VE :: Volume #8 三阶首战影之忍者

#731: Becoming Six Paths finally

Compares in hits inextricably involved Le Yuan and Uchiha Madara temporarily, Uzumaki Naruto in another side battlefield they were good on. As war already of other battlefields terminate, some lots of reinforcements support them unceasingly, gathered when to Le Yuan conducted the fight of Second Stage already not under thousand Ninja. 相比较于暂时打得难分难解的乐渊宇智波斑,另一边战场中的漩涡鸣人他们就好上了许多。随着其他战场的战事已经完结,不断有大量援军支援他们,到了乐渊进行第二阶段的战斗时已经聚集了不下于千名忍者 However most people have not participated to encircle during the action of Uchiha Obito, besieges Obito merely only then rushes to battlefield Impure World Reincarnation three Hokage in addition Naruto, Sasuke and Killer B six people. 不过绝大多数人并未参与到围剿宇智波带土的行动之中,围攻带土的仅仅只有赶赴战场的秽土转生火影外加鸣人佐助以及奇拉比六个人。 Six people have two Hokage assistance that jointly in addition excels at Space-Time Ninjutsu, Obito Kamui Intangibility, although had not been decoded completely, but the threatening nature actually dropped the number to plan within the short time, not by six people killed already to be Obito to be talented jointly. 六人联手加上存在两个擅长时空忍术火影辅助,带土神威虚化虽说没有被完全破解的,但是威胁性却在短时间之内下降了数筹,没有被六个人的联手打死已经算得上是带土实力不俗。 But with be at the six people of differences of suppressed condition, the same battlefield Chūnin allied armies resisted the attack of Demonic Statue of the Outer Path to be possible is not smooth. Although combination Ninjutsu of Ninja allied armies is mammoth, the sent out Ninjutsu might is quite good, but is actually not enough to cause the damage facing the Ten-Tails mortal body of divine tree incarnation. 而和处于压制状态的六人不同,同一战场中忍者联军对抗外道魔像的攻击可就没有那么顺利了。虽然忍者联军的组合忍术声势浩大,发出的忍术威力颇为不俗,但是面对神树化身的十尾肉身却根本不足以造成伤害。 On the contrary absorbed nine tailed beast chakra Demonic Statue of the Outer Path already to have Ten-Tails some prestige energies, among every action and every movement brought earth-shaking destructive Strength, the Ninja allied armies let alone to conduct the seal to it, could not achieve close to it continually. 相反吸收了九只尾兽查克拉外道魔像已经具备了十尾的部分威能,一举一动之间都带着翻天覆地的破坏性力量,忍者联军别说对它进行封印,连靠近它都做不到。 Originally already stable battle loss in Demonic Statue of the Outer Path under erupting has rose the trend of again straightly, hid in nearby Hinata( No. 1 world calls it Hyūga Hinata, No. 2 world called it Hinata) actually somewhat unable to sit still, looks many familiar the person was covered by the terrifying, she visits them to march into the death very much difficultly helplessly. 原本已经稳定的战损在外道魔像的爆发之下有了再一次直线上升的趋势,原本躲在一旁的雏田(一号世界称之为日向雏田,二号世界称之为雏田)却是有些坐不住了,看着诸多“熟悉”的人被恐怖笼罩,她很难眼睁睁地看着他们步入死亡。 But coexisted long time Karin to see that with Hinata she stood then already to guess correctly the Hinata thoughts, because she is not so willing to look at Hinata to act. First did not say that what consequence the Hinata status and strength expose to lead to now, had said on Le Yuan Hinata she can be this War key, Karin that impossible ignores Hinata has an accident. 而和雏田一起共处了良久的香磷看到她站起来便已经猜到了雏田的心思,不过正是因为如此她才更加不愿意看着雏田出手。先不说雏田的身份和实力现在暴露会引起什么样的后果,就乐渊曾经说过雏田她会是这场战争的关键,香磷那就更加不可能放任雏田有所闪失。 You cannot go! Sir Le Yuan looks after me before walking specially, wants me to think you, your ability was unable to expose, then I cope with it!” “你不能去!乐渊大人可是在走之前特意关照我,要我看着你,你的能力还不能暴露,接下来我去对付它!” Karin that cannot bear Hinata, has to shoulder package of expressions to make Hinata be moved for Hinata immediately. Although among two people at involving the Le Yuan matter has the serious difference, however the Karin action without doubt is one type to her care. 香磷那一副受不了雏田,不得不为雏田扛包的表情顿时令雏田感动不已。两人之间虽然在涉及乐渊的事情上有着严重分歧,但是香磷的举动无疑是一种对她的关心。 However Hinata does not know, now the idea in Karin mind may think her is more complex than: Not only successfully prevented the change of Hinata, but also success control in the battlefield the situation, contributed huge Strength for the plan of Sir Le Yuan, certainly can the favor of Sir Le Yuan, two people see only when the time comes also not yes...... 不过雏田可不知道,现在香磷脑海中的想法可比她想的更加复杂:不但成功阻止了雏田的异动,还在战场上成功控制了局势,为乐渊大人的计划贡献了巨大的力量,一定能够得到乐渊大人的青睐,到时候两个人只见还不是嘿嘿嘿…… By own idea was almost made flowed out the saliva Karin to display her to perform the performing skill of expert immediately, although the idea in heart made her beautiful is almost infatuated, but the expression on face as before was an appearance of generous principle of righteousness, making nearby Little Bai rabbit Hinata be deceived is moved. 差点被自己的想法弄得流出口水的香磷顿时发挥出了她表演达人的演技,虽然心中的想法让她美得差点陶醉,但是脸上的表情依旧是一副慷慨大义的样子,让一旁的小白雏田被骗得感动不已。 Roar “吼 Was harassed extremely impatient Demonic Statue of the Outer Path to angrily roar by the Ninja World allied armies suddenly upwards, sends out the sound wave that hidden to go to the strong winds general impact from its mouth, making numerous ordinary Ninja only be able to cover the face to look reluctantly to the direction that it was, is unable to counter-attack effectively. 忍界联军骚扰得极为不耐烦的外道魔像突然朝天怒吼,从它口中发出的声波隐去狂风一般的冲击,令一众普通忍者只能够捂着脸勉强望向它所在的方向,根本无法有效进行反击。 The person who however can also observe individually was actually noticing that moment of Demonic Statue of the Outer Path movement was almost frightened the urine, sees is only supine above the Demonic Statue of the Outer Path head of neck to gather the hot tempered unusual chakra ball, this move of all tailed beast general moves, is they strongest attack style Tailed Beast Ball. 但是个别还能够观察的人却在看到外道魔像动作的那一刻差点被吓尿了,只见仰着脖子的外道魔像脑袋上方正在聚集着暴躁异常的查克拉球,这一招正是所有尾兽的通用招数,也是他们最强的攻击招式尾兽玉 Demonic Statue of the Outer Path Tailed Beast Ball naturally ultra general tailed beast, really made it succeed bidding goodbye of release was the people of their these Ninja World allied armies can live, could keep a skeleton is an issue. 外道魔像尾兽玉自然远超一般尾兽,真的令它成功释放的话别说是他们这些忍界联军的人能不能活下来,能否留个尸骨都是个问题。 Oh no! Is Tailed Beast Ball, breaks it quickly!” “糟糕!是尾兽玉,快打断它!” In the reserve command of Ninja World allied armies, departs the commander-in-chief after Five Kages, he when obtaining the battlefield information through the Yamanaka Clan ability will order to pass to the battlefield in immediately the mind of everyone. 忍界联军的后方指挥部中,作为五影离去后的最高指挥官,他在得到战场信息时立马就通过山中一族的能力将命令传到了战场上每一个人的脑海之中。 However although his order is clear, who can achieve to disturb the action of Demonic Statue of the Outer Path in this case. At the same time can perhaps achieve with several people of Obito fight, but they are similarly hard to stop doing. 不过他的命令虽然明确,但是在这种情况下又有谁能够做到干扰外道魔像的行动。或许一边正和带土战斗的几个人能够做到,但是他们同样难以抽出手来。 Monster, is peaceful to me!” “怪物,给我安静下来!” When everyone thinks that the group extinguishes already is doomed, Karin in this moment comes. Her sound has covered most people in the flash, but her vertical leapt to Demonic Statue of the Outer Path form captured everyone's attention. 就在所有人都以为团灭已经注定的时候,香磷在这一刻现身了。她的声音在一瞬间盖过了绝大多数人,而她那纵跃至外道魔像身边的身影更是吸引了所有人的目光。 Not everyone knows Karin, only some Konoha people obtained the little Karin information in the Le Yuan material, but this little material completely not introduction to the Karin strength, because welcomed the Demonic Statue of the Outer Path action not to hold the hope to the upfront. 并不是每一个人都认识香磷,唯有极少数木叶的人在乐渊的资料中得到了少许香磷的信息,但是这少许的资料完全没有对香磷实力的介绍,正是因为如此才对下来正面迎上外道魔像的举动不抱有希望。 Secret Technique: Adamantine Sealing Chains, as the special seal technique that Uzumaki Clan does not leak. Except that Le Yuan this that not replicable Special Constitution conducted the imitation, does not have any bystander can put forth this move. 秘术·金刚封锁,作为漩涡一族并不外传的特殊封印术。除了乐渊这个那不可复制的特殊体质进行了模仿,没有任何的外人可以使出这一招。 Immediately so long as some people's of qualifications after seeing the Karin move understand her status, most excelled at seal the clansman of Uzumaki Clan immediately. 顿时只要有些资历的人在看到香磷的招数后立马明白了她的身份,最擅长封印的漩涡一族的族人。 But was also seeing this familiar move with Namikaze Minato of Obito fierce struggle, because of this he surprised: Does the red hair have that chakra chains, the Kushina same clan? Very powerful Adamantine Sealing Chains, unexpectedly compared with Kushina seal powerful, she is Uzumaki Clan direct line? 而在与带土激斗的波风水门同样见到了这熟悉的招数,正因为如此他才更加的惊讶:红发还有那个查克拉锁链,玖辛奈的同族?好强的金刚封锁,竟然比起玖辛奈的封印更加强大,她难道是漩涡一族的直系吗? Karin naturally is not Uzumaki Clan direct line, but had Sage Body her saying that compared with any Uzumaki Clan powerful, the seal effect of chakra chains under the strengthening of Sage Body far exceeded any generation of Uzumaki Clan. 香磷自然不是什么漩涡一族的直系,不过拥有了仙人体的她可以说比任何的漩涡一族更加强大,在仙人体的强化下查克拉锁链的封印效果远超任何一代漩涡一族 Immediately rises suddenly the chakra chains to spread to exceed the kilometer from Karin in just three seconds, a kilometer chains of lived under the operation of Karin vertically and horizontally/able to move unhindered probably, treated as the kitten puppy to entangle Demonic Statue of the Outer Path generally solid. 顿时从香磷背后暴涨出来查克拉锁链在短短三秒之内蔓延超过千米,纵横千米的锁链在香磷的操纵之下像是活了过来,把外道魔像当作小猫小狗一般缠了个严严实实。 Although Demonic Statue of the Outer Path resistance Strength is really astonishing, however after losing offensive. Its nowhere that already tied up catches up radically, unapproachable powerful Strength completely has not gone abroad on a diplomatic mission under the fetter of chakra chains, suddenly terrifying Demonic Statue of the Outer Path had no way to move except for the mouth unexpectedly completely. 虽然外道魔像的反抗力量着实惊人,但是在失去先手之后。已经被捆绑起来的它根本无处发力,一身无可匹敌的强大力量查克拉锁链的束缚之下全然没出使,一时间恐怖的外道魔像除了嘴巴竟然完全没法动弹了。 The people of all Ninja allied armies with astonishment look to give full play of power and strength to save their Karin in this moment, which this is what helper, this radically is their salvation goddesses! 所有忍者联军的人都在这一刻惊愕地看着大发神威拯救了她们的香磷,这哪是什么帮手,这根本就是他们的救世女神啊! However is different from most young Ninja, the people of some already marriage for a long time Ninja World allied armies actually look the Demonic Statue of the Outer Path complexion that tied up is somewhat strange. Because although the structure and human of Demonic Statue of the Outer Path have the obvious difference, but from tying up the appearance of its chakra chains, but also has several points[ Tortoise Shell Binding] trace. 不过和大部分年轻的忍者不同,有些已经结婚许久的忍界联军的人却是看着被捆绑起来的外道魔像面色有些古怪。虽然由于外道魔像的构造和人类有着明显的不同,但是从捆绑它的查克拉锁链的模样来看,还有着几分[龟甲缚]的痕迹。 Although might be their brains dirty a point, where seems like the 15-16 years old young girl to develop such fetter technique on own initiative,[ Tortoise Shell Binding] the bundle posture of this appeal was they conjectures completely. 虽然有可能是他们脑子龌龊了一点,一个看起来才15、6岁的年轻女孩哪会主动开发出这样的束缚术,[龟甲缚]这种情趣的捆绑姿势完全是他们自我臆想出来的。 However in fact present[ Adamantine Sealing Chains Tortoise Binding] indeed is Karin refers to Tortoise Shell Binding to design, at the beginning of design is to be used to attract the Le Yuan attention, but did not have the opportunity to use afterward, but this Demonic Statue of the Outer Path actually becomes this move of first sacrificial victim. 但是事实上现在的[金刚封锁·龟缚]的确是香磷参照龟甲缚设计出来,设计之初原本是想要用来吸引乐渊注意的,不过后来一直没有机会使用,而这外道魔像却成为了这一招第一个牺牲品。 As Demonic Statue of the Outer Path tied, Truth-Seeking Ball of its mouth may not have to stop there. Because although the speed that the Adamantine Sealing Chains reason condenses slows down again, but if not break, the Ninja World allied armies cannot escape the destiny that all extinguishes. 随着外道魔像被缚住,它嘴里的求道玉可没有就此停止。虽然由于金刚封锁的缘故凝聚的速度再一次减缓,但是如果不打断的话,忍界联军还是逃不过全灭的命运。 Bears the consequences of evil acts, monster!” “自食恶果吧,怪物!” Completed may not have the conclusion offensive in light of this to Demonic Statue of the Outer Path blockade Karin, pair of big palm of the hand comprised of the innumerable chakra chains broke off actually the mouth of Demonic Statue of the Outer Path, suppressed the explosion of Tailed Beast Ball with the seal effect of chakra chains single-handedly, forced in Tailed Beast Ball the mouth of Demonic Statue of the Outer Path actually. 完成了对外道魔像封锁的香磷可没有就此结束攻势,一双由无数查克拉锁链组成的大巴掌硬是一手将外道魔像的嘴巴掰开,一手用查克拉锁链的封印效果压制尾兽玉的爆炸,将尾兽玉硬是塞进了外道魔像的嘴巴中。 Because Demonic Statue of the Outer Path the divine tree characteristics indeed are all chakra zero points, but swallows Tailed Beast Ball unable to take matter easy suddenly. Sees only high tall and thin thin Demonic Statue of the Outer Path after swallowing Tailed Beast Ball inflates immediately alone unceasingly, was pregnant fat to the inconceivable situation all of a sudden probably in October/ten months general. 外道魔像由于神树的特性的确是所有查克拉的原点,但是骤然吞下尾兽玉也绝不是能够泰然处之的。只见原本高高瘦瘦的外道魔像在吞下尾兽玉之后顿时独自不断膨胀,一下子像是十月怀胎一般胖到了不可思议的地步。 ties up to me!” “呃给我缚!” With the inflation of Demonic Statue of the Outer Path, is responsible for Karin of seal also feeling the pressure on increase, is stranded in the sound that the chakra chains of Demonic Statue of the Outer Path body surface makes ka ka makes noise. But the inflation of Demonic Statue of the Outer Path went to also quickly, Tailed Beast Ball Strength quickly vents probably, the Demonic Statue of the Outer Path build is contracting at very rapid speed. 随着外道魔像的膨胀,负责封印的香磷也觉得压力大增,困在外道魔像身体表面的查克拉锁链发出咔咔作响的声音。而外道魔像的膨胀来得快去得也快,像是尾兽玉力量发泄完了,外道魔像的体形正以非常迅疾的速度收缩着。 Karin clenches teeth to fetter again firmly Demonic Statue of the Outer Path, two chains that later come out wrapped the head of Demonic Statue of the Outer Path again completely, keeping it from using Tailed Beast Ball again. 香磷咬牙再一次将外道魔像牢牢束缚住,随后多出来的两条锁链更是将外道魔像的脑袋再一次完全包裹了起来,让它无法再一次使用出尾兽玉 As Demonic Statue of the Outer Path was prevented, one person alone fights six great experts Obito may not have protagonist halo, situated in has been pressed he who hits the condition must support shortly continuously. However at this moment, drills White Zetsu of vortex face from the ground, he when appearing put forth nearly Senju Hashirama Wood Release Ninjutsu. 随着外道魔像被阻止,一人独斗六大高手带土可没有主角光环,一直处于被压着打状态的他眼看就要支持不住了。但是就在这时,从地上钻出一个漩涡脸的白绝,他在出现之际使出了近乎千手柱间木遁忍术 Wood Release: Wood Human Technique coordinated five attribute Ninjutsu to display nearly to withstand/top powerful Strength of Buddha, but this gave the Uchiha Obito precious time exactly. At this time did not have Uchiha Madara to assist from side, he is unable the expert resistance with entire Ninja World. 木遁·木人之术配合五属性忍术发挥出了近乎顶上化佛的强大力量,而这恰恰给予了宇智波带土宝贵的时间。此时没有了宇智波斑从旁协助,他一人根本无法与整个忍界高手对抗。 In order to obtain Strength, he has to awaken at this time thoroughly Ten-Tails incomplete Demonic Statue of the Outer Path, then becomes Sage of Six Paths general Ten-Tails Jinchūriki with the aid of Ten-Tails Strength. 为了获得力量,他此时不得不将不完整的外道魔像彻底觉醒成十尾,然后借助十尾力量成为六道仙人一般的十尾人柱力 On Rinnegan along with Obito eye, Demonic Statue of the Outer Path that already was peaceful erupts tyrannical chakra suddenly, immediately was separated from the fetter of chakra chains in the unceasing collapse. 伴随着带土眼睛上的轮回眼,原本已经安静下来的外道魔像陡然爆发出强横至极的查克拉,登时在不断的崩坏中脱离了查克拉锁链的束缚。 Ten-Tails comes, but rapid hand seal Obito attracted income within the body to complete the Jinchūriki last step Ten-Tails in just one second. But at this moment Ten-Tails Jinchūriki Rinnegan Obito already had in addition the strength that is close to Sage of Six Paths, no longer stays for a long time the experience to this Karin, evacuates toward the battlefield outside rapidly. 十尾现身,而迅速结印带土在短短一秒内将十尾吸收入体内完成了人柱力的最后一步。而这一刻十尾人柱力外加轮回眼带土已经拥有了接近六道仙人的实力,见识到这一幕的香磷不再久留,迅速向着战场外撤离。 But Le Yuan dozens kilometers away in the battlefield also had Uchiha Madara to feel that Ten-Tails Jinchūriki powerful chakra similarly, compared in understanding clearly Le Yuan, Uchiha Madara really some are uncomfortable. 而远在战场数十公里外的乐渊还有宇智波斑同样感受到了那十尾人柱力强大查克拉,相比较于了然的乐渊,宇智波斑就真的有些不舒服了。 Uchiha Obito not only has not used Outer Path: Samsara of Heavenly Life Technique to resurrect he, but also seized Uchiha Madara Ten-Tails, Obito already that the strength rises suddenly had ability that is separated from his control. 宇智波带土不但没有使用外道轮回天生之术复活他,而且还夺走了宇智波斑十尾,实力暴涨的带土已经有了脱离他控制的能力。 But is unable to take skidding incomparable Le Yuan with such a long time that Le Yuan fights, this made his anger, Uchiha Madara also no longer pursued Le Yuan to fly on the contrary in the Obito direction. 而与乐渊交手的这么长时间也就无法拿下滑溜无比的乐渊,这令他更加的愤怒,宇智波斑亦不再追逐乐渊相反朝着带土的方向飞去。 ... ... ... ...
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