VE :: Volume #8 三阶首战影之忍者

#745: Hōzuki Castle, Box of Ultimate Bliss

Land of Grass, in the Land of Earth and Land of Earth liangs big states, the all around area is also adjoining to Land of Waterfalls as well as Land of Rain, it can be said that all year long the state that muddles through life ignobly in the great nations by luck. Because is adjoining to the Land of Fire reason, the Land of Grass geographical environment is quite superior, is state that the rare suitable average person to settle down. 草之国,位于土之国大国度之间,四周疆域还毗邻着泷之国以及雨之国,可以说是一个终年在大国之间侥幸苟存的国度。由于毗邻着火之国的缘故,草之国的地理环境较为优越,是少有的适合普通人定居的国度。 But in only official ninja village that in Land of Grass has is Kusagakure, this ninja village is not famous on Ninja continent, it can exist in fight Ninja World continent incessantly tenaciously all depends at Kusagakure Ninja is good at studying Ninjutsu of other states extremely. 而在草之国中存在着的唯一一个官方忍村就是草忍村,这个忍村忍者大陆上并不是非常出名,它能够一直顽强地存在于战斗不止的忍界大陆全赖于草忍村忍者极为擅长学习其他国度的忍术 Kusagakure as a result of it neutrality for a long time, was entrusted to establish Hōzuki Castle by several other ninja village people, as detaining to detain to commit a crime the Ninja prison, but is responsible for managing Ninja of this prison daily is named inactivity Kusagakure Jōnin. 草忍村由于其长久以来的中立态度,被其他几个忍村的人委托建立了一座鬼灯城,作为关押押犯事忍者的监狱,而日常负责管理这个监狱的忍者则是名为无为的草忍村上忍 Although Hōzuki Castle situated in Land of Grass lake island , and guarding manages this prison is also the Kusagakure person, but this not representative Hōzuki Castle is Kusagakure practice of "what I say goes". Will have other ninja village people to come responsible nosing every year. But the Kusagakure guarding attitude is extremely always good, making the Hōzuki Castle prestige in entire Ninja World famous. 虽然鬼灯城位于草之国境内的一个湖中岛内,并且看守管理这个监狱的也是草忍村的人,但是这并不代表鬼灯城就是草忍村的一言堂。每一年都会有其他忍村的人前来负责查探情况。而一直以来草忍村的看守态度极佳,使得鬼灯城的声誉在整个忍界驰名。 Also because of this reason, the Box of Ultimate Bliss news has not always spread the outside world, few knows radically personally almost uniform entire Ninja World Box of Ultimate Bliss will once be preserved in the Hōzuki Castle underground concealed treasure house. 也正是因为这个缘故,极乐之匣的消息一直以来都没有流传到外界,也根本没有几个人知道曾经差点统一整个忍界极乐之匣会被保存在鬼灯城的地下藏宝库。 To enter Hōzuki Castle, sneaks by the ability choice of Le Yuan without doubt is the quickest one method, after all in entire Hōzuki Castle strongest not obsolete as the city Lord inactivity, but he by not fighting well-known Jōnin, does not favor the seal technique of fight most excels. 想要进入鬼灯城,以乐渊的能力选择潜入无疑是最快的一种方法,毕竟整个鬼灯城里面最强的也不过时身为城主的无为,而他也不是以战斗而闻名的上忍,最擅长的也是不利于战斗的封印术。 What a pity when Le Yuan enters Land of Grass within the boundaries, saw only Quest to request a below to present the new Quest supplemental condition, on Six Paths ninja tool that at the same time other five need to collect already presented the inscription of completion. 可惜当乐渊进入草之国境内时,只见任务要求一的下面出现了新的任务附加条件,与此同时其他五个需要收集的六道忍具已经出现了完成的字样。 Slaps to give a sweet jujube? Makes up for the beforehand Quest prompt place of omission with this way, exchange that but also is really unable to refute......” “打一巴掌给一个甜枣吗?用这种方式来弥补之前任务提示中的遗漏之处,还真是无法反驳的交换……” Le Yuan looks Quest request enters Hōzuki Castle as prisoner, disdain curls the lip immediately, under this way Le Yuan has to under the Hōzuki Castle city Lord inactivity by imprint seal technique[ Fire Release: Heavenly Prison]. 乐渊看着任务要求的以囚犯的身份进入鬼灯城,立马不屑地撇了撇嘴,这种方式下乐渊就不得不被烙印鬼灯城城主无为的封印术[火遁·天牢]。 When Le Yuan succeeded to shut in a Hōzuki Castle prisoner to replace recently, by oneself changed external appearances only since, his Quest one finally starts. 乐渊成功将最近要被关进鬼灯城的一名囚犯替换出来,以自己改头换面进入之时,他的任务一总算是正是启动了。 Enters Hōzuki Castle, as the city Lord inactivity punishes one as a warning to others makes everyone arrange to become one row, one crowd of already understood early the person in inactivity fierce place naturally does not dare to revolt in this place at will, but Le Yuan also plays the role of this Waterfall Ninja village prisoner faithfully, obediently and others stand in one row together. 一进入鬼灯城,身为城主的无为就杀鸡儆猴似的令所有人排成一排,一群早已经了解到无为厉害之处的人自然不敢随意在这个地方进行反抗,而乐渊也忠实地扮演好自己这个泷忍村囚犯的角色,乖乖地和其他人一起站在一排。 Very good! It seems like these does not have the idiot to try to want time to revolt, you will come here are represent your already totally to be given up by the village without doubt! But without Ninja of village trust, is one crowd of waste, remembered, here you are the prisoners of no existence value!” “很好!看来这一次没有蠢货试着想要进行反抗,你们会来到这里无疑是代表你们已经彻底被村子放弃了!而没有了村子信任的忍者,就是一群废物,记住了,在这里你们都是毫无存在价值的囚犯而已!” From was just brought one to sweep to the body of here five prisoner as the city Lord inactivity eye, later stayed the moment on the body of Le Yuan slightly. After all compared with other person of that fears from the heart, Le Yuan, although displays very amenable, but does not have that fear that he saw in those days. 身为城主的无为眼睛从刚刚被带到这里的五名囚犯的身上一扫而过,随后在乐渊的身上稍稍停留了片刻。毕竟比起其他人那种发自内心的恐惧,乐渊虽然表现得非常顺从,但是却没有他往日见到的那种恐惧。 However has not conducted the inactivity that thinks deeply also to look at Le Yuan two merely slightly, after all was detained this Hōzuki Castle prisoner not 1000 also 800, before also had to present such as Le Yuan character so. 不过没有进行深思的无为也仅仅是稍稍看了乐渊两眼,毕竟被关押到这座鬼灯城的囚犯没有一千也有八百了,以前也不是没有出现过如乐渊这般的人物。 With the speech of inactivity, after all just entered the Hōzuki Castle person almost understand present inactivity is them the immediate superior, can do anything, but best not to annoy him. 随着无为的一番演说,所有刚刚进入鬼灯城的人差不多都明白眼前的无为才是他们以后的顶头上司,可以做任何事,但是最好别惹到他。 Becoming a row of prisoner facing the platoon quickly, enjoyed a palm as inactivity one person of warden, the people of all palms flew to go out without exception almost 4 and 5 meters appearances. This is not the warden uses the violent means that merely is to each prisoner who enters Hōzuki Castle used his unique seal technique[ Fire Release: Heavenly Prison]. 很快面对排成一排的囚犯,作为监狱长的无为一人赏了一掌,所有中掌的人都无一例外飞了出去差不多四、五米的样子。这可不是监狱长施展暴力手段,仅仅是对每一个进入鬼灯城的囚犯施展了他的独门封印术[火遁·天牢]。 Fire Release: Heavenly Prison, this move even in the seal technique is still extremely rare one. Said actually not this move has how strongly, copes with how the powerful character sufficiently. But is this move can be transformed by chakra of caster within the body as the active gunpowder is ordinary, usually is unable revolution chakra, so long as the revolution were stimulated slightly, even after being far away from caster certain range, because excessively active, but resembles was burnt by caster livingly. 火遁·天牢,这一招就算是在封印术里面也是极为罕见的一种。倒不是说这一招有多么的强劲,足以对付多么强大的人物。而是这一招能够将被施术者体内的查克拉转化为活性火药一般,平日根本无法运转查克拉,但是只要稍稍运转受到刺激,甚至在远离施术者一定范围后,都会由于过度的活跃而似的被施术者被活生生烧死。 So long as this move almost hit earnestly, then few can shoulder. After all by the body of Ninja, once[ Fire Release: Heavenly Prison] outbreak, burning down of basic impossible hell flame. In other words except for like Kakuzu and Hidan the injury of vitality exuberant person hard anti- seal technique, in the world then is skilled in the talent of seal technique to be able with it to resist. 这一招几乎只要切实命中了,便几乎没有人能够扛过去。毕竟以忍者的身体,一旦[火遁·天牢]发作,根本不可能地狱火焰的焚烧。也就是说除了像角都飞段这样生命力旺盛的人硬抗封印术的伤害,世界上便只有精通封印术的人才能够与之对抗。 However what very fortunately is Le Yuan above which point meet requirement, mortal body Resilience also or ends to explode regarding the understanding of seal technique absolutely, when overwhelming majorities in this life exist. 不过很凑巧的是乐渊无论是以上哪一点都满足要求,无论是肉身的恢复能力亦或者是对于封印术的了解都绝对完爆当今世上的绝大多数存在。 The mortal body evolved in the Devil direction through the catalysis of Fruit of Life remaining efficacy absolutely, cutting off limb rebirth that is the minor matter, Le Yuan even felt oneself only have a head to be long, can say that the resiliency explodes 99% existences. 肉身通过生命之果残余药力的催化绝对是向着魔人布欧的方向进化了,断肢重生那都是小事,乐渊甚至觉得自己只剩下一颗脑袋都能重新长回来,可以说恢复力完爆90%九的存在。 But seal technique that is not the issue, first did not say that Le Yuan spontaneity strength and sharpness non- existing problem, Scroll of Seals that steals from No. 1 world Konoha is only leafed through by Le Yuan on already, must teach regarding inside seal technique content to Karin hand in hand, can proselytize the level of instructing is not absolutely bad. 而封印术那就更不是问题,先不说乐渊自生实力和领悟力不存在问题,光是从一号世界木叶盗取的封印之书已经乐渊翻了个遍,对于里面的封印术内容更是手把手得传授给了香磷,能够传道授业的水准绝对不差了。 Therefore a Le Yuan half-dead appearance the time of the ground crawling, body[ Fire Release: Heavenly Prison] already only had a body, if were not worried to destroy the seal to bring to the attention of inactivity, Le Yuan can work as the inactivity surface to decode the seal technique that he was proud now directly at the scene. 是故乐渊一副半死不活的样子从地上爬起来的时候,身上的[火遁·天牢]已经只剩下了一个躯壳,如果不是担心破坏了封印会引起无为的注意,乐渊现在就能直接当着无为的面把他引以为傲的封印术当场破解了。 As each prisoner was engraved on the seal, as the inactivity of warden has no interest in paying attention to Le Yuan this group of ordinary prisoners again, turned around then to walk toward the office that oneself were. 随着每一个囚犯都被刻印上封印,身为监狱长的无为也没有兴趣再去理会乐渊这群平凡至极的囚犯,转身便向着自己所在的办公室走了过去。 After the inactivity walks, respectful Vice Warden Daigo has then gotten Le Yuan this group of newly-arrived prisoners to walk toward Hōzuki Castle. Sees only in frontline great enlightenment is directing the surrounding terrain, while is telling some customs in Hōzuki Castle to Le Yuan this group of people. 而当无为走后,一直恭恭敬敬的副监狱长大悟便领着乐渊这一群初来乍到的囚犯向着鬼灯城内部走去。只见走在最前方的大悟一边指点着周围的地形,一边向乐渊这群人讲述着鬼灯城内的一些规矩。 Was detained before the prison, each prisoner will also experience the last procedure/program again, that is inspects their bodies and portable items. Regarding Hōzuki Castle, this stipulation to prevent some people of other assists the prisoner in Hōzuki Castle to run away, the person who so long as was closed does not have one to escape the inspection. 被关押至囚牢之前,每一名囚犯还会再经历最后一道程序,那就是检查他们的身体和随身携带物品。对于鬼灯城而言,这道规定是为了防止有人其他协助鬼灯城内的囚犯逃窜,只要是被关进来的人就没有一个能够逃过检查的。 As experienced the inspection, finally was one's turn Le Yuan to walk into the inspection the room. Le Yuan passing through the gate, then saw that in the room then is only left over the guards of two wear prison guard clothing besides Vice Warden Daigo. 随着一个个经历了检查,终于轮到了乐渊走入检查的房间。乐渊一进门,便见到屋内除了副监狱长大悟之外便只剩下两个穿着狱卒服饰的守卫。 When Le Yuan enters in the room, the front door was then closing while convenient. 乐渊进入屋内,身后的大门便顺带着关了上来。 Saw only sits has a yawn to say in vice- warden who on the chair an interest lacked the appearance: All took off the clothes, inspection!” 只见坐在椅子上一副兴致缺缺模样的副监狱长打了个哈欠道:“把衣服全都脱了吧,检查!” Inspection? Good, I also want to inspect well!” “检查?好啊,我也想要好好检查一下呢!” Sees only already to take off in the hand the Le Yuan slight movement of shackles not to stare at the even/including of vice- warden not to put on the contrary, looks at the Le Yuan movement in Le Yuan behind two prison guards gradually some not the wonderful feeling, but vice- warden who has lowered the head raised the feeling of being faced with imminent disaster. 只见已经脱去手中枷锁的乐渊没有丝毫的动作相反盯着副监狱长的连不放,在乐渊身后的两个狱卒看着乐渊的动作渐渐有了不妙的感觉,而一直低着头的副监狱长更是升起了大难临头的感觉。 Buzz “嗡 Without the three people in room makes any sound, Spiritual Force three people on the scene will then cover together instantaneously. In entire room instantaneous peaceful, three people on the scene except for the place that beside the eyeball cannot move again. 没等屋内的三人发出任何的声响,一道精神力便瞬间将在场的三人笼罩。整个屋子里面瞬间安静了下来,在场的三个人除了眼珠子之外再也没有能够动弹的地方。 Before seeing only Le Yuan arrived at the body of vice- warden step by step, the right hand index finger directly selects on his head, with a finger point, vice- warden exuded Byakugan gently immediately. The memory in his mind was being pulled and read by Le Yuan rapidly, this is no one can withstand, even the slightest misstep becomes white the crazy share. 只见乐渊一步步走到了副监狱长的身前,右手食指直接点到了他的脑袋上,随着手指轻轻一点,顿时副监狱长泛起了白眼。他脑海中的记忆正被乐渊飞速调阅着,这可不是什么人都能够承受的,稍有不慎就是变白痴的份。 Remembers the rapid accent takes, Le Yuan remembers entire Hōzuki Castle all terrains in the heart. Afterward looks that the correct use looked the Demon look looks at his other two people to smile. Le Yuan in investigating vice- warden remembers when already made the adjustment his memory while convenient, now the remaining two people naturally cannot be exceptional. 将记忆迅速调取,乐渊将整个鬼灯城的所有地形牢记于心。随后看着正用看恶魔眼神望着他的其他两个人嘿嘿一笑。乐渊在调查副监狱长记忆时已经顺便将他的记忆做了调整,现在剩下的两个人自然也不能够例外。 After ten minutes, Le Yuan has not changed from the room. But vice- warden who was just responsible for inspecting three people similarly seem like nothing happened generally, everyone all normal, early photos stipulated that vice- warden leads each prisoner to know belonged to their prison cells. 十分钟之后,乐渊没有丝毫改变地从房间中走了出来。而刚刚负责检查的副监狱长三人同样像是什么都没有发生过一般,所有人都一切正常,早照规定副监狱长带着每一个囚犯去认识属于他们自己的囚室了。 The Le Yuan prison cell merely is less than a ten square meters small single room, an only thing is the makeshift bed on the ground, the corner in not far away is the solution small-sized spittoon, the temperature in prison cell really could not have called well. 乐渊的囚室仅仅是一个十平方米不到的小单间,唯一的一个物件就是地铺,不远处的墙角就是解决小号的痰盂,囚室内的气温还真称不上有多好。 The time arrived at the midnight, most prisoners extremely lack in the free prison naturally not to enjoy the nightlife in this custom, falls into the dreamland to attempt through the way of having a dream to alleviate the unhappiness in heart to the evening automatically. 时间来到了半夜,绝大多数囚犯在这极度缺乏自由的监狱中自然没有享受夜生活的习惯,一到晚上就自动陷入梦乡企图通过做梦的方式缓解心中的不快。 Left in this time Le Yuan, the trivial wooden stockade cannot block Le Yuan. But escapes with the aid of Earth Spirit Bead rapidly sneaks underground Le Yuan naturally not to alarm any guard, arrived at the entire Hōzuki Castle strictest underground treasure house easily. 就在这个时候乐渊动身了,区区木质栅栏根本拦不住乐渊。而借助土灵珠飞速遁地潜入地下的乐渊自然没有惊动任何的守卫,轻而易举地来到了整个鬼灯城最为严密的地下宝库。 As depositing the Box of Ultimate Bliss place, here is in Hōzuki Castle the most important secret. Are accidental except for the warden inactivity and Kusagakure few several chieftains, here is the secret that no one knows. 作为存放极乐之匣的地方,这里是鬼灯城内最为重要的一个秘密。除了监狱长无为和草忍村极少数的几个头目意外,这里就是无人知晓的秘密。 Le Yuan passes through from the narrow channel, arrives in front of Box of Ultimate Bliss in legend following the underground walk that digs up artificially. 乐渊从狭窄的通道上走过,一路顺着人工挖开的地下通道来到传说中的极乐之匣面前。 Although the entire box is spiritless, but Le Yuan can still feel to come from by the box of copper system in Box of Ultimate Bliss interior that type of extremely unclear aura. 整个箱子虽然死气沉沉,但是乐渊依然能够透过铜制的箱子感受到来自于极乐之匣内部那种极度不详的气息。 ... ...
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