VE :: Volume #8 三阶首战影之忍者

#727: Bye, rubbish Uchiha

Has Uchiha Itachi this existence that guides the party, Le Yuan opens access hurries to toward the place that Yakushi Kabuto hides. In fact this action is also Le Yuan before oneself the compensation of matter, because active command fight of Le Yuan has uncertainties that many should not have, just Uchiha Shisui was one first, only feared that will also have more uncertainties. 有着宇智波鼬这个带路党的存在,乐渊一路畅通无阻地向着药师兜藏匿的地方赶去。事实上这一次的行动也算是乐渊对于自己之前事情的补偿,由于乐渊的活跃令这一场战斗出现了许多原本不应该存在的变数,刚刚的宇智波止水是一个第一个,只怕还会出现更多的变数。 In order to guarantee Impure World Reincarnation successfully according to the original storyline conclusion, Le Yuan must give to remove any accident/surprise that possibly has. 为了保证秽土转生成功按照原本的剧情结束,乐渊必须把可能存在的任何意外都给排除掉。 The line to the halfway, Uchiha Sasuke ran upon hurrying along Le Yuan by chance two people, brocon Sasuke that was one stares at Itachi, no matter also the original plan pursued Itachi to pursue directly forward. However facing chase of Sasuke, Itachi has not displayed the meaning that the least bit stays. 行至半途,宇智波佐助碰巧撞上了赶路的乐渊两人,兄控佐助那是一眼盯上了,也不管原本的打算直接追着向前追去。不过面对佐助的追赶,没有表现出半点停留的意思。 But Le Yuan sees this team of irritable brothers, can only keep silent hurries along safely. When is close to the Yakushi Kabuto hiding place, Le Yuan greeted Itachi to go forward directly, he remained to call the guest. 乐渊看着这一队别扭的兄弟,只能默不作声安心赶路。就在接近药师兜藏匿地点的时候,乐渊直接招呼自己前进,他留下来招呼客人。 Uchiha Itachi is not an artificial person, although without detecting Le Yuan discovered anything, since Le Yuan said that he then continues to defer to oneself plan advance. 宇智波鼬也不是个矫情的人,虽然没有察觉到乐渊发现了些什么,但是既然乐渊这么说了,他便继续按照自己的计划前进。 After Le Yuan stops, leaned on closed the eye on trees at the same time, crossed around Kungfu of small meeting merely, not only the warbling vanished, was promoted the minimum insect to call one continually and stops. Is dissipating thick murderous aura all around, that huge death air/Qi surrounds all round Le Yuan. 乐渊停下来之后,倚靠在一边的树木上闭上了眼睛,仅仅过了一小会的功夫周围不但鸟鸣声消失了,升职连最起码的虫鸣都一并停止。周遭逸散着浓浓的杀气,还有那庞大的死气将乐渊团团包围住。 Should say that first meeting is good, said long time no see? Patriarch Fugaku?” “应该说初次见面好呢,还是说好久不见了呢?富丘族长?” Le Yuan looks that at present this and Uchiha Itachi has several points of similar face saying that at present this person was not other once Uchiha Clan Patriarch Uchiha Fugaku, but his was one crowd wears the Uchiha clansman who the circular fan marked behind. 乐渊看着眼前这张和宇智波鼬有着几分相似的脸不由说道,眼前这人不是其他正是曾经宇智波一族族长宇智波富丘,而他的身后则是一群身着团扇标记的宇智波族人。 Le Yuan does not need to count, only by the sensation can know what stands before oneself is enough 178 elite who Uchiha Clan that opened Sharingan. This is the variable of Le Yuan continuously worry, only what rejoices is such a Unit Bloodline Limit is sent the frontline to go, otherwise the loss of Ninja World allied armies will be absolutely bigger. 乐渊根本不用去一个个细数,只凭借感知就能知道站在自己面前的是足足178名开启了写轮眼宇智波一族的精英。这就是乐渊一直担心的变数,唯一庆幸的是这么一只血继界限没有被派到前线去,不然忍界联军的损失绝对会更大。 But present Uchiha Fugaku is not of No. 2 world, already had died for a long time his naturally impossible understanding present Le Yuan. After hearing the regards of Le Yuan, his knitting the brows head, is sizing up the Le Yuan appearance probably. 而眼前的宇智波富丘可不是二号世界的那个,早就已经死了许久的他自然不可能认识眼前的乐渊。当听到乐渊的问候之后,他皱了皱眉头,像是在打量乐渊的样子。 Knows me? Are you also Konoha Ninja?” “认识我?你也是木叶忍者吗?” Uchiha Fugaku is also quite tranquil, person but who Le Yuan actually observes to arrive in the Fugaku behind that crowd of Uchiha Clan elite has being not infrequent reveals the scowl. Their deaths can say that does obeisance Konoha to bestow completely, the nature when hears Konoha this word appears especially sensitive. 宇智波富丘还算是比较平静,但是乐渊却观察到站在富丘身后的那一群宇智波一族的精英之中有着不在少数的人露出怒容。他们的死可以说完全拜木叶所赐,自然在听到木叶这个词的时候显得格外的敏感。 Entire 178 Ninja, placing in the battlefield are also a team of sufficient weight/quantity, particularly when leading Uchiha Fugaku has the Kage Level strength is so. In any event Le Yuan did not plan lets this group of people before Impure World Reincarnation finished left here, their ownerships only had Elysium (Bliss Pure Land). 整整178名忍者,放在战场上也是一只足够分量的队伍,尤其是在带队的宇智波富丘有着影级实力的时候更是如此。无论如何乐渊是不打算让这群人在秽土转生结束之前离开这里了,他们的归属只有一个极乐净土 Konoha Ninja? Is, since saw you, then on the way completely a Konoha Ninja duty, allowing you to enter Elysium (Bliss Pure Land) safely!” 木叶忍者?算是吧,不过既然见到你们了,便顺道尽一下木叶忍者的义务,让你们安心进入极乐净土!” Le Yuan took advantage of opportunity Konoha forehead protector that will not have put on for a long time to tie up in the head, probably drawing taunt made the right hand make a fist to give the thumbs-up to point at head that clear symbol. The action that like this not minces immediately triggered the anger of numerous Uchiha Clan member, was used Impure World Reincarnation to operate already to be then discontented enough, now meets such rampant Konoha Ninja, how does not kill gives vent to indignation can do right by they to resurrect one time. 乐渊顺势将许久没有戴上的木叶护额绑在了头上,像是拉嘲讽使得右手握拳伸出大拇指指着自己头上那鲜明的标志。这样这毫不掩饰的举动顿时引起了众多宇智波一族成员的愤怒,原本被人用秽土转生操纵便已经足够不满了,现在又遇到这么嚣张的木叶忍者,不杀了泄愤怎么能对得起他们复活一次。 Although Yakushi Kabuto not direct control this crowd of Uchiha Clan person, but order of already imprint in their mind unifies their time conditions early, got down instruction to kill the Le Yuan tribulation to everyone on the scene. 虽然药师兜并没有直接操纵这一群宇智波一族的人,但是早已经烙印在他们脑海中的命令结合他们此时的状态,给在场的所有人下了一条指令乐渊劫杀。 Fire Release: Great Fireball Technique, as Fire Release Ninjutsu of Uchiha Clan foundation, almost every Uchiha Clan has the fire attribute chakra nature, naturally is also first Ninjutsu of their inevitably learned. That presents Uchiha Clan the elite in front of Le Yuan now, the move that they use naturally. 火遁·豪火球之术,作为宇智波一族基础的火遁忍术,几乎每一个宇智波一族都有火属性查克拉性质,自然也是他们必然学会的第一个忍术。加之现在出现在乐渊面前的还是宇智波一族的精英分子,他们使用的这一招自然更加了得。 Really puts out Great Fireball that from the Uchiha Clan mouths compared with general Ninja powerful, not only the size and might were exceeded the normal level as for the temperature, even the attack speed and angle arrangement coordinated appropriately. 果然从一个个宇智波一族口中吐出的豪火球比起一般忍者的更加强大,不但大小、威力乃至于温度超出了正常水准,甚至连攻击速度和角度安排都配合得当。 Does not calculate that extremely has in dozens rounds of situations the might to multiply in complex C level Ninjutsu at the same time, this where is C level Ninjutsu, the might that dozens Great Fireball superimpose reached the A Level level absolutely. Not is only the place that Le Yuan stands is swallowed by the flame, periphery more than 10 meters places one and was fired becomes the infertile scorched earth. 一个不算太过于复杂的c级忍术同一时刻出现数十发情况下威力倍增,这哪里算是一个c级忍术,数十枚豪火球叠加起来的威力绝对达到了a级的水准。不仅仅是乐渊所站的地方被火焰吞噬,连带着周围十多米的地方一并被灼烧成为了寸草不生的焦土。 Bringing about own destruction, but is Konoha Ninja, understand Uchiha Strength......” “自寻死路,不过是个木叶忍者而已,明白宇智波力量了吧……” Our Uchiha Clan is the Ninja World strongest clan!” “我们宇智波一族才是忍界最强一族!” Acts recklessly, we must let Konoha understand taking this opportunity, hate of our Uchiha!” “不知死活,我们一定要借此机会让木叶明白,我们宇智波的恨!” ...... …… Saw with own eyes that Le Yuan was swallowed, person few who launches the attack by the innumerable fireballs thinks Le Yuan can escape in this case the life, immediately danced with joy to look like the self-confidence bursting generally. 眼见乐渊被无数火球吞噬,发动攻击的人几乎没人认为乐渊能在这种情况下逃得性命,顿时一个个欢欣鼓舞就像是自信心爆棚了一般。 Forbidden Adamantine Sealing Chains!” 禁·金刚封锁!” Rubs ka ka the making noise sound that sends out along with the innumerable chains, innumerable day of chains from the Le Yuan swallowed flame, bringing the chains of sparks/Mars to be illuminated red in the roaring flame. Saw with own eyes that this chains that departs from the flame shoots at itself, the Uchiha Clan elite naturally cannot sit waiting for death. 伴随着无数锁链摩擦发出的咔咔作响声,从乐渊被吞噬的火焰之中无数天锁链从中而出,带着火星的锁链在烈焰之中被照得通红。眼见这从火焰中飞出的锁链射向自己,宇智波一族的精英自然不会坐以待毙。 Immediately forms leap to shuttle back and forth in the groves, Agility with monkey, such movement is not general Ninja may compare, and has the Sharingan assistance power of observation to be astonishing, to them avoids such chains attack is also not easy. 顿时一个个身影在树丛之间飞跃穿梭,敏捷得一个个跟猴子似的,这样的动作绝不是一般忍者可比的,况且有着写轮眼的协助一个个观察力惊人,对他们而言躲避这样的锁链攻击还不是轻而易举。 However, has the person of such idea soon to discover that the speed of that chains is raised in the inconceivable way unexpectedly, merely the past was about three seconds. Accelerated one time unexpectedly, suddenly the strength bad person tied by this chains. 不过,有着这样想法的人很快就发现那锁链的速度竟然以不可思议的方式提升着,仅仅过去不过三秒。竟然加速了一倍,一时间实力不济的人纷纷被这锁链缚住。 That moment when this chains ties, they discovered panic-stricken let alone raised the strength to untie this chains, even if were chakra that within the body just refined one and is transmitted following the chains by this chains absorption unceasingly thinks the source of chains. 而当这锁链将人缚住的那一刻,他们惊恐的发现别说提起力气将这锁链解开,纵然是体内刚刚提炼的查克拉都一并被这锁链吸收顺着锁链不断传送想锁链的源头。 [ Forbidden Adamantine Sealing Chains] Adamantine Sealing Chains that this move seems like with Uzumaki Clan is similar, but in fact is actually union the characteristics of Le Yuan virtual black hole absorption variation energy, it may be said that is the attracting star of alternative version, but must suppress chakra of opposite party in light of the Forbidden Adamantine Sealing Chains seal effect can complete the absorption. [禁·金刚封锁]这一招看似和漩涡一族金刚封锁差不多,但是实际上却是结合的乐渊虚拟黑洞吸取异种能量的特性,可谓是另类版的吸星,不过必须结合禁·金刚封锁的封印效果将对方的查克拉压制才能完成吸收。 The chains speed and intensity that this move has entirely depend on Le Yuan, therefore this crowd of strengths were inferior Le Yuan Uchiha Clan let alone revolted, escaped unable to achieve then 11 to tie up continually, becomes accumulator cell that supplied Le Yuan chakra. 这一招产生的锁链速度和强度完全取决于乐渊,是故这群实力远逊于乐渊宇智波一族别说是反抗了,连逃跑都做不到便一一被捆绑了起来,成为了供给乐渊查克拉的蓄电池。 An only exception complexion stares at Uchiha Fugaku that Le Yuan is not putting as usual, this old boy saw the clansman who under is captured does not have the slight angry look, just saw Le Yuan to say when oneself are Konoha Ninja is also this, probably is in all Uchiha Clan calmest one. 唯一的一个例外正是面色如常盯着乐渊不放的宇智波富丘,这个老小子看到被擒下的族人也没有丝毫的怒色,刚刚见到乐渊说自己是木叶忍者时也是这样,大概是所有宇智波一族中最为冷静的一个。 You are not the Konoha person, at your age, if is really Konoha Ninja my impossible did not know, moreover what you just used is the Uzumaki Clan seal technique? This grade of level already exceeded initial Madame Fourth Hokage, you indeed are much stronger, what you face is the Ninja World strongest clan......” “你不是木叶的人,以你的年龄如果真是木叶忍者不可能不认识,而且你刚刚使用的是漩涡一族的封印术?这等水平已经超越了当初的四代目火影夫人,你的确强得可怕,但是你面对的是忍界最强一族……” Even if already died, Uchiha Fugaku has to take the pride of Uchiha Clan as before. Even if facing Le Yuan by enemy hundred strengths, he believes as before oneself can defeat Le Yuan. 就算已经死了,宇智波富丘依旧有着作为宇智波一族的骄傲。哪怕是面对乐渊以一敌百的实力,他依旧相信自己能够战胜乐渊 Seeing was only the three tomoe condition Uchiha Fugaku eye became the Mangekyō Sharingan condition in this moment, as he showed the complete strength, immediately seemed like the acute communicable disease chicken common Uchiha clansman immediately restored the self-satisfied appearance again. 只见在这一刻原本是三勾玉状态的宇智波富丘眼睛变为了万花筒写轮眼的状态,而随着他展现出来全部的实力,顿时原本像是瘟鸡一般的宇智波族人顿时一个个再一次恢复了志得意满的样子。 In order to maintain[ Forbidden Adamantine Sealing Chains], Le Yuan cannot move now at will, this seemingly invincible move of takes to Le Yuan defect that is the action. But Uchiha Fugaku also saw this point, comes up is most is also most basic Strength Susanoo. 为了维持[禁·金刚封锁],乐渊现在根本不能随意移动,这看似无敌的一招带给乐渊的是行动力的缺失。而宇智波富丘也正是看准了这一点,一上来便是最强也是最根本的力量须佐能乎 This is Susanoo of third appearance Le Yuan within one day sees, the semblance constitutes by orange chakra. Although contour non- complete body, but also is close to the third shape, had the alone own weapon double blade. 这是乐渊一天之内看到的第三个模样的须佐能乎,外表由橙色查克拉构成。外形虽非完全体,但是也接近第三形态,拥有了独属于自己的武器双刀。 Sees only two huge tachi comprised of chakra to divide completely with the giant arm of Susanoo, the giant blade brings unapproachable Strength. In front of this destructive powerful, all Uchiha Clan incomparable pride. 只见两把完全又由查克拉组成的巨大太刀随着须佐能乎的巨大手臂一齐劈下,巨大的刀刃带着无可匹敌的力量。在这种毁灭性的强大面前,所有的宇智波一族无比的骄傲。 Ding to bite “叮 Do not despise the person, the Mangekyō Sharingan invincible time had passed by, antiques!” “别小看人啊,万花筒写轮眼无敌的时代早就过去了,老古董们!” Simultaneously Le Yuan Devil phantom in this moment mister, tachi that will divide together entire grips suddenly, just like the move of empty-handed meeting the naked sword appears in the hand of Devil phantom. Has saying that Uchiha Fugaku limited to the factor of age, did not understand Mangekyō Sharingan, although is strong, however is nothing in nowadays time radically. 乐渊魔人虚影在这一刻陡然先生,同时一手一道将劈下的太刀整个握住,恍如空手接白刃的招数出现在了魔人虚影的手上。不得不说宇智波富丘受限于年代的因素,根本不了解万花筒写轮眼虽强,但是在现如今的时代根本算不了什么。 Clang “锵 Both hands grasp Devil phantom of blade to absorb the feedback of Strength with Le Yuan to catch up fiercely, immediately both hands change to the inscription on stone tablet and bronze entire to grasp generally broken chakra tachi, Susanoo weapon unexpectedly by the Devil phantom bare-handed elimination, even if Uchiha Fugaku, when saw that this also gawked. 双手握着刀的魔人虚影随着乐渊吸收力量的反馈猛地发力,顿时双手化作金石一般将查克拉太刀整个握碎,须佐能乎的武器竟然被魔人虚影徒手消灭,纵然是宇智波富丘在见到这一幕的时候也不由愣了一下。 However expert contests, the flash is the chance is then. Grasped to break to pieces two tachi Devil phantom not to finish, collected Strength in both hands of Devil phantom, immediately the palms of two hands sent out the deep blue ray, the palm of Strength gathering seemed like the sharp blade to have the brilliance of difference generally. 不过高手过招,一瞬间便是胜机所在。握碎了两把太刀魔人虚影并没有结束,将力量汇于魔人虚影的双手,顿时两只手的手掌发出湛蓝色的光芒,力量汇聚的手掌像是利刃一般带着异样的光彩。 kāchā 咔嚓 No matter how Uchiha Fugaku thinks, Le Yuan only thought own double palm destroys the hardest defenses in this state, simply does not have because slightly before Susanoo counter-attacks, Devil phantom depends on both hands to penetrate the Susanoo armor him entire to rip open. 不管宇智波富丘是怎么想的,乐渊只觉得自己的双掌在这种状态下无坚不摧,根本没有丝毫由于在须佐能乎反击之前,魔人虚影靠着双手穿透了须佐能乎的铠甲将他整个撕开。 Under this move was cutting in two at the waist continually by Uchiha Fugaku of Susanoo protection, but this is not anything to injure regarding Uchiha Fugaku of Impure World Reincarnation condition, so long as he then can continue to fight the body Body Cultivation duplicate/restores next second. 这一招之下连带着被须佐能乎保护的宇智波富丘都被连腰斩断,不过对于秽土转生状态的宇智波富丘而言这根本算不上什么伤害,只要他将身体修复下一秒便能继续战斗。 What a pity Le Yuan to his opportunity, the chains that already was ready early will not begin in this moment, immediately last Uchiha Clan at-large tied up by Le Yuan stubbornly there. 可惜乐渊不会给他这个机会,早已经蓄势待发的锁链在这一刻动手了,顿时最后一个在逃的宇智波一族乐渊死死地捆绑在了那里。 In a big forest then presented such a unusual one, Le Yuan was absorbing all around several hundred Uchiha Clan chakra already situated in center their Sharingan eyes power. Le Yuan does not know to need anything regarding the evolution of own eye, the Le Yuan plan that but does not repel regarding Uchiha Clan eyes power at least attempts, has the effect always not to have the fault. 偌大的一个森林里面便出现了这么一个奇特一幕,乐渊位于正中在吸收着四周数百位宇智波一族查克拉已经他们写轮眼瞳力乐渊对于自己眼睛的进化并不知道需要什么,不过对于宇智波一族瞳力最起码不排斥的乐渊打算尝试一下,有没有效果总没有坏处。 As eyes power spreads to the eye unceasingly, Le Yuan only felt own eyeball has never had burning hot, when particularly Mangekyō Sharingan eyes power transmits this feeling is especially intense. Although Le Yuan[ Bullet Time] ability has not been strengthened, but another ability Devil phantom can actually a freer operation. 随着瞳力的不断传入眼睛,乐渊只觉得自己的眼球从未有过的炙热,尤其是当万花筒写轮眼瞳力传来时这种感觉尤为强烈。虽然乐渊的[子弹时间]能力并未加强,但是另一个能力魔人虚影却能够更加自如的操作。 Within a half hour, Impure World Reincarnation was relieved, all Uchiha Clan relax probably turned into light and leave, dies to them always feels better continuously ding-dong the destiny of accumulator cell. 半个小时之后,秽土转生被解除,所有的宇智波一族像是松了一口气似的化光离开,对于他们而言去死总好过一直当当蓄电池的命运。 ... ... ... ...
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