VE :: Volume #8 三阶首战影之忍者

#750: Joy after sorrow, road ahead from presently

The time arrived at Ninja Calendar in mid April 64, Le Yuan returned to Konoha already almost 1 month, by Le Yuan that such as the terrifying strength of being an excellent likeness demon, some people will not naturally bring Hyūga Clan Eldest Miss not to know that to Le Yuan this Konoha Jōnin ignoring a proper occupation where behavior eloping arrived at no longer to talk too much, but Le Yuan also officially becomes nearly the signboard character, no one forced to request Le Yuan to conduct any trivial character again. 时间来到了忍历64年4月中旬,乐渊回归木叶已经过了差不多一个多月的时间,凭借乐渊那如神似魔的恐怖实力,自然也不会有人对乐渊这个木叶上忍不务正业带着日向一族大小姐不知道“私奔”到哪里的行为不再多嘴,而乐渊也正式成为了近乎招牌似的人物,也没有人再强制要求乐渊进行什么琐碎的人物。 Le Yuan that finally is idle put Hinata, she had had not gone home a long time, Le Yuan also had nothing matter that needs to ask her, to guarantee oneself ended in a war in Kaguya as far as possible not the injured solution fight, until now drew Hinata to rush about many feels sorry, now all things ended then also give Hinata to be free. She is willing to take this Ninja World strength to make anything vertically and horizontally/able to move unhindered, Le Yuan will not interfere again willfully. 终于清闲下来的乐渊雏田放了出来,她可是有很长一段时间没有回家了,乐渊也没有什么需要拜托她的事情,为了保证自己在辉夜终结一战中尽可能不受伤的解决战斗,一直以来拉着雏田东奔西跑多有过意不去,现在万事终结便也给了雏田自由。她愿意拿着这一身纵横忍界的实力去做些什么,乐渊也不会再横加干涉。 Regardless of Hinata takes Tenseigan to cut Moon to play with Golden Wheel Reincarnation Explosion, did to summon Kaguya directly to conduct duel to have nothing to do with Le Yuan. Le Yuan only wants in the remaining six months, to relax already to tie tight to the nerve that soon stretches well. 无论雏田是拿着转生眼金轮转生爆切月球玩,还是直接作死想要召唤辉夜进行单挑都与乐渊无关了。乐渊只想在剩下的半年时间里面,好好地放松一下已经紧绷到快要绷断的神经。 As for another resident Karin that treats in the heavenly book fairyland, already settles down in Le Yuan Small World at this time officially, and becomes Valhalla personal guard medical team Captain, Karin already of No. 2 world settles down to take root in Konoha, for does not form the blackening again, Karin of No. 1 world completely lost the contact with this world under the confirmation of Le Yuan. 至于另一位待在天书仙境的住客香磷,此时已经正式安家落户于乐渊小世界,并且成为了英灵殿近卫队的医疗队队长,二号世界的香磷已经木叶落户生根,为了不再一次形成黑化,一号世界的香磷乐渊的确认之下彻底断绝了与这个世界的联系。 But Karin of this world was treated as the child bride to treat by Uzumaki Kushina generally, was takes her to train as own son Menma fiancee simply. However as few Uzumaki Clan descendants, moreover Menma also did not have the lover of Hinata this originally, these also really became matched certainly. 而这个世界的香磷则被漩涡玖辛奈当作童养媳一般对待,简直就是把她作为自己儿子面麻的未婚妻培养了。不过作为为数不多的漩涡一族后裔,而且面麻又没有了雏田这个原本的恋人,这一下还真就成了绝配。 But said Le Yuan then only has six months, that was because of him by the pit. Before made Quest time has not noticed, but until him completely to third Quest the goal did not have the clue the time, this had that pain in the ass Kungfu to study Quest Description, this research discovered decisively own surplus time simply did not have ten years. 而之所以说乐渊接下来只有半年时间,那是因为他又被坑了。之前做任务的时候还没有注意到,但是直到他完全对第三个任务的目标没有线索的时候,这才有那个蛋疼功夫研究起任务描述,这一研究果断发现了自己的剩余时间根本没有十年。 Reward mechanism sly ruthless of this Quest, ten times of resident times and excluding during Le Yuan makes Quest. But is Le Yuan, if carries out the grade to hide World Quest in original one year of resident time, then can extend the Le Yuan resident time to ten years, otherwise the remaining nine years of that said that directly bye-bye. 这一个任务的奖励机制狡猾的狠,十倍的停留时间并不包括在乐渊任务期间的。而是乐渊如果在原本的一年停留时间内搞定级隐藏世界任务,那么才能够将乐渊的停留时间延长至十年,不然剩下的九年时间那就直接说拜拜了。 Completely did not have clue Le Yuan to live on. the life of insect, every day is loafing in Konoha, he even had to plant lets Huang Rong and Reika as well as Yui simply comes Ninja continent to take vacation together a half year of idea, after all compared other life, the whole family may really be the rare reunion meter 全然没有线索的乐渊就此过上了米虫的生活,每日都在木叶村里面游荡着,他甚至有种干脆让黄蓉还有玲花以及结衣一起来忍者大陆度假半年的想法,毕竟比其他独自一人的生活,一家人可真是难得团聚。 Un is really good Sun, makes merry while one can sleep to consider as finished “嗯真是不错的太阳,及时行乐睡一觉算了” Lies down on the corridor before garden, the Le Yuan warmed sunlight according to entire is languid on the body. For serveral days his hot and bothered from the beginning was as for angry, regarding the Naruto World irritable topic did not feel resenting fairly, but, the anger gradually faded from the memory by him over time. 躺在庭院前的走廊上,乐渊被温暖的阳光照在身上整个都是懒洋洋的。这些天他从一开始的焦虑不安乃至于愤怒,对于火影世界所处的别扭题目的不公平感到愤恨,但是随着时间的流逝,愤怒被他逐渐淡忘。 Fair has not manifested in the experience of Le Yuan, his strength to general players never fair. The people have to lower the head under the eaves, between the world and person are not coordinated existence, do not look at Le Yuan to have a world, but essentially also merely is a person, simply does not have the qualifications and world discusses fairly or not. 公平从来就没有在乐渊的经历中有所体现,他的实力对于广大玩家而言又何尝公平过。人在屋檐下不得不低头,世界和人之间本就不是对等的存在,别看乐渊拥有了一个世界,但是本质上还仅仅是一个人,根本没有资格和世界谈公平与否。 That 70% world is regarded as the school expense, now is not only the pretty woman cannot believe, the appearance loyal man cannot believe that including has kept aloof the impartial world unable to believe similarly. 那70%的世界就当做是学费,现在不仅是漂亮的女人不能相信,面相忠诚的男人不能相信,连一直高高在上不偏不倚的世界同样不能相信。 Although does not know after own Small World lost 70%, will turn into what appearance, only but Le Yuan wants to do is gets down around a Valhalla Csepa as far as possible, can guarantee many insurance many as for the Warriors Orochi World resident, now looked like can only completely the human affairs listen to the destiny. However if pure according to the world size division, occupies the unparalleled residents in Small World 1/10 domains to be able merely to guarantee completely, but all things fear the eventuality. 虽然不知道自己的小世界失去了70%之后会变成什么样子,但是乐渊唯一想要做的就是尽可能将英灵殿周围的一切保下来,至于无双世界的居民则是能保多少保多少,现在看来只能尽人事听天命了。不过如果单纯按照世界大小划分,仅仅占据小世界十分之一地盘的无双居民应该能够全部保下来,不过万事就怕万一。 Teacher, do not rest, you come to see these materials that I collect, haven't you wanted to find the strongest person? Here is besides Five Kages, will the powerhouse who Ninja World spreads, you have a look in these people?” “老师,别睡了,你来看看我收集的这些资料,你不是一直想要找最强的人吗?这里是除了五影之外,忍界流传的强者哦,你看看是不是会在这些人里面?” When sees only Le Yuan to narrow the eyes the eye is thinking secretly, his body suddenly directly is intruded Hinata in courtyard unceasingly to sway. 只见乐渊眯着眼睛暗自思索之际,他的身体突然被直接闯入院子中的雏田不断摇晃着。 Since Hinata goes home, this is her first return. However she is being with good intention as always, including to still chose at this time helped Le Yuan complete Quest. 自从雏田回家,这是她第一次回归。不过她还是一如既往的善解人意,连到了这个时候依然选择了帮助乐渊完成任务 Le Yuan sat from the corridor, the right hand rubs already is not being child the head of Hinata, later the left hand received the character file that in her hand sought. This file said that was thick and said is thin, has almost 40-50 individuals. 乐渊从走廊上坐了起来,右手揉着已经不是小孩的雏田的脑袋,随后左手接过了她手中寻找到的人物档案。这一份档案说厚不厚、说薄不薄,上上下下也有差不多40-50个人。 How such a pile of files saw that was Hinata looked for several days laboriously, otherwise the average person cannot discover these files in these days. Although the Naruto World science and technology already shows talent for the first time, however most daring or the paper preservation, can only depend on the manual search. 这么一摞档案怎么看都是雏田这些天辛辛苦苦找出来的,不然一般人可不能在这么些日子里找出这些档案来。火影世界的科技虽然已经崭露头角,但是绝大多数的胆敢还是纸质保存,只能靠人工搜索。 Le Yuan leafs through this pile of file totals rapidly, compared with seeks for the material laboriously Hinata, speed that really one eye of ten pages that Le Yuan seems like. 40-50 people of file then totals look in just 34 minutes, moreover material of everyone is a not landing memory in the mind. 乐渊迅速将这一摞档案全数翻了个遍,比起辛辛苦苦寻找资料的雏田,乐渊看起来的速度那真叫一目十页。40-50人的档案在短短34分钟内便全数看完,而且每一个人的资料那是一个不落地记忆在脑海之中。 Looked at everyone's material, Le Yuan shakes the head this pile of papers placed on nearby wooden floor, looked up the deep blue sky sighed: „Thanks Hinata. However really did not need again such good fortune painstakingly, although in these people indeed had very strong person, but really must say that surpassed Five Kages you also has actually not necessarily experienced the Kaguya strength, you think in this group of people some people can compare favorably with she?” 看完所有人的资料,乐渊摇摇头将这一摞纸放在了一旁的木质地板上,抬起头看着蔚蓝的天空叹道:“谢谢了,雏田。不过真的不需要再这么幸苦了,虽然这些人里面的确有很强的人,但是真要说超过五影却不见得你也是见识过辉夜实力的,难道说你认为这群人里面有人能够比得上她?” In the list that Hinata provides has Le Yuan familiar Story Quest, there had not heard background minor character that listens radically, inside strong and weak is able to discriminate, some are established Kage Level, some simply are the elites in Jōnin, but depends the secret technique that is in sole possession to have the outstanding score. 雏田提供的名单里面既有乐渊熟悉的剧情任务,也有根本听的没听说过的背景龙套,里面强弱有别,有的是老牌的影级,有的干脆是上忍中的精英,不过仗着独有的秘术有着骄人的战绩。 For example in this group of people have Le Yuan familiar person Hidan, the overall strength also on Jōnin, coordinates his moron general mind, is the degenerate in Jōnin. However even if so, can actually kill Kage Level by technique and Undying Body the curse, this is the Ninjutsu uncertainty. 比方说这群人里面就有乐渊熟悉的一个人飞段,整体实力也就上忍不到,配合他那脑残一般的头脑,算是上忍中的败类。不过纵然如此,凭借一手诅咒之术和不死之身却能杀得了影级,这就是忍术的不确定性。 However although the technique has extremely strong overturn effect, but wants to draw support from the pure technique to achieve Le Yuan also to have Kaguya this grade of level that is the impossible matter, then therefore after Le Yuan swept this big has piled the material, got down the verdict, inside one was not the Quest goal. 不过虽然术有着极强的翻盘效果,但是想要借助单纯的术达到乐渊还有辉夜这等层次那是不可能的事情,是故乐渊扫过这一大摞资料之后便下了定案,里面一个也不是任务的目标。 In fact Le Yuan had also once sought in a large crowd, first Kaguya and Hagoromo of First Order ladder representative possibility was really low, possibility that two entirely succeed did not arrive. After all the Quest prompt is too obvious, current may replace to refer to the Le Yuan choice Quest World also to refer to the present time stage. Otherwise Ninja continent counts the 1000 year history to discover a strongest that is genuine brazen Quest. 事实上乐渊也曾在一大群人里面寻找过,首先第一阶梯代表人物的辉夜羽衣的可能性实在是太低了,两成都不到的可能性。毕竟任务提示太明显,“当前”既可代指乐渊选择的任务世界也可以指现在的时间阶段。不然的话忍者大陆千年的历史想要找出一个最强那才是真正赖皮的任务 Le Yuan drops down weak face up, just wants to lie down on the wooden floor again closes one's eyes the rest, who once thinks that nearby Hinata responded is extremely quick, gave a Le Yuan big benefits knee pillow directly. 乐渊无力地仰面倒下,正想再一次躺在木质地板上闭眼休息,谁曾想一旁的雏田却反应极快,直接给了乐渊一个大福利膝枕。 However Le Yuan has not cared about among two people the status, after all Hinata considers also should be as own student. However felt Hinata young girl aura, Le Yuan was emerging again the thoughts that Huang Rong they had to take vacation, no woman in the side attendance was really to suffering of married man. 不过乐渊也没有顾及两人之间的身份,毕竟雏田身为自己的学生照顾一下自己也是应该的嘛。不过感受着雏田身上的少女气息,乐渊再一次兴起了将黄蓉他们带过来度假的心思,没有女人在身边照顾真的是对已婚男人的折磨。 Teacher, if not Kaguya also has Sage of Six Paths, in this world really found to be able very much difficultly again with the character who you are a worthy opponent, present you are under the Heavens unparalleled, really has the so-called most powerhouse?” “老师,如果不算辉夜还有六道仙人的话,这个世上真的很难再找到能与您匹敌的人物了,现在的您就是天下无双的,真的有所谓的最强者吗?” Wisp of black hair before correct use Le Yuan forehead Hinata that passed over gently and swiftly makes noise to say suddenly, although has accepted regarding Le Yuan that Gods general ability already, but is still not able to believe that can also find to surpass existence of Le Yuan. 正用手将乐渊额头前的一缕黑发掠过的雏田突然出声说道,虽然对于乐渊神明一般的能力已经有所接受,但是依然无法相信还能找到超过乐渊的存在。 With character enemy and ourselves who I am a worthy opponent I strongest?” “与我匹敌的人物匹敌我我最强?” Thinks to Le Yuan that the Hinata words are thinking deeply carefully fiercely a possibility, his full Ninja World has looked for most powerhouse with effort, will focus on the bodies of others continuously, has not actually thought this most powerhouse not only includes the Naruto World person, even his player also contains. 对着雏田的话细细深思的乐渊猛地想到了一个可能性,他一直费力地满忍界寻找最强者,一直将目光放在其他人的身上,却从来没有想过这个最强者不仅仅包括火影世界的人,连他这个玩家也包含在内。 already defeated Kaguya Le Yuan time, to a certain extent said that is not overrated most. But Le Yuan until now does not have this determination, or becomes most powerhouse who the world deserves in him who in Quest World has been at a disadvantage for the first time for a long time, this matter happened on his body for the first time. 已经击败了辉夜一次的乐渊,某种程度上称一声最强不为过。只不过乐渊一直以来都没有这个自觉而已,或者说长久以来在任务世界内一直处于下风的他第一次成为了世界当之无愧的最强者,这种事情第一次发生在他的身上。 Le Yuan that sets out from the Hinata knee causes Hinata one to call out in alarm fiercely, sees only Le Yuan to grasp both hands of Hinata to shout merely excitedly: Thanked Hinata, many I think the goal that thanks to you finally I must look for was actually who!” 猛地从雏田膝盖上起身的乐渊引得雏田的一声惊呼,只见乐渊仅仅握着雏田的双手兴奋地喊道:“谢谢了雏田,多亏你我终于想到我要找的目标究竟是谁了!” Who?” Was gripped tightly Hinata that begins by Le Yuan, at this time is also dizzy the matter that the condition, even Le Yuan said somewhat was bewildered, how to think of most powerhouse suddenly. “谁?”被乐渊紧握着手的雏田,此时也是一副晕乎乎的状态,连乐渊说的事情都有些莫名其妙了,怎么突然就想到了最强者。 Sees only Le Yuan to loosen own right hand, points at the chest to say loudly: That person is not I! Can call it most powerhouse except for Kaguya and Hagoromo, is not only left over me! Person who I must defeat, is I!” 只见乐渊松开自己的右手,指着胸口大声说道:“那个人不就是我!能够被称之为最强者的除了辉夜羽衣,不就只剩下我咯!我要战胜的人,就是我自己啊!” You, must defeat, you? How this must do, can defeats itself?” “您,要战胜,您自己?这要怎么做,才能算是战胜自己?” Although Hinata very understand Le Yuan indeed is strongest, before just like Le Yuan that deserves simply had not considered are common, actually Hinata not understand must how be able to calculate to defeat itself, this concept may really somewhat be above the Hinata understanding range. 雏田虽然很明白乐渊的确是当之无愧的最强,但是正如乐渊之前根本没有考虑过自己一般,雏田也不明白究竟要怎么样才能算战胜自己,这个概念可真的有些超乎了雏田的理解范围。 This point Hinata will have doubts no wonder that even if were other player understand this point were also very difficult to achieve. After all said that must beat itself not to pay lip service can achieve, can say me to admit defeat to the mirror in person, that is also both sides admits defeat together, makes the non- answer radically. 这一点也无怪乎雏田会疑惑,纵然是其他玩家明白了这一点也很难做到。毕竟说要击败自己可不是嘴上说说就能做到的,难道还能对着镜子里的人说我认输,那也是双方一起认输而已,根本做不得数。 To beat itself, must create one to be able completely with "oneself" that battle, the light is this point then baffles in the world sufficiently 99% people. Le Yuan cannot achieve, only if Le Yuan insane created another personality in own mind, then but to Le Yuan is also suffering, the general personality does not have the completely same strength, if really does not handle the whole person abandoned the possibility to be bigger completely same by some chance. 想要击败自己,就必须创造一个能够完全与自己交战的“自己”,光是这一点便足以难倒世界上90%九的人。就连乐渊自己都做不到,除非乐渊疯了在自己脑海里面创造另一个人格,不过那对乐渊而言也是一种折磨,一般的人格可不具备完全相同的实力,如果真的完全相同万一搞不定整个人废了的可能性更大。 However in this Naruto World, has a quite safe method, can see another Land of Lightning Island Turtle Falls of Truth. To be continued. 不过在这个火影世界中,存在着一种较为安全的方法,能够见到另一个自己雷之国龟岛真实瀑布。未完待续。 ... ...
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