VE :: Volume #8 三阶首战影之忍者

#725: The Ninja World war's 1st day

With declaring war of Masked Man Obito at Five Kages congress, entire Ninja World falls into the condition of urgently preparing. Although slaughtered as a result of War in the past unceasingly, when facing terrifying Masked Man Obito, all ninja village also put aside the prejudice to form the Ninja World allied armies temporarily. 随着面具男带土五影大会上的宣战,整个忍界都陷入了紧急备战的状态之中。虽然过去由于战争而不断厮杀,但是在面对恐怖的面具男带土的时候,所有忍村也暂时放下了成见组建起了忍界联军。 both sides to deal with this unprecedented war, prepared for two months. From mobilizing Ninja enters the war to prepare various commodities, again to protecting this War most essential two person Uzumaki Naruto and Killer B, all people participated in War, including civilians who the cannon fodders were not even. 双方为了应对这一次规模空前的大战,足足准备了两个月的时间。从动员忍者参战到准备各项物资,再到保护这场战争最为关键的两个人漩涡鸣人奇拉比,所有的人都参与到了战争之中,包括连炮灰都算不上的平民。 Suddenly entire Ninja World continent changes constantly, the situation change quick even/including already sees Third Tsuchikage that the second war, three fought to sigh that early nowadays world already cannot understand. Not only old monster Uchiha Madara comes out to challenge entire Ninja World, was compels entire Ninja World to form the unprecedented allied armies. 一时间整个忍界大陆风云变幻,局势变化之快连早已经见惯了二战、三战的三代目土影都不由感叹现如今世界已经看不懂了。不仅老妖怪“宇智波斑”出来挑战整个忍界,更是逼得整个忍界组成了前所未有的联军。 Two months later, the Ninja World allied armies were formed including the leadership. Raiding forces and medical logistics unit, intelligence force and sensation not , the combined military operation team of Daimyo Guard Squad as well as six combat troops. And dispatches to submerge the army for directly attack the root of the problem wantonly, is seeking for the Masked Man Obito den in Ninja World continent. 两个月之后,忍界联军组成了包括领导层。奇袭部队、医疗后勤部队、情报部队、感知不对、大名护卫队以及六只战斗部队的联合作战团队。其中更是为了直捣黄龙而大肆派遣潜入部队,在忍界大陆寻找着面具男带土的老巢。 Gathered the Ninja World continent completely Strength Ninja World allied armies enough 70,000 people( as a result of the disturbance of Le Yuan, vanished forcefully 10,000 people), this army without doubt is the Ninja World most powerful quantity. However to comparing to Masked Man Obito that side strength missed much, 10 ten thousand White Zetsu were not lost under the strengthening of Yakushi Kabuto to the Ninja World allied armies absolutely, in addition helping in the fighting of lots of Impure World Reincarnation, aspect already favored a dawn side. 集合了忍界大陆全部力量忍界联军足足有7万人(由于乐渊的干扰,硬生生消失了1万人),这一支部队无疑是忍界的最强力量。不过对比起面具男带土那边的实力就差了不少,十万白绝药师兜的强化之下绝对不输于忍界联军,加之大量的秽土转生者的助战,局面已经倾向于晓一方。 As both sides of war, 10 ten thousand White Zetsu or 7 ten thousand Great Army already of Ninja World of allied armies dawn are ready to fight. But Le Yuan actually in two months unceasingly and Karin and Hinata two people are playing as the opponent in order to give others practice, Le Yuan may not have other boosts in No. 1 world, can only believe girl who also only then these two lead. 作为大战的双方,无论是晓的十万白绝还是忍界联军的七万大军已经摩拳擦掌。而乐渊却在两个月的时间不断和香磷雏田两人陪练着,乐渊在一号世界可没有其他的助力,唯一能够相信的也就只有这两个一手带起来的女孩。 Two people strengths have the cultivation of Le Yuan to have bright prospects, particularly Hinata nowadays Tenseigan, although cannot say invincibly in under the Heavens, but also made her have in the strength that in the last war participated. As for Karin with the help of Sage Body, is Le Yuan copes with the Ten-Tails key, her physique, limits the action of Ten-Tails to have the important advantage regarding the blockade. 两人的实力有乐渊的栽培大有可为,尤其是雏田现如今的转生眼,虽然不能说无敌于天下,但是也令她有了在最后一战中参与的实力。至于香磷仙人体的帮助下,更是乐渊对付十尾的关键,她的体质对于封锁、限制十尾的行动有着至关重要的优势。 Le Yuan in this war, most needs is balanced. The dawn or the Ninja World allied armies cannot one-party rule, best both sides put together up battle efficiency that are the best situation. Also only then this most serves the Le Yuan benefit, after all can be called in No. 1 world by the Le Yuan status is the world-wide all enemy. 乐渊在这一场大战中,最需要的就是平衡。无论是晓还是忍界联军都不能一家独大,最好双方拼光了战斗力那才是最好的情况。也只有这样才最符合乐渊的利益,毕竟以乐渊的身份在一号世界中称得上是举世皆敌。 The Fourth Shinobi World War first war, Ninja World allied armies raiding forces vs Impure World Reincarnation raiding forces. Among the fight along with this raiding forces, Fourth Shinobi World War formally announced makes war. 第四次忍界大战第一战,忍界联军奇袭部队vs秽土转生奇袭部队。伴随着这一场奇袭部队之间的战斗,第四次忍界大战正式宣告开战。 This Fourth Shinobi World War first day can only treat as the appetizer merely, fight of both sides mostly is the tangled warfare of contacting, has not presented the large-scale group -type fight, this fight pattern as Ninja is perhaps related with them. 第四次忍界大战的第一天仅仅是只能够当作开胃菜而已,双方的战斗大多是接触性的混战,并没有出现大规模集团式的战斗,这或许和他们身为忍者的战斗模式有关。 Each battlefield is fighting with all might mutually, some people therefore drop down every minute every seconds. However these is related to the Ninja World future fight actually no one therefore to flinch. 各个战场相互拼杀着,每一分每一秒都有人因此倒下。不过这一场事关忍界未来的战斗却没有人会因此退缩。 In the battlefield of first army this nearly cruel fight has fought at dusk from the daytime, but Le Yuan saw the death also to be used to the death, but Le Yuan behind two girls may not have that good compatibility. 第一部队的战场中这种近乎残忍的战斗一直从白天战斗到了傍晚时分,而乐渊见惯了死亡也习惯了死亡,但是乐渊身后的两个女孩可就没有那么好的适应性了。 Karin is good, waits the time unceasingly to add on itself to study in the Tsunade subordinate medical service class with Le Yuan, the seen death was not counted, therefore saw the so bloody fight, although has a little not adapted however to look eventually. But Hinata actually exactly idea , because although follows the Le Yuan training , the character had some changes, but is her goodness, delicately actually not to vanish essentially, these saw that time suddenly so many deaths were absolutely heavy regarding her impact. 香磷还好,和乐渊待得时间不断加上自身在纲手麾下的医疗班学习过,见到的死亡也不算上,所以见到如此血腥的战斗虽然还有点不适应但是终究看得下去。而雏田却恰恰想法,虽然由于跟随乐渊训练后性格有了些许的变化,但是本质上属于她的善良、柔弱却没有消失,这一次骤然见到如此多的死亡对于她内心的冲击绝对不轻。 Although already has long known that this is not her own world, but front these people theoretically also with her very distant, but witnesses so many people poured in oneself at present, Hinata already some do not endure to ask: 虽然早就已经知道这并非她自己的世界,而面前的这些人理论上也和她八竿子打不着,但是见证了如此多的人倒在自己的眼前,雏田已经有些不忍地问道: „Doesn't Teacher Le Yuan, we really make a move? If we make a move, certainly can save them!” 乐渊老师,我们真的不出手吗?如果我们出手,一定可以救下他们的!” The hope of Hinata can say that in expected of Le Yuan, said such words to be normal with the Hinata character completely, if saw in the battlefield the scenery of such death to be aloof, that Le Yuan may really probably suspect that Hinata made a fraudulent switch or seizes the shed. 雏田的祈求可以说完全在乐渊的意料之中,以雏田的性格说出这样的话非常正常,如果见到了战场上这样的死亡之景还无动于衷,那乐渊可真要怀疑雏田是不是被掉包或者是夺舍了。 Without Le Yuan started talking, nearby Karin is helping the Le Yuan argument. 没等乐渊开口说话,一旁的香磷就帮着乐渊辩解了。 Hinata, is your reality point good! Sir Le Yuan they issue a warrant for arrest, they treat as the enemy us, they died were good! Who makes them want to kill Sir Le Yuan to come!” 雏田,你现实一点好不好!乐渊大人可是被他们通缉的诶,他们可是把我们当作敌人,他们死光了才好呢!谁让他们想要杀乐渊大人来着!” Karin said not to worry or care about at all, nowadays Karin can say is very satisfied with the present life, every day can treat side Le Yuan, seems like the love rival besides Hinata general, the day let alone some were much free and unrestrained. The Le Yuan enemy is her enemy, treats enemy Karin always not to have the sympathy. 香磷满不在意地说道,现如今的香磷可以说对现在的生活很满意,每天能待在乐渊身旁,除了一个雏田像是情敌一般外,日子别说有多逍遥自在了。况且乐渊的敌人就是她的敌人,对待敌人香磷从来都是没有同情心的。 But Hinata saw this also to continue anything, but Le Yuan actually interrupted her words. Regarding the idea of Hinata, Le Yuan also knows that the Ninja World allied armies cannot defeat, but makes a move to turn over to make a move, but the time is actually most important, otherwise this war might as well changes to Akatsuki vs. Le Yuan to consider as finished. 雏田见此还想要继续说些什么,但是乐渊却打断了她的话。对于雏田的想法,乐渊也知道忍界联军不能就这么败了,但是出手归出手,但时机却是重中之重,不然这一场大战还不如改成晓vs乐渊算了。 However the time comes quickly, when first after solving gold/metal corner/horn silver horn these two brothers, situation already is bright, the entire battlefield starts to contract with their pressing on step by step, most enemies therefore by seal. 不过时机来得很快,当第一部对解决了金角银角这两兄弟之后,局势已经非常明朗,整个战场随着他们的步步紧逼开始收缩,绝大多数的敌人因此被封印。 But Le Yuan crosses other battlefields to stare at the first battlefield also to have the reason specially, item Crimson Gourd and Amber Purifying Pot that Sage of Six Paths leaves behind blossom in radiant splendor in this war. Does not plan to wait after this dangerous thing Le Yuan is used to cope with itself, looking for the time seizes them certainly is the proper business, as for can change to item that carries off, after this matter, said. 乐渊之所以越过其他战场专门盯着第一战场也不是没有原因的,六道仙人遗留的道具红葫芦琥珀净瓶可是在这一战中大放异彩。对于这个极具危险性的玩意乐渊可不打算等着以后用来对付自己,找准时机将它们夺走才是正事,至于能不能化作带走的道具,这种事以后再说。 But in the people of first army think just before the end of fight of first day, the real crisis just started, along with the dislike of covering the less than half battlefield, a terrifying giant beast emerged out of thin air in the battlefield. 而就在第一部队的人以为第一天的战斗就要结束的时候,真正的危机才刚刚开始,伴随着一阵笼罩了小半个战场的厌恶,一只恐怖巨兽凭空出现在了战场之中。 Demonic Statue of the Outer Path, is the Ten-Tails body, is the divine tree main body. Stands hundred-meter Demonic Statue of the Outer Path to look like Heaven-Supporting Pillar, the terrifying of having angrily roared then deterred all first battlefields people. 外道魔像,也就是十尾的躯壳,更加是神树的本体。站起来高达百米的外道魔像就像是擎天之柱,一出现的恐怖怒吼便震慑了所有第一战场的人。 Roar roar roar “哦吼吼吼 The Demonic Statue of the Outer Path roar passes on very in the spacious battlefield, but each Ninja World allied armies members who hear this terrifying to angrily roar looks at this monster stunned. However although the monster panic-stricken is actually not able to make everyone look askance, truly those who made the first army vigilant is located in Masked Man Obito of Demonic Statue of the Outer Path top of the head. 外道魔像的吼声在空旷的战场中传得很远,而每一个听到这恐怖怒吼的忍界联军成员都错愕地看着这个怪兽。不过怪兽虽然惊恐却无法令所有人侧目,真正令第一部队警惕的是位于外道魔像头顶的面具男带土 Demonic Statue of the Outer Path starts also to mean that Le Yuan should start to take action, from solving the first army present situation of unusual fight came to see them to resist Demonic Statue of the Outer Path casualty not Le Yuan not to want too many dead in this absolutely in the fight of first day. 外道魔像开始也意味着乐渊该开始行动了,从解决了异常战斗的第一部队现况来看他们想要抵挡外道魔像死伤绝对不乐渊可不想让太多人死在这第一天的战斗上。 [ Shikoutazer] comes, this large-scale battlefield is the most suitable its place. Experienced a restore of the world, was destroyed the destruction in Warriors Orochi World[ Shikoutazer] returned to finally normal, after Le Yuan summoned Yui[ Shikoutazer] started, had a fist very to hit quickly on the cheeks of Demonic Statue of the Outer Path, repelled directly three steps it. [至高之力]现身,这种大型战场才是最适合它的地方。经历了一个世界的修复,在无双世界中被摧毁破坏的[至高之力]总算是恢复了正常,而在乐渊召唤结衣之后[至高之力]启动了,又快有很的一拳头打在了外道魔像的脸颊上,将它直接打退了三步。 Le Yuan stands in top of the head both hands of Shikoutazer holds the chest to look at opposite Masked Man Obito alternately, suddenly the people of below Ninja World allied armies all looked dull. This situation they somewhat feel helpless, actually this is Le Yuan their enemies or the allies? 乐渊站在至高之力的头顶双手交叉抱胸望着对面的面具男带土,一时间下方的忍界联军的人全都看呆了。这情况他们都有些不知所措,这乐渊究竟是他们的敌人还是盟友? „Are you, iron core must with me for the enemy?” “你,是铁了心要与我为敌吗?” The Uchiha Madara somewhat Boss makings that Masked Man Obito installs, own Demonic Statue of the Outer Path was also really hit seemed like Le Yuan to suffer a loss threatened generally. 面具男带土装的宇智波斑还真有几分波ss的气质,自己的外道魔像被打了反倒像是乐渊吃亏了一般进行威胁。 Just the opposite, I thought your such quick fate is inappropriate, this war just started, did you really prepare?” “恰恰相反,我只是觉得你这么快下场不合适而已,这场大战才刚刚开始,你真的准备好了吗?” Le Yuan looks that already transplanted Rinnegan Obito the left eye, must say that has not alerted that is false. After all Rinnegan in Strength that in the different manpower displays is difference between heaven and earth, but Nagato is unable to display absolutely strongly Rinnegan, after all this Rinnegan original form is Sharingan. 乐渊看着已经将左眼移植了轮回眼带土,要说没有一点戒备那是假的。毕竟轮回眼在不同人手里发挥的力量那是天差地别,而长门绝对无法将轮回眼发挥到最强,毕竟这轮回眼的原形是写轮眼 Indeed just started, but then needs to fry the hot atmosphere not? On, Demonic Statue of the Outer Path!” “的确才刚刚开始,但是这才需要炒热气氛不是吗?上吧,外道魔像!” Uchiha Obito does not want to continue to talk, controlled Demonic Statue of the Outer Path to start the fierce surface-to-surface sprint to Shikoutazer directly. Shikoutazer both hands welcomed, simultaneously the head gem position gathered the laser ray. 宇智波带土也不想继续交谈下去,直接操控着外道魔像对着至高之力发动了猛地地冲刺。至高之力双手迎上,同时头上宝石位置聚集起了镭射光线。 “滋滋滋 While Shikoutazer withstands Demonic Statue of the Outer Path, the laser ray swept on the face of Demonic Statue of the Outer Path. Was stuck Demonic Statue of the Outer Path of face to be obviously angry very much, although this laser ray is unable to penetrate it, but cannot support this injury is not low, going crazy Demonic Statue of the Outer Path is the life harvester, an under foot would unlucky Ninja dying a violent death. 至高之力顶住外道魔像的同时,镭射光线扫到了外道魔像的脸上。被糊了一脸的外道魔像很明显生气了,这镭射光线虽然无法将它穿透,但是架不住这伤害不低,发狂的外道魔像就是生命收割机,一脚下去总会有倒霉的忍者死于非命。 When the Ninja World allied armies prepare two monsters get rid of together, Le Yuan and Uchiha Obito are almost simultaneously from the Demonic Statue of the Outer Path battlefield vanish. 忍界联军准备将两个怪物一起干掉的时候,乐渊宇智波带土几乎是同时从外道魔像的战场消失。 “啪”“啪 In the place of not far away, Amber Purifying Pot and two Ninja Ninja of Crimson Gourd preservation were almost struck down at the same time. Le Yuan does not pay attention to two Ninja of under foot, looks to Obito that one side came to simultaneously. 在不远处的地方,琥珀净瓶红葫芦保存的两个忍者忍者几乎是在同一时间被击倒。乐渊也不理会脚下的两个忍者,看向了一旁同时现身的带土 Obito has not thought that the Le Yuan goal is unexpectedly consistent with him, after two people looked at each other one, almost charged into two item preservation places simultaneously. 带土也没有想到乐渊的目标竟然和他一致,两人对视了一眼之后几乎同时冲向了两件道具保存的地方。 Le Yuan is recent from Crimson Gourd, clamps it in the waist just wants to begin to another ninja tool, actually sees the Obito speed not slowly while touching to Amber Purifying Pot when inhaled own space it. 乐渊距离红葫芦最近,一把将它夹在腰间正想对另一个忍具动手,却见带土的速度也不慢在摸到琥珀净瓶的同时将其吸入了自己的时空间。 Does pretty good, is counted cutting off limb of Eight-Tails also to have in Amber Purifying Pot gold/metal corner/horn chakra, you seemed like already to collect nine tailed beast chakra, although the quantity was short, but also enough you started that move......” “干得不赖嘛,算上八尾的断肢还有琥珀净瓶里面金角的查克拉,你似乎已经凑齐了九只尾兽查克拉,虽然量少了点但是也足够你发动那一招了吧……” Le Yuan saw that this does not prepare to continue to capture Amber Purifying Pot, receives Crimson Gourd. 乐渊看到这一幕也不准备继续夺取琥珀净瓶,自顾自地将红葫芦收起来。 It seems like you knew about our plans very much, but you said right, true Ten-Tails will appear tomorrow, Eye of the Moon Plan I will complete it tomorrow!” “看来你对我们的计划很了解,不过你说的没错,明天真正的十尾就将出现,月之眼计划我会在明日将其完成!” Obito said self-confidently, his self-confidence is also proud. Although nine tailed beast chakra do not need to be attracted completely receives Demonic Statue of the Outer Path then to activate Demonic Statue of the Outer Path, however Nine-Tails chakra in the final analysis was too few, although gold/metal corner/horn had tailed beast clothes that chakra is not however able with complete tailed beast to compare favorably. 带土自信地说道,不过他的自信也是自负。虽然九只尾兽查克拉并不需要完全被吸收入外道魔像即可将外道魔像激活,但是九尾查克拉说到底还是太少了,金角虽然有了尾兽衣但是那点查克拉根本无法和完整的尾兽媲美。 This time Ninja World war is longer than the Obito imagination, first day the fight comes to an end along with the receiving hand of Le Yuan and Obito. 这一次的忍界大战远比带土想象地更加漫长,第一天战斗伴随着乐渊带土的收手而告终。 ... ... ... ...
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