VE :: Volume #8 三阶首战影之忍者

#740: Ten-Tails rampage

Beginning space of spheres achievement connection[ Amenominaka] with the hub, is divine tree absorbs numerous Ninja chakra storage space, this is the Kaguya recycling looks at the most important place. 始球空间作为连接[天之御中]与外界的枢纽,同时也是神树吸收众多忍者查克拉的储存空间,这是辉夜回收看出来最为重要的一个地方。 The Dao begets the One; the One begets two; two beget three; and three beget the myriad things. This world one refers to was initially by chakra fruit that Kaguya eats, that is chakra this energy in the beginning end that on nowadays star disseminates. But because Kaguya gave birth to a Hagoromo and Hagoromo liangs child, but starts to disseminate chakra this energy outward. 道生一,一生二,二生三,三生万物。这个世界的“一”指的就是当初被辉夜吃掉的查克拉果实,那是查克拉这种能量在现如今的星球上传播的始端。而辉夜则因为自己生下了羽衣个孩子而将查克拉这种能量开始向外传播。 But Hagoromo and Hamura descendant inherited this energy without doubt, but Hagoromo changes to this talent chakra can communicate the chakra system of people Mind Houtian learn/study. Hence, only belonged to Kaguya that some chakra to be dispersed thoroughly. 羽衣羽村的后裔无疑传承了这种能量,而羽衣更是将这种天赋查克拉化作能够沟通人们心灵后天学习的查克拉体系。至此,原本只属于辉夜的那部分查克拉被彻底分散了。 Kaguya as all sources, is the ancestor of chakra chakra that wants to recycle is not numerous quantities. After all evolved so many years, dispersed exceeded initial Kaguya to chakra quantity already of all people early, but absorbed Ten-Tails Strength Kaguya also to be equal to infinite chakra, will not care about these quantities chakra. What Kaguya pursue is the chakra integrity, she must scattering in all directions chakra smelts the normalizing. 辉夜作为一切的源头,也是查克拉之祖想要回收的查克拉并非是众多的量。毕竟演化了这么多年,分散到所有人身上的查克拉量早已经超越了当初的辉夜,而吸收了十尾力量辉夜也等同于有了无限的查克拉,也不会在意那些量的查克拉辉夜追求的是查克拉的完整性,她要将四散出的查克拉重新熔炼归一。 But completely destroys the beginning space of spheres along with Le Yuan, already collected similar chakra to be dispersed again, so long as although divine tree is still continue extract scattered chakra also to gather again, but Kaguya wants to restore the beginning space of spheres without doubt is a huge project, even possibly continues ten years and dozens years also to complete also perhaps. 而伴随着乐渊将始球空间完全摧毁,原本已经收集得差不多的查克拉再一次被分散,虽说只要神树还在继续抽取分散的查克拉还能够再度聚集,但是辉夜想要重新修复始球空间无疑是一个巨大的工程,甚至可能持续十年、数十年也完成也说不定。 Just returned the outside world, has maintained Tenseigan Chakra Mode Hinata to relieve the blue chakra coat again. Her background in the final analysis frail a point, after release Golden Wheel Reincarnation Explosion, just restored most chakra to be exhausted again. 刚刚重新回到外界,一直维持着转生眼查克拉模式雏田再一次解除了蓝色的查克拉外衣。她的底子说到底还是单薄了一点,释放出一次金轮转生爆之后刚刚恢复大半的查克拉再一次被耗尽。 However regarding Le Yuan this is completely not the issue, solving[ Amenominaka] after this is greatly troublesome, the overall threat of Kaguya reduced without doubt planned incessantly. Even if is only left over Le Yuan one person to meet the enemy still copes with Kaguya sufficiently, therefore Le Yuan takes back Hinata to the heavenly book fairyland again, making Karin this doctor help Hinata restore the battle efficiency as soon as possible. 不过对于乐渊而言这完全不是问题,解决了[天之御中]这个大麻烦之后,辉夜的整体威胁无疑是降低了不止一筹。就算只剩下乐渊一人迎敌也足以对付辉夜,是故乐渊再一次将雏田收回到天书仙境,让香磷这个医生尽快帮助雏田恢复战斗力。 After Le Yuan comes to the outside world does not have one minute, after following closely him, Kaguya also murderous aura that comes out appeared steaming. Is looking Le Yuan that stands before own not far away, simply has not prepared saying that anything's Kaguya lifts hand immediately[ God: Nativity of a World of Trees] divine tree again rebellion that stabilized immediately, the innumerable giant branches seemed like the tentacle to start to Le Yuan generally outflanked to block off. 乐渊现身外界后没一分钟,紧随着他之后出来的辉夜杀气腾腾地出现了。望着站在自己身前不远处的乐渊,根本没准备多说什么的辉夜当即一抬手一式[神·树界降诞],顿时原本安定下来的神树再一次暴动,无数巨大的枝桠像是触手一般对着乐渊发动了包抄堵截。 Congealing wind to become blade, the innumerable azure winds in the upper heavens will try to relieve the divine tree branch of Le Yuan 11 to cut off. However the attack of divine tree is the deceptive attack, Kaguya simply had not counted on that the attack of divine tree can pose the threat to Le Yuan, she will be assured Le Yuan to choose just the attack of divine tree rather than the choice to walk randomly hardly. 凝风成刃,无数的青色罡风将试图解除乐渊神树树枝一一斩断。不过神树的攻击不过是佯攻而已,辉夜根本没有指望神树的攻击能够对乐渊造成威胁,她只是笃定乐渊会选择硬刚神树的攻击而不是选择游走。 However analysis of Kaguya not wrong, Le Yuan will not run away cannot escape. divine tree may attack range imagine the average person is broader, even can touch place of country. Even if Le Yuan planned that walks randomly the biggest possibility also to be stopped up by the innumerable branches, when the time comes not only will fight unavoidable will instead lose the situation. 不过辉夜的分析也没有错,乐渊不会逃也不能逃。神树的可攻击范围远比一般人想象地更广,甚至于能够触及一国之地。就算乐渊打算游走最大的可能性还是还被无数的树枝堵起来,到时候非但无法避免战斗反而会失了先机。 The fist, wants the fist of powerful compared with anybody! 拳头,比任何人都要强大的拳头! The hand of Kaguya seems like has not exercised lady, fist that but that pair of white hands grasp actually compared with Fourth Raikage and Might Guy of Martial Arts expert hard. Facing that nearly teleport powerful nature attack, Le Yuan keeps off the right arm before Kaguya fist only thought that somewhat shivers slightly. 辉夜的手看起来像是从来没有锻炼过的大家闺秀,但是那一双玉手握成的拳头却比体术达人的四代雷影迈特凯更加的硬。面对那近乎瞬移般的强大性攻击,乐渊挡在辉夜拳头前的右臂只觉得微微有些颤抖。 A fist is unable to defeat the defense of Le Yuan, the fist of Kaguya has not stood still. Fist not good that two fists, two fist not good that three fists, in brief fist of Kaguya quick such as lightning, dense like rainstorm, how even if so under the assault the response of Le Yuan again is strictly rapid, defense again how, both hands after were instead shaken unceasingly became slow. 一拳无法击破乐渊的防御,辉夜的拳头就没有停歇。一拳不行那就两拳,两拳不行那就三拳,总而言之辉夜的拳头快如闪电、密如暴雨,如此强击之下纵然乐渊的反应再怎么迅速、防御再怎么严密,双手还是在不断被反震后变得迟钝了一些。 Under the unceasing bombardment both hands of Le Yuan defended are routed, the fist of Kaguya hit the body of Le Yuan without a doubt. But this starts merely, Kaguya limit Martial Arts[ Eighty Gods Vacuum Attack] the attack just started, the giant air fist that chakra forms falls on the body of Le Yuan time and time again, ejected in just one second directly over hundred times. 中了,不断的轰击之下乐渊的双手防御被击溃,辉夜的拳头毫无疑问击中了乐渊的身体。而这仅仅是开始,辉夜的极限体术[八十神空击]的攻击才刚刚开始,查克拉形成的巨大空气拳一次又一次落在乐渊的身上,在短短一秒内直接击出了超过百次。 The attack of Kaguya might be considered as achieved Bronze Saint the fist speed, but have several the fist to be the speed of sound compared with an attack in merely, and Attack Power affects the Saint warrior who in chose/point destroys to be different merely, the Kaguya fist without doubt might is much bigger, a fist collapses a mountain peak absolutely not to have the issue. 辉夜的这一次攻击堪称是达到了青铜圣斗士的出拳速度,不过比起一次攻击中仅仅有数拳达到音速,且攻击力仅仅作用于点破坏的圣斗士不同,辉夜的拳头无疑威力大得惊人,一拳崩坏一座山峰绝对没有问题。 However is such fearful fist falls on Le Yuan has not actually caused her to expect that within the destructive power, the so fearful attack was defended. When the Le Yuan both hands defense falls into enemy hands, his already in instantaneous helps him who the Kaguya fist fell resist the injury with the human form body that Devil phantom congealed. 不过就是这么可怕的拳头落在乐渊身上却没有造成她预料之内的破坏力,如此可怕的攻击被防御住了。在乐渊双手防御失守的时候,他已经魔人虚影凝结成的人形躯体在辉夜拳头落下的瞬间帮助他抵御了伤害。 The strong move must damage, but[ Eighty Gods Vacuum Attack] the weakness does not lie to Kaguya own damage, swallows the body after chakra fruit not to have anything to be able by Kaguya to make her autonomy style. Regarding[ Eighty Gods Vacuum Attack], its only weakness receives a move of speed that lies in striking finally is on slow are too really many compared with the beforehand chain blows. 强招必自损,而[八十神空击]的弱点可不在于对辉夜自身的损伤,以辉夜吞下查克拉果实后的身体也不存在什么能令她自残的招式。对于[八十神空击]而言,它唯一的弱点就在于最后一击的收招速度比起之前的连击实在是慢上太多。 Perhaps this when deals with the ordinary enemy not to have the issue, but regarding Le Yuan, this slightly slow receiving a move of speed is he counter-attacks the best time. Just fought with the fists Le Yuan that some Blood Qi upwelled according to taking the illness of body by one set of combination, in instantaneous jump that the Kaguya attack ended to her behind. 这在对付普通敌人的时候或许没有问题,但是对于乐渊而言,这稍慢的收招速度就是他反击的最好时机。刚刚被一套组合拳打得有些血气上涌的乐渊按拿下身体的不适,在辉夜攻击结束的瞬间跳跃至了她的身后。 At the Kaguya counter-attack speed, Le Yuan simply does not have the time to prepare what big move. Leaves Le Yuan a move of time is less than one second, therefore prepares what style radically without enough time, then Le Yuan can take is the Tenseigan chakra extraction technique that only acts. 辉夜的反击速度,乐渊根本没有时间准备什么大招。留给乐渊的出招时间不到一秒,因此根本来不及准备什么招式,乐渊唯一能够拿得出手的便是转生眼查克拉抽取术。 Was extracted the Kaguya body of chakra by Le Yuan from the body not by control, simultaneously a weak feeling is following. Did not have the beginning space of spheres to help Kaguya gather huge chakra, Kaguya own infinite chakra also dropped incessantly a scale, regarding the chakra control strength was to plummet, as Le Yuan gathered part of chakra, Kaguya within the body the strength of tailed beast started the rebellion. 乐渊从身体中抽取查克拉辉夜身体不受控制地一顿,同时一种虚弱感随之而来。没有了始球空间帮助辉夜聚集庞大的查克拉,辉夜自身的无限查克拉也是下降了不止一个档次,对于查克拉控制力更是直线下降,随着乐渊将一部分的查克拉收取出来,辉夜体内的尾兽之力开始暴动了。 Also without chakra that when Le Yuan will absorb changes into the attack, chakra of Kaguya within the body then by the exceptionally wild condition the Kaguya right half-length package, starts to turn toward the semblance transformation of monster. This is Tailed Beast Transformation, not in Ten-Tails that under Kaguya Will conducts independently, but destroys unusual Tailed Beast Transformation that the balance of Kaguya within the body Ten-Tails chakra caused with Le Yuan. 还没有等到乐渊将吸取的查克拉化为攻击,辉夜体内的查克拉便以异常狂暴的状态将辉夜的右半身包裹,开始向着怪物的外表转化。这是尾兽化,并非在辉夜意志下自主进行的十尾化,而是随着乐渊破坏了辉夜体内十尾查克拉的平衡导致的异常尾兽化 “呃啊啊 already turned into half monster Kaguya to hold up to seeming like the hill right claw huge turns toward Le Yuan to pat all of a sudden, at present opposite party threatening Le Yuan of does not resist, the right foot struck on the body of Kaguya, left the Kaguya side with the aid of the reacting force rapidly. 已经变成半只怪物的辉夜举起庞大到像是小山似的右爪一下子向着乐渊拍了过来,眼前对方来势汹汹的乐渊也不抵抗,右脚一击点在辉夜的身上,借助反作用力迅速离开辉夜的身边。 When explodes shoots far away from the Kaguya enough more than 20 meters, Le Yuan directly the right hand from the chakra energy ball of Kaguya within the body extraction threw, this type just like the time bomb common chakra ball, only then changed to the attack to make Le Yuan feel at ease. 当爆射远离辉夜足足20多米的时候,乐渊直接将右手从辉夜体内抽取的查克拉能量球投掷了出去,这种犹如定时炸弹一般的查克拉球只有化作了攻击才能令乐渊心安。 Was hit Kaguya to have the huge explosion after by the chakra ball, although cannot say that compares favorably with the magnificent sight of nuclear weapon, but the destructive power far ultra nuclear bomb of that flash takes to the injury of Kaguya absolutely. Kaguya of half tailed beast condition is unable to conduct dodges effectively, faces attack awfully, Kaguya was choosing instinct that obeys the body, complete Tailed Beast Transformation. 查克拉球命中后的辉夜发生了巨大的爆炸,虽不能说媲美核武器的壮观,但是那一瞬间的破坏力绝对远超核弹带给辉夜的伤害。半尾兽状态的辉夜根本无法进行有效闪避,面对着要命的攻击,辉夜选择了顺从身体的本能,完全尾兽化 Can greatly enhance nowadays the body of Kaguya with the aid of Ten-Tails Tailed Beast Transformation completely regarding the resistance that chakra hurts, the demolition of chakra ball before Tailed Beast Transformation Kaguya bombed her one merely the claw. 借助十尾完全尾兽化能够大幅度提高现如今辉夜的身体对于查克拉伤害的抵抗能力,查克拉球的爆破面对尾兽化辉夜仅仅炸断了她的一只前爪。 Kaguya Ten-Tails is not divine tree Ten-Tails such monster, but is existence that resembles the rabbit dog. 辉夜十尾化可不是神树十尾那样的怪物,而是一只似兔似狗的存在。 Complete Tailed Beast Transformation, regarding Kaguya is also advantages are accompanied by disadvantages. Under this condition her vitality obtained the strengthening without doubt, however the relative Tailed Beast Transformation beastly nature will make her attack have not sane one. 完全尾兽化,对于辉夜而言也是有利有弊。这种状态下她的生命力无疑得到了强化,但是相对的尾兽化的兽性会令她的攻击产生不理智的一幕。 Roar “吼 Tailed Beast Ball, the tailed beast Kaguya opens the mouth is a Tailed Beast Ball attack of round of ultra-fast rate of fire. The giant chakra light beam artillery scratched the body of Le Yuan to fly directly to the distant place. This is not dodging of Le Yuan is accurate, but was tailed beast Kaguya then went wrong in the attack. 尾兽玉,尾兽辉夜张口就是一发超快射速的尾兽玉攻击。巨大的查克拉光束炮直接擦着乐渊的身体飞向了远方。这不是乐渊的闪避多么精准,而是尾兽辉夜在攻击的时候便出现了偏差。 The attack of Tailed Beast Ball passed through the continent direct hit in the continent end sea, as immediately the demolition of Tailed Beast Ball in sea deep place raised the dreadful monstrous waves of shocking everybody. 尾兽玉的攻击穿过了大陆直接命中了大陆尽头的大海中,顿时随着尾兽玉在大海深处的爆破掀起了惊世骇俗的滔天巨浪。 Tailed Beast Ball is not the Kaguya limit, attacked the later Kaguya that is thoroughly out of control. Condenses Tailed Beast Ball from the Tailed Beast Transformation Kaguya mouth unceasingly, that rounds of destroy Le Yuan that the attack of mountain range aimed at dodged unceasingly sufficiently, if were not Le Yuan aimed at one side the sea her direction of attack intentionally, perhaps entire continent must experience big personnel losses time. 一枚尾兽玉可不是辉夜的极限,攻击之后的辉夜那是彻底一发不可收拾了。从尾兽化辉夜口中不断凝聚尾兽玉,那一发发足以毁灭山脉的攻击瞄准了不断闪躲的乐渊,如果不是乐渊故意将她的攻击方向对准了大海一面,恐怕整个大陆又要经历一次大减员了。 Becoming huge tailed beast Kaguya facing the build, theoretically should be easier to cope with her by the response of Le Yuan, but in fact actually just right opposite. Also does not know that is because Tailed Beast Transformation is the reason of rabbit, Kaguya under this condition regarding the keen far ultra human form of five senses, although Le Yuan Spatial Displacement can indeed be close to her, but often Le Yuan just arrived at her side then to receive such as the rabbit tread eagle of mountain hit. 面对体形变得巨大的尾兽辉夜,理论上以乐渊的反应应该更容易对付她,但是事实上却正好相反。也不知道是不是由于尾兽化是兔子的缘故,这个状态下的辉夜对于五感的敏锐性远超人形,虽然乐渊空间移动的确能够接近她,但是往往乐渊刚刚来到她身边便要受到如大山撞击的兔子蹬鹰。 Every action and every movement have greatest injury Kaguya, at all is not Le Yuan easily can approach. Moreover along with the attack of Kaguya, she is extricating from the Tailed Beast Transformation beastly nature slowly, Tailed Beast Transformation powerful Strength adds on the Kaguya wisdom to drag into another abyss the war absolutely. 一举一动都带有莫大伤害的辉夜,根本不是乐渊轻易能够靠近的。而且伴随着辉夜的攻击,她正慢慢从尾兽化的兽性之中解脱,尾兽化强大力量加上辉夜的智慧绝对会将战局拉入另一个深渊。 When Le Yuan to walk randomly to delay the time finds out the law of fight, Kaguya already from losing the sane condition liberated, restores normal her to act is the strongest destructive attack[ Expansive Truth-Seeking Ball]. 就在乐渊以游走来拖延时间想出战斗之法的时候,辉夜已经从失去理智的状态中解放了出来,恢复正常的她一出手便是最强的毁灭性攻击[膨胀求道玉]。 As with the goods of Truth-Seeking Ball common origin, compares in small-scale Truth-Seeking Ball this defense that Le Yuan grasps, transforms the functions of many destruction, Expansive Truth-Seeking Ball is truly for the destruction the fresh move. 作为和求道玉同源的物品,相比较于乐渊掌握的小型求道玉这种防御、变换多过于破坏的作用,膨胀求道玉就是真真正正为破坏而生的招数。 Five Elements and Yin-Yang complete nature one and swallows, simultaneously has after huge characteristics that perhaps the world myriad things swallow completely. This Expansive Truth-Seeking Ball nature has not distinguished with black hole, the only difference lies in Expansive Truth-Seeking Ball does not have the black hole limit to swallow the ability, with not swallowing increase of object will become huge is not controllable. 五行、阴阳全部性质一并吞噬,同时在巨大化之后拥有将世间万物全部吞噬的恐怕特性。这膨胀求道玉的性质就和一个黑洞没有区别,唯一的区别在于膨胀求道玉并没有黑洞极限吞噬能力,并不会随着吞噬物体的增多而变得更加庞大不可控。 As the Kaguya final move, this move is used to extinguish the world, is not used to commit suicide. Receives the Kaguya control Expansive Truth-Seeking Ball to proliferate the laminated shape instantaneously, had Kaguya to wrap Le Yuan completely. 作为辉夜的最终招数,这一招是用来灭世的,并不是用来自杀。受到辉夜操控的膨胀求道玉在瞬间扩散成片状,将乐渊还有辉夜完全包裹在了其中。 Comes under the characteristics influence of Truth-Seeking Ball, Le Yuan Spatial Displacement in this space completely lost the function, Kaguya built the final decisive battle place with her ability. 受到求道玉的特性影响,在这个空间内乐渊空间移动完全失去了作用,辉夜用她的能力打造出了最后的决战地点。
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