VE :: Volume #8 三阶首战影之忍者

#728: Five Kages rout

Because present Uchiha Clan Impure World Reincarnation relieved already to ascend to heaven, however their eyes power were really actually absorbed by Le Yuan most probably, had this eyes power had Le Yuan to feel really own eye, more accurate was own Devil phantom already becomes from the original energy non-steady state more solid. 眼前的宇智波一族由于秽土转生的解除已经一个个升天了,但是他们的瞳力却是实实在在地被乐渊吸收了大半,有了这一份瞳力的存在乐渊着实感觉到了自己的眼睛,更准确来说是自己的魔人虚影已经从原本的能量不稳定状态变得更加坚实。 If really must analogy this time Devil phantom, that is between Susanoo third shape and complete bodies, only and other Le Yuan digested this eyes power then to be able the Devil phantom contour to solidify completely completely. 如果真要类比此时的魔人虚影,那就是介乎于须佐能乎第三形态和完全体之间,只等乐渊完全消化了这股瞳力便能够将魔人虚影的外形完全固化。 Impure World Reincarnation successfully relieves, that means that all accidental/surprised factor totals relieve. A dawn side currently already impossible besides White Zetsu Great Army has the extra boost, only non- point of fixity also only then knows the Impure World Reincarnation solution seal method Uchiha Madara. 秽土转生成功解除,那就意味着所有的意外因素全数解除。晓一方现在除了白绝大军之外已经不可能有额外的助力,唯一的不稳定点也就只有知晓秽土转生解印方法的宇智波斑 Until now at this moment, Fourth Shinobi World War conducted the 2nd day evening. The loss of Ninja World allied armies had the visible drop compared with the 1st day, but loses also big. Until the Ninja World allied armies total died in battle at this time 35,000 people, battle loss already more than half. This means that Le Yuan this Main Quest 3 already is the failure condition time. 直到现在这一刻,第四次忍界大战进行到了第二日的晚上。忍界联军的损失较之第一日有了明显下降,但是损失亦不小。直到此时忍界联军总计战死3万5千人,战损已经过半。这意味着乐渊这一次的主线任务三已经是失败状态。 10% vitalities are not Strength and Agility unilateral reduction, with the vitality was deducted, Le Yuan own body ability will drop comprehensively, this loss compared with deducts some attribute to come absolutely purely ruthlessly. 10%的生命力可不是力量敏捷单方面的降低,随着生命力被扣除,乐渊自身的身体能力会全面下降,这种损失绝对比单纯扣除某一项属性来得更加狠。 However was good because of Le Yuan already thinks the method of making up for this loss, otherwise Le Yuan, even if goes all out still to bring Karin and Hinata directly two people directly by the potential of sweeping away for the Ninja World allied armies hardly just White Zetsu Great Army. 不过好在乐渊已经想到了弥补这损失的方法,不然乐渊就算是拼了命也会直接带着香磷雏田两人直接以横扫之势替忍界联军硬刚白绝大军 However as Impure World Reincarnation was relieved, untied the Impure World Reincarnation contract independently the Uchiha Madara also achievement the genuine free body. The body and infinite chakra of not old undying have the body that is close to the peak strength, Uchiha Madara at this moment was putting forth the true strength to creakying Five Kages for the first time. 不过随着秽土转生被解除,自主解开秽土转生契约的宇智波斑也成就了真正的自由之身。不老不死的身体、无限的查克拉还有接近巅峰实力的身体,此时此刻的宇智波斑才第一次对着摇摇欲坠的五影使出了真正的实力。 Destructive power that Madara who used his true strength was only an instant, however creates actually far ultra just fight with Five Kages. Compared with Uchiha Madara of present liberation, just fight looked like the child to fight completely simply general laughable. 使出自己真实实力的斑仅仅是一个瞬间,但是造成的破坏力却远超刚刚与五影的战斗。与现在完全解放的宇智波斑相比,刚刚的战斗简直就像是小孩子打架一般的可笑。 „, Is this present Five Kages? Really degenerated Kage Title, my opponent from beginning to end then only then a person, ended the entertainment, should start the proper business......” “切,这就是现在的五影吗?真是堕落了影之名号,不过我的对手从始至终便只有一人,娱乐到此结束,应该开始正事了……” Looks to pour Five Kages before own Uchiha Madara that the technique relieves, particularly the body was cut from the waist is two Tsunade, the appearance that this Senju Clan clansman that can breathe momentarily, felt inexplicably happy he also no longer stays to erupt the aura the place to overtake toward distant place Demonic Statue of the Outer Path that. 将术解除的宇智波斑看着倒在自己身前的五影,尤其是身体被从腰间一斩为二的纲手,这个千手一族的族人那随时会咽气的样子,莫名地感觉到痛快的他也不再停留向着远处外道魔像那爆发出来气息的地方赶了过去。 After Uchiha Madara leaves Karin that one minute, has looked from afar also had Hinata to come. Their two can say that can evade the feeling of Uchiha Madara taking advantage of the ultra remote viewer of Tenseigan completely, the strength that although their two grow regarding for three years is quite self-confident, however after experience to the Uchiha Madara strength also some slightly is not self-confident. 就在宇智波斑离开后一分钟,一直远远旁观的香磷还有雏田现身了。她们两个可以说完全借着转生眼的超远距离观察才能避过宇智波斑的感觉,虽然她们两个对于三年来自己增长的实力颇为自信,但是在见识到宇智波斑的实力之后也有些略微的不自信。 Karin just appeared then arrives at the Tsunade side, the order of Le Yuan reverberated as before near her ear: Surveillance battlefield, in guaranteeing in the situation of own safety guarantees Five Kages undying. 香磷刚刚出现便来到了纲手的身旁,乐渊的命令可是依旧回荡在她的耳边:监视战场,在保证自身安危的情况下保证五影不死 This is also the reason why she and Hinata has not entered the war directly, their two bases do not have the energy to be in the upper hand in the experienced Uchiha Madara hand. With it is involved in causes the plan fail of Le Yuan, might as well find an opportunity to rescue Five Kages. 这也就是她和雏田为什么没有直接参战的原因,她们两个根本没有底气在经验丰富的宇智波斑手中占得上风。与其卷入其中导致乐渊的计划失败,不如找个机会救下五影 But Uchiha Madara also just as such that Le Yuan said that was in itself an incomparably proud person, when projected on the severe wound Five Kages dying also disdained in continue make up to Five Kages strikes finally, lets them in the endless ruins self-destroying. 宇智波斑也正像乐渊所说的那样,本身就是个无比骄傲的人,在将五影打到重伤垂死的时候也不屑于继续对五影补上最后一击,让他们在无尽的废墟中自身自灭。 Although Hinata also meets Medical Ninjutsu, but one was beset with problems compared with that with Karin of special study. Therefore Hinata can help Raikage this flesh wound quite serious person alleviate the injury merely, but another side Karin directly was Tsunade the body that started to restore to separate. 雏田虽然也会医疗忍术,但是和专门研究的香磷一比那就捉襟见肘了。是故雏田仅仅能够帮雷影这个外伤比较严重的人缓解伤势,而另一边的香磷则直接为纲手开始修复断开的身体了。 Sees Karin with Medical Ninjutsu rather than she that[ physical ability cure] the strong effect treatment, Hinata says: Her present severe wound is critically-ill, don't you need the physical ability cure to conduct the first aid to her?” 看见香磷医疗忍术而非她自身那[体能治愈]的强效治疗,雏田不由开口说道:“她现在重伤垂危,你难道不用体能治愈对她进行急救吗?” Who must bite to this old woman, I already had pledged, only to Sir Le Yuan a person......” “谁要给这个老女人咬了,我可是早就已经发誓了,只给乐渊大人一个人……” Arguing Karin may not forget the work on hand, although does not want to use the physical ability to cure this ambiguous treatment, but in order to preserved Five Kages one to assign/life her to sacrifice the full power. 正在辩解的香磷可也没有忘记手上的工作,虽然并不想动用体能治愈这种暧昧的治疗方式,但是为了能够保住五影的一条命她可是豁出全力了。 In two people rescue, Le Yuan also in a hurry taking advantage of imprint, in Karin space anchor arrived at side them, although is several glances the fight between Le Yuan then understand Five Kages and Madara indeed to be above the imagination merely intensely. 就在两人抢救之际,乐渊也匆匆借着烙印香磷身上的空间锚到达了她们身旁,虽然仅仅是几眼一瞟乐渊便明白五影和斑之间的战斗的确激烈地超乎想象。 Karin! Helps me press the body of Hokage, I try to rescue for her, so long as saves her, did not need us to begin.” 香磷!帮我把火影的身体按好,我试着替她抢救一下,只要把她救回来,就无需我们动手了。” Le Yuan was saying the side that squatted Tsunade, is gathering the right hand of Spiritual Power according to the Tsunade forehead Yin Seal position. Huge water spirit power transfers in this moment, later was injected into Tsunade within the body by the Le Yuan total in 1 second, this is Water Element saves a life the move[ misty rain comes back to life]. 乐渊说着蹲到了纲手的身旁,聚集着灵力的右手按在了纲手额头阴封印的位置上。巨大的水系灵力在这一刻调动起来,随后被乐渊在1秒内全数注入到了纲手体内,这正是水系救命的招数[烟雨还魂]。 By the vitality of unsurpassed water Spiritual Power stimulation within the body, by „the sleek/moist of water, seizes every opportunity the characteristics moistens the body that Tsunade that is striking to dry up, under this move compares to Karin Medical Ninjutsu to come immediately directly, water Spiritual Power not only stimulated the Tsunade vitality to give the activation she part chakra. 以无上的水灵力刺激体内的生命力,以“水之润下,无孔不入”的特性滋润着纲手那一击枯竭的身体,这一招之下顿时比起香磷医疗忍术来得更加直接,水灵力不但刺激了纲手的生命力更是将她自身部分的查克拉给激活了。 Had the assistance of Le Yuan, Tsunade again from the stupor sober, although quite loathes regarding the treatment of Le Yuan this enemy, but Tsunade is not the person who does not understand the general situation, is going to therapy silently. 有了乐渊的协助,纲手再度从昏迷中清醒,虽然对于乐渊这个敌人的救治颇为厌恶,但是纲手也不是个不懂大局的人,默默接受着治疗。 After the Tsunade injury basically cures, Tsunade has accepted the curative aspect from Hinata, when she saw when Hinata arrived at Le Yuan unexpectedly silently behind, even Tsunade still by thick doubts package. 纲手的伤势基本上治好之后,纲手雏田手上接受过治疗工作,但是当她看到雏田竟然默默走到了乐渊身后之时,就算是纲手也被浓浓的疑惑包裹。 Hinata! You make anything, has not left that villain! Did this fellow threaten you?” 雏田!你做什么,还不离开那个恶棍!难道这家伙威胁你了?” Shortly person on one's own side Hinata stood unexpectedly the enemy behind, Tsunade still thought even at this time is not quite wonderful, the present all seemingly are dragging into her to heaven shaking secret. 眼看“自己人”的雏田竟然站到了敌人的身后,就算是纲手此时也觉得颇为不妙了,眼前的一切貌似正在将她拉入到一个惊天的秘密之中。 After Hinata was discovered by Tsunade, Le Yuan regarding continue hide Hinata status already to think that no yo will, fight already enters to the final time, but the Le Yuan camp is unable outside two great formation camps. 雏田纲手发现后,乐渊对于继续隐藏雏田的身份已经觉得没哟必要了,战斗已经进入到最后时刻,而乐渊的阵营也无法于两大阵营之外。 Le Yuan lifts the hand, immediately was away from their group of people in the crushed stone sediment ten meters away White Zetsu of hidden to be drawn completely, even if the spot left, but this true secret evil behind-the-scenes manipulator still has not relaxed certainly to the vigilance of Five Kages. 乐渊一抬手,顿时距离他们这群人十米之外的碎石渣子之中一个隐藏的白绝被完全拉了出来,就算是斑离开了,但是绝这个真正的幕后黑手依然没有放松对五影的警惕。 Solves the eye that left behind certainly, does not have second White Zetsu , after the Le Yuan sensation to the nearby is rubbing the head of Hinata, probably said to the Tsunade demonstration generally: Threat? Your this may be completely mistaken, Hinata she is my lovable student, moreover is my good helper...... naturally, Karin is also!” 解决了绝留下的眼睛,乐渊感知到附近没有第二个白绝之后揉着雏田的脑袋,像是对纲手示威一般说道:“威胁?你这可就是大错特错了,雏田她可是我可爱的学生,而且也是我的好帮手……当然,香磷也是!” By a Hinata embarrassment of Le Yuan performance, the idea has not seemed like to Karin shows off lifted own head. This appearance annoys the depression of Karin immediately, but Le Yuan that cannot favor one and discriminate against the other naturally supplemented one immediately. 乐渊表演的雏田没有一丝的不好意思,想法像是对香磷炫耀似的抬起了自己的脑袋。这模样顿时惹来香磷的郁闷,而不能厚此薄彼的乐渊自然立即补充了一句。 How even if present Tsunade again is not the condition, still very clear Hinata not Genjutsu (Illusionary Technique), but fact that she also sees. But because of this she has doubts, how Hinata this Konoha Ninja in good condition will do obeisance Le Yuan this clone artificial master suddenly. 就算现在的纲手再怎么不是状态,也很清楚雏田没有中幻术,而她自己同样看到的事实。但正因为如此她才更加疑惑,雏田这个好端端的木叶忍者怎么会突然拜乐渊这个克隆人为师。 She is Hinata, but is not that Hinata that you know. The world that her experience, her growth, she lives is completely different from Hinata that you know, naturally her present achievement is not you can understand that...... this is I, space and time traveler/ascetic Le Yuan biggest secret!” “她是雏田,但又绝非你所认识的那个雏田。她的经历,她的成长,她所生活的世界都与你所知的雏田完全不同,自然她现在的成就也绝非你所能了解……这就是我,时空行者乐渊最大的秘密!” Space and time traveler/ascetic? Space-Time Ninjutsu, another world,......” “时空行者?时空忍术,另一个世界,难道说……” Even if the Tsunade acceptance is astonishing, hears this news suddenly cannot speak shocking. Now Ninja continent already is the gunsmoke rises from all directions, why will have fight time and time again, to not contend for the domain makes. 就算纲手的接受能力惊人,骤然听到这个消息也是震惊地说不出话来。现在忍者大陆已经是硝烟四起,为什么会发生一次又一次的战斗,还不是为了抢地盘闹出来的。 But the value of another world may come huge compared with so-called new continent, but also because of so, actually the Le Yuan goal is anything becomes more confusing. 而另一个世界的价值可比所谓的新大陆来得更加庞大,不过也正是因为如此,乐渊的目的究竟是什么才变得更加扑朔迷离。 Relax, the Ninja World allied armies will not all extinguish absolutely, protagonist already of battlefield fight changed players, then should be I and fight between dawn, you can heal from a wound safely......” “放心,忍界联军绝对不会就此全灭的,战场战斗的主角已经换人了,接下来该是我和晓之间的战斗,你们可以安心养伤去了……” The Le Yuan words make other Four Kages one that was just sober be at a loss for words, what is heals from a wound safely, their subordinate this time may still wrestle at the by fate, how they can make Le Yuan this enemy until now play a leading role safely on own initiative, doesn't this hand over in the life others hand? 乐渊的话让刚刚清醒过来的其他四影一阵语塞,什么叫安心养伤,他们的属下此时可还在以命相搏,他们怎么能够安心让乐渊这个一直以来的敌人主动挑大梁,这不是把命交到别人手上吗? „Are you, actually the enemy or the friend? What until now drifts about the uncertain your ultimate goal is? If not talk clearly these, we find it hard to believe the person who until now undermines the Ninja World peace said!” “你,究竟是敌人还是朋友?一直以来飘泊不定的你的最终目的又是什么?如果不说清这些,我们很难相信一个一直以来破坏忍界和平的人说出的话!” The Tsunade issue had the final question to this meeting, actually Le Yuan goal was always anything, actually to reach the agreement. 纲手的问题算是给这一次的会面产生了最终的疑问,乐渊一直以来的目的究竟是什么,究竟能否达成共识。 „The non- friend is not an enemy, we have the same several goals merely. However Infinite Tsukuyomi I will help solve, but Ten-Tails must control surely in my hands, it is my goal!” “既非朋友也非敌人,我们仅仅有着相同的几个目标而已。不过无限月读我会帮忙解决,但是十尾必定要掌控在我的手中,它才是我的目标!” Also is an unsettled member, this is Five Kages is hearing the feeling of Le Yuan reply. Ten-Tails Strength has deterrent compared with general tailed beast. If tailed beast merely is the conventional nuclear weapon, then Ten-Tails is the super weapon of Tsar Bomb rank. This thing control will make one not probably be peaceful in any village, falls in an individual hand of non- friend side let alone. 又是个不安定分子,这就是五影在听到乐渊回答的感觉。十尾力量比起一般尾兽来更加具有威慑性。如果说尾兽仅仅是常规核武器的话,那么十尾就是大伊万级别的超级武器。这种东西掌控在任何一个村子都会让人不得安宁,更何况落在一个非友方的个人手中。 „, Said goodbye everyone, I previously toward final battlefield, your several even went still to no help, your time already end!” “那么,再见了各位,我先前往最终战场了,你们几个即使去了也是于事无补,你们的时代已经终结!” Le Yuan also no longer and Five Kages talked, but arrived at Karin and Hinata side, both hands according to they two bodies, Space Force started immediately three people of front that vanished in Five Kages. 乐渊也不再和五影交谈,而是来到了香磷雏田的身旁,将双手按在她们两个的身上,空间之力发动顿时三人消失在了五影的面前。 ... ... ... ...
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