VE :: Volume #8 三阶首战影之忍者

#742: The immortals plant trees I to pick the fruit

Displays Le Yuan under Devil Armament, although occupied the advantage of sneak attack, includes Ten-Tails Strength to extract 40% the Soul body of Kaguya at one fell swoop, when continues to extract actually met troublesome. This wants to extract Kaguya within the body the success ratio of Soul to decide the success or failure according to the both sides Strength disparity, between Le Yuan and Kaguya really the strength comes Kaguya to get the winning side. 施展魔人武装下的乐渊虽然占了偷袭之利,一举将辉夜灵魂体包括十尾力量抽取40%,但是当继续抽取的时候却遇上了麻烦。这想要抽取辉夜体内的灵魂的成功率是根据双方力量差距来决定成败的,乐渊辉夜之间真算起实力来还是辉夜占据上风。 Therefore Le Yuan has the move, although strange, but really must extract Kaguya Soul by the Demon right arm, the difficulty is actually rare big. However was good to follow the Le Yuan movement, the Kaguya resistance temporariness stopped, but came from may not have to stop there two attacks of Le Yuan. 是故乐渊出招虽奇但是真要凭借恶魔右臂将辉夜灵魂抽取出来,难度却是超乎寻常的大。不过好在伴随着乐渊的动作,辉夜的抵抗暂时性停止了,而来自于乐渊的两道攻击可没有就此而停下。 What takes the lead to hit is speed quicker Golden Wheel Reincarnation Explosion, the attack speed of chakra light sword comes the steel ingot compared with Gungnir. When the Kaguya movement stagnates, is controlled the Truth-Seeking Ball defense that then to disintegrate by her instantaneously, is unable to prevent the Le Yuan Golden Wheel Reincarnation Explosion chakra light sword again. 率先命中的是速度更快的金轮转生爆,查克拉光剑的攻击速度远比永恒之枪来得钢块。在辉夜动作停滞之时,由她掌控的求道玉防御便瞬间瓦解,无法再阻挡乐渊金轮转生爆查克拉光剑。 Immediately the might cut off the chakra light sword of asteroid to blink sufficiently hit the Kaguya side, actually did not have the strength of slight resistance by being of such attack Kaguya tailed beast during, the body of less than half tailed beast on the energy by chakra light sword was thoroughly eliminated instantaneously. 顿时威力足以斩断小行星的查克拉光剑在眨眼之间命中了辉夜的侧面,以辉夜尾兽之身在这样的攻击之中竟然没有丝毫的抵抗之力,小半个尾兽之身瞬间被查克拉光剑上的能量彻底消灭。 However this did not finish, the chakra light sword biggest role cuts. When Golden Wheel Reincarnation Explosion across the body of Kaguya, the body of her tailed beast was up and down was divided into two sections. And the 3/5 upper part of body preserved, 1/5 bodies were extinguished by Golden Wheel Reincarnation Explosion thoroughly kill, remaining 1/5 changed into the deeply worried fragment to scatter on the ground. 不过这还不是结束,查克拉光剑最大的作用还是切割。当金轮转生爆穿过辉夜的身体,她的尾兽之身一上一下被分成了两截。其中身体的五分之三的上半身保存了下来,五分之一的身躯被金轮转生爆彻底灭杀,剩下的五分之一则是化为了焦灼的残片散落在了地上。 Flashes past along with extremely quick Golden Wheel Reincarnation Explosion, sky the fire of Gungnir from end that also welcomed. Last round of popular design presses the camel probably the last straw, destroyed the Kaguya upper part actually again most probably. 伴随着极快的金轮转生爆一闪而过,来自天空的永恒之枪的射击也迎来的末尾。最后一轮流行设计像是压到骆驼的最后一棵稻草,硬是将辉夜上半身给再次毁灭了大半。 Is going against Devil phantom hard anti- under this move of Le Yuan while the Kaguya attacked neutral gear, while winning the pursuit pulls out from her body the remaining 60% Soul bodies to at one fell swoop at one fell swoop. 顶着魔人虚影硬抗下这一招的乐渊可是趁着辉夜被袭击的空档,趁胜追击一举将剩下的60%灵魂体一举从她的身体中抽离出来。 However even if the Soul body pulled out to the body, Kaguya does not have the strength of resistance. As swallowing the chakra fruit Ninja World first person, chakra fruit not only strengthened her mortal body is to make its Soul obtain the unprecedented strengthening. 不过纵然灵魂体被抽离身躯,辉夜也不是全无反抗之力。作为吞食了查克拉果实忍界第一人,查克拉果实不但强化了她的肉身更是令其灵魂得到了前所未有的强化。 chakra powerful radically is anything, is not and spirit Strength, the limit of strengthening is Undying Body, but limit Le Yuan that spirit strengthens was also experiences, that was the immortality of Soul. 查克拉强大的根本是什么,不就是和精神力量,强化的极限便是不死之身,而精神强化的极限乐渊也算是见识到了,那就是灵魂的不朽。 Kaguya so-called immortal limit Le Yuan is unknown, but had a quite clear understanding regarding the intensity of his Soul body through this resistance actually. Lost Kaguya depends on a Soul body only, the strength then achieved her own originally condition 60%. Do not look at half of many, but still runs amuck in entire Ninja World exists most. 辉夜所谓的不朽的极限乐渊不得而知,但是对于他灵魂体的强度倒是通过这一次的对抗有了一个较为清晰的认识。失去了的辉夜单靠一个灵魂体,实力便达到了她自己原本状态的60%。别看才一半多点,但是依然是横行于整个忍界的最强存在。 When Le Yuan cancelled actually already to pass for ten minutes to continue the Kaguya Soul body thorough uniform/subdue and it original resistance consciousness, actually in diverged the domain that they covered unknowingly. 乐渊辉夜灵魂体彻底制服并将其原本的反抗意识抹去却已经过去了十分钟不止,原本将他们两人笼罩的领域却是在不知不觉之中散去。 Is the Kaguya Soul body energy ball by Le Yuan I in the hand, Le Yuan even has impulsive, makes Le Yuan the hidden danger in body drive out by the living matter that in this Soul body includes sufficiently completely. However swallows Kaguya Soul body matter Le Yuan let alone unable to accomplish, even if will really swallow down in the rejection reaction by that Soul is still stirred up a show mostly. 属于辉夜灵魂体能量球就被乐渊我在手中,乐渊甚至有种冲动,凭借这灵魂体中含有的生命物质足以令乐渊将身体内的隐患完全驱除。不过吞噬辉夜灵魂体这种事情乐渊别说根本办不到,就算真吞下去了多半也是会被那灵魂之中的排斥反应惹得一身骚。 As Kaguya Will was cancelled, Expansive Truth-Seeking Ball disintegrates. However although Expansive Truth-Seeking Ball relieved with the death of Kaguya, but Infinite Tsukuyomi and God: Nativity of a World of Trees may not have, therefore was relieved. Therefore in this world also has Hinata that the side was just put also to have beside Karin not to have other activity besides Le Yuan to exist again. 随着辉夜意志被抹去,膨胀求道玉自行瓦解。不过虽然膨胀求道玉随着辉夜的死亡解除了,但是无限月读神·树界降临可没有因此被解除。所以这世界上除了乐渊还有身边刚刚被放出来的雏田还有香磷之外再也没有其他的活动者存在。 While Le Yuan lives in how ponder over should the divine tree restoration the time, a strange Soul fluctuation appears before making the body of Le Yuan, later during Karin and Hinata have a scare, Hagoromo drifted seemed like ghost suddenly in the midair appears in the front of three people. 正当乐渊住呢比自己琢磨着该怎么将神树再造的时候,一阵奇异的灵魂波动出现在令乐渊的身前,随后在香磷雏田吓了一大跳之中,羽衣飘浮在半空之中像是个鬼魂似的突然出现在了三个人的面前。 Facing sudden Hagoromo, Karin or Hinata display is the incomparable alerts. This really cannot blame them to have so the idea, after all now Hagoromo appearance that and Six Paths Madara as well as Kaguya really looked like, very difficult not to make two girls produce Hagoromo is also the idea of enemy. 面对突然出现的羽衣,无论是香磷还是雏田表现出的都是无比的戒备。这实在是不能够怪她们会产生如此想法,毕竟现在羽衣的打扮那和六道斑以及辉夜实在是太像了,很难不令两个女孩产生羽衣也是敌人的想法。 However is good because of Le Yuan comforts enough rapidly, this has not made two people really begin. Although they two strengths really cannot injure to become the Soul body condition to loaf in Hagoromo in world, but can not cause the misunderstanding after all is a good deed. 不过好在乐渊安抚得足够迅速,这才没有令两人真的动起手来。虽然她们两个的实力也真的伤不到成为灵魂体状态游荡在世间的羽衣,但是总归能不引起误会都是一件好事。 Although Hagoromo this matter a conduct of person of high skill, but in the look shoots a look at the meaning that on Le Yuan Kaguya Soul body that complex look simply has not actually hidden occasionally. But Le Yuan also somewhat looked by the Hagoromo look is flustered, words Le Yuan that really must say also is really becomes person who murders mother of Hagoromo, putting on putting down ordinary person that absolutely is i absolutely irreconcilable enmity. 羽衣此事虽然一副高人的做派,但是眼神中偶尔瞥过乐渊手上辉夜灵魂体那复杂的眼神却是根本没有隐藏的意思。而乐渊也被羽衣的眼神看得有些心慌,真要说的话乐渊还真就是成为了弑羽衣之母的人,搁在平常人身上那绝对是i不共戴天之仇。 You really achieved, really asked your matter was right!” Looks Kaguya Soul that on Le Yuan that is truly having, Hagoromo this is determined truly Kaguya planted in the hand of Le Yuan. “你真的的做到了,果然拜托你这件事情是对的!”望着乐渊手上那确确实实存在的辉夜灵魂,羽衣这是真正确定辉夜是栽在了乐渊的手中。 Person, you have looked. What matter then you do come this also to have? Will not always come to see Kaguya, I think that you have not idled to this share in!” “人,你看过了。那么你来此还有什么事情吗?总不会是只是来看一眼辉夜的吧,我想你还没有闲到这个份上!” Le Yuan said assuredly, after all even making a move seal Kaguya prevents her disaster Ninja World the important matter, has not begun by the Hagoromo status personally. Now Le Yuan extracts Kaguya Soul, theoretically Hagoromo should also turn a blind eye is right, how seems like very concerned appearance. 乐渊笃定地说道,毕竟连出手封印辉夜阻止她祸乱忍界的这件大事,以羽衣的身份都没有亲自动手。现在乐渊辉夜灵魂抽出,理论上羽衣也应该视若无睹才对,怎么一副看起来非常关切的样子。 Hagoromo these comes time is in some sense did not feel relieved, the battlefield that after all divine tree has not cleaned now, divine tree may be used to cause the catastrophe very much again. But in just by Hagoromo is also returned to Elysium (Bliss Pure Land) by three Hokage that Impure World Reincarnation comes, the Hagoromo preparation after Le Yuan tries divine tree to cultivate thoroughly destroys divine tree. 羽衣这一次前来也算是某种意义上不放心,毕竟神树存在的战场现在还没打扫好,神树很有可能再一次被人利用而引起大祸。而被秽土转生而来的三名火影也在刚刚被羽衣重新送回了极乐净土,羽衣准备在乐渊尝试神树栽培后将神树彻底摧毁。 Does not know whether Brother Le Yuan make me try to try, perhaps I have the means to make this divine tree have chakra fruit again!” “不知乐渊兄弟可否让我来试上一试,或许我有办法令这神树再一次结出查克拉果实!” Hagoromo looks at the Kaguya Soul body on Le Yuan to say. 羽衣望着乐渊手上的辉夜灵魂体如是说道。 If this saying were others said that Le Yuan was perhaps unbelievable. But if said is Sage of Six Paths, creates Ninshū (Shinobi Sect) Hagoromo, the authenticity of this saying does not need the reason to increase 30%. At least compared with completely does not have Le Yuan of means that gives the possibility that Hagoromo handles this matter to be higher. 如果这话是其他人说的,乐渊或许还难以相信。但是如果说是六道仙人,创造忍宗羽衣,这话的真实性根本不需要理由能增添30%。最起码比起全然没有办法的乐渊,交给羽衣来办这事的可能性更高一些。 After seeing only the Hagoromo result Soul body, right hand divine tree of Six Paths Shakujō fiercely finger/refers of distant place. Immediately divine tree of some dispiriteds become enlivened again, the branching above probably flexible tentacle is only common, divine tree leaf common human form Jane/simple of probably that crowd of bedding bags on the branch flung the ground. 只见羽衣结果灵魂体之后,右手将仙人锡杖猛地一指远处的神树。顿时原本有些萎靡的神树变得再一次活跃起来,一个个分枝上述只像是灵活的触手一般,将树枝上那一群被包的像是神树叶子一般的人形简一个个甩到了地上。 In these human form cocoons by human of divine tree captive, Infinite Tsukuyomi the group of people had not been sobered as before, but Hagoromo does not plan to make them at this moment sober. The person who after all chakra fruit and divine tree matter knows more makes few, the Ninja World ambitious person is always not infrequent. 那些个人形茧里面都是被神树俘虏的人类,中了无限月读的这群人依旧没有清醒过来,不过羽衣也不打算令他们在此刻清醒。毕竟查克拉果实神树的事情知道的人越少约好,忍界有野心的人从来不在少数。 When on captured the person divine tree threw completely returned to the ground, the hand held Hagoromo of Kaguya Soul body to fly most peak that arrived at divine tree. In the giant flowers of this divine tree peak has Rinne-Sharingan phantom to exist, although is not Rinne-Sharingan of entity however also contains many eyes power. 当将神树上被俘虏的人全部抛回到了地上,手执辉夜灵魂体的羽衣飞着来到了神树的最顶端。这神树顶端的巨型花朵里面可是有着一个轮回写轮眼虚影存在,虽然并非实体的轮回写轮眼但是亦包含着不少的瞳力 Sees only the third eye on Hagoromo forehead to open fiercely, similarly is blood-color Rinne-Sharingan. The eye on Hagoromo forehead seemed like with divine tree has some relation, the divine tree peak giant flowers emitted a blood-color red light. 只见羽衣额头上的第三只眼猛地打开,同样是一只血色的轮回写轮眼羽衣额头上的眼睛像是与神树产生了某种联系,神树顶端巨大的花朵发出一阵血色红光。 When this phenomenon happened, Hagoromo seems like bets a gambler thoroughly, will hold, in oneself had the Kaguya Soul body in hand to place in the blood-color flowers slowly, the Soul body of Kaguya entered the blood-color flowers then to submerge completely. 在这异象发生之际,羽衣像是彻底赌一把的赌徒,将捧在自己有手中的辉夜灵魂体慢慢置放到了血色花朵之中,辉夜灵魂体一进入血色花朵便完全没入其中。 All submerges along with the Kaguya Soul sleeve, giant flowers conversion of entire opening for the flower bud, entire divine tree obtained the new life again simultaneously probably. Sees only originally also slightly ancient divine tree, immediately own root thorough underground, simultaneously on the bare branch grows the shoot to flash through the sight of green unexpectedly probably generally, most critically leaves some distances even if, Le Yuan can feel a boundless vitality to breed in divine tree. 伴随着辉夜灵魂体完全没入,整个开放的巨型花朵再度化为了花苞,同时整个神树像是获得了新生。只见原本还略显古老的神树,顿时将自己的根深入地下,同时光秃秃的树枝上竟然像是长出嫩芽一般闪过绿意,更为关键的是纵然离得有些距离,乐渊还是能够感受到一股磅礴的生机正在神树里面孕育。 But this first-grade is the entire half a month time, is good, in the entire Ninja World people enter to the deep deep sleep, being just like the person of playing dead, almost ignores regarding own consumption, therefore crossed for half a month is still the life no worries. 而这一等就是整整半个月的时间,好在整个忍界的人都进入到深度沉睡之中,好比是假死的人,对于自身的消耗几乎忽略不计,所以足足过了半个月依然是性命无忧。 But Le Yuan is also the patience is at this time full, before as after all half a month, Hagoromo invests divine tree the Kaguya Soul body, Le Yuan can feel that vitality clearly is becoming stronger and stronger, achieves its in peak condition then in these 12 days. 乐渊此时同样是耐性十足,毕竟随着半月前羽衣辉夜灵魂体投入神树,乐渊能够清晰地感受到那股生命力正在变得越来越强,达到它的巅峰状态便在这一两日之内。 At dusk, when Sun sets again, sees only sits cross-legged Hagoromo in midair to stare the big eye fiercely. Le Yuan that in divine tree underground bakes also put down the barbecue in oneself hand, stands up to look at the direction of divine tree peak that giant flowers. 傍晚时分,当太阳再一次落山之际,只见盘坐在半空中的羽衣猛地瞪大眼睛。而在神树地下烧烤的乐渊同样放下了自己手中的烤肉,站起身来望着神树顶端那多巨型花朵的方向。 With unprecedented palpitation, had what thing to breed probably successfully generally, transmitted incomparably intense life aura in the giant flower bud of divine tree peak. 伴随着一阵前所未有的悸动,像是有什么东西孕育成功了一般,在神树顶端的巨型花苞之中传来无比强烈的生命气息。 Le Yuan flies to the Hagoromo side immediately, looks that similarly excited Hagoromo inquired: „Was this response, the chakra fruit birth? However this aura is not quite as if right, incessantly......” 乐渊当即飞至羽衣的身旁,看着同样激动不已的羽衣询问道:“这种反应,难道是查克拉果实诞生了?不过这气息似乎不太对,不止一个……” No mistake, Le Yuan indeed feels aura incessantly one that in the flower bud breeds. However under looks at excited Hagoromo, Le Yuan suppresses the doubts in heart to continue to look on. 没有错,乐渊的确感受到花苞中孕育出来的气息不止一个。不过看着一旁激动不已的羽衣,乐渊强忍下心中的疑惑继续旁观下去。 Falls Xiashan along with Sun completely, the life aura in that flower bud condensed the extreme, was the half a month time giant flower bud blooms again. 伴随着太阳完全落霞山,那花苞中的生命气息凝聚到了极点,是个半个月的时间巨型花苞再一次绽放。 As the flower bud opens, thing in flower bud entered the eye of Le Yuan immediately, simultaneously original feature of that two life aura also looked by Le Yuan clear. 随着花苞打开,花苞内的东西顿时入了乐渊的眼睛,同时那两个生命气息的本来面目也被乐渊看得一清二楚。 Does the fruit that has the powerful aura have one only to be big point baby girl compared with the palm of the hand? 一枚带着强盛气息的果子还有一个只比巴掌大点的女婴? ... ...
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