VE :: Volume #8 三阶首战影之忍者

#720: Serious, this is takes by force

Konoha can be said as has not relaxed from beginning to end has also had the observation of Pain war regarding Le Yuan, when particularly the diameter exceeds one kilometer greatly floats the spatial heavenly body to appear. Looks that seems like silently ordinary in the rest, looks up Deva Path Pain of second small moon, the Konoha monitors officers deeply was sighing Rinnegan Strength that Sage of Six Paths has. 木叶村可以说是从始至终都没有放松过对于乐渊还有佩恩大战的观察,尤其是当直径超过一公里的巨大浮空天体出现的时候。看着像是在默默休息一般,抬头望着第二颗小月亮的天道佩恩,木叶监察人员深深感叹着六道仙人拥有的轮回眼力量 Hides in the Konoha numerous who the one side observes as caster Deva Path Pain did not think can break the ball at this moment by the seal in Le Yuan of small moon, even if the present seal is not displayed by Sage of Six Paths, the scale is unable compared with nowadays Moon, but Strength of seal is actually all connected, is strongest seal Ninjutsu. 无论是躲在一旁观察的木叶众还是身为施术者天道佩恩此刻都不觉得被封印于小月亮的乐渊能够破球而出,就算现在的封印并非是由六道仙人施展的,规模更是无法和现如今的月球相比较,但是其中封印的力量却是一脉相承的,是最强的封印忍术 But was sent to supervise Pain Black Zetsu also to see Le Yuan by one of the seal, is seeing Le Yuan by the seal and Chibaku Tensei (Planetary Devastation) that moment, he thinks is completely different from the bystander. 而被派来监察佩恩黑绝同样见到了乐渊被封印的一幕,在看到乐渊被封印与地爆天星的那一刻,他所想的却与外人完全不同。 Must know before he once witnessed 1000 year, Kaguya by of seal, at that time Le Yuan and Sage of Six Paths Hagoromo displays jointly[ Chibaku Tensei (Planetary Devastation)] the might strengthens the edition[ Six Paths: Chibaku Tensei]. Initially used ancestor's of this move of seal chakra Kaguya, nowadays on the contrary by own move of same seal, perhaps regarding Black Zetsu this is the best joke. 要知道他可是曾经见证了千年辉夜被封印的那一幕,当时乐渊六道仙人羽衣联手施展的正是[地爆天星]的威力加强版[六道·地爆天星]。当初使用这一招封印查克拉之祖的辉夜,现如今反倒是被自己的这一招同样封印,或许对于黑绝而言这就是最好的笑话。 In fact, places in seal center Le Yuan indeed thought that is not quite good to begin. The all around stone has Devil phantom to withstand/top, but Strength of seal was also shielded by Devil phantom by Le Yuan temporarily, if will withdraw this defense quickly then by the Strength permanent seal of seal in small moon. 事实上,身处于封印中心的乐渊的确觉得不太好动手。四周的石块有魔人虚影顶着,而封印的力量同样被乐渊魔人虚影暂时屏蔽,如果撤去这层防御很快便会被封印的力量永久封印在小月亮中。 Now in the Le Yuan hand has several methods to break open this seal, its one by Gungnir, throws with the aid of Gungnir that strikes full power can open together the channel of same surrounding absolutely. Although without drawing support from skill[ meteor gungnir] is unable to destroy small moon, but the temporariness makes a connection with an escaping road. However one fight does not want to rely on Gungnir Le Yuan lonely temporary this method pass, although Strength good, but excessively relies on some Strength to be easy to form the flaw. 现在乐渊手中有几种方法破开这道封印,其一就是靠永恒之枪,借助全力一击的永恒之枪投掷绝对能打开一道同样外围的通道。虽然在不借助技能[流星gungnir]的情况下无法将小月亮破坏,但是暂时性打通一条逃生的路还是可以的。不过一场战斗不想孤独依赖永恒之枪乐渊暂时性地将这一方法pass了,力量虽好但是过度依赖某种力量却容易形成破绽。 But[ Reincarnation Round Dance] Strength was removed by Le Yuan similarly, although after all Tenseigan Strength can solve the crisis, but has the unnecessary problem for avoidable later Tenseigan and ensure excessively does not stimulate to movement Tenseigan that this has not completed is the proper business. 而[转生轮舞]的力量同样被乐渊排除了,毕竟转生眼力量虽然能够一解危局,但是为了避免以后的转生眼出现不必要的问题,保证不过度催动这未完成的转生眼才是正事。 But now is placed in the Le Yuan present method then is only left over one, is one move that Le Yuan most wants to use, this is manifestation of he Strength, affects the smallest one method on oneself now. 而如今摆在乐渊眼前的方法便只剩下一条,也是乐渊最想使用的一招,这是他自身力量的体现,也是现在对自身影响最小的一种方法。 , this move of opportunity only then one time, the time and Strength also had the angle not to allow to make a mistake absolutely!” “呼,这一招的机会只有一次,时机、力量还有角度绝对不容出错!” In Le Yuan situated in Devil phantom has swept own surroundings the vision, took a fast look around the situation of seal, this is the rare opportunity can peep[ Chibaku Tensei (Planetary Devastation)] complete picture. Collected all information in the mind, Le Yuan looks[ Chibaku Tensei (Planetary Devastation)] was most likely a breakthrough point. 位于魔人虚影之中的乐渊将目光扫过自己的周围,将封印的情况扫视了一遍,这可是难得的机会能够一窥[地爆天星]的全貌。将所有的信息汇集于脑海,乐渊找准了[地爆天星]最有可能突破的一个点。 Places Deva Path Pain and long-distance control Nagato, or is in the unknown Black Zetsu completely not clear this time seal that has, otherwise they absolutely surprisedly in the Le Yuan movement. 身处外界的天道佩恩和远程操控的长门,亦或者是不为人知的黑绝都完全不清楚此时封印内正发生的这一幕,不然他们绝对会惊讶于乐渊的动作。 The blue light overflowed full from the Le Yuan main body in Devil phantom, immediately the giant blue light person shone the entire seal is brighter compared with the daytime. But in this glare, the huge Devil phantom already naked eye obvious speed reduces simultaneously that dazzling ray also in little reserved, the ray in less than one second of time reduced an adult build unexpectedly. 蓝光自乐渊本体上盈溢到了魔人虚影上,顿时巨大的蓝色光人将整个封印内照耀得比起白日更亮堂。而在这阵强光之中,巨大的魔人虚影已经肉眼可见的速度减同时那耀眼的光芒也在一点点内敛,在一秒不到的时间内光芒竟然缩小到了一个成年人体形。 That moment that Devil phantom draws, Le Yuan stimulated to realize Devil Form Devil Undying Body Strength completely, immediately had metal luster black blue hard armor to cover on the body of Le Yuan. Compared with huge Devil phantom, the Devil Form destructive power condenses, although is inferior to Devil phantom of battlefield sweeping machine, but without a doubt the condition of present is Devil Undying Body true Strength. 魔人虚影收拢的那一刻,乐渊魔人不死身力量完全激发实现了魔人形态,顿时带着金属色泽的黑蓝硬甲笼罩在了乐渊的身上。比起庞大的魔人虚影,魔人形态的破坏力更加凝聚,虽然不如战场扫荡机般的魔人虚影,但是毫无疑问现在的这个状态才是魔人不死身的真正力量 However although Le Yuan promotes own Strength again, but lost Devil phantom to withstand the seal, the all around rock contracted toward Le Yuan again felt relieved that extruded. According to speed of extrusion, after three seconds, then sufficiently again Le Yuan compressing. 不过虽然乐渊将自己的力量再一次提升,但是失去了魔人虚影将封印顶住,四周的岩石再一次收缩向着乐渊的放心挤压了过来。按照挤压的速度,三秒钟之后便足以再一次将乐渊压扁。 Three seconds can do? Having a yawn also or accumulation space Strength is the blade changes cuts open Strength of seal. 三秒的时间能够干什么?打一个哈欠亦或者聚集空间力量为刃化作切开封印的力量 With condensation of Space Blade, the Le Yuan present to are concealed unceasingly swallow, he who he compels can condense Strength to cut the opportunity in open/unseal seal to have, and only then one time, cannot break the surrounding seal unable to give his second condensing opportunity now. 随着空间之刃的凝聚,乐渊眼前的一切正被不断向他逼来的掩饰吞噬,他能够凝聚力量斩开封印的机会有且只有一次,现在破不开周围的封印不会给他第二次凝聚的机会。 The space and time flashes, Heaven and Earth read. 时空一闪,天地一念。 In the rock also has less than three meters distance from Le Yuan, the blade in Le Yuan hand cut. A blade of being relentless, renounces an incomparable blade, condensed all space Strength totals fall in torrents, changes tears all space armed combat edges the present seal total to break open sufficiently. 就在岩石距离乐渊还剩下三米不到的距离时,乐渊手中的刀斩出来了。毫不留情的一刀,决绝无比的一刀,凝聚的所有空间力量全数倾泻而出,化作足以撕裂一切的空间战刃将眼前的封印全数破开。 Shattering Void Dimension Slash vs Chibaku Tensei (Planetary Devastation) 碎虚次元斩vs地爆天星 In a both's hedge no longer level, Shattering Void Dimension Slash condensed Le Yuan space Strength, on the small blade has to cut off world all abilities. But Chibaku Tensei (Planetary Devastation) is actually half remnant Nagato wastes the move that the life span displays reluctantly. One is whole-heartedly, condition is complete, another is shortly after weak and sickly and life span, does the condition differ such big, Chibaku Tensei (Planetary Devastation) can the undefeated? 两者的对冲不再一个层面上,碎虚次元斩凝聚了乐渊空间力量,小小的刀刃上有着斩断世间一切的能力。而地爆天星却是一个半残的长门虚耗寿命才勉强施展出来的招数。一个是全力以赴、状态全满,另一个则是五劳七伤、寿命不久,状态相差如此之大,地爆天星焉能不败? As a blade cuts, was hanging small moon in midair suddenly presented the incline. 随着一刀斩下,悬挂于半空中的小月亮突然出现了倾斜。 Looks at Deva Path Pain of seal to discover in the ground fiercely, the seal that as if oneself manufacture as if split a slit from the middle, this slit is getting bigger and bigger, moreover small moon in sky is dropping highly little, floats spatial Strength to vanish little. 在地面上望着封印的天道佩恩猛地发现,似乎自己制作的封印似乎从中间裂开了一道缝隙,这道缝隙还越来越大,而且天空中的小月亮高度正在一点点下降,浮空的力量正在一点点消失。 The blue light flashes, already was cut four petal small moon to explode immediately by Le Yuan, the giant stone seal changed into the stone of scattering in all directions in this moment. Facing the stone rain that this everywhere drops, Deva Path Pain has to the body extremely deficient condition put forth one move again[ Almighty Push], is resisting the attack of stone while leaves in attack range. 蓝光一闪,原本已经乐渊斩成四瓣小月亮顿时爆开,巨大的石头封印在这一刻化为了四散的石块。面对这漫天落下的石头雨,天道佩恩不得不在身体极度匮乏的状态下再度使出了一招[神罗天征],一边抵挡着石头的袭击一边离开攻击范围内。 Deva Path Pain that is retroceding unceasingly stopped the footsteps of retreat fiercely, but Black Zetsu that is waiting and seeing from afar also stared in a big way the eye, not only had expect confident and somewhat low-spirited of plan fail. 正在不断后退的天道佩恩猛地停止了后退的脚步,而在远远观望的黑绝同样瞪大了眼睛,既有早已料到的坦然又有几分计划失败的黯然。 Sees only Le Yuan already to withdraw from Devil Form, arrived at Deva Path Pain with the aid of the opportunity of quarry stone rain behind. In the time that Deva Path Pain has not noticed completely, Le Yuan in the time of short a blink, both hands just like Thousand Hand Guanyin 11 on the Deva Path Pain black stick shakes. 只见乐渊已经魔人形态退出,借助乱石雨的机会来到了天道佩恩的身后。就在天道佩恩完全没有注意到的时机,乐渊在短短一眨眼的时间,双手宛如千手观音般将天道佩恩身上的黑棒一一震出。 But lost the Nagato control Pain main item black stick, when Deva Path Pain is already died to be many early the corpse. That moment when Deva Path Pain falls to the ground, indicates that Le Yuan and fight of Pain Six Paths also ended. 而失去了长门控制佩恩的主要道具黑棒,天道佩恩就是一具早已经死去多时的尸体。而当天道佩恩倒地的那一刻,也预示着乐渊佩恩六道的战斗也结束了。 As the fight ended, Le Yuan swept the all around land the head, the vision had stopped in reassurance that the Konoha Hyūga Clan Byakugan surveillance direction and Black Zetsu hid respectively slightly. This action frightens the Konoha Hyūga Clan person immediately to lower the head, but Black Zetsu is thorough underground does not dare to examine upwardly. 随着战斗结束,乐渊将脑袋扫过四周的大地,目光分别在木叶日向一族白眼监视方向和黑绝隐藏的放心稍稍停了一下。这一举动吓得木叶日向一族的人立马低下头,而黑绝更是深入地下不敢在向上查看。 Regarding the monitored matter, Le Yuan that was unalarmed by strange sights. After all the place that he fights now from Konoha is really somewhat near, moreover during the dawn is strongest by the sneaking surveillance capability certainly, ten ten thousand White Zetsu want to play clone to monitor Ninja World each region that is the easy matter, Konoha presents one is also really normal. 对于自己被监视的事情,乐渊那是见怪不怪了。毕竟他现在战斗的地方距离木叶实在是有些近,况且晓之中以绝的潜入监视能力最强,十万白绝想要玩分身监视忍界各地那是再容易不过的事情,木叶出现一只也实属正常。 Has not paid attention to two to be small the common character, true goal Nagato of Le Yuan trip may not catch, immediately turns around to turn toward already locking the Nagato hiding place to speed away to go. 没理会两个小喽喽一般的人物,乐渊此行的真正目的长门可还没有抓到,随即转身向着已经锁定的长门藏匿地点疾驰而去。 Is far higher than the peripheral trees before polished rod big tree, Le Yuan excavated the tree wall of camouflage to walk into the tree trunk of this seal directly. Instance that Le Yuan steps, two lines of sight then centralized to the body of Le Yuan. 一棵远高于周边树木的的光杆大树前,乐渊直接挖穿伪装的树壁走入了这个密封的树干内部。乐渊迈进去的瞬间,两道视线便集中到了乐渊的身上。 And came from elegantly beautiful purple hair beautiful woman Konan together, regarding Le Yuan this troublesome characters who destroy them to act, Konan that is not parsimonious own murderous aura, before one step steps, paper kunai on hand can take the Le Yuan life momentarily the appearance. 其中一道来自于冷艳的紫发美女小南,对于乐渊这个破坏他们行动的麻烦人物,小南那是毫不吝啬自己的杀气,一步跨上前手上的纸质苦无一副随时能取走乐渊性命的样子。 But in another line of sight Essence, Qi, and Spirit is obviously insufficient, came from in the already half foot makes great strides forward coffin inside Nagato. He is located in a special installment at this time, not only has to maintain the function of his life evidently, but can also strengthen him to use the chakra control Six Paths clone ability. 而另一道视线中精气神明显不足,正是源自于已经半只脚迈进棺材里面的长门。他此时正位于一个特殊装置内,看样子不仅有着维持他生命的作用,还能够加强他用查克拉控制六道分身的能力。 „...... Came? You, is actually the goal what?” “咳咳……还是来了吗?你,目的究竟是什么?” Nagato looked that is exceptionally complex to the Le Yuan look, after all Le Yuan just destroyed his Six Paths clone person, moreover Le Yuan beforehand action also evil. Not only got rid of Third Hokage in Konoha, refused to join dawn Missing-nin (Rogue Ninja) to prevent, but now rescues the life of Konoha resident indirectly. 长门看向乐渊的眼神异常复杂,毕竟乐渊是刚刚摧毁了他六道分身的人,而且乐渊之前的行动亦正亦邪。不但在木叶干掉了三代目火影,更是拒绝了加入晓这个叛忍阻止,而现在更是间接救了木叶村居民的一条命。 Le Yuan stepped forward one step, but this action caused indifferent beautiful woman Konan immediately highly anxious, immediately was opened to keep off by the wing of innumerable white paper constitution fiercely before the body of Nagato. As the white paper wing wields, the chakra function on dozens white papers, making them turn into sharp incomparable paper kunai. 乐渊向前迈了一步,不过这一举动立马引起了冷眼美女小南的高度紧张,登时由无数白纸构成的翅膀猛地张开挡在了长门的身前。随着白纸翅膀一挥,查克拉作用在数十张白纸上,令它们变成了锋利无比的纸质苦无 [ Paper Shuriken], is the Konan Paper Release technique alone. Even if the seemingly ordinary white paper, can still change to the murder to seize the life by Konan chakra the sharp weapon. [纸手里剑],独属于小南纸遁术。即使是看似普通的白纸,透过小南查克拉也能化作杀人夺命的利器。 Duo duo duo duo...... 咄咄咄咄…… Innumerable Paper Shuriken sewed in Le Yuan all around, but complexion of Konan after the attack was pale. Le Yuan that is the slightest does not injure now, Paper Shuriken seemed like avoids him to resemble intentionally, who each invention clearly aimed at Le Yuan Paper Shuriken seemed like by the wind is actually opened generally, scratched the body of Le Yuan to fall on the ground. 无数纸手里剑钉在了乐渊的前后左右,而小南在攻击之后却脸色铁青。乐渊现在那是分毫不伤,纸手里剑像是故意避开了他似的,每一发明明瞄准了乐渊纸手里剑却像是被风谁开了一般,擦着乐渊的身体落在了地上。 However said that was blown is quite actually correct by the wind, this Paper Shuriken lived by the invisible windshield of Le Yuan control. The Konan strength is not bad, but really hits except for the last move[ Paper Person of God Technique] Le Yuan is unable to decode directly outside, her forms of combat can say that was ended to subdue|grams by Le Yuan. 不过说被风吹开倒是颇为正确,这纸手里剑正是被乐渊操控的无形之风挡住的。小南的实力不差,但是真打起来除了最后一招[神之纸者之术]乐渊无法正面破解外,她的战斗方式可以说被乐渊完克。 „...... Here the young lady, I do not come to here to ask you to fight, moreover really must hit me not to think that I will lose to you two, naturally after using your more much the crazy explosion attack!” “不不不……这边的这位小姐,我可不是来这里找你们打架的,而且真要打起来我不觉得我会输给你们两个,当然是在用出你那多得吓死人的疯狂爆炸攻击后!” Le Yuan looked especially to nearby Konan, really must say that fight Nagato already half waste already enough on did not threaten, hitting Le Yuan, so long as looked after Konan to be then good with emphasis. But Konan when hears Le Yuan to nip the stress to mention that explosion two characters the willow eyebrows curl upwards, thinks killing that immediately oneself hide incurred is possibly known by present Le Yuan. 乐渊特地看向了一旁的小南,真要说战斗长门已经半废已经够不上威胁,打起来乐渊只要重点照顾小南便行。而小南在听到乐渊咬重音提到“爆炸”二字的时候柳眉一翘,立马想到自己隐藏的杀招可能被眼前的乐渊知晓了。 Although wants to know whether Le Yuan really understood her move[ Paper Person of God Technique] entirety, but inquired rashly can only confess without being pressed. Konan only has silent speechless is staring at Le Yuan stubbornly. 虽然非常想要知道乐渊是否真的了解了她那一招[神之纸者之术]的全部,但是贸然询问只能是不打自招。小南唯有沉默无言死死地盯着乐渊 How hits to discuss? Nagato, I told you a truth to save your person of poor life again, how did you give me Rinnegan?” “打个商量怎么样?长门,我告诉你一点真相再保住你们两个的一人一条小命,你把轮回眼交给我如何?” Le Yuan turns toward opposite chancellor person Nagato to say later. 乐渊随后向着对面主事人长门说道。 ... ... ... ...
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