VE :: Volume #8 三阶首战影之忍者

#726: The war's the 2nd day, two pairs of Mangekyo

The Ninja World war's the 2nd day, had been through repeatedly yesterday's day of fierce combat later all building up Ninja understand brutal of Ninja World war, Ninja that building up came within one day then died in battle over 30,000 people yesterday. 忍界大战第二日,历经了昨天一天的激战之后所有集结的忍者明白忍界大战的残酷性,集结而来的忍者在昨天一天之内便阵亡了超过3万人。 However what is proportional with massive battle losses is their plentiful victories, the got rid of enemy goes far beyond their battle losses. Over 50,000 White Zetsu were killed in just one day, but many Impure World Reincarnation similarly by seal, while Ninja World Great Army constantly advances, belonged to since birth Strength of dawn also in unceasing reduction. 不过与大量战损成正比的是他们丰硕的战果,被干掉的敌人远远超过他们的战损。超过5万名白绝在短短一天之间内被杀死,而大量的秽土转生者同样被封印,在忍界大军不断推进的同时,属于晓的有生力量也在不断削减之中。 However do not look that during the daytime the Ninja World allied armies fight is quite fierce, but to first day at night very because then White Zetsu innumerable allied armies Ninja of sneaking assassination dies a violent death, if were not in the allied armies decodes them to change the secret that the body submerged fast, that night loss will not be only several hundred people. 不过别看白天忍界联军战斗颇为凶猛,但是到了第一天夜晚十分便由于白绝的潜入暗杀似的无数联军忍者死于非命,如果不是联军中快速破解了他们变身潜入的秘密,这一夜的损失就不会是区区数百人而已。 The intensity of fight was above everyone's imagination, the Ninja allied armies simply did not have the time to conduct any mourning to the companion of dying, fought starts then to launch the next day again. However this time, the Ninja allied armies face no longer moves mountains massive White Zetsu, what comes out to prevent them to go forward is Yakushi Kabuto displays the elite character who in Impure World Reincarnation, each cannot make up by the quantity detects. 战斗的激烈程度超乎了所有人的想象,忍者联军根本没有时间对死去的同伴进行任何的哀悼,战斗在第二天开始便再度展开。不过这一次,忍者联军面对的不再是排山倒海似的的大量白绝,出来阻挡他们前进的是药师兜施展的秽土转生中的精英人物,每一个都不是能够靠数量弥补察觉的。 In the battlefield of fourth army, Second Tsuchikage, Second Mizukage, Third Raikage and Fourth Kazekage, this series of names are the pride in respective ninja village, is senior who they are proud, but really makes them go with that it fights is a disaster. 第四部队的战场中,二代目土影二代目水影三代目雷影四代目风影,这一连串的名字都是各自忍村中的骄傲,是他们引以为傲的前辈,但是真让他们去与之战斗的那就是一种灾难。 The fight of Impure World Reincarnation various Kages they are being looked after by Karin and Hinata, their two also slightly guarantee regarding the experience of high-end fight obviously, watches the accumulation experience not to have the fault. But Le Yuan was actually far away from the battlefield of fourth army, overtakes toward the battlefield surrounding. 秽土转生各影的战斗由香磷雏田两人照看着,她们两个对于高端战斗的经验还略显担保,多观看积累经验没有坏处。而乐渊却是远离了第四部队的战场,向着战场外围赶了过去。 Battlefield 30 km away, in a surrounding of boundless forest, here was far away from the battlefield to fill with the auspicious aura. However one at daggers drawn aura broke here peace, a side is Impure World Reincarnation condition Uchiha Itachi also has the Uchiha Shisui form, another side was just combined Killer B and Uzumaki Naruto to Jinchūriki that the battlefield hurried. 战场的30公里外,在一片林海的外围,这里远离战场充满了祥和的气息。不过一阵剑拔弩张的气息打破了这里的宁静,一方是秽土转生状态的宇智波鼬还有宇智波止水的身影,另一边则是刚刚向战场赶去的人柱力组合奇拉比漩涡鸣人 The Uchiha Itachi partner changed into Uchiha Shisui that from Nagato naturally is the Le Yuan merit, after all Nagato has not died that to become the Impure World Reincarnation object on nature impossible. To make up for the battle efficiency, Yakushi Kabuto does not know that carried out the Uchiha Shisui flesh organization to summon from there. 宇智波鼬的搭档从长门换成了宇智波止水那自然是乐渊的功劳,毕竟长门没死那就自然不可能成为秽土转生的对象。而为了弥补战斗力,药师兜不知道从那里搞来了宇智波止水的血肉组织进行召唤。 Although these two have no interest with Uzumaki Naruto and other fights, however two people bodies started the surprise attack under the operation of Yakushi Kabuto to Uzumaki Naruto and Killer B. A side did not fear the death, the total victory condition and chakra infinite Impure World Reincarnation to strengthen the version, another side Uzumaki Naruto was actually only done by Le Yuan can use the crude person Nine-Tails chakra pattern the disabled version. 虽然这两人无心与漩涡鸣人等战斗,但是两人的身体在药师兜的操纵下对着漩涡鸣人奇拉比发动了奇袭。一方是不惧死亡、全胜状态、查克拉无限的秽土转生加强版,另一边的漩涡鸣人却是被乐渊搞得只能用半吊子九尾查克拉模式的残疾版。 The fight is at from the beginning hangs dozen of conditions, Uchiha Itachi and coordination between Uchiha Shisui may be called perfect, in addition two people bodies did not have the limit of chakra are various style greeting on two Jinchūriki, them made that wanted to live to want. 战斗从一开始就处于吊打状态,宇智波鼬宇智波止水之间的配合堪称完美,加上两人的身体没有了查克拉的限制更是各种招式招呼在两个人柱力身上,直把他们弄得欲生欲死。 However when Le Yuan saw Uzumaki Naruto two must be solved, the preparation started to look with Tsukuyomi ends the fight in Uchiha Itachi the move. With leaving behind Kotoamatsukami in Naruto eye hits by he himself, erased the function of Impure World Reincarnation to make him return to the freedom with this move of help. 不过就在乐渊看到漩涡鸣人两个要被解决的时候,准备开打找用月读解决战斗的宇智波鼬中招了。被他自己与留下在鸣人眼睛中的别天神击中,在这一招的帮助下抹除了秽土转生的作用令他重归自由。 The battlefield changes suddenly, turns into 1 v 3 that from original 2 v 2, the situation in is quite instantaneously disadvantageous to Uchiha Shisui. But prepared to go to battle in this time Le Yuan, he may, if did not present that to be possible really only to get rid of Uzumaki Naruto and Killer B personally. 战场突变,从原本的2v2变成的1v3,局势在瞬间对宇智波止水极为不利。而就在这个时候乐渊准备出战了,他可如果再不出现那可就真的只能亲手干掉漩涡鸣人奇拉比了。 The Uchiha Shisui ability is bug, do not look that now the 1 v 3 disadvantage is very big. If he started his Mangekyō Sharingan ability, the situation will be reversed instantaneously. Right eye[ Izanagi], left eye[ Kotoamatsukami], both eyes are the Genjutsu (Illusionary Technique) eyes, but without exception is very strong abilities. 宇智波止水的能力就是个bug,别看现在1v3劣势很大。但是一旦他发动了他的万花筒写轮眼能力,局势会在瞬间被扭转。右眼[伊邪纳岐],左眼[别天神],两只眼睛都是幻术眼但是无一例外都是非常强的能力。 If the Shisui true body, then Dōjutsu (Eye Technique) of two eyes will not use absolutely casually.[ Izanagi] with[ Kotoamatsukami] has the enormous limit, pulls a time is using blind eye, the latter did not have 10 years of cooldown time not to restore. 如果说是止水的真身,那么两只眼的瞳术绝对不会随便使用。[伊邪纳岐]和[别天神]都有着极大的限制,牵着用一次瞎一次眼,后者更是没有十年的冷却时间根本恢复不了。 However this in the Impure World Reincarnation condition entirely is not the issue, although nearly immunity negative buff Impure World Reincarnation cannot make these two Dōjutsu (Eye Technique) side effects completely vanish, but will not let Shisui but therefore the strength drops. 不过这在秽土转生的状态下统统不是问题,近乎免疫负面buff的秽土转生虽然不能令这两种瞳术的副作用完全消失,但也不会让止水因此而战力下降。 Bang “嘭 Just before preparing to rush, took advantage of opportunity to besiege Shisui Killer B and Naruto is flown by a Le Yuan palm of the hand racket, but Le Yuan sudden appeared also makes all people on the scene act one to turn toward all around to diverge. 刚刚准备冲上前顺势围攻止水奇拉比鸣人乐渊一巴掌拍飞,而乐渊的突然出现亦让在场的诸人动作一顿向着四周散去。 Is you, hateful!” “是你,可恶!” Wasted Naruto just fell to the ground then prepares to come round of far ultra Rasengan with the hand of Nine-Tails chakra, after all Le Yuan is simply unforgiving to the matter that he handles. 被打飞的鸣人刚刚落地便准备用九尾查克拉之手来一发远超的螺旋丸,毕竟乐渊对他所做的事情简直不能原谅。 Wait, Naruto. This person cannot attack rashly, will die!” “等等啊,鸣人。这个人不能贸然袭击,会死的!” Nearby Killer B looks was quite clear, understand Le Yuan just that if the murder, their two have died. 一旁的奇拉比就看的比较清楚了,明白乐渊刚刚那一手如果是杀人的话,他们两个早就没命了。 Yes, you two stay here to be really in the way. Shisui Dōjutsu (Eye Technique) you two could not cope, hurried to the front battlefield? Before that is, generation of Four Kages arrived, words dying many people who do not go to a bit faster! Here fellow gives me!” “是啊,你们两个留在这里真的会碍事。止水瞳术你们两个对付不了的,还是赶去前面的战场吧?那可是前代四影降临了,不快点去的话可是会死很多人的!这里的家伙交给我!” Le Yuan waves to catch up with the fly to let the Naruto two shunts, has no alternative but to begin to Uchiha Shisui extra ultra specification strength Le Yuan like this, the influence that otherwise has was really big. 乐渊挥挥手赶苍蝇般让鸣人两个闪开,向宇智波止水这样的额外超规格战力乐渊不能不动手,不然造成的影响实在是太大了。 Had Le Yuan to keep off the disaster, although Uzumaki Naruto is not willing to let off Le Yuan, for that still clenched teeth to follow Killer B to leave here in the companion of struggle to continue to hurry along together. 有了乐渊挡灾,虽然漩涡鸣人非常不愿意就此放过乐渊,但是为了那还在苦战的同伴咬咬牙跟着奇拉比一起离开了这里继续赶路。 For a long time had not seen, Itachi!” “许久没见了,!” The person of being in the way left, Le Yuan looks the Uchiha Itachi continent sound that had once fought greeted. 碍事的人离开了,乐渊看着曾经交过手的宇智波鼬大陆声招呼。 However has not waited for Uchiha Itachi to respond, Shisui that had not acted started the attack. Azure chakra wrapped his whole body in just several seconds, Susanoo this of third shape never when Shisui is living the move of using actually after he dies appeared, this simply is a satire. 不过没等宇智波鼬进行回应,一直没有动作的止水开始了攻击。青色的查克拉在短短数秒内包裹了他的全身,第三形态的须佐能乎这个从来没有在止水活着时使用出来的招数却在他死后出现了,这简直就是一种讽刺。 But can resist Susanoo only has Susanoo, nearby Uchiha Itachi also refused to admit being inferior, depends on the present body absolutely not to have extra worries to be the same to use Susanoo of third shape instantaneously, but presented the scarlet red with the Shisui different surfaces. 而能够对抗须佐能乎的唯有须佐能乎,一旁的宇智波鼬同样不甘示弱,靠着现在的身体完全没有后顾之忧一样在瞬间使用出了第三形态的须佐能乎,不过与止水不同表面呈现赤红色。 „The present young people, really did not understand that what is the politeness, making me accompany you to play!” “现在的年轻人,真是不懂得什么叫礼貌,让我来陪你们玩玩吧!” Le Yuan naturally cannot what Susanoo, but Devil phantom evolves later already to regard as the alternative in Le Yuan Thunder Eyes now Susanoo. However compared with walking the Susanoo appearance of Japanese ancient customs, Le Yuan blue black Devil phantom walks surrealist Punk Style without doubt. 乐渊自然不会什么须佐能乎,但是魔人虚影现在在乐渊雷瞳进化之后已经可以视作另类的须佐能乎。不过比起走日本古风的须佐能乎模样,乐渊的蓝黑色魔人虚影无疑是走超现实主义朋克风 Three people of present energy body builds are almost the same, the appearance is also extraordinary similar. These hundred years of rare three big Susanoo resistances, brought actually just like the destroy the Heavens and extinguish the Earth destructive power. 三人的现在的能量体体形相差无几,样子也是出奇的相似。这百年难得一见的三大须佐能乎对抗,带来的却是犹如毁天灭地的破坏力。 A Shisui person fights jointly attacking of Le Yuan and Itachi alone, although three people of armor intensities are almost the same, but by an enemy two without doubt is the say/way of courting destruction. 止水一人独斗乐渊的合击,虽然三人的铠甲强度相差无几,但是以一敌二无疑是自取灭亡之道。 Le Yuan heavy blows stroke in the Shisui Susanoo back, immediately was known as the Susanoo back of absolute defense entire was then hit by Le Yuan crushes. However Shisui under the control of pocket is not general ruthless, saw with own eyes that Le Yuan and Itachi bully come then direct both hands to condense[ Yasaka Magatama]. 乐渊一记重拳击打在止水须佐能乎的背后,顿时号称绝对防御的须佐能乎后背便被乐渊整个打得粉碎。不过止水在兜的操控下也不是一般的狠,眼见乐渊欺身上来便直接双手凝聚[八坂之勾玉]。 The three tomoe long-distance attack of chakra constitution is not so only simple, itself has Ninjutsu of extremely strong destructive power, is the strongest long-distance attack under Susanoo condition. So under short distance, whose armor is unable to exempt from such attack. 查克拉构成的三枚勾玉不仅仅远程攻击那么简单,本身就是拥有极强破坏力的忍术,是须佐能乎状态下的最强远程攻击。如此近距离之下,无论是谁的铠甲也无法豁免这样的攻击。 But this exactly is the Shisui goal, Itachi or Shisui are the Impure World Reincarnation conditions, even if two people place the explosion core unable dead as before, but returns to the original condition to need to select the time. 而这恰恰就是止水的目的,无论是还是止水都是秽土转生的状态,两人就算是身处爆炸核心依旧是死不了,只不过恢复原状需要点时间而已。 But Le Yuan is not invincible, a move that so long as perishes together like this can get rid of Le Yuan, so long as that Shisui uses again[ Kotoamatsukami] then Itachi will then return to control of pocket again. 乐渊可不是无敌的,只要这样同归于尽的一招能够干掉乐渊,那么只要止水再一次动用[别天神]那么便会再一次回到兜的控制之中。 already from Annihilation restores to Shisui of upper part condenses Susanoo while stares at Itachi to look, in his opinion did not have Undying Body Le Yuan dead in such attack. 破灭已经恢复到上半身的止水一边重新凝聚须佐能乎一边盯着看,在他看来没有不死之身乐渊在这样的攻击中死定了。 However just resumed half of Uchiha Shisui sudden pupil enlarges, later chakra of already accumulation then disperses again, he lost to control of oneself body, but at this time a hand inserted his within the body. 不过刚刚恢复了一半的宇智波止水突然瞳孔放大,随后已经聚集的查克拉便再一次散开,他失去了对自己身体的控制,而此时一只手插入了他的体内。 This hand is not the Devil right arm of other Le Yuan, although now Le Yuan condition ugly a point, whole body hard armor under Devil Form during just explosion was being exploded burned black, but overall by fatally the injury. 这只手不是其他正是乐渊魔人右臂,虽然现在乐渊的状态难看了一点,魔人形态下的全身硬甲都在刚刚的爆炸之中被炸成了焦黑,但是总体而言没有受到致命的伤势。 Decodes Impure World Reincarnation Le Yuan unable to achieve, even his already understood uses/gives technique the method. However wants to decode this move only to relieve by caster. Le Yuan can do can only write off Uchiha Shisui, pulled out from Impure World Reincarnation the Soul body of Shisui, loses the body of Shisui Soul to change to sacrificial offering original yearly wages immediately. 破解秽土转生乐渊做不到,就算他已经了解了施术的方法。但是想要破解这招只能靠施术者自己解除。乐渊能做的只能抹杀掉宇智波止水而已,将止水灵魂体从秽土转生中掏出,失去了止水灵魂的身体顿时化作了祭品原来的一年工资。 “啪 Le Yuan the Soul light group entire crumb in hand, this thing Le Yuan is unable to write off completely, can only change to the most basic Soul fragment it. However even if such already is enough, even if on pocket also has the Shisui flesh, is unable Impure World Reincarnation he to come again. 乐渊将手中的灵魂光团整个捏碎,这种东西乐渊无法完全抹杀,只能将它化作最基本的灵魂碎片。不过即使这样已经足够,就算兜手上还有着止水的血肉,也无法再一次秽土转生他现身。 Has no need like this to me, Itachi!” “用不着这样对我吧,!” In the Le Yuan sound brings several points of helplessness, this matter's Uchiha Itachi after restoring Susanoo with Totsuka no Tsurugi that brings to point at Le Yuan directly. This type was stabbed will then fall into the troublesome weapon of seal, Le Yuan does not want to try its might. 乐渊的声音中带着几分无奈,此事的宇智波鼬在恢复之后直接用须佐能乎自带的十拳剑指着乐渊。这种被刺中便会陷入封印的麻烦武器,乐渊可不想试一试它的威力。 Goal, is actually your goal what? Actually is the Konoha enemy or the friend?” “目的,你的目的究竟是什么?究竟是木叶的敌人还是朋友?” Has an emotional tie with Konoha Itachi to plant pricks the impulsion of Le Yuan body Totsuka no Tsurugi immediately, but the intuition told him to be best to leave the casual attack, the opportunity that he can begin only had one time. A time, his fate does not only meet such as Uchiha Shisui to be frightened out of one's wits generally. 心系木叶有种当即就把十拳剑刺入乐渊身体的冲动,但是直觉却告诉他最好别随便攻击,他能动手的机会只有一次。一次不中,他的下场只会如宇智波止水一般魂飞魄散。 Enemy? Friends? The world is not in sharp contrast, I probably am the gray area, is not the friend is not an enemy, but the premise is the path that Konoha do not block me to go forward. However at present looks like me not to the reason that Konoha acts, on the contrary I will help you solve the Impure World Reincarnation source together!” “敌人?朋友?世界可不是黑白分明的,我嘛大概就是灰色地带,既不是朋友也非敌人,不过前提是木叶别挡住我前进的道路。不过目前看来我没有对木叶出手的理由,相反我会帮你一起解决掉秽土转生的源头!” Le Yuan these words are completely wholehearted, his action in this world according to the Quest change, present Quest does not extinguish the world completely at least, on the contrary helps more people as far as possible, is the Quest request. 乐渊的这一句话是完全是真心实意的,他在这个世界的行动完全是按照任务改变的,最起码现在的任务并非是灭世,相反尽可能地帮助更多的人,才是任务要求的。 What a pity the Le Yuan ultimate goal requests him to reduce Strength of both sides as far as possible, when necessary he will even give up Main Quest 3. 可惜乐渊的最终目的要求他尽可能减少双方的力量,必要时他甚至会放弃主线任务三 ... ... ... ...
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