raikage of already preparation was wielding the right hand to oneself subordinate early, said with exceptionally the tone seriously: little ones, gives me to come one round in a big way, making him experience the Kumogakure strength well.” 乐渊来到云隐村的上空时,早已经准备的雷影艾则是对着自己的部下挥下了右手,用异常严肃地口吻说道:“小的们,给我来一发大的,让他好好见识一下云隐村的实力。” „, Chakra Transportation Cannon changes, a round into the soul, leaves fast, otherwise loses one's life!!” Killer B snort/hum that inferior incomparable rap while presses down the final tension bar, at the same time one group of Kumogakure elites in distant place poured into own chakra through the installment some machine. “,查克拉时空炮改,一发入魂,快速离开,否则送命!!”奇拉比一边哼着那蹩脚无比的说唱一边将最终拉杆按下,与此同时在远处的一群云隐村精英通过装置将自己的查克拉灌入到了某个机器之中。 Chakra Transportation Cannon changes, this bases on original Chakra Transportation Cannon to conduct to reorganize the later Kumogakure ultimate weapon two times. Beforehand originally Chakra Transportation Cannon after experiencing invasions of Otsutsuki two people of groups, was made the second transformation by the Raikage veto. 查克拉时空炮改,这是基于原本的查克拉时空炮进行过二次整改之后的云隐村终极武器。之前的原本查克拉时空炮在经历过一次大筒木二人组的入侵之后,被雷影否决进行了第二次改造。 Chakra Transportation Cannon through accumulation numerous Ninja chakra, makes to be stronger, faster unapproachable bombing Tailed Beast Ball through the way of shell. Because chakra among various people are different, therefore Chakra Transportation Cannon cannot compromise from the beginning very well completely them, the research of Kumogakure fell into the stationary state for a long time. 查克拉时空炮就是通过聚集众多忍者查克拉,通过炮弹的方式制造出比尾兽玉更强、更加迅捷无可匹敌的炮击。由于各人之间的查克拉不尽相同,所以查克拉时空炮一开始并不能很好地将它们完全调和起来,云隐村的研究在很长时间内都陷入了停滞状态。 However, along with regarding the research that Tailed Beast Ball attacks, Kumogakure changes tune with chakra, but how to change to the research direction the chakra delayed explosion of rebellion, studied to prompt forward several stages all of a sudden. 不过,伴随着对于尾兽玉攻击的研究,云隐村一改调和查克拉,而将如何将暴动的查克拉延迟爆炸改为了研究方向,一下子研究向前推进了数个阶段。 But original Chakra Transportation Cannon destructive power completely not compared with before Le Yuan displays, broken star-level Golden Wheel Reincarnation Explosion comes weakly. However after experiencing the Le Yuan high mobility, its two transformations of Raikage to a fixed ability that supplement, and had a bigger promotion on the penetration and demolition. 而原本的查克拉时空炮的破坏力完全不比乐渊之前表现出来的,破星级的金轮转生爆来得弱。不过在见识到了乐渊的高机动性之后,雷影对它的二次改造追加的一项锁定能力,并且在穿透与爆破性上有了更大的提升。 Facing is opening the domain be at completely not defended condition Le Yuan, ordering of Raikage is it can be said that just right, Chakra Transportation Cannon changes the energy artillery that can be said as lies in producing instantaneously to lock Le Yuan completely, the section achieves 100 squares ultra-large bombing to cover Le Yuan completely. 面对正在张开领域处于完全不设防状态的乐渊,雷影的下令可以说是恰到好处,查克拉时空炮改可以说是在于瞬间产生的能量炮将乐渊完全锁定,截面达到一百平方的超大炮击将乐渊完全笼罩。 Bang “轰” The attack that Chakra Transportation Cannon changes gives to dismiss the hole that is unable to heal in a short time the atmosphere instantaneously, but looks that vanishes, in Chakra Transportation Cannon changes to attack Le Yuan, Raikage only felt oneself have Kumogakure to become the Ninja World continent hero simply. 查克拉时空炮改的攻击瞬间将大气层都给开除一个短时间内无法愈合的洞,而看着消失在查克拉时空炮改攻击中的乐渊,雷影只觉得自己还有云隐村简直成为了忍界大陆的英雄。 Quickly, whether sending out the reconnaissance squad to search for goal already completely to vanish is issuing the instruction Raikage suddenly to discover own secretary Mabui stands there unexpectedly dull, probably simply has not heard him to speak, what you are looking, I have make your surprised?” “快,派出侦察班去搜寻一下是否目标已经完全消失”正在下达指令的雷影突然发现自己身旁的秘书麻布依竟然呆呆地站在那里,像是根本没有听到他说话似的,“你在看些什么,我有那么令你吃惊的吗?” Raikage somewhat was strange, but discovered that the Mabui vision does not look but oneself are oneself behind, he absolutely does not have to detect oneself have what difference behind. Even if he is not sensation Ninja, but is still insufficient to be touched by what thing to also knows nothing behind. 雷影原本还有些奇怪,但是发现麻布依的目光并不是看着自己而是自己的身后,他可是完全没有察觉自己身后有什么异样。就算他不是感知忍者,但是也不至于被什么东西摸到身后还一无所知。 The instance that however when Raikage turns around, was shocked similarly. Saw only Le Yuan one not to have the wound to stand in him behind, but thing that in his hand grasped how saw how to seem like attacks that reduced innumerable times of Chakra Transportation Cannon to change. 不过当雷影转身的瞬间,同样被震撼到了。只见乐渊一身无伤地站在了他的身后,而他的手上抓的东西怎么看怎么像是一枚缩小了无数倍的查克拉时空炮改的攻击。 You, how possibly looked should disappear Le Yuan obviously in just attack appeared again, Raikage surprised also in sizing up that on Le Yuan energy ball that took to him the intense discomfort. “你,怎么可能”望着明明应该消失在刚刚攻击中的乐渊再一次出现,雷影惊讶的同时也在打量着乐渊手上的那个带给他强烈不安感的能量球。 Your this fellow also increases the work load to me randomly, wanted in just to shift you to my world together, has not thought that is actually used to cope with this thing.” Le Yuan was saying extended the Raikage front the energy ball in hand, later with scaring to death Raikage and his secretary Mabui words returned saying that this was I intercepts just attack to obtain, although was not complete, but was used to destroy Kumogakure should not be a problem, you said how I should report you just to entertain?” “你这家伙还真是乱给我增加工作量,原本想要在刚刚将你们一起转移到我的世界,没想到却用来对付这个玩意。”乐渊说着将手中的能量球伸到了雷影的面前,随后用吓死雷影和他秘书麻布依的话回到道,“这是我截取刚刚的攻击得到的,虽然并不是全部,但是用来毁了云隐村应该不成问题,你说我该怎么汇报你们刚刚的招待呢?” The threat, absolutely is a threat. Although Le Yuan said these words with a smile, and on the face did not have slight murderous aura to exist, however actually compared any murderous aura to have threat in the Raikage hear. 威胁,绝对是一个威胁。虽然乐渊是笑着说出这一句话的,并且脸上没有丝毫的杀气存在,但是在雷影听来却比任何的杀气更加具有恐吓性。 Although does not want in every possible way, but facing Le Yuan that overwhelming Strength, Fourth Raikage also has to lower the head saying: Must kill to hack entirely according to your convenience, but please let off Kumogakure, they have nothing to do with this matter, is my Raikage forces merely their 虽然百般不愿意,但是面对乐渊那压倒性的力量,四代雷影也不得不低头道:“要杀要剐悉听尊便,但是请放过云隐村的诸位,他们与此事无关,仅仅是我这个雷影逼迫他们的” Without Fourth Raikage is others gets free of the crime, then saw that Le Yuan pats his shoulder is seeming like not care said: Ha, how I will blame you! Your Kumogakure research capability I appreciated, wait till the new world also to hope that you continued to be engaged in the research of chakra science and technology, but must all take away you before is good 没等四代雷影为其他人开脱罪过,便见到乐渊拍着他的肩膀像是毫不在意地说道:“哈哈哈,我怎么会怪你们呢!你们云隐村的研究能力我非常欣赏,等到了新世界还希望你们继续从事查克拉科技化的研究,不过在此之前还要将你们全都带走才行” The attack of Kumogakure indeed makes Le Yuan be startled, if were not Le Yuan already opened the domain at that time, even if perhaps Le Yuan will eat up that move still to end up the severely wounded situation. However in order to copes with this move perfectly, he has to be used to cope with the attack of Chakra Transportation Cannon the domain. 云隐村的攻击的确让乐渊吃了一惊,如果当时不是乐渊已经将领域张开的话,恐怕就算是乐渊吃下那一招也会落得重伤的地步。不过为了能够完美对付这一招,他不得不将领域用来对付查克拉时空炮的攻击。 Handled Five Great Ninja Villages, Le Yuan then unceasingly in various Ninja World places walk randomly some electing characteristics small ninja village one and packs. Naturally some unusual Ninja World lifeform including Island Turtle and place Le Yuan also no yo lets off, Mount Myōboku and Ryūchi Cave, Shikkotsu Forest and so on summoned beast agglomeration carried off by the Le Yuan pack similarly, in brief the Ninja World most valuable place all encountered the violent treachery. 搞定了五大忍村,乐渊接下来不断在忍界各处游走将一些选的的特色小忍村一并打包。当然包括龟岛在内的一些奇特忍界生物、地方乐渊也没哟放过,妙木山龙地洞,湿骨林之类的通灵兽聚集地同样被乐渊打包带走,总而言之忍界最值钱的地方全都遭到了毒手。 After solving these, entire Ninja continent already is completely as expected chaotic. Five great nations did not have ninja village this military organization, the overall strength drops is not a tiny bit, because the certain Ninja organizations of other small countries could not amount to something to evade the raid of Le Yuan, therefore becomes on Ninja continent the rare battle efficiency. 当解决了这些之后,整个忍者大陆不出所料已经完全混乱了。五大国没有了忍村这一军事组织,整体的实力下降得不是一星半点,而其他小国的某些忍者组织由于上不得台面避过了乐渊的搜捕,因此成为了忍者大陆上难得的战斗力。 However Le Yuan may not have Kungfu to pay attention to the fights of these people, although the person and place carried off by Le Yuan, but if Le Yuan anything does not do, their strengths also life-long such, the chakra rule that after all in Le Yuan Small World includes is miserable, is really not enough to make the Naruto World person conduct the next step cultivation. 不过乐渊可没有功夫去理会这些人的战斗,虽然人和地都被乐渊带走了,但是如果乐渊什么都不做,他们的实力也就终生那样了,毕竟乐渊小世界内含有的查克拉规则实在是少得可怜,根本不足以令火影世界的人进行下一步的修炼。 Looks at also remaining ten are less than share, because the Le Yuan action came under an influence, making some not enter the Small World person also to go, but well in these people was the average person, although the quantity were many a point, but has not had the influence on the overall situation. 了看着还剩下的十不到的份额,由于乐渊行动受到了一点影响,使得一些本不应该进入小世界的人也进去了,不过好在那些人不过是普通人而已,虽然量多了一点但也未对全局造成影响。 Finally is also the most essential part of principles, Le Yuan must suiting in Naruto World the person the principle that practices absorb part to enter Small World, although is perhaps incomplete, who makes the Naruto World person not reach the peak at present, therefore this incomplete principle could grow to become the complete chakra principle under making up of people. 最后也是最关键的一部分法则,乐渊要将适合火影世界中人修行的法则摄取一部分进入小世界,虽然或许并不完整,但是谁让目前火影世界的人也并未达到巅峰,所以这不完整的法则在中众人的弥补之下或许能够成长成为完整的查克拉法则。 In the final analysis, this world's most valuable thing is not the person also has the thing, but is this can breed Kaguya also to have the chakra principle of Hagoromo so strength, but now part of already of this principle were the Le Yuan it'ses in the bag. To be continued. 说到底,这个世界最值钱的东西并不是人还有物,而是这个能够孕育出辉夜还有羽衣这般实力的查克拉法则,不过现在这法则的一部分已经乐渊的囊中之物了。未完待续。 ... ...
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