VE :: Volume #8 三阶首战影之忍者

#748: Also who? Can hit didn't have?

Ninja Calendar in April 64, got rid of Kaguya already to pass six months in No. 1 world from Le Yuan. From the Quest 2 request got rid of Spirit and Flesh Unite Mōryō, already passes for four months to continue, but entire four months later Le Yuan. Last Quest still cannot complete. 忍历64年四月,距离乐渊在一号世界干掉辉夜已经过去了半年的时间。距离任务二要求的干掉灵肉合一魍魉,已经过去了四个月时间不止,而整整四个月之后乐渊。最后一个任务依然还是没能够完成。 Night, in the entire Ninja World public security best, living standard highest Konoha, most people already fell asleep, entire Konoha garrisons Uchiha Clan that the team member goes on patrol besides the achievement occasionally, then the person who enjoys the nightlife few is still wandering. 夜深了,在整个忍界治安最好、居民生活水平最高的木叶,绝大多数人已经进入了梦乡之中,整个木叶除了偶尔作为警备队员巡逻的宇智波一族之外,便只有极少数享受夜生活的人还在徘徊着。 In this does not have in the moon/month of star gloomy day, in a ray not bright street, besides that dim street light, then only then a swaying form walks to be one of them, then can smell the liquor air/Qi that then far away to know that from that person this is drunk absolutely heavily. 就在这个无月星黯的日子里,一条光线不怎么亮堂的街道中,除了那昏暗的路灯之外,便只有一个摇摇晃晃的身影走在其中,从那人身上老远便能闻得到的酒气便可以得知这绝对是醉得不轻。 „The belch nice wine, just forgot to treat the midnight snack is really took a rash step to the mute, but she must build up one's health, how in the future had the child to be rubs the clothes board, the famous teacher must have the outstanding disciple!” “嗝好酒,刚刚忘了待夜宵给静音真是太失策了,不过她也是要补补身体了,将来有了孩子怎么能是个搓衣板呢,名师要出高徒嘛!” Dean of this person's shadow Hospital Konoha, is now the Ninja World Medical Ninjutsu member, three people of Tsunade. She mentioned oneself disciple mute time, has not forgotten to look at that haughty most female statures were exuding hehehe the laughter with the dreadful look, the mute follows her for many years to say that looked like her of one's youth, the stature of only mute improved an appearance of such airport in any event. 这个人影正是木叶院长,也是当今忍界医疗忍术的一把手,三人之一的纲手。她说起自己弟子静音的时候,还不忘用猥琐的眼神望着自己那傲世绝大多数女性的身材发出了嘿嘿嘿的笑声,静音跟着她多年可以说像极了年轻时的她,唯独静音的身材无论如何改善还是那么一个飞机场的样子。 Night wind has blown, already some heavy Tsunade of being drunk will blow one to tremble immediately, the original alcoholic intoxication condition sobered several points. If in other places, Tsunade of alcoholic intoxication likely will bring to the attention of some crazy man (Han), however in atmosphere extremely good Konoha basic impossible, here has the inspection of Konoha garrison after all. 一阵夜风吹过,将原本已经有些醉的不轻的纲手吹得顿时一个哆嗦,原本的醉酒状态都清醒了几分。如果说在其他地方,醉酒的纲手可能会引起一些痴汉的注意,但是在风气极佳的木叶却根本不可能,毕竟这里可是有着木叶警备队的巡视。 However somewhat sober Tsunade discovered slightly suddenly oneself do not know at present when presented a whole body by the person who a grey robe packages, how this person appears in her front Tsunade had not discovered completely. This almost impossible regarding Tsunade, even alcoholic intoxication condition, as Sannin her by the Kage Level strength and medical Ninja method, certainly impossible pasted nearly also knows nothing. 不过稍稍有些清醒的纲手陡然发现自己眼前不知何时出现了一个全身被一件灰袍包裹的人,这个人是如何出现在她面前的纲手完全没有发现。这对于纲手而言几乎不可能,就算是醉酒状态,作为三忍的她凭借影级的实力和医疗忍者的手段,绝不可能被人贴的这么近还一无所知。 In an instant, Tsunade, although also received in the influence however heart of liquor already very sober her understand to meet expert that was above the imagination. Sees only became brilliant red on some Tsunade faces of blushing on, but liquor air/Qi also slightly was thick a point in that flash. 转眼之间,纲手的虽然还受到酒的影响但是心中已经非常清醒的她明白自己遇上了一个超乎想像的高手。只见原本就有些红晕的纲手脸上变得更加红艳,而身上的酒气也在那一瞬间稍稍浓了一点。 This is Tsunade as the top medical Ninja skill, do not look that her semblance seems like the intoxication, however just that flash then already removed the liquor air/Qi in within the body completely, after remaining some liquor, merely the symptom uses by the paralysis present grey robe person. 这就是纲手身为顶级医疗忍者的本事,别看她的外表看起来还是酒醉状态,但是刚刚的那一瞬间便已经将自己体内的酒气全部排除,仅仅余留了部分酒后症状用以麻痹眼前的灰袍人。 „Is this three people of Tsunade-hime? Is was drunk the woman, moreover liquor also is really not the general difference......” “这就是三人之一的纲手姬?就是一个醉了的欧巴桑而已,而且酒品还真不是一般的差……” Spread a young sound from the gown of grey robe person, Tsunade heard this sound only to think that somewhat was slightly familiar, in the person who in oneself knew actually could not find any with the person who it matched. 从灰袍人的袍子下方传出了一个年轻的声音,纲手听到这声音只觉得略微有些熟悉,但是在自己所认识的人里面却找不到任何一个与之匹配的人来。 Woman? I am very young!” “欧巴桑?我还年轻得很啊!” Saw only Tsunade to bridge over 10 meters distance instantaneously, stretch right hand already was gathering chakra backward instantaneously. Who the grey robe person regarding Tsunade is insufficient, so long as defeated him, can know that momentarily the real status of grey robe person, as for can kill? This is in funny, so long as Tsunade this top medical service Ninja also has the one breath to rescue, which was so easy dead. 只见纲手在瞬间跨过了十米的距离,向后拉伸的右手已经在瞬间聚集了查克拉。对于纲手而言灰袍人是谁并不足以,只要将他打败了,随时能知道灰袍人的真实身份,至于会不会打死?这是在搞笑,纲手这个顶级医疗忍者只要还剩下一口气就能救回来,哪那么容易让人死了。 Tsunade right fist relieves to grey robe person chest instantaneous hand chakra in condensation erupts instantaneously, this Tsunade hit immediately the chest of grey robe person depending on the strange strength fist of becoming famous. This it can be said that made Tsunade surprised, her Martial Arts were clear, although might the difference of but greatly basic with Raikage such Strength and speed having both, looked like in top Ninja is really slow, basically was hard to be effective. 纲手右拳解除到灰袍人胸口的瞬间手中的凝聚的查克拉瞬间爆发,这纲手赖以成名的怪力拳顿时命中了灰袍人的胸口。这一幕可以说是令纲手惊讶得很,她的体术自己清楚,威力虽大但是根本和雷影那样力量与速度兼具的不同,在顶级忍者看来实在是太慢了,基本上难以奏效。 But action certainly impossible such move that easily the grey robe person displays , when Tsunade sees the grey robe person is motionless thinks can be Body Replacement Technique or shadow clone and so on style, but from hitting feel feedback actually completely not like, this indeed was hits the main body to have the feeling that. 而灰袍人表现出来的行动力绝不可能这么轻易的中招,纲手见灰袍人不动时还以为会是替身术或是影分身之类的招式,但是从击中的手感反馈来看却又完全不像,这的的确确是打中了本体才有的感觉。 Bang “砰 After Tsunade the boxing grey robe person, has not struck to fly it, made a silent solid sound on the contrary, the sound had not passed on the silent night far, heard near this street merely. 纲手的这一拳击中灰袍人后没有将其击飞,反倒是发出了一声沉默结实的声响,声音在寂静的夜中并没有传出去多远,仅仅在这个街道附近有所耳闻。 Insufficient strength, is this strange strength fist?” “不够力,这就是怪力拳?” How some Tsunade of doubts have not been waiting to make the understand grey robe person to keep off, then heard from grey robe person that nearly in the words of taunt. The temperament somewhat hot tempered Tsunade also no longer thinks, receives right fist then to leap gently. 正有些疑惑的纲手还没等弄明白灰袍人是怎么挡下来的,便听到了来自灰袍人那近乎于嘲讽的话语。脾气本就有些暴躁的纲手也不再多想,收起右拳便是轻轻一跃。 “唰 Sees only jumps, but Tsunade has not chosen far away from, but is the right foot treads ruthlessly, the left shoulder of goal grey robe person. Alternative usage of this move of strange strength fist[ Heavenly Foot of Pain], by having the might comes above the strange strength fist. 只见纵身而起的纲手并没有选择远离而是右脚狠狠地踏下,目标正是灰袍人的左肩膀。这一招正是怪力拳的另类用法[天守脚],论起威力来远在怪力拳之上。 The attack of Heavenly Foot of Pain has the earth collapse and mountain split destructive power sufficiently, but this falls on the shoulder of grey robe person really resembles the shoulder of grey robe person presents one extremely slightly kāchā sound, but regarding as medical Ninja Tsunade that truly familiar incomparable bone split sound, this foot indeed was the grey robe person who the command completely has not guarded against is injured without a doubt. 天守脚的攻击足以产生土崩山裂的破坏力,而这一脚落在灰袍人的肩膀上果然似的灰袍人的肩膀出现一声极为轻微的“咔嚓”声,不过对于身为医疗忍者纲手而言那确实熟悉无比的骨裂的声音,毫无疑问这一脚的确是令全然没有防备的灰袍人受伤了。 However just crossed for one second, the grey robe person then made one to make the movement that Tsunade cannot believe completely. Sees only should the already bone split, even the grey robe person of bone smashing in the left shoulder with his catches up to unexpectedly, however will make Tsunade be shaken. 不过刚刚过了一秒,灰袍人便做了一个完全令纲手不敢相信的动作。只见原本应该已经骨裂,甚至骨头粉碎的灰袍人竟然用他那手上的左肩向上一发力,将然令纲手被震了回去。 After , turned over/stood up Tsunade that fell to the ground to bend down to squat supinely on the ground, the right hand displayed to take control of Immortal Technique to aim at itself immediately just that shaken right foot. In grey robe person during that shakes, the foot bone of Tsunade had the fissure, although regarding Tsunade is the injury of disappearing, but also made Tsunade shock sufficiently, that attacked her Strength is she is familiar with the incomparable strange strength. 一个后仰翻身落地的纲手俯身蹲在了地上,右手顿时施展出掌仙术对准了自己刚刚那被震的右脚。就在灰袍人的那一震之中,纲手的脚骨产生了裂痕,虽然对于纲手而言不过是转瞬即逝的伤势,但也足以令纲手震惊,那股攻击她的力量正是她熟悉无比的怪力。 Hateful, do not look down on me!” “可恶,别小瞧我!” Treats own Tsunade to rush over to the grey robe person who simply has not been attacking fiercely, later hit by the right shoulder to the chest of grey robe person, sent out strange chakra to enter in the body of grey robe person from the body of Tsunade. 治疗好自己的纲手对着根本没有攻击的灰袍人猛地冲了过去,随后以右肩撞向了灰袍人的胸口,从纲手的身上散发出一阵奇异的查克拉进入了灰袍人的身体内。 The grey robe person next second moved, saw only his right knee curving whole person to throw to unexpectedly on the ground, the hands and feet was conducting swaying from side to side by the unnatural condition, unexpectedly just learned the baby of control hands and feet to feel helpless probably generally. 灰袍人下一秒动了,只见他右膝一弯曲整个人竟然扑到在了地上,手脚正以不自然的状态进行着扭动,竟然像是一个刚刚学会控制自己手脚的婴儿一般不知所措。 „, This looks down on my Tsunade fate,[ Body Pathway Derangement] is not good to relieve, biocurrent already of your whole body was disturbed by my chakra, in other words your already is unable control own hands and feet, you more to be again wants to begin, the foot will then keep twitching...... makes me see your true colors!” “切,这就是小瞧我纲手的下场,[乱身冲]可不是那么好解除的,你全身的生物电流已经被我的查克拉干扰了,换句话说你已经再也无法控制自己的手脚,你越是想要动手,脚便会不停地抽搐……就让我见一见你的真面目!” Sees only the Tsunade squatting lower part of the body right hand to stretch out shortly peels off the mask on grey robe face, who knows her hand not to contact the mask, powerful hand then already grasped in her wrist/skill. 只见纲手蹲下身右手眼看就要伸出剥下灰袍人脸上的面具,谁知她的手还没有接触到面具,一只强而有力的手便已经握在了她的手腕上。 How anything...... you can......” “什么……你怎么会……” Tsunade is looking grey robe person that grabs the wrist/skill is surprised incomparable, only then this[ Body Pathway Derangement] the creator understand, wants to understand that this move of principle of work and adapts to it is how difficult, but wants to relieve that in a move of situation is difficult to enter ascends to heaven. 纲手望着抓着自己手腕的灰袍人那是惊讶无比,只有她这个[乱身冲]的创造者才明白,想要了解这一招的工作原理并适应它是多么困难,而想要在中招的情况下解除那更是难入登天。 „, But also really cannot look down on medical Ninja, this troublesome thing one after another. However was a pity very much, my body seemed like already somewhat to be familiar with your small skill, but some people disturbed, we changed a place!” “咳咳,还真小瞧不得医疗忍者,这麻烦的东西一样接一样。不过很可惜,我的身体似乎已经有些熟悉你的小技巧了,不过有人打扰,我们换个地方!” Saw only during the speeches grey robe person already to find the distant place to him and Tsunade quickly arrived the form of Konoha garrison team member, next second of Tsunade and form of grey robe person then disappeared in the street. 只见说话间灰袍人已经瞧见了远方正向他和纲手奔来木叶警备队队员的身影,下一秒纲手和灰袍人的身影便消失在了街道内。 But in a forest outside Konoha, the grey robe person maintained the posture of falling to the ground to grab just received the wrist/skill, he brought Tsunade to arrive at the village edge area more than ten kilometers away in just that flash directly. 而远在木叶村之外的一片森林之中,灰袍人还是保持着倒地的姿势抓着刚收到手腕,在刚刚的那一瞬间他直接带着纲手来到了十几公里外的村子边缘区域。 „Is this...... Space-Time Ninjutsu? Actually are you who?” “这是……时空忍术?你究竟是谁?” Saw that is leaving instantaneously, responded Tsunade that wields with a left fist fist to the grey robe person scolds simultaneously. 看到在瞬间离开的这一幕,反应过来的纲手用左拳一拳挥向灰袍人同时呵斥道。 A fist builds ruthlessly on the mask of grey robe person, what a pity that side according to actually hardly incomparably at all is not the strange strength fist can destroy, is the fist of Tsunade somewhat is on the contrary sore. But Tsunade this strikes the fist vigor of strange strength fist is more like has not affected the body of grey robe person completely, the difference of effect makes the blood boil simply. 一拳狠狠地搭在灰袍人的面具上,可惜那边据却坚硬无比根本不是怪力拳可以破坏的,反倒是纲手的拳头有些疼。而纲手这一击怪力拳的拳劲更像是完全没有作用到灰袍人的身上,效果之差简直令人发指。 Whiz “嗖 As the grey robe person right hand flings, sees only, as he a Tsunade right hand loosen, the Tsunade whole person flew from, the speed must endure compared with the shell quickly. 随着灰袍人右手一甩,只见随着他将纲手的右手一松,纲手整个人飞离了出去,速度快得堪比炮弹。 As Tsunade cast off, the grey robe person patted dust to stand up slowly. Sees only Tsunade that he looked up was just standing firm similarly, paid no attention to the opposite party that angry-looking from however saying: „Wasn't I already have said? Your fist also has the technique that disrupts the body I was also used to it, in other words your technique already was hard to cause any damage to me!” 随着纲手被甩开,灰袍人拍了拍身上的尘土慢慢悠悠站起身来。只见他抬起头望着同样刚刚站定的纲手,也不理对方那一脸怒容从然地说道:“我不是已经说过了吗?你的拳头还有扰乱身体的术我也习惯了,换句话说你的术已经难以对我造成任何的伤害!” Rasengan!” 螺旋丸!” When the grey robe person is speaking to Tsunade, wears the white haori person's shadow together along with together the golden light from the behind appearance of grey robe person, appears is a Rasengan attack that brings revolving chakra. 当灰袍人正对纲手说着话的时候,一道身着白色御神袍的人影伴随着一道金光自灰袍人的身后出现,一出现便是一记带着旋转查克拉螺旋丸攻击。 By the grey robe person of Rasengan hit as a result of the Rasengan that powerful angular force, the body was revolved similarly passively is overrunning toward the one side, broke by smashing with stone a three people of joint holding big tree then to stop. 螺旋丸命中的灰袍人同样由于螺旋丸强大的旋转力,身体被动旋转着向着一旁冲了过去,足足砸断了一根三人合抱的大树这才停了下来。 You came , Minato! I do not bring your kunai to make bait in vain a time, has not thought in this world also really to have the anomaly that this type can quickly adapt to others to attack!” “你来了,水门!不枉我带着你的苦无做一次诱饵,没想到这世上还真有这种能够迅速适应别人攻击的怪胎!” Tsunade quite somewhat flung own arm reluctantly, just that contest do not look that her your majesty hit the grey robe person unable to hit back, the pressure that but received did not compare to think any fought time weakly. 纲手颇有些无奈地甩了甩自己的胳膊,刚刚的那一番较量别看她主公打得灰袍人还不了手,但是所受的压力也绝不比以为的任何一次大战来得弱。 Has not been able to be negligent, he beat other Four Kages characters, has not thought such that also really and Raikage they expect, arrived at Konoha!” “还不能大意,他可是击败了其他四影的人物,没想到还真的和雷影他们预料的那样,来到了木叶!” Fourth Hokage Namikaze Minato looks at struck down grey robe person seriously, Trident kunai on hand horizontally appears in the chest front especially careful. 四代火影波风水门郑重地看着被击倒的灰袍人,手上的苦无横在胸前显得格外的小心。 „...... Really worthily is the Fourth Hokage speed is quick enough, but this dango might small a point, how to use bigger Big Ball Rasengan? I anticipated to result in white Kang very much your move......” “咳咳……还真不愧是四代火影速度够快的,不过这丸子的威力小了一点,怎么不用更大一点大玉螺旋丸?我可是很期待得白抗了你一招……” Grey robe person this matter hits undying cockroach to be the same again probably, the racket dust crawled from the ground, although was hit by Rasengan solid, but body, let alone is the injury, even the clothes had not been broken, does not know that clothes do with anything. 灰袍人此事再一次像是打不死的小强一般,拍拍身上的尘土从地上爬了起来,虽然被螺旋丸结结实实地命中了,但是身上别说是伤害,连衣服都没有被打破,也不知那衣服是用什么做的。 In a flash, Namikaze Minato or Tsunade are critical situation, at present this person cannot say will really become all ninja village shames. 一瞬间,无论是波风水门还是纲手都如临大敌,眼前此人说不得真会成为所有忍村的耻辱。 ... ...
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