VE :: Volume #8 三阶首战影之忍者

#739: End undying

Nowadays Kaguya that is body two Will, has big maternal aunt blood condition Black Zetsu to exist besides Kaguya oneself Will, but itself does not have physical body Black Zetsu only to play a fight detection and instructs, has to decide the assistance of body ability function at most. 现如今的辉夜那是一个身体两个意志,除了辉夜本人的意志之外还有大姨妈血状态的黑绝存在,不过本身没有肉体的黑绝只能起到一个战斗侦查和指导,顶多还带有定身能力作用的辅助。 However after Kaguya was struck the severe wound, the Black Zetsu importance displayed again. Although severely wounded Kaguya stupor, but was absolutely the disadvantageous condition similarly, had the result that the Hinata continuous attack dies by Le Yuan incautiously. 不过在辉夜被一击重伤之后,黑绝的重要性再一次发挥了出来。重伤的辉夜虽然昏迷,但是同样处在了绝对不利的状态,一不小心就是被乐渊还有雏田连续攻击到死的结局。 [ Yin-Yang Release spirit shakes], this is Black Zetsu few several interference abilities, as focusing on taking possession existence, his ability is partial in control. But the spirit shake that now displays is a wide scope and compulsory spirit disturbance. In this area coverage everyone while was executed the technique felt that unprecedented dizziness, the feeling of mind blank is quite intense. [阴阳遁精神震荡],这是黑绝为数不多的几个干扰性能力,作为以附体为主的存在,他本身的能力都偏向于控制。而现在施展的精神震荡就是一种大范围、强制性的精神干扰。在这个区域范围内的所有人都在被施术的同时感到前所未有的晕眩,头脑空白的感觉极为强烈。 But receives severely wounded Kaguya not to have the means to pursue very much pitifully, moreover Black Zetsu this move of effect, although strong, but the duration of effect is really short, particularly can only achieve less than one second of dumbfounded regarding spirit tenacious Le Yuan. 而受到重伤的辉夜很可惜没有办法进行追击,而且黑绝这一招的效果虽强但是效果的持续时间实在是短暂,尤其是对于精神坚韧的乐渊更是仅能够做到一秒不到的愣神 However regarding Kaguya, this second of already was then enough, with the aid was attacked the impact , before Kaguya the body, opened space channels to other spaces, flushed with the aid of impulse one, the speed quick made one stare dumbfounded. 不过对于辉夜而言,这一秒便已经足够了,借助被攻击产生的冲击,辉夜将自己身前打开了一条通往其他空间的空间通道,借助冲击力一头冲了进去,速度之快令人瞠目结舌。 When[ Yin-Yang Release spirit shakes] on the Hinata face that the effect conclusion, sobered revealed regretted the color. Just coordination it can be said that defeated the Kaguya best time, attracted the Kaguya attention as Hinata of key offensive player, later made Le Yuan that the maneuvering force strengthened start most fatally to Kaguya struck. 当[阴阳遁精神震荡]的效果结束,清醒过来的雏田脸上露出了惋惜之色。刚刚的配合可以说是击败辉夜的最好时机,作为主攻手的雏田吸引了辉夜的注意力,随后让机动力更加强的乐渊辉夜发动最为致命的一击。 What a pity falls short in the final moment, making Kaguya have the opportunity to sneak off, this walked two people to lose the Kaguya trail thoroughly, wanted to hold her to really be difficult again, let alone now Kaguya injured condition, if can while winning the pursuit perhaps can also catch up before he restored struck to kill her. 可惜在最后关头功亏一篑,令辉夜得到机会溜走,这一走两人可就彻底失去了辉夜的踪迹,想要再抓住她那可真是难上加难,更何况现在辉夜还是受伤的状态,如果能够趁胜追击或许还能够赶在他恢复前击杀她。 Looks that a face resented and complained Hinata that oneself do not make every effort to succeed, Le Yuan touches her head to say slightly with a smile: You did very well, did not need to give itself the too tremendous pressure! Right, almost forgot that boy also here......” 看着一脸愤恨、埋怨自己不争气的雏田,乐渊摸了摸她的脑袋微微笑着说道:“你做得很好了,不用给自己太大压力!对了,差点忘了那个小子也在这里……” Was just still comforting Hinata Le Yuan to think fiercely of space perception this sand another weak aura, puts down the hand immediately from present disappearance of Hinata, when appeared again in the hand of Le Yuan already is raising remaining unconscious Sasuke. 刚刚还在安慰雏田乐渊猛地想到在这个沙之空间感受到的另一个微弱的气息,立即放下手从雏田的眼前消失,当再一次出现的时候乐渊的手上已经提着昏迷不醒的佐助了。 The present Sasuke appearance seems like not general miserable, chakra already in within the body was absorbed. Although cannot say that abandoned thoroughly, but wants to refine the chakra difficulty again absolutely is the hell level. 现在的佐助样子看起来可不是一般的惨,体内的查克拉已经被吸收一空。虽然不能说彻底废了,但是想要再度提炼查克拉的难度绝对是地狱级的。 Although hardware also, but wants to resume strength that absolute demand innumerable time polishes, what is most essential was along with disappearance of chakra, the vitality of Sasuke within the body drops 50% to continue. 虽然硬件设施还在,但是想要恢复实力那绝对需要无数时间打磨,最关键的是伴随着查克拉的消失,佐助体内的生命力都下降了50%不止。 Sasuke is not Le Yuan has nearly Devil of ten million years immortal body like this, because Quest Failure deducted 10% vitalities also to be able in the same old way and Kaguya to spelling not to drop the wind. By the body of Sasuke, loses 30% vitalities then to have the unrecoverable influence on its body life span, 50% that lets him, even if secret disease that recovers still to drop unable to cure. 佐助可不是乐渊这样拥有近乎千万年不朽之身的魔人,由于任务失败扣除了10%的生命力还能照样和辉夜对拼而不落下风。以佐助的身体,失去30%生命力便会对其身体寿命造成不可恢复的影响,50%那更是让他就算恢复身体也会落下治不好的隐疾。 „Is this Sasuke? Should he, not die?” “这是佐助?他,应该还没死吧?” The Hinata sensation strength in Tenseigan Chakra Mode is not naturally weak, in addition Tenseigan can see that is Sasuke the fire of life still to burn, although weak, but has not extinguished, therefore inquired. 转生眼查克拉模式中的雏田感知力自然不弱,加上转生眼能够看到属于佐助的生命之火还在燃烧,虽然微弱但是还没有熄灭,是故如此询问道。 Was similar, but later he biggest possibility is to become an average person, only if chakra can also return to his body, but makes him accompany Naruto!” “差不多了,不过以后他最大的可能性就是成为一个普通人,除非查克拉还能够回到他的身体内,不过还是让他去陪鸣人吧!” Le Yuan was saying threw into Sasuke of already stupor the heavenly book fairyland, may be better than to enter Le Yuan Small World as the heavenly book fairyland of temporary receiving station. 乐渊说着将已经昏迷的佐助扔进了天书仙境之内,作为临时收容站的天书仙境可比乐渊小世界好进多了。 At this point has to raise Le Yuan to have two bases now, the heavenly book fairyland and Small World. In principle these two world share everything each other has something in common, but in fact heavenly book fairyland, although calls it the fairyland, but as having an attached space of Black Fire construction, integrity cannot place on a par with Small World. 说到这里就不得不提乐渊现在拥有了两个基地,天书仙境和小世界了。原则上来讲这两个世界不分彼此彼此有着共同之处,但是实际上天书仙境虽然称之为仙境,但是作为有黑火构建的一个附属空间,本身的完整性并不能与小世界相提并论。 If really throws into the heavenly book fairyland a person, how long regardless of that he lives not to distinguish in inside, his life mark belongs to his original world. However wants to enter Small World to be much harsher, enters Small World to need Le Yuan to construct one shortly to be between the intermediate zone between actual situation with the strength of the world, if later waited the time to grow, even external lifeform life imprint will be taken the Small World mark, became Small World one. 如果说真的将一个人扔进天书仙境,那么无论他在里面生活多久都没有区别,他的生命印记还是属于他原来的世界。但是想要进入小世界就苛刻得多,短暂地进入小世界需要乐渊用世界之力构建一个介乎虚实之间的中间地带,随后如果待得时间长了,甚至外来生命体本身的生命烙印会被带上小世界的印记,成为小世界的一员。 The life mark can be said as a basis of person, once at least becomes Le Yuan Small World one, then means in Le Yuan domain great accomplishment, before global development certain scale, that person do not want to leave Le Yuan Small World again. 生命印记可以说是一个人的根本,最起码一旦成为乐渊小世界的一员,那么意味着在乐渊领域大成,将世界发展到一定规模前那个人别想再一次离开乐渊小世界了。 Also because Small World has such fatal shortcoming, therefore Le Yuan basically does not treat as the temporary receiving station Small World, holds the wedding continually time brings Huang Rong they to leave after the wedding immediately, feared is their life mark has the change to cause unable to leave again. 也正是由于小世界有着这样致命的缺点,是故乐渊基本上不将小世界当作临时收容站,连举办婚礼的时候都是在婚礼之后立刻带着黄蓉她们离开,怕的就是她们生命印记出现变化导致无法再离开。 Fled from the world of sand from Kaguya in the past ten minutes, at this time Le Yuan seemed like waited till time common one right hand that finally is drawing Hinata, has turned away to her was saying: Very good, now is to almost begin the opportunity, Hinata you implemented No. 4 combat method a while!” 距离辉夜逃离沙之世界过去了十分钟,这个时候乐渊像是终于等到了时机一般一手拉着雏田的右手,转过脸对着她道:“很好,现在差不多是动手的机会了,雏田你等会儿执行四号作战方法!” Kaguya indeed successfully fled the space of sand right, but actually after Le Yuan goes well to be successful leaves. That back chakra extraction of Le Yuan may be is not only used to extract Kaguya chakra. 辉夜的确是成功逃离了沙之空间没错,但是却是在乐渊得手成功后才离开的。乐渊的那一记背后的查克拉抽取可不仅仅是用来抽取辉夜查克拉而已。 When the right hand of Le Yuan pats to conducting the back of Kaguya, Le Yuan then a space anchor mark taking advantage of chakra extraction time seal in her conducting the back. If the common time definitely will bring to the attention of Kaguya, but there is covering of chakra extraction, after that heritage explosion attack, making Kaguya have no time to take into consideration radically. 乐渊的右手拍到辉夜的背上时,乐渊便将一个空间锚印记借着查克拉抽取的时机印在了她的背上。如果是寻常时候必然会引起辉夜的注意,但是有了查克拉抽取的打掩护,还有之后的那遗产爆炸攻击,令辉夜根本无暇顾及。 Le Yuan before 1000 year then submerged taking advantage of the space anchor mark to the Kaguya beginning space of spheres, the 1000 year time passed, Le Yuan preparation play the same old trick, entered to the beginning space of spheres of Kaguya that continuously hidden again. 千年前的乐渊便是借着空间锚印记潜入到辉夜的始球空间,千年的时间过去了,乐渊准备再一次故技重施,进入到辉夜那一直隐藏的始球空间。 But Kaguya that another side is injured, when cannot choose the exact way because of flurry run away chooses naturally entered in the beginning space of spheres. The extreme environments in this space other six spaces, as the reply without doubt have not been best, simultaneously the relations of beginning spaces of spheres and other six spaces are weakest. Could shift in other six spaces by the Le Yuan ability independently, but wants the beginning space of spheres that arrives at Kaguya to be at not to have method basic impossible. 而另一边受了伤的辉夜,在慌不择路逃窜的时候理所当然地选择了进入始球空间中。在这个空间没有其他六个空间内的极端环境,作为回复之所无疑是最好的,同时始球空间与其他六个空间的联系最为薄弱。以乐渊的能力或许能够自主在其他六个空间转移,但是想要来到辉夜所在的始球空间却是没点手段根本不可能 However wholly-absorbed had not noticed own back already to be left behind an exceptionally covert space anchor in therapy Kaguya by Le Yuan completely, has this thing has Kaguya not to escape hunt of Le Yuan again. 不过一直专心于疗伤的辉夜完全没有注意到自己的背后已经乐渊留下了一个异常隐蔽的空间锚,有着这玩意的存在辉夜根本别想再逃过乐渊的追捕。 Buzz “嗡 With sudden appearance of Le Yuan and Hinata, but also Kaguya in reply stared in a big way the eye to look suddenly appears in beginning space of spheres two people. Fully realized that Le Yuan Kaguya of destructive power never imagined, unable to attend to at this moment did not have the good body to want close Le Yuan two people, with the aid of him ability of free movement in space, again shifts Le Yuan and Hinata. 伴随着乐渊雏田的突然现身,还在回复中的辉夜瞪大了眼睛看着突然出现在始球空间的两人。深知乐渊这一刻破坏力的辉夜想都没想,根本顾不上还没有好的身体就想要贴近乐渊两人,借助他在空间中自由移动的能力,再一次将乐渊雏田转移出去。 The beginning space of spheres without doubt is the Kaguya Achilles'heel, once Le Yuan really goes crazy destroys here wantonly, then without a doubt Kaguya based basic Undying Body to be broken the merit. 始球空间无疑是辉夜的命门,一旦乐渊真的发神经在这里大肆破坏,那么毫无疑问辉夜的立足根本不死之身就要被破功了。 But arrived at the beginning space of spheres Le Yuan and Hinata almost a hand sends out intense chakra at the same time, that was the strongest destruction technique[ Golden Wheel Reincarnation Explosion] gesture. Le Yuan and Hinata this is the plan opens directly in a big way, the speed of but according to Kaguya throwing two people no yo will perhaps also prepare then to be entangled. 而一来到始球空间的乐渊雏田几乎是在同一时刻一只手散发出了强烈的查克拉,那是最强破坏技[金轮转生爆]的起手式。乐渊雏田这是打算直接开大,不过按照辉夜扑上来的速度两人恐怕还没哟准备好便会被缠上。 Almighty Push × 2!” Almost while seeing the Kaguya attack, Le Yuan or Hinata then raised the remaining another hands together, Kaguya that throws in the repulsion that will approach with the aid of Tenseigan entire to spread out. 神罗天征!”几乎是在看到辉夜进攻的同时,无论是乐渊还是雏田便一起举起了剩下的另一只手,借助转生眼附赠的斥力将靠近的辉夜整个摊开。 Perhaps pure Le Yuan or Hinata want to depend on the repulsion to resist Kaguya to be unlikely, when two pairs of Tenseigan launch the attack Strength that together produces is actually far from pair of Tenseigan can compare, Strength is not 11 is so simple, Almighty Push that the might multiplies shakes Kaguya in the flash. 或许单纯的乐渊或是雏田想要靠斥力抵挡辉夜不太可能,但是两双转生眼一起发动攻击时产生的力量却远非一双转生眼能比的,力量绝不是11这么简单,威力倍增的神罗天征在一瞬间将辉夜震开。 Perhaps shakes Kaguya to guarantee merely for a while regarding others, but this short several seconds of then sufficiently Le Yuan and Hinata complete Golden Wheel Reincarnation Explosion. 或许对于旁人而言震开辉夜仅仅能够保得一时,但是这短短的数秒钟时间便足以乐渊雏田金轮转生爆完成。 Almost is at the same time, in the hand that Le Yuan and Hinata raise chakra thump however surges, the chakra light sword of sudden rise almost must pierce this beginning space of spheres sky. Depended on the spirit connection to wield own hand Hinata Will with connected Le Yuan, but nearby Hinata same sword wielded. 几乎是同一时刻,乐渊雏田高举的手中查克拉怦然涌动,暴涨的查克拉光剑几乎要将这始球空间的天空刺穿。靠着精神连接将雏田意志与自己相连的乐渊挥下了自己的手,而一旁的雏田同样一剑挥下。 Cuts off the two swords of the world facing this, even if Kaguya wants to keep off still impossible it, the hard anti- this move of price is the body dies. Now being unable to save the situation Kaguya can do only, that hides, captures the farther the better, if really in this hits is killed, that may really die. 面对这斩断世界的两剑,就算是辉夜想要将其挡下也不可能,硬抗这一招的代价就是身死。无力回天的辉夜现在能做的唯有一个,那就是躲,夺得越远越好,万一真的在这一击中被干掉,那可就真死了。 The chakra light sword with looking like cut tofu to insert the beginning space of spheres ground generally all of a sudden, had the arm of Hinata to wield along with Le Yuan, the chakra light sword divided into two entire ground. 查克拉光剑跟就像是切豆腐一般一下子插入了始球空间的地面,伴随着乐渊还有雏田的手臂挥动,查克拉光剑将整个地面一分为二。 The stability incomparable beginning space of spheres, started Diffindo under two huge light sword cutting. The avalanche of space comes simply compared with the imagination, Le Yuan and Hinata after destroying beginning space of spheres basic point, the entire space then starts to crash voluntarily. 原本稳定无比的始球空间,在两把巨大的光剑切割下开始四分五裂。空间的崩塌远比想象地来得更加简单,乐渊雏田在摧毁了始球空间的基点之后,整个空间便开始自行崩塌。 At this time doesn't walk the watch to treat? With the collapse of beginning space of spheres,[ Amenominaka] becomes with the room partition of space gradually fuzzy, the outside world that was not easy to detect appeared in the Le Yuan sensation again. 此时不走更待何时?伴随着始球空间的崩坏,[天之御中]与外界空间的隔断变得渐渐模糊,原本不易察觉的外界再一次出现在了乐渊的感知之中。 Looks that one side Kaguya that prepares and beginning space of spheres dead preparation leaves together, Le Yuan is also not laughing carefree drippingly the hand that is drawing Hinata left this world. 看着一旁同样不准备和始球空间一起死准备离开的辉夜,乐渊畅快淋漓地大笑着拉着雏田的手离开了这个世界。
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