VE :: Volume #8 三阶首战影之忍者

#730: The new century relocates Warrior

Uchiha Madara, this participation establishes the Konoha antique level character, really must discuss strength that is in the Ninja World history ranks among the best. Superb Fire Release Ninjutsu also or inconceivable Dōjutsu (Eye Technique) made his unique Ninja World sufficiently, nowadays adds on again is as good Senju Hashirama Wood Release, that pushed to another peak his strength again. 宇智波斑,这个参与创立木叶的老古董级人物,真要论实力那是忍界历史中数一数二的。无论是出神入化的火遁忍术亦或者不可思议的瞳术都足以令他独步忍界,现如今再加上不逊于千手柱间木遁,那更是将他的实力再次推向另一个高峰 The Uchiha Madara strength can be said as Le Yuan most being close to Six Paths one in all Ninja that entering this world sees, this close to does not refer to his various abilities, solely refers to eyes power this. If counted Sage Body, then initial Six Paths ended to explode Uchiha Madara several streets sufficiently. 宇智波斑的实力可以说是乐渊在进入这个世界以后所见到的所有忍者里面最接近六道的一个,这种接近并非是指他的各项能力,单单是指般所具备的瞳力这一项。如果算上仙人体,那么当初的六道足以完爆宇智波斑几条街。 Le Yuan for a long time has been withdrawing, without hunts down Uchiha Obito and Black Zetsu trail on own initiative, to let them resurrects Uchiha Madara, or before Kaguya rewards Uchiha Madara also has Black Zetsu unable dead absolutely, now adds on the spot not to reactivate, has Rinnegan Obito unable dead similarly. 乐渊这么长时间一直龟缩着,没有主动搜捕宇智波带土黑绝的踪迹,就是为了让他们将宇智波斑复活,或者说在辉夜奖励以前宇智波斑还有黑绝绝对不能死,现在加上斑还没有复活,拥有轮回眼带土则同样不能死。 Had thoroughly in Kaguya of Moon by the seal died Le Yuan to be unknown, at least waits him of a lot of time unable across the seal of Moon to feel the Kaguya aura in Moon. And actually after counting 1000 year how to summon Kaguya also only then Black Zetsu can know, and must have one to have Sage Body to add on the Sage Eyes person through the original plot guess to be able Kaguya to resurrect as the sacrificial offering. 被封印在月球的辉夜有没有彻底死掉乐渊不得而知,最起码在月球待过不少时间的他并没有能够穿过月球的封印感受到辉夜的气息。并且在数千年之后究竟怎样召唤辉夜也只有黑绝能够知道,并且通过原剧情猜测必须要有一个具备仙人体加上仙人眼的人作为祭品才能将辉夜复活。 But simultaneously meets the above two requirements, without doubt awakened independently Rinnegan Uchiha Madara. But now resurrecting Uchiha Madara key Ninjutsu[ Samsara of Heavenly Life Technique] grasps in the hand of Obito, therefore Le Yuan must do everything possible before Obito dies forces him to use this technique to the spot. 而同时具备以上两种条件的,无疑是自主觉醒了轮回眼宇智波斑。而现在复活宇智波斑的关键忍术[轮回天生之术]又掌握在带土的手中,因此乐渊又必须想方设法在带土死之前逼迫他对斑施展此术。 Kaguya, in the Ninja World history first is also only one woman who under swallows chakra fruit, but actually she comes how to know from where chakra fruit exists is the unknown riddle. But Le Yuan arrives at this world's only goal is to capture chakra fruit, but actually chakra fruit how obtains actually has to know from Kaguya this female population. 辉夜,忍界历史上第一个也是唯一一个吞食下查克拉果实的女人,而她究竟是从何而来又是如何得知查克拉果实存在的全都是未知的谜团。而乐渊来到这个世界唯一的目标就是夺取查克拉果实,但是查克拉果实究竟如何得到却不得不从辉夜这个女人口中得知。 divine tree, breeds the chakra fruit mysterious big tree, an only result before counting 1000 year. But it can breed chakra fruit without doubt is because it can from be derives the energy to the land and sky as for the external object, later conducts some not well-known transformation experience long years to breed chakra fruit. 神树,孕育查克拉果实的神奇大树,唯一的一次结果是在数千年前。而它能够孕育出查克拉果实无疑是因为它能够从到大地、天空乃至于外物之中汲取到能量,随后进行某种不知名的转换经历漫长的岁月才能孕育出一枚查克拉果实 But chakra fruit can give Kaguya Undying Body and nearly inexhaustible chakra then fully explains this treasure to be able huge to the incomparable vitality, if really must evaluate the rank a + + to be not enough to establish grades, perhaps achieved the EX level ultra specification also perhaps. 查克拉果实能够赋予辉夜不死之身和近乎无穷无尽的查克拉便足以说明这件宝贝能够给人庞大到无可比拟的生命力,如果真要评定等级的话a++都不足以定级,或许达到了ex级超规格也说不定。 But the strength of Heavens Punishment Le Yuan shoulders needs the huge vitality medicine and spirit grass to reduce and solve, this chakra fruit is the most appropriate medicine, without doubt what kind of strength Le Yuan does not need chakra fruit to give him, only needs to lift that the limit of body is the best effect, for did not receive a fatal wound the fight of Le Yuan to be possible compared with any time in the past cautious. 乐渊背负的天谴之力正是需要拥有庞大生命力的药物、灵草进行化解,这查克拉果实无疑是最合适的药物,乐渊不需要查克拉果实赋予他如何的实力,只需要将身体的限制解除那就是最好的效果,为了不受致命伤乐渊的战斗可比以往任何时候更加的小心翼翼。 Although can obtain chakra fruit is an unknown number, but how the chakra fruit effect is unknown similarly, but this without doubt is a method that Le Yuan is currently most likely to solve the problem, no matter successful probability how Le Yuan has to conduct tries. 虽然能否得到查克拉果实还是个未知之数,而查克拉果实的效果如何同样不得而知,但是这无疑是乐渊目前最有可能解决问题的一个方法,不管成功的几率如何乐渊都不得不进行一试。 Ha, the boy do not hide! Or your shoddy replica already knew that the strength was bad?” “哈哈哈,小子别躲啊!或者说你这拙劣的复制品已经自知实力不济了吗?” Uchiha Madara is laughing in Susanoo within the body wildly, lifts up high the giant chakra light sword in Susanoo hand to launch the unprecedented ferocious attack to Le Yuan. But continuously relative is Le Yuan Devil phantom, from just started to be then on the defensive, although the energy light sword of right hand defends extremely strictly, but the long time defends to lose, will let slip that under the attack of Uchiha Madara is sooner or later matter. 宇智波斑须佐能乎的体内猖狂地大笑着,高举着须佐能乎手中的巨大查克拉光剑对着乐渊发动前所未有的猛烈进攻。而一直相对的则是乐渊魔人虚影,从刚刚开始便一直处于守势,右手的能量光剑虽然防守得极为严密,但是久守必失,在宇智波斑的攻击下失手那是早晚的事情。 Facing the Susanoo that extremely strong blade air/Qi, after Le Yuan flashes through, turn around a blade to repel the spot thoroughly. Unceasing withdrawing already made Le Yuan successful attract they to have beyond Uchiha Madara 30 kilometers away distance from Naruto fully, although cannot say that will not accidentally injure them completely, but already made their survival probabilities enhance ten times to continue at least. 面对须佐能乎那极强的刀气,乐渊闪过之后反身一刀将斑彻底击退。不断的退后已经乐渊成功将宇智波斑吸引到了距离鸣人他们足有30公里远的距离之外,虽然不能说完全不会误伤到他们,但是最起码已经让他们的生存几率提高了十倍不止。 Since battlefield already designated, then Le Yuan naturally cannot sit waiting for death, facing the Susanoo double blade, the Le Yuan choice to attack to attack. Yamato of Devil phantom right hand brandishes fast, suppresses Uchiha Madara only to be able with the double blade in front to receive this strange quick incomparable attack suddenly unexpectedly. 既然战场已经选定,那么乐渊自然不会坐以待毙,面对须佐能乎的双刀,乐渊选择以攻对攻。魔人虚影右手的阎魔刀挥舞得飞快,一时间竟然压制地宇智波斑只能以双刀面前接下这一阵奇快无比的攻击。 Good, this, Wood Release: Nativity of a World of Trees!” “好,就该这样,木遁·树界降诞!” Saw only the Susanoo double blade to lock in Devil phantom Yamato all of a sudden, at the same time Susanoo back chakra surged grew an opponent arm again, these two arms are coordinating Uchiha Madara hand seal. 只见须佐能乎双刀一下子锁住了魔人虚影阎魔刀,与此同时须佐能乎的背后查克拉涌动再次长出了一对手臂,这两只手臂正配合着宇智波斑结印 A ground creeping motion that next second of Devil phantom stands, although is not enough to make under Le Yuan the plate fall into enemy hands, then the sturdy trees that grows from the ground extreme speed entire ties down Devil phantom, makes Le Yuan cannot move at the same time constantly absorbs stamina and spirit of Le Yuan body. 下一秒魔人虚影所站的地面一阵蠕动,虽然不足以令乐渊下盘失守,但是那从地上极速生长出来的粗壮树木将魔人虚影整个缠住,令乐渊动弹不得的同时不断吸取乐渊身体的体力精神 Cuts!” “斩!” Le Yuan is restricted, but Uchiha Madara will therefore not show mercy, is coordinating[ Wood Release: Nativity of a World of Trees] attack, Susanoo double blade toward Le Yuan was dividing together, on the hard armor defense by Le Yuan Devil phantom is not enough to resist opposite attack. 乐渊受限,但是宇智波斑可不会因此而手下留情,配合着[木遁·树界降诞]的攻击,须佐能乎的双刀向着乐渊的所在一起劈了过来,以乐渊魔人虚影身上的硬甲防御根本不足以抵挡对面的攻击。 However Uchiha Madara has Ninjutsu to assist, Le Yuan is not eats without working, Immortal Technique that while the Uchiha Madara control double blade cuts is starting. 不过宇智波斑忍术相助,乐渊也不是吃干饭的,在宇智波斑控制双刀斩下的同时仙术对着自己发动了。 [ Rain Regret Cloud Sorrow], incomparable cold ice at this moment in the surface congealment of Devil phantom, in short one breath, not only in the Devil phantom surface condensation more than ten meters thick 1000 year ice layers, wrapped entire tree. [雨恨云愁],无比的寒冰这一刻在魔人虚影的表层凝结,在短短一息之内不但在魔人虚影表面凝结成了十多米厚的千年冰层,更是将整个树界包裹了进去。 Trivial cold ice, opens to me!” “区区寒冰,给我开!” Saw that Le Yuan is conservative and complacent unexpectedly, wants to prevent the attack of own chakra light sword with the trivial ice piece. Uchiha Madara thought immediately Le Yuan is really petty, even this war cannot see clearly. 看到乐渊竟然固步自封,想要用区区冰块阻挡自己的查克拉光剑的攻击。宇智波斑顿时觉得乐渊甚是小家子气,连这点战局都看不清。 Ding “叮 Cuts along with the chakra light sword on the ice piece, control the Susanoo Uchiha Madara complexion is changing changed, that moment in wielding a sword cutting he only thought that oneself sword stood in the air met the extremely viscous material probably, continuously is reducing Strength of sword, this feeling after standing on the ice piece was especially obvious. 伴随着查克拉光剑斩在冰块上,控制须佐能乎宇智波斑脸色变了又变,在挥剑斩下的那一刻他只觉得自己的剑站在空气上像是遇到了极为粘稠的物质,不断降低着剑的力量,这种感觉在站到冰块上之后尤为明显。 But his just brave words after light/only the sword cut the crack little ice piece merely then nothing left, not only cut the weakening issue before ice piece, Le Yuan congealed in the Devil phantom surface and opens degree of hardness to be big, went far beyond the imagination of Uchiha Madara. 而他刚刚的豪言壮语在光剑仅仅斩裂一点点冰块后便荡然无存,不仅仅斩到冰块前的削弱问题,乐渊凝结在魔人虚影表面的并开本身的硬度就非常大,远远超过了宇智波斑的想象。 [ Rain Regret Cloud Sorrow] +[ Wind Return Cloud Conceal], Rain Regret Cloud Sorrow protects the Devil phantom body surface, but Wind Return Cloud Conceal weakens the attack of Susanoo, both unifies by Le Yuan own strength even is unable to block this to strike, however both hands of Le Yuan actually dodge blue two rays. The left hand takes azure Wind Spirit Bead, but right hand pure is flashing the blue light, he transferred unparalleled Nüwa within the body Water Spirit Bead Strength. [雨恨云愁]+[风归云隐],雨恨云愁防护魔人虚影体表,而风归云隐则削弱须佐能乎的攻击,以乐渊自身的实力就算双双结合也无法挡住这一击,但是乐渊的双手却闪一青一蓝两道光芒。左手拿着青色的风灵珠,而右手则单纯的闪着蓝光,他调用了无双女娲体内水灵珠力量 Defends successfully, Le Yuan is launching a counter attack instantaneously. Is transfers Wind Spirit Bead and Water Spirit Bead dual Strength as before strengthens Le Yuan Immortal Technique ability. Immediately the solid ice split Le Yuan is wrapping all round immediately, later and makes the innumerable ice edges to fly to shoot toward Susanoo cultured. 防御成功,乐渊在瞬间转守为攻。依旧是调用风灵珠水灵珠的双重力量强化乐渊本身的仙术能力。顿时原本将乐渊团团包裹着的坚冰顿时裂开,随后并开化作无数的冰刃朝着须佐能乎飞射过去。 The 1000 year thick ice thorn, the solid ice that is congealed by Rain Regret Cloud Sorrow does not add the winning side volume dust fresh powerful kinetic energy, flies to shoot, but the thick ice thorn becomes the naked eye is not invisible. The attack that the thick ice punctures did not have blocking to penetrate the defense of Uchiha Madara that incomplete Susanoo instantaneously, cannot hide situated in Susanoo within the body he, the giant thick ice punctured him entire pierces. 千年玄冰刺,由雨恨云愁凝结的不化坚冰加上风卷尘生的强大动能,飞射而出的玄冰刺变得肉眼不可视。玄冰刺的攻击毫无阻塞在瞬间穿透了宇智波斑那不完整的须佐能乎的防御,处于须佐能乎体内的他更是没能躲过去,巨大的玄冰刺将他整个刺穿。 The average people by such attack, how body powerful did not feel better even again, but in the Uchiha Madara normal condition is unable to restore such injury similarly, but his present condition is not normal. Can to Impure World Reincarnation conducts the injury , is located in the Bloodline Encompassing level the ability or Ninjutsu, but Le Yuan achieves the ability of request is only Truth-Seeking Ball that Tenseigan Chakra Mode carries. 一般人被这样的攻击中,就算身体再怎么强大也绝不好受,而宇智波斑正常情况下同样无法恢复这样的伤势,但是他现在的状态可不正常。能够对秽土转生进行伤害的只有位于血继网罗水平的能力或者忍术,而乐渊唯一达到要求的能力就是转生眼查克拉模式携带的求道玉 The ability to act that Uchiha Madara spends less than two seconds then basically restored during the attack of Le Yuan merely, but he at this time actually more frantic looks at Le Yuan. 宇智波斑乐渊的攻击之中仅仅花费了不到两秒的时间便基本恢复的行动能力,不过他此时却更加狂热的看着乐渊 It seems like also really looked down on you, that to express to just the apology of negligence, with the respect of your strength, made you see true Susanoo!” “看来还真是小瞧你了,那么为了表示对刚刚疏忽的歉意,和对你实力的敬意,就让你见一见真正的须佐能乎!” This time Uchiha Madara already was slightly earnest, immediately very huge Susanoo raised several times again, chakra that also drifted from place to place was finalized in this moment. 这个时候的宇智波斑已经是稍稍认真起来了,顿时原本就很巨大的须佐能乎再度拔高数倍,同时原本还飘忽不定的查克拉在这一刻被定型。 Puts on the warrior of Karasu Tengu armor, this is the appearance of Uchiha Madara Susanoo complete body. Meanwhile completely reveals the Six Paths general elegant demeanor in this moment from Uchiha Madara Susanoo, saw from his Le Yuan initially when resisted Kaguya Six Paths form. 穿着鸦天狗盔甲的武士,这就是宇智波斑须佐能乎完全体的模样。同时在这一刻从宇智波斑须佐能乎上尽显六道一般的风采,从他的身上乐渊看到了当初对抗辉夜六道的身影。 Changes the body to become Susanoo of complete body not no matter what will have Le Yuan to be in a daze to wait, just restored then to lift a hand blade to cut completely, the response of Le Yuan also can only operate Devil phantom to avoid reluctantly fatally this will strike. Although Le Yuan successfully hid, but Le Yuan behind land may be miserable, Daoist Priest exceeds one kilometer, the depth surpasses 30 meters huge gap to tear the entire land. 变身成完全体的须佐能乎可不会任有乐渊发呆而等待,刚刚恢复完整便抬手一刀斩下,乐渊的反应也只能勉强操纵着魔人虚影避开这致命的一击。虽然乐渊成功躲了过去,但是乐渊身后的大地可就惨了,一道长超过一公里,深度超过三十米的巨大鸿沟将整个大地撕裂。 The unequalled attack, indeed worthily is the complete body Susanoo destructive power, indeed acts like a different person with beforehand Susanoo. The no more than so huge body regarding Le Yuan is also a living target, after all can such huge body also on the Le Yuan speed? 无与伦比的攻击,的确不愧是完全体须佐能乎的破坏力,的确和之前的须佐能乎判若两人。不过如此庞大的躯体对于乐渊而言也是一个活靶子,毕竟这样庞大的躯体还能够更得上乐渊的速度吗? Devil phantom vibrated behind armor wing in this moment, next second of Le Yuan soared to flee several hundred meters upper air, and still continued to raise at the ultra-high speed upwardly. 魔人虚影在这一刻震动了身后的甲翅,下一秒乐渊腾空而起窜上了数百米的高空,并且仍旧以超高的速度继续向上拔高。 Interesting, is this wants to play the air fight with me? Accompanies!” “有意思,这是想要和我玩空战吗?奉陪到底!” Looks that Le Yuan intended the original ground station to turn into the air fight, Uchiha Madara had the interest similarly, immediately the giant chakra wing appeared in Susanoo behind, same wielded Susanoo that the wing soared to pursue with Le Yuan. 看着乐渊有意将原本的地面站变成空战,宇智波斑同样产生了兴趣,顿时巨大的查克拉翅膀出现在了须佐能乎的身后,与乐渊一样挥动翅膀腾空而起的须佐能乎追了上来。 The first battle ended, both sides are equally matched. But the second war just started, already deeply, along with raising of blood moon/month, the change of Demonic Statue of the Outer Path also little became obvious. 第一次交战结束,双方不相上下。而第二战才刚刚开始,也已经深了,伴随着血月的升起,外道魔像的变化也一点点变得明显起来。 ... ... ... ...
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