VE :: Volume #8 三阶首战影之忍者

#753: The life fights to continue

The first confrontation, seems like to perish together to come to an end, but Le Yuan or is the dark side is also clear very much, the domain fight of strength of constitution use world and does not use radically is two conditions, the former nearly can the second kill the latter, has not put forth this ability Le Yuan almost to play a friendly match to try the skill. 第一次的交锋,看起来是以同归于尽而告终,但是无论是乐渊亦或者是黑暗面都清楚得很,使用世界之力构成的领域战斗和不用根本是两个状态,前者近乎能够秒杀后者,没有使出这种能力的乐渊几乎是在打一场友谊赛试试身手。 Fighting that however this type nearly turns on the water although has not put forth the full power, the strength that but if the dark side has not been a worthy opponent with Le Yuan cannot follow, let alone achieves the situation of perishing together with Le Yuan, keeps up with the fight the rhythm is very difficult continually. 不过这种近乎放水的打斗虽说没有使出全力,但是如果黑暗面没有与乐渊匹敌的实力根本跟不上,别说和乐渊做到同归于尽的地步,连跟上战斗的节奏都很难。 But had this competition, the partner understand next fight of two people may not look like so feels better now, inevitably is fight whole-heartedly. 而有了这一次的比试,两个人的偶明白下一次的战斗可就不会像现在这般好过了,必然是全力以赴的战斗。 Compares and dark side death fights in Le Yuan, now he is also has her among Hinata all that Falls of Truth on the contrary before another sees. According to the narration of Hinata, their two have not as if begun, compared with Le Yuan such resort to violence, their two sees only looks like culture battle actually, absolutely does not have the least bit smoke and fire aura. 相较于乐渊自己和黑暗面的死斗,现在他反倒是对雏田还有她在真实瀑布前见到的另一个自己之间的一切。按照雏田的叙述,她们两个似乎都没有动手的,比起乐渊这样的武斗,她们两个只见倒是更像文斗,完全没有半点烟火气息。 Only needs to chat to chat the exchange way of place compared with Hinata that Le Yuan fight that was low exploded simply, even if Le Yuan wanted to end the fight with the dark side peacefully, Le Yuan does not believe that facilitated this Quest world meeting to be willing to make Le Yuan pass through with ease. 比起雏田那只需要聊聊天谈谈地的交流方式,乐渊的战斗那简直是low爆了,不过就算乐渊想要和黑暗面以和平的方式解决战斗,乐渊也不相信促成这一次任务的世界会愿意让乐渊轻松过关。 Is thinking with it the situation of winning by default this nearly impossible, might as well be colored the thoughts to train and fight between the dark sides in the mind. 与其想着不战而胜这种近乎不可能的情况,不如多花些心思在脑海中演练与黑暗面之间的战斗。 The next fight will only have two situations, its one is the dark side is unable to simulate the Le Yuan domain, in the situation that in the battle efficiency is far from was killed by the Le Yuan direct second. However the possibility of this matter destroys with the world simply immediately generally nearly in impossible, comes to see him to have from the performance of dark side absolutely contends with the Le Yuan main body sufficiently the card in a hand. 下一次战斗只会出现两种情况,其一就是黑暗面无法模拟出乐渊的领域,在战斗力相差甚远的情况下被乐渊直接秒杀。但是这种事情的可能性简直就和世界立刻毁灭一般近乎于不可能,从黑暗面的表现来看他绝对有着足以抗衡乐渊本体的底牌。 But the second possibility is much more troublesome, Le Yuan bets the dark side unable to simulate and Le Yuan general Small World, but he could obtain through the way of alternative with Strength that the Le Yuan domain compares favorably with, to such dark side, Le Yuan can only expect own domain powerful. 而第二种可能就麻烦得多,乐渊还是赌黑暗面没有无法模拟出和乐渊一般的小世界,但是他或许能够通过另类的方式获得与乐渊领域媲美的力量,对上这样的黑暗面,乐渊只能期望自己的领域给力一点。 Le Yuan for the next confrontation training ten days, presented inspection Kumogakure Ninja when barrier of Le Yuan arrangement time in this period, the animal that it seems like it is Le Yuan brings Hinata to be entering Falls of Truth strikes down to bring to their attention. However under the protection of barrier, completely has not noticed Le Yuan and Hinata practices under their noses. 乐渊为了下一次的交锋足足修养了十天,期间在乐渊布置的结界之外出现了巡视的云忍村忍者,看来是乐渊带着雏田进入真实瀑布时击倒的动物引起了他们的注意。不过在结界的保护下,全然没有注意到乐渊雏田在他们眼皮底下进行修行。 Enters in another space that Falls of Truth forms again, Le Yuan that just came in discovered that own dark side seems like already to wait for itself unexpectedly early general, sits cross-legged opens Le Yuan that the eye looked was just entering in not far away. 再一次进入真实瀑布形成的另一个空间内,刚刚进来的乐渊发现自己的黑暗面竟然像是早已经在等待自己一般,盘坐在不远处睁开眼睛望着刚刚进入的乐渊 What's wrong? Thinks that I will sneak attack you? Felt relieved that......” dark Le Yuan stood up from the ground slowly, after obtaining an own hands and feet, said lazily, how after all you mediated me are body both sides, I was also insufficient to cope with you with this method!” “如何?以为我会偷袭你吗?放心好了……”黑暗乐渊缓缓从地上站起身来,获得了一下自己的手脚后懒洋洋地说道,“毕竟你怎么说和我是一体两面的,我还不至于用这种手段对付你!” Looks that temporarily has not begun the trend the dark side, Le Yuan, although has solved this Quest possibility completely to remove the peace in the heart time, but cannot bear toward the dark side inquires, so long as after all this matter also does have a possibility to try not? 看着暂时没有动手趋势的黑暗面,乐渊虽然早就在心里面把和平解决这一次的任务的可能性完全排除了,但是还是忍不住向着黑暗面提问,毕竟这种事情只要还有着一丝可能性都要尝试一下的不是吗? Hey, if you are really I, then minimum sacrificed spirit should also some, cannot work as a hero, helped me! After all compared with can only treat in this space you, can I also continue not to go forward?” “喂,如果你真是我的话,那么最起码的一点牺牲精神应该还有的吧,难道就不能当一回英雄,成全我得了!毕竟比起只能待在这个空间的你,我还能继续前进不是吗?” After saying, Le Yuan the mouth smiled. This saying said and a coveting life and fearing death villain is ordinary, Le Yuan thought that present and TV series lines cannot surpass three villains to be the same. 说完之后,就连乐渊自己都不由咧起嘴笑了。这话说得和一个贪生怕死的小人一般,乐渊自己都觉得现在的自己和电视剧里台词超不过三句的反派一般。 „, Who when this hero loves when who goes, I give you, do you want?” “切,这种英雄谁爱当谁当去,我让给你,你要不要?” The fight has not started, the dark side displays is also natural, shoots that also not to have scruples with Le Yuan. However as the complete duplication of Le Yuan, idea of his not understand Le Yuan. As having the dark side of Le Yuan complete thought that the words that really must speak were not will not produce in this case sacrificed own idea, what a pity something were not he can decide. 战斗还没有开始,黑暗面表现得也很自然,和乐渊弹起来那也是毫无顾忌。不过作为乐渊的完全复制,他并不是不明白乐渊的想法。作为拥有了乐渊全部思想的黑暗面,真要说的话在这种情况下也不是不会产生牺牲自己的想法,可惜有些事情不是他能决定的。 Said uselessly, you want to complete this Quest time, the only possibility is stepping on my body in the past, among us inevitably war! Even if I want to admit defeat, above Boss can still grasp momentarily replaced, without significance!” “多说无益,你想要完成这一次的任务,唯一的可能性就是踩着我的尸体过去,我们之间必然有一战!就算我想要认输,上面的波ss也能随时把握替换了,没有意义!” The present situation is such brutal, dark Le Yuan is this world creates with a Le Yuan war, preventing Le Yuan to complete the Quest product. Because even if completely the factor of duplication had own thought that if there is a meaning of turning on the water, then he can be replaced new dark side in the next second, although both thought is all connected, but was actually not he. 现在的情况就是这么残酷,黑暗乐渊本身就是这个世界创造出来与乐渊一战,阻止乐渊完成任务的产物。就算由于完全复制的因素有了自己的思想,但是一旦有放水的意思,那么他能够在下一秒被替换成一个新的黑暗面,两者思想虽然一脉相承,但是却再也不是他了。 Hasn't resulted in discussed?” Heard the dark side saying that Le Yuan repeatedly confirmed. “没得谈?”听到黑暗面这么说,乐渊还是再一次确认道。 Has not resulted in discussed!” The reply of dark Le Yuan affirmed, regarding this world 30% sources, although cannot injure, but also is a loss, 70% of Le Yuan world made it evolve let alone sufficiently, even it not sadly not happily so long as still obtained to oneself has thing of advantage. “没得谈!”黑暗乐渊的回答非常肯定,对于这个世界而言30%的本源虽然伤不到根本,但也是一种损失,更何况乐渊世界的70%足以令它进化,就算它无悲无喜也只要得到对自己有好处的东西 Without discussed that is the resort to violence meaning, but looks that this space Le Yuan has too many questions. Here and Mind space has too many similarities, if Will strength enough powerful of person, whether here wishes coming true? Also does not know whether as a result of interference of Inner World, making here a relatively fair arena. 没得谈就是要武斗的意思,不过看着这个空间乐渊还是有太多的疑问。这里和心灵空间有着太多的相似性,如果一个人的意志力足够强大,是不是能够在这里心想事成?也不知道是否由于里世界的干涉,令这里成为了一个相对公平的斗兽场。 Commencing of action then means the full power, the flash starts the strength of the world to approach at nearly the speed of light toward opposite dark side from the foot of Le Yuan, attempts before he responded drags into it the domain. 战斗开始便意味着全力,一瞬间从乐渊的脚底下开始世界之力以近乎光的速度向着对面的黑暗面逼近,试图在他反应过来之前将其拉入到领域内。 However when Le Yuan the strength of the world approaches the dark side also to have an almost 30 meters function suddenly stopped. The strength of the world is unable to go forward again forward half step, stops independently, was rather blocked the way by another approximate Strength. 不过在乐渊的世界之力逼近黑暗面还有差不多30米作用的时候突然停下了。世界之力再也无法向前前进半步,与其说是自主停止,不如说被另一股近似的力量挡住了去路。 Good choice, but as if evenly matched appearance? How can you? This way the strength will use up quickly!” “不错的选择,不过似乎势均力敌的样子啊?你又能如何呢?这样下去很快就会力竭的哦!” Dark Le Yuan also has one type with Le Yuan Small World nearly same Strength, made him stop Le Yuan to cover his body with the aid of that the strength of the world. However does not know that for balanced reason, this Strength is nearly same in the intensity and Le Yuan. 黑暗乐渊同样拥有一种和乐渊小世界近乎相同的力量,正是借助那个令他制止了乐渊将世界之力覆盖到他的身上。不过也不知道是不是为了平衡的缘故,这一股力量在强度上与乐渊近乎相同。 Continuing to open the domain is a waste, has maintained bidding goodbye of domain can catch dark Le Yuan, perhaps has not waited to drag into own domain perhaps the opposite party first to fall face down on already. 继续张开领域就是一种浪费,一直维持着领域的话别说能不能捕捉到黑暗乐渊,恐怕还没等把对方拉入自己的领域恐怕就已经先趴下了。 understand is unable to contract the domain almost execution Le Yuan immediately, placed the situation of covering in just one second merely, although the domain suppresses the function of dark side unable to use, but strengthens itself. 明白无法将几乎执行的乐渊当即将领域收缩,在短短一秒内仅仅维持在将自己覆盖的地步,虽然领域压制黑暗面的作用无法使用,但是强化自己还是可以的。 But opposite dark Le Yuan chose and Le Yuan similar approach, by that nearly domain Strength strengthening oneself body. Fight of both sides compared in the previous specification did not know First Layer, the air wave of fight shatters surrounding waterfall completely, the fights of two people let alone looked, perhaps wanted to discover the path that they moved was an expectation. 而对面的黑暗乐渊选择了和乐渊同样的做法,以那近乎领域的力量强化己身。双方的战斗相较于上一次规格上了不知一层,战斗的气浪将周围的瀑布完全冲垮,两个人的战斗别说是看,恐怕想要发现他们移动的轨迹都是一种奢望。 The fist shadow is filling the heavens, the puddle Sword Qi water curtain that the waterfall surroundings form wrapped them directly. Such fight already is not the Ninja World person can meddle, a fist foot even is the air wave that the movement produces is the fatal weapon, if two people do not intend to lock the battlefield in the Falls of Truth surrounding region, perhaps entire Island Turtle will be clashing is destroyed completely. 拳影弥天,瀑布周围形成的水潭剑气的水幕直接将他们包裹了起来。这样的战斗已经不是忍界的人可以插手的,一拳一脚甚至是移动产生的气浪都是致命的武器,如果两人不是有意将战场锁定在真实瀑布周围的区域,恐怕整个龟岛都将在对撞被完全毁灭。 Why, why must fight this step, you simply have not exceeded my opportunity! Haven't you already detected? I have with your same Strength!” “为什么,为什么要战斗到这一步,你根本没有胜过我的机会!你不是早就已经发觉了吗?我有着和你一样的力量!” As the dark side and Le Yuan start the test of strength, both sides turned from the original high-speed war again can the condition of recognition by eye. 随着黑暗面和乐渊开始角力,双方从原本的高速战再一次变成了可以肉眼识别的状态。 Different! Do not think that hides the truth from me!” “不一样!别以为瞒得过我!” Le Yuan both feet already with test of strength, but went down to the ground, along with the Strength eruption of arm, can fly with the dark side that it fought immediately immediately. Just flash, Le Yuan Strength seemed like ten times to erupt generally, suppressed dark Le Yuan Strength sufficiently. 乐渊的双脚已经随着角力而深入到了地面里面,伴随着手臂的力量一个爆发,登时原本还能与之相斗的黑暗面顿时飞了出去。刚刚的一瞬间,乐渊力量像是十倍爆发了一般,足以对黑暗乐渊力量进行压制。 The dark side that was flung comes to a stop again, but along with Le Yuan that even if was risen dramatically by the strength suppressed. Strength and speed responded was suppressed comprehensively, the quick dark side then seems like rags was fallen on the ground. 被甩出去的黑暗面再一次站稳,不过随即便被实力暴增的乐渊压制住了。无论是力量、速度还是反应全面被压制,很快黑暗面便像是破布似的被摔在了地上。 „, This Strength is...... Musou Ranbu, did you transfer their Strength?” “咳咳,这股力量难道是……无双乱舞,你调用了她们的力量?” The dark side looks at Strength that Le Yuan is erupting saying that this they refer to without doubt is in Valhalla is guarding the unparalleled heroic women of throne, their strengths are in entire Warriors Orochi World nowadays are without doubt strongest, by the Le Yuan Strength particularity, borrows on Musou Ranbu Strength oneself temporarily at all is not the issue. 黑暗面望着乐渊爆发出来的力量不由说道,这个“她们”指的无疑是英灵殿中守卫着王座的无双女将们,她们的实力无疑是整个无双世界中现今最强的,以乐渊力量的特殊性,临时将无双乱舞力量借用到自己身上根本不是问题。 However the dark side can only smile bitterly quickly, he is not indeed same as true Le Yuan. Although has domain Strength that can contend with Le Yuan, but is the world to imitate Le Yuan attaches to the dark side on, is completely essentially different from the domain that Le Yuan Small World gives, does not have the Warriors Orochi World rule of Le Yuan Small World inner absorption. 不过黑暗面很快就只能苦笑了,他的确和真正的乐渊并不相同。虽然有着能够和乐渊一较高下的领域力量,但是不过是世界为了模仿乐渊而附加到黑暗面上的,本质上和乐渊小世界赋予的领域完全不同,更加没有乐渊小世界内吸收的无双世界规则。 To imitate Strength that Le Yuan uses for the first time purely, even Naruto World still gave up any idea of that then achieves immediately. This is the Le Yuan advantage, own Strength was imitated the dark side defeats before the time difference. 想要单纯地模仿出乐渊第一次使用的力量,就算是火影世界也休想立马便做到。这就是乐渊的优势,借助时间差将自己的力量被模仿以前将黑暗面击败。 Chī “嗤 The head of dark domain also has the heart to be defeated simultaneously, in this case the victory and defeat has decided. Le Yuan Strength for him has not brought the victory in this world has exposed, the idea that all things hold back one trick provided a benefit finally. 黑暗领域的脑袋还有心脏同时被击破,在这种情况下胜负已定。乐渊没有在这个世界暴露过的力量为他带来了胜局,万事留一手的想法总算是带来了一次好处。 Was defeated along with the dark side, Le Yuan Quest is announced finally completed. However before leaving this space, the dark side of already death came again. 伴随着黑暗面被击败,乐渊任务总算是宣告完成了。不过在离开这个空间之前,已经死亡的黑暗面再一次现身。 Hey, do I die miserably, do not have a comfort prize?” “喂,我死得那么惨,难道就没有一个安慰奖吗?” Le Yuan flings to wave the arms about, on the face did not have just ominous offense murderous aura, somewhat regrets to say regarding the present dark side merely: Really pitifully, if you really have my memory, according to the individuality of the world should be able to defend my is right, you really defeat may be undeserved, lost on cheating on labor and materials of the world!” 乐渊甩甩手,脸上没有了刚刚的凶戾杀气,仅仅是对于眼前的黑暗面有些惋惜道:“真是可惜,如果你真的拥有我的记忆,按照世界的个性应该能够将我这一手防住才对,你败得可真冤枉,输在了世界的偷工减料上!” You, when who can imitate your Small World completely? Some rules do not produce baseless, even if the world is unable to achieve similarly! Only can say that you until now hide too well, have not exposed until now as before your complete method, words that sword wells up, perhaps I in flash on Game Over!” “你当谁都能将你的小世界完全模仿吗?有些规则可不是凭空产生的,就算是世界同样无法做到!只能说你一直以来隐藏得太好,直到现在依旧没有将你全部的手段暴露出来,那柄剑涌出来的话,恐怕我会在一瞬间就gameover的吧!” Regarding saying dexterous Le Yuan, the dark side was also speechless. When just before leaving, him said an advice: Do not fall into is too deep, sometimes looks at understand not necessarily is a good matter!” 对于说得轻巧的乐渊,黑暗面也是无话可说了。在临行之际,他之时说了一句忠告:“别陷入太深,有时候看得太明白未必是一件好事情!” ... ...
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