VE :: Volume #8 三阶首战影之忍者

#744: Gambling with world

Vanished does not retire after meritorious service on behalf of Le Yuan already before No. 1 world everyone's body, after completing all Quest, prepares to go home, on the contrary got rid regarding Le Yuan merely was hanging in head Sword of Damocles for a long time. 消失在一号世界所有人的身前并不代表乐渊已经功成身退,做完所有任务之后准备打道回府了,相反对于乐渊而言仅仅是摆脱了长久以来悬挂在头上的达摩克斯之剑 , May choose the Quest terminations in two aspects along with the main line, theoretically Le Yuan wants to leave this world to return to that is the matter of a few words. However Le Yuan examined one merely own may the residence time then drop this idea, he is away from be forced to kick this world also to have more than one year of time. 伴随着主线、可选两方面的任务完结,理论上乐渊想要离开本世界回归那就是一句话的事儿。不过乐渊仅仅是查看了一下自己的可驻留时间便打消了这个想法,他距离被强制踢出本世界还有一年多的时间。 Although No. 1 world already Ninja World war ended, basically there is no lively to look, the person also died a lot has nothing to look, but could not support Le Yuan to make a connection with a road that went to No. 2 world. 虽说一号世界已经忍界大战结束,基本上没有什么热闹可看了,人死得多也没什么好找的,但是架不住乐渊能够打通一条前往二号世界的路。 However Le Yuan is not pure holds the mentality of traveling to go to No. 2 world broken, although all Quest seem like already to terminate, but after Hagoromo succeeds Kaguya resurrects in alternative forms, Quest of hidden then appears in Le Yuan at present 不过乐渊也不是纯碎抱着旅游的心态前往二号世界,虽然所有的任务看似已经完结,但是就在羽衣辉夜成功以另一种形式复活之后,一个隐藏的任务便出现在了乐渊眼前 A Level Hidden Main Quest redemption a级隐藏主线任务救赎 Quest Description: Kills Rabbit Goddess Kaguya, and succeeds to redeem its Soul 任务描述:将卯之女神辉夜杀死,并成功救赎其灵魂 Quest request: Prevents Kaguya in Fourth Shinobi World War by the seal, and before it causes the great destruction strikes to kill, and made complaining in its Soul and hates the resolution 任务要求:于第四次忍界大战中阻止辉夜被封印,并在其造成更大破坏前击杀,且令其灵魂中的怨与恨消解 Quest Reward: May choose one, direct to obtain this world A Level above skill and item randomly or equips one, finally Quest appraisal rise first-level 任务奖励:可选一、直接随机获得本世界a级以上技能、道具或是装备一件,最终任务评价上升一级 May choose two, to give up the current reward, consumes A and B world advancement opening following Quest, the resident time is multiplied by 10 可选二、放弃当前奖励,消耗a、b世界进程点开启后续任务,停留时间乘以十 This Quest completes that depends entirely on the luck, if or is not Le Yuan strives to kill then and Hagoromo Kaguya also has indissoluble bond, wants to trigger and complete that this Quest is the basic impossible matter. 这个任务的完成那是全靠运气,或者说如果不是乐渊出力将辉夜杀死然后和羽衣又有着不解之缘,想要将这个任务触发并完成那是根本不可能的事情。 Quest that however because ordinary person cannot trigger, therefore is much richer in the completion later reward, looked that only may elect to reward one to know this Quest did right by Le Yuan to come sufficiently one time the price of this world. 不过正是因为并非是正常人能够触发的任务,所以在完成之后的奖励才丰厚得惊人,单看可选奖励一就知道这一任务足以对得起乐渊来一次这个世界的票价了。 However compared with rewarding a content, that may elect to reward two to attract Le Yuan thing truly. After all the skill and item equip regarding nowadays Le Yuan already no longer have the strong attraction, thing or Naruto World that local product this obtains let alone, that is the weak is more incomparable regarding Le Yuan. 不过比起奖励一的内容,那可选奖励二才是真正吸引乐渊东西。毕竟无论是技能、道具还是装备对于现如今的乐渊已经不再那么具备超强的吸引力,更何况这得到的东西还是火影世界的土特产,对于乐渊而言那更是鸡肋无比。 Good thing in Hokage, the Le Yuan of words of skill besides Bloodline Limit suitable can gain through the learn/study attempt, equipment enough strong can also surpass the weapon on Le Yuan? It is not Le Yuan must as for item anything, only if Le Yuan is specializes in Ninja one is the player of ability, otherwise these also are really the weak common thing. 火影中的好东西,技能的话除了血继界限之外乐渊适合的都可以通过学习尝试获取,装备够强的难道还能超过乐渊手上的武器?至于道具什么更不是乐渊所必需的,除非乐渊是专修忍者一系能力的玩家,不然这些还真是鸡肋一般的玩意。 From the Quest Reward perspective, rewarding one and rewards two to be equally matched from value. In fact indeed so, finally how does not raise that opening following Quest to reward, the resident time was multiplied by 10 then to counter-balance the above reward sufficiently. 任务奖励的角度来看,奖励一和奖励二从价值方面应该不相上下。事实上也的确如此,不提那个开启的后续任务最终奖励如何,停留时间乘以十便足以抵消上面的奖励了。 However in order to be discrete Le Yuan to study well to the world advancement point that on Quest Panel is mentioning after departure, discovered that really systematic had the new prompt to this thing. 不过谨慎起见乐渊还是在离开后好好对着任务面板上提到的世界进程点研究了一下,发现果然系统对这个玩意有了新的提示。 The special reward that as a special reward mechanism, only has in Quest produces to the world was hard the influence that imagines to obtain. In other words is not only to somebody, something, but must affect the whole world, achieves the star rank the influence enough. 作为一种特殊的奖励机制,唯有在任务之中对世界产生了难以想象的影响才会得到的特殊奖励。换句话说不仅仅是对某个人、某件事,而是要波及到整个世界,达到星球级别的影响力才足够。 Because gains so difficultly, this world advancement effect does not reward generally analogous. When leaving the world, if there is world advancement point, then can in the corresponding goods through points receiving in exchange correspondence world, the Ninjutsu scroll, knowledge and equipment even be a person. Right, the world sells the person, moreover this person no matter also you are weak, are male are female, so long as is willing to follow you to walk one world advancement then to carry off casually. 正是因为获取如此困难,这世界进程点的效果也不是一般奖励可比拟的。在离开世界时,如果拥有世界进程点,便能够通过点数换取对应世界内的相应物品,忍术卷轴、知识、装备甚至是人。没错,世界是卖人的,而且这人还不管你是强是弱、是男是女,只要愿意跟着你走一点世界进程点便能随便带走。 In brief, world advancement is a certificate, will be the goods of corresponding world seems like allowed to export Inner World generally. Transforms to become the regular equipment and skill also to have the servant through this method. 总而言之,世界进程点就是一个凭证,将原本属于相应世界的物品像是得到允许一般出口到了里世界。通过这种方法转化成为正规的装备、技能还有下仆。 Has the versatile precious points actually merely is the consumables that another Quest opens, this said the true reward of another Quest above this. However subtext of this Quest prompt is, Quest must go against heaven's will, pays a deposit to make the guarantee. 就是这么具有通用性的珍贵点数却仅仅是另一个任务开启的消耗品,这岂不是说另一个任务的真正奖励远在这之上。不过这个任务提示的潜台词就是,任务要逆天了,交个押金做保证。 In fact after the Le Yuan deciding on attentional selection rewards two, a series of movements indeed made him be surprised, this Quest can say that time unusual Le Yuan was not pure doing Quest, but was another exists to resist a side world. 事实上当乐渊打定注意选择奖励二之后,一连串的动作的确令他感到意外,这一次的任务与众不同可以说乐渊并不是单纯的做任务,而是和另一个存在对抗一方世界。 First is designated that may elect to reward two, with the selection of Le Yuan. The first prompt of Quest is to make Le Yuan designate that unexpectedly world advancement origin two world, No. 1 world is No. 2 world as the Quest trigger point. 先是选定可选奖励二,随着乐渊的选取。任务的第一个提示竟然是让乐渊选定世界进程点来源的两个世界,将一号世界还是二号世界作为任务的触发点。 According to the Quest prompt, world different will decide the Quest request level difficulty, naturally also to final the reward and Quest punishment has the influence. 根据任务提示,世界的不同将决定任务要求级难度,当然也对最后的奖励和任务处罚产生影响。 No. 1 world was needless saying that had just experienced Fourth Shinobi World War, although Le Yuan kept off the disaster final enemy Kaguya to solve for them, however the loss of Elder Brother ninja village in this war was absolutely unprecedented. In addition before , was affected several times of historical process by Le Yuan, really must say that can produce influence Quest basically not to exist to Le Yuan. 一号世界不用说,刚刚经历过第四次忍界大战,虽然乐渊替他们挡灾将最后的敌人辉夜解决了,但是在这一场大战中哥哥忍村的损失绝对是前所未有的。加上之前被乐渊影响了数次历史进程,真要说能够对乐渊产生影响的任务基本上不存在了。 No. 2 world is completely different, has not had Fourth Shinobi World War, because simultaneously relative peace the geniuses of reason major ninja village retain quite completely, the overall strength compared with was weakened No. 1 world that planned incessantly is on high many. Really must say the difficulty, No. 2 world absolutely is over three times of No. 1 world. 二号世界则完全不同,没有发生过第四次忍界大战,同时由于相对和平的缘故各大忍村的天才人物保留得相当完整,整体实力比起被削弱了不止一筹的一号世界那是高上不少。真要说难度,二号世界绝对是一号世界的三倍以上。 Thinks that currently own condition also has the extant character in entire Hokage, how Le Yuan wants not to think in Quest has the person who can pose enough threat to oneself exists. Only if already nearly copes with him in Immortal God Hagoromo personally, otherwise can sweep away entire Ninja World by Le Yuan nowadays strength theoretically. 想了想现在自身的状态还有整个火影中的现存人物,乐渊怎么想都不觉得任务中有能够对自己产生足够威胁的人存在。除非已经近乎于仙神羽衣亲自来对付他,不然凭借乐渊现如今的实力理论上能够横扫整个忍界 Since already fearless in Ninja World, Le Yuan naturally chose the difficulty relatively bigger No. 2 world as the Quest trigger point. 既然已经无惧于忍界,乐渊自然就挑选了难度相对更大的二号世界作为任务触发点。 After Le Yuan designates, Quest produced in that moment instantaneously. 乐渊选定之后,任务在那一刻瞬间生成了。 the S level hidden World Quest gambling s级隐藏世界任务博弈 Quest Description: the Serial Number hy1761 source wants to conduct friendly gambling with you, the winner will obtain defeat part of the world source strength 任务描述:编号hy1761本源欲与你进行一次友好博弈,获胜者将获得战败者的一部分世界源力 Quest request: First, gains six ninja tool that Sage of Six Paths leaves behind( Golden Canopy Rope, Seven Star Sword, Crimson Gourd, Banana Palm Fan, Amber Purifying Pot and Box of Ultimate Bliss) 任务要求:一、获取六道仙人留下的六件忍具(幌金绳七星剑红葫芦芭蕉扇琥珀净瓶极乐之匣) Second, strikes to kill Mōryō under Spirit and Flesh Unite condition 二、击杀灵肉合一状态下的魍魉 Third, beats the most powerhouse in current world 三、击败当前世界的最强者 Quest Reward: The success will obtain the designation world 30% to exist, legend * 1, the failure loses 70% of the world. 任务奖励:成功将获得选定世界30%存在,传说度,失败则失去自身世界的70%。 Note: This Quest result appraises to Quest does not have any influence 备注:此任务的成功与否对任务评价不造成任何影响 First did not say the Quest request, actually is only the final world 30% to contain anything, is only the penalty of Le Yuan Quest Failure is existence awfully. Loses 70% of the world, that was equal to want the Le Yuan Small World life, once lost 70%, Le Yuan Small World is unable to preserve absolutely. 先不说任务要求,光是最后的世界30%究竟包含什么,光是乐渊任务失败的惩罚就是要命的存在。失去自身世界的70%,那就等同于要了乐渊小世界的命,一旦失去70%,乐渊小世界绝对无法保存下来。 Compares in the price that Le Yuan shoulders, only 30% regarding No. 2 world is not enough it to have a fracture. 相较于乐渊背负的代价,对于二号世界而言区区30%根本不足以它伤筋动骨。 This is not a coordinated contest, the risk that Le Yuan needs to emit is not coordinated compared with the harvest. However perhaps is because gambles both sides is not the equal status, the system approved this Quest fundamentally time. A side merely is the Inner World subordinate player, the other side can be existence of Inner World draws level. 这本身就不是一次对等的较量,乐渊所需要冒出的风险比起收获而言根本不是对等的。不过也许是因为博弈双方本身就不是平等的身份,系统从根本上认可了这一次的任务。一方仅仅是里世界的下属玩家,另一方算得上是里世界级的存在。 However since Quest already gives, then Le Yuan naturally solves Quest whole-heartedly. Looks first Quest that already activates requests, but Le Yuan sharply is actually not going to No. 2 world, although after all assigned the world, which world but has not actually assigned to submit the goods that Quest needs to come from. 不过既然任务已经给出,那么乐渊自然是全力以赴去解决任务。看着已经激活的第一个任务要求,不过乐渊却不急着前往二号世界,毕竟虽然指定了世界,但是却没有指定提交任务所需要的物品来自于哪个世界。 Compared in No. 2 world did not have clue Six Paths ninja tool, Le Yuan to attain in battlefield already of No. 1 world, except for simply had not heard Box of Ultimate Bliss, already had five ninja tool to take. 相比较于二号世界还没有线索的六道忍具,乐渊在一号世界的战场已经拿到了,除了根本没听说过的极乐之匣,已经有五件忍具拿到手了。 Later entire one month, Le Yuan was inquiring Box of Ultimate Bliss news, what pitifully is seems like reason that because does not have, how regardless of Le Yuan inquired that the news is unable to find Box of Ultimate Bliss. 之后的整整一个月,乐渊都在打听着极乐之匣的消息,不过可惜的是似乎是因为根本不存在的缘故,无论乐渊如何打听消息都无法找到极乐之匣 Actually is because Box of Ultimate Bliss only exists in No. 2 world, Box of Ultimate Bliss, in No. 1 world already vanished in the dust of history, Le Yuan was unknown. Only he can achieve is heads for No. 2 world, after all continues to stay in No. 1 world again is also the waste time. 究竟是因为极乐之匣只存在于二号世界,还是极乐之匣在一号世界已经消失在了历史的尘埃中,乐渊不得而知。他唯一能够做到的便是启程前往二号世界,毕竟再继续留在一号世界也是浪费时间。 When Le Yuan opens in the Land of Wind dragon vein goes to that moment of No. 2 world space and time front door, the energy of entire dragon vein produced the unprecedented rebellion. Reason Le Yuan of rebellion is unknown, but according to its energy rampage situation, Le Yuan knows now after he does not walk , was very difficult to walk. 乐渊风之国龙脉打开前往二号世界时空大门的那一刻,整个龙脉的能量产生了前所未有的暴动。暴动的原因乐渊不得而知,但是根据其能量暴走的情况,乐渊知道现在他不走以后恐怕都很难走了。 No longer discusses will why have the reason of energy rebellion, Le Yuan chooses immediately enters the gate of space and time no longer to stop immediately. As Le Yuan strides in the gate of space and time, the instantaneous escape route that entire Rōran dragon vein thorough rampage, Le Yuan enters completely then cut off, but Le Yuan that goes forward directly is losing finally thoroughly before the space and time channel arrived at No. 2 world. 不再探讨为什么会产生能量暴动的原因,乐渊当即选择了立刻进入时空之门不再做停留。随着乐渊跨入时空之门,整个楼兰龙脉彻底暴走,乐渊完全进入的瞬间后路便断绝了,而径直前进的乐渊终于在彻底迷失在时空通道内之前来到了二号世界。 Although No. 2 world in the time already arrived at the Ninja Calendar 63 years synchronously, because did not have Uchiha Madara to cause trouble , without the disaster Ninja World dawn to exist, in the time point of this fourth war is maintaining the rare peace as before. 二号世界虽然时间上已经同步来到了忍历63年,但是由于没有了宇智波斑闹事,没有了祸乱忍界的晓存在,这第四次大战的时间点上依旧保持着难得的和平。 But in such peaceful atmosphere, Le Yuan wants to inquire a news is the easy matter. For example last Six Paths ninja tool Box of Ultimate Bliss, although has not had the rebellion in No. 2 world, however its hiding place was intended natural Le Yuan to inquire. 而在这样安宁的氛围之中,乐渊想要从中打探一点消息还是轻而易举的事情。比方说最后一件六道忍具极乐之匣,虽然在二号世界中并没有发生暴动,但是它的藏匿地点还是被出手大方的乐渊打探到了。 Kusagakure, not village in Five Great Ninja Villages. On strength, although is not anything, similarly does not have Jinchūriki, however in its historical had once had almost a uniform Ninja World continent phase of glorious history, but supports it completes this is Six Paths ninja tool Box of Ultimate Bliss. 草忍村,一个不在五大忍村之内的村子。就实力而言虽然并不算什么,同样不存在人柱力,但是在它的历史上曾有过差点统一忍界大陆的一段光辉历史,而支持它完成这一幕的便是六道忍具极乐之匣 ... ...
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