VE :: Volume #8 三阶首战影之忍者

#729: Among the columns has deleted the number, has the matter to burn paper resembling money

Five Kages was defeated by Uchiha Madara, in another side battlefield Uzumaki Naruto their conditions are also unsatisfactory. Because Le Yuan reassigned Uzumaki Naruto within the body chakra of 70% Yang Nine-Tails, causes Uzumaki Naruto, although when grasping the Nine-Tails chakra pattern the hindrance of bitter experience on small many, the time that but the chakra pattern of forming actually continues the normal condition in finally was shorter, might also to lower half to continue. 五影这边被宇智波斑击败,另一边的战场之中漩涡鸣人他们的状况同样不佳。由于乐渊抽调了漩涡鸣人体内的70%阳九尾查克拉,导致漩涡鸣人虽然在掌握九尾查克拉模式时遭遇的阻碍小上不少,但是最后成形的查克拉模式却比正常情况下持续的时间更短、威力也低了一半不止。 Uzumaki Naruto under this situation can say that in giving full play of power and strength compared with storyline appeared went down in the world, can encounter with Uchiha Obito merely slightly, moreover did not have the coordination of deceased Kakashi, is not only able to using Kamui Intangibility Uchiha Obito conducts the effective injury depending on the Killer B, Uzumaki Naruto and Might Guy three people of coordination, can insist present already is the unfortunate great good fortune. 这种情况下的漩涡鸣人可以说比起原本剧情中的大发神威显得落魄了许多,仅仅能够与宇智波带土稍稍进行交锋,而且没有了已故的卡卡西的配合,仅凭奇拉比、漩涡鸣人还有迈特凯三人的配合根本无法对使用神威虚化宇智波带土进行有效伤害,能够一直坚持到现在已经是不幸中的大幸。 But on entire Fourth Shinobi World War battlefield good many, in the trim battlefield as a result of relieving of Impure World Reincarnation, the Ninja World allied armies to start to counter-attack, massive White Zetsu by killed, the entire war zone is therefore drawing to the battlefield that Uzumaki Naruto is. 而整个第四次忍界大战的战场就好上许多,整片战场中由于秽土转生的解除,忍界联军开始进行反击,大量的白绝因此被斩杀,整个战区正在向漩涡鸣人所在的战场收拢。 However also with the arrival of Uchiha Madara welcomed the end point as Uzumaki Naruto of true main battlefield finally. 不过作为真正主战场的漩涡鸣人这边也终于随着宇智波斑的到来迎来了终点。 Uchiha Madara, how you possibly appear here, Five Kages they how?” 宇智波斑,你怎么可能出现在这里,五影他们怎么了?” Once involved Five Kages with the aid of shadow clone after battlefield Uzumaki Naruto saw Uchiha Madara that appeared suddenly had not the good premonition, should come here by Uchiha Madara that Five Kages prevented jointly, but prevented his Five Kages to be actually missing, did this say Five Kages already already the mishap? 曾经借助影分身介入五影所在战场的漩涡鸣人见到突现的宇智波斑后产生了不好的预感,应该被五影联手阻止的宇智波斑来到了这里,而阻止他的五影却不见了踪影,这岂不是说五影已经早已不测? However quick Uzumaki Naruto then ejects outside this thought the brain, how Five Kages in his heart collaborated that is invincible existence easily then to be killed, they are certainly also living. 不过很快漩涡鸣人便将这种念头抛出脑外,在他心中五影联手那可是无敌的存在怎么可能这么轻易便被杀死了,他们一定还活着。 Hears Uzumaki Naruto of big voice to shout to, Uchiha Madara seems like, because the Naruto Nine-Tails Jinchūriki reason had the thought of reply, the right hand touched to pinch the probably loose physique behind own neck to say generally indifferently: They? Naturally in that side......” 听到大嗓门的漩涡鸣人在对着自己大喊,宇智波斑像是因为鸣人九尾人柱力的原因有了回答的念头,右手摸在自己脖子后面捏了捏像是松筋骨一般淡然地说道:“他们啊?当然是在那边了……” The reply of Uchiha Madara is obscurely difficult to be bright, after Naruto of brain not suitable ponder complex problem hears, at all not understand also or does not want understand that bad consequence, whole body Nine-Tails chakra fiercely with the angry eruption, immediately under the foot hardness conceals greatly is attacked, but explodes shatter. 宇智波斑的回答晦涩难明,脑子不适合思考复杂问题的鸣人听到后根本不明白亦或者不愿意明白那糟糕的后果,浑身的九尾查克拉猛地随着愤怒爆发,顿时脚底下的坚硬掩饰都受到巨大的冲击而破碎爆裂开来。 I asked you...... they, actually how!” “我问你……他们,究竟怎么样了!” Looks that was been anxious control not to live in Strength Uzumaki Naruto by own a few words, the Uchiha Madara look looks like regards also the underage child helpless generally did not have patiently, sees only an eye of Uchiha Madara to look to the battlefield that distant place Five Kages was, in the mouth uses one type is quite light and have the tone of taunt to say indistinctly slowly. 看着被自己的一句话急得控制不住力量漩涡鸣人,宇智波斑的眼神就像是看待还未成年的孩子一般无奈还有不耐烦,只见宇智波斑的一只眼睛瞄向了远处五影所在的战场,口中用一种极为平淡又隐约带着嘲讽的语气缓缓说道。 They...... probably,...... impossible is completely possibly all right, perhaps already entered Elysium (Bliss Pure Land) also perhaps......” “他们……大概,可能……不可能全然没事吧,或许已经进入极乐净土了也说不定……” Was unascertainable, he about this point Uchiha Madara leaves there time Five Kages already most body to stride in the Gate of Death after all, in all around no one conducted in the situation of treatment to them radically radically is the non-solution injury, their half remnant bodies do not want the restoration. 关于这一点宇智波斑并不能确定,毕竟他离开那里的时候五影已经大半个身体跨入了鬼门关,在四周根本没人对他们进行治疗的情况下根本就是无解的伤势,他们的半残之身别想自我恢复。 Hateful, whereabouts Tsunade Grandma they apologized!” “可恶,去向纲手婆婆他们道歉吧!” Places the Nine-Tails chakra pattern Naruto control the hands of four chakra to insert in Eight-Tails seal black stick pull open/start, later took them to throw as the weapon to a Uchiha Madara and Uchiha Madara liangs person. 身处九尾查克拉模式的鸣人控制着四只查克拉之手将插在八尾身上的封印黑棒一个个拔开,随后以它们为武器投掷向了宇智波斑个人。 Thump “咚 The giant black stick has not been close to two people, then entire kept off by the Susanoo rib that Uchiha Madara chakra formed. 巨大的黑棒还没有接近两人,便被宇智波斑查克拉形成的须佐之男肋骨整个挡了下来。 Facing collaborations of two big Boss level characters, already Naruto one group in imminent danger at this time is the lamb that to treat butchers, is unable to resist already two Uchiha jointly. 面对两大波ss级人物的联手,原本已经岌岌可危的鸣人一伙此时更是待宰的羔羊,根本无法对抗已经联手的两名宇智波 But is catching up to final battlefield Le Yuan also remembered a matter in this moment suddenly, that was Uchiha Madara seems like no one to limit, Senju Hashirama already impossible came out cleverly, his Soul does not think original plot was stranded in the god of death belly equally, but was excluded the impurity transformation to become the Sage Body ability to plant by Le Yuan directly to give Karin. 而正在赶向最终战场的乐渊在这一刻也陡然想起了一件事情,那就是宇智波斑貌似没有人能够限制了,千手柱间已经不可能被通灵出来了,他的灵魂可不想原剧情一样被困在死神的肚子里,而是直接被乐渊剔除了杂质转变成为了仙人体能力种给了香磷 According to this development even if finally Orochimaru can relieve Dead Demon Consuming Seal, Hokage that finally can summon still only has three merely, a strongest Senju Hashirama fundamental impossible again present world. 按照这种发展最后就算大蛇丸可以将尸鬼封尽解除,最后能够召唤出来的火影也仅仅只有三位,其中最强的一个千手柱间根本不可能再一次现世。 Le Yuan gave the pit one time the Ninja World allied armies again, moreover this time was very fatal big hole. Perhaps Uchiha Madara strength same Impure World Reincarnation Senju Hashirama can resist , without the diversion of Senju Hashirama perhaps to have the overwhelming disadvantage to the Ninja World allied armies. 不知不觉之间乐渊再一次把忍界联军给坑了一次,而且这一次还是非常致命的大坑。宇智波斑的实力恐怕只有同样秽土转生千手柱间才能对抗,没有了千手柱间的牵制恐怕对忍界联军会有压倒性的不利。 But in fact Le Yuan rushes, situation already of scene was life and death one. Might Guy pours in one side, although evidently has not died, but also already caused heavy losses, the temporariness cannot move. But Killer B and Uzumaki Naruto these two Jinchūriki tied down by the Demonic Statue of the Outer Path chakra chains together. 而事实上当乐渊赶到的时候,现场的局势已经是生死一线了。迈特凯倒在一边,看样子虽然没有死但是也已经受到重创,暂时性动不了了。而奇拉比漩涡鸣人这两个人柱力更是被外道魔像查克拉锁链一起缠住了。 This chakra chains has the seal effect, particularly in view of the tailed beast seal, when therefore Killer B and Naruto tied down the later that lost the resistance ability directly. Although is pulling the chains unwillingly, what a pity was suppressed chakra them only to look helplessly oneself seem like the pet dog to be bundled solid, even if there is to kill the thought of spot but not to have the strength of resistance. 查克拉锁链带有封印效果,尤其是针对尾兽的封印,是故当奇拉比鸣人被缠住之后那是直接丧失了反抗能力。虽然不甘地拉扯着锁链,可惜被压制了查克拉的他们只能眼睁睁地看着自己像是宠物狗般被捆得严严实实,纵然有杀了斑的意念但无反抗之力。 However is good because of Demonic Statue of the Outer Path absorbs tailed beast chakra is not but at will for it, it must according to from one to the smooth absorption of Nine-Tails, be able to change into the Ten-Tails condition Demonic Statue of the Outer Path strictly. 不过好在外道魔像吸取尾兽查克拉也不是随意而为之的,它必须严格按照从一尾到九尾的顺序吸收,才能够将外道魔像重新化为十尾的状态。 When Le Yuan rushes to the scene, Demonic Statue of the Outer Path pulls merely difficultly half of Eight-Tails Gyūki. Without the limit of absorption, first starts to Uzumaki Naruto, according to Naruto within the body Nine-Tails half of chakra struck off 70% by Le Yuan again, perhaps heyday 15% Nine-Tails chakra, cannot wait for Le Yuan to come. 所以当乐渊赶到现场的时候,外道魔像仅仅是将一半的八尾牛鬼艰难地拉扯出来。如果没有吸收的限制,先对漩涡鸣人下手,按照鸣人体内原本九尾一半的查克拉再次被乐渊砍去了70%,只有全盛时期15%的九尾查克拉,恐怕根本等不到乐渊前来。 The condition after Ten-Tails resurrecting entirely depends on the tailed beast chakra quality of absorption, if remaining Jinchūriki by complete suck dry, then Ten-Tails absolutely compared with originally storyline in also wants powerful. 十尾复活后的状态完全取决于吸收的尾兽查克拉质量,如果剩下的人柱力被完全吸干,那么十尾绝对会比原本剧情中的还要强大 Cuts “斩 Originally already desperate Killer B and Naruto ear heard the sound of hope, sees only Le Yuan to operate Devil phantom to drop from the clouds, simultaneously a blade stood on the chains, will also remain general Eight-Tails chakra Killer B and Naruto rescued. 原本已经绝望的奇拉比鸣人耳边传来了希望之声,只见乐渊操纵着魔人虚影从天而降,同时一刀站在了锁链上,将还剩一般八尾查克拉奇拉比鸣人救了下来。 Is you!” Naruto or Uchiha Obito are seeing Le Yuan expressed the exclamation instantaneously. “是你!”无论是鸣人还是宇智波带土都在看见乐渊的瞬间发出了惊叹。 However compared with is angry Obito, Uzumaki Naruto looked is quite complex purely at this time to the Le Yuan look. On the one hand Le Yuan came to win Nine-Tails overwhelming majorities, but on the other hand Le Yuan actually helped him twice. 不过比起纯粹是愤怒的带土,漩涡鸣人此时看向乐渊的眼神颇为复杂。一方面乐渊九尾的绝大多数来了夺走了,但另一方面乐渊却两次帮到了他。 One time was Pain invades the Konoha period, Le Yuan comes to stop committing murder of Pain, according to afterward two people fight destruction, Naruto also drew a conclusion, really must hit him to be perhaps more unfortunate than fortunate with Pain. But these time is more realistic, Le Yuan in only may save him and Killer B life critically, this is the solid life-saving efforts. 一次是佩恩入侵木叶时期,乐渊现身制止了佩恩的行凶,根据事后两人的战斗破坏情况,鸣人自身也得出了一个结论,真要和佩恩打起来他恐怕凶多吉少。而这一次就更加现实,乐渊在最危急只可救下了他和奇拉比两人的性命,这是实实在在的救命之恩。 Uchiha Madara I constrain, Five Kages they undergo the short treatment to catch up quickly, you insist!” 宇智波斑我来拖住,五影他们经过短暂治疗很快就能赶来,你们坚持住!” Le Yuan said that took a fresh look to Uchiha Madara of not far away, although was not the peak, but Undying Body in some sense made up for his weakness. Moreover infinite chakra is lets him to use all techniques heartily, pours also made up for his present Impure World Reincarnation deficiency. 乐渊说完重新看向了不远处的宇智波斑,虽然并非巅峰时期,但是不死之身某种意义上弥补了他的弱点。而且无限的查克拉更是让他能尽情地施展所有的术,倒也弥补了他现在秽土转生的不足之处。 Really interesting, with the Mangekyō Sharingan Susanoo actually very similar ability, but can imitate what degree?” “真有意思,和万花筒写轮眼须佐能乎倒是非常相似的能力,不过能够模仿到何种程度呢?” Looks Devil phantom that Le Yuan puts forth, Uchiha Madara displays also to have the cruelty curiously, after absorbing most Eight-Tails chakra, only needed to conduct the capture then to complete tailed beast capture Quest to remaining Nine-Tails Jinchūriki again. But now treats as him warming up before regular job, Uchiha Madara smiles is having an seal. 看着乐渊使出的魔人虚影,宇智波斑表现出来却是好奇还有残忍,吸收了大半的八尾查克拉之后,只需要再对剩下的九尾人柱力进行捕获便完成了尾兽的捕获任务。而现在就当做他在正式工作前的热身,宇智波斑微笑着结出一个印。 Having along with this seal, long cancels the nose, all with puncturing huge Wood Dragon is winding side that circles in Uchiha Madara. 伴随着这个印的结出,一只长勾鼻、全身带刺的巨大木龙蜿蜒着盘旋在宇智波斑的身边。 Wood Release Ninjutsu that after this is Uchiha Madara absorbs Senju Hashirama cell, grasped[ Wood Release: Wood Dragon Technique], as Madara's Will Wood Dragon has turned around seems like benefits the arrow general extreme speed to charge into Devil phantom together. 这正是宇智波斑吸收了千手柱间细胞后掌握的木遁忍术[木遁·木龙之术],随着斑的意志木龙转过身像是一道利箭一般极速冲向了魔人虚影 Le Yuan is not willing by this Wood Dragon near body, Senju Hashirama Wood Release to have big characteristics, that is the Wood Release attack often can through contact absorption others 's chakra. But Le Yuan Devil phantom the body of energy is not same as chakra, but came from in the final analysis with some marvelous union of spirit, combined other Strength merely, should still even be absorbed by the Wood Release influence. 乐渊可不愿意被这木龙近身,千手柱间木遁有着一大特性,那就是木遁攻击往往能够通过接触吸收他人的查克拉。而乐渊魔人虚影的能量之身虽与查克拉不相同,但是归根结底还是源自于和精神的某种奇妙结合,仅仅是混杂了其他的力量而已,依然会被木遁影响甚至吸收。 In Wood Dragon will soon be close to Devil, the motionless Devil right hand lifts fiercely, a blue sword light flashes past, under Wood Dragon that was also close to high-speed immediately in this strikes is divided into two, among cleft in two from the head. 就在木龙即将接近魔人之时,一动不动的魔人右手猛地抬起,一道蓝色的剑光一闪而过,原本还高速接近的木龙顿时在这一击之下被一分为二,从脑袋正中间被劈成了两半。 However when sees the Le Yuan attack, Uchiha Madara actually with a smile again hand seal, immediately originally already got rid of Wood Dragon had the new change. already broken out Wood Dragon has not taken advantage of opportunity to fall, on the contrary stagnated in the midair charged into Devil phantom later again separatedly. Growth of two halves Wood Dragon that simultaneously separates again in short one breath is two complete Wood Dragon. 不过在见到乐渊攻击的时候,宇智波斑却笑着再度结印,顿时原本已经被干掉的木龙出现了新的变化。已经被劈开的木龙没有顺势落下,相反在半空中一滞随后再次分开冲向了魔人虚影。同时断开的两半木龙在短短一息之内重新成长为两只完整的木龙 This move may compared with the regeneration of earthworm, the earthworm also only be able to guarantee that at least horizontally a blade growth is being two new individuals, set upright was really dying all at once. But has not thought completely also has this move of Le Yuan, immediately wine glass two Wood Dragon entangled the body. 这一招可比蚯蚓的再生强多了,最起码蚯蚓也只能保证横着一刀成长为两个新的个体,竖着一刀切就真的死掉了。而完全没有想到还有这一招的乐渊,当即酒杯两条木龙缠上了身。 Ka ka ka “咔咔咔 After Wood Dragon ties down, looks like two unrivalled pythons to start the systole body, tied down Devil phantom will make ka ka the sound. Moreover is absorbing Devil phantom Strength while continues to grow is more tenacious. 木龙缠住之后,就像是两条旷世巨蟒开始收缩期身子,将被缠住的魔人虚影弄得咔咔响。而且还一边吸收着魔人虚影力量一边继续成长地更加坚韧。 “滋滋 First was an intermittent blue electric current turned later huge thunder and lightning mighty current that connected Heaven and Earth, two entangled in Devil phantom Wood Dragon only insisted in the strength of such Heaven and Earth was about three seconds, then changed to the flying ash to fall off from Devil phantom completely. 先是一阵阵蓝色的电流随后变成了连接天地的巨大雷电洪流,两只缠在魔人虚影身上的木龙在这样的天地之力中仅仅是坚持了不过三秒,便化作飞灰从魔人虚影上完全脱落了下来。 Hou, has real skill, it seems like indeed studies very much looks like!” “嚯,有两下子,看来的确学得很像嘛!” Saw that Le Yuan successfully got rid of two Wood Dragon, Uchiha Madara not slight was not happy, on the contrary was interested in Le Yuan. 看到乐渊成功干掉了两只木龙,宇智波斑没有丝毫的不高兴,相反对于乐渊更加感兴趣了。 Other suffered an unexpected failure, in the fellow body also has the blood of Uchiha Clan, although merely is a man-made product, but also cannot be underestimated!” “别阴沟里翻船,那家伙身体里也有宇智波一族的血,虽然仅仅是个人造的产物,但也不容小觑!” Uchiha Obito looks seems like in playing Uchiha Madara, to the spot was saying while the neutral gear that Naruto they attack hastily. 宇智波带土看着像是在玩耍的宇智波斑,趁着鸣人他们攻击的空档连忙对着斑说道。 You think that I will defeat?” Flash blue incomplete body Susanoo covered on the body of Uchiha Madara, trivial bastard, let me personally his cooking!” “你认为我会败?”一瞬间蓝色的不完全体须佐能乎笼罩在了宇智波斑的身上,“区区杂种,就让我亲手将他料理了!” ... ... ... ...
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