VE :: Volume #8 三阶首战影之忍者

#747: Mōryō? Little rascal

Mōryō, in the incarnation of god of plague as myth, there are regarded as the mountains demon to be famous. However on this Ninja continent, Mōryō this name only record by Land of Demons priestess suppression Demon Monster. 魍魉,作为神话中疫神的化身,也有被视为山川精怪而著称的。不过在这忍者大陆上,魍魉这个名字唯一的记载就是被鬼之国巫女镇压的魔怪 Before such as Hōzuki Castle Box of Ultimate Bliss simply had not been triggered general, Land of Demons in No. 2 world has not had the event that Mōryō has reactivated similarly, when in brief Le Yuan inquires the related Mōryō news, is some aging past events, recent in news half a century ago. 就如之前鬼灯城极乐之匣根本没有被触发一般,二号世界内的鬼之国同样没有发生过魍魉复活的事件,总而言之当乐渊打探起有关魍魉消息之时,都是一些陈年旧事,最近的一起都是在半个世纪以前的消息了。 After Mōryō since by the Land of Demons previous several generations of priestess seals, its all then become the riddle completely, Land of Demons blocks off all related Mōryō flow of news full power, for prevents its resurrecting again. 魍魉自从被鬼之国的上几代巫女封印之后,它的一切便全部成为了谜,鬼之国全力封锁一切有关魍魉的消息,为的的就是防止它的再一次复活。 Mōryō has Strength of destruction world in the legend, this point actually and Ninja World continent many goods have the same appraisal. Ten-Tails of destruction world, Box of Ultimate Bliss of destruction world, divine tree of destruction world...... 魍魉在传说之中拥有毁灭世界的力量,这一点倒是和忍界大陆的诸多物品有着相同的评价。毁灭世界的十尾,毁灭世界的极乐之匣,毁灭世界的神树…… Although Ninja World continent the moisture content of destruction world word were many a point, but also fully explained that Mōryō Strength is not average person this can compare favorably. 虽然忍界大陆的毁灭世界这个词的水分是多了一点,但也足以说明魍魉力量不是一般人这可以媲美的。 Mōryō origin already is unknown with passing of years early, however its ability was actually handed down from generation to generation by the stream of people. Mōryō owner rare special chakra, perhaps in the intensity and quantity cannot compare tailed beast Strength, but can actually transform the statue as undying Warrior of fearless life and death. And its chakra can also have the invigoration effect on Ninja, but most essential matter Ninja World most Ninjutsu simply do not have the lethality to it, in other words in the ordinary circumstances it is undying. 魍魉的来源早已经随着岁月的流逝不得而知,但是它的能力却被人流传了下来。魍魉拥有者超乎寻常的特殊查克拉,或许强度和量上比不上尾兽力量,但是却能够将石像转化为无惧生死的不死战士。并且它的查克拉还能够对忍者产生强化作用,而其中最关键的一点事忍界的绝大多数忍术对它而言根本没有致命性,换句话说一般情况下它就是不死的。 However Ninja continent undying is also the quite inexpensive adjective, five hearts of Kakuzu Earth Grudge Fear is undying, the Evil God curse of Hidan similarly is undying, but the body of higher level Kaguya similarly is undying, but how can this? 不过忍者大陆不死也是相当廉价的形容词,角都地怨虞的五颗心脏是一种不死,飞段邪神诅咒同样是不死,而更高级一些的辉夜的身体同样是不死的,但是这又能如何? After destroying five hearts of Kakuzu, Kakuzu was not been cloudy ; Was exploded the trash as for Hidan, do not want to restore the human form for a lifetime, compared with straightforward death awfully ; As for Kaguya, was destroyed the domain to cause its temporary to lose the undying heart by Le Yuan, thus was seized opportunity one to annihilate by Le Yuan. 破坏角都的五颗心脏后,角都不还是被人阴死了;至于飞段更是被人炸成了渣渣,一辈子都别想恢复成人形,比起直截了当的死更加要命;至于辉夜,更是被乐渊破坏了领域导致其暂时性地失去了不死心,从而被乐渊逮住机会一句歼灭。 This Mōryō undying is also violates the person to detect that merely its strategic point, really must calculate the ability absolutely under the Kaguya undying nature. 魍魉不死也仅仅是违背人察觉出它的要害而已,真要算起来能力绝对在辉夜不死性之下。 Mōryō Strength is not fixed, in some sense it with Box of Ultimate Bliss is also the same , if has enough development time to threaten Ninja continent. Mōryō the source of Strength came from the will of the people negative sentiment, its subordinate human are more, the obtained negative sentiment are more naturally can also become stronger. 魍魉力量并不固定,某种意义上它也和极乐之匣一样如果拥有足够的发展时间才能够威胁到忍者大陆魍魉力量之源来自于人心的负面感情,它麾下的人类越多,得到的负面感情越多自然也就能变得越强。 Like the present completely by Mōryō of seal, even if withdraws in the seal is also existence of tailed beast rank, wants to threaten the entire Ninja continent that is daydreams. 像现在这样完全被封印的魍魉,纵然脱身于封印也不过是个尾兽级别的存在,想要威胁整个忍者大陆那是白日做梦。 Le Yuan leaves after Land of Grass has not rushed to Land of Demons to set out directly, but took the lead to go to Land of Swamps. When Le Yuan starts second Quest, in the latest prompt of Quest clearly stipulates, Le Yuan must eliminate complete Mōryō completed Quest. 乐渊草之国离开后并没有直接奔着鬼之国进发,而是率先前往了沼之国。在乐渊开始第二个任务之时,任务的最新提示里面明确规定出,乐渊必须消灭完整的魍魉才算是完成了任务 But so-called completeness, then must gets rid of Mōryō that the mortal body and Soul fuse together. But this has to mention that the Land of Demons priestess seal technique, through small some Strength obtained from Mōryō there contract, the Land of Demons Land of Demons priestess not only counter- its say/way through with Strength that Mōryō definitely is unable to compare the Mōryō mortal body and Soul separates, thus greatly reduced Mōryō Strength, conducts the seal his two parts of great distance thousand li (500 km). 而所谓的完整,则必须是干掉肉身和灵魂融为一体的魍魉。而这就不得不提到鬼之国巫女的封印术,通过从魍魉那里契约得到的一小部分力量,鬼之国鬼之国巫女不但反其道通过与魍魉完全无法比拟的力量魍魉的肉身和灵魂进行分离,从而大大减少了魍魉力量,将他的两部分相隔千里进行封印。 Soul naturally is most important of Mōryō, but after being separated , although has Strength that the self-awareness has not actually acted, once will go out of the seal then to wither away in just several seconds. Although has huge Strength, simply does not have the action, can only wait for the appearance of Soul passively. 灵魂自然是魍魉的重中之重,不过被分开后虽有自我意识却没有行动的力量,一旦走出封印便会在短短几秒钟内自行消亡。而虽然有着庞大的力量,却根本没有行动力,只能被动等待灵魂的出现。 But Land of Swamps that Le Yuan goes , is the Mōryō seal place. Spends the information that the large sum of money obtained as Le Yuan, the origin of this information does not need Le Yuan to be worried completely, came from Le Yuan disciple Itachi. 乐渊前往的沼之国,则是魍魉的封印地点。作为乐渊花了重金得到的情报,这情报的来源完全无需乐渊担心,正是来自于乐渊的弟子 The leader as Ninja World first commission army corps dawn, his acquired information is Ninja World ranks among the best absolutely, but has existence of Kakuzu such Ninja World live history, confirms this news absolutely not to have the issue. 身为忍界第一佣兵团晓的首领,他收集到的情报绝对是忍界数一数二的,而其中更有角都这样的忍界活历史的存在,验证这个消息更是完全没有问题。 A Land of Swamps nobody will ask Extinct volcano, is at as the shrine of seal Mōryō mortal body, not only here secluded no one is ordinary person is unable to arrive at the institute. Le Yuan can find here, was lucky the information from Itachi, otherwise wanted to find here not to have time basic impossible of more than half a year. 沼之国一座无人问津的死火山内部,作为封印魍魉肉身的神社所在,这里不但僻静无人更是常人根本无法到达之所。乐渊能够找到这里,还是多亏了来自的情报,不然想要找到这里没有大半年的时间根本不可能 As seal destruction world the seal place of Demon Monster Mōryō, in the seal surface of this place seemingly could be said as poor to the extreme, not only without slight curse seal and altar, even spell kind of thing did not have, an only conspicuous man-made construction was a well. 作为封印毁灭世界的魔怪魍魉的封印地,这个地方的封印表面上看起来可以说是寒酸到了极点,不但没有丝毫的咒印、祭坛,甚至连符咒一类的东西都没有,唯一的一座显眼的人造建筑就是一口井。 Un? To carry off slightly somewhat is troublesome, big little......” “嗯?想要带走还稍稍有些麻烦,大了一点点……” Mōryō mortal body already under the spiritual awareness surveillance of Le Yuan, reason that said that big that is should not come to understand compared with Nine-Tails of complete body for the Mōryō size completely, even is huger compared with Nine-Tails, moreover its nearly death unclear chakra of mortal body passive escape was no one can touch. 魍魉的肉身已经乐渊灵觉监视之下,之所以说大那是应为魍魉的大小完全不比完全体的九尾来得晓,甚至比起九尾更加庞大,而且它那近乎死亡的肉身被动逸散的不详查克拉可不是什么人都能够触碰的。 To depend on space pack carrier Mōryō to leave that to have a dream simply, the average person let alone brings the Mōryō mortal body to go to Land of Demons, can carry over this cave it is a major problem. 想要靠空间背包带魍魉离开那简直就是做梦,普通人别说是带着魍魉肉身前往鬼之国,能把它带出这个山洞都是个大问题。 Has “起 Earth Spirit Bead the ray on the Le Yuan right hand is dazzling than the daytime the entire cave illumination, as Earth Spirit Power infiltrates into the ground, the Le Yuan under foot ground the Mōryō mortal body was lifting together probably, but the cavern in top of the head is more like welcome Le Yuan to depart automatically general, opens a path to come out. 乐渊右手上土灵珠的光芒将整个山洞照射地比白昼更为耀眼,随着土灵之力渗透入地面,乐渊脚下地面连带着魍魉的肉身一起像是抬了起来,而头顶的洞穴更像是自动欢迎乐渊离去一般,打开一条道路出来。 Le Yuan sits on floating the spatial Mōryō mortal body, flies straightly in the Land of Demons direction, according to Earth Spirit Bead capacity rating of Strength and Le Yuan, after it is expected that three hours, then can reach the destination. 乐渊坐在浮空的魍魉肉身上,笔直地朝着鬼之国方向飞去,按照土灵珠力量乐渊的能力计算,预计三个小时后便能够到达目的地。 Land of Swamps and Land of Demons likely merely one small country, the distance between both, even if with walking is still 2-3 days of distances, when Le Yuan by Earth Spirit Bead main force governing spatial and line shortened for three hours this time. 沼之国鬼之国像个仅仅一个小国家,两者之间的路程就算是用走路的也不过是2-3天的路程,当乐渊土灵珠主力御空而行时将这时间缩短到了三个小时。 In the place of Land of Demons southeast border, mausoleum chamber all year long by Land of Demons elite is protecting, there seal Mōryō Soul is. The mausoleum chamber deep place is the present world and Underworld alternate region, Land of Demons priestess limits Mōryō Soul with the seal technique in Underworld. 鬼之国东南边境的地方,有一座地宫终年由鬼之国的精锐守护着,那里正是封印着魍魉灵魂的所在。地宫深处是现世与冥界的交替地带,鬼之国巫女正是用封印术将魍魉灵魂限制于冥界之中。 ...... “啪”“啪”…… Outside the mausoleum chamber, guarded here many years of Land of Demons elite to fall down, the surface of enemy had not even seen that was tidied up cleanly. 地宫之外,守卫着这里多年的鬼之国精锐一个个全都倒在了地上,根本连敌人的面都没有看到便被收拾了干净。 The huge Mōryō mortal body will lead into the mausoleum chamber with Earth Spirit Bead Strength directly, enters the quadrangle from the lobby, Le Yuan experienced that tens of thousands of Unit puppet, although did not have the activation however also to know evidently, once resurrected can affect the Ninja World situation absolutely Strength. 直接用土灵珠力量将庞大的魍魉肉身带入了地宫内,从前厅进入中庭时,乐渊见识到了那成千上万的人偶,虽然没有激活但是看样子也知道一旦复活绝对是能够影响忍界局势的力量 Entered the final intermediate zone, Le Yuan lays aside the Mōryō mortal body on the ground conveniently, before the front door that later the independent person walked into the seal. The right hand does not pay attention to the incantation symbol of that seal, only with 11 ripped them with the hand. 进入最后的中间地带,乐渊随手将魍魉的肉身放置在了地上,随后单独一人走入了封印的大门之前。右手根本不理会那封印的咒符,只用用手将它们一一撕了下来。 Bang “嘭 After the incantation symbol was torn down completely, the Le Yuan right foot kicked fiercely on the seal front door, immediately the front door that was constituted by the flagstone is kicked crushes. 在咒符被全部撕下之后,乐渊右脚猛地踢在了封印大门上,顿时由石板构成的大门被踢得粉碎。 Mōryō! Your mother shouted that you went home to eat meal, has not rolled to me!” 魍魉!你妈妈喊你回家吃饭了,还不给我滚出来!” Who? Dares so impolitely, when this King difficulty-relief cannot forgive in you surely lightly!” “何人?胆敢如此无礼,待本王脱困之时必定不能轻饶于你!” After crushed front door, has chakra also to have the energy body that Soul composes to look at Le Yuan purely with the vision of harboring evil intentions to look to say. 从被击碎的大门之后,一股纯粹有查克拉还有灵魂组成的能量体望着乐渊用不怀好意的目光看着说道。 „To teach me, good, your I brought to you, actually had a look is who to forgive who!” “想要教训我,好啊,你的我给你带来了,看看究竟是谁饶了谁!” Le Yuan toward leaps behind, the demonstration of Mōryō in his at present. But Mōryō is feeling own that moment entire to stay, has not thought that waited for many years to wait till with hardship unexpectedly own delivered. 乐渊向着身后一跃,将魍魉的展示在了他的眼前。而魍魉在感受到自己的那一刻整个就呆了,没想到苦苦等候多年竟然等到了自己的送上门来。 Good guts, this King to revisit the days of five great nation to come finally! The young children, you are waiting to this King!” “好胆,本王重临五大国之日终于来了!小儿,你给本王等着!” With Mōryō Soul since own , the Mōryō true body appeared in Ninja World again, a multi-thread flood dragon, although looked very scary, has the contour of dragon however simply not to have the dragon corner/horn. 伴随着魍魉灵魂进入自己的之中,魍魉的真身再一次出现在了忍界,一条多头蛟,虽然看起来非常唬人,有着龙的外形但是根本没有龙角。 Makes threatening gestures, innumerable chakra specially crossed the body of Le Yuan to well up toward puppet puppet of quadrangle. Mōryō does slightly obviously hides, seems like did not plan appearance that makes Le Yuan detect. 张牙舞爪之间,无数的的特意查克拉越过乐渊的身体向着中庭的傀儡人偶涌了过去。魍魉做得略显隐蔽,看起来似乎根本不打算让乐渊察觉的样子。 Looks continually adapts to Mōryō of body, Le Yuan does not remind, in the one side looked monkey looks is laughing unceasingly Mōryō. 看着不断适应自己身体的魍魉,乐渊也不提醒,就在一旁看猴子似的看着不断大笑着的魍魉 Treads to tread “踏踏踏踏 Intermittent neat sound of footsteps transmits from Le Yuan channel, later then saw the puppet soldier burial puppet that did not move walked into the seal. 一阵阵整齐的脚步声从乐渊身旁的通道中传来,随后便见到一个个原本不动弹的人偶兵俑走入了封印室内。 Sees own undying Great Army, even Mōryō still stopped own size at this time, turns around the head looks around Le Yuan saying: Snort, how could the trivial young child made me begin personally, killed him to me!” 看到属于自己的不死大军,就算是魍魉此时也停下了自己的大小,将脑袋转过来望着一旁的乐渊道:“哼,区区小儿岂能令吾亲自动手,给我杀了他!” Mōryō that just resurrected then suspended the manner, was regarded as ordinary Ninja Le Yuan, how completely without thinking of Le Yuan was to come to here its belt/bring, how the advantage destroyed the seal easily, awakened from the seal it. 刚刚复活的魍魉便摆起了派头,将乐渊当作是一个普通的忍者,完全没有想到乐渊是如何神不知鬼不觉将它的带到这里来的,优势如何轻而易举破坏了封印,将它从封印中唤醒。 „Is this your working order? Also...... trivial mixed up also needs me to begin on this strength personally? However is the lizard that treats butchers!” “这就是你的完整状态?切,也就这点实力而已嘛……区区杂碎还需要我亲自动手?不过是待宰的四脚蛇而已!” However is several seconds, Le Yuan then gave back to him Mōryō just words. But that crowd with the stone blade to the puppet who Le Yuan cuts, but also without the body of near Le Yuan then 11 changed to the fragment, the so-called undying regiment met for the first time became the thorough corpse. 不过是几秒钟的时间,乐渊便将魍魉刚刚的话还给了他。而那群操着石刀向乐渊砍来的傀儡,还没有近乐渊的身便一一化作了碎片,所谓的不死军团乍一碰面就成了彻底的尸体。 While Mōryō detected when Le Yuan is uncommon, the Le Yuan side emerges turbulent incomparable Black Fire, that crowd still turns toward the puppets who Le Yuan to/clashes to evade to flash to be stained by Black Fire, touched the aqua regia to be the same probably, then did not remain the dregs in Kungfu of a blink. 正当魍魉察觉到乐渊不凡之时,乐渊的身旁涌现出汹涌无比的黑火,那群依然向着乐渊冲过来的傀儡们避闪不及纷纷被黑火沾上,一个个像是触及到了王水一般,在一眨眼的功夫内便连渣都不剩了。 Roar roar “吼 Black Fire comes, the air/Qi of boundless evil spirit sends out from Black Fire, even if is in itself not good stubble Mōryō when seeing Black Fire is also the instinct is afraid. Actually this Black Fire is anything, can actually exude the so terrifying roar. 黑火现身,无边的凶煞之气自黑火中散发出,纵然本身就不是善茬的魍魉在见到黑火时也是本能地感到恐惧。这黑火究竟是什么,竟然能够发出如此恐怖的吼声。 Extreme speed of Black Fire when scatters in all directions in front of Le Yuan in later that gathered, Mōryō looks dumbfounded, sprouting/moe goods both hands of fat being able to walk held first face adorable to look at it unexpectedly, the saliva fell from its corners of the mouth together, but that saliva actually wanted the human life Black Fire to compose similarly. 当四散的黑火乐渊面前极速聚拢的之后,魍魉是看傻眼了,一只肥的走不了路的萌货竟然双手抱头一脸呆萌地望着它,一道口水自它的嘴角落下,不过那“口水”却是同样要人命的黑火组成的。 This fellow was your dinner, do not give me the face, swallowed completely!” “这家伙就是你的晚餐了,别给我面子,全部吞掉!” Le Yuan waves to point at Mōryō, next second of fat Black Fire Dragon Cat to not conform to the speed of its body to rush over toward Mōryō, later the body blasts out fiercely, the innumerable Black Fire composition Black Fire big net entire swallows Mōryō together. 乐渊一挥手指着魍魉,下一秒胖胖的黑火龙猫以根本不符合它身体的速度向着魍魉冲了过去,随后身体猛地炸开,无数黑火组成一道黑火大网将魍魉整个吞噬。 ... ...
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