VE :: Volume #8 三阶首战影之忍者

#735: Six Paths and Kaguya

When the consciousness of Le Yuan is sober, his already arrived like the place of Naruto consciousness deep place, the peripheral environment seems very dim, is quite spiritless. 乐渊的意识再一次清醒的时候,他已经来到了如同鸣人意识深处的地方,周边的环境显得很昏暗,颇为死气沉沉的。 But Le Yuan looked up oneself front person to know immediately actually that stripped Strength of body own consciousness is anything, that Strength Le Yuan should also know in the final analysis, in the world before 1000 year had the consciousness of Hagoromo several times having met. 乐渊抬头一看自己面前的人立马就知道了那股将自己的意识剥离身体的力量究竟是什么,说到底那股力量乐渊应该也认识,正是千年前的世界中有过数次见面的羽衣的意识。 Because assists that consciousness the origin Le Yuan right hand Demon Equipment glove[ Reincarnation Round Dance], although before 1000 year, Le Yuan already the Soul peeling of Hamura, but still has a point residual consciousness somewhat, this consciousness is weak, with the lapse of time would itself dissipating, therefore Le Yuan simply has not paid attention to this harmless consciousness to remain. 由于协助那股意识的来源正是乐渊的右手魔具手套[转生轮舞],虽然千年以前乐渊已经羽村灵魂剥离,但是多多少少还存在一点残留的意识,这股意识非常微弱,随着时间的推移总会自己消散,是故乐渊也根本没有理会这个无害的意识残留。 However when Le Yuan present Sage of Six Paths Hagoromo Will attempts to Le Yuan has the function, hidden in[ Reincarnation Round Dance] in Hagoromo consciousness then coordinated Hagoromo on own initiative. If other time Le Yuan impossible easily goes well by the consciousness of Hamura absolutely, should have the resistance at the protection level of Le Yuan to own Mind again. 不过当乐渊眼前的六道仙人羽衣意志试图对乐渊产生作用的时候,隐藏在[转生轮舞]之中的羽衣意识便主动配合起了羽衣。如果说是其他时候乐渊绝对不可能这么轻易被羽村的意识得手,以乐渊对自己心灵的防护水平再怎么也应该会产生反抗。 The time that what a pity the consciousness of Hagoromo chooses was really extremely in fortunately, when Le Yuan used Tenseigan Chakra Mode, the consciousness of Le Yuan was almost to[ Reincarnation Round Dance] Strength did not garrison, because of so, Hamura can seem like the room master to open the door generally directly, formed a partnership Hagoromo to live in Le Yuan this in the master in room of Mind together carries off. 可惜羽衣的意识所选择的时机实在是太过于凑巧了,在乐渊使用转生眼查克拉模式的时候,乐渊的意识几乎是对[转生轮舞]的力量不设防的,也正是因为如此,羽村才能够像是屋子主人一般直接将房门打开,合伙羽衣一起将乐渊这个住在心灵之屋中的主人带走。 However Hagoromo the opportunity also only this time, along with coordinating the consciousness of his Hamura dissipates completely, this[ Reincarnation Round Dance] already impossible betrays the consciousness of Le Yuan again. 不过羽衣的这种机会也仅此一次而已,伴随着配合他的羽村的意识完全消散,这件[转生轮舞]已经不可能再一次背叛乐渊的意识。 From this unknown consciousness space sober, Le Yuan little crawls from the ground, looks is sitting cross-legged slightly old Hagoromo before own, before Le Yuan can see 1000 year, vaguely that and heroic bearing of shoulder to shoulder fight. 从这个未知的意识空间内清醒,乐渊一点点从地上爬起来,望着盘坐在自己身前略显苍老的羽衣,乐渊依稀能够从中看出千年前那与自己并肩战斗的英姿。 Long time no see, Hagoromo! You grasp draw come not to tell to here talk about old days for and me, I am very urgent outside, but incautiously really must go to heaven of heavens!” “好久不见了,羽衣!你把握拉到这里来可别告诉只是为了和我叙旧的,我在外面可是急迫得很,一不小心可真的要去极乐世界了!” Although in the Le Yuan mouth said very urgently, however after will fight gives Hinata and Lingqi two people, Le Yuan then knows that temporarily his life was guarantees, by Le Yuan to be neglected possible already that Kaguya defeated as for Hinata and Lingqi, although the Kaguya condition was not the most flourishing, but there is a person of Black Zetsu this 1000 year experience to assist from side, the Kaguya battle efficiency did not reduce absolutely instead increases. 乐渊口中虽然说得非常急迫,但是在将战斗交给雏田绮玲两人之后,乐渊便知道暂时他的命算是保下来了,至于雏田绮玲辉夜击败的可能已经乐渊忽略,虽然辉夜的状态并非全盛,但是有了黑绝这个千年经验的人从旁辅助,辉夜的战斗力绝对不减反增。 Perhaps Hinata and Lingqi see only to coordinate the display the battle efficiency not to have Le Yuan and Hagoromo before 1000 year powerful jointly, therefore focuses on walking randomly, the defensive counter-attack for the forms of combat is their tactic. 雏田绮玲只见配合起来发挥的战斗力恐怕还没有千年前的乐渊羽衣的联手强大,是故以游走为主、防守反击为辅的战斗方式才是她们的战术。 But maintains eye that Hagoromo of immortal condition is opening finally, pair of Rinnegan is not intermittent like Six Paths Madara such killing intent, on the contrary after that is in being disillusioned with the mortal world nets, many things change the gentle look. 而保持着仙人状态的羽衣终于睁开的眼睛,一双轮回眼没有如六道斑那样的杀意阵阵,相反那是一种看破红尘网内、诸多事物变化之后的平和眼神。 Indeed has not seen for a long time, never expected that you from this time, truly what made me care was your origin, I...... could not completely understand!” “的确是许久没见,没想到你是来自于这个时代,不过真正令我在意的是你的来历,我……看不透!” After silent for a long time, becomes in the Sage of Six Paths Hagoromo mouth to reveal that from already could not completely understand these three characters. This regarding Hagoromo is really the rare matter, must know, although his mortal body already death, but he practices present already to make oneself consciousness have a good swim in the time, was no longer fettered by Elysium (Bliss Pure Land), can definitely can be called is the alternative becomes an immortal. 沉默了许久之后,从已经成为六道仙人羽衣口中吐露出了“看不透”这三个字。这对于羽衣来说实在是难得的事情,要知道虽然他的肉身已经死亡,但是他修行到现在已经能够令自己的意识畅游在时间,不再受到极乐净土的束缚,完全可以称得上是另类成仙。 The consciousness Hagoromo that has a good swim in the world for the first time has made a big row Konoha him then to pay attention to Le Yuan from Le Yuan, but is actually not able to find any useful information to the Le Yuan past, but Orochimaru there research data does not have the function, depending on he can accomplish Le Yuan such has basic impossible. 意识一直在世界畅游的羽衣乐渊第一次大闹木叶其便关注着乐渊,但是却无法对乐渊的过去找到任何的有用信息,而大蛇丸那里的研究资料根本就是毫无作用,凭他能够造就乐渊这样的存在根本不可能 But the Hagoromo ability made him only be able when No. 1 world to have a good swim, therefore in Le Yuan went to No. 2 world basic on does not have any informed sources. But initially preparation of Le Yuan when the Konoha collapse plan went to No. 2 world, the inexplicable space and time of experience shakes has Hagoromo a merit of force component. 羽衣的能力令他仅能在一号世界畅游,是故在乐渊前往二号世界时根本就没有任何的消息来源。而当初乐渊木叶崩溃计划后准备前往二号世界时,经历的莫名时空震就有羽衣的一分力的功劳。 However Hagoromo he himself has not even thought, his adding fuel to the flames will cause them before that accident of sorts that 1000 year meets. 不过连羽衣他自己都没有想到,他的推波助澜会导致他们两个在千年前相遇的那一次机缘巧合。 Hagoromo was also already had on existence of 1000 year worthily, often then fell into to the passing recollection during. However when sees Le Yuan again, he is somewhat happy, partner who after all once fought side-by-side together. 羽衣也不愧是已经存在了上千年的存在,动不动便陷入到了对过往的回忆之中。不过当再一次见到乐渊的时候,他还是有几分高兴的,毕竟是曾经一起并肩作战的伙伴。 However as Le Yuan captured Rinnegan to leave Uchiha Obito later, after that added fuel to the flames in the Ninja World war, made battle efficiency of both sides achieve the balance little, even initiative resurrecting Kaguya, Le Yuan all sorts of actions make Hagoromo really unable to understand now. 不过随着乐渊夺取轮回眼随后又留给了宇智波带土,其后又在忍界大战中推波助澜,一点点令双方的战斗力达到平衡,甚至现在主动复活辉夜,乐渊的种种举动令羽衣真的看不懂了。 Looked that could not completely understand does not only depend on the eye to see clearly, since we met again, I only want to ask your question, when you also I am the words of your friend can reply me, I do not demand!” “看不看得透可不是光靠眼睛就能看清楚的,既然我们再一次见面了,我只想要问你一个问题,你还当我是你朋友的话可以回答我,我不强求!” Le Yuan said this saying time, Hagoromo displays tranquilly, seems to be waiting for Le Yuan question point slowly extremely own head. 乐渊说这话的时候,羽衣表现得极为平静,似乎正在等待乐渊的疑问似的缓缓点点自己的脑袋。 divine tree, actually how can have chakra fruit again!” 神树,究竟怎样才能再一次结出查克拉果实!” When Le Yuan puts out divine tree two characters, Hagoromo eye already contracts slightly, when Le Yuan proposed chakra fruit these characters Hagoromo with one regretted that carefully examines this Le Yuan with the puzzled performance. 乐渊吐出“神树”二字的时候,羽衣的眼睛已经微微收缩,当乐渊提出查克拉果实这几个字的时候羽衣更是用一副惋惜和不解的表现审视这乐渊 You, what wanting chakra fruit to make?” “你,想要查克拉果实做什么?” Hagoromo can be said as exceptionally familiar regarding chakra fruit, his mother Kaguya will swallow chakra fruit to become superman existence increasingly estranged, because chakra fruit made chakra be born on Ninja World continent for the first time. 羽衣对于查克拉果实可以说是异常熟悉,他的母亲辉夜正是吞食了查克拉果实才会渐行渐远成为了超人的存在,也正是由于查克拉果实查克拉第一次诞生于忍界大陆上。 Help, rescues my own life, I huge vitality that needs on chakra fruit to supplement, how can you tell me to obtain chakra fruit?” “救命,救我自己的命,我需要查克拉果实上附带的庞大生命力,你能告诉我该如何取得查克拉果实吗?” The eye and Hagoromo of Le Yuan looked at each other for a long time, his eye is clear, does not have slightly for crazy of chakra fruit. But chakra fruit regarding Le Yuan also merely is a fruit that counter-balances the strength of Heavens Punishment, if to not eliminate the hidden danger of body, has not spared a glance regarding chakra this energy Le Yuan. 乐渊的眼睛与羽衣对视了许久,他的眼睛清澄无比,没有丝毫为了查克拉果实的疯狂。而查克拉果实对于乐渊而言也仅仅是一种抵消天谴之力的果子而已,如果不是为了消除身体的隐患,对于查克拉这种能量乐渊还不屑一顾。 嚓啦 The Hagoromo right hand holds up Six Paths Shakujō, the draw is lifting the chest that withstood/top in Le Yuan, with the monk's staff at a Le Yuan heart point, shook in the space of Le Yuan chest front just like the ripple Strength mark gently together. 羽衣右手将仙人锡杖举起,平举着顶在了乐渊的胸口,随着锡杖在乐渊心脏轻轻一点,一道宛如波纹般的力量印记在乐渊胸前的空间中震荡。 Transmits the body of Hagoromo along with this like the ripple of wave same shake, he then receives gently Six Paths Shakujō. 伴随着这如水波一样震荡的波纹传递到羽衣的身上,他这才将仙人锡杖轻轻收起。 You have not lied, indeed does not wallow in Divine Tree Fruit Strength, but I still cannot tell you, in this world also impossible exists condenses the chakra fruit method again......” “你没有说谎,的确并不是沉迷于神树之果力量,但我依然不能告诉你,这世上也不可能存在再一次凝聚查克拉果实的方法……” Probably seems like in the ponder is worrying anything, rested Hagoromo then so to say to Le Yuan some little time easely. 像是在沉思又像是在顾虑些什么,歇了好一会儿羽衣这才悠悠然地对着乐渊这般说道。 chakra fruit is the divine tree ten million year purifications condenses, is the whole world the essence of life, before 1000 year, can condense already is for is not extremely easy, now wants to condense second, difficult! Difficult! Difficult!” 查克拉果实乃是神树千万年的净化凝聚,亦是整个世界的生命之精华,千年前能够凝聚出一颗已经是殊为不易,现在想要凝聚出第二颗,难!难!难!” First even/including three difficult character to say Hagoromo directly regarding this matter does not favor, is he regarding is not also able to help regretting of Le Yuan this old friend. 一连三个“难”字直接道出了羽衣对于这件事情的不看好,同时也是他对于无法帮助到乐渊这个老朋友的惋惜。 Listened to the Hagoromo words, Le Yuan not to feel that any disappointment, is instead considering word for word, later the brow wrinkle was tighter, after was silent his brow to loosen fiercely thinks probably what key raising the head opens the mouth wanted to ask. 听了羽衣的话,乐渊没有感觉到任何的失望,反而是逐字逐句地思量着,随后眉头越皱越紧,在一阵沉默之后他的眉头猛地松开像是想到了什么关键抬起头张口就欲问。 If the life energy of time and land is impossible in your mouth, if that I kill Kaguya thoroughly, returns to divine tree the energy of her within the body, whether then can have chakra fruit?” “如果时间和大地的生命能量就是你口中的不可能,那么如果我将辉夜彻底杀死,将她体内的能量重新送回神树,那么是否能够重新结出查克拉果实?” Le Yuan this saying mentions some treason and heresy now, how works as the Hagoromo personal arrangements to measure to get rid of his mother, prepares to treat as to nourish the divine tree nourishment his mother evidently, if this puts on seeking ordinary person and ensure goes all out also to Le Yuan tidy up. 乐渊这话现在说来有些大逆不道,当着羽衣的面商量着怎么干掉他母亲,看样子还准备把他母亲当作滋养神树的养料,这要是搁在寻常人身上,保证拼了命也要将乐渊收拾掉。 However but Hagoromo resounding Sage of Six Paths, that nature and seeks the performance of ordinary person to be different, cultivating vital energy Kungfu that is first-rate. But Hagoromo understand his mother cannot treat as to seek ordinary person, sin that if really must decide his mother, that really can be said as ten thousand dying to be able hardly absolve. 不过羽衣可是响当当的六道仙人,那自然和寻常人的表现不同,养气功夫那是一流的。而羽衣也很明白他的母亲也不能当作寻常人来看,如果真要定他母亲的罪孽,那真可以说是万死难辞其咎。 However at present looks like, if really said according to Le Yuan like that will eat the Divine Tree Fruit mother to change nourishes divine tree Strength, then according to the divine tree characteristics comes to see indeed to have very big possibility. However strikes to kill the Kaguya possibility as for the upfront? At least regarding Hagoromo, until before he died that moment unable to find, resisted Undying Body Kaguya he not to have idea besides the seal. 但是目前看来,如果真的按照乐渊所说的那般,将吃了神树之果的母亲重新化作滋养神树力量,那么按照神树的特性来看的确有着很大的可能性。不过至于正面击杀辉夜的可能性?最起码对于羽衣而言,直到他死前的那一刻都没能找到,除了封印之外对抗不死之身辉夜他没辙了。 Looks that the undying heart as if really wants to try as before Le Yuan that kills Kaguya, does not know that Hagoromo thought of anything, was saying to Le Yuan: You had Hamura Strength, now I the Yang strength also one and will give you, will extend your another hand!” 看着依旧不死心似乎真想要试着杀死辉夜乐渊,也不知羽衣想到了些什么,对着乐渊说道:“你拥有了羽村力量,现在我将阳之力也一并给你,伸出你的另一只手吧!” Looks that Hagoromo as if had seal Kaguya Yang strength one greatly and gives his situation, actually Le Yuan as if somewhat cannot comprehend in Hagoromo this fellow brain to think anything. 看着羽衣似乎大有将封印辉夜的阳之力一并给予他的态势,乐渊似乎有些搞不懂羽衣这个家伙脑子里究竟想些什么了。 If you killed mother Kaguya to be defeated, other pair of later generation seal was also defeated, I hope that you can in finally for the whole world mother again seal, this was my this old companion's last request.” “如果你杀母亲辉夜失败了,另外的一对后辈封印也失败的,我希望你能在最后为整个世界将母亲再一次封印,这算是我这个老伙计的最后一个请求。” Mother's live time was really long, perhaps is completely then close in father her heart already. The mother her already turned into an eternal life undying monster, was hated and slaughtered the packing the monster, if possible I hope that she can die with the stance of person, Elysium (Bliss Pure Land) is the place that she should go to!” “母亲活的时间实在是太长了,或许在父亲她的心便已经完全封闭。母亲她已经变成了一个永生不死的怪物,被仇恨与杀戮填充的怪物,可能的话我希望她能以人的姿态死去,极乐净土才是她应该去的地方!” Le Yuan was listens to understand from the Hagoromo tone his idea, this Hagoromo was also has a mind to want Le Yuan to kill Kaguya. Existence of Kaguya is a time bomb, no one knows whether the seal will have that moment of again relieving, killed Kaguya is the approach of getting it over and done, this was also Hagoromo wish for a long time. 乐渊算是从羽衣的口气中听明白他的想法了,这羽衣也是有心想要乐渊能够将辉夜杀死。辉夜的存在就是个定时炸弹,谁也不知道封印是否会有再次解除的那一刻,将辉夜杀了才是一劳永逸的做法,这也算是羽衣长久以来的心愿。 However after inheriting Yang strength, Le Yuan thought of just a pair of later generation in Hagoromo mouth. If he expects does not have the mistake, the two should be the base friends who Naruto and Sasuke this pair falls in love with kill. 不过在传承到了阳之力后,乐渊想到了刚刚羽衣口中的一对后辈。如果他预料的没有错,那两人应该就是鸣人佐助这一对相爱相杀的基友。 Even if at this time they in Infinite Tsukuyomi by body, and big steamed rice dumpling was regarded the biobattery use by the divine tree bunch. So long as there is Strength that Hagoromo granted still to escape the birth day, had resists the Ōtsutsuki Kaguya strength. 纵然此时他们被身中无限月读,并且被神树捆成了大粽子当成生物电池使用。但只要有了羽衣赐予的力量依然能够逃出生天,拥有重新对抗大筒木辉夜的实力。 When will soon leave, Le Yuan looks at this type only to have the ideology Hagoromo to open the mouth to ask: Actually are you now what? People, or god? Actually do you arrive now which step?” 在即将离开之际,乐渊望着这种只剩下意识形态的羽衣不由开口问道:“你现在究竟算什么?人,亦或者神?你现在究竟到了哪一步?” Hagoromo after hearing the Le Yuan issue smiled, he replied a few words regarding this issue merely. 羽衣在听到乐渊的问题之后笑了,对于这个问题他仅仅回答了一句话。 I for the world, world not I.” “我为世界,世界非我。” ... ... ... ...
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