VE :: Volume #8 三阶首战影之忍者

#743: The conclusion was also new student/life

Two aura that is born from the divine tree peak red flower bud, in which fruit naturally is chakra fruit that Le Yuan has coveted, can solve the hidden danger to depend entirely on this small fruit, but Le Yuan was actually attracted by the form of another young baby girl in this moment. 神树顶端红色花苞中诞生的两个气息,其中的果实自然就是乐渊一直觊觎的查克拉果实,能不能解决自身隐患全靠这一枚小小的果实,但是乐渊在这一刻却被另一个小小女婴的身影所吸引。 What kind of existence that was, the aura compares in boundless chakra fruit weak planned incessantly, but Le Yuan from her sleepy-eyed small face saw her foundation. Although the aura completely changed, but unifies that and Kaguya has the way that seven points of similar face also has her born, said that if this is not the Kaguya incarnation fears no one to be willing to believe. 那是一个怎样的存在,气息相较于磅礴的查克拉果实微弱了不止一筹,不过从她那张睡眼朦胧的小脸之中乐渊看出她的根底。虽然气息完全变了,但是结合那张和辉夜有着七分相似的脸还有她诞生的方式,说若这不是辉夜的化身恐怕没有人愿意相信。 As if detected the vision that nearby Le Yuan that inquired into unceasingly, sees only Hagoromo to wave also to be in the young baby girl in deep sleep to receive the palm that probably is very afraid this baby girl, because knocks to stumble injured general, gentleness that the Hagoromo movement could not say. 似乎察觉到了乐渊一旁那不断探究的目光,只见羽衣挥手之间将那还处于沉睡中的小小女婴收入手心,像是深怕这女婴因为磕绊而受伤一般,羽衣的动作说不出的轻柔。 After Hagoromo baby girl thorough info clerk, he is then responding with the apology to say with a smile to Le Yuan: Made the brothers you be laughed, in your heart thought did not have the mistake, she was a mother, but was not that mother who you knew!” 待得羽衣将女婴彻底收纳之后,他这才对着乐渊报以歉意地一笑道:“让兄弟你见笑了,你心中想的没有错,她便是母亲,但也不是你所认识的那个母亲!” Although the Hagoromo words after hearing is unreadable for the first time, but to Le Yuan this level recombination just actually sees to feel then the understand Hagoromo words is what meaning. The present baby girl indeed has to belong to Kaguya life imprint, but that mark with divine tree breeds already to change again, in other words present Kaguya then experienced after the short half a month time not under the big good fortune of samsara. 羽衣的话虽然乍一听难以理解,但是到了乐渊这个层次再结合刚刚的所见所感便已然明白羽衣的话究竟是什么意思。眼前的女婴的确带有属于辉夜的生命烙印,但是那印记随着神树的再一次孕育已经有所改变,换句话说现在的辉夜经过短短半个月的时间便经历了不下于轮回的大造化。 , so long as after seeking ordinary person dies, not[ Dead Demon Consuming Seal] such seal imprisons Soul, or by Le Yuan so can greatly direct Annihilation Soul, then Elysium (Bliss Pure Land) is their final destinations, before waiting for the next reincarnation, must stay there. 常人死后只要不是被[尸鬼封尽]这样的封印囚住灵魂,亦或者被乐渊这般的大能直接破灭灵魂,那么极乐净土就是他们的最终目的地,等待下一次投胎之前都得留在那里。 But the Hagoromo ability not only can directly disturb the advancement that the samsara is reincarnated, even is Kaguya this already is cancelled Will Soul to remould the personality to conduct the new student/life by Le Yuan through the communication with divine tree directly again. 羽衣的能力不但能够直接干扰到轮回转世的进程,甚至直接通过与神树的沟通为辉夜这个已经乐渊抹去原本意志灵魂再次重塑人格进行新生。 Present Kaguya did not have passing Strength even to remember without a doubt, however her aptitude also had the talent absolutely not compared with the former difference in many, moreover forgot the beforehand enmity and resentment, will not naturally fall to former that loses in the self- gulf for Strength wholeheartedly. 毫无疑问现在的辉夜没有了过往的力量甚至记忆,但是她的资质还有天赋绝对不比以前差上多少,而且遗忘了以前的仇与怨,自然也不会掉到以前那一心为了力量而迷失自我的深坑之中。 Mother already obtains the new life, the brothers your has lasting achievements, is useless in me as for that remaining chakra fruit, stays behind to the source of later generations not obsolete confusion, the gift brothers you can display use greatly!” “母亲已经获得新生,兄弟你那是功不可没,至于那剩下的查克拉果实于我无用,留下给后辈们也不过时混乱之源,还是赠予兄弟你才能发挥大用!” Could see that Hagoromo does not have slight giving up, to him can draw support from written order of mother Kaguya rebirth already Le Yuan is the huge chance, is taking chakra fruit of many effects indeed has not been the weak. 看得出羽衣也是没有丝毫的舍不得,对他而言能够借助乐渊之手令母亲辉夜重生已经是天大的机缘,在拿一个没有多少功效的查克拉果实的确是鸡肋之极。 But after Le Yuan hears, is disrespect actually, does he arrive at this world diligently to now not for this chakra fruit? However when Le Yuan put out a hand still to lie down that after chakra fruit in flower bud took in the palm, through is actually name that another that routine Appraisal Technique obtained was familiar with and shocks 乐渊听到后也是却之不恭,他来到这个世界努力到了现在不就是为了这颗查克拉果实吗?不过当乐渊伸手将那颗仍旧躺在花苞中的查克拉果实摄入手心后,通过习惯性的鉴定术得到的却是另一个熟悉而又震撼的名字 Fruit of Life 生命之果 Rank EX 等级ex Quality: Perfect priority: 100 + 品质:完美优先度:100+ Attribute: Strengthens the vitality, obtains nearly infinite life 属性:增强生命力,获得近乎无限的生命 Special effect: According to the user self-quality, has awakening opportunity after taking a time, the success ratio?? 特殊效果:根据服用者自身素质,在服用后有一次觉醒机会,成功率?? Operation requirements: the B+ level above strength, has the Special Constitution request to reduce 使用要求:b+级以上实力,具有特殊体质要求降低 Note: With the fruit of equally important mysterious fruit wisdom, on a life star can only be born an unsurpassed fruit 备注:与智慧之果同等重要的神奇果实,一颗生命星球上仅能诞生一颗的无上果实 Adam and Eve, fruit of Fruit of Life and wisdom. The fruit that if this is not born from divine tree, Le Yuan will even regard as the unusual fruit that produces at present to come from the goods of eva world. 亚当与夏娃,生命之果与智慧之果。如果这不是从神树上诞生的果子,乐渊甚至会把眼前出产的奇特果实视作为来自于eva世界的物品。 However compares in the legend that world spreads, Le Yuan in light of the birth of chakra fruit thought on the contrary the description of this Fruit of Life also is really not wrong. 不过相较于那个世界流传的传说,乐渊结合查克拉果实的诞生反倒是觉得这生命之果的描述还真的是一点都没有错。 First this essential attribute seems very crude, that a few words. However actually and Kaguya ate the later performance absolutely not to have the different place, Kaguya indeed after eating this fruit obtained nearly in the infinite the body of life and undying, regarding promotion of vitality indeed was rare powerful. 首先这基本属性显得非常简陋,就那么一段话。但是倒是和辉夜吃了以后的表现完全没有相左的地方,辉夜的确在吃了这枚果实之后获得了近乎于无限的生命和不死的身体,对于生命力的提升那的确是超乎寻常的强大 But its second special effect in some sense explained why Kaguya will have that inconceivable ability. 而它的第二个特殊效果某种意义上解释了辉夜为何会拥有那不可思议的能力。 First is used the request to come to see Kaguya physique is not simple, as special clan that can cross the starry sky, she is not the ordinary person kind can compare, own strength is not extremely, but also is protects oneself before the average person sufficiently. 首先结合使用要求来看辉夜本身的体质就不简单,作为能够横渡星空的特殊一族,她绝不是正常人类可以比拟的,自身的实力算不上绝顶,但也是足以在普通人面前自保。 Special Constitution that first Kaguya have is Byakugan and Ōtsutsuki Clan physique, this physique made Kaguya radically fearless in divine tree regarding her nearness, other attempted to approach divine tree human to turn into the person to do, by extinction own vitality. 首先辉夜自身拥有的特殊体质便是白眼大筒木一族的体质,这个体质令辉夜根本无惧于神树对于她的靠近,其他妄图靠近神树的人类可都是一个个变成了人干,被吸光了自身的生命力。 But had such special physique, in addition the development of Fruit of Life, made Kaguya own ability have two evolutions. 而正是有了这样特殊的体质,加上生命之果的开发,才令辉夜自身的能力有了二次进化。 Form all kinds special capabilities that Rinne-Sharingan that under the Byakugan derivation is born, the physique derivation develops, in the final analysis the evolution of all source or Kaguya physique. So-called awakening, was depends on Fruit of Life Strength to open the potential capability in Kaguya gene, made is the ability of recessive talent has become the transmissible dominant ability, this was also the beginning that all Bloodline Limit families spread. 白眼衍生下诞生的轮回写轮眼,还有自身体质衍生开发出的格式各样的特殊能力,说到底一切的源头还是辉夜体质的进化。所谓的觉醒,就是靠着生命之果力量打开了辉夜自身基因之中的潜在能力,令一直是隐性天赋的能力成为了可遗传的显性能力,这也是所有血继界限家族流传开来的起点。 What kind of ability as for completely does not belong to Le Yuan under Kaguya this system to have, that must look at Le Yuan own good fortune. According to taking the request of Fruit of Life, Le Yuan indeed met two requests. The strength or the physique tally absolutely, but regarding looking at awakening of face this can also increase that 10% probability. 至于完全不属于辉夜这个体系之下的乐渊会拥有怎么样的一个能力,那就要看乐渊自身的造化了。按照服用生命之果的要求来看,乐渊的确满足了其中的两个要求。实力还是体质都绝对符合,不过对于看脸的觉醒来说这也不过是能增加那10%的几率而已。 After Le Yuan all digests all news , after has not prepared to keep this Fruit of Life, takes. What awakens that after Le Yuan can live the matter that considers, this Fruit of Life Le Yuan only regards as important its foundation attribute. 乐渊将所有的消息全都消化之后,也没有准备将这生命之果留到以后再服用。什么觉醒那都是在乐渊能够活下来后再考虑的事情,这枚生命之果乐渊只看重它的基础属性而已。 Must on Fruit of Life that in that just bred, Le Yuan only thought that an extremely strong vitality brings some special Strength to follow the dantian two directions of throat and under altogether toward on dantian wells up, on the contrary breeds the virtual black hole dantian actually to evade it to be generally less probably, that Strength bypassed the dantian directly. 一口要在那枚刚刚孕育的生命之果上,乐渊只觉得一股极强的生命力带着某种特殊的力量一股脑顺着咽喉向着上丹田和下丹田两个方向涌去,相反孕育着虚拟黑洞的中丹田却像是避之不及一般,那股力量直接绕过了中丹田。 But after one, in the Le Yuan hand remaining Fruit of Life seem like simply has not appeared generally, has changed to the fragment from the hand of Le Yuan directly, vanishes from this world thoroughly. So-called Fruit of Life will only swallow its person to have the function to first, even if Le Yuan eats up its 1/1000 parts merely, remaining many will still only become the fragment to vanish again thoroughly. 而伴随着一口之后,乐渊手中剩下的生命之果也像是根本没有出现过一般,直接从乐渊的手上化作碎片,从这个世上彻底消失。所谓的生命之果只会对第一口吞下它的人产生作用,就算乐渊仅仅吃下它的千分之一部分,剩下再多也只会成为碎片彻底消失。 But under Fruit of Life along with the Le Yuan clothing/taking, trying best to avoid of Heavens Punishment in that vitality place visited body hidden such as the snake python, but how to dodge facing nearly inexhaustible vitality again, the strength of Heavens Punishment also had no place to go, can only make fighting of trapped/sleepy beast to conduct the tough battle with Fruit of Life Strength probably generally. 而伴随着乐渊服下生命之果,那股生命力所过之处身体里隐藏的天谴之力避之如蛇蟒,不过再怎么闪躲面对近乎无穷无尽的生命力,天谴之力也无处可退,只能像是做困兽之斗一般和生命之果力量进行了硬仗。 It seems like as Le Yuan of main battlefield is actually bearing the enormous pain to be the same now, although is maintaining the posture of flight, but scatters in all directions from that does not stabilize the aura fully to explain that his present condition is poor. 作为主战场的乐渊现在却像是在忍受着极大的痛苦一般,虽然保持着飞行之姿,但是从那四散的不稳定气息就足以说明他现在的状态不怎么好。 However Fruit of Life effect just like once the Gu Yuesheng expectation like that a fruit then reverses Heavens Punishment Strength sufficiently, coordinating beforehand Le Yuan to make various that the treatment that reduces Heavens Punishment, the strength of life suppresses Heavens Punishment now steadily, the Le Yuan condition also gradually becomes stable. 不过生命之果的效果正如曾经古月圣预料的那般,一颗果实便足以逆转天谴力量,配合之前乐渊所做的各种削减天谴的治疗,现在生命之力稳稳地将天谴压制了下去,乐渊的状况也渐渐变得稳定。 However along with disappearance of Heavens Punishment, the Fruit of Life effect was also exhausted overwhelming majorities. To draw support from the Fruit of Life ability to achieve Undying Body already in the true sense to be no longer possible, but Le Yuan also had nothing regrettably, rescued also to be able the life extravagant demands anything. 不过伴随着天谴的消失,生命之果的效果也被耗去了绝大多数。想要借助生命之果的能力达到真正意义上的不死之身已经不再可能,不过乐渊对此也没有什么遗憾了,都把命救回来了还能奢求些什么。 However along with strength of immerse that life in the body of Le Yuan, another entered strange Strength of Le Yuan body to start to play the role along with the strength of life. 不过伴随着那股生命之力浸没于乐渊的身体,另一股伴随着生命之力进入乐渊身体的奇异力量开始发挥了作用。 Hot, dryness and heat that being hard that wells up from the bottom of the heart suppresses. This feeling completely to Le Yuan is unimaginable existence, is not the principle response is not the pure psychological process, probably direct role in one dryness and heat of Soul. 热,从心底涌上来的难以压制的燥热。这种感觉完全对乐渊是不可想象的存在,不是身理反应也不是纯粹的心理作用,像是直接作用于灵魂的一种燥热。 Also does not know that this is the omen that Fruit of Life awakens, Le Yuan only knows picks under this dry and hot function, the body of Devil or is Marrow Cleansing Scripture is not also able to scatter this feeling, as if can only sink by this Wuming (Nameless) Heart Fire suffering silently. 也不知这是不是就是生命之果觉醒的先兆,乐渊只知道摘这一股燥热的作用下,无论是魔人之躯亦或者是洗髓经都无法将这一种感觉驱散,似乎只能够默默沉受着这种无名心火的煎熬。 Perhaps regarding is withstanding this condition Le Yuan to be ten years, but in the reality actually passed merely for ten minutes, Le Yuan that has closed one's eyes opened that eye fiercely, nearby Hagoromo even penetrated the eye of Le Yuan to feel Le Yuan this matter to select killing intent that the person bit. 对于正在承受着这种状态的乐渊而言或许达到了十年之久,但是现实中却仅仅过去了十分钟,一直闭着眼睛的乐渊猛地睁开了那双眼睛,一旁的羽衣甚至透过乐渊的眼睛感受到了乐渊此事择人而噬的杀意 Actually saw a Le Yuan right hand fist to pound on own cheeks, the look that later that pair of desire must kill people vanished in a flash does not see, Le Yuan regained in the original condition again. 却见乐渊右手一拳砸在了自己的脸颊上,随后那双欲要杀人的眼神转瞬间消失不见,乐渊再一次恢复到了原本的状态之中。 Sorry, after Divine Tree Fruit clothing/taking next, had the small side effect, I think that my already can control live, this relieving the feeling of hidden danger is really good......” “抱歉,神树之果服下后产生了一点小小的副作用,我想我已经能够控制住了,这种解除了隐患的感觉真是好……” Feels body already no longer to have Heavens Punishment of least bit to suffer, Le Yuan extended a waist to move an own fists and feet seemed like being familiar with own body. Although the sober time is not long, but Le Yuan can also be clear that just Fruit of Life has not given itself any awakening, at least cannot see any diversity from own Attribute Panel. 感受着身体已经不再有半点的天谴折磨,乐渊伸了一个腰活动了一下自己的拳脚像是在重新熟悉自己的身体。虽然清醒的时间不长,但是乐渊也能清楚刚刚的生命之果并没有赋予自己任何的觉醒,最起码从自己的属性面板上没有能够看出任何的不同点。 However felt receiving the Heart Fire suffering to have the body of unclear change, Le Yuan always thought that Fruit of Life was not totally without having the function, can only say that this awakening accomplished a completely different body time, this need Le Yuan felt and goes familiar. 不过不过感受着受到心火煎熬而有了不明变化的身体,乐渊总觉得生命之果并不是完全没有产生作用,只能说这一次的觉醒造就了一个完全不同的身体,这需要乐渊自己去感觉、去熟悉。 Since brothers' your body already were good, then this divine tree that creates all War sources was also useless, vanishes!” “既然兄弟你的身体已经好了,那么这棵造成一切战争源头的神树也就没用了,消失吧!” Sees only Six Paths Shakujō of Hagoromo right hand to stroke fiercely on huge divine tree, next second of also full of vitality divine tree dried up by the visible speed dispirited immediately, withers from several hundred meters high lofty tree all of a sudden suddenly. 只见羽衣右手的仙人锡杖猛地击打在巨大的神树上,下一秒原本还生机勃勃的神树顿时以肉眼可见的速度萎靡枯竭,一下子从数百米高的参天大树急剧萎缩。 But along with withering of divine tree, looked like the person who the steamed rice dumpling was wrapped generally 11 to be separated from the fetter of divine tree, sobered along with relieving of Infinite Tsukuyomi. 而伴随着神树的枯萎,原本像粽子一般被包裹起来的人一一脱离了神树的束缚,伴随着无限月读的解除一个个清醒了过来。 When Le Yuan also wants again and Hagoromo says anything, which his side can also find the Hagoromo form. Completed the Hagoromo early already deep conceals merit and names of all missions, changed to cool breeze to vanish without the trace. 乐渊还想再和羽衣说些什么的时候,他的身边哪还能找到羽衣的身影。完成了所有使命的羽衣已经深藏功与名,化作一阵清风消失无踪了。 But Le Yuan has not forgotten to be received Naruto and Sasuke in this heavenly book fairyland by him to the base friend, along with the end of war, they were also free. 乐渊也没忘了被他收到天书仙境中的鸣人佐助这对基友,伴随着大战的结束,他们两个也就自由了。 As for Le Yuan, the person with No. 1 world had nothing he who discussed to vanish in everyone's front again, but vanished together also has before loses in Six Paths ninja tool of various battlefield places Le Yuan. 至于乐渊,和一号世界的人没什么可谈的他再度消失在了所有人的面前,而与乐渊一道消失的还有之前遗落在战场各处的六道忍具 ... ...
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