VE :: Volume #8 三阶首战影之忍者

#738: Collapse Undying Body

This Kaguya-hime in the space of ice by that moment of Le Yuan collapse, she was feared. After arriving at this star never knows that what the fear is Ōtsutsuki Kaguya in this moment first time, felt afraid this sentiment. 辉夜姬在冰之空间被乐渊崩坏的那一刻,她怕了。从降临这一颗星球之后从来不知道害怕为何物的大筒木辉夜在这一刻第一次,感受到了害怕这一种感情。 Although[ Golden Wheel Reincarnation Explosion] this technique is not Le Yuan is in sole possession, but everyone will display will have own characteristics. Like beforehand Silver Wheel Reincarnation Explosion, the style that Le Yuan displays displays the through characteristics, but the same move that Hinata displays , then displayed the characteristics of vibration. 虽然[金轮转生爆]这种术并非乐渊独有,但是每一个人施展都会带有自己的特性。像之前的银轮转生爆,乐渊施展出来的招式表现出穿透特性,而雏田施展出来的同一招则表现出了震动的特性。 But Le Yuan this displaying Golden Wheel Reincarnation Explosion can directly destroy the space of ice, is because Le Yuan joined space Strength in the ability of chakra light sword, causes Golden Wheel Reincarnation Explosion had the space cutting ability, had this characteristics the space of originally firm incomparable ice after was destroyed the star of under foot by Le Yuan then by thorough disintegration. 乐渊这一次施展的金轮转生爆能够直接破坏冰之空间,则是因为乐渊查克拉光剑的能力之中加入了空间力量,使得金轮转生爆拥有了空间的“切割”能力,正是有了这个特性似的原本坚固无比的冰之空间在被乐渊摧毁了脚下的星球之后便被彻底崩碎。 The space of ice was destroyed, is unable to cause any damage to Kaguya by rights ought. But separates on Kaguya that not to have the slight scar from the space of ice, similarly was proving she had not been damaged slightly. 冰之空间被破坏,理当对辉夜无法造成任何的伤害。而从冰之空间中分离出来的辉夜身上没有丝毫的伤痕,同样证明着她未受到丝毫的损伤。 However although present Kaguya had not been injured slightly, but the action of space of Le Yuan destruction ice was actually shaking her foundation, may destroy her eternal life undying secret. 不过虽说现在辉夜并没有受到丝毫的伤害,但是乐渊破坏冰之空间的举动却在无意之间动摇了她的根基,更是有可能破坏她永生不死的秘密。 The Kaguya undying nature came from eating up chakra fruit, but investigates it radically is because Kaguya changed to chakra fruit Strength[ Amenominaka] six big attribute spaces and most important beginning space of spheres. 辉夜不死性来自于吃下的查克拉果实,但是究其根本是因为辉夜查克拉果实力量化作了[天之御中]的六大属性空间和最重要的始球空间。 So long as these seven spaces exist, even if that Kaguya dismembered a body, even root hair does not have remaining, was destroyed thorough humanity, can still in seven space have a new lease of life by her life marks of imprint. 只要这七个空间存在,那么即使辉夜被大卸八块,甚至一根毛都没有剩下,被人彻底人道毁灭了,依然能够凭借她烙印在七个空间内的生命印记重获新生。 This sounded perhaps unreliably imaginary a point, but life mark thing has the inconceivable energy. To Warriors Orochi World Orochi for Transcendence own life mark from the original world peeling, does not lay aside in the chaotic world that he created. 这听起来或许玄幻了一点,但是生命印记这种东西就是有着不可思议之能。向无双世界远吕智不就是为了超脱将自己的生命印记从原本的世界剥离,重新放置到了他所创造的混乱世界中去。 However creates seven completely own space-independents unlike Kaguya, although Orochi created the chaotic world, but he actually cannot its control, unable fuses completely oneself life mark and world, becomes that world complete control. 不过与辉夜创造七个完全属于自己的独立空间不同,远吕智虽然创造了混乱世界,但是他却没有能够完全将其掌控,更加没有能够将自己的生命印记与世界相融合,成为那个世界完全的主宰。 If Orochi achieved this point, in foundation that then he rises suddenly in the strength without doubt, but can also have with Kaguya Undying Body so directly. Only if Le Yuan can the breaking chaotic world, otherwise Orochi is invincible existence, simply does not have the opportunity to achieve this step by him who Le Yuan broke the resurrecting ceremony very much pitifully. 如果远吕智做到了这一点,那么他无疑在实力暴涨的基础上,还能够直接拥有和辉夜这般的不死之身。除非乐渊能够破碎混乱世界,不然远吕智就是无敌的存在,很可惜被乐渊打断了复活仪式的他根本没有机会做到这一步。 Reviews Kaguya, she may not have the experience life and death disciplines or year after year fight, merely by the boundary that a chakra fruit then achievement Orochi cannot achieve until death, this is the life, the good luck that attractiveness brings high is Orochi is unable to have forever. 反观辉夜,她可没有经历生死的磨练或是长年累月的战斗,仅仅凭借一颗查克拉果实便成就了远吕智至死都没能达到的境界,这就是命,颜值高带来的好命是远吕智永远也无法拥有的。 If this is not very clear, then Kaguya undying to a certain extent is Saint in immortal hero Great Desolate World, reposes Primordial Spirit in the Heavenly Dao, the Heavenly Dao does not collapse, Saint undying. But Kaguya also surpassed the concept of ordinary Saint theoretically, with Hongjun gathers by the body almost two kinds. Although their strengths are difference between heaven and earth, but the matter of line is actually almost the same. 如果这还不够清晰,那么辉夜不死某种程度上就是仙侠洪荒世界中的圣人,寄托元神于天道,天道不崩,圣人不死。而辉夜理论上还超过了普通圣人的概念,和鸿钧的以身合道差不多两样。虽然他们的实力是天差地别,但是所行之事却相差无几。 If Le Yuan really must kill Kaguya, without doubt must first destroy seven spaces that Kaguya has one by one. Even does not need completely to destroy seven, so long as the most important beginning space of spheres were destroyed, then Kaguya undying is a joke. 乐渊如果真的要杀死辉夜,无疑要先逐个破坏辉夜拥有的七个空间。甚至并不需要将七个完全摧毁,只要最重要的始球空间被毁了,那么辉夜不死就是个笑话。 However the mistakes arising out of chance circumstances got rid of space of ice Le Yuan not to detect that this truth, he will ruin the space of ice merely is because left in the limited situation, he has to have the ruthless move to force Kaguya to open the path to beginning space of spheres. 不过阴错阳差干掉了冰之空间的乐渊并没有发觉到这个真相,他会毁掉冰之空间仅仅是因为离开被限制的情况下,他不得不出狠招逼迫辉夜打开通往始球空间的道路。 But such that in fact really such as he thinks, along with the soon destruction of space of ice, Kaguya, even if Undying Body is not willing to expose in endless void. After resenting looked at Le Yuan one, Kaguya opened[ Yomotsu Hirasaka] this can communicate in the moves of several spaces, the body vanishes in Le Yuan little at present. 而事实上果然如他所想的那样,伴随着冰之空间的即将毁灭,辉夜纵然是不死之身也不愿意暴露在无尽的虚空之中。愤恨地看了乐渊一眼后,辉夜打开了[黄泉比良坂]这个能够来往于几个空间的招数,身体一点点消失在乐渊的眼前。 Although does not know that actually Kaguya shifts which space, but already caught opposite space coordinate Le Yuan and Hinata looked at each other one, later was led by Le Yuan used the Spatial Displacement ability to vanish in collapse the space of ice. 虽然不知道辉夜究竟是转移到了哪一个空间,但是已经捕捉到对面空间坐标的乐渊雏田对视了一眼,随后以乐渊为主导动用了空间移动能力消失在了崩坏的冰之空间内。 When Le Yuan and Hinata came again have appeared in an inexhaustible vast desert, came along with Le Yuan and Hinata, very early in the morning went into hiding on already in this space Kaguya raised the giant sand storm of sun-blocking immediately. 乐渊雏田再一次现身已然出现在了一片无穷无尽的沙海之中,伴随着乐渊雏田都现身,一早就已经隐匿于这个空间的辉夜顿时掀起了遮天蔽日的巨大沙尘暴。 Although this sand storm fearful, but is unable causes any damage to Le Yuan and Hinata, this point Le Yuan or Kaguya are clear, but Kaguya had not counted on that depends on the sand storm their two to cause the attack damage to Le Yuan. 这沙尘暴虽然可怕但是根本无法对乐渊雏田造成任何的伤害,这一点无论是乐渊还是辉夜都非常清楚,但是辉夜也从来没有指望靠着沙尘暴对乐渊他们两个造成攻击伤害。 In wild sand storm, not only the vision was affected, even sense of hearing, sense of smell in such rustling sound was coming under the fatal consequence. The people were used to investigate three main five senses to come under the influence, the average person already and[ Suzumushi Tsuishiki: Enma Kōrogi] not on good many. 在狂暴的沙尘暴中,不但视觉受到影响,连听觉、嗅觉都在这样的沙沙声中受到了致命影响。人用来探查外界的三个主要五感都受到了影响,一般人早就和中了[清虫终式·阎魔蟋蟀]没好上多少。 In such environment, Le Yuan draws Hinata in the complex environment to go through suddenly like this rapidly. 在这样的环境之中,乐渊突然拉着雏田在这样的复杂环境中飞速穿行。 Dangerous and fatal also had the death, this all sorts of feelings after Le Yuan felt that anything stared is passed to his mind altogether. 危险、致命还有死亡,这种种感觉在乐渊感觉被什么盯上后一股脑地传到了他的脑海中。 Without a doubt, stares he also has Hinata only has Kaguya. But can take to him so the style of sense of crisis, the thin thought only has All-Killing Ash Bones. Has the move of powerful lethality compared with the skeleton lineage/vein, the move must die. 毫无疑问,盯上他还有雏田的只有辉夜。而能够带给他如此危机感的招式,细思想来唯有一个共杀灰骨。比起尸骨脉拥有更强大杀伤力的招数,中招者必死。 Feeling that All-Killing Ash Bones this move seems like skeleton lineage/vein in addition Dust Release, will be similar through the bone attack of skeleton lineage/vein to the Bloodline Encompassing hitting hard destructive effect exerts on the body of goal character. 共杀灰骨这招看起来像是尸骨脉外加尘遁的感觉,通过尸骨脉的骨头攻击将类似于血继网罗的重击破坏效果施加在目标人物的身体上。 [ All-Killing Ash Bones: Ten-Finger Drilling Bullets], will have the might astonishing All-Killing Ash Bones attack through being similar fires in the Kimimaro Ten-Finger Drilling Bullets way, has the long-distance attack to hide the main body unceasingly the effect, the attack seems more covert. [共杀灰骨·十指穿弹],将拥有威力惊人的共杀灰骨攻击通过类似于君麻吕十指穿弹的方式射击出来,不断具备远程攻击隐藏本体的效果,攻击显得更加隐蔽。 If not the Le Yuan intuition comes powerful compared with the wild animal, attacked that facing this sneak attack is dies. However even if Le Yuan discovered ahead of time, but wants to conduct to counter-attack that in such complex sand storm is difficult. 如果不是乐渊的直觉比起野兽来得更加强大,面对这种偷袭式攻击那是死定了。不过纵然乐渊提前发现,但是想要在这样复杂的沙尘暴中进行反击那是难上加难。 The Kaguya attack frequency soon caught up with the automatic rifle, if were not Le Yuan has brought Hinata to move such attack is not hit unceasingly high-speed is strange matter. 辉夜的攻击频率快要赶上自动步枪了,如果不是乐渊一直不断带着雏田高速移动这样的攻击不被打中才是怪事。 Hinata, No. 3 course of action!” 雏田,三号作战方案!” Le Yuan after bringing Hinata is moving aside for five minutes to say to Hinata suddenly. 乐渊在带着雏田躲闪了五分钟之后突然对着雏田如是说道。 The so-called No. 3 course of action, the core of is Le Yuan is responsible for protecting, conducts to break through by Hinata is kills the opponent as. 所谓的三号作战方案,其中的核心内容就是乐渊负责守护,由雏田进行突围乃至于强杀对手。 Le Yuan brought Hinata to listen immediately, this has let harass sand storm Le Yuan of person to lift the hand fiercely, two tornado that raised from his side spreads toward the surroundings, this covered in their sand storm, as wreaking havoc of tornado gradually subsided. 乐渊当即带着雏田听了下来,这已让扰人的沙尘暴乐渊猛地抬起手,两道从他身旁掀起的龙卷风向着周围扩散,这原本笼罩在他们身上的沙尘暴,随着龙卷风的肆虐逐渐平息。 Buzz buzz first even/including two slight Le Yuan also has Hinata to shoot to the indetectable sound air-splitting has delimited the sand dust toward static. “嗡”“嗡”一连两道轻微到不可察觉的破空声划过沙尘向着正静止下来的乐渊还有雏田射了过来。 Ding to bite “叮 First even/including two bone shot down sounds, on the sand of not far away dropped the snow white bones of two half index finger lengths, the bone fell on the ground sends out to corrode the sand unexpectedly the sound, on the sand was corroded two not too big nor too small potholes. 一连两声骨头被击落的声音,不远处的沙地上落下了两枚半截食指长度的雪白骨头,骨头落在地上竟然发出腐蚀沙子的声响,不知不觉间沙地上被腐蚀出了两个不大不小的坑洞。 Looks at this All-Killing Ash Bones destructive power, Le Yuan rejoiced secretly. Is good has not pulled rank because of him with the hand meets this move, but chose shot down with the bone bullet that Gungnir will fly. 看着这共杀灰骨的破坏力,乐渊不由暗自庆幸。好在他没有托大用手去接这一招,而是选择了用永恒之枪将飞来的骨头子弹击落。 Has still not acted in Hinata that preparing to counter-attack, after Le Yuan defends the probes of two bone bullets, Kaguya goes crazy probably first even/including more than 40 rounds[ All-Killing Ash Bones: Ten-Finger Drilling Bullets] the attack, attack already composed a wall. 还在准备反击的雏田依然没有动作,在乐渊防御住两枚骨头子弹的试探之后,辉夜像是发了疯似的一连四十多发[共杀灰骨·十指穿弹]的攻击,攻击都已经组成一面墙了。 The golden Gungnir spear head shakes, just like the golden flood dragon to fall in several spear/gun flowers this desperate attack total in the Le Yuan hand sufficiently. 金色的永恒之枪枪头一抖,在乐渊手中犹如金色蛟龙在几个枪花之间将这足以令人绝望的攻击全数落下。 Found!” “找到了!” When under Le Yuan prevents the bone that raids, has observed ambient condition Hinata also to lock was just about to return Kaguya in different space. Spatial Displacement in addition Tenseigan pattern[ Futae no Kiwami hammering], just wanted to be separated from this space Kaguya to be repelled by Hinata actually. 就在乐渊阻挡下袭来的骨头之时,一直观察着周围情况的雏田同样锁定了正要退回异空间之内的辉夜空间移动外加转生眼模式的[二重之极・震击],刚刚欲要脱离这个空间辉夜硬是被雏田打得退了出来。 The defense destruction of Futae no Kiwami adds on the strength invasion of Gentle Fist to take to a Kaguya big injury, but Kaguya but the ancestor of Byakugan. If Hinata is rare has high-purity Byakugan Byakugan Princess, then Kaguya is Byakugan Queen. 二重之极的防御破坏加上柔拳的劲力入侵带给辉夜不小的伤害,但是辉夜可是白眼之祖。如果说雏田是难得一见拥有高纯度白眼白眼姬,那么辉夜就是白眼女王 Martial Arts that although Hinata uses is not Hyūga Clan Gentle Fist, but still has to be the Gentle Fist shadow to exist. But this Gentle Fist the Ōtsutsuki Hamura study from Kaguya, this naturally caused the Kaguya full power to counter-attack in the final analysis in the past. 虽然雏田用的体术并非完全是日向一族柔拳,但是依然有着属于柔拳的影子存在。而这柔拳归根结底还是当年大筒木羽村学自辉夜的,这自然引得辉夜的全力反攻。 Does not take seriously the quantity facing Hinata that the sole destruction for Futae no Kiwami of subject, Kaguya direct both hands changes to the innumerable fist shades, a type[ Eighty Gods Vacuum Attack] conducted the counter-attack of being relentless. 面对雏田那不重视数量而已单一的破坏为主题的二重之极,辉夜直接双手化作无数拳影,一式[八十神空击]进行了毫不留情的反击。 chakra on Kaguya fist achieved the pinnacle, causes the fist of Kaguya compared with Tsunade strange strength fist fearful over a hundred times, in addition airtight attack, this[ Eighty Gods Vacuum Attack] offense and defense has both to feel to be said. 辉夜拳头上的查克拉达到了极致,使得辉夜的拳头比起纲手的怪力拳可怕上百倍,再加上密不通风的攻击,这[八十神空击]攻守兼备觉得称得上。 Facing so fearful attack, even if already becomes Tenseigan Chakra Mode Hinata still to frighten beautiful face changing colors. The desperate under use she familiar is also most basic type Hyūga Clan Martial Arts [Revolving Heaven]. 面对如此可怕的攻击,纵然已经成为转生眼查克拉模式雏田依然吓得花容失色。情急之下用处了她最熟悉也是最根本的一式日向一族体术[回天] However just like the same style different people use to have the different effects, wells up also to have the different effects in the different conditions. But Hinata under Tenseigan Chakra Mode puts forth this move of strongest person without doubt, a type can merely, in Ninja World has prestige [Revolving Heaven] to evolve in the hand of Hinata for thinly[ God: Revolving Heaven]. 不过正如同样招式不同的人用出来有着不一样的效果,在不同的状态下涌出来同样有不同的效果。而转生眼查克拉模式下的雏田无疑是使出这一招最强的人,一式仅仅能在忍界薄有威名的[回天]雏田的手中进化为了[神·回天]。 [ Eighty Gods Vacuum Attack][ God: Revolving Heaven] is a style of attack and defense body, whom such collision has one to put together really greatly is the trend of most Martial Arts. The fist that Kaguya wields unceasingly falls on the chakra ball that Hinata is released externally has not exploded its dozen, but the counter-attack of Hinata great power cannot similarly the fist of rebound Eighty Gods Vacuum Attack. 无论是[八十神空击]还是[神·回天]都是攻防一体的招式,这样的碰撞着实大有一拼谁才是最体术的趋势。辉夜不断挥出的拳头落在雏田外放的查克拉球上并没有将其打爆,而雏田回天的反击同样没能够反弹八十神空击的拳头。 Okaa-sama is careful!” 母亲大人小心!” In situation that in Kaguya and Hinata beat mutually, as Black Zetsu that the big maternal aunt blood condition presents detected presents Le Yuan that decisively from Kaguya behind. The present situation is two pairs one, Kaguya only noticed the Hinata situation suddenly, simply had not detected that Le Yuan already arrived at her behind. 就在辉夜雏田互殴的情况下,作为大姨妈血状态出现的黑绝果断发觉从辉夜身后出现的乐渊。现在的情况可是二对一,辉夜一时间只注意到了雏田的情况,根本没有发觉乐渊已经来到了她的身后。 chakra extraction! 查克拉抽取! A Le Yuan palm pats in the Kaguya back, simultaneously used a Tenseigan most BUG ability, tried to extract directly her chakra from Kaguya within the body. chakra is spirit and union of physical body Strength, once were extracted, means that the stupor even died, the light point will also become without the living corpse of strength of resistance. 乐渊一掌拍在辉夜的背后,同时使用出了转生眼最为BUG的一个能力,直接试着从辉夜的体内将她的查克拉抽取出来。查克拉精神与肉体力量的结合,一旦被抽取出来,也就意味着昏迷甚至死亡,轻一点也会成为毫无反抗之力的活死人。 chakra of Kaguya within the body very tenacious, although Le Yuan is trying the extraction to the utmost full power, after Kaguya responds quickly can only extract part of chakra, but bountiful so formed is completely as good the general tailed beast powerful chakra group. 辉夜体内的查克拉非常的顽强,虽然乐渊极尽全力试着抽取,但是在辉夜很快就做出回应之后仅能抽取一部分的查克拉,但饶是如此形成了完全不逊于一般尾兽强大查克拉团。 Uses the chakra group that the chakra extraction obtains unable immediately the transformation to be chakra of Tenseigan owner, non- office these chakra have Essence, Qi, and Spirit of others, whether is only the physical body carrying/sustaining is an issue. 使用查克拉抽取得到的查克拉团并不能立即转化为转生眼拥有者的查克拉,不会所这些查克拉带有其他人的精气神,光是肉体能否承载就是一个问题。 Therefore the chakra extraction often is the following move of prerequisite skill, after extraction chakra swallows oneself body, own body treats as the stopover station later to be reverse the chakra ball ejects to form the attack of destructive power powerful. 是故查克拉抽取往往是接下来一招的前置技能,通过抽取的查克拉吞噬到己身之后,将自己的身体当作中转站随后反向将查克拉球击出形成破坏力强大的攻击。 Strikes the chakra demolition of zero distance, belonged to Kaguya chakra to hit in this moment in conducting the back of Kaguya, Kaguya under this struck was in a state of severe wound. 一击零距离的查克拉爆破,属于辉夜查克拉在这一刻命中在了辉夜的背上,辉夜在这一击之下陷入了重伤状态。
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