VE :: Volume #8 三阶首战影之忍者

#749: Where dares to ask the way in

Namikaze Minato or Tsunade are in Ninja World the well-known character, even if in a ticket Kage Level powerhouse( the B level) is also existence of passing on responsibilities. However now two people under face the grey robe person who this does not know the appearance/portrait jointly, somewhat feels weak, this is not the timidness of Namikaze Minato and Tsunade, but is score of grey robe person is inconceivable. 无论是波风水门还是纲手都是忍界中响当当的人物,纵然是在一票影级强者(b级)中也是当仁不让的存在。不过现在两人联手之下面对这不知真容的灰袍人,还是有些发虚,这可不是波风水门纲手的胆子小,而是灰袍人的战绩那是实打实的不可思议。 The origin of grey robe person also had experienced in the past is the matter of being unknown, started one day to mention in Ninja World became famous must three months ago only. News that spreads earliest what is Land of Lightning Kumogakure, according to the view of Fourth Raikage, the grey robe person suddenly appeared in his office leads him to arrive at no mans land to start the fierce combat initially with Space-Time Ninjutsu. 灰袍人的来历还有过去经历全都是不得而知的事情,唯一开始在忍界中出名还是要从三个月之前的某一天说起。最早流传出来的消息的是雷之国云忍村,根据四代雷影的说法,当初灰袍人突然出现在他的办公室用时空忍术带着他来到无人地带开始了激战。 Said is the fierce combat, actually is actually unilateral coming under attack. The grey robe person has maintained the defensive, with putting forth Nintaijutsu Fourth Raikage battled for enough ten minutes, during this period destructive power already becomes human form tailed beast Fourth Raikage only to make the grey robe person minor wound unexpectedly, and this injury also with fight continues to conduct to reduce unceasingly. 说是激战,其实却是单方面的挨打。灰袍人一直保持守势,与使出了忍体术四代雷影激战了足足十分钟,在此期间无论是还是破坏力都已经成为人形尾兽四代雷影竟然只能令灰袍人轻伤,并且这种伤害还在随着战斗的持续进行而不断减轻。 The first war that the grey robe person enters the stage comes to an end by his victory, way that but he wins ugly a point, drags Fourth Raikage again unable to put forth the chakra fight while still alive to defeat exhausted. This fights can also be said as a fourth generation Raikage most aggrieved war, even if Thunder God Armor made him not end up leeward, the feeling that but the entire journey led by the nose by the grey robe person was not indeed good, particularly he felt like that the grey robe person in unceasingly was familiar, learn/study with his fight, or was getting stronger and stronger regarding the resistivity of his Lightning Release attack. 灰袍人出场的第一战以他的胜利而告终,不过他胜利的方式难看了一点,活活拖得四代雷影筋疲力竭再也无法使出查克拉战斗而战败。这一战也可以说是四代目雷影最为憋屈的一战,纵然雷神之铠令他并未落得下风,但是全程被灰袍人牵着鼻子走的感觉的确不好,尤其是他隐隐觉得灰袍人在和他的战斗中不断熟悉、学习,或者说对于他雷遁攻击的抵抗力越来越强。 This fights is not only the Raikage humiliation, similarly made Kumogakure be as for Land of Lightning feels ashamed. Therefore Fourth Raikage not only blocked off the complete flow of news, but also dispatches Cloud Ninja to investigate secretly, must find the whereabout of this grey robe person inevitably. 这一战不仅仅是雷影的屈辱,同样令云忍村乃至于雷之国都脸上无光。是故四代雷影不但封锁了全部消息,还秘密派遣云忍进行调查,势必要找到这个灰袍人的下落。 However the Kumogakure Raikage bitter experience merely is a start, after over half a month, locates in state Land of Water in in the sea, Kage of a village Fifth Mizukage Terumī Mei also received the attack. However because the Kirigakure environment and issue left over by history news also spreads two months later. 不过云忍村雷影的遭遇仅仅是个开始,在大半个月之后,处于大海之中的国度水之国中,一村之影五代水影照美冥同样受到了袭击。不过由于雾隐村的环境和历史遗留问题这个消息同样是在两个月之后才流传出来。 According to the report of Kirigakure, their Fifth Mizukage Terumī Mei received the enormous stimulation in that war. According to accounting orally of Mizukage, the fight initial stage grey robe person displayed unexpected familiar regarding her Ninjutsu, not only knew from A to Z regarding her idea even tactic, even her some fight customs exceptionally were clear. 根据雾隐村的报告,他们的五代目水影照美冥在那一战中受到了极大的刺激。根据水影的口述,战斗初期灰袍人对于她的忍术表现出了出人意料的熟悉,不但对于她的想法甚至战术了如指掌,甚至连她的一些战斗习惯都异常清楚。 However is these is also not enough to make Terumī Mei be stimulated merely, most made her feel what was inconceivable, scary ability that the grey robe person showed. He suffered the attack of Lava Release and Boil Release unexpectedly on own initiative, the body that was gradually corroded by Lava Release and Boil Release makes Terumī Mei have a vivid memory until now. 不过仅仅是这些还不足以令照美冥受到刺激,最令她感到不可思议的是,灰袍人表现出来的骇人能力。他竟然主动遭受了溶遁和沸遁的攻击,那被溶遁和沸遁逐渐腐蚀的身体至今令照美冥记忆犹新。 However in the following description, Terumī Mei gave one with other shadow nearly same description monsters. Then the caused heavy losses body after was crossing merely for several seconds then fully restored, when he was attacked again on own initiative, the damage that Terumī Mei can obvious discovery own attack cause is much lower the first time. 不过接下来的描述中,照美冥给出了一个和其他影近乎相同的描述怪物。那被重创的身体在仅仅过了数秒之后便完全恢复了,并且当他再次主动遭受攻击的时候,照美冥能明显的发现自己的攻击造成的伤害远远低于第一次。 The attack of Terumī Mei has not reduced absolutely on own initiative, on the contrary in order to got rid of the grey robe person she to put forth 120% strengths, but so still discovered injury already that even if she can create reduced. The body of grey robe person seems like an training ability, can hurting its attack conducts to be quicker much the adaptation, and evolves to resist this injury the ability. 照美冥的攻击绝对没有主动减轻,相反为了能够干掉灰袍人她使出了120%的实力,不过纵然如此依然发现她能够造成的伤害已经降低了。灰袍人的身体似乎有一种学习性,能够对伤害它的攻击进行快得惊人的适应,并进化出抵御这种伤害的能力。 Obtains after Ninja Calendar about the grey robe person that unusual body structure conclusion in March, before then Mizukage Terumī Mei defeated without a doubt . Moreover the unusual humiliation threw into the Kirigakure hospital by her enemy grey robe person. 关于灰袍人那奇特身体构造的结论是在忍历3月后得出的,在此之前水影照美冥毫无疑问地败了,而且还异常屈辱地被她的敌人灰袍人扔进了雾隐村的医院。 But what third after Mizukage suffering a disaster is Land of Wind Fifth Kazekage, just succeeded Five Dynasties Kazekage Gaara of position of his father Fourth Kazekage. Among two people the battle is about an hour, after defending the crane is repulsed on own initiative, was Jinchūriki Gaara already does not have the strength of resistance to fall into the stupor again. 而在水影之后第三个遭劫的是风之国五代风影,刚刚继任他父亲四代风影之位的五代风影我爱罗。两人之间的交战不过一个小时,在守鹤主动败退之后,身为人柱力我爱罗已经再也没有了抵抗之力陷入了昏迷。 Last by a fight that Ninja World understands is the combat report that Land of Earth of Ninja Calendar February 64 spread. Third Tsuchikage after using Dust Release made a several tens of thousands of square meters big hole the strength to use up to defeat, but actually also only then Tsuchikage understand he is why can the strength use up. The attack of Dust Release from decomposes the arm of grey robe person directly, cannot destroy finally to even his external skin, three generations of Tsuchikage Ōnoki of this change have to stake everything on a single throw of the dice to conduct strikes finally. 最后一场被忍界所了解的一场战斗是忍历64年2月的土之国流传出来的战报。三代土影在用尘遁制造出了一个数万平方米的大坑之后力竭而败,不过也只有土影明白他究竟是为什么会力竭。尘遁的攻击从直接分解灰袍人的一条手臂,到最后连他的表皮都破坏不了,这种变化似的三代土影大野木不得不孤注一掷进行最后一击。 But is this shed life strikes, cannot create the mortal wound to the grey robe person.[ Dust Release: Boundary Dismantling Technique] Ōnoki that later consumes, because the age oversized direct waist plate was damaged to fall into the stupor, similarly fed in Hospital Iwagakure treatment by not the well-known grey robe person. 而就是这舍命的一击,也是没能对灰袍人造成致命伤。[尘遁·限界剥离之术]之后消耗一空的大野木,由于年纪过大直接腰间盘受损陷入了昏迷,同样被不知名的灰袍人送进了岩隐村治疗。 Only then Fourth Hokage Namikaze Minato knows, after this actually also has the fifth fight. The source of material was once Konoha Ninja, leader Uchiha Itachi that the present Ninja World mercenaries understand. 而只有四代目火影波风水门才知道,在此之后其实还有第五场战斗。资料的来源是曾经的木叶忍者,现在的忍界雇佣军晓的首领宇智波鼬 In approximately half a month ago, was challenged by grey robe person in Itachi of Land of Waterfalls recuperation. The information Kungfu first-rate dawn naturally also understood the beginning to end of grey robe person, because so Uchiha Itachi the fearfulness of understand grey robe person. 在大约半个月之前,在泷之国休整的遭遇了灰袍人的挑战。情报功夫一流的晓自然也了解了灰袍人的始末,正是因为如此宇智波鼬才更加明白灰袍人的可怕。 This fight directly causes the Land of Waterfalls thousand li (500 km) forest to burn the scorched earth, but Uchiha Itachi Mangekyō Sharingan is almost but therefore was blind. However does not know why after he sobered, detected eyes power that already dries up is full again, feeling that even one type evolved again. 这一次的战斗直接造成泷之国千里森林燃成焦土,而宇智波鼬万花筒写轮眼更是差点因此而瞎了。不过不知道为什么在他清醒了之后,发觉已经枯竭的瞳力再一次充盈,甚至还有了一种再次进化的感觉。 But the information that the post-war sober Itachi first time will fight informed fourth generation Namikaze Minato , but Namikaze Minato has also acted according to the intelligence sharings of other four villages to forecast direction of advance Konoha of grey robe person, this arrangement bait plan. 而战后清醒的第一时刻将战斗的情报通知了四代目波风水门,而波风水门也早就根据其他四村的情报共享预测出了灰袍人的前进方向木叶村,这才布置下了诱饵计划。 According to the beforehand information, the grey robe person will look to become famous directly for a long time Kage Level powerhouse, but in Konoha Kage Level may incessantly. Tsunade current Fourth Hokage, or drifts about uncertain Jiraiya, is the well-known powerhouse. 根据之前的情报,灰袍人会直接找上成名已久的影级强者,而木叶影级可不止一位。无论是纲手还是现任四代目火影,亦或者飘泊不定的自来也,都是响当当的强者。 But compared with action quicker Namikaze Minato , is the possibility that Tsunade first looked for is without doubt bigger, therefore Namikaze Minato gave Tsunade specially-made kunai, with the localization Tsunade whereabouts. 而比起行动力更快的波风水门,无疑是纲手被先找上的可能性更大,所以波风水门给了纲手一把特制苦无,用以定位纲手的行踪。 The news that after Tsunade was abducted by the special grey robe person passes to the Namikaze Minato ear, he can the earliest possible time rush to the scene to conduct the surprise attack to the grey robe person. 纲手被特异灰袍人掳走的消息传到波风水门耳中之后,他才能够第一时间赶到现场对灰袍人进行突袭。 Can break through Five Great Ninja Villages barrier Space-Time Ninjutsu, are actually you who? In my mind, can achieve this point, only has a person! Are you he?” “能突破五大忍村结界时空忍术,你究竟是谁?在我的印象之中,能够做到这一点,只有一个人!你是他吗?” Comes from about the guess of grey robe person status in the Uchiha Itachi mouth, must say that in the challenged five people who to the impression of grey robe person is most profound, that wants technique Uchiha Itachi. Most understood what student is a teacher, otherwise most understood teacher is also a student. Also has in the skill from the movement of grey robe person, Uchiha Itachi saw the trace of oneself teacher. 关于灰袍人身份的猜测还是源自于宇智波鼬的口中,要说被挑战的五个人中谁对灰袍人的印象最为深刻,那就要术宇智波鼬。最最了解学生的是老师,反之最了解老师的亦是学生。从灰袍人的动作还有技巧之中,宇智波鼬看到了自己老师的痕迹。 “啪 The mask on grey robe face was thrown the ground by him, the revealed that face made Namikaze Minato also understand clearly in surprised quickly. Where can sweep away Five Great Ninja Villages person to brave easily suddenly, in his Ninjutsu person also only then the performance has resulted in Le Yuan that the strength is too deep to see the bottom to have this skill. 灰袍人脸上的面具被他扔到了地上,露出的那张脸让波风水门既是在惊讶的同时也很快了然了。能够横扫五大忍村的人哪有那么容易突然冒出来,他忍术的人里面也只有一直表现得实力深不见底的乐渊才能有这个本事。 Abandons Le Yuan of mask not to have the choice to stop there, is resigned-looking is looking at Namikaze Minato and Tsunade on the contrary said: Sorry, my request possibly impolite a point, but can make me hit one?” 扔下面具的乐渊没有选择就此罢手,反倒是一脸无奈地望着波风水门纲手道:“抱歉,我的请求可能无礼了一点,但是能让我打一顿吗?” What? Your this bastard boy......” “什么?你这混球小子……” Tsunade hears this request only to feel to create a scene suddenly, what is hits? This is can comply casually, Tsunade only thought that Le Yuan that face more looks is more hateful. 纲手骤然听到这个请求只觉得无理取闹,什么叫打一顿?这是随随便便能够答应的吗,纲手只觉得乐渊那张脸越看越可恶。 However fixes the eyes on Le Yuan Tsunade only to think that a present Le Yuan flower, lost the Le Yuan trail immediately. 不过紧盯着乐渊纲手只觉得眼前的乐渊一花,顿时失去了乐渊的踪迹。 „It is not good!” Response faster Namikaze Minato immediately foot tread place, body leans forward at the same time has turned around to look to oneself two people behind, really discovers in him at present appears in Tsunade behind Le Yuan. “不好!”反应更加迅捷的波风水门登时脚一蹬地,身子前倾的同时转过身望向了自己两人的身后,果然在他眼前发现了出现在纲手身后的乐渊 “啪 The Le Yuan right hand pats after just received on nape of the neck, the Spiritual Force impact captures in Tsunade Sea of Consciousness immediately. Is astonishing regarding Tsunade such body resiliency, Le Yuan also really grasps Strength that does not act well, light did not hit dizzy, heavy was very afraid to hit waste. 乐渊右手拍在了刚收到后脖颈上,精神力冲击顿时攻入纲手识海之中。对于纲手这样身体恢复力惊人的,乐渊还真把握不好出手的力量,轻了打不晕,重了深怕打废了。 Although Namikaze Minato escapes temporarily, but facing strength by far in his Le Yuan, battles on space equally matched two people together is about ten minutes, actually already encountered hundred rounds, in the situation that finally in the Namikaze Minato stamina is insufficient was struck the dizzy by Le Yuan directly. 虽然波风水门暂时逃过一劫,但是面对实力远胜于他的乐渊,在空间一道上不相上下的两人交战不过十分钟,却已经交锋了百个回合,最后在波风水门后劲不足的情况下被乐渊直接击晕。 However defeated Namikaze Minato and Tsunade later Le Yuan not slight excitement, routinely opens Quest Panel to discover that third Quest already has not met the requirements, he then can only long sigh the one breath. 不过击败了波风水门纲手之后的乐渊没有丝毫的兴奋,习惯性地打开任务面板发现第三个任务已经没有达到要求,他便只能长长地叹一口气。 the S level hidden World Quest is not indeed good to do, First and Second Quest seems like gives Le Yuan, but in fact Le Yuan, if happen to does not have to restrain their thing really so is not good to solve. But third Quest was really the pit father, the article did not have the first military not to have second, this in Ninja World was also the same truth. s级隐藏世界任务的确不是那么好做的,一二两个任务看起来就像是送给乐渊似的,但是实际上乐渊如果不是正好有克制他们的东西还真没有这么好解决。而第三个任务就真的是坑爹了,文无第一武无第二,这在忍界也是相同的道理。 You want to inquire that Ninja World strongest a group of people are whose that seems easy, but really must select strongest that actually no one can give the answer. After all the restraint of Ninjutsu is really somewhat big, the strength is also possible to display the one-sided fight about the same person because of repelling one another of technique. 你想要打听出忍界最强的一批人是谁那好似轻而易举,但是真要选出最强的那一个,却没有人能够给出答案。毕竟忍术的克制实在是有些大,实力在伯仲之间的人也可能因为术的相克而表现出一边倒的战斗。 But most powerhouse who Le Yuan must look for in his mind is not Kaguya is Hagoromo, but these two do not know that can be current most powerhouse, and died by the seal had not distinguished, another died simply became ghost immortal general existence, both were not Le Yuan can relate on own initiative on , and description in Quest prompt was different. 乐渊要找的最强者在他的印象中不是辉夜就是羽衣,不过这两人也不知道能不能算是“当前”最强者,一个被封印和死了没区别,另一个干脆死了成为鬼仙一般的存在,两个都不是乐渊能够主动联系上的,同时也和任务提示中的描述相左。 Therefore Le Yuan chose the stupidest one method, challenged Ninja World strongest a group of people, pitifully does not have one to meet the requirements. However this hits completely not to have the advantage, at least Le Yuan discovered after Fruit of Life has developed hidden ability survival of the fittest. 是故乐渊选择了最笨的一种方法,将忍界最强的一批人都挑战了一遍,不过可惜的是没有一个是达到要求的。不过这一路打过来也不是全然没有好处,最起码乐渊发现了经过生命之果开发过的隐藏的能力适者生存。 This ability actually and in Fate/stay night Berserker Heracles Noble Phantasm Twelve Labors has the extremely similar effect, but the effect has not achieved the ability and extreme strengthening effect that he dies and is reborn like that. Merely in view of receiving the wound conducts the pointed strengthening, thus in achieves to reduce, even the effect of immunity injury most in a short time. 这个能力倒是和fsn狂战士赫拉克勒斯宝具十二试炼有着极为相似的效果,不过效果并没有达到他那般死而复生的能力和极端的强化效果。仅仅是针对受到的创伤进行针对性的强化,从而在最短时间内达到削减、甚至免疫该种伤害的效果。 In brief, this special effect is the enhancement version that the injury reduces, has harms the enemy specially more is fights with some type of relative, will then be so lighter after the wound of adapting to its attack receiving. 简而言之,这种特效就是伤害减免的加强版,和某种拥有特殊伤害敌人的越是争锋相对,那么在适应其攻击后所受的伤便会越轻。 Fruit of Life indeed made Le Yuan awaken, awakened was actually not some obvious ability, but made Le Yuan had the unlimited possibility. However was opposite with the development of strength, falls into Le Yuan of strange circle regarding that most powerhouse on the contrary is confused. 生命之果的确令乐渊觉醒了,不过觉醒的却不是某种显而易见的能力,而是令乐渊的有了无限的可能性。不过和实力的开发相反,陷入怪圈的乐渊对于那个最强者反倒是更加迷茫了。 ... ...
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