VE :: Volume #8 三阶首战影之忍者

#723: With Five Kages first confrontation( 4000 big chapters)

Everyone on the scene at once completely move, but has not started to those present while this opportunity certainly is also the most correct choice. In all people on the scene, only has Five Kages and Le Yuan that is worth aiming at certainly, regardless of Le Yuan or Five Kages are not living that trivial Spore Technique can be stranded, is Le Yuan and the others ties certainly, under will rather thwart tries to capture and kill certainly. 在场的所有人一时之间全部中招,而绝没有趁此机会对在场的人下手也是最为正确的选择。在场的诸人之中,值得绝针对的唯有五影乐渊,但是无论乐渊还是五影都绝不是区区孢子之术能够困的住的,与其说是乐渊等人被绝缚住,不如说将计就计之下试图将绝捕杀。 Looks that actually has the Rinnegan preparation to flee certainly, those present are capable of asking the Spore Technique person also to show special prowess. The response of Le Yuan is quickest, or regarding absorbing chakra as the spore of growth nutrition, Le Yuan is a person that most does not fear. 看着绝竟然带着轮回眼准备逃离,在场的人有能力自行拜托孢子之术的人也纷纷各显神通。乐渊的反应最快,或者说对于吸收查克拉作为成长营养的孢子,乐渊是其中最不惧怕的一人。 Le Yuan flash dissipates the fearful cold air, the temperature of entire conference room therefore dropped ten degrees to continue. Immediately also prepared the spore that absorbed Strength to grow simply not to absorb and to grow then be frozen by biting cold frost with enough time. 乐渊身上一瞬间逸散出慑人的寒气,整个会议室的温度都因此而下降了十度不止。顿时原本还准备吸收了力量成长的孢子根本没有来得及吸收、成长便被彻骨的冰霜冷冻了起来。 But the body of Le Yuan with this was naturally also frozen frost, but this exactly is the good time of Le Yuan extrication, immediately the total of frozen stiff spore under Le Yuan Strength breaks up, along with the sound that broken ice slag falls to the ground, Le Yuan successfully withdraws. 乐渊的身体自然也随着这冰霜被冻结住了,不过这恰恰是乐渊解脱的好时机,顿时冻僵的孢子在乐渊力量之下全数崩解,伴随着碎冰渣落地的声音,乐渊成功脱身。 Also with has Third Tsuchikage Old Man Ōnoki that Le Yuan withdraws generally immediately, he displays[ Earth Release: Added-Weight Rock Technique] will package instantaneously in oneself spore petrification, used the way that and Le Yuan was exactly the the same as shake the powder the spore. 乐渊一般随即脱身的还有三代土影大野木老头,他施展的[土遁·加重岩之术]在瞬间将包裹在自己身上的孢子石化,动用了和乐渊如出一辙的方式将孢子震散。 But the withdrawing way simple and crude of Fourth Raikage A were many, packages in his spore, although is absorbing his chakra unceasingly, but compared with his movement was actually too slow, then before the spore increased he covered already is bared by his total. 四代雷影艾的脱身方式就简单粗暴多了,包裹在他身上的孢子虽然不断吸收着他的查克拉,但是比起他的动作来却是太慢了,早在孢子增多将他覆盖之前便已经被他全数剥开。 Also is really the swoonsome man, doesn't prepare to help virtuous young woman one? This thing bunch others quite uncomfortable...... your is Ice Release the Yuki Clan talent?” “还真是令人着迷的男人,难道不准备帮淑女一把吗?这个东西捆得人家好难受的……你的冰遁水无月一族的天赋吗?” Fifth Mizukage Terumī Mei has not actually moved, on the contrary seems like seduction licked the lip, displays miserable, the appearance of waiting rescue. However fully realized that at present this Mizukage has two Le Yuan of Bloodline Limit abilities not to dare to approach at will, the present woman seemingly is soft, but actually seemed like one group of lavas to be able person even/including meat/flesh to bring the bone to melt generally together. 五代水影照美冥却没有动弹,相反似乎诱惑似的舔了舔嘴唇,表现出一副楚楚可怜,等待救援的样子。但是深知眼前这位水影拥有两种血继界限能力的乐渊可不敢随意靠近,眼前的女人看似柔情似水,但是却像是一团熔岩一般能将人连肉带骨一起融化了。 Virtuous young woman? Isn't already thoroughly ripe mature woman?” “淑女?难道不是一个已经熟透的熟女吗?” The Le Yuan words passed to the ear of Terumī Mei light, these words listen to does not have any issue in other person of ears, but is one's turn has wedding date anxiety disorder Terumī Mei actually appears somewhat nervous nervous. Le Yuan this saying listened in her is satirizes her age already to be big, old that no one wanted Saint female. 乐渊的话轻飘飘地传到了照美冥的耳中,这句话在其他人耳中听来没有任何的问题,但是轮到有着“婚期焦虑症”的照美冥却显得有些神经质神经质。乐渊这话在她听来就是讽刺她年纪已经不小了,还是一个没人要的老“圣”女。 Immediately also planned took the opportunity to have Le Yuan of Ice Release ability to win over to Kirigakure Terumī Mei is also the penetrating fire in a stove, emitted to corrode the fine iron in the next second from that petite red lip sufficiently the strong corrosive liquid, immediately wrapped in her spore one and relieves. 顿时原本还打算借机将拥有冰遁能力的乐渊拉拢至雾隐村照美冥也是彻底火了,在下一秒从那娇小的红唇之中喷吐出足以腐蚀精铁的强腐蚀性液体,顿时包裹在她身上的孢子一并解除。 Limit that after many people contact, Le Yuan actually feels turning head that anything resembled to say to a conference room wall probably: The person who it seems like today looks for trouble are really many, do some people want to meet Uchiha Sasuke? Seemed like him also to come to here to find the person, some people were hapless!” 而当多人接触的限制之后,乐渊却像是感受到了什么似的回过头对着会议室的一面墙道:“看来今天来找麻烦的人还真不少,有人想要会一会宇智波佐助吗?貌似他也来这里找人了,有人要倒霉咯!” The eye of Le Yuan stared at unknowingly on already difficulty-relief Danzō again, Sharingan of his arm seemed like the nausea, but was actually a valuable wealth, Le Yuan really wanted the Sharingan collection the words, took from his here is simplest passing through. 乐渊的眼睛再一次盯上了不知不觉中已经脱困的团藏身上,他那一手臂的写轮眼看起来恶心,但是却是一笔宝贵的财富,乐渊真想要个写轮眼收藏的话,从他这里拿是最简单的途经。 What! Uchiha Sasuke, he there?” “什么!宇智波佐助,他在那里?” Uchiha Sasuke is related to Raikage younger brother Killer B, cannot attend to looking for the trouble of Le Yuan to look angrily at Le Yuan after hearing to his news immediately immediately, as if has Le Yuan not to tell him then to shake the fist in trend greatly directly. 宇智波佐助事关雷影的弟弟奇拉比,一听到他的消息立马就顾不上找乐渊的麻烦顿时怒视着乐渊,似乎大有乐渊不告诉他便直接挥拳就上的趋势。 Le Yuan toward reassurance gently one finger/refers that own sensation arrives, immediately Raikage also no longer stays, breaks the room to overtake toward the place that Sasuke is at directly. However this looks like very normal in Raikage, if room four Kage Level cannot detain Le Yuan, or can be instead killed by Le Yuan, then these four Kage Level do not need to stay here to participate in Five Kage Summit. 乐渊向着自己感知到的放心轻轻一指,顿时雷影也不再停留,直接打破屋子向着佐助所在的地方赶了过去。不过这在雷影艾看来很正常,如果一屋子四名影级都留不住乐渊,或者说能够被乐渊反杀,那么这四名影级也就没有必要留在这里参加五影会谈了。 This is not Raikage regarding others does not care or despises, rather, it is the pride of people who share the identity of Kage, Kage of a village how, if this strength cannot even be able to hold on to your hat. 这绝不是雷影艾对于其他人的不在意或是轻视,而是对同位影这个身份的人的骄傲,一村之影如果连这点实力都没有又怎么能坐得稳。 After Raikage brings his two subordinates are departing, Gaara at the same time cannot sit still. With Naruto is his naturally understand Sasuke of base friend regarding the Naruto importance. Let alone also is really a point grasps facing Le Yuan now does not have, regarding strength to become puzzle Le Yuan, he is willing facing Sasuke that had once fought. 而在雷影带着他的两名部下离去之后,一边的我爱罗也坐不住了。和鸣人是基友的他自然明白佐助对于鸣人的重要性。更何况现在面对乐渊还真的是一点把握也没有,对于实力成谜的乐渊,他更加愿意面对曾经交过手的佐助 Everyone, my technique very difficult to deal with Le Yuan, I helps his one!” “各位,我的术很难对付乐渊,我还是去帮他一把吧!” With Gaara these words, followed to make Temari and Kankurō of guard in his side left the conference site similarly. 随着我爱罗的这一句话,跟在他身边做护卫的手鞠勘九郎同样离开了会场。 Suddenly in the conference room is only left over three groups of person in addition announcer warrior Mifune as well as as opponent Le Yuan of three person villages, amounted to the rooms of 11 people spacious immediately much. 一时间会议室内仅剩下三个人村的三组人外加主持人武士三船以及作为对手的乐渊,总计11个人的屋子顿时空旷了不少。 Has saying that the choice of Gaara is correct, Wind Release and Sand Ninja that method he grasps cannot pose any threat to Le Yuan, the reaction speed or the might of sand are unable to press Le Yuan, he is not even able to display all strengths in the room completely. 不得不说我爱罗的选择是正确的,他所掌握的风遁沙忍法并不能对乐渊造成任何的威胁,无论是沙子的反应速度还是威力都无法压到乐渊,他在屋内甚至无法完全发挥所有的实力。 But Le Yuan looks is taking a look at own 10 people as before, warrior Mifune is also elite Jōnin, a sabreplay is fair, but wants to borrow this wound to be absolutely impossible to Le Yuan. But remaining one group of people can threaten Le Yuan only has three -and-a-half people. 乐渊望着依旧在打量着自己的十个人,武士三船也就是精英上忍,一手刀术中规中矩,但是想要借此伤到乐渊绝无可能。而剩下的一群人能够威胁乐渊的只有三个半人。 Uses Dust Release Tsuchikage is, uses Lava Release and Boil Release Mizukage is, but in the Danzō subordinate Aburame Torune Rinkaichū is one, but Danzō can only be half. 使用尘遁土影算一个,使用溶遁和沸遁水影算一个,而团藏的手下中油女取根磷坏虫算一个,而团藏只能算半个。 The analysis of Le Yuan is not the subjective guess, the Dust Release resolution capability can the object isolation the atomic condition, this does not depend can only prevent. But Lava Release and Boil Release is insufficiently fatal, but coordinates the attacks of others also to be effective causes the damage to Le Yuan. 乐渊的分析不全是主观猜测,尘遁的分解能力能将物体分离成原子状态,这绝不是单靠就能阻挡的。而溶遁和沸遁虽然不足以致命,但是配合其他人的攻击也能有效对乐渊造成伤害。 As for unknown Aburame Torune Rinkaichū is the nano-meter poisonous insect, Le Yuan has not tried this injury, does not prepare to attempt to have a look personally. But Danzō said half, that is not Le Yuan fears his strength also or Shisui Sharingan of hidden, these are he drift along the small trick of survival, only has that final perishing together move[ Reverse Four Symbols Sealing] can have the influence on Le Yuan reluctantly. 至于名不见经传的油女取根磷坏虫更是纳米级的毒虫,乐渊没有尝试过这种伤害,也不准备亲自尝试看看。而团藏之所以说半个,那可不是乐渊惧怕他的实力亦或者隐藏的止水写轮眼,那些不过是他苟且生存的小伎俩,唯有那最后的同归于尽招数[里·四象封印]勉强能够对乐渊造成影响。 Domineering Raikage departs, at the scene is headed by the qualifications faintly old, experience richest Tsuchikage, looks at Le Yuan that anything has not been making, Tsuchikage said: Young people, are without a fight now also with enough time, a person resists Three Kages this is not brave, but is stupid! If not want the body dead, now surrenders also with enough time!” 强势的雷影离去,现场中隐隐以资格最老、经验最丰富的土影为首,望着什么都没有做的乐渊,土影道:“年轻人,现在束手就擒还来得及,一人对抗三名影这不是勇敢,而是愚蠢!如果不想要就此身死的话,现在投降还来得及!” Surrender? Joke!” Let Le Yuan anything not do on surrender this matter has a dream purely, can present one group of people make Le Yuan appear the real skill are an issue, but Le Yuan wants to walk no one to block. “投降?笑话!”让乐渊什么都不做就投降这种事纯粹是做梦,眼前的一群人能不能让乐渊显现出真本事还是个问题,而乐渊想走没人拦得住。 Le Yuan lifts the right hand to point to has stood on one side silently silent Danzō, Sharingan eyes power that this old boy standby period has restored to consume, Le Yuan understand this fellow's effect on the future Ninja World war will most kill him to set up the prestige very much not to affect the future plan. 乐渊抬起右手直指一直站在一边默默无声的团藏,这个老小子一直等待时间恢复消耗的写轮眼瞳力,乐渊明白这家伙对未来忍界大战的影响最干掉他既可以立威也不影响未来的计划。 30 seconds, in 30 seconds I must blow away your fellow!” “30秒,30秒内我要干掉你这个家伙!” Extremely arrogant!” “狂妄!” What Le Yuan brave words trade is the Tsuchikage Ōnoki angry two characters, wants again the short 30 seconds to get rid of one of them in surrounding of Three Kages, this does not despise their Kage's ability, provokes to them is anything. 乐渊的豪言壮语换来的是土影大野木愤怒的两个字,在三名影的包围中还想再短短30秒时间内干掉其中一人,这不是蔑视他们影的能力,对他们挑衅又是什么。 Since Le Yuan already brought to light the attitude of fight, Tsuchikage Old Man Ōnoki will not keep the hand again, flutters to hold their palms together to compose a triangle in midair he,[ Dust Release: Atomic Dismantling Technique], exceeds the three branches of the family blood that Bloodline Limit formed following eliminating the ability. 既然乐渊已经挑明了战斗的态度,土影大野木老头也绝不会再留手,飘在半空中的他双手合十组成一个三角形,[尘遁·原界剥离之术],超越了血继界限而形成的三属性血继淘汰能力。 As ultimate the technique of destruction, the chakra nature that it needs are many, even Tsuchikage cannot the unlimited use, but sends out this move then to indicate that each time the person will die in its hand surely. 作为究极的破坏之术,它所需要的查克拉自然不少,即使是土影也不能无限制的使用,但是每次发出这一招便预示着必定有一人会死在它的手上。 [ Dust Release: Atomic Dismantling Technique] covers the body of Le Yuan completely, Le Yuan already is completely as if solved evidently. However has not waited for others to voice the opinions, the water silver world covers in the entire conference room instantaneously. [尘遁·原界剥离之术]将乐渊的身体完全笼罩,看样子似乎乐渊已经被彻底解决了。但是还没等其他人发出感叹,水银色的世界瞬间笼罩在整个会议室内。 Welcome arrives at my world, no my permission may no one be able to pass in and out at will!” “欢迎来到我的世界,没有的我的允许可没有人能够随意进出的哦!” The Le Yuan sound appeared in everyone's ear bank, simultaneously already appears by Le Yuan that Dust Release covered in everyone's front again. Just eliminated is the illusory image that Immortal Technique wind body cloud body formed, but Le Yuan after opened own domain for the first time thoroughly, this appeared in everyone's front. 乐渊的声音出现在了所有人的耳畔,同时已经尘遁笼罩的乐渊再一次出现在了所有人的面前。刚刚被消灭的不过是仙术风身云体形成的幻影罢了,而乐渊在将自己的领域第一次彻底张开之后,这才出现在所有人的面前。 barrier technique? As if has a little different, since is you displays, overthrew you unable to go out! Lava Release: Melting Apparition Technique!” 结界术?似乎有那么一点不同,不过既然是你施展的,打倒你不就能出去了!溶遁·溶怪之术!” Terumī Mei may not have to be worried slightly, although seems like that Le Yuan closed off their escape routes, prevented others to give support, but currently is still they holds the population advantage. 照美冥可没有丝毫担心,虽然看似乐渊将他们这些人的退路封锁了,也阻止了其他人前来支援,但是目前依然是他们占有人数优势。 In the instance of Terumī Mei attack, others are also coordinating the move, encircles Le Yuan. 照美冥攻击的瞬间,其他人也纷纷配合着出招,将乐渊团团围住。 But Le Yuan actually just like the idle courtyard to stroll in this intense attack, domain Strength can his strength ultra limit strengthening. His present action speed is not Tsuchikage and the others imagined, Le Yuan already left let alone incurred, but they had not detected matter that Le Yuan handled. 乐渊在这密集的攻击中却犹如闲庭漫步,领域的力量能够将他的实力超极限强化。他现在的行动速度绝不是土影等人想象的,更何况乐渊已经出招了,只是他们还没有发觉乐渊所做的事情而已。 30 seconds of countdown starts!” “30秒倒计时开始!” With Le Yuan these words, Le Yuan is arriving instantaneously has hidden after the people Danzō that uses Wind Release to sneak attack. The appearance of this old fogy or right hand disability, has not planned to expose oneself that disgusting right hand completely. 伴随着乐渊的这一句话,乐渊在瞬间来到了一直躲藏在众人之后用风遁偷袭的团藏。这个老家伙还是右手残疾的样子,完全没有打算暴露自己那恶心的右手。 Devil phantom comes instantaneously, a giant right hand palm of the hand claps, probably sends the fly entire to pat generally Danzō. The Le Yuan speed is really quick, Spatial Displacement of omen, totally became unlimited super teleport of no omen in this domain. 魔人虚影瞬间现身,巨大的右手一巴掌拍下,像是派苍蝇一般将团藏整个拍死。乐渊的速度实在是太快,原本还有所前兆的空间移动,在这领域内完全成为了无预兆的无限制的超级瞬移 Naive, Wind Release: Vacuum Serial Waves!” “天真,风遁·真空连波!” When one group of people think Danzō already dies, actually sees him to appear from another side suddenly, completely no one detected how he is separated comes, completely no omen. 就在一群人以为团藏已经死的时候,却见他从另一边陡然出现,完全没有人发觉他是这么脱离又是怎么现身的,完全没有一点预兆。 But this is he hidden the move[ Izanagi], can transforms the injury and unfavorable factor including death of caster as the dreamland( i.e. in this/should time all attacks invalid), can favorable factors become ultimate Genjutsu (Illusionary Technique) of reality the attack of caster. 而这就是他隐藏的招数[伊邪那岐],能够将施术者的伤害以及包括死亡在内的不利因素转化为梦境(即该时间内一切攻击无效),也能够将施术者的攻击等有利因素变为现实的究极幻术 But by the Danzō ability, Sharingan on arm can support he 60 seconds of invincible time, but the attack of Le Yuan the present passed merely for 10 seconds, he also has the entire 50 seconds to launch the counter-attack. 而以团藏的能力,一只手臂上的写轮眼能够支持他60秒的无敌时间,而乐渊的攻击到现在仅仅是过去了十秒,他还有着整整50秒发动反击。 Le Yuan pounds moves instantaneously again, Spatial Displacement turned into the non-solution style in the Le Yuan domain, does not need to stop completely also or the locking target, anybody in domain, so long as does not have resistance domain Strength, then unavoidable by domain detection locking. 乐渊砸瞬间再一次移动,空间移动乐渊的领域内变成了无解的招式,完全不需要停顿亦或者锁定目标,领域内的任何人只要不具备对抗领域的力量,便无法避免被领域侦查锁定。 Put out the multiple the straight line wind blade to lose the Le Yuan trail from the mouth instantaneously, Danzō became with wind attribute chakra kunai in hand sharp incomparable, later engaged in self-examination kunai toward own behind gripped. 从口中吐出复数的直线风刃在瞬间失去了乐渊的踪迹,团藏将手中的苦无用风属性查克拉变得锐利无比,随后反身一苦无向着自己的身后扎了过去。 Ding “叮 The attack appeared Devil phantom rib of kunai blocks, Le Yuan totally becomes Susanoo that the Devil phantom refinement he is in sole possession, but does not know as a result of „the key of vision class evolution the relations, Devil empty Kage's ability is unifying with his eye, Le Yuan regarding this move of control quantity, the consumption actually reduced just the opposite. 苦无的攻击被出现的魔人虚影肋骨挡住,乐渊完全是将魔人虚影提炼成为了他独有的须佐能乎,而不知道是不是由于“视觉类进化之钥”的关系,魔人影的能力正和他的眼睛相结合,乐渊对于这一招的掌控更加数量,消耗却恰恰相反减少了许多。 attached wind attribute kunai is not naturally able to penetrate this hard enduring compared with Adamantium Devil phantom, but lifts the hand is palm subordinate Devil cannot take to Danzō any fear. Danzō is also deeply believing oneself that[ Izanagi] can immunity these attacks. 附着风属性的苦无自然无法穿透这硬的堪比艾德曼合金魔人虚影,而抬起手便是一掌麾下的魔人并没有能够带给团藏任何的恐惧。团藏还深信着自己那[伊邪那岐]能够免疫这些攻击。 However Le Yuan looks that did not hide Danzō that did not dodge actually to turn upwards the corners of the mouth, the giant right palm of Devil hit Danzō again. In person eyes that in one crowd can only look on, the body of Danzō divides into two among splits. 不过乐渊看着不躲不闪的团藏却翘起了嘴角,魔人的巨大右掌再一次击中了团藏。在一群只能旁观的人眼中,团藏的身体一分为二中正中间裂开。 How ...... meets......” “呃怎么……会……” Pours seems extremely stunned in the Danzō upper part of ground, he cannot believe how crossed more than 20 seconds of Izanagi obviously on the already expiration. 倒在地上的团藏上半身显得极为错愕,他怎么也不敢相信明明才过了20多秒怎么伊邪那岐已经失效了。 The Le Yuan right hand changed to the lightning in water Mangekyō Sharingan to dig from the right eye of Danzō instantaneously, later laid aside already to prepare in the good glass jar him early. 乐渊右手化作闪电在瞬间从团藏的右眼将之水的万花筒写轮眼挖了出来,随后将其放置到了早已经准备好的玻璃瓶中。 Thinks not understand? But here my world, you from entering here then already received here suppression, all your abilities already had weakened completely, if before is not, I withdrew that suppression, you think that your attacks can also play the might? Izanagi naturally does not arrange in order outside, the duration already had arrived, less than 30 seconds, suppressed most probably!” “想不明白?这里可是我的世界,你从进入这里起便已经受到了这里的压制,你的所有能力早就已经完全削弱了,如果不是之前我撤去了那种压制,你以为你的那些攻击还能发挥出威力吗?伊邪那岐自然也不列外,持续时间早就已经到了,30秒不到,压制住了大半呢!” With the explanation of Le Yuan, on the Danzō face reveals to be unwilling also some regrets, he really believes[ Izanagi] Strength, even has not noticed Le Yuan to shift them to this water silver space real reason. 伴随着乐渊的解释,团藏脸上露出不甘还有后悔,他实在是太相信[伊邪那岐]的力量,甚至没有注意到乐渊将他们转移到这个水银色空间的真正原因。 But cut off Danzō already of body to march into the death, he looks to be away from oneself merely less than 3 meters Le Yuan, started oneself final technique Reverse Four Symbols Sealing Technique fiercely. 而被斩断了身子的团藏已经步入死亡,他看着距离自己仅仅三米不到的乐渊,猛地启动了自己最后的一个术里四象封印术 Everyone avoids, that is Reverse Four Symbols Sealing Technique!” “所有人避开,那是里四象封印术!” The flash pain that Tsuchikage Ōnoki sees shrinks fiercely, but is in the seal center Le Yuan actually is not worried about own situation completely. Perhaps wants to hide outside Le Yuan is more troublesome, however in the domain was a thought that Le Yuan then dodges beyond several hundred meters merely. 土影大野木看到的一瞬间痛苦猛地一缩,而正处于封印中心的乐渊却完全不担心自己的情况。或许在外面乐渊想要躲还麻烦些,但是在领域内仅仅是一个念头,乐渊便闪躲到了数百米外。 Makes war the 28 th second, successfully the Shimura Danzō solution, harvests Mangekyō Sharingan. 开战第28秒,成功将志村团藏解决,收获万花筒写轮眼一只。 ... ...
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