VE :: Volume #8 三阶首战影之忍者

#722: Penetrate! Five Kages conference

Had the involvement of Le Yuan, Pain invaded the losses that Konoha caused to be it can be said that unprecedented. 有了乐渊的介入,佩恩入侵木叶造成的损失可以说是史无前例。 First did not say that in finance, now Konoha basically all destroys, came thoroughly compared with past any war, although Land of Fire was quite wealthy to dial compared with reconstruction this, but already do not want to restore to the past grand occasion. 先不说财务上的,现在木叶村基本上全毁了,比以往任何一次大战都来得彻底,虽然火之国比较富裕将这比重建款拨了下来,但已经别想恢复到以往的盛况。 But on the most essential losses or the personnel, a large quantities of Konoha elite died in battle in this war. Including was most likely to take over the Hatake Kakashi dying in battle battlefield in position of Hokage, but fifth generation Tsunade was because chakra consumed excessively fell into the time uncertain stupor, although prepared for a long time Danzō to take over the duty of Hokage, but in Konoha to his hand was a mess, the loss really exceeds the anticipation. 而最关键的损失还是人员上的,一大批木叶的精英在这一战中阵亡。连最有可能接任火影之位的旗木卡卡西都战死沙场,而五代目纲手更是由于查克拉耗损过度而陷入了时间不定的昏迷之中,虽然筹划已久的团藏接手火影之职,但是到他手上的木叶就是个烂摊子,损失实在是超过预期。 But affects the most major part to be child of Uzumaki Naruto prediction on the global development probably, without the experience and Pain Six Paths fights to become the Konoha hero, on the contrary is because penetrated the battlefield to be extracted Nine-Tails Strength by Le Yuan. Not only the self-confidence was attacked heavily, even village Central Capital spread to his disadvantageous rumor, after Danzō mounted the stage, put under house arrest its secret taking advantage of the momentum of this rumor, without Tsunade and Kakashi was Naruto keeps off the disaster, his auspicious day also stopped. 而对于世界发展影响最大的部分大概就要属预言之子漩涡鸣人,没有经历与佩恩六道一战成为木叶村的英雄,反倒是由于突入战场被乐渊抽取了九尾力量。不但自信心被打击得不轻,连村子中都流传起了对他不利的流言,团藏上台后更是借着这股流言的势头将其秘密软禁,没有纲手卡卡西鸣人挡灾,他的好日子也就到此为止了。 As for this type by the suffering, was lost most Nine-Tails Strength, and fights Uzumaki Naruto that intent all disappears also to be able the salt fish to turn over/to stand up to become key man who affects Fourth Shinobi World War, that also is really the heaven wants to help him. 至于这种饱受煎熬,失去了大半九尾力量,并且战意全消的漩涡鸣人还能咸鱼翻身成为影响第四次忍界大战的关键人物,那还真是老天都想要帮他。 As for Le Yuan, in Konoha reconstructed Five Kage Summit to be possible not to have the completely idle under heart in this period, did not say that also had less than half part Tenseigan eyes power not to absorb, the key of vision class evolution this just took he may not make clear the condition. 至于乐渊木叶重建到五影会谈期间可没有完全闲下心来,不说还有小半部分的转生眼瞳力没有吸收,这刚刚拿到手的视觉类进化之钥他可还没有搞清楚状况。 This item after Le Yuan Quest completes then already function on Le Yuan, then Le Yuan has not felt any difference, but with Tenseigan eyes power was absorbed completely, Le Yuan only feels own Thunder Eyes also while the nature absorbs eyes power had some transformation. 这件道具乐渊任务完成后便已经作用在了乐渊身上,当时的乐渊并没有感觉到任何的异样,但是随着转生眼瞳力被完全吸收,乐渊只觉得自身的雷瞳也在自然吸收瞳力的同时发生了某种蜕变。 Looks at already by oneself absorption giant Tenseigan, the Le Yuan racket the buttocks is stood completely. Sat over half a month time in front of this thing, even if Le Yuan stared at already is still sick every day. 看着已经被自己完全吸收的巨型转生眼,乐渊拍拍屁股站了起来。在这玩意面前坐了大半个月的时间,就算是乐渊每天盯着也已经厌烦了。 „Did Sir Le Yuan, eventually finish?” 乐渊大人,终于结束了吗?” Has been responsible for Karin that is Le Yuan runs about seeing Le Yuan to set out, takes to prepare good potion to walk hastily to ask to say. Since Nagato and Konan also arrived on Moon, often gets two people to be familiar with all on this Moon as Karin of pioneer, in the same clan regarding Le Yuan mouth, Karin has no special feeling, on the contrary Nagato feels quite at home actually about Karin. 一直负责为乐渊跑腿的香磷乐渊起身了,连忙拿着个准备好的药剂走上前询问道。自从长门小南也来到了月球上之后,作为先驱的香磷就时常领着两人熟悉这月球上的一切,对于乐渊口中的同族,香磷本身没有什么特别的感觉,相反长门倒是对香磷倍感亲切。 Un , is so difficult to drink.” “嗯唉,还是这么难喝。” Le Yuan drinks the potion total that Karin hands over, later to this early already ripe cannot the familiar potion flavor complain. As medical Ninja Karin is not white passed/lived, at least after knowing the body of Le Yuan has the potential threat, then the attempt treats Le Yuan with Ninja World potion and Medical Ninjutsu, the fact proof also a little effect, gets down to counter-balance strength of the small some Heavens Punishment year after year. 乐渊香磷递过来的药剂全数喝下,随后对着这个早已经熟的不能再熟悉的药剂味道抱怨道。作为医疗忍者香磷可不是白过的,最起码在知道乐渊的身体有潜在威胁之后,便尝试用忍界药剂医疗忍术乐渊进行治疗,事实证明还有点功效,长年累月下去还是可以抵消一小部分天谴之力的。 Karin holds the eyeglasses that wear, later received on Le Yuan already to drink the light potion cup. Saw that after a Le Yuan drop does not remain all potion totals drink up, Karin then licks the lip that to touch the cup of Le Yuan lip carefully to receive, at first sight comes up and in heat crazy girl has not distinguished. 香磷扶了一下自己戴着的眼镜,随后接过了乐渊手上已经喝光药剂的杯子。看到乐渊一滴不剩地将所有药剂全数喝光之后,香磷这才舔着嘴唇将那触碰过乐渊嘴唇的杯子小心谨慎地接过来,乍看上去和发春痴女没有分别。 Bang oh “嘭”“啊哟 Karin places in the cup the bosom, the hand of vacancy feels by a head pitiful appearance that Le Yuan strikes. Karin this appearance that the performing skill sends causes most people's sympathy sufficiently, before Le Yuan, has by this appearance is made tenderheartedly, but ran upon the immunity one after another. 香磷一把将杯子放在怀中,空处的一只手摸着被乐渊敲打的脑袋一副可怜兮兮的样子。演技派的香磷这幅样子足以引起绝大多数人的同情心,乐渊以前也不是没有被她这副样子弄得心软过,不过接二连三撞上有了免疫力。 These year of Karin learn/study under Tsunade, not only learned her Medical Ninjutsu, one and inherited certain bad customs of Tsunade, and unifies her own character to carry forward. 这些年香磷纲手底下学习,不但将她的一身医疗忍术学到手了,连带着将纲手的某些坏习惯一并继承了下来,并且结合她自己的性格发扬光大。 But this is often making Le Yuan have a headache to the Le Yuan starry eyed individuality, the present Karin loyalty that did not have the words saying that but this touched the type really to make Le Yuan cross tired, on the contrary another person Hinata that gave a good account of oneself a lot, at least when facing Le Yuan Yamato nadeshiko let Le Yuan gently, when will not feel facing her too awkward. 而这对着乐渊花痴的个性就常常令乐渊头疼不已,现在的香磷忠诚度那是没话说,但是她这幅摸样真的让乐渊过得累极了,相反另一个人雏田那就表现得好得多,最起码在面对乐渊时大和抚子的温柔让乐渊在面对她的时候不会觉得太尴尬。 „The following war was very perhaps difficult to be idle, you must step up the time cultivation, accompanies Hinata, do not make her feel too lonely, weren't you two chat very much compatible?” “接下来的大战恐怕很难再清闲下来了,你也要加紧时间修炼,去陪陪雏田吧,别让她感觉太寂寞了,你们两个不是聊得很合得来吗?” „, Who and woman of this dual character chatted comes, she was my sentiment......” “切,谁和她这个双重性格的女人聊得来,她可是我的情……” Without Karin love rival two characters will say completely, Le Yuan then saw just Nagato and Konan that two people of groups wants to walk. Immediately no matter also Karin also wanted to say anything, the strength and covered and draw her Karin delivery world to enter the heavenly book fairyland, under formed a coherent whole makes her vanish in Nagato two people front. 没等香磷将“情敌”二字完全说出口,乐渊便见到了刚刚欲要走进来的长门小南二人组。随即也不管香磷还想要说些什么,投放世界之力、将香磷笼罩、拉她进入天书仙境,一气呵成之下让她消失在了长门两人的面前。 Nagato enters the room to see that just also made the sound Karin already to vanish does not see, already has experienced Le Yuan early Space-Time Ninjutsu his was unalarmed by strange sights, on the contrary cast a sidelong glance Le Yuan that already to absorb spatial giant Tenseigan, the day of his understand Le Yuan waiting has come. 长门走进屋子见到刚刚还发出声音的香磷已经消失不见,早已经见识过乐渊时空忍术”的他那是见怪不怪了,相反瞟了一眼乐渊已经吸收空的巨型转生眼,他明白乐渊一直等待的日子来了。 Finally to that moment? Needs us to help, that fake Uchiha Madara strength is not weak, many many helper!” “终于到那一刻了吗?需不需要我们去帮忙,那冒牌宇智波斑的实力不弱,多一个人多一个帮手!” Although lost Rinnegan, however the Nagato strength is not weak, in addition nearby Konan assists to be equivalent to Kage Level expert. 虽然失去了轮回眼,但是长门的实力并不算弱,加上一旁的小南协助相当于一个影级高手 Also can only reject regarding Nagato good intention Le Yuan with a smile, in the following fight Nagato and Konan strength also really insufficiently looks. already complying makes their two people be have a calm and steady life, Le Yuan has not needed to make these two continue to strive again, two were flickered the person of less than half lifetime to care for the aged the actually good choice in Moon. 对于长门的好意乐渊也只能笑着拒绝了,接下来的战斗中长门小南的实力还真不够看。况且已经答应让他们两人能够有一个安稳的生活,乐渊还不需要让这两人再继续出力,两个被忽悠了小半辈子的人在月球养老倒是不错的选择。 Land of Iron, the neighboring country situated in Land of Fire Northeast, were been snow-covered all year long, thinks with four seasons distinct Land of Fire, this Land of Iron is the severely cold place. Because Land of Iron does not have Ninja, does not have ninja village, making here in Ninja continent the rare neutral country. 铁之国,位于火之国东北方向的邻国,终年被冰雪覆盖,和四季分明的火之国想必,这铁之国可谓是严寒之地。而且由于铁之国没有忍者,并不存在忍村,使得这里成为忍者大陆中难得的中立国。 However do not look that Land of Iron does not have the Ninja village to be good to bully, can become is not the politics that an independent neutral country depends, but is it some military forces. Land of Iron does not have Ninja, but has the warrior. Although the warrior is unable to use various Ninjutsu, but the armor adds on the sharp blade, coordinating the use of chakra to make them have does not lose to Ninja Strength. 不过别看铁之国没有忍者村就好欺负,能够成为一个独立的中立国靠的可不是什么政治,而是它自身又有的武力。铁之国没有忍者,但是拥有着武士。虽然武士无法使用各种忍术,但是铠甲加上利刃,配合查克拉的使用却令他们有着不输给忍者力量 Five Kage Summit sets up in this place is to make everyone believe that although the secret discussed that in having a mind to inquire that in the information person eye actually at all was not a secret. But person of Le Yuan this early already understanding not to mention. 五影会谈设立在这个地方是令所有人都信服的,不过虽说是秘密会谈,但是在有心打听情报的人眼中却根本不是个秘密。而乐渊这个早已经了解的人更不用说。 Five Kage Summit every appears one time follows mistrusts each other, can say important meeting that no vital issue will not hold. The Five Kages strength that now enters the stage is also various, is headed by Fourth Raikage A, the Third Tsuchikage next best, Fifth Mizukage Terumī Mei and generation of Hokage Danzō next bests, set the base as for young people fifth generation Kazekage Gaara. 五影会谈每一次出现都伴随着尔虞我诈,可以说没有什么重大的问题绝不会召开的重要会议。现在出场的五影实力也是各不相同,以四代雷影艾为首,三代目土影次之,五代目水影照美冥和代火影团藏次之,至于年轻人五代目风影我爱罗则是垫底。 The Five Kages strength naturally is Ninja World top existence, in the subordinate who in addition they bring also has existence of sensation Ninja, large numbers of Land of Iron warriors are guarding here, in them no one thought that some people can break through hinder to submerge to the discussion room layer on layer/heavily. 五影的实力自然是忍界顶尖的存在,加之他们带来的部下中也有感知忍者的存在,还有大批铁之国武士守卫着这里,他们中没有一人觉得有人能够突破重重阻碍潜入到会谈房间。 But Le Yuan used in their hearts the impossible psychology to arrive in the conference site exactly quietly, the space interdiction not only hid Le Yuan in the different space, one and camouflaged the Le Yuan aura. Not only sensation Ninja could not find Le Yuan, has Fourth Hokage of space perception capability not to want easily to discover the Le Yuan aura in this continually. 乐渊恰恰就是利用了他们心中不可能的心理悄然来到了会场内,空间遮断不但将乐渊隐藏在异空间内,连带着将乐渊的气息一并遮蔽。不但感知忍者找不到乐渊,连拥有空间感知能力的四代目火影在这也别想轻易发现乐渊的气息。 The entire Five Kage Summit scene is the public opinion confrontation that the accusation and shirks, Fourth Raikage of congress sponsor rebelling and Jinchūriki of Akatsuki was attacked to blame in Akatsuki on other ninja village of various Missing-nin (Rogue Ninja) places of birth. 整个五影会谈的现场都是一片指责和推卸的舆论交锋,大会发起者的四代雷影将Akatsuki的作乱和人柱力的被袭击全都怪罪到了Akatsuki之中各叛忍出生地的其他忍村上。 With was vented by Fourth Raikage of anger control struck a table destroys, the atmosphere of entire conference site starts becomes tight exceptionally. But then Danzō uses the Dōjutsu (Eye Technique) control organizer Land of Iron warrior leader Mifune matter to be disclosed that is to make the atmosphere on the scene possibly detonate at any time. 伴随着被怒意支配的四代雷影发泄了一击将一张桌子打碎,整个会场的气氛开始变得紧张异常。而接下来团藏使用瞳术控制主办方铁之国武士首领三船的事情被披露,更是令在场的气氛随时可能引爆。 But Le Yuan detected at this time already submerged conference site the aura of White Zetsu clone, its appearance indicates the start of Le Yuan plan. 乐渊就在这个时候发觉了已经潜入到了会场的白绝分身的气息,它的出现预示着乐渊计划的开始。 At the same time when White Zetsu drills from the ground, its aura similarly by everyone sensation of presence. However at the same time, Le Yuan drops from the clouds to appear at a people middle White Zetsu fist bang directly pours in the place. 白绝从地上钻出来的同时,它的气息同样被在场的所有人感知到了。但是同一时刻,乐渊直接从天而降出现在众人中间的白绝一拳轰倒在地。 White Zetsu chest already hollow, even if there is cell of Senju Hashirama however to face a Le Yuan so heavy fist to put up a last-ditch struggle as before. While the Le Yuan attack, many of White Zetsu dissipating does not bring any chakra tiny spore, as the fist of Le Yuan scattered on all people on the scene. 白绝的胸口已经凹陷了下去,纵然有着千手柱间的细胞但是面对乐渊如此重的一拳依旧是垂死挣扎。就在乐渊攻击的同时,从白绝身上逸散的许多不带任何查克拉的细小孢子,随着乐渊的这一拳飘散到了在场的诸人身上。 The body of Le Yuan was naturally also taken this spore, but Le Yuan has not actually paid attention to it, this thing today protagonist of this play. 乐渊的身上自然也被带上这个孢子,但是乐渊却没有理会它,这东西正是今天这场戏的主角 Is he! Person who that killed Third Hokage?” Tsuchikage Ōnoki said. “是他!那个杀了三代目火影的人?”土影大野木道。 He also once appeared, when Pain invasion!” This is obtains the words that in the information Raikage Darui mouth said hand/subordinate from Konoha. “他也曾出现在佩恩入侵的时候!”这是从木叶得到情报的雷影手下达鲁伊口中说出的话。 I remember, he calls Le Yuan, is really a mysterious man......”, but Fifth Mizukage Terumī Mei also has the Le Yuan information, naturally to using Ice Release Le Yuan feels / be extremely interested. “我记得,他是叫乐渊,真是个神秘的男人……”而五代目水影照美冥同样有着乐渊的情报,自然对使用“冰遁”的乐渊倍感兴趣。 Yo, how does everyone make to trade? Who makes a move to get rid of Danzō, I give him this thing, this is out of print the collection!” “哟,各位做个交易怎么样?谁出手干掉团藏,我就把这个东西送给他,这可是绝版珍藏哦!” Le Yuan was saying a transparent bottle in hand, but Five Kages which is not the experienced person, when saw by nutrient fluid is wrapping a pair of eyes bead, all was shocked. 乐渊说着将一个透明瓶子拿在了手上,而五影哪一个不是见多识广的人,当看到被营养液包裹着的一双眼珠子时,全都一个个地愣住了。 Also was short on the Gaara experience slightly, but cannot support has what Konoha exchange information, naturally also recognized that pair of eyeball. 也就我爱罗的见识稍稍少了点,但是架不住有何木叶互换情报,自然也将那一双眼珠认了出来。 But Raikage is a racket table, a table how pulp before his body. He stared in a big way an eye to stare at the hand of Le Yuan to ask stubbornly: You, taken, but Rinnegan in legend?” 而其中雷影更是一拍桌子,将他身前的桌子咋个稀巴烂。他瞪大了一双眼睛死死地盯着乐渊的手问道:“你,拿的可是传说中的轮回眼?” Rinnegan, this liking thunder reverberating in one's ears thing naturally causes a person tumult in conference site. Pain Strength most people also already understood, the Konoha fate is to the best annotation of this eye Strength. It can be said that had this eye, is no different reconstructs human form tailed beast that exceeds fire Kage Level. 轮回眼,这件如雷贯耳的东西自然引得会场上的人一阵骚动。佩恩力量绝大多数人也已经了解,木叶的下场就是对这双眼睛力量的最好诠释。可以说拥有了这双眼睛,无异于再造一个超越火影级的人形尾兽 After hearing the Le Yuan transaction content, in addition besides young shrewdness not deep Gaara, such as the Tsuchikage, Raikage, Mizukage three people in flash through in the heart suddenly comply with the idea of this request. 当听到乐渊的交易内容后,除了尚且年轻城府不深的我爱罗之外,诸如土影、雷影、水影三人均在一时间在心头闪过答应这个要求的想法。 However after all is Kage of a village, even if looked how Danzō is not again pleasing to the eyes, this time they do not want therefore and Konoha make war. But the idea of Fourth Raikage was simpler, kills Danzō also to shoulder with the risk that Konoha battled against directly, on the contrary from Le Yuan seized , was much simpler. 不过毕竟是一村之影,就算看团藏再怎么不顺眼,此时的他们也并不想因此和木叶开战。而四代雷影的想法更是简单,杀了团藏还要背负和木叶直接开战的风险,相反从乐渊手里面强抢则要简单得多。 In a flash, the whole body is drawn near pinnacle by the Fourth Raikage A speed that the electric current stimulation cell activated, spanned five meters distance in the short millisecond, to compare favorably a short distance teleport speed fist bang to approach the chest of Le Yuan. 一瞬间,全身被电流激发细胞活化的四代雷影艾速度快到了极致,在短短千分之一秒内跨越了五米的距离,以媲美短距离瞬移的速度一拳轰向了乐渊的胸口。 Fellow who really does not understand the custom, rest a while!” “真是不懂规矩的家伙,休息一会儿吧!” Fourth Raikage under this condition has not used 100% Strength, but speed already exceeded opened five Little Lee, the speed exceeded the speed of sound in the flash. However is still insufficient, the mortal body speed is fast, the Raikage reaction speed also can only depend upon beforehand observation scheduled attack route. 这种状态下的四代雷影没有动用十成力量,但是速度已经超越了开启了五门的小李,速度在一瞬间超越了音速。但是依然不够,肉身速度再快,雷影的反应速度也只能依靠事先的观察预定攻击路线。 But Le Yuan actually already starts the attack that moment already to start to displace the body in him early, and in strikes the knee that Le Yuan was close to hit to hit instantaneously fist not a waist of Fourth Raikage A. 乐渊却早已经在他启动攻击的那一刻已经开始偏移身体,并在乐渊接近的瞬间一击膝撞命中了一拳未中的四代雷影艾的腰间。 Le Yuan and fulmination of Raikage hit battlefield made everyone's ear produce the giant bellow immediately, the physical body that Fourth Raikage activated was not only the strongest lance is also the strongest shield, the attack of Le Yuan hit earnestly he, but the effect has not actually imagined was so good, but also has the factor that Le Yuan has not tried. 乐渊雷影撞击战场的爆鸣顿时令所有人的耳边产生了巨大的轰鸣声,四代雷影活化的肉体不但是最强之矛也是最强之盾,乐渊的攻击切切实实打中他,但是效果却没有想象中的那么好,不过其中也有着乐渊未尽全力的因素。 After striking, Le Yuan instantaneous make way, but others on the scene are also an at daggers drawn appearance, activated respective chakra to prepare to act at any time. At this moment, everyone's body grew the giant white spore immediately, everyone's action came under suppression in this moment, but in the Le Yuan hand was loaded with the Rinnegan bottle „is not careful falls on the ground. 一击之后,乐渊瞬间闪开,而在场的其他人也是一副剑拔弩张的样子,激活了各自的查克拉随时准备出手。就在这时,所有人的身上顿时长出了巨大的白色孢子,所有人的行动在这一刻都受到了抑制,而乐渊手中装有轮回眼的瓶子也“不小心”落在了地上。 Hehe, must come is not all time-consuming, five Kage's ability are mediocre!” “呵呵呵,得来全不费工夫,五影的能力不过如此!” Saw only White Zetsu that Yin-Yang face to drill from the ground, takes Rinnegan. Is looking at the tied people, White Zetsu cannot bear look to Le Yuan, he one type kills the impulsion of Le Yuan now directly. 只见白绝那个阴阳脸从地上钻了出来,将轮回眼拿到了手中。望着被缚住的众人,白绝忍不住看向了乐渊,他现在有一种直接杀了乐渊的冲动。 However somehow sees face gentle Le Yuan, the intuition makes him receive the hand to look at Le Yuan immediately directly again bitterly, can only carry Rinnegan to flee again. 但是不知怎的看到一脸平和的乐渊,直觉顿时令他收手直接再次恨恨地看着乐渊,只能携带着轮回眼再一次潜逃。
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