VE :: Volume #8 三阶首战影之忍者

#724: Declare war! Four the beginning of war

Le Yuan draws in the domain besides beside also 9 people by killed Danzō, first does not raise Danzō that two subordinates to look just like at this time to the Le Yuan look kills the father personal enemy to be the same, but remaining Terumī Mei and Terumī Mei liangs Kage of a village actually revealed the especially dignified color at this time. 乐渊收拢到领域中的除了被斩杀团藏之外还有九人,先不提团藏的那两名部下此时看向乐渊的眼神犹如杀父仇人一般,而剩下的照美冥一村之影此时却露出了格外凝重之色。 Even if how the Danzō strength two people think otherwise again, after experiencing he has fought, does not acknowledge a matter, that is even if makes them conduct the one-to-one competition with Danzō is very difficult to profit personally, instead kills Danzō like Le Yuan during surrounding, and solves in only a half minute, that basic impossible. 团藏的实力就算两人再怎么不以为然,见识过他战斗之后也不不承认一件事情,那就是纵然让他们亲自与团藏进行一对一的比试也很难占到便宜,像乐渊这样在包围之中反杀团藏,且在区区半分钟内解决,那根本不可能 Until at this time Terumī Mei and Ōnoki secret the strength appraisal of Le Yuan from promoted about the same immeasurably deep in the heart. Arrived this step, two people already did not have the beforehand self-confidence, far exceeds their imagination the difficulty that Le Yuan kills, now perhaps wants to escape from this seal continually the space is an issue. 直到这个时候照美冥大野木才在心中暗暗将乐渊的实力评价从伯仲之间提升到了深不可测。到了这一步,两人已经没有了之前的自信,将乐渊杀死的难度远超他们的想象,现在恐怕连想要逃出这个密封的空间都是个问题。 From just commencing of action, two people awakened various probes to the Le Yuan domain unintentionally, from Lava Release to Dust Release, their which move hits in the Le Yuan domain throws away carelessly probably does not see slightly the sound. The Le Yuan domain seems like that only covered the original conference room, but in fact actually put dozens times to continue, but got up, even if went to the place of most boundary still to have the First Layer impregnable movie screen to prevent them to leave. 从刚刚战斗开始,两人就有意无意地对乐渊的领域惊醒各种试探,从溶遁尘遁,无论是他们的哪一种招数打在乐渊的领域上都像是打水漂似的不见丝毫动静。乐渊的领域看似只笼罩了原本的会议室,但是实际上却放到了数十倍不止,而起纵然来到最边界的地方依然有着一层牢不可破的障壁阻挡着他们离开。 Perhaps really such as Le Yuan said, beats no one not to break open this space him. However wants to defeat Le Yuan is also easier said than done, Le Yuan in domain has Spatial Displacement already situated in the invincible position, must kill Le Yuan first to ban the movement. It is not able to limit the movement that Le Yuan mysteriously appears and disappears, no one want to start fatally to Le Yuan strikes. 或许真的如乐渊所说,不将他击败谁也别想破开这个空间。不过想要击败乐渊又谈何容易,在领域内的乐渊有着空间移动已经位于不败之地,要杀乐渊先禁移动。无法限制住乐渊神出鬼没的移动,谁也别想对乐渊发动致命一击。 However said is easy to do is actually difficult, in 9 person situated in space has not had person who can limit the Le Yuan ability, even keeps up with the Le Yuan movement does not have. One group of people must be annihilated shortly, Terumī Mei and Ōnoki as Kage actually cannot disclose that any anxious and desperate expression, they are now the pillar/backbone of this group of people. 不过说的容易做起来却是难上加难,位于空间内的九个人没有一个拥有能够限制住乐渊能力的人,甚至连跟上乐渊动作的都没有。眼看着一群人就要全军覆没了,身为影的照美冥和大野木却不能透露出任何焦急、绝望的表情,他们是现在这群人的支柱。 However Le Yuan has not actually displayed any meaning of being ruthless, after gets rid of Danzō looks like fires off stops work for the day general, destroys the Danzō corpse merely was then confronting with Terumī Mei and the others, no longer launches any offensive. 不过乐渊却没有表现出任何赶尽杀绝的意思,在将团藏干掉之后就像是打完收工一般,仅仅是将团藏的尸体摧毁便与照美冥等人对峙着,不再发动任何的攻势。 Buzz “嗡” Sees only the water silver domain to vanish fiercely, Le Yuan one group of people returned to the original conference room again. Found the familiar place again, Terumī Mei or Ōnoki relax, in that heaven compared with just the domain entered the impossible hopeless situation roadless, the present situation without doubt is on good many. 只见原本水银色的领域猛地消失,乐渊一群人再一次回到了原本的会议室内。再一次瞧见了熟悉的地方,无论是照美冥还是大野木都松了一口气,比起刚刚领域内那种上天无路入地无门的绝境,现在的情形无疑是好上许多。 „” “啪” Le Yuan lifted in the hands a chair to fly into his hand, Le Yuan took advantage of opportunity the chair placed own behind seems like to the family/home sat generally at will, probably did not care about surrounding one group of people who completely wished one could to kill Le Yuan. 乐渊抬手之间一张椅子飞入了他的手中,乐渊顺势将椅子放在了自己的身后像是到家了一般随意坐了下来,像是完全不在意周围一群恨不得杀了乐渊的人。 Hi isn't this Uchiha Sasuke? Plays happily with Raikage?” “嗨这不是宇智波佐助吗?和雷影玩得痛快吗?” In the deathly stillness conference room, sat there Le Yuan looks up suddenly to the above. Sees only the both feet to gather chakra to stand on the ceiling takes the Sasuke anger of Kusanagi no Tsurugi to stare pair of Mangekyō Sharingan to take a fast look around below Le Yuan and the others. 死寂的会议室内,坐在那里的乐渊突然抬起头看向了正上方。只见双脚聚集查克拉倒站在天花板上拿着草薙剑佐助怒瞪着一双万花筒写轮眼扫视着下方的乐渊等人。 Uchiha Sasuke is not sees a play, the eye has swept on the scene, he will look at the body of Le Yuan. 宇智波佐助可不是来看戏的,眼睛扫过在场的诸位之后他重新将目光放到了乐渊的身上。 Where is Shimura Danzō at?” 志波团藏在哪?” The Uchiha Sasuke tone quite seems like in the interrogation criminal, in spoken language arrogant also has indifferently, so long as is ordinary person can hear. 宇智波佐助的语气颇为像是在审问犯人,言语中的高傲还有冷漠只要是个正常人都听得出来。 Had existence of Le Yuan, warrior Mifune also no longer such makes a move to cope with Uchiha Sasuke to original storyline, now their Le Yuan does not handle, if continues to provoke Le Yuan to be attacked front and rear again. 有了乐渊的存在,武士三船也不再向原本的剧情中那样出手对付宇智波佐助,现在他们连乐渊都搞不定,万一再继续招惹乐渊岂不是腹背受敌。 Looks for Danzō? You were slow one step, his already was killed by me, you want to flog a corpse difficultly! Looked that your appearance injures heavily, how long your can Sharingan also use?” “找团藏?那你还是慢了一步,他已经被我干掉了,你想鞭尸都难咯!看你的样子伤得蛮重的,你的写轮眼还能够用多久?” Did not have the assistance of Karin, Uchiha Sasuke to come here to spend more thoughts without doubt, his present condition absolute ratio original world difference. The question of Le Yuan absolutely is not nonsensical talk, Sasuke, although an appearance that stared in a big way Mangekyō Sharingan, but in the line of sight brings a numbness, this was the vision drops the best proof. 没有了香磷的辅助,宇智波佐助能够走到这里无疑花费了更多的心思,他现在的状态绝对比原本的世界更加的差。乐渊的疑问绝对不是无稽之谈,佐助虽然一副瞪大了万花筒写轮眼的样子,但是视线中却带着一丝麻木,这是视力下降最好的证明。 The news that Danzō has died made the Uchiha Sasuke slightly knitting the brows head, he seemed like walking into a trap of fool for especially was looks for Danzō to avenge a grievance. However ends up a wound to break through actually to be informed Danzō dead by Le Yuan reluctantly? This must enter the nuptial chamber in the wedding night bridegroom simply, was actually informed the bride to turn into the man before his nuptial chamber to be generally disgusting. 团藏已死的消息令宇智波佐助略微皱了皱眉头,他特地像是个傻瓜似的自投罗网为的就是找团藏报仇雪恨。但是落得一身伤勉强突围进来却被乐渊告知团藏已死?这简直就是在新婚之夜新郎就要入洞房了,却被告知新娘在他洞房之前变成了男人一般恶心。 Moreover this first time was is not arrived by the Le Yuan behavior regarding Uchiha Sasuke disgustingly, before then his action already was plundered reckless by Le Yuan. Since knew after Itachi is the two-sided spies, Uchiha Sasuke wanted to go to Konoha the village destroying, but without he arrived at Konoha, then received Konoha to destroy in the hand of Pain and Le Yuan Le Yuan expressed that this matter he was really innocent. 而且对于宇智波佐助而言这不是第一次被乐渊的行为恶心到了,在这之前他的一次行动已经算是被乐渊劫胡了。自从得知是双面间谍之后,宇智波佐助就想要前往木叶将村子给毁了,不过没等他到达木叶,便受到了木叶毁于佩恩乐渊的手上乐渊表示这件事情他真的是无辜的。 The first even/including twice anger want to vent are actually stopped by the midway, the feeling that this being angry has not embarked is really makes the Uchiha Sasuke fire big. 一连两次怒火想要发泄却被中途阻拦,这种有气没出发的感觉实在是令宇智波佐助火大。 Sees only the right hand to take Kusanagi no Tsurugi Uchiha Sasuke to jump down from the ceiling fiercely reverse, was sending out a rapid blade with the aid of the repulsive force of tread ceiling to Le Yuan. What a pity in the rapid blade, falls on Le Yuan eye Central Capital becomes exceptionally slow. 只见右手拿着草薙剑宇智波佐助猛地从天花板上反向跳下,借助蹬天花板的反冲力对着乐渊发出了迅疾的一刀。可惜在迅速的刀,落在乐渊的眼中都变得异常缓慢。 “Ding” “叮” The Uchiha Sasuke body that a blade wields stopped in the midair, with wielded cutting that produced to strike taking advantage of the impact full power is pinched by the three hand fingers of Le Yuan right hand there, the Uchiha Sasuke offensive also stagnated. 一刀挥下的宇智波佐助身体停顿在了半空之中,借着冲击与全力一挥产生的斩击就这么被乐渊右手的三根手指头捏在了那里,宇智波佐助的攻势随之停滞。 Sasuke and Le Yuan look in the eyes, Mangekyō Sharingan and Le Yuan Thunder Eyes is staring mutually, the aura of killing intent as well as struggle fills the air in the surroundings of two people. 佐助乐渊四目相对,万花筒写轮眼乐渊雷瞳相互盯着,杀意以及斗争的气息弥漫在两个人的周围。 Pinched Kusanagi no Tsurugi Le Yuan to fling Uchiha Sasuke conveniently, with him of present this condition fights that may have no interest slightly. On the contrary Le Yuan needs Uchiha Sasuke to go on living, has his existence that stirs the excrement stick, the future Ninja World war can pose the threat to the combination of Obito and Madara. 捏着草薙剑乐渊随手将宇智波佐助甩了出去,和现在这种状态的他打可没有丝毫的兴趣。相反乐渊需要宇智波佐助活下去,有着他这个搅屎棍的存在,未来的忍界大战才能够对带土和斑的组合造成威胁。 Le Yuan already weakened the Ninja World allied armies many strengths, cannot continue to weaken again, otherwise this Ninja World war really did not need to hit. 乐渊已经削弱了忍界联军这边不少的实力,不能再继续削弱下去了,不然这一场忍界大战就真的不用打了。 Breaks down “垮啦” At this time Fourth Raikage A and Kazekage Gaara two people one and crashed in the room, they seemed like the condition is very bad, particularly the hand of Fourth Raikage broke one. 这时候四代雷影艾风影我爱罗两人一并冲进了屋子,他们看起来状态同样很差,尤其是四代雷影的手都断了一只。 They after coming in noticed that the situation in room also frowns, the following fight they hit very ugly, but the above fight is also never expected that less optimistic, even Danzō vanished, looked that the complexion of his subordinate knows the Danzō fate is absolutely not much. 他们在进来后看到屋内的情况同样直皱眉头,下面的战斗他们打得很难看,但是没想到上面的战斗同样不容乐观,连团藏都消失了,看他部下的脸色就知道团藏的下场绝对不怎么样。 Suddenly haughty incomparable Raikage dares easily to begin, the entire atmosphere will therefore be stiff. In the meantime, the space vortex appears in the foot of conference room together, walked mask male Uchiha Obito flashy that to appear from the different space. 一时间就连狂傲无比的雷影都敢轻易动手了,整个会因此的气氛都僵了。就在此时,一道空间漩涡出现在会议室的一脚,从异空间走出来的面具男宇智波带土骚包地出现了。 As soon as he appeared then arrived at Sasuke one according to the shoulder of Sasuke, low voice after the ear of Sasuke said several arrogance Sasuke stopped the attack continually. 他一出现便来到了佐助的身边一手按在了佐助的肩膀上,小声地在佐助的耳边说了几句之后连傲气的佐助度不由停下了攻击。 My named Uchiha Madara “我名为宇智波斑 Masked Man Obito opens the mouth then to stun the world, so long as the Uchiha Madara reputation has the people of understanding is very clear, with the Ninja World legend that First Hokage shares the honor. One of deserving most Ninja, such character puts nowadays world absolutely is a disaster. 面具男带土一开口便语出惊人,宇智波斑的名头只要有过了解的人都很清楚,和初代火影齐名的忍界传说。当之无愧的最忍者之一,这样的人物放到现如今的世界绝对是一种灾难。 Afterward Obito seems like the performance one-man show to reveal to the public own Eye of the Moon Plan in Le Yuan at present, and is 11 told as for Sage of Six Paths some secrets Ten-Tails. Suddenly everyone almost with looking at the vision of lunatic looks at Masked Man Obito, what tries to challenge the entire Ninja World person by a person of strength is not the lunatic is? 随后带土乐渊眼前像是演艺独角戏般将自己的月之眼计划公之于众,并将十尾乃至于六道仙人的部分隐秘一一诉说。一时间所有人几乎都用看疯子的目光看着面具男带土,以一人之力试图挑战整个忍界的人不是疯子又是什么? However the Masked Man Obito even lunatic is still a lunatic who has the infinite military force, space Strength invincible might then sufficiently invincible in under the Heavens, seven tailed beast Strength that in addition succeeds in obtaining is a big deterrent force. Really must resist entire Ninja World is not completely impossible, when therefore Masked Man Obito announced when must shoulder Fourth Shinobi World War on own initiative, no one is regarded as the joke him. 不过面具男带土就算是疯子也是一个拥有无穷武力的疯子,本身的空间力量神威便足以无敌于天下,加之到手的七只尾兽力量更是一大威慑力。真要对抗整个忍界也不是完全不可能,是故当面具男带土宣布要主动挑起第四次忍界大战时,没有人把他当作是笑话。 When Masked Man Obito said that all these later have turned around to look to were sitting there idle Le Yuan, compared with Four Kages on the scene, what Le Yuan are without doubt bigger regarding his threat. 面具男带土说完这一切之后掉过头看向了正坐在那里无所事事的乐渊,比起在场的四影,乐渊的为对于他的威胁无疑更加大。 What's wrong? After listening to my plan, which side do you prepare to join the influence? Is the choice joins the dawn to assist me, or does the choice help this crowd issue a warrant for arrest your Ninja World allied armies?” “如何?在听了我的计划之后,你又准备加入哪一方的势力呢?是选择加入晓协助我,亦或者选择帮助这群通缉你的忍界联军?” Masked Man Obito is looking at Le Yuan, anticipated choice that Le Yuan makes. But Four Kages is also staring at Le Yuan stubbornly, high-end strength any side exceptionally needs, the final fight is not fighting with all might of both sides floor battle efficiency, but is the playing chess of their these high level. 面具男带土望着乐渊,非常期待乐渊做出的选择。而四影同样死死地盯着乐渊,高端战力无论是哪一方都异常需要的,最终的战斗不是双方底层战斗力的拼杀,而是他们这些高层的对弈。 Le Yuan stood from the seat, the chair under next second of body changed into the trash. This farce also looked enough, the person who wants to kill also killed, as for the later position issue? A few words can explain: Closes his trifling thing. 乐渊从座位上站了起来,下一秒身下的椅子化为了渣渣。这一场闹剧也看够了,想杀的人也杀完了,至于之后的站位问题?一句话就可以解释:关他屁事。 Masked Man Obito or the Ninja World allied armies are not obsolete outwardly on board game piece, their preying are immaterial. The Le Yuan goal one, that gets rid of Kaguya from beginning to end. 无论是面具男带土还是忍界联军都不过时明面上的棋子,他们的搏杀都无关紧要。乐渊的目标从始至终都只有一个,那就是干掉辉夜 However along with declaring war of Fourth Shinobi World War, third Main Quest and second Optional Quest of system came finally 不过伴随着第四次忍界大战的宣战,系统的第三个主线任务和第二个可选任务总算是现身了 Main Quest 3: Ninja World fights randomly 主线任务三:忍界乱斗 Quest Description: when Ninja World war balances battle efficiency of both sides, the assistance Ninja allied armies gets rid of Impure World Reincarnation condition resurrected Kage. Before the Ninja World allied armies damage exceeds ten strike to kill to obtain the attribute 0.3, draws 1, the Ninja World allied armies damage to exceed 10 not to have the reward, the damage surpass 40 Quest Failure, reduces 10 vitalities permanently, loses surpasses 80, reduces 50 vitalities permanently, the Ninja World allied armies all extinguishes, this world all reward resets, reduce 50 vitalities simultaneously permanently 任务描述:忍界大战之际平衡双方的战斗力,协助忍者联军干掉秽土转生状态复活的影。在忍界联军损伤超过十之前击杀获得属性点3,抽奖一,忍界联军损伤超过十无奖励,损伤超过40任务失败,永久降低十生命力,损失超过80,永久降低50生命力,忍界联军全灭,本世界所有奖励清零,同时永久降低50生命力 Optional Quest two: tailed beast gatherer 可选任务二:尾兽收集者 Quest Description: Collects nine tailed beast in legend, every time obtains one to obtain to draw 1, Experience Point 50 points 任务描述:收集传说中的九只尾兽,每得到一只获得抽奖一,经验值50点 Has not paid attention to also Masked Man Obito that waits for itself to answer, Le Yuan waves to greet probably vanishes from everyone generally, departed natural the preparation next fight. To be continued. 没有理会还在等待自己答复的面具男带土,乐渊挥挥手像是打招呼一般从所有人面前消失,潇洒离去准备下一次的战斗了。未完待续。 ... ...
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