VE :: Volume #8 三阶首战影之忍者

#754: The end of science subjects dog

When Ninja Calendar in July 64, in another from Konoha Chūnin competition, Le Yuan all gave to incur in this world family, after completing final Quest he then has more than 9 years of time in this world, this is regarding continuously in Inner World conducts adventure Le Yuan and the others a long incomparable vacation. 忍历64年7月,在又一届由木叶举办的中忍大赛之际,乐渊将一家老小全都给招到了这个世界之中,在完成了最后的任务之后他在这个世界便剩下九年多的时间,这可是对于一直在里世界进行冒险乐渊等人而言一个漫长无比的假期。 Arranged to enter Konoha to spend Kungfu Huang Rong and the others, although after all Le Yuan said that is Konoha Jōnin, but requests the woman who has three to result in attractively does not make sense to enter the village suddenly, added that these three are his family member, even Hokage cannot be so willful, let alone Le Yuan case history in Konoha not cleanest one. 黄蓉等人安排进入木叶村花了一番功夫,毕竟乐渊虽然说是木叶上忍,但是陡然要求带着三个漂亮得不像话的女人进村,还说这三个是他的家人,就算是火影也不能这么任性,何况乐渊的案底在木叶并不算最干净的一个。 Although as fourth generation Namikaze Minato resident certificate signing and issuing, but is responsible for monitoring Huang Rong their Anbu also to have one not to fall. However regarding the person of this taking orders conduct, Le Yuan has not felt embarrassed them excessively, dares to approach Huang Rong in their 20 meters, makes into pig to throw in the small lane completely. 虽然作为四代目波风水门将居住证给签发下来了,不过负责监视黄蓉他们的暗部还有根一个都没有落下。不过对于这种听命行事的人,乐渊也没有过分为难他们,一个个敢靠近黄蓉他们20米以内的,全部打成猪头扔到小巷子里面。 So experienced almost more than ten times, Anbu or the root no longer sent the person. However how as for their psychological to think, Le Yuan cannot manage also to be disinclined the manages, he also has the important matter to process. 这般经历了差不多十多次,无论是暗部还是根都不再派遣人了。不过至于他们心理面是怎么想的,乐渊管不着也懒得去管,他可是还有着至关重要的事情要处理。 A'Yuan, thinks anything!” 阿渊,想什么呢!” Huang Rong suddenly after behind jumping out of Le Yuan, later neck that held in the arms Le Yuan, most body from Le Yuan behind pressed. By Le Yuan regarding the assurance of sense of touch, he even can feel that Huang Rong that a plentiful pair of treasure is going against his head day after day, but Huang Rong that escape the fragrance of jasmine, made a Le Yuan one's heart rushes toward one's destination. 黄蓉突然从乐渊的身后窜出,随后一把搂住了乐渊的脖子,大半个身体从乐渊的身后压了上来。以乐渊对于触觉的把握,他甚至能够感觉到黄蓉那日渐丰腴的一对宝贝正顶着他的脑袋,而黄蓉身上那逸散的茉莉花的香气,令乐渊不由一阵心驰神往。 Sees only just like viperous beauty general Huang Rong, directly from Le Yuan behind swayed from side to side in the bosom of Le Yuan all of a sudden, both hands hugged the neck of Le Yuan to hang upside down there, looked at Le Yuan one pair to look infatuated her eye giggle said with a smile: „, Are you still thinking your good student Hinata? She also is really to your one piece foolish, even that agreement can comply......” 只见犹如美女蛇一般的黄蓉,直接从乐渊的身后一下子扭动到了乐渊的怀中,双手搂着乐渊的脖子倒吊在那里,望着乐渊一双痴迷地看着她的眼睛咯咯笑道:“难道说,你还在想你那个好学生雏田?她还真是对你一片痴心哟,连那个约定都能够答应下来……” The agreement, this matter must trace Le Yuan to solve the dark side to mention in Falls of Truth initially. Le Yuan depended on the military force to solve the dark side, but three days later does not know that what kind of agreement Hinata and her dark side reached, she successfully broke through the blockade of dark side similarly. 约定,这件事情还要追溯到乐渊当初在真实瀑布解决了黑暗面说起。乐渊靠着武力解决了黑暗面,而在三天之后也不知雏田和她的黑暗面达成了怎样的共识,她同样成功突破了黑暗面的封锁。 But from from then on, before Hinata changes, faces the Le Yuan shy passive character, was starting the unprecedented thermal property confession to Le Yuan. If Le Yuan is not that student who very definite present Le Yuan is he hands over, by making a fraudulent switch, has not perhaps been thought she was instead corroded by oneself dark side. 而自从那以后,雏田一改之前面对乐渊时的害羞被动的性格,对着乐渊发动了前所未有的热性告白。如果乐渊不是非常确定眼前的乐渊还是他交出的那个学生,并没有被掉包的话,恐怕都会认为她被自己的黑暗面反侵蚀了。 Pursuing beautiful woman matter Le Yuan does are not many, was pursued that by the beautiful woman confession but is actually the rare experience. However regarding increasing a family member matter, is not always a Le Yuan person can decide that what Le Yuan believes in regarding this is the democracy. 追美女这种事情乐渊做得并不是很多,被美女告白倒追那就更是难得的经历了。不过对于添加一个家庭成员这种事情,从来都不是乐渊一个人能够决定的,乐渊对于这信奉的是民主。 In family/home Riga his altogether four people, besides he has two ticket decision-making power, others have the ticket of resolution housework respectively. Therefore after Le Yuan summoned their three same places, except for receiving indifferent despising of Huang Rong, Reika contained the smile, Little Yui that gave the thumbs-up secretly that father good beyond pure blessing, then joined the vote of incident regarding Hinata. 家里加上他一共四个人,除了他有着两票决定权之外,其他人分别有着决断家务事的一票。是故当乐渊将她们三个一起召唤来之后,除了受到黄蓉的冷眼鄙视,玲花的包容微笑,还有小结衣那暗暗竖起大拇指那“爸爸好棒”的纯真祝福之外,便是对于雏田加入一事的表决。 But has to understand that has the decision-making power, is together over three days Hinata later, regarding Le Yuan, in the tips of this world had three people of natures of preliminary understanding of have the mental note in the heart. 而有了解才有决定权,在与雏田相处超过三天之后,对于乐渊在这个世界的点点滴滴有了初步了解的三人自然在心中已有腹稿。 Le Yuan very has the favorable impression regarding Hinata, is not the favorable impression between that men and women, but felt the feeling of female friend can listen attentively to the aspiration, Le Yuan naturally threw two affirmative votes therefore. But Huang Rong firm opposition, this is she as mistress minimum persevering, but Reika was stands the Huang Rong back to make a regret expression to Le Yuan. 乐渊对于雏田是挺有好感的,不是那种男女之间的好感,而是觉得有一个能够倾听自己心声的红颜知己的感觉,是故乐渊自然投了两票赞成。而黄蓉坚决的反对,这是她作为一家女主人最起码的坚守,而玲花则是站到了黄蓉的背后对着乐渊作了一个抱歉的表情。 Only has Yui that is fearless, did not fear completely Huang Rong like stepmother copes with her, she in home position, but special, these naturally is also time stood Le Yuan behind, she was also good to the Hinata sense, is somewhat similar to mother Reika who she most loved. 唯有结衣那是天不怕地不怕,完全不怕黄蓉会像后妈似的对付她,她在家中的地位可是特殊至极,这一次自然也是站到了乐渊的身后,她同样对雏田的感官不错,和她最爱的玲花妈妈有几分相似。 3 : 2 numbers of votes, Hinata was can join without a doubt, but Huang Rong actually seemed like to warn the tendency of Le Yuan so optional pull people added on one not to calculate that severe condition, that was ten years, if Hinata can the first thought not change in ten years, then accepted her is not. But if later also who wants to join again, then reported to Le Yuan Heroic Spirit personal guard directly, Huang Rong already was regarded as the Le Yuan harem selection team there, one crowd has not the low favorable impression girl to gather to Le Yuan there. 三比二的票数,雏田毫无疑问算是能够加入了,不过黄蓉却像是为了警告乐渊这般随意拉人的倾向加上了一个不算严苛的条件,那就是十年,如果雏田可以在十年时间里面初心不改,那么接受她也不是不可以。而之后如果还有谁想要再度加入的话,那么直接到乐渊英灵近卫队去报备吧,黄蓉已经将那里当作是乐渊的后宫选拔队伍了,一群对乐渊有着不低好感的女孩全都聚集在了那里。 Returns is hugged by Le Yuan in bosom Huang Rong, she is also speaks thoughtlessly asked that so long as after all is very difficult to have the dislike with the Hinata multi- contacts to this girl some time the idea. Huang Rong is also the sharp-tongued tofu heart, because at first Le Yuan factor produces hostilely to Hinata, but the time one long also all put down. 重新回到被乐渊抱在怀里的黄蓉,她也是随口一问,毕竟只要和雏田多接触一段时间都很难对这个女孩产生厌恶的想法。黄蓉也算是刀子嘴豆腐心,起初由于乐渊的因素对雏田产生敌对,但是时间一长也就全都放下了。 Which my like you said mindless!” “我哪像你说的那样没心没肺!” Right hand of Le Yuan in the Huang Rong forehead gently a stamp, making Huang Rong feel forehead itchy at the same time had to plant is treated as the sense of shame of child, wanted to counter-attack threateningly. 乐渊的右手在黄蓉的额头的轻轻一戳,令黄蓉感到额头痒痒的同时有种被当作小孩的羞耻感,张牙舞爪地想要进行反击。 However was attacked by Le Yuan strongly, then after kisses the technique to overturn the heavens 36 types suppress can only seem like rolling up of kitten in the Le Yuan bosom. 不过在被乐渊强势出击,用出吻技翻天三十六式镇压之后便只能像是个小猫似的蜷缩在乐渊的怀里。 Le Yuan worry also really not as a result of woman, but hidden the reward of World Quest to receive the issue regarding the S level. Obtains No. 2 world 30% has this range to be widespread is unable to estimate, although at least Le Yuan already can start to select thing that wants to carry off, but is still very difficult to start to start. 乐渊的烦恼还真不是由于女人,而是对于s级隐藏世界任务的奖励领取问题。获得二号世界30%的存在这个范围广泛得无法估量,最起码乐渊虽然已经可以开始选取想要带走的东西,但是依然很难开始下手。 This reward not only includes the goods, person, knowledge, energy and land to be even regular, theoretically any appears in No. 2 world existence can be this reward. But these exist have mark Ma, Le Yuan wants to carry off basic impossible these entirely, therefore is good to calculate differential value. 这奖励不但包括物品、人、知识、能量、土地甚至规则,理论上任何出现在二号世界的“存在”都能作为这一次的奖励。而这些存在都是有着标码的,乐渊想要将这些统统带走根本不可能,所以好计算其中的差值。 And person most valuable is not most valuable, this is Le Yuan in the conclusion that during the unceasing experiment draws. Reason that said valuable, that is because the average person still has chakra rule that even can ignore, theoretically the rule that extracts from this individual is the possible retrogradation to have the complete chakra rule, but this not only needs the extremely high level also to need the coordination of a lot of individual. But a strength stronger person, the chakra rule of implication is naturally more complete, naturally their values are also bigger. 其中人既是最值钱的也是最不值钱的,这是乐渊在不断的实验之中得出的结论。之所以说值钱,那是因为就算是普通人也有着可以忽略不计的查克拉规则,理论上从这个体上提取的规则是可能逆反出完整的查克拉规则的,但是这不但需要极高的水准还需要大量个体的配合。而其中实力越强的人,蕴含的查克拉规则自然就越完整,当然他们的价值也就也越大。 Like also had already to become Hagoromo of ghost immortal by Kaguya of seal, they are standing respectively this world 30% and 20% shares, wants to take away them first does not raise is cost-effective, whether can change into oneself to use them is an issue. 像被封印的辉夜还有已经成为鬼仙的羽衣,他们分别站着这个世界30%和20%的份额,想要将他们带走先不提划不划算,能否能够将他们化为己用都是个问题。 If Le Yuan wants to carry off the Ninja World continent complete human expenditure relatively speaking are much less, 17% shares then. But the further deflation, Five Great Ninja Villages human can further reduce the share of this demand, but Le Yuan wants to carry off may not only be the person, the chakra growth rule is also Le Yuan anticipates. 而如果乐渊想要带走忍界大陆全部的人类花费的则相对而言少得多,17%的份额即可。而进一步的缩减,五大忍村的人类则可以将这个需求的份额进一步缩减,不过乐渊想要带走的可不仅仅是人,还有其中的查克拉成长规则也是乐渊所期待的。 In order to greatest uses on this 30% world rewards the knife point , is also takes great pains, constantly is adjusting the proportion that wants to extract, compared with continuously in Huang Rong that Konoha plays they, Le Yuan can only compel to work as a science subjects dog painstakingly. 为了能够最大程度的将这30%的世界奖励用到刀尖上,也也算是煞费苦心,不断地调整着想要提取的比例,比起一直在木叶玩耍的黄蓉她们,乐渊只能苦逼地当一个理科狗了。 This did not come across the Chūnin selection grand occasion with great difficulty again time, Huang Rong draws Le Yuan to go directly to watch a sports contest together. The surface dwelling for a long time Le Yuan also wanted to stretch a little bit at home, recalls the mood, has not naturally rejected the invitation of Huang Rong. 这不好不容易再一次遇到了中忍选拔盛事的时候,黄蓉直接拉着乐渊想要一起前往观赛。在家里面宅了许久的乐渊也想要活动活动身体,回忆一下情怀,自然没有拒绝黄蓉的邀请。 Back then, he got rid of Third Hokage man of the hour in No. 1 world at the Chūnin finals. Sits in auditorium Le Yuan the Yui head that for the arena in feels seems like in watching the drama unceasingly fights Genin that cheers, while thinks to put on airs to change an appearance that becomes Uchiha Madara makes a big row Chūnin to take a test time. 想当年,他在一号世界可是在中忍决赛上干掉了三代火影的风云人物。坐在观众席上的乐渊一边摸着像是在看大戏般不断为竞技场内搏斗的下忍喝彩的结衣脑袋,一边想着是不是装模作样变身成宇智波斑的样子去大闹一次中忍考试。 This really cannot blame Le Yuan pain in the ass incurable, but is No. 2 world is really extremely in the peace, nearly ten years do not have the war to happen, really must are almost the same by the individual potential No. 1 world and No. 2 world, but now their two sides growth that are really heaven and earth. 这实在是不能怪乐渊蛋疼得无可救药,而是二号世界实在是太过于和平,近十年都没有大战发生,真要论个体潜力一号世界和二号世界相差无几,但是现在他们两边的成长那真是一个天一个地 The person who although No. 1 world died are many, but there is a stimulation that Kaguya resurrected, the speed that the high-end strength rises dramatically should not be too fast, the opposite 2 good world also to be in Kage Level for the stage of king, simply has not experienced to anything calls the battle efficiency of the world destruction level. 一号世界虽然死掉的人很多,但是有了辉夜复活的刺激,高端战力飙升的速度不要太快,相反二好世界还处于影级为王的阶段,根本没有见识到什么才叫世界毁灭层次的战斗力。 Nowadays in No. 2 world, the top strength is Fourth Hokage and in the Fourth Raikage also 3 generations of Tsuchikage such B levels the strength of position, Uchiha Madara or Senju Hashirama this can subvert the Ninja World fight the B level high-rank does not have one as for peak strength, Kaguya also has Hagoromo these two people who not to mention enter into the A Level threshold. 现如今二号世界中,顶尖战力就是四代火影四代雷影还有三代土影这样b级中位的实力,无论是宇智波斑还是千手柱间这样能够颠覆忍界战斗的b级上位乃至于巅峰实力者却无一个,更别提辉夜还有羽衣这两个迈入a级门槛的人。 Really must say the overall strength, in Le Yuan Small World unparalleled Great Army sufficiently steamroll Ninja World. However what is undeniable, under system that in Ninjutsu this all sorts of strange and unusual ability has, individual Strength is indeed not allow to neglect. 真要说整体实力,乐渊小世界里面的无双大军足以碾压忍界。不过不可否认的是,在忍术这个千奇百怪能力都具备的体系之下,个体的力量的确不容忽视。 Then entire Ninja World after three fights already tends to the peace , without intriguer Uchiha Madara this to make the Infinite Tsukuyomi madman wholeheartedly, even if Kumogakure Fourth Raikage attempted through military force uniform Ninja World, however gathered together in the Ninja World groups of heroes, under the general trend that the Kage Level powerhouse continually increased still has to according to taking the hot tempered temper. 整个忍界从三战之后便已经趋向于和平,没有了阴谋家宇智波斑这样一心想要制造无限月读的狂人,就算云忍村四代雷影企图通过武力统一忍界,但是在忍界群英荟萃,影级强者不断增多的大趋势之下也不得不按拿下暴躁的性子。 However along with Le Yuan under last option determination, to guarantee the later shift conducts smoothly, in the Le Yuan relation Hokage requested to hold the Five Kages congress. Perhaps Uchiha Madara not, however Le Yuan had already to replace him, integrated subordinate this matter Uchiha Madara unable to achieve the whole world, but Le Yuan actually depended on with the gambling of the world approximately completes. 不过伴随着乐渊将最后的选择确定下,为了保证之后的转移顺利进行,乐渊联系上了火影要求召开五影大会。或许宇智波斑不在了,但是乐渊的存在已经取代了他,将整个世界纳入麾下这种事情宇智波斑都做不到,但是乐渊却靠着和世界的赌约完成了。 The final designation result, five great nations were discarded by Le Yuan, but Five Great Ninja Villages also had like Otogakure and Amegakure medium ninja village integrated shift similarly. Le Yuan must on over 70% Ninja influence total entire Ninja continent evacuate, but without a doubt regarding the placement of this group of people are an issue. 最后的选定结果,五大国被乐渊舍弃,但是五大忍村还有像音忍村雨忍村这样的中型忍村同样纳入了转移之列。乐渊是要将整个忍者大陆上七成以上的忍者势力全数搬空,而毫无疑问对于这群人的安置是一个问题。 ... ...
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