VE :: Volume #8 三阶首战影之忍者

#752: Whose who is weak, is hard to know

The fight of the world's most pain in the ass is one cannot see the fight of victory forever, is not the opponent must make you desperate, but regardless of you display what move, the final result is the never-ending evenness. 世界上最蛋疼的战斗就是一场永远也见不到胜利的战斗,并不是对手强得让你绝望,而是无论你施展何种招数,最后的结果还是永无休止的平手。 We think the biggest threat frequently from the enemy, but actually we biggest enemy is oneself. After seeing own dark side, Le Yuan is understand can say the person of these words finally is pain in the ass how. 我们常常以为最大的威胁来自敌人,但其实我们最大的敌人就是自己。从见到自己的黑暗面之后,乐渊总算是明白能够说出这句话的人是多么的蛋疼 Defeats itself? These words saying dexterously, but really wants to defeat exactly the same, that simply has not distinguished is the true terrifying. Theoretically best one step that you can achieve, that perishes together, wants to defeat nearly impossible. 战胜自己?这句话说得轻巧,但是真想要战胜一个一模一样,根本没有丝毫区别的自己那才是真正的恐怖。理论上你能做到的最好一步,那就是同归于尽,想要战胜近乎不可能 Le Yuan to dark side fists and feet adding together, the opposite party is not dodging, chose the hand-to-hand fighting to fight hand-to-hand facing the attack of Le Yuan. However speed that the strength of attack, dodges, the skill of catching up, or is the repertoire of fight, both sides are ripe not to be familiar. 乐渊对着黑暗面拳脚相加,对方也不闪躲,面对乐渊的攻击同样选择了白刃战肉搏。不过无论是攻击的力道,闪避的速度,发力的技巧,亦或者是战斗的套路,双方都是熟到不能再熟悉。 Therefore two people fought turned from the beginning nearly in the pattern of repertoire drilling, both sides fought in a bystander opinion also that matter, intense actually intense, splendid similarly was splendid incomparable, both sides of fight were soon calculated three steps forms of combat nauseas by this spelling fist. 是故两人战斗一开始就变成了近乎于套路演练的模式,双方打斗起来在外人看来也就那么回事,激烈倒是激烈,精彩同样是精彩无比,不过战斗的双方都快要被这种拼一拳算三步的战斗方式恶心到了。 Also is an equally matched fist hedge, two fists of people hit one, the produced air wave threw off the average person sufficiently. However such attack besides making Le Yuan also has the dark side to feel, helpless beside, has not had the slight function. 又是不相上下的一拳对冲,两个人的拳头撞击到了一起,产生的气浪足以掀翻普通人。不过这样的攻击除了令乐渊还有黑暗面感到无奈之外,没有产生丝毫的作用。 Singularity Burst!” Move x2 奇点爆破!”招数x2 Le Yuan two people while receiving fist almost shakes the fist to turn toward the opposite party to stroke again to go, moreover this acts is the limit move of bare-handed attack. As the representative of autonomy move, is manifestation of destructive power. Singularity Burst is almost presses the bottom to the person move, so long as hits is almost fatal, but Le Yuan has not thought had move of that day. 乐渊两人在收拳的同时几乎再一次挥拳向着对方击打而去,而且这一出手便是徒手攻击的极限招数。作为原本自残招数的代表,同时也是破坏力的体现。奇点爆破几乎是压箱底的对人招数,只要命中就几乎是致命的,但是乐渊从来没有想过自己有中招的那一天。 Le Yuan dark side, when saw the opposite party use Singularity Burst this move, although on the face has, helpless however more actually deflects the attack, according to the situation that in the speed and Strength of beforehand repertoire both sides were almost the same can only be the result of perishing together. But the displacement of this point, causing their two people to bring Singularity Burst of cracking of molecules level ability to hit in one. 无论是乐渊还是黑暗面在见到对方用处了奇点爆破这一招的时候,虽然脸上有着无奈但是更多的却是偏转攻击,按照之前的套路双方的速度、力量相差无几的情况下只能是同归于尽的结果。而这一点的偏移,导致他们两人带着分子破坏级能力的奇点爆破撞在了一起。 Although the scientist had supposed the evolution of singular point possibly becomes the black hole, but actually has not tried to hitting two singular points to have what kind of consequence together. But Le Yuan does not know before then similarly, if ascends the sky a time to him comes opportunity again, he will not violate to using this move absolutely inexpensively. 虽然科学家假设过奇点的演变可能成为黑洞,但是从来没有试过将两个奇点对撞到一起究竟会产生怎么样的后果。而乐渊在此之前同样不知道,如果上天给他再来一次的机会,他绝对不会犯贱到用出这一招。 Makes Singularity Burst two people, even if has a mind to shift with Spatial Displacement, but actually already had a mind to be incapable. Really thinks that the unique skill wants to come with be able the use, particularly calculates the production and release of singular point made the effort. 打出奇点爆破的两人,纵然有心用空间移动转移,但是却已经有心无力了。真以为绝招是想用就能用处来的,尤其是计算奇点的产生与释放本就耗费心力。 Two people fists clash again, but these time compared with pure Strength to spelling but was dangerous too many are too many. Two people that moment of fist hit, Singularity Burst attack then already moves toward the space and time in the mutual influence, because singular point the attack of repel is above the intensity of imagination. 两人的拳头再一次对撞,但是这一次比起单纯的力量对拼可是危险得太多太多了。两人拳头撞击的那一刻,奇点爆破的攻击便已经在相互影响中走向时空,而且由于奇点的排斥似的这一次的攻击超乎想像的强烈。 Dodges!” “闪!” Also said with you!” “还用你说!” Takes decisive measures is at this time, the Le Yuan dark side that said is involuntary in this moment already. The Singularity Burst Second Stage Blackhole Effect adsorptive attraction loses control thoroughly, control in fist nearby absorption, currently has entire to compress Strength of fist Le Yuan unexpectedly. 壮士断腕说的就是这种时候,无论是乐渊还是黑暗面在这一刻已经身不由己。奇点爆破第二阶段黑洞效应吸附力彻底失控,原本控制在拳头附近的吸取,现在竟有将乐渊整个压缩进拳头的力量 Le Yuan also or is the dark side chooses to mediate the arm to seek livehood in this moment, cuts off the right arm then to go all out to run on own initiative toward the surrounding. But broke the arm not to stop on behalf of the attack, absorbed the breaking arms of two people, that mixed the rampage edition Singularity Burst is the true terrifying starts. 无论是乐渊亦或者是黑暗面在这一刻都选择了断臂求生,主动斩断右臂然后拼了命地向着外围跑去。而断臂不代表攻击停止,吸收了两个人的断臂,那混合暴走版本的奇点爆破才是真正的恐怖开始。 Enough five seconds, cover the peripheral radius ten meters member grinder, all thing including two people arm were disappeared by this Strength the air thoroughly, formed a short no war zone. 足足五秒钟,笼罩周边半径十米的分子粉碎机,包括两人手臂在内的所有东西连空气都被这一股力量彻底泯灭,形成了一个短暂的真空地带。 Le Yuan also or the dark side puts down the attack for the time being, arm that as two people silent already were cut off in a short time rebirth, to adapt to the new student/life arm two people chose tacitly gave up temporarily. 无论是乐渊亦或者黑暗面都暂且放下了攻击,随着两人的沉默原本已经断掉的手臂在短时间内重生了,不过为了适应新生的手臂两人默契地选择了暂时罢手。 This with the sorrow that oneself battle, the period dark side that oneself can think of can think similarly. What kind of attack, what kind of tactic thinks by the opposite party in the flash of putting forth, this is not the pure clone, but conducts the synchronized with the Le Yuan main body anytime and anywhere the clouds. 这就是与自己作战的悲哀,自己能够想到的时期黑暗面同样能够想到。无论是怎么样的攻击,如何的战术都会在使出的一瞬间被对方想到,这不是单纯的克隆,而是随时随地与乐渊本体进行同步的云端。 The fists and feet makes no distinction between victory and defeat, Le Yuan then went forward by Sword Qi and dark side quickly again launches one to separate the spatial battle. In battlefield that in Sword Qi four shoot, although seemingly extremely does not allow to ponder the moment anxiously, however Le Yuan five senses spiritual awareness is even observing, so-called another do really have the complete ability? 拳脚不分胜负,乐渊很快便再次上前以剑气与黑暗面展开了一场隔空交战。在剑气四射的战场中,虽然看似紧张万分不容思考片刻,但是乐渊五感甚至灵觉都在观察着,所谓的另一个自己真的拥有完全的能力吗? The speed and Strength have the tactic to be able through simulating duplicate/restores to carve, but Strength system thing is no one can duplicate/restores carve, but Le Yuan could not see actually currently speaking the dark side Strength has which point is different. 速度、力量还有战术能够通过模拟复刻出来,但是力量体系这玩意就不是什么人都能够复刻的,不过就目前而言乐渊看不出黑暗面的力量究竟有哪一点是不同。 After Sword Qi, is Immortal Technique, superior Devil Undying Body Strength that Immortal Technique later puts together, after Devil Undying Body still does not know one's place, leaves Le Yuan then is only left over two aspects not to expose ; first, Small World Strength, its two are various equipment and item of Inner World. 剑气之后是仙术,仙术之后拼的优势魔人不死身力量,而当魔人不死身依然是不分上下之后,留给乐渊的便只剩下两个方面没有展露,其一是小世界力量,其二便是里世界的各种装备、道具 Now the Le Yuan space is not a reality, is similar to the Mind space, but actually does not exist in Le Yuan within the body, is between in the real and illusory between third party world. In such space, equipment and item of Le Yuan not clear Inner World whether to play the similar role, even can in the exposition was then used instantaneously in the same fashion by the opposite party. 现在乐渊所处的这个空间并非现实,类似于心灵空间,但是却又并不存在于乐渊的体内,介乎于真实与虚幻之间的第三方世界。在这样的空间里面,乐渊并不清楚里世界的装备和道具能否起到同样的作用,甚至会不会在暴露的瞬间便被对方以同样的方式使用出来。 But Small World this and Strength of Le Yuan binding, it can be said that the Le Yuan final card in a hand, Le Yuan does not believe that opposite dark side can also 100% simulate together Small World, if really can achieve that step, Le Yuan also can only attempt to seek for the chance in the unceasing breakthrough. 小世界这个和乐渊绑定的力量,可以说是乐渊最后的底牌,乐渊是不怎么相信对面的黑暗面也能百分百小世界一起模拟出来,如果真的可以做到那一步,乐渊也只能尝试在不断突破中寻找胜机了。 First equips, although nearly in Mind space place, when the Le Yuan attempt opens the space backpack takes out the weapon, really and reality generally succeeded, Gungnir fell on the palm of Le Yuan right hand. 首先是装备,虽说是近乎于心灵空间的地方,当乐渊尝试将空间背包打开取出武器之时,真的和现实一般成功了,永恒之枪落到了乐渊右手的手掌上。 Gungnir? Indeed is a good weapon, perhaps Odin has not thought in the final analysis your I can use this situation this spear/gun, have you tried to Shahab make a wish?” 永恒之枪?的确是一把不错的武器,说到底奥丁恐怕都没有想到你我能够将这把枪用到这种地步吧,你试过对着许愿吗?” Dark sides opposite hundred meters away is saying, while lifted own right hand, saw only under condensation of black air/Qi his in the hand to condense similarly one with the long spear/gun that Gungnir was almost the same, but on glittering genuine goods compared with Le Yuan, Gungnir on his hand was black the black spear's/gun's body of evil aura. 对面百米之外的黑暗面一边说着,一边抬起了自己的右手,只见一阵黑气的凝聚之下他的手上同样凝聚出了一把和永恒之枪相差无几的长枪,不过比起乐渊手上金光闪闪的正版货,他手上的永恒之枪是黑得邪气的黑色枪身。 Even did this simulate? Also is really a big ritual, but makes me have a look at you to study several tenths similarity! Meteor gungnir!” “连这都模拟出来了吗?还真是一份大礼,不过让我看看你能学得几成相似度!流星gungnir!” Le Yuan took the lead to launch the attack, in order to leaves no ground wrote off the opposite party, Le Yuan retained merely only sufficed Spatial Displacement Strength, other 99% poured into Gungnir completely, this might without parallel in history strikes can be said as draws to a close period for a today's war. 乐渊率先发动了攻击,为了能够不留余地地将对方抹杀,乐渊仅仅保留了仅够空间移动力量,其他的90%九全部注入到了永恒之枪内,这威力空前绝后的一击可以说是为今天的一战划下句号。 You are insane I is also insane, whom having a look at to live, you could not win me! Meteor gungnir!” “你疯我也疯,看看谁能够活下来,你是赢不了我的!流星gungnir!” In the flash, the dark side of distant place used nearly same unique skill similarly, the golden meteor met the opponent in this moment, was summoned the dark meteor that to have the unclear color to fly by black Gungnir toward Le Yuan. 在一瞬间,远处的黑暗面同样使出了近乎相同的绝招,金色的流星在这一刻遇上了对手,由黑色永恒之枪召唤出来的黑暗流星带着不详之色朝着乐渊飞来。 Made me have a look really to imitate the Gungnir essence.” “让我看看是不是真的模仿到了永恒之枪的精髓。” Facing will soon hit own black meteor, the Le Yuan unhurriedly use Spatial Displacement fended in the midair. But that soon pounded the dark meteor in ground actually to transfer one to feel relieved forcefully, the retrogradation gravity caught up toward the position that Le Yuan shifted. 面对即将击中自己的黑色流星,乐渊不慌不忙用处了空间移动在半空之中进行闪避。而那原本就快要砸到地面上的黑暗流星却是硬生生转了一个放心,逆反重力向着乐渊转移的方位赶了过来。 However although Spatial Displacement indeed is the maintaining life unique skill, however Gungnir must the characteristics be harder to deal with, particularly when starting certain kill technique[ meteor gungnir] wanted to depend on hard anti- Gungnir to cause to expiration already impossible, being intimate such a waited for Le Yuan also to be the death. 不过虽然空间移动的确是保命绝技,但是永恒之枪的必中特性却更加难缠,尤其是在发动必杀技[流星gungnir]时想要靠着硬抗永恒之枪使必中失效已经不可能了,挨上那么一下等待着乐渊也会是死亡。 But the Le Yuan corner of the eye split vision also saw the distant place was pursued the dark side that runs everywhere by the golden meteor, it seems like that the opposite party also decides to shoulder. both sides on such pursue hide, knows that Le Yuan also has the dark side simultaneously the strength completely, this by the opposite party[ meteor gungnir] hits. 乐渊的眼角余光同样见到了远处被金色流星追得到处跑的黑暗面,看来对方也是打定主意扛下去。双方就这样一追一躲,知道乐渊还有黑暗面同时力尽,这才被对方的[流星gungnir]击中。 By Le Yuan death that without a doubt the unique skill hits, but opposite dark side has not survived similarly, perishing together is not so-called defeating, Le Yuan does not have Quest Failure however unable to be successful similarly, he of death withdrew from that space automatically. 被绝招击中的乐渊毫无疑问的死了,而对面的黑暗面同样没有存活下来,同归于尽可不是所谓的战胜,乐渊没有任务失败但是同样没能够成功,死亡的他自动退出了那个空间。 Has sobered Le Yuan from contemplating to sober, nearby Hinata still during the fight, the expression on face looks quite complex, does not know that actually her dark side made anything to her. 清醒过啦的乐渊从冥想之中清醒了过来,一旁的雏田依然在战斗之中,脸上的表情看起来颇为复杂,也不知道她的黑暗面究竟对她做了些什么。 Most of the day, Hinata was sober. However she cannot defeat the dark side with Le Yuan generally, but is different from Le Yuan, she has not chosen and dark side fight, but chose the exchange, both sides try to make the opposite party believe with the language. 大半天过后,雏田清醒了。不过她也和乐渊一般并没有能够战胜黑暗面,不过和乐渊不同,她并没有选择和黑暗面战斗,而是选择了交流,双方用语言试图令对方信服。 It seems like we ran into the hard to deal with opponent, that fellow has not distinguished with me from the performance, indeed may be called the strongest opponent, was too hard to deal with!” “看来我们都遇到了难缠的对手啊,那个家伙从表现来看和我没有区别,的确是堪称最强的对手,太难缠了!” Le Yuan recalls dark side all, discovered that except for domain Strength that has also retained, at least the equipment the opposite parties can imitate are not the least bit off, such opponent already went beyond the Le Yuan understanding range. 乐渊回忆起黑暗面的一切,发现除了还有所保留的领域力量,最起码就连装备在内对方都能够模仿地丝毫不差,这样的对手已经超出了乐渊的理解范围。 As for being on site to break through this matter , can only say, when really this is plays or the cartoon, hit is hitting was promoting, where had that good matter! Although the body of Le Yuan indeed has the evolution ability of survival of the fittest, the difference that but the appearance of dark side that synchronization does not come compared with Le Yuan momentarily, Le Yuan has progressed even, the opposite party can still synchronize the strengthen, simply has not achieved the means of opposite party. 至于临场突破这种事情,也只能说说而已,真当这是游戏还是漫画,打着打着就升级了,哪有那么好的事情!虽然乐渊的身体的确有着适者生存的进化能力,但是黑暗面那种随时同步的样子也不比乐渊来的差,就算乐渊有所进步,对方也能够同步变强,根本没有达到对方的办法。 Le Yuan plans rest several days, when again after will then meet dark side with the strength of the world, if really even this can imitate, then he did not have idea thoroughly. 乐渊打算休息数日,当再一次进入后便用世界之力来会一会黑暗面,如果真的连这都能够模仿,那么他也彻底没辙了。 ... ...
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