VE :: Volume #8 三阶首战影之忍者

#737: The men and women match, that anything is not tired

Is the incarnation the space of ice? The idea of Kaguya is indeed good, can avoid being injured, can own attack maximization, through having the fetter, freezing and other cold ice of lethality attacks. 化身为冰之空间?辉夜的想法的确非常好,既能够避免受到伤害,同时也能够将自己的攻击最大化,通过带有束缚、冰冻等多种杀伤力的寒冰进行攻击。 The attack of giant ice piece as from is used for in all directions, even if Le Yuan also has Hinata two to play airtight Truth-Seeking Ball, will block from attack in all directions completely, but restores the speed compared with Kaguya chakra, stamina of Le Yuan and Le Yuan liangs person appears especially is beset with problems. 随着从四面八方用来的巨大冰块的袭击,就算乐渊还有雏田两个将求道玉耍得密不通风,将来自四面八方的攻击完全挡住,但是比起辉夜查克拉恢复速度来,乐渊个人的体力那就显得尤为捉襟见肘。 Kaguya can continue uninterruptedly with such attack, but Le Yuan stamina is not bad, but Tenseigan Chakra Mode by his stamina scratch coat, uses to be much more strenuous than in the final analysis Le Yuan own style. Not to mention nearby Hinata or growth period, although obtained Tenseigan Strength, but the main body does not have Kaguya such physique to spend freely for it, therefore insisted after most of the day , can only fall an exhausted fate. 辉夜用这样的攻击能够不间断地一直持续下去,而乐渊虽然体力不差,但是转生眼查克拉模式说到底还是以他的体力打底的,用起来远比乐渊自己的招式费力得多。更别提一旁的雏田还是成长期,虽然获得了转生眼力量,但是本体并没有辉夜那样的体质供其挥霍,是故坚持大半天之后也只能落个筋疲力竭的下场。 Hinata! No. 1 course of action!” 雏田!一号作战方案!” The Le Yuan words simply have not evaded Kaguya one, the sound while spreading to the Hinata ear naturally also fell into the ear of Kaguya. However Kaguya hides in his sleeve maternal aunt blood Black Zetsu can only hear the cloud smog to circle, does not know the outcome that in the Le Yuan mouth the so-called No. 1 combat refers to is what thing. 乐渊的话根本没有避讳辉夜的一丝,声音在传入雏田耳中的同时自然也落入到了辉夜的耳中。不过无论是辉夜还是藏在他袖子里姨妈血黑绝都只能听得云烟雾绕的,根本不知道乐渊口中所谓的一号作战指的究竟是什么东西 About information of Kaguya combat, Le Yuan before the Ninja World war starts then already and Hinata have ventilated. The use similar Legilimency way, Le Yuan made the memory that oneself and Kaguya fought make Hinata experience the situation personally to feel. 关于辉夜作战的情报,乐渊早在忍界大战开始之前便已经雏田通过气。使用类似摄魂念取的方式,乐渊令自己与辉夜大战的记忆让雏田身历其境感受了一遍。 Knows clear Hinata regarding the Kaguya ability, Kaguya with the method total that will fight will naturally also learn during the explanation of Le Yuan. But this course of action is several sets of Le Yuan formulation opposes the enemy the first plan in method. 对于辉夜能力知晓得一清二楚的雏田,自然也在乐渊的讲解之中将与辉夜战斗的方法全数学会了。而这一号作战方案就是乐渊制定的数套对敌方法中的第一方案。 This plan not detailed operational step, had not stipulated that Hinata conducts any stationary the attack repertoire. After all the operational environment is ever changing, was decided that to push Hinata toward the fire of high-piled firewood in the repertoire simply. 这个方案并没有详细的作战步骤,也没有规定雏田进行任何固定式的攻击套路。毕竟作战环境千变万化,将套路定死了那简直就是把雏田往火堆里面推。 Core true meaning of this course of action only then, makes a move to attract and shift the attack of Kaguya by Hinata full power, is Le Yuan makes a move to win more time. 这一号作战方案的核心真义只有一个,以雏田全力出手吸引、转移辉夜的攻击,为乐渊的出手争取更多的时间。 After hearing the Le Yuan words, Hinata immediately flying, but the front surface kept off before the body of Le Yuan, looked is changing to Kaguya that the iceberg pressed, Hinata lifts the right palm dozens Truth-Seeking Ball to revolve own right hand revolving unceasingly, 听到了乐渊的话之后,雏田当即飞身而起迎面挡在了乐渊的身前,望着化作冰山压过来的辉夜,雏田抬起右手掌将数十个求道玉不断围绕着自己的右手旋转、 Tenseigan deep meaning[ Silver Wheel Reincarnation Explosion], has Tenseigan Hinata naturally also to use this move of technique. However compared with Le Yuan regarding this move of regarding as important Truth-Seeking Ball penetration injury, Hinata regarding this move regarding as important Truth-Seeking Ball that revolves on the contrary unceasingly produces shaking Strength. 转生眼奥义[银轮转生爆],拥有转生眼雏田自然也能够施展这一招术。不过比起乐渊对于这一招看重的求道玉穿透伤害,雏田对于这一招看重的反倒是不断旋转的求道玉产生的“震”的力量 already changed to glacier Kaguya the move of Strength that although shows to Hinata quite dreaded, but the glacier is not her main body, how even if this Silver Wheel Reincarnation Explosion Strength destroy the Heavens and extinguish the Earth can, be able to penetrate the destruction glacier wound sufficiently to be inadequate to her main body? 已经化作了冰川的辉夜虽然对雏田展现的这一招的力量颇为忌惮,但是冰川并非她的本体,纵然这银轮转生爆力量足以毁天灭地又能如何,难道还能透过破坏冰川伤到她的本体不成? Kaguya direct control no fear was oppressing toward the glacier that Hinata approached by the potential of blotting out the sky. 毫无惧色的辉夜直接控制着以铺天盖地之势向着雏田逼近的冰川压迫了过来。 Has condensed in Silver Wheel Reincarnation Explosion of Hinata right hand approaches Hinata less than 100 meters this moment to have the move in Kaguya suddenly, the tornado violent that Truth-Seeking Ball forms to link up the potential of Heaven and Earth not to give way to traffic, facing glacier that the far ultra Silver Wheel Reincarnation Explosion attack mentioned, the Truth-Seeking Ball storm is running upon that moment of glacier the giant glacier mountain range not to make a hole anxiously, on the contrary after the thorough glacier more than 50 meters, diameter ten meters Truth-Seeking Ball tornado was divided into ten, was centered on each Truth-Seeking Ball composed the small-scale Truth-Seeking Ball storm to proliferate toward all around. 一直凝聚于雏田右手的银轮转生爆辉夜逼近雏田不到100米的这一刻陡然出招,求道玉形成的龙卷风暴以贯通天地之势毫不避让,面对远超银轮转生爆攻击提及的冰川,求道玉风暴在撞上冰川的那一刻并没有急着将巨大的冰川山脉打出一个洞,相反在深入冰川50多米后,原本直径十米的求道玉龙卷风一分为十,以每一颗求道玉为核心组成小型求道玉风暴向着四周扩散了出去。 From the Silver Wheel Reincarnation Explosion hit Kaguya control glacier mountain range, was torn by the Truth-Seeking Ball dragon volume of scattering in all directions to the glacier mountain range thoroughly, altogether crossed is about ten seconds. 银轮转生爆命中辉夜控制的冰川山脉,到冰川山脉被四散的求道玉龙卷彻底撕裂,总共过了不过十秒钟。 During this , although the Kaguya undying heart wants the control glacier to oppress others by the potential as before, but this glacier went forward more than 50 meters then to be made to disintegrate by Silver Wheel Reincarnation Explosion Strength, could not pose the threat again. 这期间虽然辉夜依旧不死心地想要控制冰川以势压人,但是这冰川不过前进了50多米便被银轮转生爆力量弄得分崩离析,再也构不成威胁。 However the Kaguya incarnation for the world's largest ability is the endless attack, even if only glacier mountain range were destroyed, how that can? After the glacier mountain range was destroyed was just tranquil less than half minutes, distant place another be continuous several thousand mountain range seemed like lives in a flash thoroughly generally, raised again instantaneously, the glacier of sun-blocking turned toward Le Yuan also to have Hinata to approach again. 不过辉夜化身为世界最大的能力便是无休无止的攻击,区区一座冰川山脉就算被毁了,那又能如何?在冰川山脉被毁灭之后刚刚平静了不过半分钟,转瞬间远处另一座绵延数千名的山脉像是彻底活了一般,再一次瞬间拔高,遮天蔽日的冰川再一次向着乐渊还有雏田逼近。 This is Kaguya this move of nausea is, Silver Wheel Reincarnation Explosion can indeed destroy the glacier mountain range, how many times but terrifying can such attack use in the Hinata hand? 这就是辉夜这一招的恶心所在,银轮转生爆的确可以将冰川山脉破坏,但是这样恐怖的攻击在雏田手中又能使用多少次呢? The incarnation can cause the innumerable glacier mountain ranges to conduct the steamroll for Kaguya of space of ice, when Hinata eventually powerfully completely, once the defense of Hinata cannot keep up with the Kaguya attack rhythm, then Hinata will certainly suffer a defeat and flee. 化身为冰之空间的辉夜可以弄出无数座冰川山脉进行碾压,但是雏田终究会有力尽之时,一旦雏田的防守跟不上辉夜的攻击节奏,那么雏田必将败亡。 Then, has conducted the protection Hinata to put forth five Silver Wheel Reincarnation Explosion for Le Yuan again, repelled continually five times the attack of Kaguya. This consumed Hinata massive chakra at the same time, was Le Yuan wins lots of time. 就这样,一直替乐渊进行守护的雏田再次使出了五次银轮转生爆,将辉夜的攻击也一连击退了五次。这消耗了雏田大量查克拉的同时,也为乐渊争取到了大量的时间。 Don't waste your energy, your chakra and your Strength all are I give, now also arrives at your feedback I the time, including to your eye!” “不要白费力气了,你们的查克拉、你们的力量全都是我给予的,现在也到了你们回馈我的时候,包括对你的眼睛!” The Kaguya sound from passed on this moment in all directions, as if she appear here moment in each place of space of this ice. everywhere, cannots be found anywhere, the pressure that this intermittent words create is not ordinary person can withstand. 辉夜的声音在这一刻从四面八方传了过来,仿佛她在这一刻出现在这个冰之空间的每一处地方。无处不在,无处可寻,这阵阵话语带来的压力绝非常人所能够承受。 Sufficed, first restores!” “够了,先去恢复一下吧!” Le Yuan built in the flash right hand on the right shoulder of Hinata, immediately under the sweep of strength of the world, Hinata was taken back in the heavenly book fairyland by Le Yuan. The plan of Le Yuan is it can be said that absolutely safe, when Hinata strives Le Yuan rest, when Le Yuan starts to catch up, Hinata then can return to the heavenly book fairyland through Karin[ physical ability cure] rapidly restores chakra, prepares to enter the fight again. 乐渊在一瞬间右手搭在了雏田的右肩上,顿时在世界之力的笼罩下,雏田乐渊收回了天书仙境内。乐渊的计划可以说是万无一失的,雏田出力时乐渊休息,当乐渊开始发力的时候,雏田便能够回到天书仙境通过香磷的[体能治愈]快速恢复查克拉,准备再一次进入战斗。 Hinata that is responsible for attacking, is as Karin of logistics medical officers, already under training of Le Yuan makes a name initially, absolutely is the rare talent. Coordinates the Le Yuan heavenly book fairyland this absolutely impossible broken safe house again, then had one perfect sustainable battle plan. 无论是负责攻击的雏田,还是作为后勤医疗人员的香磷,在乐渊的培养之下已经初成气候,绝对是不可多得的人才。再配合上乐渊的天书仙境这绝对不可能被打破的安全屋,便有了一套完善的可持续战斗方案。 In that moment that Hinata vanishes, the incarnation felt to come from Kaguya of space of ice that extremely weak space Strength on Le Yuan. Has the shield of strength of the world, although Kaguya depends is in itself Space Control of ice the superior sensation that and is in one with it arrived, but wants the traceback heavenly book fairyland that is dream of a fool. 雏田消失的那一刻,化身为冰之空间的辉夜感受到了来自于乐渊手上那极为微弱的空间力量。有着世界之力的屏蔽,虽然辉夜仗着自己是冰之空间掌控者并且与之合为一体的优势感知到了,但是想要反向追踪到天书仙境那是痴人说梦。 After Hinata vanishes, where Kaguya simply did not have free time to pay attention to Hinata to go to again. Le Yuan right hand that condensed the chakra fluctuation of essence is really the terrifying, but regarding own security completely confident Kaguya when Le Yuan condensed Strength has not cared completely. 雏田消失后,辉夜根本没有闲工夫再去理会雏田前往了哪里。乐渊右手那凝聚到了实质的查克拉波动实在是恐怖,不过对于自己的安全完全有信心的辉夜乐渊凝聚力量时也没完全在意。 Hinata that however after really being in the way vanishes, when faces chakra that revealed again is worry that one type has a lingering fear. 不过真当碍事的雏田消失之后,再面对了显露的查克拉时还是一种心有余悸的担心。 [ Golden Wheel Reincarnation Explosion], this move of Le Yuan has never used in anybody at present, because besides consumes too in a big way, what is more important is never has a safe place to be able for Le Yuan to launch this move. [金轮转生爆],这一招乐渊从未在任何人眼前使用过,除了由于消耗是在太大以外,更重要的是从来没有一个安全的地方能够供乐渊将这一招施展开。 Under the original works, only has Ōtsutsuki Toneri to wield to break out two halves with this move of chakra light sword the entire Moon, but strengthens Le Yuan that puts forth this move compared with after what consequence Ōtsutsuki Toneri will have no one to be clear. 原著之中,唯有大筒木舍人用这一招查克拉光剑一挥之下将整个月球劈开成两半,而比大筒木舍人更加强的乐渊使出这一招后会产生什么样的后果没有人能够清楚。 Facing lifting up high Le Yuan of Golden Wheel Reincarnation Explosion light sword, Kaguya is shouting angrily the all around glacier fiercely too high incessantly hundred meters, probably a glacier pyramid gathered toward Le Yuan finally. 面对高举着金轮转生爆光剑的乐渊,辉夜怒喝一声将四周的冰川猛地太高不止百米,像是一座冰川金字塔般向着终于的乐渊合了过来。 Vanishes to me!” “给我消失吧!” Le Yuan has collected in the chakra light sword of right arm, as wielding of right hand, spews out fiercely, the length of flash light sword exceeded hundred meters, but along with the glacier that also in being assigned away from the capital chakra light sword all around closes up the total changes into the ice slag water vapor to dissipate in a flash in this space. 乐渊一直收束在右臂的查克拉光剑随着右手的挥动,猛地喷涌而出,一瞬间光剑的长度超过了百米,而伴随着还在外放的查克拉光剑四周靠拢的冰川在转瞬之间全数化为冰渣水汽消散在这个空间内。 But the attack of Kaguya was destroyed did not end, the attack of Le Yuan continued to release to go down to the glacier land. With thorough of chakra light sword, Le Yuan continues maintains the output at the same time, the arm started to wield. 辉夜的攻击被毁灭还不是结束,乐渊的攻击继续释放深入了冰川大地内。伴随着查克拉光剑的深入,乐渊持续保持输出的同时,手臂开始挥动了。 The chakra light sword seems like the Heavens Punishment attack that the god gives, the glacier land entire incision, the trench that is too deep to see the bottom together appears , and referred to the space, along with the Le Yuan arm wielded this trench to cut the feeling of horizon greatly. 查克拉光剑像是神给予的天谴攻击,将冰川大地整个切开,一道深不见底的壕沟出现在了并指空间内,伴随着乐渊手臂的挥动这壕沟大有划破天际之感。 Not you cannot do that!” “不你不能这么做!” When Le Yuan entire cuts the land of space of ice, Kaguya that belt/bring the hatred angry roaring sound was passing to the ear of Le Yuan filled with, at the same time be used toward Le Yuan compared with must more intense killing intent and attack at any time. 正当乐渊将冰之空间的大地整个划破之时,辉夜那带着满腔恨意的怒吼声传到了乐渊的耳中,与此同时比任何时候都要更加强烈的杀意、攻击向着乐渊用来。 The wind and snow stick out suddenly, ice corner of dropping from the clouds, heading on glacier mountain of sword. The space of entire ice probably was insane turned toward Le Yuan to launch the attack generally. 风雪暴起,从天而降的冰棱,扑面而来的冰川刀山。整个冰之空间都像是疯了一般向着乐渊发动攻击。 However facing such to the attack that he raids, Le Yuan is actually without turning a hair the chakra light sword that held up just to attack again to slide again to the land, the giant bellow that immediately the glacier ruptured spread over the space of entire ice. 不过面对这样的向他袭来的攻击,乐渊却面不改色再度举起刚刚攻击完的查克拉光剑再一次滑向了大地,顿时冰川爆裂的巨大轰鸣声传遍了整个冰之空间。 The chakra light sword seems like that Heavenly Sword and tofu drills into the glacier deep place general with ease again, as Le Yuan that just like in the painter hand the paint brush common right hand to be divided into four this glacier world. 查克拉光剑像是那倚天剑豆腐一般轻松地再一次钻入冰川深处,随着乐渊那犹如画家手中画笔一般的右手将这个冰川世界一分为四。 Initially first time entered to[ Amenominaka] the time of space, Le Yuan had a question, actually that was these six spaces big, was the infinite world is merely one like Summoning Realm such Small World. 当初第一次进入到[天之御中]空间的时候,乐渊就有一个疑问,那就是这六个空间究竟有多大,是无限的世界还是仅仅一个如同通灵界那样的小世界 [ Amenominaka] is not in the Kaguya hand a technique is so absolutely simple, even these six space and beginning space of spheres adds is the Kaguya basis is. [天之御中]绝对不是辉夜手中一个术那么简单,甚至这六个空间和始球空间加起来就是辉夜的根本所在。 When Le Yuan holds the Golden Wheel Reincarnation Explosion chakra light/only sword destroys the space of ice, the response of Kaguya also makes Le Yuan believe firmly, that is space of ice several spaces has the unreplaceable function to Kaguya absolutely. 而当乐渊操起金轮转生爆查克拉光剑破坏起冰之空间的时候,辉夜的反应也令乐渊更加确信一点,那就是冰之空间在内的几个空间绝对对辉夜有着不可替代的作用。 But since Kaguya loves dearly, then Le Yuan destroyed the space of ice to be relentless. After the glacier land of under foot is divided into four, the chakra light sword on hand stagnates later rapidly vanishes. 辉夜既然心疼,那么乐渊破坏起冰之空间就更加毫不留情了。当了将脚下的冰川大地一分为四之后,手上的查克拉光剑一滞随后迅速消失。 Consumption of Golden Wheel Reincarnation Explosion in huge, after a Le Yuan face delimits two Strength that then has not continued to maintain again. This is not Le Yuan stamina is unable to maintain its consumption, but pure relies on Demon Equipment[ Reincarnation Round Dance] also can only support Le Yuan to wield one time to attack twice. 金轮转生爆的消耗是在庞大,当乐渊一脸划出两件之后便再也没有继续维持下去的力量。这不是乐渊体力无法维持其消耗,而是纯粹的凭借魔具[转生轮舞]也只能一次支持乐渊挥出两次攻击而已。 However Golden Wheel Reincarnation Explosion attack already had the effect, after seeing only not far away glacier was shattered, Kaguya is unable to maintain with the condition of space of fusion ice finally again. Now the glacier shatter is not so only simple, as Le Yuan cuts open under foot entire continent completely, edge of space of already this ice at self- destruction, perhaps soon then complete disintegration. 不过金轮转生爆的攻击已经产生了功效,只见不远处冰川破碎之后,辉夜终于再也无法维持和冰之空间融合的状态。现在不仅仅冰川破碎那么简单,随着乐渊将脚底下的整个大陆完全切开,这个冰之空间已经处在自我毁灭的边缘,或许用不了多久便会完全崩碎。
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