VE :: Volume #8 三阶首战影之忍者

#719: Final Six Paths, final seal technique

Pain Six Paths six go to its five in just ten minutes, solely other Deva Path Pain. Le Yuan defeats Six Paths clone one to be looked by Konoha Ninja step by step in the eye, they exclaimed in surprise in the Le Yuan strength is also thinking silently which step in the position, when they place Le Yuan to achieve. 佩恩六道在短短十分钟内六去其五,单单余下一个天道佩恩乐渊一步步战胜六道分身的一幕被木叶忍者看在眼中,他们惊叹于乐渊实力的同时也在默默思索着当他们身处乐渊所在位置时能够做到哪一步。 After Naruto that the battlefield edge position, will faint delivers, Tsunade is being the right leg is also incapable, whole person forward tipping on the ground. But Sakura that catches up with used Medical Ninjutsu to display the treatment to two important figures hastily, after the Naruto situation fortunately merely was temporary stupors of Nine-Tails by draw off massive chakra, but the Tsunade situation was chakra overdraws, to protect numerous Konoha people Tsunade will even have the sequela of die sooner die sooner. 战场边缘位置,将昏倒的鸣人送回来之后连带着纲手也是右腿无力,整个人向前倾倒在了地上。而赶过来的小樱连忙用起医疗忍术对着两名重要人员施展了治疗,鸣人的情况还好仅仅是九尾被抽去大量查克拉后的暂时性昏迷,而纲手的情况就是查克拉透支,为了保护众多木叶村纲手甚至会有折寿的后遗症。 „Do six go to its five? Actually Orochimaru where made such a monster, how that two people did not die to consider as finished!” “六去其五吗?大蛇丸究竟是从哪里制造出了这么一个怪物,那两个人怎么不去死算了!” Even was in a state of extremely feeble, Tsunade still in watching the situation in battlefield. However when saw Le Yuan suppresses Pain Six Paths strongly, on the face of Tsunade cannot see the slight joy, regardless of finally is the Le Yuan victory also or is the dawn successfully regarding Konoha is the biggest failure, the best result is both sides perishes together, a Konoha side seizes the chance to go forward to pick up a bargain. 就算是陷入了极度虚弱的状态,纲手依然在关注着战场内的情况。不过当看到乐渊强势压制佩恩六道的时候,纲手的脸上可是见不到丝毫的喜悦,无论最终是乐渊胜利亦或者是晓胜利对于木叶都是最大的失败,最好的结果就是双方同归于尽,木叶一方趁机上前捡便宜。 Hokage-sama, it seems like Pain seemed like must defeat, we what to do?” 火影大人,看来佩恩似乎是要败了,我们怎么办?” Shikamaru father Nara Shikaku squatted the Tsunade front to inquire at this time, this matter as Hokage the order of Tsunade will decide their crowds directly, in addition has the life and death of ample force, is actually the shed fate to avoid abundantly for the time being. 鹿丸父亲奈良鹿久这时候蹲到了纲手的面前询问道,此事身为火影纲手的命令将直接决定他们这群尚且拥有余力者的生死,究竟是舍命相博还是暂且回避。 Watches changes quietly, when necessary took assuring the safety of villagers as first Quest, as for the fight of that two bastard, along with them goes!” “静观其变,必要时以保证村民的安全为第一任务,至于那两个混蛋的战斗,随他们去把!” Tsunade considered then somewhat helplessly said for a long time, this is the sorrow of present Konoha, did not have others to come out besides Tsunade to play a leading role, where Konoha of No. 2 world was abundance of capable people probably, the village inside and outside worked as one to have the Tenka Fubu trend greatly. 纲手思量了许久这才略显无奈地说道,这就是现在木叶的悲哀,除了纲手之外没有其他人能够出来扛大梁,哪像是二号世界的木叶人才济济,村子内外同心协力大有天下布武的趋势。 Falls returns to the ground Deva Path Pain to look at the clone fragment that all around scattered, just the javelin fire of Le Yuan made him also feel thorny, although does not know why final time Le Yuan received the hand unexpectedly, but he knows that this move regarding him as before was a threat. 落回到地上的天道佩恩瞄了瞄自己四周散落的分身残片,刚刚乐渊的投枪射击令他也感到棘手不已,虽然不知道为什么最后时刻乐渊竟然收手了,但他知道这一招对于他依旧是个威胁。 Deva Path Pain just fell returns to the ground is about two seconds, had hundred meters Le Yuan then to launch another round attack to him fully suddenly. The time just over the past one second, still appeared in Le Yuan then already of distant place in Deva Path Pain at present. 天道佩恩刚刚落回地面不过两秒钟,离他足有百米的乐渊便陡然发动了又一轮的攻击。时间刚刚过去一秒,原本还在远处的乐渊便已经出现在了天道佩恩的眼前。 Almighty Push! Without a doubt, this human form monster regarding Deva Path Pain and Le Yuan puts together the close combat to court death. An invisible repulsion produces from the body of Deva Path Pain, huge Strength is flying sufficiently dozens meters distance in the flash ball dozens tons heavy item. 神罗天征!毫无疑问,对于天道佩恩而言和乐渊这个人形怪物拼近战就是找死。一阵无形的斥力从天道佩恩的身体上产生,巨大的力量足以将数十吨的重物在在一瞬间弹飞数十米的距离。 flies to me!” “啊啊啊给我飞吧!” Le Yuan right fist already brandished, right fist nearby that huge Devil right hand phantom is not the pure ornaments. Fist Strength that Le Yuan brandishes originally astonishing incomparable, but Devil right hand phantom above this strengthened ten times to continue this Strength. 乐渊右拳已经挥舞了出去,右拳边上那巨大的魔人右手虚影可不是单纯的摆设。乐渊挥舞的拳头力量本就惊人无比,而在此之上的魔人右手虚影更是将这股力量强化了十倍不止。 Now Deva Path Pain is conducting the test of strength with Le Yuan, a side with the aid of[ Almighty Push] powerful repulsion that flash erupts, the other side is the Devil right hand phantom pure brute force. 现在天道佩恩正在和乐渊进行着角力,一方是借助[神罗天征]一瞬间爆发的强大斥力,另一方则是魔人右手虚影纯粹的蛮力。 However compared with Deva Path Pain of passive defense, the fist of Le Yuan must add on just rapidly the acceleration of sprint, under two unify Strength that produces is not at absolutely[ Almighty Push] under. 不过比起被动防守的天道佩恩,乐渊的拳头还要加上刚刚急速冲刺的加速度,两相结合之下产生的力量绝对不在[神罗天征]之下。 Bang “嘭 Strength clashes, the fist of Le Yuan cannot penetrate the defense of Heavenly Dao, with the aid of[ Almighty Push] Deva Path Pain of defense counter-attack indeed this had not fought with the fists to explode, but[ Almighty Push] similarly cannot fly the Le Yuan ball. 力量对撞,乐渊的拳头没有能够穿透天道的防御,借助[神罗天征]防御反击的天道佩恩的确没有被这一拳打爆,但是[神罗天征]同样没有能够将乐渊弹飞出去。 The huge impact is the interaction, Le Yuan can not result in the body hard anti- under this impulse of person by his intrepidly, but Deva Path Pain may not have that ability hardly just. In order to guarantee oneself do not receive this fatal injury,[ Almighty Push] repulsion cover that forms while with Le Yuan fist hedge entire outside the direction toward Konoha flies, removes the impact of powerful with the aid of striked to fly Strength, reduces the injury as far as possible to Deva Path Pain. 巨大的冲击是相互作用的,乐渊可以凭借他那强悍得不似人的身体硬抗下这冲击力,但是天道佩恩可就没有那个能力硬刚了。为了保证自己不受到这致命的伤害,[神罗天征]形成的斥力罩在与乐渊拳头对冲的同时整个向着木叶外的方向飞去,借助被打飞的力量卸去强大的冲击,尽可能减少对天道佩恩的伤害。 When Le Yuan pursues tightly Deva Path Pain is departing, is observing the Konoha people who two people fight to be touching the heart of beat slowed down, the fights of two human form disaster manufacture are really not nowadays Konoha can bear. 乐渊紧追着天道佩恩离去的时候,正在观察两人大战的木叶众人可算是将碰碰跳动的心放缓了下来,两个人形灾难制造器的战斗真不是现如今的木叶可以受得了。 But another side, just received to attack striked to fly Deva Path Pain just had from the day falling trend, his eye contracted fiercely lifted own both hands immediately again. 而另一边,刚刚受到冲击被打飞的天道佩恩刚刚有从天落下的趋势,他的眼睛猛地收缩随即再一次抬起了自己的双手。 Almighty Push!” 神罗天征!” Deva Path Pain has not fallen to the ground then put forth this move again, but he uses this move is also excusable, soon draws close to him in Le Yuan already that just pursued at that moment tightly, that wants touching the fist that he strikes to fly to the face of Deva Path Pain shortly again. 天道佩恩还没有落地便再度使出了这一招,不过他用这一招也是情有可原,就在刚刚那一刻紧追上来的乐渊已经快要贴近他了,那一记将他打飞的拳头眼看着再一次要“摸”到天道佩恩的脸。 Was hit the consequence not to need to want by that fist also to know, absolutely is the result of head explosion. Does not use[ Almighty Push] defends, no one can bear such attack. However one then two, whenever Deva Path Pain wants to fall, Le Yuan then catches up with him later a fist him to strike to fly. 被那种拳头打中的后果不用想也知道,绝对是脑袋爆炸的结果。不用[神罗天征]进行防御,谁也受不了这样的攻击。不过有一便有二,每当天道佩恩欲要落下的时候,乐渊便追上了他随后一拳将他击飞。 Such after continual five times, two people already was far away from Konoha to exceed more than 20 kilometers. 这样连续了五次之后,两人已经远离了木叶超过二十多公里。 When two people fall again in the ground, unemotional Deva Path Pain this matter actually revealed dignified expression. Le Yuan attack time and time again calculates probably the time was ordinary, every waited for Deva Path Pain skill cooldown to be completed one time launched the attack again, but each striking flew time, although Kakuzu was slightly different, however the final point of descent direction was really big was not wonderful. 当两人再一次落回在地面上时,原本还面无表情的天道佩恩此事却露出了凝重的神色乐渊一次又一次的攻击像是算好了时间一般,每一次都等待着天道佩恩技能冷却完成了再发动攻击,而每一次的击飞虽然角都略有不同,但是最后的落点方向实在是大大的不妙。 „Did you, find my position?” “你,找到了我的位置?” Deva Path Pain, accurate should be outlet Nagato said by the body of Heavenly Dao. Le Yuan is seeing only already to only have two kilometers many distance from outlet Nagato unknowingly, this is big is not wonderful. 天道佩恩,准确的来说应该是外道长门透过天道的身体说道。乐渊在不知不觉只见已经距离外道长门只有两公里多的距离,这可是大大的不妙。 Yes, spent little Kungfu, your position already was locked, prepared to escape?” “是啊,费了一点点功夫,不过你的位置已经被锁定了,准备逃了吗?” Le Yuan was saying the black stick takes down on the left hand is inserting, leaves from the Konoha battlefield he is not empty-handed, when strikes to fly Deva Path Pain his already is then implementing this plan, taking advantage of striked to fly the Deva Path Pain opportunity to find the Nagato main body several times is. 乐渊说着将自己左手上插着的黑棒取了下来,从木叶战场离开时他可不是空着手的,在打飞天道佩恩的时候他便已经在实施这个计划,借着数次打飞天道佩恩的机会找到了长门本体的所在。 Such being the case, you gave up any idea of that goes forward again half!” “既然如此,你休想再前进半步!” When heard Le Yuan already to lock that moment of main body position, Deva Path Pain already did not plan to keep the hand again, Le Yuan Strength surpassed his estimate. But[ Super: Almighty Push] such style copes with the single body Le Yuan to appear the might to be insufficient, depends upon Deva Path Pain to defeat the Le Yuan only opportunity to only have [ Chibaku Tensei (Planetary Devastation)]. 当听到乐渊已经锁定了本体位置的那一刻,天道佩恩已经不打算再留手了,乐渊力量超过了他的估计。而[超·神罗天征]这样的招式对付单体的乐渊显得威力不足,依靠天道佩恩想要打败乐渊唯一的机会只有一个[地爆天星]。 Deva Path Pain displays[ Chibaku Tensei (Planetary Devastation)] the way has two types ; first, to display one makes every effort again, by gravitating any will exist by the Chibaku Tensei (Planetary Devastation) absorption seal, but this way will want to hold speed extremely quick Le Yuan slightly to reveal the misery ; The two infiltrate the opposite party within the body Chibaku Tensei (Planetary Devastation), takes the body of opposite party as the gravity core, opportunity of escape such opposite party simply has not dodged, but how to hit regarding Deva Path Pain is another issue. 天道佩恩施展[地爆天星]的方式有两种,其一是施展出一个重力求,被重力吸引的任何存在都将被地爆天星吸附封印,不过这种方式想要抓住速度极快的乐渊略显苦难;其二则是将地爆天星打入对方体内,以对方的身体为重力核心,这样对方就根本没有闪躲的逃避的机会,但是对于天道佩恩来说如何打中则是另一个问题。 „A fist settles you!” “一拳了结你!” Le Yuan shakes the fist to rush again goes, but also without, when Le Yuan close to the Heavenly Dao in two meters, own body by control forward tipping, Strength was not then transmitted from the Deva Path Pain direction suddenly certainly. 乐渊再次挥拳冲上前去,还没等到乐渊靠近天道两米之内,便陡然绝得自己的身体不受控制地向前倾倒,一股力量天道佩恩的方向传来。 [ Universal Pull], under with the repulsion completely opposite attraction, has guarded against Le Yuan of repulsion not to guard against the body movement to present the distortion inevitably. However this is also this movement distorts, opposite Deva Path Pain started the combat, sees only him not to draw back instead enters arrives at Le Yuan body previous chest position that personal stroked in Le Yuan. [万象天引],与斥力完全相反的引力,一直防备着斥力的乐渊没有防备之下身体动作不可避免地出现了变形。不过这也正是这个动作变形,对面的天道佩恩开始了作战,只见他不退反进贴身来到乐渊的身前一手击打在了乐渊的胸口位置。 [ Chibaku Tensei (Planetary Devastation)] starts, Le Yuan when Deva Path Pain approaches then already guessed correctly Deva Path Pain that stakes everything on a single throw of the dice prepares to make anything, when he lifts the hand was to make Le Yuan believed firmly own guess. [地爆天星]发动,乐渊天道佩恩靠近的时候便已经猜到孤注一掷的天道佩恩准备做些什么,而当他抬起手来的时候更是令乐渊确信了自己的猜测。 With[ Six Paths: Chibaku Tensei] compared with extremely similar Strength appeared in the hand of Deva Path Pain, chakra of this move of consumption was not absolutely low, particularly when wanted to cope with Le Yuan this grade of character is so. 与[六道·地爆天星]相比极为相似的力量出现在了天道佩恩的手中,这一招耗费的查克拉绝对不低,尤其是在想要对付乐渊这等人物的时候更是如此。 Such that just like Le Yuan expects, this move of Nagato main body kilometer away after using spouts a blood.[ Super: Almighty Push] already is the huge consumption that general Ninja cannot believe that Nagato used no longer under this move in one day unexpectedly[ Chibaku Tensei (Planetary Devastation)], this was not regarded as own coming to see own life simply. 正如乐渊所预料的那样,千米之外的长门本体在使用出这一招之后不由地喷出一口血来。[超·神罗天征]已经是一般忍者不敢相信的巨大消耗,在一天之内长门竟然又使用出了不再这一招之下的[地爆天星],这简直就是不把自己的命当作是自己的来看。 [ Chibaku Tensei (Planetary Devastation)] the body of hit Le Yuan, the Deva Path Pain movement has not stopped almost while one move of just-concluded advantage one move[ Almighty Push] function on the body of Le Yuan. [地爆天星]命中乐渊的身体,天道佩恩动作没有停下几乎在一招刚刚结束的同时优势一招[神罗天征]作用在了乐渊的身上。 Just[ Chibaku Tensei (Planetary Devastation)] although Le Yuan did not have the plan to discard its halfway directly, but this does not mean the Le Yuan plan quilt trivial[ Almighty Push] hit. For those wanting to spread out own Nagato with the repulsion, a Le Yuan fist wields not responsibly. 刚刚的[地爆天星]乐渊虽然没打算直接将它半途废掉,但这不意味着乐渊打算被区区[神罗天征]命中了。对着欲用斥力摊开自己的长门,乐渊当仁不让地一拳挥出。 Strength to putting together Le Yuan not in leeward, but still met the expectation of Deva Path Pain finally. Has not flown the Le Yuan ball, but Deva Path Pain actually drew support from the reacting force to leave[ Chibaku Tensei (Planetary Devastation)] in attack range. 力量对拼乐渊不在下风,但是结果依然达到了天道佩恩的预期。没有将乐渊弹飞出去,但是天道佩恩却借助反作用力离开了[地爆天星]的攻击范围内。 With[ Chibaku Tensei (Planetary Devastation)] the Strength outbreak, under the Le Yuan foot land is collapsing in an instant, the stone of collapse flew toward midpoint Le Yuan. It is not able[ Chibaku Tensei (Planetary Devastation)] Strength removes Le Yuan in outside the body only to look the stone that helplessly blots out the sky flies, but Le Yuan will not sit waiting for death, Devil phantom comes, the giant fist will be innumerable toward the stone that it flies 11 makes into waste broken, Chibaku Tensei (Planetary Devastation) is indeed fierce, how without the stone seal can. 随着[地爆天星]的力量发作,乐渊脚底下的大地在刹那间崩坏,崩坏的石块朝着正中央的乐渊飞了过来。无法将[地爆天星]的力量排除体外的乐渊只能眼睁睁看着铺天盖地的石块飞来,不过乐渊也不会坐以待毙,魔人虚影现身,巨大的拳头将无数朝着它飞来的石块一一打成废碎,地爆天星的确厉害,但是如果没有石头封印又能如何。 However[ Chibaku Tensei (Planetary Devastation)] can it be that is so also easy to cope, the attraction further expanded the less than half Konoha size the stone seemed like sandwich biscuit from the two sides toward Le Yuan to push. This degree of giant stone already cannot destroy by the fist of Devil phantom, not only these two giant stones, in the peripheral land the stone little toward midpoint Le Yuan pushed continuously. 不过[地爆天星]又岂是那么容易对付的,引力进一步扩大小半个木叶村大小的石块像是夹心饼干似的从两边向着乐渊挤了过来。这种程度的巨石已经不是靠魔人虚影的拳头就能打碎,不仅仅这两块巨石,周边大地上源源不断地石头一点点向着正中央的乐渊挤了过来。 As stone extrudes to the middle unceasingly, infiltrates Le Yuan within the body[ Chibaku Tensei (Planetary Devastation)] flash spreads with the Devil phantom peripheral stone union, Strength of seal affects in this moment on the small-scale giant stone. 随着石块的不断向中间挤压,打入乐渊体内的[地爆天星]一瞬间扩散出去与魔人虚影周边的石块结合,封印的力量在这一刻作用在小型巨石上。 At this moment, seal Le Yuan[ Chibaku Tensei (Planetary Devastation)] giant stone flew with the aid of own attraction already to the midair. But because the peripheral crushed stone also First Layer First Layer packages on the seal suction getting smaller. 这一刻,封印乐渊的[地爆天星]巨石借助自身的引力已经飞向了半空。而周边的碎石也由于一层一层地包裹在封印上似的吸力越来越小。 [ Chibaku Tensei (Planetary Devastation)] seal Strength made giant stone inside space Chaos incomparable, is unable to use Spatial Displacement to leave the seal, wanted to break this seal only turning point is absolute Strength. [地爆天星]的封印力量令巨石里面的空间絮乱无比,根本无法使用空间移动离开封印,想要打破这个封印唯一的契机就是绝对的力量 ... ... ... ...
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