VE :: Volume #8 三阶首战影之忍者

#746: Cuts Satori

After approaching puts Box of Ultimate Bliss this strange big box, some fragment in Le Yuan memory therefore regains consciousness, cannot think actually this Box of Ultimate Bliss was what thing Le Yuan found finally had about its some materials. 当走近放极乐之匣这个古怪的大箱子之后,乐渊记忆中的某个片段因此而苏醒,原本一直想不起来这极乐之匣究竟是什么玩意的乐渊总算是找到了有关于它的部分资料。 Really must say, this Box of Ultimate Bliss may be different from other Six Paths ninja tool, stems from the hand of Sage of Six Paths completely. Only can say this Box of Ultimate Bliss active period Six Paths in the fresh time, because Six Paths once acted, making Box of Ultimate Bliss after playing the greatest might again by the seal, only then after Six Paths passed away spreads the outside world. 真要说起来,这极乐之匣可不同于其他六道忍具,完全出自于六道仙人之手。只能说这极乐之匣活跃的时期正是六道在生的时代,也正是由于六道曾经出手,使得极乐之匣在发挥了莫大威力之后再一次被封印,只有在六道逝世之后才流传到外界来。 However since the Six Paths death, this Box of Ultimate Bliss rarely had the opened history. But is difficult to see the light of day by Satori of seal in Box of Ultimate Bliss, this regarding entire Ninja World without doubt is a good news. 不过自从六道死亡,这极乐之匣鲜有被打开的历史。而被封印在极乐之匣内的悟兽更是难见天日,这对于整个忍界而言无疑是一个好消息。 Box of Ultimate Bliss can be regarded as a biochemical weapon factory completely, any was inhaled the lifeform in Box of Ultimate Bliss to be transformed to become only by its Strength to obey in Satori of its instruction, but becomes existence of Satori not only has the strong attack capability, is the owner Mind Reading Technique such bug ability. 极乐之匣完全就可以当作是一个生化兵工厂,任何被吸入极乐之匣内的生物都会被它的力量改造成为只服从于它指令的悟兽,而成为悟兽的存在不但具备超强的攻击能力,更是拥有者读心术这样bug的能力。 In Ninja World the person can disregard Mind Reading Technique, the resistance compares favorably with general tailed beast rank Satori that simply is few, what is more important is once does not have to discover the Box of Ultimate Bliss trail immediately, with viral suddenly/violently soldier/weapon Box of Ultimate Bliss then sufficiently development pile of dead shadow Satori Great Army. 忍界中人能够无视读心术,对抗媲美一般尾兽级别悟兽的那简直是屈指可数,更重要的是一旦没有在第一时间发现极乐之匣的踪迹,随着病毒式暴兵的极乐之匣便足以发展处堆死影的悟兽大军 However is different from the time evolution that movie version that timeline fully does not tally, Box of Ultimate Bliss of this world from had not then been opened by the Kusagakure seal again, but so-called Satori on the impossible production, Box of Ultimate Bliss had naturally also bred Satori before 1000 year even, but the time will still corrode all, even during terrifying Satori will still die of the years passes. 不过和剧场版时间线完全不符合的时间发展不同,这个世界的极乐之匣自被草忍村封印起便再也没有被打开过,而所谓的悟兽自然也就不可能产生,就算是极乐之匣千年前曾经孕育过悟兽,但是时间依然会腐蚀一切,就算是恐怖的悟兽依然会死于岁月流逝之中。 When the hand of Le Yuan touches on Box of Ultimate Bliss, theoretically his already of this condition was obtains sixth ninja tool, what a pity being in the Quest prompt still has not completed the condition. 乐渊的手摸在极乐之匣上时,理论上这个状态的他一个已经算是得到第六件忍具了,可惜的是任务提示上依然是未完成的状态。 This has not been obtaining Box of Ultimate Bliss this ninja tool on behalf of Le Yuan, looks that the length and breadth has 10 meters huge cube Box of Ultimate Bliss high, Le Yuan thought is difficult to be inadequate must entire carry out Hōzuki Castle it. 这代表着乐渊还没有获得极乐之匣这件忍具,看着足足长宽高都有十米的巨大立方体极乐之匣,乐渊心想难不成还要将它整个搬出鬼灯城 However is good, in Quest when Le Yuan has doubts had the new prompt, prompts to only have a few words: Opens it, walks, obtains in the chest the chest. 不过好在任务乐渊疑惑之时有了新的提示,提示只有一句话:打开它,走进去,取得匣中匣。 Enters Box of Ultimate Bliss, already recalls its concrete function Le Yuan naturally not to think that this is a great idea. Although does not know whether this Box of Ultimate Bliss can have the function to oneself, solely is wants inside unclear then Le Yuan to bring to the due attention sufficiently. 进入极乐之匣,已经回忆起它具体功能的乐渊自然不觉得这是个好主意。虽不知道这极乐之匣能否对自己产生作用,单单是想要里面的不详便足以乐渊引起足够的重视。 However Quest has no alternative but to complete, how Le Yuan recalled emphatically opened the Box of Ultimate Bliss method, those who discovered the coincidence was he has key that opened Box of Ultimate Bliss. 不过任务不能不完成,乐渊着重回忆了如何打开极乐之匣的方法,发现巧合的是他早已具备了打开极乐之匣的钥匙。 chakra, massive chakra are turns on and activates the Box of Ultimate Bliss important key. The needed chakra quantity is not and two Jōnin can provide, perhaps only then tailed beast chakra can provide the so huge energy. 查克拉,大量的查克拉便是打开、激活极乐之匣的重要钥匙。需要的查克拉量绝非一个、两个上忍可以提供的,恐怕只有尾兽查克拉才能提供如此巨大的能量。 Now goes out to seek for tailed beast naturally is dilatory, but Le Yuan does not want is so troublesome, he once extracted Yang Nine-Tails 70% in No. 1 world from Naruto within the body, this so many chakra open present Box of Ultimate Bliss as the key sufficiently. 现在外出寻找尾兽自然是一种拖沓,但是乐渊可不想要那么麻烦,在一号世界他曾经从鸣人体内抽出阳九尾的70%,这这么多的查克拉足以作为钥匙打开眼前的极乐之匣 As Le Yuan inputs in the Nine-Tails chakra 11 biographies Box of Ultimate Bliss, spiritless Box of Ultimate Bliss had the high-energy reflection, intermittent bewitching red light sends out from Box of Ultimate Bliss, but in the instance that stops transporting chakra, Box of Ultimate Bliss side ghost in box case gesture opened big mouth to open in front door a to box case in an instant, a powerful suction aimed at Le Yuan, as if wanted him to inhale while the opportunity that Le Yuan has not gotten back one's composure thoroughly. 随着乐渊九尾查克拉一一传输入极乐之匣内,原本死气沉沉的极乐之匣产生了高能反映,一阵阵妖异的红光极乐之匣上散发出来,而就在了停止输送查克拉的瞬间,极乐之匣其中的一面刹那间匣子比划上的鬼头张开大嘴打开了一条通往匣子内的大门,一阵强大的吸力对准了乐渊,似乎想要趁着乐渊还没回过神的机会将他彻底吸入。 The suction that is produced by Box of Ultimate Bliss is extremely strong, the average person let alone comes to a stop, including can eject the suction circle is an issue. Perhaps also only then looks like Le Yuan so to play the superb person the wind, can seem like situated in the calm belt stands generally safely in Box of Ultimate Bliss that same place calmly looks at to assume an awe-inspiring pose. 极乐之匣产生的吸力极强,一般人别说站稳,连能不能抛出吸力圈都是个问题。恐怕也只有像乐渊这般将风玩得出神入化的人,才能够像是处于无风带一般安然地站在原地静看着发威的极乐之匣 This is nothing, Box of Ultimate Bliss rampage? Does not press the repertoire completely, should not obey to open the Box of Ultimate Bliss order, wants what special ceremony?” “这算什么,极乐之匣暴走?完全不按套路来,不是应该听从打开极乐之匣者的命令来的,难道还要什么特殊仪式?” However absolutely does not have Le Yuan of this concept not to want to get down, he quite conducts next Quest the problem solve of Box of Ultimate Bliss early. 不过完全没有这个概念的乐渊也是不愿意多想下去,早早将极乐之匣的问题解决他好进行下一个任务 Withstood/Top this strong suction Le Yuan to walk into gradually, the Le Yuan front leg just entered Box of Ultimate Bliss, the front door that the back leg just opened then closed completely. But strides in Box of Ultimate Bliss Le Yuan to feel similarly after a fluctuation of space, all in box case then printed his mind later. 顶着这阵强劲的吸力乐渊缓步走入其中,乐渊前脚刚刚进入极乐之匣,后脚刚刚打开的大门便完全闭合了起来。而跨入极乐之匣乐渊同样在进入后感觉到一阵空间的波动,随后匣子内的一切便印入了他的脑海。 A piece is bigger much the wilderness, at least relies on Le Yuan vision that does not look side, seeming like this Box of Ultimate Bliss seems like that is only 1000 cubic cube box cases, was actually in has the universe to contain one piece not to know the size the small space. 一片大得惊人的荒原,最起码凭借乐渊的视力那是一眼望不到边,看起来这极乐之匣看似只是一个1000立方的正方体匣子,其实却是内有乾坤包含了一片不知大小的小空间。 Entire Box of Ultimate Bliss spiritless, although often has the variation energy body that tries to invade Le Yuan, the energy that but is unable to approach touches the body of Le Yuan to be defeated and dispersed merely, except for this then has no response of lifeform again, besides sound of footsteps that Le Yuan goes forward incessantly, looked like the silence of the whole world already death. 整个极乐之匣内部死气沉沉,虽然不时有异种能量试图入侵乐渊的身体,但是根本无法靠近的能量仅仅是一触乐渊的身体即自行溃散,除此以外便再无任何生命体的反应,除了乐渊不断前进的脚步声之外,就像是整个世界都已经死亡的寂静。 Le Yuan chooses the direction is the unclear richest place, if really must seek for in the chest the chest is the entire space unclear richest place possibility is without doubt biggest. 乐渊所选方向是不详最为浓郁之处,如果真要寻找匣中匣无疑是整个空间不详最为浓郁的地方可能性最大。 According to Le Yuan this resembled the idle courtyard to stroll so close, yet worlds apart way forward Le Yuan to go forward actually not under 30 kilometers, is approaching the unclear place he to stop extremely. 按照乐渊这似闲庭漫步实则咫尺天涯的前进方式乐渊足足前进了不下于30公里,在极为靠近不详的地方他停了下来。 Although not far away about one kilometer place, then can see that only had in the chest of small-scale acoustic size chest already to appear in the Le Yuan field of vision, however arrived here flash in Le Yuan, his back presented the final defending customs employee. 虽然不远处大约一千米的地方,便能够看到一个仅有小型音响大小的匣中匣已经出现在了乐渊的视野内,但是在乐渊来到这里的一刹那,他的背后出现了最后的守关人。 A back body black wing, has to hang the illusory Satori of long arm and abnormal body appears there. Satori appearance Quietus, looks like the illusion not to have any fluctuation of energy generally, is impossible sends out as for sound of footsteps that. 一个背身黑色羽翼,有着垂地长臂和畸形身体的虚幻悟兽出现在了那里。悟兽的出现无声无息,就像是幻觉一般没有带起任何的能量波动,至于脚步声那更是不可能发出。 Sees only Satori to hold up that if like not having, the illusory arm wielded fiercely to the head of Le Yuan, has not thought this must struck actually seems like the heaven to crack a joke, bent the waist hiding by Le Yuan inexplicably. 只见悟兽举起那若有如无、虚幻至极的手臂猛地挥向了乐渊的脑袋,不曾想这必中的一击却像是老天开玩笑似的,被乐渊莫名地一弯腰给躲了过去。 How possibly? How do you discover my?” “怎么可能?你是怎么发现我的?” Strikes inadequate, illusory Satori takes back the right arm flashes over 50 meters instantaneously immediately, hides in the distant place surprisedly to look at Le Yuan, as if thought that Le Yuan is the great antiquity beast of prey is fearful. 一击不成,虚幻悟兽收回右臂的瞬间立马闪出去超过50米,躲得远远的地方惊疑地望着乐渊,似乎觉得乐渊是洪荒猛兽般可怕。 Satori? Really frustrates!” 悟兽?真挫!” Facing left behind Satori of fearful legend in Ninja World, Le Yuan glanced several then to draw such conclusion merely, because Le Yuan that frivolous tone made Satori angrier. 面对在忍界留下了可怕传说的悟兽,乐渊仅仅是瞟了几眼便下了这样的结论,不过正是因为乐渊那轻佻的语气才令悟兽更加愤怒。 Reply...... my issue!” “回答……我的问题!” Satori shames among the anger a red energy ball before the mouth of illusory Satori to gather, evidently is not Tailed Beast Ball however actually with it being almost the same. However while Satori condenses the positive time, actually lost the Le Yuan trail suddenly. 悟兽羞怒之间一道红色的能量球在虚幻悟兽的嘴巴前聚集,看样子不是尾兽玉但是却与之相差无几。不过正当悟兽凝聚地正积极的时候,却陡然失去了乐渊的踪迹。 Thump “咚 Le Yuan mister already drops from the clouds again, after brutally steps on, reached as high as more than 40 meters giant Satori to fall down instantaneously, when Sword Qi when Le Yuan pursued toward it shot actually hits probably in the air penetrated directly. 乐渊再次先生已经是从天而降,一记无情踩踏之后,高达40多米的巨型悟兽瞬间倒在了地上,当乐渊追击的剑气向着它射去时却像是打在了空气上直接穿透。 replica Kamui? That basis cannot read my thoughts inferior Mind Reading Technique, but also really acts recklessly!” 翻版神威?还有那个根本读不了我心思的劣等读心术,还真是不知死活!” Satori Mind Reading Technique did not have Le Yuan to say badly, what a pity has the precondition. Can think through the frightened learning goal heart in merely, but even if so is still the fearful ability. After all with Satori to fighting, but can not produce frightened slightly simply few, but very unfortunate Satori runs into the character who Le Yuan this even Kaguya dares to kill, trivial Satori in his eyes also really no quite frightened. 悟兽读心术没有乐渊说得那么差,可惜还是有先决条件的。仅仅能通过恐惧获知目标心中所想,不过纵然如此依然是可怕的能力。毕竟与悟兽对战而能不产生丝毫恐惧的简直屈指可数,但是很不幸悟兽遇到了乐渊这个连辉夜都敢杀的人物,区区悟兽在他眼中还真的没什么好恐惧的。 As for the Intangibility ability that Satori has, that was nothing. This move seems like exceptionally mysterious, but completely does not have the attack capability when Intangibility, Le Yuan has suppressed Satori to move toward the position that in the chest the chest is at later slowly, does not fear Satori not with a it war. 至于悟兽拥有的虚化能力,那就更加算不了什么了。这一招看似异常神奇,但是却在虚化时全然没有攻击能力,乐渊一直压制着悟兽随后慢慢走向匣中匣所在的位置,根本不怕悟兽不与之一战。 Satori can be born all depends on the chest in Box of Ultimate Bliss the chest, this strange space. Once both defect its one, its existence then such as flowers in a mirror and the moon reflected in the lake in an instant Annihilation, when therefore saw that Le Yuan enters Box of Ultimate Bliss to be not affected, on the contrary in line in the chest the chest goes to the time it then looks like the life and death archenemy generally to aim at Le Yuan. 悟兽能够诞生全赖极乐之匣中的匣中匣,还有这一片奇异的空间。一旦两者缺失其一,它的存在便如镜中花水中月转眼破灭,因此当见到乐渊进入极乐之匣不受影响,反倒是本着匣中匣而去的时候它便像生死大敌一般针对乐渊 What a pity the Satori strength and Le Yuan differ really big, basic impossible prevent the advance of Le Yuan. Let alone wants to draw support from the Intangibility ability to kill Le Yuan, once he empty is the reality, Le Yuan then can detect and prevent in the short millisecond to counter-attack. 可惜悟兽的实力和乐渊相差甚大,根本不可能阻止乐渊的前进。别说想要借助虚化的能力杀死乐渊,他一旦化虚为实,乐渊便能够在短短千分之一秒内察觉并阻止反击。 Satori well can abuse power outside world, however it even cannot compare one to come in front of Le Yuan more valuable. Attained in the chest easily the chest, Le Yuan Quest announced completes, but the matter may not have to end. 好好的一头悟兽在外面的世界可以作威作福,但是在乐渊面前它甚至比不上一尾来得更加有价值。轻而易举地拿到了匣中匣,乐渊任务一宣告完成,不过事情可没有就此结束。 Not “不 Satori of not far away sends out just like kills the pig general pitiful cry, looks the body that its gradually collapses, thinks anything's Le Yuan throws into Box of Ultimate Bliss the space backpack immediately conveniently, later did not return to dash in the gate direction. 不远处的悟兽发出犹如杀猪一般的凄惨叫声,看着它那逐渐崩坏的身体,想到什么的乐渊立马将极乐之匣随手扔进空间背包里面,随后头也不回地向着门的方向飞奔了过去。 With the Le Yuan movement, sees only a Le Yuan behind piece by piece space seems like with Satori made a collapse, the entire space took in the chest the chest to start Annihilation with Le Yuan, this Box of Ultimate Bliss the source of energy vanished, naturally did not need of existence, moving toward Annihilation was the inevitable matter. 随着乐渊的动作,只见乐渊身后的一片片空间像是和悟兽约好了似的一起崩坏,整个空间都随着乐渊取走匣中匣而开始破灭,这极乐之匣的能量之源都消失了,自然也就没有了存在的必要,走向破灭是必然的事情。 However Le Yuan cannot be involved, if really also stays in inside before the collapse, the Le Yuan fate is no better absolutely. 但是乐渊可不能被卷入其中,真要是在崩溃前还留在里面,乐渊的下场绝对好不到哪里去。 Before the collapse arrives Le Yuan arrived at the front door of metal system, looks at the hard incomparable metal front door, a Le Yuan without demur fist hardly just. 在崩溃到来之前乐渊来到了金属制的大门前,看着坚硬无比的金属大门,乐渊二话没说一拳硬刚了上去。 Bang “嘭 Can the safe and sound front door after losing the support of energy storage became facing Tailed Beast Ball extremely frail, although a fist of Le Yuan is also very strong, but has not arrived at the Tailed Beast Ball destructive power absolutely, but the same fist made large hole the metal front door. 面对尾兽玉都能够安然无恙的大门在失去了能量源的支持后变得极为脆弱,乐渊的一拳虽然同样很强,但是绝对没有到达尾兽玉的破坏力,但是同样一拳将金属大门打出了一条大洞 Runs, Le Yuan then discovered that this Box of Ultimate Bliss turns toward the interior to twist unexpectedly, entire formed the artificial black hole to attract all around all totals probably generally. 一跑出来,乐渊回头之间发现这极乐之匣竟然向着内部扭曲,整个像是形成了人工黑洞一般将四周的一切全数吸了过去。 Fully realized that here extremely dangerous Le Yuan cannot ignores thing continue rampage to get down, Devil phantom + Shattering Void Dimension Slash, a blade stands on distortion Box of Ultimate Bliss. Looked at already to stop the artificial black hole of proliferation, what kind of destructive power Le Yuan also no longer paid attention to this to form, retiring after meritorious service Le Yuan quickly fled the Hōzuki Castle underground. 深知这里极为危险的乐渊也不能放任这玩意继续暴走下去,魔人虚影+碎虚次元斩,一刀站在扭曲的极乐之匣上。望着已经停止了扩散的人工黑洞,乐渊也不再理会这会形成怎样的破坏力,功成身退的乐渊迅速逃离了鬼灯城的地下。 Hōzuki Castle that night is doomed beset by disasters, although Le Yuan prevented the expansion of situation, the destructive power that but Box of Ultimate Bliss collapses is still fearful incomparable. Entire Hōzuki Castle formed unprecedented collapsing, casualty of over hundred people in this disaster, were been countless by bury. 鬼灯城这一夜注定多灾多难,虽然乐渊阻止了事态的扩大,但是极乐之匣崩溃的破坏力依然是可怕无比。整个鬼灯城形成了前所未有的坍塌,足足超过百人在这一场灾难中死伤,被掩埋者不计其数。 ... ...
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