VE :: Volume #8 三阶首战影之忍者

#721: Resurrecting? I forgot!

Truth? This word reveals without reason that in the Le Yuan mouth. Showed from the material of dawn there already understanding, Le Yuan merely is one clone who five years ago just regained consciousness, where will understand anything and Nagato related truth. 真相?这个词在乐渊的口中吐露出来是那么的没头没脑。从晓那里已经了解的资料显示,乐渊仅仅是一个在五年前才刚刚苏醒的克隆人,哪里会了解到什么和长门有关的真相。 In so-called truth regarding the Le Yuan mouth, Nagato or is Konan also has not cared. On the contrary, in another matter regarding Le Yuan mouth: Under insurance their life. Made Nagato and Konan the complexion looks at Le Yuan immediately bad, Le Yuan this saying clarified is eats to decide them. 对于乐渊口中所谓的真相,无论是长门亦或者是小南都并未放在心上。相反,对于乐渊口中的另一件事情:保下他们两个一条命。令长门小南顿时面色不善地看着乐渊,乐渊这话摆明了是吃定他们两个。 Looks at word bad then sword opposite direction two people, Le Yuan is knows that anything is called failing to agree half a word to be many. Le Yuan this is also the good nature, otherwise when Nagato and Konan two people reveal murderous aura then began to seize Rinnegan directly. 看着一言不善便刀剑相向的两人,乐渊算是知道什么叫做话不投机半句多了。乐渊这还算是好脾气的,不然早在长门小南两人露出杀气的时候便直接动手强抢轮回眼了。 Le Yuan Main Quest 2 just completed half, defeats Pain Six Paths this request already to complete personally, on the contrary another condition captures Rinnegan is also in progress. If by some chance is really compels the dead end Konan and Pain, Konan from exploding brings Nagato dead together, Rinnegan of Le Yuan goal really malingered. 乐渊主线任务二才刚刚完成一半,亲手击败佩恩六道这一要求已经完成,相反另一条件夺得轮回眼还在进行中。万一真是把小南佩恩逼到绝路,小南自爆带着长门一起死,乐渊目标的轮回眼就真的泡汤了。 Fed...... me saying that had no need such excitedly, person who I began probably casually? In order to express the sincerity I first said the clue of so-called truth, quite made Nagato you recall! Really is Rinnegan, your eye?” “喂喂喂……我说用不着这么激动吧,我像是随随便便就动手的人吗?为了表示诚意我先把所谓真相的一点线索说出来,好让长门你回想起来!轮回眼,真是你的眼睛吗?” Said along with the Le Yuan last few words, the response of Nagato first was one sideline place thinks deeply later, seems pondering the profound meaning of Le Yuan these words ; Is opposite as for the response of nearby Konan, first is one has doubts to display the incomparable anger in the reason that Le Yuan talked about later, Le Yuan this saying in other words Nagato is not the Rinnegan master, but is this possible? 伴随着乐渊最后一句话说出,长门的反应先是一愣随后边线处深思,似乎在思考着乐渊这段话的深意;至于一旁的小南的反应则相反,先是一愣疑惑于乐渊这么说的原因随后表现出无比的愤怒,乐渊这话不就是说长门并非轮回眼的主人,但这怎么可能? In Konan recollection from met Nagato to explain that to later Nagato initially the birth of its Rinnegan, has not had the sign of third party from beginning to end, moreover Rinnegan such ability also said that can it be that gives. 小南回忆中无论是从当初遇到长门到之后长门解释其轮回眼的诞生,从始至终都没有出现第三者的迹象,而且轮回眼这样的能力又岂是说给就给的。 In Konan and Nagato are stunned, the body of Le Yuan is actually moving instantaneously. The blue light flashes, Le Yuan passes through instantaneously more than 20 meters distances arrived at Nagato when the machine behind, the right hand when he arrives then already buckled on the Nagato right shoulder of moving about with difficulty. 就在小南长门错愕之际,乐渊的身体却在瞬间动了。蓝光一闪,乐渊瞬间穿过了20多米的距离来到了长门所在机器的身后,右手在他自身降临之时便已经扣在了行动不便的长门右肩上。 Looked just to respond that prepared to transfer Konan of head, Le Yuan smiles is holding up own left hand greeted to her is waving saying: Bye-bye, later sees!” 望着刚刚反应过来准备调转脑袋的小南,乐渊微笑着举起了自己的左手打招呼似的对着她挥挥手道:“拜拜,待会儿见!” Konan several Paper Shuriken that waits for the anger to launch a psychological attack do not throw to Le Yuan, then saw that on Le Yuan together the blue light he and Nagato covered one, space Strength were affecting in an instant on two people bodies, simultaneously two people disappeared in the Konan field of vision. 不等怒火攻心的小南数枚纸手里剑掷向乐渊,便见到乐渊身上一道蓝光连带着他和长门两人笼罩到了一起,空间力量在刹那间作用在两人的身上,同时两人消失在了小南的视野之中。 When Le Yuan brings Nagato is conducting Spatial Displacement, Nagato displays the suitable nature. The flash had a completely strange place by Le Yuan, he actually does not have the slight anxiety and resistance, on the contrary as before is an appearance of silent ponder. 乐渊带着长门进行空间移动的时候,长门表现得相当自然。一瞬间被乐渊带到了一个完全陌生的地方,他竟然没有丝毫的不安和反抗,相反依旧是一副沉默思考的样子。 Le Yuan also has not displayed one anxiously the idea of digging the Nagato eye, this matter two people some remote forest situated in Land of Fire border, to the beforehand place enough over a hundred kilometers, wanted to find this place simply by the Konan ability not to count on. Do not want to escape hunt of Le Yuan as for the appearance of Nagato this disability, now Le Yuan definitely does not need to be worried that Rinnegan will sneak off from own hand. 乐渊同样没有表现出一副急着挖长门眼睛的想法,此事两人位于火之国边境的某个偏僻森林之中,相距之前的地方足足上百公里,凭借小南的能力想要找到这个地方根本没有指望。至于长门这幅残疾的样子更是别想逃过乐渊的追捕,现在乐渊完全无须担心轮回眼会从自己的手上溜走。 Le Yuan also has own basic principle in the final analysis, digs person eyes matter Le Yuan also to disdain in livingly doing. If in key of seemingly high-end thing vision class evolution for Quest Reward, he does not disdain in completing this Quest. 说到底乐渊还有着自己的基本原则,活生生挖人眼睛这种事情乐渊还不屑于做。如果不是为了任务奖励里面视觉类进化之钥这个貌似高端的玩意,他还不屑于完成这个任务 The performance of Nagato obviously remembered what past matter very much, moreover Rinnegan that most likely (80%) also said with Le Yuan is related. 长门的表现很明显是想起了什么过去的事情,而且八成还和乐渊所说的轮回眼有关。 However in fact Nagato also really because Le Yuan a few words remember the deficiency of once experiencing, but the origin of his Rinnegan indeed has such a improper place. 不过事实上长门还真就由于乐渊的一句话想起了曾经经历的不妥之处,而他轮回眼的来源的确有那么一丝不妥的地方。 Matter must trace Nagato small time, Amegakure reduced at that time is the Konoha battlefield, as for a Nagato then life that has not left with enough time here. Nagato was ordinary in childhood, does not have other special places besides the special hair color. 事情还要追溯到长门小的时候,雨忍村当时沦落为木叶的战场,至于没来得及离开的长门一家便生活在在这里。长门小时候非常普通,除了特殊的发色之外没有其他的特别之处。 However according to Nagato that off and on recollection, he had been missing such several days in the childhood, but is missing the period memory to be blurry, but his parents also make every effort to keep secret to matter of several days, as if unusual taboo for several days matter. Nagato can also recall that time matter, probably is because after these days , his eye also often the severe pain, will cross for enough one month returns to normal completely. 不过据长门那断断续续的回忆,他在小时候曾经失踪过那么几天的时间,而失踪期间的记忆迷迷糊糊,而他的父母同样对那几天的事情讳莫如深,似乎非常忌讳那些天发生的事情。长门之所以还能回想起那个时候的事情,大概是因为那些天之后他的眼睛还会时常剧痛,过了足足一个月的时间才完全平复下来。 If his eye is really the transplant comes, what then childhood's that matter is really very suspicious. Parents' response, is the fuzzy memory, or after all sorts of untoward effects, are reminding Nagato this are being unusual. 如果他的眼睛真的是移植而来,那么小时候的那件事情的确是非常可疑。无论是父母的反应,还是自己模糊的记忆,亦或者之后的种种不良反应,都在提醒着长门这是异常。 However depending on and is not enough to make the Nagato percentage believe taking advantage of own recollection words that Le Yuan spoke, since already had the seed of suspicion then to make it conduct the following business sufficiently. 不过光凭借自己的这点回忆并不足以令长门百分比地相信乐渊所说的话,不过既然已经有了怀疑的种子便足以令其进行接下来的买卖。 I want to know that our true chips, can take my Rinnegan by your ability momentarily, why can choose and me makes the transaction?” “我想知道我们双方真正的筹码,以你的能力随时能取走我的轮回眼,为什么要选择和我做交易?” Nagato these words also are really not talk nonsense, beforehand fight already made him be placed Le Yuan in one compared with his powerful position , after a war, Nagato already soon was half-dead, but similarly fought to eat big move of Le Yuan actually to display the appearance of bystander for a long time continually, this already was not a fight of level. 长门的这句话还真不是瞎说的,之前的战斗已经令他将乐渊摆在了一个比他强大的位置上,一场大战后长门已经快要半死不活了,而同样战斗了许久连吃大招的乐渊却表现出没事人的样子,这已经不是一个层次的战斗。 The transaction only has based on both sides equality can be closed, in a situation of side Yuanchao other side can definitely through embezzling the way captures thing that wants, Nagato did not think Le Yuan stupidly to the sound that doing to lose money completely. 交易唯有在双方平等的基础上才能完成,一方远超另一方的情况下完全可以通过侵吞的方式夺取想要的东西,长门完全不觉得乐渊会傻到做亏本的声音。 I indeed am capable of that attaining Rinnegan, but you want to ask why words, the reason I think, only then......” Le Yuan raised the head considered a while slightly, later lowers the head again with Nagato looking at each other said, „...... I wanted to do that I was happy!” “我的确有那个能力拿到轮回眼,不过你想问为什么的话,原因我想只有一个……”乐渊抬起头稍稍思量了一会儿,随后再次低下头与长门对视道,“……我想要这么做,我高兴!” Good, the reason of Le Yuan indeed does not allow to refute. The priceless master was happy, a person is willing to pay the price for the happy matter, indeed does not need to pay attention to others 's understanding. 好吧,乐渊的理由的确不容反驳。正所谓千金难买爷高兴,一个人愿意为自己高兴的事情付出代价,的确不需要理会他人的理解。 Nagato has Rinnegan is a quite suspicious matter, if were not the matter of transplant happened in childhood, perhaps he himself can discover initial was not normal. 长门拥有轮回眼本来就是一件颇为可疑的事情,如果不是移植的事情发生在他小时候,恐怕他自己都能够发现当初的不正常。 The explanation of Le Yuan must trace Nagato to awaken Rinnegan that day, initially Nagato awakened the Rinnegan basic reason to witness own parents were killed by rushing Konoha Ninja. But angry Nagato therefore enlarges ones vision, in turn strikes two Konoha Ninja that kills. 乐渊的解释要追溯到长门觉醒轮回眼的那一天,当初长门觉醒轮回眼的根本原因是目睹了自己的父母被闯进来的木叶忍者杀死。而愤怒的长门因此开眼,反过来击杀的两名木叶忍者 Good, analyzes this event from the beginning. From two perspectives, first is Konoha Ninja, the Konoha elite who they invade the Amegakure battlefield, can live this situation to explain that they must have the Chūnin strength at least . Moreover the operational experience is absolutely rich, is the depth understanding battlefield rule. 好吧,从头来分析这个事件。从两方面来看,先是木叶忍者这边,他们可是入侵到雨忍村战场的木叶精英,能够活到这个地步就说明他们两人最起码也要有中忍的实力,而且作战经验绝对丰富,更是深度了解战场规则。 After they who seek for food enter the Nagato home, because unexpectedly the flustered sneak attack of Nagato parents, but slip killed them, by the Chūnin strength discovered that the Nagato parents are the average person absolutely do not have the issue, but the disparity of both sides strength makes Chūnin impossible have the manslaughter, moreover is the first even/including manslaughter two people of situations. 寻找食物的他们进入长门家之后,竟然会因为长门父母的慌张偷袭而“失手”杀死了他们,以中忍的实力发现长门父母是普通人完全没有问题,而双方实力的差距更加使中忍不可能发生误杀,而且还是一连误杀二人的情况。 From another aspect, parental performance of Nagato. The Nagato parents are very obvious Amegakure civilians, absolutely does not have the least bit strength, is not the brave host. Konoha Ninja that after meeting to intrude does not hide in one side pray, where instead to did not stimulate the courage or is unknown rushing launched the attack unexpectedly on own initiative, what wasn't this brain pulls out is? 从另一个方面,长门的父母表现来看。长门的父母是很明显的雨忍村的平民,完全没有半点实力,更不是什么胆大的主。在遇到闯入的木叶忍者之后不是躲在一旁祈祷,反而不是到从哪里激发出来勇气或者说是未知的冲到竟然主动发起了攻击,这不是脑子抽了是什么? Konoha Ninja or the Nagato parents' performance can be said as dehydrates greatly, fully does not conform to their status, looks like by being a go-between puppet that the secret evil behind-the-scenes manipulator operates is been simply ordinary. 无论是木叶忍者还是长门父母的表现都可以说是大失水准,完全不符合他们的身份,简直就像是被幕后黑手操纵的牵线木偶一般。 Hears here, Nagato is the low head shoulders shivers merely freely. Perhaps formerly he had not thought of unusuality of that day, when with the reminder of Le Yuan, he recalls again actually before noticing, matter that has not noticed. 听到这里,长门仅仅是低下脑袋双肩不住地颤抖。或许从前他没有想到那一天的异常,但是随着乐渊的提醒,他再度回忆时却注意到了以前从来没有注意到的事情。 The explanation of Le Yuan had not ended, issue of that day Rinnegan awakens is many. After Nagato stirs up Strength of eye two Konoha Ninja seconds kill, changes, because chakra mass consumptions, but stupor, then his stupor was close to day, but during this, actually does not have others to discover that Nagato this situation, this looks like some people to keep off the disaster to be the same for his it simply especially. 乐渊的解释没有结束,轮回眼觉醒的那一天问题还多多。长门激回眼的力量将两名木叶忍者秒杀之后变由于查克拉大量消耗而昏迷,当时的他昏迷了足足接近一天的时间,而这期间竟然没有其他人发现长门这一家的情况,这简直就像是有人为他它特地挡灾一般。 Naturally these are also not the keiest evidence, with emphasis is the Rinnegan essence. Nagato has not awakened the Rinnegan basic requirement, this cut off Nagato to have the Rinnegan possibility fundamentally. 当然这些还不是最关键的证据,重点就是轮回眼的本质。长门根本就没有觉醒轮回眼的基础条件,这从根本上断绝了长门拥有轮回眼的可能性。 Sage Eyes + Sage Body = Rinnegan, another type obtains certainly the person of Strength inheritance to be an exception from Sage of Six Paths there directly. However very obvious Nagato not that talent and chance see Sage of Six Paths, Nagato is not the reincarnation of Six Paths son. 仙人眼+仙人体=轮回眼,当然另一种直接从六道仙人那里得到力量传承的人除外。但是很明显长门并没有那个天赋和机缘见到六道仙人,长门可不是六道儿子的转世。 But is Uzumaki Clan descendant's Nagato also can only can be called merely reluctantly has Sage Body, as for Sage Eyes that absolutely impossible. The bloodlines of Uzumaki Clan wander about destitute each region after country of Annihilation whorl, created the Nagato mother to be nothing unusual fortunately, however Nagato father was the typical average person does not have the bloodlines of Uchiha Clan, impossible enables Nagato to have Sharingan baseless. 而仅仅是漩涡一族后裔的长门也只能勉强称得上拥有仙人体,至于仙人眼那绝对不可能漩涡一族的血脉在涡之国破灭后流落各地,凑巧一支造就了长门母亲并不足为奇,但是长门父亲可是地地道道的普通人并不具备宇智波一族的血脉,不可能凭空使得长门拥有写轮眼 This wants to come the function of Nagato is very obvious, gives the Nagato Rinnegan person to be possible not necessarily to be the good intention. First designated, in addition young Nagato raises Rinnegan as accumulated culture dish, created later awakened the Rinnegan one-act play, then arranged the Nagato life to enable him to display the limit little Rinnegan Strength. 这样想来长门的作用也就很明显了,给予长门轮回眼的人可不见得是好心。先是选定了尚且年幼的长门作为蕴养轮回眼的“培养皿”,随后一手缔造了觉醒轮回眼独幕剧,然后一点点安排长门的人生使他能够将轮回眼力量发挥到极限。 Le Yuan at this point, even if the brain of Nagato transfers again slowly still understand is the board game piece in others hand, own pitiful life comes out by others director. However because so he wants to know that what role Le Yuan played in this, prepares how to handle him. 乐渊说到这里,就算是长门的脑子转得再慢也明白自己是别人手中的棋子,自己的悲惨人生是由别人导演出来的。不过正是因为如此他才更想知道乐渊在这之中扮演了什么样的角色,准备怎么处置他。 Rinnegan is the hot potato, you will take only to annoy unfortunately, I will take the rap to take away it for you. As for you and Konan security problem, I also helped you wrap, if you two do not want to be disturbed, I had a good place......” 轮回眼是烫手山芋,你拿着只会惹来不幸,我替你背黑锅拿走它。至于你和小南的安全问题,我同样帮你包下了,你们两个如果不想被打扰,我倒有一个好地方……” The place that Le Yuan refers to naturally is Moon, there is no one can go. How even Obito and do not want easily to go to there certainly again all-resourceful. 乐渊所指的地方自然是月球,那里可不是什么人都能够去的。就算带土和绝再怎么神通广大也别想轻易前往那里。 After Le Yuan takes out Nagato Rinnegan, Le Yuan Quest announced completes. However Le Yuan does not have solely to take down the eye, with the aid of[ misty rain comes back to life] the repair capability realized some functions of strength of Yin Release, making Nagato grow eyes of average person. 乐渊长门轮回眼取出之后,乐渊任务宣告完成。不过乐渊也没有单单取下眼睛,借助[烟雨还魂]的修复能力实现了阴遁之力的部分作用,令长门重新长出了一副普通人的眼睛。 Rinnegan can say important, Le Yuan must ask an opportunity to return to him to the hand of Obito this unlucky egg in again, person who after all later Kaguya resurrecting is loaded with Rinnegan can only be the sacrificial offering of tragedy, Le Yuan does not want the person on one's own side to become that unlucky egg. 轮回眼可以说至关重要,乐渊还要找个机会重新将他送回到带土这个倒霉蛋的手中,毕竟以后辉夜复活装有轮回眼的人只能是个悲剧的祭品,乐渊可不愿意自己人成为那个倒霉蛋。 However after obtaining Rinnegan, Le Yuan suddenly thought actually. Without the self-sacrifice of Nagato, the person who Konoha already hung may leave the stage truly, such as Kakashi and Shizune these two famous supporting roles, a Konoha large quantities of battle efficiency died in this war, Konoha even had danger that dropped out Five Great Ninja Villages. 不过在取得轮回眼之后,乐渊倒是突然想了起来。没有了长门的自我牺牲,木叶已经挂掉的人可就真正的退场了,诸如卡卡西和静音这两个出名的配角,木叶的一大批战斗力在这一战中死亡,木叶甚至有了掉出五大忍村的危险。 Le Yuan imperceptibly again pit Konoha one time, but actually the later Ninja World allied armies can what course to follow be also unknown. 乐渊在不知不觉中再一次坑了木叶村一次,而以后的忍界联军究竟会何去何从也将不得而知。 ... ... ... ...
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