VE :: Volume #8 三阶首战影之忍者

#736: Fights Rabbit Goddess again

When Le Yuan and Hagoromo just chatted happy, already accepted Six Paths inheritance Naruto and Sasuke already successfully breaks through the cocoon that the divine tree branch formed, was separated from the condition of human body battery. 就在乐渊羽衣聊得正欢的时候,已经接受了六道传承的鸣人佐助已经成功突破了神树树枝结成的茧,从人体电池的状态中脱离了出来。 When Naruto and Sasuke saw when outside fight that was shocked truly, two by the person who powerful azure chakra wrapped with a woman who has the white landing long hair is fighting, compared with the present fight scene, before and fight of Obito and spot is completely the small scene. 而当鸣人佐助见到外面的战斗时那是真正被震撼到了,两个被强大的青色查克拉包裹的人正与一个有着白色落地长发的女人在战斗着,比起现在的战斗场面,之前与带土、斑的战斗完全就是小场面。 Huge divine tree already could not withstand devastation that three people fought to fall down, three people that but in the sky fought did not care completely. Hinata and Lingqi that does not know completely divine tree importance, but Kaguya has not cared to this divine tree body simply completely, so long as she is willing to gather chakra to summon complete divine tree momentarily to come out again. 巨大的神树已经经不起三人战斗的摧残倒在了地上,不过天空上战斗的三人完全不在意。雏田绮玲那是完全不知道神树的重要性,而辉夜则干脆是对这个神树的躯壳完全没放在心上,只要她愿意随时都能够再度集合查克拉召唤一个完整的神树出来。 Sasuke, did you discover the aura of that two person? And should be that Le Yuan that killed three generations of grandfathers, another is Hinata?” 佐助,你发现了那两个人的气息了吗?其中一个应该是那个杀了三代爷爷的乐渊,另一个难道是雏田?” Depends on Sage Body that inherits, just ran shortly after Naruto in feeling the sky their aura after Kaguya said. 靠着传承到的仙人体,刚刚跑出来没多久的鸣人在感受到天空中除了辉夜之外两人的气息后说道。 Unlike the Naruto aura sensation, Sage Eyes power of observation that Sasuke inherits may be more astonishing, saw clearly the appearances of three people by an eye from the supervelocity fight actually. Le Yuan and Hinata appearance he naturally sees clearly, because so can be shocked with Naruto generally. 鸣人的气息感知不同,佐助传承到的仙人眼的观察力那可就更加惊人,凭借一双眼睛硬是从超高速战斗中看清楚了三个人的面貌。乐渊雏田的外貌他自然看得清清楚楚,正是因为如此才会和鸣人一般愣住了。 Le Yuan can erupt so the strength also to say normally, but where Hyūga Hinata that has been in people's mind ordinary and is shy girl been possible to display such strength , is this having a dream? 乐渊能够爆发出如此实力还可以说正常,但是日向雏田那个在众人心目中一直普普通通、甚为害羞的女孩哪有可能发挥出这样的实力,这难道说是在做梦吗? Even suspected in oneself Genjutsu (Illusionary Technique) Sasuke conducted Genjutsu (Illusionary Technique) to rebound with own Dōjutsu (Eye Technique) immediately, but had not discovered that unusual he became has doubts. 甚至怀疑自己中了幻术佐助立马用自己的瞳术进行幻术反弹,但是并没有发现有异常的他变得更加疑惑了。 Insufficiently they did not have the time to have doubts, from Six Paths there learned fearful two people already that Kaguya powerful and she resurrected set firm resolve again the Kaguya seal. Person who since can fight with Kaguya, then natural is their partners, but two people after looking at each other one joined in the battlefield. 不够他们也没时间进行疑惑了,从六道那里得知辉夜强大和她复活的可怕的两人已经下定决心再一次将辉夜封印。既然还有能够与辉夜一战的人,那么自然是他们两个的伙伴,而两人在对视了一眼后一齐加入了战场之中。 In a flash, fights 4 v 1 that turns into from original 2 v 1, although what a pity the population increases, but fights not, as increase and slight change of population. From beginning to end is Kaguya presses Hinata and the others to attack fiercely , compared to avoid to dodge many Hinata and Lingqi, choice hard just Naruto and Sasuke two people of groups appeared distressed. 一瞬间,战斗从原本的2v1变成的4v1,可惜虽然人数增加的,但是战斗并没有随着人数的增加而又丝毫的改变。从始至终都是辉夜压着雏田等人猛击,相比较回避闪躲较多的雏田绮玲,一直选择硬刚的鸣人佐助二人组就显得狼狈了许多。 Present Kaguya is not in the original works that has not displayed many false expert of fight experience from beginning to end, only then exceeds everyone's powerful chakra and style does not have with the pit goods of fight experience it coordinates. 现在的辉夜可不是原著中那个从始至终就没表现出多少战斗经验的伪高手,只有超越所有人的强大查克拉和招式却无与之配合的战斗经验的坑货。 In that fight before 1000 year, Kaguya to a great extent defeats a superior enemy to constrain by the fight experience and forms of combat innumerable Le Yuan, finally will also come from by the seal in catching up of Le Yuan to a great extent. Has not prepared to eat again one time in Kaguya that this aspect suffers a loss, therefore besides resurrecting Kaguya constantly gained in the fight experience before another Quest of Black Zetsu by seal, when later and Kaguya fusion one and transmits to Kaguya. 千年前的那一场战斗中,辉夜很大程度上就是被战斗经验和战斗方式数不胜数的乐渊以弱胜强拖住的,最后会被封印很大程度上也源自于乐渊的发力。在这方面吃了大亏的辉夜可没有准备再吃一次,因此在被封印前的黑绝除了复活辉夜之外的另一个任务就是不断积累战斗经验,当以后与辉夜融合时一并传输给辉夜 Before Le Yuan 1000 year , the trouble of causing, was unjustly discredited makes 1000 year later Naruto and Sasuke be a scapegoat. After being self-confident new Strength, two people who prepare an show/unfolds skill were perplexed immediately, if no lending a hand of Hinata and Lingqi, perhaps knelt directly. 乐渊千年前惹出来的祸,黑锅就让千年之后的鸣人佐助背锅了。原本自信满满难道新力量后准备一展身手的两个人当即就被打蒙了,如果不是有着雏田绮玲的帮衬,恐怕直接就跪了。 However the bonus is so, in the flexibility has not had Tenseigan Lingqi and Hinata strong two people, finally was seized the opportunity to tow directly Amenominaka Naruto and Sasuke that in the space, has not experienced in this case were completely separated quickly, what achievement facing terrifying Kaguya isn't able to put forth two people of seal also to have with joint forces? Was detained the space of ice, but another lost the space of sand directly. 不过饶是如此,灵活性上没有拥有转生眼绮玲雏田强的两个人,终于还是被抓住了机会直接拖到了【天之御中】的空间之中,在这种情况下完全没有经验的鸣人佐助很快就被分开了,无法合力使出封印的两人面对恐怖的辉夜还能有什么作为?一个被关押到了冰之空间,而另一个则直接丢到了沙之空间。 The separated two people do not have the space ability, did not have the assistance of Kakashi and Obito, 被分开的两个人并不具备空间能力,没有了卡卡西带土的协助, Two person times really by dire straits in Amenominaka In space. But regarding is also at outside Le Yuan and Hinata, Kaguya does not want to pay attention is not willing to pay attention, when at least Kaguya has not taken back most essential chakra cannot battle with it. 两个人这一次真的是被困死在了【天之御中】的空间之中。而对于还处在外边的乐渊雏田,辉夜不想理会也不愿意理会,最起码当辉夜还没有收回最关键的查克拉时不能与之交战。 Strength that although the Le Yuan body of Lü Lingqi control shows on weak many, however careful Kaguya does not want adventure to fight tooth and nail with Le Yuan. Therefore draws Naruto and Sasuke to Amenominaka After closed room, then dealt with two people. 虽然吕绮玲控制乐渊身体表现出来的实力弱上了不少,但是小心谨慎的辉夜还是不愿意冒险与“乐渊”搏命。是故将鸣人佐助拉至【天之御中】的封闭空间后,便地对付起了两个人。 Un? Lingqi was laborious, then gives me!” “嗯?绮玲辛苦了,接下来就交给我吧!” Returns to the main body Le Yuan after Lü Lingqi returned to Small World repeatedly, started to reorganize the matter of these days in just three seconds. However after understand present situation, Le Yuan can only frown complains of hardship secretly. 重新回归本体的乐渊在反复了吕绮玲回归小世界之后,开始在短短三秒内整理好了这段时间发生的事情。不过当明白现况之后,乐渊只能皱着眉头暗暗叫苦。 The Kaguya forms of combat can say directly from the round system fight saltatory evolution of traditional fool rpg Demon Lord the boss attack of movement class top AI control. Especially Black Zetsu supplies ideas in the one side, analyzes the mode of operations of everyone, made Hinata their fight is everywhere restricted. 辉夜的战斗方式可以说直接从传统傻瓜式rpg魔王的回合制战斗跳跃进化到了动作类顶级ai控制的boss攻击。尤其是黑绝在一旁出谋划策,将每一个人的作战方式进行解析,令雏田他们的战斗更是处处受限。 However these are also not most troublesome, after Kaguya gets rid of Naruto and Sasuke, absorbed Ninja World 90% chakra she to leap absolutely exceeds her before 1000 year. At this time before Le Yuan compared with on 1000 year condition good some, to be possible not to be the Hagoromo degree as for Hinata this helper at most, could kill the ingredient that Kaguya really must look at the luck. 不过这些还不是最麻烦的,当辉夜鸣人佐助干掉之后,吸收了忍界90%查克拉她绝对会一跃超越千年前的她。这时候乐渊顶多比千年前的状态好上一些,至于雏田这个帮手可达不到羽衣的程度,能否干掉辉夜真的要看运气的成分了。 Hinata, then lends me your Strength temporarily!” 雏田,接下来将你的力量暂时借给我!” With speech of Le Yuan, the tone restored then to be recognized by Hinata to Le Yuan of original design immediately. But regarding Le Yuan said that taking advantage of the matter of strength, as Le Yuan Hinata that hands over the student naturally cannot reject. 随着乐渊的发话,语气恢复到原样的乐渊立马便被雏田认了出来。而对于乐渊所说借力的事情,身为乐渊一手交出来学生的雏田自然不会拒绝。 The left hand of Le Yuan grasps on the right hand of Hinata, chakra that at the same time Le Yuan after absorbing Hinata transmitted own Tenseigan space ability coordinates his space Strength limit search. 乐渊的左手握在雏田的右手上,同一时刻乐渊在吸收了雏田传来的查克拉之后自身的转生眼空间能力配合他自身的空间力量极限搜索。 Got buried into Naruto within the body the space of space anchor to induce with the aid of Le Yuan very early in the morning, tries to find to Kaguya Amenominaka Method. 借助乐渊一早就埋进鸣人体内的空间锚的空间感应,试着找到通往辉夜天之御中】的方法。 This traceback may be more troublesome than general Spatial Displacement, the only good news is the Le Yuan ability of space ability under the assistance of Hinata rises sharply, although can only catch the weak fluctuation of flashing past as before, but actually does not arrive compared with anything sensation many. 这种反向追踪可比一般的空间移动更加麻烦,不过唯一的好消息就是乐渊的空间能力在雏田的协助之下能力大涨,虽然依旧只能捕捉到一闪而过的微弱波动,但是却比什么都感知不到好得多。 Grasps the opportunity that flashes to pass, the Le Yuan success brings Hinata to enter Amenominaka In the world. If possible, Le Yuan is not really willing to enter to this world in again, this Amenominaka Lavas, ice, the high-gravity, sand and acid five spaces receive Kaguya control completely, Kaguya even can achieve by the body about the space, achieves an incarnation world to oppose the enemy. 把握那一闪而逝的机会,乐渊成功带着雏田进入到了【天之御中】的世界中。如果有可能,乐渊真的不愿意再进入到这个世界里面,这【天之御中】中的熔岩、冰、超重力、砂、酸五个空间完全受到辉夜控制,辉夜甚至能够做到以身合空间,做到化身一个世界对敌。 In these circumstances let alone gets rid of Kaguya, can preserve is in itself very rare. Intrudes others' domain itself/Ben is the acting without wisdom, to prevent not to have been absorbed chakra Naruto and the others to fall into the hand of Kaguya, Le Yuan has to adventure come. 在这样的情况下别说干掉辉夜,能够保存自己都是非常难得的。闯入别人的领域本就是不智之举,不过为了阻止还未被吸收查克拉鸣人等人落入辉夜的手中,乐渊不得不冒险进来。 The coordinates of Le Yuan locking came from Naruto, when Le Yuan enters the space that moment naturally also to appear in the space of ice, in Naruto was. That moment when Le Yuan presents then saw not a wonderful situation, sees only Naruto to be taken possession by Black Zetsu that in the Kaguya Kaguya sleeves drills, Yin-Yang Release: Will Materialisation Displayed its inconceivable Strength again, can only look at Kaguya to absorb his chakra by Naruto that Black Zetsu takes possession motionlessly passively. 乐渊锁定的坐标来自于鸣人,当乐渊进入空间的那一刻自然也是出现在了鸣人所在的冰之空间内。当乐渊出现的那一刻便见到了一个不妙的情况,只见鸣人辉夜辉夜衣袖中钻出的黑绝附身,【阴阳遁·精神附体】再一次发挥了它那不可思议的力量,被黑绝附体的鸣人只能一动不动地被动看着辉夜吸取他的查克拉 Drops!” “放手!” Just appeared in space of ice Le Yuan Spatial Displacement arrives at refusing to compromise Naruto and Kaguya middle, bringing the right hand of sharp Sword Qi to take advantage of opportunity from the body of Naruto from top to bottom has delimited, the instance that the hand of Le Yuan dropped, the absorption could not bear the corrosion of Sword Qi to fall off in Naruto Black Zetsu. 刚刚出现在冰之空间的乐渊一个空间移动来到正在僵持的鸣人辉夜的中间,带着锐利剑气的右手自上而下顺势从鸣人的身上划过,乐渊的手落下的瞬间,一直吸附在鸣人身上的黑绝受不了剑气的侵蚀脱落了下来。 Walks!” “走!” The Le Yuan right hand makes use to grasp immediately on the body of Naruto, covers in this moment Naruto by Small World Strength, later at the maximum speed Sword Qi shifts to the heavenly book fairyland. Even with the method of captivity, cannot make Naruto chakra fall to the hand of Kaguya in completely, cannot make her collect simultaneous/uniform chakra completely. 乐渊右手立马趁势抓在鸣人的身上,以小世界力量在这一刻将鸣人笼罩,随后以最快的速度剑气转移到天书仙境内。就算是用囚禁的方法,也绝不能令鸣人身上的查克拉完全落到辉夜的手上,绝不能令她完全收集齐查克拉 Really pitifully, mother. If multi- a while, chakra of Indra and Indra liangs person can absorb again completely, but dealt with nowadays fellow should also enough!” “真是可惜呢,母亲。如果再多一会儿,因陀罗个人的查克拉就能全部吸收了呢,不过对付现如今的这家伙应该也够了!” Although Black Zetsu Le Yuan Sword Qi, but besides making his ache is not fatal regarding Black Zetsu, but can also complain Kaguya with the superficial sound. 黑绝虽然中了乐渊剑气,但是对于黑绝而言除了令他疼痛之外并不致命,还能够用轻描淡写的声音对着辉夜进行抱怨。 But Le Yuan hears the news in his mouth then to know that Sasuke already encounters the mishap mostly, after chakra was absorbed, does have dead , in addition does not know, but result absolutely. Le Yuan somewhat rejoiced at this time, is good is quite decisive because of him, has not conducted hesitant, otherwise chakra of Naruto within the body was also absorbed that to call to be finished truly. 乐渊听到他口中的消息便知道佐助多半已经遭遇不测,查克拉被吸收后有没有死尚且不知,但是结局绝对好不了。乐渊这时候有些庆幸了,好在他比较果断,没有进行犹豫,不然鸣人体内的查克拉也被吸取了那才叫真正的完蛋了。 But with the complaint of Black Zetsu, Kaguya that pure white eye pupil this matter also shifts on Le Yuan that drew back. As the line of sight of Kaguya shifts to oneself on, Le Yuan can feel to come from that hidden bitterness in Kaguya look and anger, over was counted the 1000 year time the seal, said that is not overrated absolutely irreconcilable completely. 而随着黑绝的抱怨,辉夜那纯白的眼眸此事也转移到了退开的乐渊身上。随着辉夜的视线转移到自己身上,乐渊能够感受到来自于辉夜眼神中的那种幽怨、愤怒,被人封印了超过数千年的时间,说是不共戴天完全不为过。 Your chakra, must be me! chakra can only be my Strength!” “你的查克拉,也必须属于我!查克拉只能是我一个人的力量!” Feels on Le Yuan that different chakra with the Hamura common origin, Kaguya was but also saying lightly. 感受着乐渊身上那与羽村同源但又不同的查克拉,辉夜淡淡地说道。 Okaa-sama, he is a variable, holds him, can certainly harvest more secrets from his memory!” 母亲大人,他是个变数,抓住他,从他的记忆里面一定能够收获更多的秘密!” Black Zetsu seems like a calumniating somebody to superiors person, after hearing the Kaguya words, reiterated the Le Yuan importance directly. 黑绝像是个打小报告的人,听到辉夜的话之后直接将乐渊的重要性重申了一遍。 But Le Yuan is also lone army is at this time thorough, arrives Amenominaka In do not want easily to go out again, only if Le Yuan can enter the beginning space of spheres again, otherwise is unable to break open this world. 乐渊此时也是孤军深入,来到【天之御中】内就别想再轻易出去,除非乐渊能够再一次进入始球空间,不然根本无从破开这个世界。 But the Kaguya offensive then came quickly, her whole person integrates in the endless glacier, simply does not have the main body or to hide the main body in space of ice her already situated in the invincible position. 辉夜的攻势很快便来了,她整个人融入到无尽的冰川之中,根本没有本体或者说将本体隐藏在冰之空间的她已经处于不败之地。 Only if Kaguya exposes his main body on own initiative, or Le Yuan can the space of entire destruction this ice, otherwise Kaguya he is here invincible. 除非辉夜主动暴露他的本体,或者乐渊能够将这冰之空间整个毁灭,否则辉夜他在这里就是无敌的。
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