VE :: Volume #8 三阶首战影之忍者

#755: Threat? Is an notice!

The Five Kages congress, this in Ninja continent is the resolution that no one is able to neglect. Can hold the Five Kages congress without doubt can only be the Five Great Ninja Villages respective shadow, only when some village had sufficiently affects the entire village is as for a national even continent significant event the time on own initiative will convene. 五影大会,这在忍者大陆是一项谁都无法忽视的决议。能够召开五影大会的无疑只能是五大忍村各自的影,只有当某一村有了足以影响整个村子乃至于国家甚至一个大陆的重大事项的时候才会主动召开。 Since First Hokage Senju Hashirama held the first Five Kages congress, almost Five Great Ninja Villages each generation has rare obedient to the Five Kages congress henceforward, once convenes almost does not have ninja village to brave public opinion at the Five Kages congress causes trouble. In some sense, conducts the provocation at the Five Kages congress, is provoking the Five Great Ninja Villages dignity. 自从初代火影千手柱间召开了第一届五影大会之后,几乎五大忍村自此以后每一代都对五影大会有着超乎寻常的服从性,一旦召开几乎没有一个忍村会冒大不韪在五影大会上闹事。某种意义上,在五影大会上进行挑衅行为,就是在挑衅五大忍村的尊严。 But this Five Kages congress is in the shadow time by the younger generation is most likely to reach the peak Namikaze Minato to initiate, has the moral behavior regarding the Namikaze Minato character, entire Ninja World can say that has regarded him to feel admiring for Raikage of opponent, therefore after Namikaze Minato initiates, almost all shadow all acting as soon as one gets the news secrets hurry to toward this congress place Land of Waves time. 而这一次的五影大会更是由年轻一代中影最有可能登上巅峰的波风水门发起,对于波风水门的性格还有人品,整个忍界可以说就连一直视他为对手的雷影都感到钦佩,因此在波风水门发起之后,几乎所有的影全部闻风而动秘密向着这一次的大会地点波之国赶去。 Land of Waves close to a Ninja World continent small island (Kojima) country, faces each other across the sea with Land of Fire, has the trade with Land of Hot Water and Land of Water. It has not armed Strength Land of Waves, although as a result without the so-called military force cannot call the great nation, because also so here also rarely receives affect of flames of war in all previous Ninja World war. 波之国是靠近忍界大陆的一个小岛国,与火之国隔海相望,同时也与汤之国水之国有着贸易往来。本身没有武装力量波之国虽然由于没有所谓的军力而称不上大国,但也因为如此这里在历代忍界大战中也很少受到战火的波及。 When Five Kages brings the respective subordinate is arriving at Land of Waves assembly, actually saw Le Yuan is sitting by a impatient appearance on the Five Kage Summit table, such will fear ordinary person to see will be angry, not to mention it was a shadow of village strength symbol. 五影带着各自的部下来到波之国集会现场的时候,却见到了乐渊正以一副不耐烦的样子坐在五影会谈的桌子上,那样子恐怕正常人看到都会恼怒,更别提本身就是一村实力象征的影了。 However was good in four shades besides Namikaze Minato has also seen Le Yuan this once the active Konoha Jōnin information person, looked at the vision to one side was responding with the forced smile Namikaze Minato , meaning very understand in look, how that was you trains the subordinate, how to present such a innocent subordinate. 不过好在除了波风水门之外的四个影也是看到过乐渊这个曾经活跃的木叶上忍情报的人,纷纷将目光望向了一旁正报以苦笑的波风水门,眼神中的意思很明白,那就是你是怎么调教部下的,怎么会出现这么一个不懂事的部下。 Fourth Hokage, if you will not teach the subordinate, then I did not mind that teaches his anything to be called the etiquette with my way, my may not be comfortable independently, may make him life-long!” 四代火影,如果你不会教导部下的话,那么我不介意用我的方式教一下他什么叫做礼仪,不过我的放手可就不怎么舒服了,可能会令他终生难忘的!” Fourth Raikage oh pinches fist one to prepare to go forward to teach the Le Yuan appearance at any time, his performance made Mizukage and Tsuchikage, although felt somewhat disrespectful, but also had no objection, after all the Le Yuan present appearance clarified not to them the face, indeed had under teaches. 四代雷影唉捏着拳头一副随时准备上前教训乐渊的样子,他的这个表现令水影土影虽然觉得有些失礼但是同样没什么异议,毕竟乐渊现在的样子摆明了是不给他们面子,的确是有欠管教。 Raikage has not acted seriously directly, uses Thunder God Armor such strengthening Nintaijutsu, after all even without that move of Raikage speed and Strength is also existence that Ninja World ranks among the best. At conference to Konoha Jōnin with the unique skill, actually this is to demonstrate? Demonstration? Demonstration? 雷影并没有直接动真格的,使用雷神之铠这样的强化的忍体术,毕竟就算不用那一招雷影的速度和力量也是忍界数一数二的存在。况且在会议现场对一个木叶上忍用绝招,这究竟是示威呢?示威呢?还是示威呢? The Raikage beforehand action has leave alone conforms to Tsuchikage and Mizukage psychology, if disrupted the development of Five Kages congress, even Raikage also do not fish the least bit advantage on the conference table. 别管雷影之前的举动有多么符合土影水影的心理,但是一旦扰乱了五影大会的开展,就算是雷影同样也别在谈判桌上捞得半点好处。 Bang “嘭 Raikage that sticks out suddenly brings dust, started attack command everyone on the scene could not bear wink a eye, but was Kungfu of this twinkling this strikes then decided the victory and defeat. Raikage that before seeing only rushed, attacks to be wasted at a quicker speed instantaneously. 暴起的雷影带起一阵尘土,发动的攻击令在场的所有人忍不住眨了一下眼睛,但就是这一眨眼的功夫这一击便分出了胜负。只见原本冲上前攻击的雷影在瞬间以更快的速度被打飞了回来。 You...... hateful......” “你……可恶……” Raikage that was striked to fly has not received any injury, hits in his Strength is an impetus, Strength has not caused the destructive damage to his body merely. But because made Raikage be angry, acting cool inadequately instead by grass, this was makes him drop the face in front of other Four Kages simply. 被打飞回来的雷影并没有受到任何的伤害,打在他身上的力量仅仅是一个推动作用,力量并没有对他的身体造成破坏性的伤害。但正是因为如此才更加令雷影感到愤怒,装逼不成反被艹,这简直就是让他在其他四影面前落下了面子。 Raikage already of already flood electrification light was without doubt angry, cannot bear want the Nintaijutsu attack that uses Thunder God Armor to mobilize him most to excel at unexpectedly. However did not have, when Raikage begins, Namikaze Minato and Terumī Mei also had Ōnoki three people of already to begin him to keep off in abundance. 身上已经泛起电光的雷影无疑已经愤怒了,竟然忍不住想要动用雷神之铠发动他最擅长的忍体术攻击。不过还没等到雷影动手,波风水门照美冥还有大野木三人已经纷纷动手将他挡了下来。 „Do you, want to harbor this boy?” “你们,难道想要包庇这个小子吗?” Raikage looks was arriving at Three Kages before oneself skin to ask kunai and other weapons, could see that he is in a towering rage now, can such motionless speech already be enduring patiently, although the tone flushed a point, but several other people have not displayed the angry appearance. 雷影艾望着将苦无等武器抵在自己皮肤前的三影不由问道,看得出他现在怒气冲天,能够这么不动地讲话已经是一种忍耐了,虽然语气冲了一点,但是其他几人都没有表现出愤怒的样子。 Raikage-sama, did you want to begin here to open? We may come to here to fight incessantly, but also please restrain own mood!” 雷影大人,您难道想要动手将这里拆了吗?我们可不止来这里战斗的,还请您克制一下自己的情绪!” Five Dynasties Kazekage Gaara that has not begun only looked at the Fourth Raikage persuasion saying that only as presenting all shadow later generations, his strength missed can do then persuaded. 唯一没有动手的五代风影我爱罗望着四代雷影劝说道,作为在场所有影的后辈,他实力差了一点唯一能够做的便是劝说。 Hears the Gaara words, the thunder and lightning that the Raikage body stimulates is restraining little, seeming like him also has sane existence finally. However although received the stance of attack, but does not represent his will let off Le Yuan. 听到我爱罗的话,雷影身上激发出来的雷电正在一点点地收敛,看起来他还总算是有着理智的存在。不过虽然收起了攻击的架势,但不代表他这是会放过乐渊 Sees only the Raikage right hand to lift to point is sitting Le Yuan on table as before, with words that has the anger: Fourth Hokage, but also please teach well this fellow, anything is called the custom! Does not know, here is not the place that he acts unruly!” 只见雷影右手抬起指着依旧坐在桌子上的乐渊,用一种带着火气的话语道:“四代火影,还请你好好教导一下这个家伙,什么叫做规矩!难道不知道,这里可不是他撒野的地方!” Several other shades also go to Namikaze Minato the vision again, causes chaotic Raikage compared with the violent anger, they favor punishing this cause Le Yuan. How after all Raikage said that is also and their first-level existences, must favor will not favor Le Yuan such Jōnin. 其他几个影也将目光再一次投向波风水门,比起暴怒而引得混乱的雷影,他们更倾向于惩罚这一次中的起因乐渊。毕竟雷影怎么说也是和他们一级的存在,要偏袒也不会偏袒乐渊这么一个上忍 Regarding other Four Kages vision, Namikaze Minato can only awkward hehe smiles. Taught the Le Yuan custom? Even if this saying placed just started to know that Le Yuan that a while he does not think oneself had this strength, but presently soon Le Yuan after to let Namikaze Minato convened the Five Kages congress exposed the part of own true strength, he does not think so. 对于其他四影的目光,波风水门只能尴尬的呵呵一笑。教导乐渊规矩?这话就算是放在刚开始认识乐渊的那一会儿他也不会认为自己有这个实力,而当前不久乐渊为了让波风水门召开五影大会而展露了自己的真正实力的部分之后,他就更加不这么觉得了。 In the eye of Namikaze Minato , Le Yuan indeed with them is not existence of level. The matter that displayed some strength also he who tells by Le Yuan to prove a matter on the same day sufficiently, Le Yuan compares favorably with or already ten thousand crowds of existences that exceeded Sage of Six Paths, but the matter that in the Le Yuan mouth must announce really extremely in shocking everybody, has to make him worry time to hold this conference the Five Kages set. 波风水门的眼中,乐渊的确和他们并不是一个层次的存在。以乐渊当日表现出来的实力还有他诉说的事情足以证明一件事情,乐渊是媲美或者已经万群超越了六道仙人的存在,而乐渊口中要宣布的事情实在是太过于惊世骇俗,不得不令他这么着急地将五影集合召开这一次的会议。 Looks that one crowd is waiting for itself to handle Le Yuan Four Kages, Namikaze Minato can only suspend an exceptionally serious expression right hand to point at Le Yuan to everyone introduced: „, Actually he is not only Konoha Jōnin, reason that this time holds the Five Kages congress, the most basic summons person is also he, therefore just he sat there is not actually wrong!” 看着一群正在等待自己处置乐渊四影,波风水门只能摆着一副异常严肃的表情右手指着乐渊向所有人介绍道:“咳咳,其实他不仅仅是木叶的一名上忍,这一次之所以召开五影大会,最根本的号召人也是他,所以刚刚他坐在那里其实并不是错误!” What? Is his bastard!” by hot tempered Raikage. “什么?是他这个混蛋!”by暴躁的雷影 What! This little rascal?” Tsuchikage by general age. “什么!这个小鬼?”by一般年纪的土影 What! Is his handsome fellow!” by correct use chooses the blind date object vision to carefully examine Le Yuan Mizukage. “什么!是他这个帅哥嘛!”by正用挑选相亲对象目光审视着乐渊水影 „......” As before silence is gold Kazekage Gaara. “……”依旧沉默是金风影我爱罗 Is requested Namikaze Minato to explain clear, today's all these by Four Kages that the Namikaze Minato words confuse actually for anything, the beforehand notice simply does not have very good explanation to be clear about all. 波风水门的话搞糊涂的四影要求波风水门解释清楚,今天的这一切究竟是为了什么,之前的通知根本没有很好的解释清楚一切。 At this time Namikaze Minato sat one side, introduced that toward everyone by the sponsor of this conference news that had about moving Ninja World most people since the new world. 这种时候波风水门坐到了一边,由这一次会议的发起者向着所有人介绍起了有关于搬迁忍界绝大多数人进入新世界的消息。 However after listening to Le Yuan told, not everyone can display enough calmly, particularly in former wine glass Le Yuan made that anger big Raikage was one knocks on the table. 不过在听完乐渊的诉说之后,并不是每一个人都能表现得足够冷静,尤其是在之前酒杯乐渊弄得火气不小的雷影更是啪的一声敲在了桌子上。 Opens what thing, this matter is how possible, everyone has not seized him, compelling him to say all truth!” “开什么玩意,这种事情怎么可能,各位还不把他擒下,逼他说出所有的事情的真相!” The Kumogakure working style suspects each matter by the biggest evil intention, is attitude strongest ninja village, but is not everyone looks like him is so hot tempered. 云忍村的做事风格就是以最大的恶意来怀疑每一件事情,也是作风最为强硬的一个忍村,不过也不是所有人都像他这么暴躁。 Raikage-sama, has not displayed necessary such impulsive! Since Hokage-sama believes that this matter, is not necessarily false, how doesn't put discusses again?” 雷影大人,未必要表现得这么冲动嘛!既然火影大人都相信这件事情了,未必就是假的,不放再商讨一下如何?” This is the words that most experienced Tsuchikage spoke, compared to also has violent temper Raikage, his present age may not have that strong impulse. 这就是最富有经验的土影说的话,相对于还有着火爆脾气的雷影,他现在的年龄可没有那么强的冲劲了。 Tsuchikage-sama said right, although this matter is inconceivable, but asked us to come also already to have convinced our methods, experienced also to might as well!” 土影大人说得没错,这件事情虽然不可思议,但是想必找我们来也已经有了说服我们的手段,见识一下也无妨嘛!” Mizukage Terumī Mei sits in own position similarly supports the head to fix the eyes on Le Yuan not to put, if Le Yuan just said does not have the exaggeration, then that is one is without a doubt more bountiful than existing Ninja World, the stronger broad world, really compares to existing Ninja continent absolutely to be much better. 水影照美冥同样坐在自己的位置上撑着脑袋紧盯着乐渊不放,如果乐渊刚刚所说的没有夸大,那么毫无疑问那是一个比现有忍界更加富饶、更强宽广的世界,真算起来比起现有的忍者大陆绝对好得多。 I also approved that the Tsuchikage approach, the Sunagakure geographical environment misses much compared with existence, can have another suitable survival place, our Sunagakure is willing to coordinate your moving plan!” “我同样赞成土影的做法,砂隐村的地理环境比起各位的存在差得太多,能够拥有另一个适宜生存的地方,我们沙隐愿意配合你的搬迁计划!” Although Gaara is young, how many villages present but understand, perhaps is also most appropriate to their Sunagakure, after all can the environment also compared with come all year long badly by Sunagakure that the sandstorm packages? 我爱罗虽然年轻,但是也非常明白在在座的几个村子里面,恐怕对他们砂隐村来说最为合适,毕竟环境难道还能比终年被风沙包裹的砂隐村来得差吗? Proof, I am unable to you, you to leave the opportunity in this world now, only then one time, I am inform you to complete when the time comes comforting work merely, even you do not want, I will still force to lead you to leave this world. As for deceiving your possibilities, I want to look at this you not to have again have doubts slightly!” “证明,我现在无法给你们,你们离开这个世界的机会只有一次,我仅仅是通知你们做好到时候的安抚工作而已,就算你们不愿意,我也会强制带着你们离开这个世界。至于欺骗你们的可能性,我想看过这个你们就不会再有丝毫的疑惑了!” Flash Le Yuan the strength of the world proliferated each corner of room, everyone on the scene will wrap completely. Only then grasped Senjutsu Chakra Namikaze Minato also to have Gaara to scratch to realize the function of strength of the world, but they also detected merely, wanted to revolt is still the impossible matter. 一瞬间乐渊的世界之力扩散到了房间的每一个角落,将在场的所有人全部包裹了起来。而只有掌握了仙术查克拉波风水门还有拥有一尾的我爱罗擦觉到了世界之力的作用,不过他们也仅仅是察觉,想要反抗依然是不可能的事情。 Was wrapped the people of strength of the world not to have the resistivity to be left Land of Waves by Le Yuan through Spatial Displacement, next second of everyone appeared in the outer space. 被包裹着世界之力的众人毫无抵抗力地被乐渊通过空间移动离开了波之国,下一秒所有人都出现在了太空之中。 Has others of strength of protection world not to need to be worried unable to bear the environment of outer space, but Le Yuan leads them Strength that comes to here is to expose to make them believe completely. 有着世界之力保护的其他人根本不用担心受不了太空的环境,而乐渊带他们来这里就是想要展露一下能够令他们全部信服的力量 That, is moon, that said......” “那个,难道是月亮,那岂不是说……” Looks at huge celestial body of distant place, Raikage first is detecting at present later its essence, has turned around discovered oneself behind that sky-blue star instantaneously immediately. 望着自己眼前远处的巨大星体,雷影第一时间察觉到它的本质,随后转过身的瞬间立马发现了自己身后的那颗蔚蓝色的星球。 What just you used is Space-Time Ninjutsu, is really was known as that can lead the person who we are going to another world. This degree of space and time technique indeed was among inconceivable , Shun leads us to arrive at the outer space, what you led us to come this to make, to demonstrate your space and time ability?” “刚刚你用的是时空忍术吧,果然是号称能够带着我们去另一个世界的人。这种程度的时空术的确是不可思议,瞬间带着我们来到了太空,但是你带我们来这又想做什么,为了展示你的时空能力?” „, This is not wants to lead you merely the test site, the real goal is that!” “不不不,这仅仅是想要带你们来测试地点而已,真正的目标是那个!” Le Yuan right hand transplant distant place compared with Moon, although on small many, but is still huge to inconceivable celestial body. 乐渊的右手移植远处比起月球虽然小上不少,但是依然庞大到不可思议的星体 [ Tenseigan Chakra Mode] +[ Golden Wheel Reincarnation Explosion], struck Le Yuan to relieve own attack condition from now on, then looked after nearby Five Kages, saw only Five Kages already dumbfounded thoroughly. Explodes the fight of star rank, made the shades that these had keen eyesight in withstand/top know that sufficiently anything was in the wider world there are people more talented than oneself. [转生眼查克拉模式]+[金轮转生爆],一击过后乐渊解除了自己的攻击状态,回头看向一旁的五影后,只见五影已经彻底呆住了。爆星级别的战斗,足以令这些眼高于顶的影们知道什么是人外有人、天外有天 Although witnesses the Le Yuan strength the time shock that merely only then that short instance, however brings is actually not able to indicate in the spoken language. At least regarding Namikaze Minato that witnesses for the second time, still feels to shock incomparably, not to mention these just first meeting Four Kages. 虽然见证乐渊实力的时间仅仅只有那么短短的瞬间,但是带来的震撼却是无法用言语去表述的。最起码对于第二次见证的波风水门而言,依然觉得震撼无比,更别提那些刚刚第一次见面的四影了。 Although does not want to acknowledge, but Le Yuan indeed had strength that compares favorably with the legend. 虽然不想承认,但是乐渊的的确确有了媲美传说的实力。 ... ...
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