VE :: Volume #8 三阶首战影之忍者

#756: Momotaro also has that Kintaro

Demonstrated after a round of military force the elephant arm that making Five Kages on the scene lose the thoughts of resistance temporarily, but started to move after already relatively speaking to the new world, how should Mizukage and Tsuchikage of domain, only has Raikage after seeing the Le Yuan broken star struck in the look to disclose flames of war that wanted to revolt against. 经过一轮武力显示出的大象胳膊,令在场的五影都暂时丧失了对抗的心思,不过比较起相对而言已经开始着手搬迁到新世界后该怎么圈地盘的水影土影,唯有雷影在见到乐渊的破星一击后眼神中透露出想要反抗的战火。 Perhaps strength Fourth Raikage A of Le Yuan hand broken star cannot only achieve life-long, character who entire Ninja World is also very difficult to train such rococo architecture, but regarding defeating Le Yuan this matter he still has not lost heart until this time. 或许乐渊只手破星的实力四代雷影艾终生也达不到,整个忍界也很难培养出这么一个变态式的人物,但是对于战胜乐渊这件事情直到此时他依然没有死心。 Kumogakure also has one to compare favorably just broke the plan of star battle efficiency, perhaps before seeing the Le Yuan strength this plan will be put aside forever, but Raikage said at this moment anything must carry out it. 云忍村还有着一个可以媲美刚刚破星战斗力的计划,或许在见到乐渊的实力之前这个计划永远会被搁置下来,但是这一刻雷影说什么都要将它执行下去了。 With this Five Kage Summit, entire Ninja World fell into peace for a long time again, without the war does not have the disaster, all ninja village were warned probably general nearly in the conservative life. 随着这一次五影会谈,整个忍界再一次陷入了长久以来的和平之中,没有战事也没有天灾,所有的忍村都像是受到了警告一般过起了近乎于保守的生活。 The time in arrived at the Ninja Calendar 72 years unknowingly, this is Le Yuan keeps the second year of the bottom this world, with Le Yuan lives together Huang Rong and Reika already was even used to it in the complete custom of this Ninja World life, has been spreading a Le Yuan not old legend besides Konoha, nearly everyone already was used to the Ninja supplementary class that is set up by Le Yuan. 时间在不知不觉之中来到了忍历72年,这是乐渊留在这个世界的倒数第二个年头,和乐渊生活在一起的黄蓉还有玲花甚至已经习惯了在这忍界生活的全部习俗,除了木叶一直流传着乐渊一家不老传说之外,近乎所有人都已经习惯了由乐渊开办的忍者补习班。 Reason that said that is the supplementary class, that purely is the content that because Le Yuan teaches is the foundation in foundation, practicing of taijutsu, ninjutsu or genjutsu only teaches the foundation part, does not surpass the instruction content of Ninja school on the depth, is actually not the Ninja school can compare favorably on excavation of foundation, the degree that even senior Jōnin is hard to attain has the instruction. 之所以说是补习班,那纯粹是因为乐渊所传授的内容全都是基础中的基础,无论是体术、忍术还是幻术的修行都只传授基础部分,就深度而言并不超过忍者学校的传授内容,不过在基础的挖掘度上却远不是忍者学校可以媲美的,甚至连资深上忍都难以企及的程度都有传授。 But as lived about 8 years of Yui in Konoha, actually also felt a worry as child in this. Since settling down in Konoha, Yui became friends with the friends of many being the same age. However the entire 8 years passed by, friend actually already that these were the same age grows up, but as Yui of electronic elf is still that less than 10 years old of appearance. 而作为在木叶村生活了将近八年的结衣,却也在这之中感受到了作为一个孩子的烦恼。从落户在木叶村以来,结衣就结交了不少同岁的朋友。不过整整八年过去了,那些原本同岁的朋友却已经长大,而身为电子精灵的结衣依然是那副十岁不到的样子。 However is good because of Yui is the heart is big, the psychology of growing nearly the appearance that stops not displaying anything to complain regarding oneself, on the contrary this has maintained the appearance of child to make her have Huang Rong them to achieve success one way or another among Le Yuan, that it can be said that in the family/home most is favored. 不过好在结衣还算是心大,对于自己成长近乎停止的外貌并没有表现出什么抱怨的心理,相反这样一直保持着孩童的模样令她在乐渊还有黄蓉她们之间左右逢源,可以说是家中最受宠的那一个。 Such peaceful life Le Yuan person thinks that day when continuously the leave finished, perhaps but is the world is not willing to let Le Yuan this continuously peacefully. In Ninja Calendar 72 years in August, said that was the Ōtsutsuki Momoshiki person arrives in Ninja continent, and just entered the stage destroyed half Kumogakure, but in which Eight-Tails Jinchūriki Killer B fell into the endangered condition, but Fourth Raikage A caused heavy losses similarly unprecedentedly. 这样和平的生活原本乐渊人会认为一直等到休假时间结束的那一天,不过或许是世界也不愿意让乐渊这样一直和平地过下去。就在忍历72年的8月份,自称为大筒木桃式的人降临在了忍者大陆,并且刚出场就毁灭了半个云忍村,而其中的八尾人柱力奇拉比更是陷入了濒危状态,而四代雷影艾同样遭受到前所未有的重创。 Shortly after Kumogakure suffers a disaster, destroyed the Kumogakure criminal warrant for arrest then to proliferate entire Ninja World continent, but immediately suffered the Raikage interrogation naturally was the criminal has same pair of Byakugan Konoha Hyūga Clan. 而在云忍村遭劫后不久,破坏云忍村的罪犯通缉令便遍布了整个忍界大陆,而在第一时间遭受到雷影质问的自然就是和罪犯有着同样一双白眼木叶日向一族 However without and other Hyūga Clan cast aside the clean relations, Ōtsutsuki Momoshiki and Ōtsutsuki Kinshiki these two owner blood-color Rinnegan people then arrived at Konoha again . Moreover the goal is not others, is current Nine-Tails Jinchūriki Uzumaki Kushina. 不过没等日向一族撇干净关系,大筒木桃式大筒木金式这两个拥有者血色轮回眼的人便再一次降临了木叶,而且目标不是别人,正是现任九尾人柱力漩涡玖辛奈 Hateful, Rasengan!” “可恶,螺旋丸!” Looks at already to absorb Nine-Tails chakra Hagoromo Momoshiki Strength that Uzumaki Kushina erupted in this moment becomes exceptionally fearful, Namikaze Minato on Momoshiki body wanted to conduct the surprise attack to rescue own wife with the aid of former Flying Thunder God's mark of imprint. 望着已经吸收了漩涡玖辛奈爆发出来的九尾查克拉羽衣桃式力量在这一刻变得异常可怕,波风水门借助之前烙印桃式身体上的飞雷神印记想要进行突袭救出自己的妻子。 What a pity cared that chaotic Namikaze Minato completely with the aid of not walking randomly to detect Rasengan chakra that the Momoshiki Rinnegan special capability, Rinnegan of Momoshiki right hand palm will condense highly absorbs completely, but ejects toward the chest of Namikaze Minato in the instantaneous left hand, struck compared with just powerful ten times of Rasengan hit the chest of Namikaze Minato . 可惜关心则乱的波风水门完全没有借助游走察觉到桃式轮回眼的特殊能力,桃式右手手心的轮回眼将高度凝聚的螺旋丸查克拉完全吸收,而在瞬间左手向着波风水门的胸口击出,一击比刚刚强大了十倍的螺旋丸命中了波风水门的胸口。 However Namikaze Minato worthily is Namikaze Minato , space Ninjutsu use that is superb. Momoshiki hits in his chest that strikes ultra-large Rasengan simply not to injure to his body, on the contrary after the distant place by Ōtsutsuki Kinshiki that one crowd of Konoha Ninja besiege conducted the back is hit by anything suddenly, the entire body was exploded covered with blood in just explosion. 不过波风水门不愧是波风水门,空间忍术的使用那是出神入化。桃式击中在他胸口的那一击超大螺旋丸根本没有伤到他的身体,相反在远处被一群木叶忍者围攻的大筒木金式的后背上突然被什么击中了,整个身体在刚刚的爆炸中被炸得血肉模糊。 This is the special utilization of Flying Thunder God Technique, Flying Thunder God's mark of already under body imprint will hit the attack of body to shift to the object of another mark on early, it can be said that with treats as the move of own scapegoat the enemy. 这就是飞雷神之术的特殊运用,将早已经在身上烙印下的飞雷神印记将击中自己身体的攻击转移到另一个印记的物体上,可以说是和将敌人当作自己的替死鬼的招数。 Although after the attack of right hand submerges to the body of Namikaze Minato , Ōtsutsuki Momoshiki then already detects the different situation, but regarding only knows him who the substance abuse actually never has the attentive cultivation, misses regarding the control strength of technique to simply without friend. 虽然在右手的攻击没入到波风水门的身体之后,大筒木桃式便已经察觉到了异况,但是对于只知道嗑药却从来没有用心修炼的他而言,对于术的控制力简直差到没朋友。 The ultra-high reaction speed that however the substance abuse cracks with the teeth made Momoshiki first arrive side Kinshiki that lost the battle efficiency. 不过嗑药嗑出来的超高反应速度令桃式第一时间来到了失去战斗力的金式身旁。 Sir, do not hesitate, takes away my Strength, bringing the divine tree fruit to rule this world!” “大人,不要犹豫,将我的力量拿去吧,带着神树的果实君临这个世界!” Present Kinshiki depended on the strong body not dead, but how completely lost his even vitality again powerful of combat capability is still a living target. 现在的金式靠着强壮的身体并没有就此死去,但是完全失去了战斗能力的他就算生命力再怎么强大也不过是个活靶子。 I will not be lenient, your Strength I received!” Momoshiki may not have slightly embarrassed even is softhearted, the right hand according to the Kinshiki body, the entire body of next second of Kinshiki was absorbed to change to blood-color peach completely. “我不会手软了,你的力量我接收了!”桃式可没有丝毫的不好意思甚至是心慈手软,右手按在金式身体上,下一秒金式的整个身体都被完全吸收化作了一个血色的桃子。 But the Momoshiki fight method simply is the local tyrant substance abuse class/flow, could not be victorious to knock to instill, hits knocked to instill remnantly, chakra insufficient knocked to instill...... already to fall into Momoshiki in surrounding, depended on forcefully eats that blood-color peach that was transformed by Kinshiki becomes to change the body to become the condition of scarlet ghost, original surrounding will defeat thoroughly. 桃式的战斗方法简直就是土豪嗑药流,打不过磕点药,打残了磕点药,查克拉不够了磕点药……原本已经陷入包围之中的桃式,硬生生靠着吃了那个由金式转化而成的血色桃子变身成为了赤鬼的状态,将原本的包围彻底击破。 General Martial Arts already is unable to promote Momoshiki to conduct the injury to Strength, Agility and speed completely, but the chakra Ninjutsu attack will then fall incautiously is the board game piece that in the Momoshiki hand counter-attacks, suddenly entire Konoha Ninja can only adopt the pattern that encircles not to attack. 一般的体术已经无法对力量敏捷、速度完全提升过桃式进行伤害,而查克拉忍术攻击则更加一不小心便会落为桃式手中反击的棋子,一时间整个木叶忍者都只能采取围而不攻的模式。 Gate of View, Open, Morning Peacock!” 景门开,朝孔雀!” While by Konoha Ninja is the impatient Momoshiki preparation starts the big might the move clears the way, simultaneously two from this him one on the left and other on the right passed on. Guy and Little Lee this pair of master and disciple was opening sixth gate instantaneously, and with unique skill[ Morning Peacock] conducted jointly attacking. 正当被木叶忍者为的不耐烦的桃式准备发动大威力的招数开道的时候,齐齐地两声从这他一左一右传了过来。阿凯和小李这一对师徒在瞬间开启了六门,并且用绝招[朝孔雀]进行了合击。 After supervelocity fist and air friction, a lot of fireballs that form launch the long-distance attack, because this is the pure Martial Arts attack, not before these fireballs of chakra constitution not such as total was absorbed generally completely. 超高速的正拳与空气摩擦后形成的大量火球进行远程攻击,由于这是纯粹的体术攻击,并非由查克拉构成似的这些火球并未如之前的共计一般被完全吸收。 Damn, Almighty Push!” “该死的,神罗天征!” Owner Rinnegan Momoshiki naturally has the ability of control attraction and repulsion, but this move one then lost control with, immediately Almighty Push of ultra-large range shook to fly everyone, because Momoshiki similarly consumed massive chakra to fall to the ground to rest. 拥有者轮回眼桃式自然有着控制引力、斥力的能力,不过这一招一用之下便失去了控制,顿时超大范围的神罗天征将所有人都震飞了出去,而桃式同样因为消耗了大量的查克拉而倒地歇息。 Hateful, I must many medicines, tailed beast chakra I certain......” “可恶,我还要更多的药,尾兽查克拉我一定……” Obtained a point restoration Momoshiki that the remaining red pills swallow, stood up he who not to wait to turn around from the ground to depart then sees kept off Le Yuan before his body. 将剩下的红色药丸吞下的桃式获得了一点的恢复,从地上站起的他还没等转身离去便见到了挡在他身前的乐渊 Also wants to block me depending on you? Death!” “凭你也想要阻我?死吧!” Is looking at Le Yuan one completely different in the Konoha Ninja attire, the body of that completely few minute/share of chakra aura, Momoshiki is close to the body of Le Yuan wanting him to refine the prepared medicine in a flash. 望着乐渊一身完全迥异于木叶忍者的装束,还有那完全没有几分查克拉气息的身体,桃式转瞬间便接近乐渊的身体想要将他炼制成药。 Ka “咔 This is the sound of bone break, saw only just put out a hand to probably grasp pulls down to the Le Yuan Momoshiki right hand break wrap/sets. Regarding present Momoshiki, in the Le Yuan heart discontented that was natural, to cope with his entire Konoha was busy at work, even the Le Yuan rare leisurely and carefree day was disturbed. 这是骨头断裂的声音,只见刚刚伸出手欲要抓向乐渊桃式右手断裂套拉了下来。对于眼前的桃式,乐渊心中不满那是自然了,为了对付他整个木叶都忙活了起来,连乐渊难得的悠闲日子都被打搅到了。 Moreover Kumogakure that was destroyed by him must move to Small World to go in the future, in other words is the Le Yuan possession. But directly destroyed the Le Yuan thing behavior to Momoshiki this, that simply and shears the meat to amass money on Le Yuan has not distinguished. 而且被他摧毁的云忍村未来可是要搬到小世界去的,换句话来说就是乐渊的所有物。而向桃式这样直接破坏了乐渊东西的行为,那简直和在乐渊身上割肉抢钱没有区别。 Decided, the body that your fellow uses also has Soul as the compensation! Your present already was me, all contributed all your!” “决定了,你这家伙就用的身体还有灵魂作为补偿吧!你现在已经属于我了,把你的一切全都贡献出来!” As small Boss, Ōtsutsuki Momoshiki is not naturally able places on a par with Kaguya as well as Hagoromo, the war share are not many, but his value is actually not the average person can compare favorably. 作为一个小波ss,大筒木桃式自然无法和辉夜以及羽衣相提并论,战局的份额并不多,不过他身上的价值却不是一般人可以媲美的。 The bloodlines of Ōtsutsuki Clan, the special technique law also has technique in mind is thing that is worth look into. In any event, Ōtsutsuki Momoshiki cannot die to live, when Momoshiki prepares to counter-attack, Le Yuan then already decides on the attention, even if broke his four limbs still to guarantee that he can be packed to enter Small World. 大筒木一族的血脉,特殊的术法还有脑海中的技术都是值得探究的东西。无论如何,大筒木桃式不能死必须活着,所以在桃式准备反击的时候,乐渊便已经打定注意,就算断了他的四肢也要保证他能够被打包进入小世界 This fight already did not have the suspense, Ōtsutsuki Momoshiki arm already to be discarded, in other words his absorbed repertoire already that and doubled returns to be abandoned, but how competition Martial Arts light/only depended on a substance abuse good-for-nothing and Le Yuan this wants to compare with fight Le Yuan. 这一场战斗已经没有了悬念,大筒木桃式的一只手臂已经被废掉,换句话说他那吸收、加倍返还的套路已经被废,而比拼体术光靠一个嗑药的废柴如何和乐渊这个久经战斗的乐渊想比。 The fight was about one minute, Ōtsutsuki Momoshiki then lost the strength of resistance thoroughly. After Le Yuan launches the domain completely, was shouted by Le Yuan Heroic Spirit guard Lü Lingqi that and the others of sent under escort was entering Small World. 战斗不过一分钟,大筒木桃式便彻底失去了反抗之力。而在乐渊将领域完全展开之后,被乐渊喊出来的英灵卫队的吕绮玲等人押解着进入了小世界 Konoha destroyed 34 buildings in the war of Otsutsuki two person group attack merely, injured more than 20 people, really must say that died in battle is one does not have. And no doubt has Namikaze Minato to depend on the Space-Time Ninjutsu shift battlefield factor, has the factor influence that the Konoha gang ambushes ahead of time. 木叶大筒木双人组来袭之战中仅仅是摧毁了三四栋建筑,伤了二十多人而已,真要说阵亡的那是一个没有。其中固然有波风水门靠着时空忍术转移战场的因素,也有着木叶一伙人提前埋伏的因素影响。 Was destroyed compared with the pitiful condition in half village with Kumogakure, the place of Kumogakure biggest faulty stroke in handwriting has not expected the attacking mode of enemy completely. Killer B attacks with Tailed Beast Ball arbitrarily, who once wants to be absorbed the use by the enemy on the contrary, becomes the strongest helper who destroys to have. 云忍村被摧毁了半个村子的惨状相比,云忍村最大的败笔之处就是完全没有预料到敌人的攻击模式。奇拉比擅自用尾兽玉进行攻击,谁曾想反倒被敌人吸收利用,成为了摧毁存在的最强帮手。 However although Kumogakure half village thinks that this surprise attack destroyed, but fortunately the casualties are not such as the village like that are only serious, most injuries were shouldered by Killer B Tailed Beast Transformation, the village also has the wound of villagers mostly to be created by the impact of Tailed Beast Ball. 不过虽然云忍村的半个村子都以为这一次的突袭毁了,不过唯一值得庆幸的是伤亡并不是如村子那般惨重,绝大多数伤害都由奇拉比尾兽化扛了下来,村子还有村民的伤大多是被尾兽玉的冲击造成的。 As the attacks of Otsutsuki two people of groups end, Le Yuan welcomed the last act in adventure already of this world truly. 随着大筒木二人组的袭击落幕,乐渊在这个世界的冒险已经真正迎来尾声。 ... ...
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