VE :: Volume #8 三阶首战影之忍者

#732: The reverse sees the reverse

Uchiha Madara flies extremely quickly, his speed in the complete body Susanoo condition is not lower than a time of speed of sound. Less than 3 minutes of time spanned over 60 kilometers distance, his speed could not catch up with Le Yuan again quickly as in Uchiha Madara that moment that turned around to fly from, Le Yuan then already returns the battlefield with the aid of Karin localization. 宇智波斑飞得极快,在完全体须佐能乎的状态下他的速度不低于一倍音速。三分钟不到的时间跨越了60公里以上的距离,不过他的速度再快依旧追不上乐渊宇智波斑转身飞离的那一刻,乐渊便已经借助香磷身上的定位重新回到了战场。 But in this short three minutes that in Uchiha Madara hurries back to from the distant place, becomes Ten-Tails Jinchūriki condition Uchiha Obito to say the already direct ultra god. Was not passing to become Jinchūriki directly extremely reasonably instantaneously does not adapt to the condition, later with the aid of the people the advantage that Truth-Seeking Ball does not understand, depends on the speed to discard the Second and Third Hokage action with Truth-Seeking Ball directly, but Fourth Hokage depends on Flying Thunder God Technique to escape for the time being, but cannot avoid being hit the remnant destiny as before completely. 而就在宇智波斑从远处赶回的这短短三分钟内,成为了十尾人柱力状态的宇智波带土可以说已经直接超神了。直接极为不合理地在瞬间度过成为人柱力的不适应状况,随后借助众人对于求道玉不了解的优势,直接靠着速度用求道玉二代、三代火影的行动力废掉,而四代目火影虽然靠着飞雷神之术暂且逃过一劫,但是依旧没能完全避免被打残的命运。 Discards three strengths instantaneously, Uchiha Obito in familiar Strength also has not forgotten that troop, although the strength is bad, but Ninja World allied armies of quantity being not infrequent, although Ninja in this crowd of allied armies are the enemies, to complete Eye of the Moon Plan also needs them to become the sacrificial offering. 瞬间废掉三个战力,宇智波带土在熟悉力量的同时也没有忘记那一大群虽然实力不济但是数量不在少数的忍界联军,这群联军中的忍者虽然是敌人,但是为了完成月之眼计划还需要他们这些人成为祭品。 Appears along with Six Paths Shakujō in the hand of Obito, means that Obito already grasped Ten-Tails Jinchūriki Strength initially, little toward the boundary development of Sage of Six Paths. 伴随着仙人锡杖出现在带土的手中,意味着带土已经初步掌握了十尾人柱力力量,正在一点点向着六道仙人的境界发展。 Comes out!” “出来吧!” As Obito lifts up high Six Paths Shakujō of right hand, immediately had the huge chakra energy response in the under foot of Ninja World allied armies. This Strength compared to just Ten-Tails is also not weak, even to a certain extent fearful. 随着带土将右手的仙人锡杖高举,顿时在忍界联军的脚下产生了巨大的查克拉能量反应。这股力量比起刚刚的十尾同样不弱,甚至在在某种程度上更加的可怕。 Dodges, cannot resist hardly, induces to the battlefield in Ninja World allied armies is sounding the caution to the shades that under the foot dreadful the matter is just about to have. This did not need the shades to say completely, this Mountains Bursting and Ground Splitting huge vibration also made to suffer three view impacts the Ninja nerves to tie tight, once the slightest sign of trouble appears then turns toward the place evacuation of peripheral security immediately. 闪,不能硬抗,感应到脚底下可怕的事情正要发生的影们纷纷对着战场中的忍界联军发出警示。这完全不用影们多说,这山崩地裂般的巨大震动也令一直遭受三观冲击的忍者们神经紧绷着,一有风吹草动便立马向着周边安全的地方撤离。 When one group of people just started to evacuate, change then already of under foot started to assume an awe-inspiring pose. Saw only over 30 meters in diameter giant tree trunk to shoot up to the sky from the place bottom, arrives at huge divine tree in ground to outstretch the branch at the extremely quick speed, these branches lived the Ninja World allied armies that turned toward generally approaches to extend probably. 当一群人刚刚开始撤离的时候,脚下的异动便已经开始发威了。只见一颗直径超过30米的巨大树干从地底冲天而起,来到了地面上的巨大神树以极快的速度伸开枝桠,那些树枝一个个像是活了一般向着靠近的忍界联军伸了过去。 After Ninja that dodges this branch caught, immediately is stressed that but the caught person wanted first to work loose similarly, what a pity caught then means instantaneously they lost the opportunity of escape. The branch of divine tree the branch will tie up is one and derives as for the vitality through Ninja within the body chakra basic stamina and spirit that. 一些躲闪不及的忍者被这树枝抓到后顿时被抓了个正着,而被抓到的人同样想要第一时间挣脱开,可惜被抓到的瞬间便意味着他们失去了逃命的机会。神树的树枝通过枝桠将捆住的忍者体内查克拉的根本体力精神乃至于生命力一并汲取。 Nearby terrifying divine tree first was listed as the restricted area by the Ninja World allied armies, so terrifying divine tree seizes the life god of death simply. However Ninja run away to all around does not mean that Obito prepares to stop there, a type[ God: Nativity of a World of Trees] immediately only relied on the instinct to derive close to chakra divine tree immediately becomes active, stretches out the branch to grasp on own initiative to the person of Ninja World allied armies. 恐怖的神树附近第一时间被忍界联军列为了禁地,如此恐怖的神树简直就是夺命死神。不过忍者们向四周逃窜不意味着带土就准备就此罢手,一式[神·树界降临]顿时原本只凭借本能汲取靠近者查克拉神树立马变得活跃起来,主动伸出树枝抓向忍界联军的人。 Then does not have the willing engagement of Le Yuan, all as if returned to the theme of hot blooded animation story. With the death of massive Ninja World allied armies, was protagonist Uzumaki Naruto erupted directly, Ridicule Release while ligand friend Sasuke and father Namikaze Minato launched the attack together. 接下来没有乐渊的主动参与,一切似乎又回到了热血动漫故事的主旋律。伴随着大量忍界联军的死亡,身为主角漩涡鸣人直接爆发了,一边嘴遁一边配合基友佐助父亲波风水门一起发动进攻。 But the Ridicule Release ability in All Heavens and Myriad Realms is also best Naruto, depending on that makes Le Yuan this player hear the face to be bashful feels hot the two manifestos successfully to make Obito Will have the vacillation. Two arrived wants to extinguish the world Obito, Divine Tool Amenonuhoko that just held up was then defeated in an instant. 而在诸天万界嘴遁能力也是数一数二的鸣人,靠着那让乐渊这个玩家听得脸臊得发烫的中二宣言成功令带土意志发生动摇。原本中二到想要灭世的带土,刚刚举起的神器天沼矛转眼便被击破。 Wool of Amenonuhoko heart may be different from the common weapon, is constituted by Truth-Seeking Ball, is also strengthened by the heart of holder. This weapon inconceivable place lies in so long as the faith does not collapse, sharp weapon that it cannot destroy. This is a in two hand can the kill gods and slaughter demons weapon, similarly is also destroyed handicraft of a in an instant in the Mind frailty hand. 心之毛天沼矛可不同于一般的武器,由求道玉构成,同时也由持有者的心进行强化。这把武器不可思议的地方就在于只要信念不崩溃,它便是不可摧毁的利器。这是一柄在中二者手上能够弑神屠魔的武器,同样也是一柄在心灵脆弱者手中转眼即被摧毁的工艺品。 The death, massive deaths brought was not only to dying the numbness of this concept, makes Hinata this natural disposition good girl innermost feelings enormous shock. Sees only Hinata in to open Tenseigan unknowingly, the golden six flowered pupils are shining the golden brilliance in Tenseigan unceasingly, if this brilliance does not conduct looking at each other unable to detect with Hinata. 死亡,大量的死亡带来的不仅仅是对死亡这个概念的麻木,更是令雏田这个本性善良的女孩内心极大的震撼。只见雏田在在不知不觉之中将转生眼打开,金色的六花瞳孔在转生眼中不断放着金色的光辉,这种光辉如果不与雏田进行对视根本无从察觉。 But with the aid of Tenseigan Strength, Hinata as if experiences she had never seen one. With divine tree the chakra absorption of Ninja, on Ninja most energies and lives follows absorbed chakra flows in divine tree within the body to save, but is also surviving extremely few Spiritual Strength in the Ninja body of already death. This Spiritual Strength was not absorbed, but is dissolving in the world with the lapse of time slowly, this perhaps is Soul that the people often said. 而借助转生眼力量,雏田似乎见识到了她从未见过的一幕。随着神树忍者查克拉吸取,忍者身上绝大多数的能量以及生命都伴随着被吸取的查克拉流入神树的体内存储起来,而在已经死亡的忍者身体内还残存着极少量的精神力量。这种精神力量不被吸收,但是随着时间的推移正在慢慢溶解于世界,这或许就是人民常说的灵魂 chakra is born in the star, is the star internal energy conducts the special energy that some complex change has in lifeform within the body. These energies will circulate in the star in a variety of ways, the birth, breath and feed lifeform were as for the death, entering to divine tree within the body also merely was a part of this circulation. 查克拉诞生于星球内部,是星球内部能量在生命体体内进行某种复杂变化产生的特种能量。这些能量会在星球内部以各种方式循环,生物的诞生、呼吸、进食乃至于死亡,进入到神树体内也仅仅是这种循环的一部分。 But only no longer in the ball internal recycling perhaps only has Soul, Soul round trip is unable to be caught, its cyclical pattern even is higher than the circulation of energy. This takes to Hinata too many shocks, seemed Hinata opened front door of some fan to truth, making it no longer limit to the lifeform died this narrow concept. 而唯一不再在球内循环的恐怕就只有灵魂,灵魂的来去根本无法被捕捉,它的循环模式甚至高于能量的循环。这一幕带给雏田太多的震撼,仿佛为雏田打开了某扇通往真理的大门,令其不再局限于生物死亡这个狭隘的概念。 Hinata sensibility Le Yuan is unknown, now what Le Yuan pays more attention is hurries back the action of Uchiha Madara. Sees only returns to battlefield Uchiha Madara to look at Obito to assume an awe-inspiring pose slightly the knitting the brows head, Six Paths Strength, although was displayed part by Obito merely, but also already made the spot feel the threat, at least Truth-Seeking Ball destroys the spot Undying Body best method. 雏田的感悟乐渊不得而知,乐渊现在更加关注的是紧接着赶回来的宇智波斑的行动。只见重新回归战场的宇智波斑看着带土发威微微皱了皱眉头,六道力量虽然仅仅被带土发挥出来一部分,但是也已经令斑感到了威胁,最起码求道玉就是破坏斑不死之身的最好方法。 However when was just happen to attacked scattered about Obito by Naruto the faith is the object of control, Uchiha Madara activated him at this time immediately in initially then one on Obito and enters into the incantation symbol of opposite party heart. Has that thing to exist, Uchiha Madara then has the sufficient ability to control the Obito behavior. 不过刚刚被鸣人将信念打击得七零八落的带土正好是操控的对象,宇智波斑此时立马激活了他在当初就带土时便一并迈入对方心脏的咒符。有着那个东西存在,宇智波斑便有着足够的能力操控带土的行为。 Saw only also drew support from Truth-Seeking Ball to kill the four directions Obito to arrive at the divine tree peak greatly instantaneously, with the Uchiha Madara stand together, saw only complexion quite unbending his both hands hand seal, the stodginess that the movement could not say. 只见原本还借助求道玉大杀四方的带土瞬间来到了神树的顶端,与宇智波斑站到了一块儿,只见脸色颇为僵直的他双手结印,动作说不出的死板。 Come, Obito! Saved your benevolence me initially one and gives back to me!” “来吧,带土!将我当初救你的恩情一并还给我!” already plans all Uchiha Madara already to wait for this moment of resurrecting early early, but Fourth Hokage did not prepare to make the spot resurrect, Flying Thunder God Technique was close to Obito instantaneously, immediately wants to depend on Rasengan the technique that used to stop Obito. 已经计划好一切的宇智波斑已经等待着复活的这一刻,不过四代火影可不准备就这么让斑就此复活了,一个飞雷神之术瞬间接近带土,当即就想靠着螺旋丸带土正在施展的术中止。 How could what a pity Uchiha Madara also made him pleasant, huge Susanoo in Namikaze Minato before a then palm of the hand him stubbornly according to the ground. Regarding Undying Body Namikaze Minato , Uchiha Madara limited his action merely. 可惜宇智波斑又岂能令他如意,巨大的须佐能乎波风水门靠近之前便一巴掌把他死死地按在了地上。对于不死之身波风水门,宇智波斑仅仅是限制了他的行动。 Outer Path: Samsara of Heavenly Life Technique!” 外道·轮回天生之术!” The ray cover of resurrecting on the body of Uchiha Madara, was executing instantaneous Uchiha Madara of technique only to feel own condition has never had good. That type living the feeling appeared in his body again, laughed he to insert the chest of Obito single-handedly. 复活的光芒罩在了宇智波斑的身上,在施术的瞬间宇智波斑只觉得自己的状态从未有过的好。那种活着的感觉再一次出现在了他的身体之中,大笑一声的他一手插进了带土的胸口。 Ten-Tails, Ten-Tails chakra entire was taken by Uchiha Madara, means that nine big tailed beast therefore liberate. Looks restored free tailed beast, Uchiha Madara that just resurrected looked like the hunter who began to take up hunting rifle such spirit. 十尾,十尾查克拉宇智波斑整个取了出来,同时也意味着九大尾兽因此而重新解放。看着重新恢复了自由的尾兽们,刚刚复活的宇智波斑就像是一个久违动手的猎人重新拿起了猎枪那样的精神 Clever Demonic Statue of the Outer Path, Uchiha Madara seemed like must start just Obito to become the Ten-Tails Jinchūriki movement to be the same, one to Eight-Tails 11 catches with the chakra chains that in the Demonic Statue of the Outer Path mouth put out. 通灵外道魔像,宇智波斑像是要重新开始刚刚带土成为十尾人柱力的动作一般,用外道魔像口中吐出的查克拉锁链将一尾到八尾一一擒住。 That Nine-Tails does not exist only, puts out Amber Purifying Pot merely. However already regarding Uchiha Madara was not anything, Nine-Tails already succeeded in obtaining, has Yin Nine-Tails complete chakra by Namikaze Minato that on he seized. 唯独那九尾并不存在,仅仅是吐出琥珀净瓶而已。不过对于宇智波斑而言已经不算什么了,九尾已经到手,被他擒下的波风水门身上就有着阴九尾完整的查克拉 Uchiha Madara that just resurrected may not have the eye, Impure World Reincarnation relieved at the same time he then only had the pitch-dark eye socket. Digs down Rinnegan to hit from the eye of Obito on the eye socket, the spot has in the Black Zetsu hand that drills from the one side to install immediately remaining Rinnegan. 刚刚复活的宇智波斑可没有眼睛,秽土转生解除的同时他便只剩下了黑洞洞的眼眶。从带土的眼睛中挖下一只轮回眼撞在眼眶上,斑有随即从一旁钻出来的黑绝手中将剩下的一只轮回眼装起来。 Buzz “嗡 Susanoo that uses remote is shining with the spot, Le Yuan Devil phantom appeared in this moment in the distant place. Saw only Le Yuan to gather unprecedented space Strength on Yamato of waist horizontally, even if this Strength were away from can still take to the Uchiha Madara unprecedented pressure far away. 与斑正在使用的须佐能乎遥相辉映,乐渊魔人虚影在这一刻出现在了远方。只见乐渊横于腰间的阎魔刀上聚集了前所未有的空间力量,这股力量即使隔着老远也能带给宇智波斑前所未有的压力。 Before already resurrected Madara may not have completely, that nearly undying ability, if cannot process tailed beast on expert to become Ten-Tails Jinchūriki as soon as possible, then the present all absolutely dividing not to have by a Le Yuan blade. 已经完全复活的斑可没有了之前那近乎不死的能力,如果不能尽快处理好手上的尾兽成为十尾人柱力,那么现在的一切绝对会被乐渊一刀给劈没了。 The pressure, is the unprecedented pressure. The Le Yuan present movement looks like warning Uchiha Madara is the same, if hauls that again is dies. All that Le Yuan makes now kill the spot are also only next, most is mainly forces him to evolve Six Paths Madara. Also only then in that condition he is the qualified sacrificial offering that Kaguya resurrects, only then such Le Yuan can bump into Kaguya truly again. 压力,正是前所未有的压力。乐渊现在的动作就像是在警告着宇智波斑一样,如果再这么拖拖拉拉下去那就是一个死。乐渊现在所做的一切杀斑还只是其次,最主要是逼迫他进化成六道斑。也只有在那个状态下他才是辉夜复活的合格祭品,也只有那样乐渊才能真正再一次碰到辉夜 However without and other Le Yuan blades cuts, Uzumaki Naruto and Sasuke these two reckless boys then rush again, must while the condition that the spot cannot easily act its killed. What a pity the sneak attack was therefore decided by the Obito person of black stick of Black Zetsu war body by already inadequately on the contrary on the ground, the vitality passes little, wants the kick the bucket appearance shortly. 不过没等乐渊一刀斩出,漩涡鸣人佐助这两个不要命的小子便再次冲了上去,一副要趁着斑不能轻易行动的状态将其斩杀。可惜偷袭不成反倒因此而被已经黑绝战局身体的带土一人一记黑棒定在了地上,生命力正一点点流逝,眼看着就要嗝屁的样子。 On stronger and stronger space Strength along with Le Yuan that blade, Uchiha Madara also no longer waits, tailed beast was only absorbed Demonic Statue of the Outer Path within the body in this moment total, Demonic Statue of the Outer Path becomes terrifying Ten-Tails once again. 伴随着乐渊那刀上越来越强的空间力量,宇智波斑也不再等待,一只只尾兽在这一刻全数被重新吸收到了外道魔像的体内,外道魔像再一次成为了恐怖的十尾 With having complete Rinnegan Madara hand seal completes, Ten-Tails changed to the chakra energy flux by the entire seal to within the body of spot. 伴随着拥有完整轮回眼斑结印完成,十尾化作查克拉能量流被整个封印至了斑的体内。 Rinnegan and Ten-Tails chakra echoes mutually, immediately the semblance of spot starts to have the new change, the body presents a white long gown, the right hand grabs Six Paths Shakujō is Truth-Seeking Ball is protecting behind, the aura of whole person had the tremendous changes immediately. 轮回眼十尾查克拉相互呼应,顿时斑的外表开始出现新的变化,身上出现一件白色的长袍,右手抓着仙人锡杖身后更是求道玉护着,整个人的气息顿时发生了翻天覆地的变化。 Power and influence what kind of astonishment of Six Paths Madara, this just became the Six Paths pattern then to compare to just Obito more fearful. But while Madara becomes Six Paths Madara, he not only activated third blood-color Rinnegan on forehead, was starting Infinite Tsukuyomi to moon directly. 六道斑的威势何等的惊人,这刚一成为六道模式便比起刚刚的带土更加可怕。而在斑成为六道斑的同时,他不但激活了额头上的第三只血色轮回眼,更是直接对着月亮发动了无限月读 Is good responds promptly because of Le Yuan, has Hinata to receive in the heavenly fate world Karin directly, otherwise has not really been possible to protect them. But Le Yuan use Devil phantom to cover directly lives, but that side Naruto may not be smooth. 好在乐渊反应及时,直接将香磷还有雏田收入天数世界中,不然还真不一定能够护下他们。而乐渊自己则是直接动用魔人虚影将自己罩住,而鸣人那边可就没有那么顺利了。 Uzumaki Naruto or Uchiha Sasuke the move in the flash, except for Three Kages of Impure World Reincarnation condition, moonlight of other person totals by sky were affected to fall into the Infinite Tsukuyomi illusion without exception. 无论是漩涡鸣人还是宇智波佐助都在一瞬间中招,除了秽土转生状态的三影,其他人无一例外全数被天空中的月光影响陷入了无限月读的幻境之中。 Really move?” “真的中招了?” Looks Naruto and Sasuke that drops down, Le Yuan cannot think two originally should save the Ninja World person to fall on Infinite Tsukuyomi unexpectedly. However has not prepared to place two protagonist Le Yuan to take the battlefield stage the hope truly. 看着倒下的鸣人佐助,乐渊怎么也想不到两个原本应该拯救忍界的人竟然会倒在无限月读上。不过也没准备把希望放在两个主角身上的乐渊真正走上了战场的舞台。 In order to coordinate Black Zetsu resurrecting Kaguya-hime, Le Yuan present Quest hits miserably Uchiha Madara is better, after the spot weakens, then the possibility of Black Zetsu sneak attack is higher. Not but Black Zetsu maneuvering force let alone resurrecting Kaguya, including can sneak attack the spot success is an unknown. 为了配合黑绝复活辉夜姬,乐渊现在的任务就是将宇智波斑打得越惨越好,将斑削弱得一路后,那么黑绝偷袭的可能性就越高。不然以黑绝的机动力别说复活辉夜,连能否偷袭斑成功都是个未知数。 ... ... ... ...
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