VE :: Volume #8 三阶首战影之忍者

#741: Kaguya-hime dead end

Must say why Kaguya-hime does not use Expansive Truth-Seeking Ball alone Le Yuan in dire straits, first did not say the Expansive Truth-Seeking Ball Movement Speed issue, if not covers Le Yuan and Kaguya together, first did not say that Le Yuan can avoid, is only Expansive Truth-Seeking Ball wants hit Le Yuan is an issue. 要说辉夜姬为什么不用膨胀求道玉单独将乐渊困死,先不说膨胀求道玉移动速度问题,如果不将乐渊辉夜一起笼罩,先不说乐渊会不会避开,光是膨胀求道玉想要命中乐渊就是个问题。 Expansive Truth-Seeking Ball this deterrent extremely strong, but hit probability extremely low ruination attack, perhaps besides dealing with strength low person, the only advantage is the space that to construct one no one can run away. 膨胀求道玉这种威慑性极强但是命中率极为低下的毁灭性攻击,恐怕除了对付实力较低的人之外,唯一的好处就是构建一个谁也逃不走的空间。 Was blocked in inside Le Yuan let alone escapes sneaks off, only if perhaps Le Yuan can penetrate the underground kilometer to evade the protection of Expansive Truth-Seeking Ball, moreover some Kaguya look that Le Yuan simply does not have that opportunity. 被拦在里面的乐渊别说遁地溜走,恐怕除非乐渊能够深入地下千米才能避过膨胀求道玉的防护,况且有辉夜看着乐渊也根本没有那个机会。 Was sealed along with the escape route, in duel situation by the rabbit eye of Tailed Beast Transformation Kaguya stared quickly with Le Yuan of Kaguya, particularly is Rinne-Sharingan on her forehead locks Le Yuan stubbornly. 伴随着退路被封,和辉夜处在单挑情况下的乐渊很快被尾兽化辉夜的兔子眼睛盯上了,尤其是是她那额头上的轮回写轮眼更是死死地锁定乐渊 This time Kaguya has not used the Tailed Beast Ball like this broken city style again, in nowadays closed room Strength, without the hit were caused the unnecessary explosion by the Expansive Truth-Seeking Ball absorption either, either directly affected her own, undertook a thankless task with this move. 这时候的辉夜没有再度使用尾兽玉这样的破城招式,在现如今的封闭空间力量,一旦没有命中要么被膨胀求道玉吸收引起不必要的爆炸,要么直接将她自己都波及进去,用出这种招数费力不讨好。 However except for Tailed Beast Ball, Kaguya this matter has the powerful weapon. 不过除了尾兽玉,辉夜此事可是拥有更加强力的武器。 Chī “嗤嗤嗤 Expansive Truth-Seeking Ball that on the Le Yuan head covers gradually rains to congeal probably generally enough one meter pistols, comes toward the place burr that Le Yuan is at from the sky. Existence that but this Expansive Truth-Seeking Ball lethality no one can belittle, let alone was Le Yuan, even if had Undying Body Kaguya not to want on a spear/gun. 渐渐乐渊脑袋上笼罩的膨胀求道玉像是落雨一般凝结成一根根足足有一米长的短枪,从上空向着乐渊所在的地方飞刺过来。这膨胀求道玉的杀伤力可是无人可以小觑的存在,别说是乐渊了,就算是原本拥有不死之身辉夜也不会愿意中上一枪。 The spear/gun rain falls in torrents unceasingly, this type intense and irresistible attack compared with Kaguya[ Eighty Gods Vacuum Attack] fearful. After all Eighty Gods Vacuum Attack how powerful, can contend with Kaguya by the fist of Le Yuan even again, but is congealed the black spear that by Expansive Truth-Seeking Ball facing this becomes, Le Yuan actually including with it to spelling the ability does not have. 枪雨不断倾泻下来,这种密集且不可抵挡的攻击比起辉夜的[八十神空击]更加的可怕。毕竟八十神空击就算再怎么强大,以乐渊的拳头还是能够与辉夜一较高下的,但是面对这由膨胀求道玉凝结而成的黑枪,乐渊却连与之对拼的能力都没有。 Le Yuan indeed also has with it common origin Truth-Seeking Ball, but appeared compared with Expansive Truth-Seeking Ball frail, although could resist 12, but is unable to form the effective counter-attack. 乐渊的确也有着与之同源的求道玉,但是比起膨胀求道玉来就显得单薄了,虽然或许可以抵挡一二,但根本无法形成有效的反击。 Le Yuan that moves unceasingly in this compares to Konoha also to want in the spacious seal space to dodge unceasingly, but Kaguya will seem like complete spirit to put in the attack of control Expansive Truth-Seeking Ball, from beginning to end has not moved the position. 不断移动的乐渊在这比起木叶村还要宽大的密封空间内不断闪躲,而辉夜则像是将全部的精神放到了控制膨胀求道玉的攻击中,从始至终都没有移动过位置。 However even if this, two people see only that to be distanced to exceed a kilometer distance of is not good to span, once Le Yuan reveals the momentum that wants to be close, Kaguya will then hit to constitute the curtain of rain that the Truth-Seeking Ball black spear composes to prevent nearness of Le Yuan. 不过纵然是这样,两人只见那相距超过千米的距离也不是那么好跨越的,一旦乐渊露出想要接近的势头,辉夜便会击中构成求道玉黑枪组成的雨幕阻止乐渊的靠近。 Ding “叮叮 First even/including Shumei attacks by Le Yuan is shot down, finally found opportunity of counter-attack Gungnir in Le Yuan hand to change to the golden flowing light to turn toward Kaguya to fly immediately in the black Truth-Seeking Ball curtain of rain. 一连数枚攻击被乐渊击落,终于找到反击之机的乐渊手中的永恒之枪顿时化作金色的流光在黑色的求道玉雨幕中向着辉夜飞去。 If the surface spear-play meteor the fire of Gungnir, Kaguya felt as good Tailed Beast Ball destructive Strength, and this Strength has a stronger penetrability and pointedness. Once were stabbed absolutely is the severely wounded fate, where already lost Undying Body Kaguya to dare by the mortal body to resist hardly, immediately the hind leg trod fiercely in the ground, tried to avoid this to strike with the aid of the side strong jump strength of body of tailed beast. 面对枪若流星的永恒之枪的射击,辉夜感受到了其中不逊于尾兽玉的破坏性力量,并且这种力量有着更强的穿透性和针对性。一旦被刺中绝对是重伤的下场,已经失去了不死之身辉夜哪敢以肉身硬抗,当即后腿猛地踏在地面上,借助尾兽之身的极强跳跃力试着避开这一击。 What a pity Kaguya does not know, world has a spear/gun to be called Gungnir, world is capable of spear/gun being called to. If dodges by the jump can avoid the throwing attack of Le Yuan, then ashamed right Gungnir reputation. 可惜辉夜并不知道,世间有一种枪叫做永恒之枪,世间有一种枪的能力叫做必中。如果靠跳跃闪躲就能够躲避乐渊的投掷攻击,那么岂不是愧对了永恒之枪的名头。 Sees only makes the circumvention movement in Kaguya the instance, originally maintains Gungnir of level with the ground the spear head presented the deflection, transferred the direction to fly toward the lower part of the body of Kaguya again, had greatly to the Kaguya tailed beast condition puts forth the situation that 1000 year killed. 只见在辉夜做出规避动作的瞬间,原本和地面保持水平的永恒之枪的的枪头出现了偏转,再一次调转了方向向着辉夜的下身飞了过去,大有对辉夜尾兽状态使出千年杀的态势。 However Kaguya is not the person who will easily be without a fight, facing stares at Gungnir that are not putting stubbornly, innumerably is congealed by Truth-Seeking Ball the black spear that publishes appears in Kaguya behind, along with the right hand of Kaguya, hundreds and thousands of rounds of Truth-Seeking Ball illegally owned weapons shot at Gungnir. 不过辉夜也不是一个会轻易束手就擒的人,面对死死盯着自己不放的永恒之枪,无数由求道玉凝结的黑枪登出出现在了辉夜的身后,伴随着辉夜的右手麾下,成百上千发求道玉黑枪射向了永恒之枪 Okaa-sama, be careful! He came from below!” 母亲大人,小心!他从下面来了!” Black Zetsu worthily is the Kaguya best helper, when Kaguya concentrates on to stare at Gungnir tries to prevent it to approach, but can also for her observe the Le Yuan situation. What a pity although his reminder is prompt, but wish made Kaguya again to avoid already impossible. 黑绝不愧是辉夜最好的帮手,在辉夜全神贯注盯着永恒之枪试图阻止它靠近的时候,还能够替她观察乐渊的情况。可惜他的提醒虽然及时,但是想要让辉夜再进行躲避已经不可能了。 Facing directly toward Le Yuan that oneself flew, the Kaguya direct selection dropping from the clouds, giant claw racket to Le Yuan. 面对直接朝着自己飞来的乐渊,辉夜直接选择了从天而降,将巨大的爪子拍向乐渊 The impulse adds on the strange strength that Tailed Beast Transformation brings, Kaguya has self-confidently, so long as Le Yuan dares to keep off in the face of her attack, then wants him to pay the price for this reason. 冲击力加上尾兽化带来的怪力,辉夜有自信只要乐渊胆敢挡在她的攻击面前,便要他为此付出代价。 Bang “嘭 With a loud sound, displayed the attack Kaguya these to be stunned time. She absolutely does not have to think when own this complete does not have any skill, a claw of speed and Strength union really hit Le Yuan. 伴随着一声巨响,施展攻击的辉夜这一次愕然了。她完全没有想到自己这一次完全没有任何技巧,之时速度和力量结合的一爪真的击中了乐渊 However compares the Le Yuan head and heart of Kaguya originally aiming, her struck to dig merely the bulk meat of Le Yuan waist. Although injures heavily in average person opinion, however in Le Yuan that is several seconds of scar. 不过相比较辉夜原本瞄准的乐渊脑袋和心脏,她的这一击仅仅是将乐渊腰间的一大块肉挖去了。虽然在普通人看来伤得不轻,但是在乐渊那就是个几秒钟的伤痕。 Kaguya hit Le Yuan, Le Yuan also held Kaguya. Le Yuan wants the contact with Kaguya, only has such contact to make Le Yuan shift the battlefield thoroughly again. 辉夜击中了乐渊,乐渊也抓住了辉夜乐渊要的就是与辉夜的接触,唯有这样的接触才能令乐渊彻底将战场再一次转移。 Quick Kaguya detected that Strength turns toward the claw that she attacks from the hand of Le Yuan, and even her whole body covers, this Strength is similar to her controls[ Amenominaka] space Strength of the world, but also is completely different, but actually does not want Kaguya understand this is what Strength, she only needed understand this absolutely is not the good matter. 很快辉夜就察觉到一股力量乐渊的手中向着她攻击的爪子,乃至她的全身笼罩起来,这股力量非常类似于她掌控[天之御中]世界的空间力量,但是却又完全不同,不过也不要辉夜明白这究竟是什么力量,她只需要明白这绝对不是什么好事情就得了。 However although Kaguya wants to struggle, however in the strength of the world the present that his 1/3 bodies cover, her already thorough may draw back roadless. But Kaguya that struggles as before furiously takes to backlash of Le Yuan is also huge, but well in the Le Yuan aid in a flash. 不过虽然辉夜想要挣扎,但是在世界之力将其三分之一身体笼罩的现在,她已经彻底无路可退了。而依旧奋力挣扎的辉夜带给乐渊的反噬也是庞大的,不过好在乐渊的援手转瞬即至。 Saw is only consuming many Strength to break through Gungnir that the Truth-Seeking Ball black spear stopped to come finally again, drew an arc to aim at the back of tailed beast Kaguya from the upper air directly. 只见在消耗了不少力量冲破了求道玉黑枪阻拦的永恒之枪终于再一次现身,直接从高空划过一道弧线瞄准了尾兽辉夜的后背。 Chī “嗤 Because although the tailed beast condition made the attack of Gungnir not pierce the heart of Kaguya directly, but still made her cause heavy losses again, the intense resistance became stopped instantaneously. 虽然由于尾兽状态令永恒之枪的攻击没有直接将辉夜的心脏刺穿,但是依然令她再一次受到重创,原本激烈的抵抗瞬间变得消停了。 When Kaguya restored the flash giant claw of action to start to Le Yuan again divided to cut, but Le Yuan was about ten times to continue in this moment movement probably, just like the idle courtyard to stroll facing the attack of Kaguya, evaded all close-in attacks easily, after 50 meters away stopped, the right hand lifted up high inserted Gungnir in Kaguya body instantaneously then returned to the hand of Le Yuan. 辉夜再度恢复行动力的一瞬间巨大的爪子再度对着乐渊发动了劈砍,不过乐渊在这一刻的动作像是快了十倍不止,面对辉夜的攻击犹如闲庭漫步,轻而易举地避过了所有的近距离攻击,当在50米外停下来后,右手高举的瞬间插在辉夜身体内的永恒之枪便回到了乐渊的手中。 Okaa-sama is careful, your strength already reduced here, cannot resist with all one's strength!” 母亲大人小心,您的实力在这里已经降低了许多,不可力敌啊!” Black Zetsu understands not the Le Yuan domain are many, Le Yuan use domain fights also only then initial Five Kage Summit. What a pity Black Zetsu cannot enter at that time, cannot hold anyone who enters the domain, naturally cannot obtain information. 黑绝对于乐渊的领域了解得并不是很多,乐渊使用领域的一战也只有当初的五影会谈而已。可惜黑绝当时并没有能够进入其中,更是没能抓住任何一个进入领域的人,自然也就没能得到其中的情报。 However from initial fights outside, Le Yuan uses this move of time is not long, if really has what weakness without doubt is the time limit, so long as supports these days then to be boundless. 不过从当初的一战外面来看,乐渊使用这一招的时间并不长,如果真有什么弱点的话无疑就是时间限制,只要撑过这段时间便能够海阔天空。 What a pity since this point can be looked by Black Zetsu, then Le Yuan naturally when using this move then already had the countermeasure. Is without doubt huge the strength of world the domain proliferation formation needs to consume, even if there is domain seed assists to cultivate, in front of Le Yuan still can only support most ten minutes. And has the domain the factor that is hard to cultivate to exist, because similarly also the Le Yuan domain is somewhat special, cannot be generally spoken with the domain of average person. 可惜这一点既然能被黑绝看出来,那么乐渊自然在使用这一招时便已经有了对策。将领域扩散成型需要消耗的世界之力无疑是庞大的,即使有着领域种子的协助修炼,乐渊面前也只能支持最多十分钟的时间。其中既有领域难以修炼的因素存在,同样也由于乐渊的领域有些特别,和一般人的领域不能一概而论。 In ten minutes end the fight, in other words do not kill Kaguya regarding Le Yuan, but made her lose the resistance ability thoroughly. Perhaps this impossible in the average person eyes, however in the Le Yuan domain, this exists to him feasibility. 十分钟内解决战斗,换句话说对于乐渊而言并不是要杀了辉夜,而是令她彻底失去反抗能力。这在普通人眼中或许不可能,但是在乐渊领域内,这对于他而言是存在可实施性的。 Ten minutes? Too many, five minutes of solution fights!” “十分钟?太多了,五分钟解决战斗!” Ten minutes are Le Yuan display the domain limit, but five minutes regarding limit of Le Yuan normal fight. Without influence battle efficiency, compresses the fight in five minutes is the Le Yuan most correct choice. 十分钟是乐渊施展领域的极限,而五分钟则是对于乐渊正常战斗的极限。在不影响战斗力的情况下,把战斗压缩在五分钟之内才是乐渊最正确的选择。 Meteor Gungni acts outrageously, Le Yuan in then put forth killing of hidden to incur instantaneously. 流星Gungni悍然出手,乐渊在瞬间便使出了一直隐藏的杀招。 Immediately just like the fatal impact birth of golden meteor shower, over several hundred meteors throws with Le Yuan Gungnir in this moment to the sky suddenly appears. 顿时宛若金色流星雨的致命冲击诞生,超过数百颗流星在这一刻随着乐渊永恒之枪投掷到天空突然出现。 Also planned conducted the sneak attack Kaguya to have a fit of bad temper while this opportunity quickly, that type was just presented by the feeling of Gungnir locking again, moreover this, the inborn several hundred meteor each rounds have not needed just to attack time incessantly weakly, absolutely was the attack of super Tailed Beast Ball rank. 原本还打算趁此机会进行偷袭的辉夜很快就炸毛了,刚刚那种被永恒之枪锁定的感觉再一次出现,而且这一次还不止一个,天生的数百颗流星每一发都不必刚刚的攻击弱,绝对是超级尾兽玉级别的攻击。 At this time if Kaguya also wanted to launch attacks to Le Yuan that really to court death, Kaguya that immediately is unable to evade lifted the head Tailed Beast Ball seems like not gathers air/Qi cooldown to spray from her mouth immediately. 这种时候如果辉夜还想要对乐渊发动攻击那颗真就是找死,顿时无法逃避的辉夜抬起脑袋顿时一枚枚尾兽玉像是毫无聚气冷却地从她的口中喷射而出。 It is not able to prevent the attack of Gungnir by Kaguya ability already, only now can do conducts the counter-balance with own attack. 辉夜的能力已经无法阻止永恒之枪的攻击,现在唯一能够做的就是用自己的攻击进行抵消。 Karin!” 香磷!” In Le Yuan throws Gungnir then Karin summoned instantaneously, later in Karin stunned, took up Karin right hand arm one to nip directly on her tender and delicate arm. 乐渊投掷出永恒之枪的瞬间便将香磷召唤了出来,随后在香磷错愕之间,直接拿起了香磷的右手臂一口咬在了她那娇嫩的手臂上。 With throwing of Gungnir, all energies of Le Yuan within the body were extracted 90% including stamina. But Tenseigan Chakra Mode relieves because of the consumption of Le Yuan stamina directly, cannot only restore his stamina by the restoration of Tesseract Cube, can only draw support from the assistance of compounded drug and Karin. 伴随着永恒之枪的投掷,乐渊体内的所有能量包括体力都被抽取了90%。而转生眼查克拉模式更是因为乐渊体力的消耗而直接解除,只靠宇宙魔方的恢复不能够对他的体力进行恢复,只能够借助丹药和香磷的协助。 Ehm ~ ~ “嗯啊~~” Bites facing Le Yuan that gently on own right hand arm, Karin from the beginning astonished until later happy wallowing. Compared with was nipped by others, in her opinion was nipped to absorb chakra comes the true happiness by Le Yuan lightly. 面对乐渊那轻轻咬在自己的右手手臂上,香磷从一开始的惊愕到之后一脸幸福的沉迷。比起被别人咬,在她看来被乐渊轻咬吸收查克拉来时真正的幸福。 Does not pay attention to Karin that enticing recited lightly, Le Yuan is paying attention to own capture velocity, after all by the Le Yuan strength may incautiously really the Karin thorough suck dry. 不理会香磷旖旎的轻吟,乐渊可是注意着自己的吸取速度,毕竟以乐渊的实力一不小心可就真的会将香磷彻底吸干了。 Golden Wheel Reincarnation Explosion!” 金轮转生爆!” With the restoration of stamina, Le Yuan again changes as Tenseigan Chakra Mode while Kaguya resists Gungnir is an unretentive building looks to put forth. 随着体力的恢复,乐渊再次变身为转生眼查克拉模式辉夜抵御永恒之枪的同时又是一记毫无保留的大厦找使出。 At the same time resists the Gungnir meteor to crash, another side facing Golden Wheel Reincarnation Explosion that Le Yuan puts forth, Kaguya, helpless summoned Truth-Seeking Ball directly, launched to arrange nine defenses to aim at Golden Wheel Reincarnation Explosion all Truth-Seeking Ball struck to choose resisted hardly. 一边抵御着永恒之枪的流星坠落,另一边面对乐渊使出的金轮转生爆,辉夜无奈直接召唤了求道玉,将所有的求道玉展开布置了九层防御对准了金轮转生爆的一击选择了硬抗。 However in Kaguya supports by strenuous efforts, the true main attack appears truly. Gungnir or Golden Wheel Reincarnation Explosion are in order to disperse the Kaguya experience the deceptive attack, true killing incurs is retained by Le Yuan. 不过就在辉夜苦苦支撑之际,真正的主攻才真正出现。无论是永恒之枪还是金轮转生爆都不过是为了能够分散辉夜经历的佯攻而已,真正的杀招一直被乐渊保留着。 Drew support from no limit Spatial Displacement to arrive at the Kaguya back in the domain, already relieves Tenseigan Chakra Mode Le Yuan to lift own right hand. The Demon right arm relieved the camouflage in this moment completely, exposed its fierce semblance. 在领域内借助毫无限制的空间移动来到辉夜的背后,已经解除了转生眼查克拉模式乐渊抬起了自己的右手。恶魔右臂在这一刻完全解除了伪装,暴露出了它那狰狞的外表。 Liberates “解放 With Le Yuan these words, Le Yuan already changes completely, for complete body Devil Form. Although stamina and energy completely not in condition, but the incarnation is Devil is felt as before Strength is infinite. 伴随着乐渊的这句话,乐渊已经完全变化为了完全体魔人形态。虽然体力、能量全部不在状态,但是化身为魔人依旧是感觉力量无穷。 Devil Armament spirit body extracts 魔人武装・灵体抽取 With the aid of skill Devil Armament Strength, the right arm of Le Yuan flashed through blue magic power to insert Kaguya within the body later fiercely. Kaguya all resistance movements also in stop instantaneously completely, suddenly in the domain that Le Yuan begins becomes silent. 借助技能魔人武装力量,乐渊的右臂闪过一道蓝色的魔力随后猛地插入了辉夜的体内。辉夜的一切抵抗动作也在乐渊动手的瞬间全部停止,一时间领域内变得寂静无声。
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