VE :: Volume #8 三阶首战影之忍者

#751: Dark, who is?

Island Turtle, in Land of Lightning is also the institute of top-secret cultivation only then minority Ninja know. Island Turtle is a living creature, the entire island is situated in one does not know that conducting the back of how long big sea turtle lived, but between Kumogakure and this big sea turtles are the relations of offering mutual benefit and achieving common progress, making this island for the hovering floating island that the bystander knows. 龟岛,在雷之国中也是只有少数忍者才知道的绝密修炼之所。龟岛本身就是一个活物,整座岛都坐落于一只不知道活了多久的大海龟的背上,而云忍村和这只大海龟之间是互惠互利的关系,使得这座岛成为了不为外人所知的游动浮岛。 But this island most essential place lies on it two special places, its one is goal Falls of Truth of Le Yuan trip, sits cross-legged in another who the person before this/should waterfall can see the innermost feelings, and is known as the innermost feelings dark side and equally matched. The two are the rooms of awakening, can assist the Jinchūriki control tailed beast mysterious ancient vestige. 而这座岛最关键的地方在于它上面的两个特别地点,其一就是乐渊此行的目标真实瀑布,盘坐于该瀑布前的人能够见到内心的另一个自己,并且还是号称内心黑暗面与自身不相上下的自己。其二就是觉醒之室,能够协助人柱力控制自身尾兽的神秘古遗迹。 Regarding this Falls of Truth effect, before Le Yuan have not attempted responds with the neutrality, after all even the good goods must, who not know that Falls of Truth limit there, whether really can be effective to everyone. 对于这个真实瀑布的效果,在乐渊自己还没有尝试过之前报以中立态度,毕竟就算再好的物品也是要对人的,谁也不知道真实瀑布的极限在那里,是否真的能够对每一个人都奏效。 But Le Yuan stubborn Hinata the request of Konoha, leading her to turn toward in the Land of Lightning east sea to start the long-time search together, for was seeks for this to make Le Yuan see another own waterfall only safely. 而从木叶出发的乐渊拗不过雏田的请求,带着她一起向着雷之国东面的大海上开始了长久的搜寻,为的就是寻找到这唯一能够令乐渊安全见到另一个自己的瀑布 As Kumogakure secret one, Island Turtle was inferior the general place is so good to see. The Island Turtle in some sense foreign defense even is as good Kumogakure by several barrier are wrapping, all, when Le Yuan also has Hinata goes to sea to seek, uses seven days of time then from Land of Water sea area discovery this to stop in sea central small island (Kojima). 作为云忍村的隐秘之一,龟岛并不如一般地方那么好见到。被数层结界包裹着的龟岛某种意义上对外的防御甚至不逊于云忍村自身,所有当乐渊还有雏田出海寻找时,足足用了七天时间这才在距离水之国的海域发现这座停在海中央的小岛 Stepped into shortly after small island (Kojima), Le Yuan also had Hinata then to receive warm welcome from small island (Kojima) local resident. Six meters high gorilla, the ten-meter pangolin, various builds result in not the normal animal greatly when seeing Le Yuan of stranger also had Hinata to launch the crazy attack. 踏入小岛后没多久,乐渊还有雏田便受到了来自小岛本土居民的热烈欢迎。六米多高的大猩猩,长达十米的穿山甲,还有各种体形大得不正常的动物在见到陌生人的乐渊还有雏田时发动了疯狂的攻击。 However one crowd simply has not accepted the wild animal how many have trained, how even if the build does become what can have Hinata to pose the threat to Le Yuan again greatly? After warms up the fight that continually is not, this flock of temperament somewhat hot tempered animals were understand stood before them slightly finally are not small and weak human, but compared to their eldest child Killer B more terrifying existence. 不过一群根本没有接受过多少训练的野生动物,就算体形变得再大又何如何能够对乐渊还有雏田造成威胁?经过连热身都算不上的战斗之后,这群脾气略微有些暴躁的动物们总算是明白了站在他们面前的不是弱小的人类,而是比起他们老大奇拉比更加恐怖的存在。 Expelled one flock of looking for trouble animals, followed to discover through the Tenseigan ultra long-distance range perspective/see through in Le Yuan behind Hinata the situation in two people destination, looked with ordinary waterfall not different small waterfall. 赶跑了一群找麻烦的动物,跟在乐渊身后的雏田通过转生眼的超远距离透视发现了两人目的地的情况,一个看起来和普通瀑布没什么两样的小瀑布 Teacher Le Yuan, that is really waterfall is so mysterious? Can who through that see own dark side? Do I have?” 乐渊老师,那个真是瀑布真的有那么神奇吗?谁都能通过那个,看到自己的黑暗面?我也有吗?” Mentioned the so-called dark side no one does not feel depressing, after all the so-called darkness is not good thing, so long as perhaps a psychological normal person not when will have the dark side will be happy. 一提到所谓的黑暗面就没有一个人不感到压抑的,毕竟所谓的黑暗不就是不好的东西嘛,恐怕只要一个心理正常的人都不会在自己心里有黑暗面的时候感到高兴。 Has not attempted, temporarily does not issue any commentary, does not pass to face also well, you obtained Strength are really simple, the exercise of Mind was insufficiently many. Perhaps you can learn/study well certain from your dark side there specially-made also perhaps, the so-called darkness rather until now hidden another special characteristics in your heart, is not essentially evil, but you do not want to reveal...... I to that so-called dark side, this was also full of the interest!” “没有尝试过,暂时不发表任何的评论,不过去面对一下也好,你获得力量实在是太简单了,心灵的锻炼还是不够多。也许你能够从你的黑暗面那里学习到某些好的特制也说不定,所谓的黑暗不如说是一直以来隐藏在你心中的另一个特质,本质上并不是邪恶的,只是你不想要表露出来的而已……我对那所谓的黑暗面,这也是充满了兴趣!” When Le Yuan also has Hinata arrives at Falls of Truth, sees only the rivers that small waterfall flows a sandbank entire to surround. Under according to Le Yuan knows, the person who wants to see the dark side, so long as arrives on the sandbank to sit cross-legged sits in meditation then. 乐渊还有雏田来到真实瀑布的时候,只见小瀑布流淌下来的河流将一座河滩整个包围住。根据乐渊所知,想要见到黑暗面的人只要走到河滩上盘坐下打坐即可。 In order to avoid troubling, before Le Yuan drew Hinata to sit Falls of Truth, together. When Falls of Truth has an effect, will sit cross-legged the person there then to enter to one with real world nearly same Falls of Truth, all when the time comes will have will not then have the least bit connection with the mortal body reality again, therefore that will be an approximate Genjutsu (Illusionary Technique) place. 为了避免麻烦,乐渊拉着雏田一起坐到了真实瀑布前。当真实瀑布起作用的时候,盘坐在那里的人便会进入到一个与真实世界近乎相同的真实瀑布,到时候发生的一切便与肉身现实再无半点瓜葛,所以那是一个近似幻术的地方。 Le Yuan has not taken the lead sits cross-legged to see itself so-called dark side, but after when nearby Hinata enters the condition that the depth contemplates, borrowed the water used arrange/cloth to get down two barrier around two people. A outside function is imaginary, Le Yuan and Hinata form concealment, not only cannot see not to appear externally the aura ; The second function moves, two people with dislocation, even if some people want to enter, still automatic bias Le Yuan and Hinata is. 乐渊没有率先盘坐下去见自己所谓的“黑暗面”,而是等到一旁的雏田进入深度冥想的状态之后,才在两人周围借用水布下了两道结界。外面的一道作用为幻,将乐渊雏田的的身影隐匿,不但看不见更是连气息都不外露;第二道的作用是移,将两个人的所在与外界错位,就算有人想要走进,也会自动偏移乐渊雏田的所在。 Prepared for the protection work, Le Yuan then safely to enter the depth to contemplate. 做好了防护工作,乐渊这才安心地准备进入深度冥想。 Under Le Yuan sits cross-legged several breath, integrated daily Le Yuan in then to find the best feeling regarding law of already breath early instantaneously, therefore had no accident/surprise, then entered during in -depth consciousness quickly. 乐渊盘坐下不过数个呼吸,对于呼吸之法早已经融入到日常的乐渊在瞬间便能找到最佳的感觉,是故根本没有什么意外,很快便进入到了深层意识之中。 When Le Yuan opening eye, although surroundings Falls of Truth scenery, but only has Le Yuan understand already to arrive at the world that the dark side was, Hinata already vanishes early does not see, but the sound of washout in waterfall of not far away hears. 乐渊“睁开”眼睛时,周围虽然还是真实瀑布的景色,但是唯有乐渊明白自己已经来到了黑暗面所在的世界,身旁的雏田已经消失不见,而不远处的瀑布中传来的冲刷之声。 During the gaze of Le Yuan, reflected in waterfall of this Le Yuan appearance to go out of one nearly with his exactly the same individual, condition that the appearance walked appropriately, even on the face the change of expression can mediate among the main bodies is not different. 乐渊的注视之中,倒映这乐渊面貌的瀑布之中走出了一个近乎和他一模一样的个体,无论是外貌合适行走的状态,甚至脸上表情的变化都可以说和本体之间并无不同。 Looks that at present this and similarity achieves 99% dark sides, Le Yuan is frowning to look at him, although could not say, but this dark side was indeed similar, the only surprise probably was that being out of sorts feeling that Le Yuan had, the dark side that always thought and have a difference. 看着眼前这个和自己相似度达到90%九的黑暗面,乐渊皱着眉头望着他,虽然说不出来,但是这黑暗面的确非常相似,唯一的诧异大概就是乐渊自身产生的那种违和感,总觉的这黑暗面还是和自己有着一点差异。 Strange? Also or you were pondering why I will be born, said that you suspected I am fake goods?” “奇怪吗?亦或者你是在思考我为什么会诞生,还是说你怀疑我是一个冒牌货呢?” Sees the expression on Le Yuan face, dark Le Yuan spreads out both hands to say indifferently, as if has been fully correct the idea of Le Yuan main body to be the same, on the face full is the contented smile. 看到乐渊脸上的表情,黑暗乐渊摊开双手淡然地说道,似乎早就猜透了乐渊本体的想法一般,脸上满是自得的笑容。 Is far from the suspicion, has doubts merely your existence, if this Falls of Truth really can draw my dark side, then it also is really all-resourceful, not?” “谈不上怀疑,仅仅是疑惑你的存在而已,如果这真实瀑布真的能够将我黑暗面拉出来,那它还真是神通广大啊,不是吗?” Le Yuan this saying denied the birth of dark Le Yuan to come from Falls of Truth directly, on the other hand was also inquiring that the origin of own dark side, the words that did not make clear fear him to intertwine. 乐渊这话直接就否定了黑暗乐渊的诞生源自于真实瀑布,另一方面又是在询问自己的黑暗面的来源,不搞清楚的话恐怕他会一直纠结下去。 „Very strange? Has Marrow Cleansing Scripture to wash Soul you also to have the so-called darkness unceasingly, perhaps good and evil black and white already did not have the significance to you early, this was you direct selection will also practice the Marrow Cleansing Scripture most fundamental reason initially. However in fact you are a hypocrite, even Marrow Cleansing Scripture still washes not your dirty Soul!” “很奇怪吗?有着洗髓经不断洗涤灵魂的你也会产生所谓的黑暗,恐怕善恶黑白对于你而言早已经没有了意义,这也是你当初会直接选择修炼洗髓经最根本的原因。不过事实上你就是个伪君子,就算洗髓经也洗不尽你那肮脏的灵魂!” Regarding angrily rebuking of dark domain, has not made any rebuttal as main body Le Yuan. Probably tacitly approved his words to be the same, calmly listened to him to angrily roar and roar. 对于黑暗领域的怒斥,作为本体的乐渊并未做任何的反驳。像是默认了他的话一般,就这么静静地听着他怒吼、咆哮。 „...... You have not paid the sincerity to all of this world, your present Le Yuan status, is all of your reality, your continuously oneself outside the world, transmigrator Le Yuan status regarding you is really so important? Rong'er and Reika even are Yui, haven't you entrusted your heart to them, they in your opinion with puppet what strange/different?” “……你从来都没有对这个世界的一切付出过真心,无论是你现在乐渊的身份,还是你现实的一切,你一直都把自己于世界之外,穿越者乐渊的身份对于你真的的那么重要?蓉儿玲花甚至是结衣,你从来都没有将自己的心托付给他们,她们在你看来和玩偶何异?” „...... You in frightened, you in frightened all these, or you always not the obsolete coward, the fear lose all, the fear loses the person who you love, likes your person not daring to contain, can your selfish fellow walk far in this world? I thought you to rather be dead......” “……你在恐惧,你在恐惧这一切,或者说你从来都不过时个胆小鬼,害怕失去所有,害怕失去你爱的人,连爱你的人都不敢包容,你这种自私自利的家伙又能在这个世界走多远?我看你不如死了算了……” Dark Le Yuan each few words point to the Le Yuan strategic point, as if he is really the Le Yuan dark side, 11 unearths the secret of Le Yuan heart deep place. 黑暗乐渊的每一句话都直指乐渊的要害,似乎他真的就是乐渊的黑暗面,把乐渊内心深处的秘密一一挖掘出来。 However when dark Le Yuan pants for breath probably when the spoken language in stopping mouth, is looking at opposite Le Yuan again, the discovery is actually on the rise with the Le Yuan look that in he looks at each other seems like simply has not received unexpectedly affects slightly general. 不过当黑暗乐渊像是喘息似的停下口中的言语,再一次望着对面的乐渊时,却发现一抬起头来与他对视的乐渊眼神中竟然像是根本没有受到丝毫影响一般。 Said enough? On the appearance that your vixen shouts abuse in public also dares saying that is my dark side, but also is really boast shamelessly!” “说够了吗?就你这泼妇骂街的样子也敢自称是我的黑暗面,还真是大言不惭!” Le Yuan this just said then entire dark Le Yuan stagnates, that points at the finger of Le Yuan to shiver freely, as if to Le Yuan is also daring to bluster now, but is angry. 乐渊这刚一开口便将黑暗乐渊说得整个一滞,那指着乐渊的手指不住地颤抖,似乎在对乐渊现在还敢口出狂言而恼怒着。 You said that I have not paid the sincerity to this world, gold content your I am very clear, I pay, have also striven for success, I experienced compared with I many all of last, if you also think that I have not paid the sincerity, I am speechless......” “你说我对这个世界没有付出过真心,这其中的含金量你我都很清楚,我付出过、也拼搏过,我经历了远比上一世的我更多的一切,如果你还认为我没有付出真心,我无话可说……” „...... You said that I they have not paid the true feelings to Rong'er, this saying to be laughable! My first liked giving them, Rong'er also had Reika is my first marriage, but Yui the first time was makes me father, all these were they give me, I will also return their payout by ten times and hundred times of places!” “……你说我没对蓉儿他们付出真情,这话更是可笑!我的第一份爱给了他们,蓉儿还有玲花是我的第一次婚姻,而结衣更是令我第一次成为了父亲,这一切都是她们给予我的,我同样会以十倍、百倍地回报她们的付出!” You said that I continuously in frightened, does the fear lose all that oneself have? This is the joke in joke, I have been afraid, but if you are really my dark side should know what I in fear is what? Trivial failure, trivial Strength, position and prestige? Compared with that I have been worried about, is not worth mentioning, in the final analysis you radically are the product of this world, no qualifications gesticulate to me!” “你说我一直在恐惧,恐惧失去自己拥有的一切?这更加是笑话中的笑话,我一直心存畏惧,但是如果你真的是我的黑暗面就更应该知道我在畏惧的是什么?区区失败,区区力量、地位、名望?和我一直担心的那个比起来,根本不值一提,说到底你根本就是这个世界的产物而已,没有资格对我指手画脚!” The Le Yuan words successfully said the basis not to have the means to refute dark Le Yuan, perhaps Le Yuan truly has some problems that this he said that but dark Le Yuan just indeed was draws conclusions from a part to try to disintegrate the fighting heart of Le Yuan now, but seemed like has not produced the proper results, was makes Le Yuan fighting spirit more spirited on the contrary. 乐渊的一番话成功地将黑暗乐渊说得根本没有办法进行反驳,或许乐渊的确存在这他所说的一些问题,但是现在黑暗乐渊刚刚的确是以偏概全试图瓦解乐渊的斗心,不过看起来似乎没有产生应有的效果,反倒是令乐渊更加斗志昂扬。 This dark Le Yuan indeed is not the pure Falls of Truth product, is this world conducts existence that the imitation is born with the aid of the Le Yuan main body, cannot leave this world, so long as he has with the main body Le Yuan equally matched ability here. 这黑暗乐渊的确不是纯粹的真实瀑布的产物,乃是这个世界借助乐渊本体进行模仿诞生的存在,并不能离开这个世界,但是只要在这里他就有着和本体乐渊不相上下的能力。 So long as this world remains for day, then dark Le Yuan then and main body Le Yuan slight difference, has not wanted to defeat his to have a dream. 只要这个世界还存在一天,那么黑暗乐渊便和本体乐渊没有丝毫的区别,想要战胜他那就是做梦。 How oh said that you create for the main source according to me, can't forgive me? Simply, you surrendered directly, after all I also had the whole family to support!” “唉怎么说你都是根据我为蓝本创造出来的,难道就不能体谅体谅我吗?干脆点,你直接投降得了,毕竟我可是还有一家子要养活的!” Le Yuan looks at present and Strength undifferentiated dark domain, persuaded. 乐渊看着眼前和自己力量毫无差别的黑暗领域,不由劝说道。 Good......” dark domain said suddenly, but the next second he then makes a great show of one's talents, the murderous intention is showing instantaneously, makes me have a look at you to have the qualifications to continue to go on living, as my main body, you cannot compare me to be weak!” “好啊……”黑暗领域突然说道,不过下一秒他便锋芒毕露,杀机在瞬间展现,“不过就让我看看你有没有资格继续活下去,作为我的本体,你可不能比我还弱!” The flash two people encountered, the fists and feet and step were as for the eyesight, both sides were on a par, most critically they knew from A to Z regarding idea of opposite party, two people confrontation are forecasting from beginning to end oneself next, so long as further forecast compared with the opposite party, changing can win that this fought. 一瞬间两人交锋到了一起,拳脚、步伐乃至于眼力,双方都是不分伯仲,更关键的是他们对于对方的想法那都是了如指掌,两人的交锋从头到尾都是在预测自己的下一步,只要比对方更进一步的预测,变能获得这一战的胜利。 What a pity nearly same two people, fell into deadlock essentially from beginning to end. 可惜本质上近乎相同的两人,从头到尾都陷入了僵持。 ... ...
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