VE :: Volume #8 三阶首战影之忍者

#718: Puts on three, fights Six Paths again

Le Yuan wants to snatch Rinnegan, Pain wants to capture Nine-Tails, both people want pay a small price for big rewards in return to capture the goods that opposite party impossible yields mutually, fight between both sides naturally is inevitable. As for Konoha? already lost to participate in the capital in this fight, but Tsunade was not but stupid, resented that the region stupor Naruto was leaving the battlefield of this momentarily possibly detonation. 乐渊想要抢轮回眼,佩恩想要夺取九尾,两个人都想要空手套白狼夺取对方不可能相让的物品,双方之间的战斗自然是无可避免。至于木叶已经失去了参与到这一场战斗中的资本,纲手虽然无奈但也绝不愚蠢,愤恨地带着昏迷的鸣人离开了这随时可能引爆的战场。 Pain Six Paths does not dare to move at will, the Le Yuan material that before collected just the performance of Le Yuan fully showed his strength cannot be underestimated, because in addition now big move[ Super: Almighty Push] the side effect has not passed, Pain Six Paths was requires the time to restore. 佩恩六道不敢随意动弹,无论是之前搜集的乐渊资料还是刚刚乐渊的表现都足以说明他的实力不容小觑,加之现在由于大招[超·神罗天征]的副作用还没有过去,佩恩六道更是需要时间来恢复。 As for Le Yuan Thunder Eyes and Thunder Eyes liangs ability closure, Thunder Eyes can be said as the move that the critical moment saves a life, even if could insist for a long time by the Le Yuan present strength low time of acceleration, but has minimal impact on the decisive victory and defeat of fight, the high-power acceleration is the consumption is not too able to be lasting greatly. But Tenseigan has not ended the product, has not absorbed eyes power in giant Tenseigan completely, Le Yuan can also activate some Tenseigan abilities now merely. 至于乐渊则是将雷瞳项能力关闭,雷瞳可以说是关键时刻救命的招数,就算是以乐渊如今的实力低倍加速或许能坚持地久一点,但是对于战斗的决定性胜负影响不大,高倍加速则是消耗太大无法持久。而转生眼更是未完产品,没有将巨型转生眼内的瞳力完全吸收,乐渊现在也仅仅是能激活部分转生眼的能力。 Truly speaking a Le Yuan strength wants second to fall the random person excluding Kaguya not too to be difficult, but unfortunately Le Yuan most abilities are also the condition that accumulated was raised and limited completely has not even grasped. 说实在的乐渊一身实力想要秒掉除辉夜之外的任意一个人都不算太难,但可惜的是乐渊的绝大多数能力都还处在蕴养、受限制甚至是未完全掌握的状态。 On the body, Devil Undying Body cannot play the complete effect by the strength of influence Heavens Punishment. Thunder Eyes just unified[ Bullet Time] ability shortly, is the function of hand Devil Undying Body has not developed as for Devil phantom and Devil Form to the strongest condition. A Le Yuan ability can become the great two characters, as for profound was still actually hard to achieve. 身体上,魔人不死身天谴之力影响不能发挥全部功效。雷瞳更是刚刚结合[子弹时间]的能力没多久,至于魔人虚影魔人形态更是手魔人不死身的作用未开发至最强状态。乐渊的一身能力当得上博大二字,至于精深却仍旧难以做到。 In the equipment, As-You-Will Gold-Banded Cudgel is unable to take as before, but Xuanyuan Sword lays aside before the Heroic Spirit throne conducts accumulated to raise. The former is the Le Yuan ability is unable to equip, even Devil Form can still hold up the golden cudgel reluctantly, as for use free that is the wishful thinking. But the latter simply is half finished-products, when gets married the use is also in the majority by the good-looking but useless goods, simply cannot stimulate completely Xuanyuan Sword Strength, but also needs to continue to provide for by common people Thought Power. 装备上,如意金箍棒依旧无法拿得起来,而轩辕剑更是放置于英灵王座前进行蕴养。前者是乐渊的能力无法装备,就算是魔人形态也就勉强能够将金箍棒举起,至于使用自如那是痴心妄想。而后者则干脆是半完成品,成婚时的使用也是以样子货居多,根本没能完全将轩辕剑力量激发出来,还需要继续以万民念力进行供养。 The time, Le Yuan deeply felt the time again regarding his importance. Although had enough Strength, but actually lacks the time to discipline to deal with all situations them sufficiently. 时间,乐渊再一次深深地感觉到了时间对于他的重要性。虽然拥有了足够的力量,但是却缺少时间将它们磨练到足以应付一切的地步。 Returns to the battlefield, Pain planned that delays the time to restore own Strength, but Le Yuan actually did not plan that becomes the matter more troublesome, looked at one opposite party becoming an immortal cross formation six people, the Asura Path drivehead, Human Path and Animal Path are situated in two wings, as for Naraka Path and Preta Path is in tandem the Deva Path Pain protection in the midpoint. 重归战场,佩恩打算拖延时间恢复自己的力量,但是乐渊却不打算把事情变得更加麻烦,瞄了一下对方成仙十字阵型的六人,修罗道打头,人间道畜生道位居于两翼,至于地狱道恶鬼道则是一前一后将天道佩恩保护在正中央。 Detected Animal Path that Le Yuan as to begin immediately according to brown ground, immediately a 78 meters high giant rhinocero disperses the hoof to dash about wildly toward Le Yuan, but Naraka Path had not felt relieved continues both hands according to the ground, releases chakra to summon summoned beast continually. 察觉乐渊似乎想要动手的畜生道当即一手按在土黄色的地面上,顿时一只七八米高的巨型犀牛撒开蹄子向着乐渊所在狂奔过来,而地狱道则还不放心继续将双手按在地面上,持续释放查克拉召唤通灵兽 After the giant water buffalo and fission multi-thread dog follow closely this giant rhinocero, launched the charge -type attack, but in three giant beasts the field of vision camouflage of Le Yuan, is Pain Six Paths hidden in secretly, Asura Path already that takes the lead lay on the tail of fission multi-thread dog, prepared to conduct the surprise attack taking advantage of the shield of multi-thread dog. 巨型水牛、分裂多头犬紧随这巨型犀牛之后发动了冲锋式的进攻,而就在三只巨兽将乐渊的视野遮蔽,是佩恩六道隐于幕后之时,打头阵的修罗道已经趴在了分裂多头犬的尾巴上,准备借着多头犬的掩护进行奇袭。 The entire dawn understands too few Le Yuan information, they do not know that Le Yuan is capable of being called spiritual awareness, can such as the sensation Ninja common penetration terrain hindrance view thing ; The equipment is called[ Reincarnation Round Dance], the ability of supplementary can use the Byakugan perspective/see through. If the really understood person knows, Naraka Path does not think can then hide own trail by trivial summoned beast. 整个晓对于乐渊的情报还是了解得太少,他们并不知道乐渊有一种能力叫做灵觉,能够如感知忍者一般穿透地形阻碍观察事物;有一件装备叫做[转生轮舞],附带的能力可以使用白眼透视。如果真被晓的人知道,地狱道绝不会以为能够凭借区区通灵兽便隐藏自己的踪迹。 First comes, the sprint speed is also the quickest giant rhinocero causes the play big body that the land thunders to charge into Le Yuan with that sufficiently directly, when will soon hit Le Yuan under its also side the head with the great corner/horn of tip of the nose aimed at the chest of Le Yuan especially slightly. 最先现身,冲刺速度也是最快的巨型犀牛用那足以引起大地轰鸣的剧大身躯正面冲向乐渊,在即将撞击到乐渊时它还特地微微侧下脑袋用鼻尖的巨角瞄准了乐渊的胸口。 “啪 Facing these dozens tons impulse, after Le Yuan merely right foot slightly , before moving both hands reach, showed a greeting posture, later that moment both hands of being near body its will soon hold in the great corner/horn stubbornly. 面对这数十吨的冲击力,乐渊仅仅是将右脚稍稍后移双手伸向前摆出了一个迎接的姿势,随后在巨角即将临身的那一刻双手死死地将其抓住。 The speed exceeds 20 meters per second giant rhinocero to be covered that moment of great corner/horn only by Le Yuan to think that own speed, then saw later that dozens tons colossi will be held shortly by Le Yuan both hands. 速度超过每秒20米的巨型犀牛在被乐渊扣住巨角的那一刻只觉得自己的速度一顿,随后便见到那足足有数十吨重的庞然大物顷刻间被乐渊双手抱起。 Rhinocero home run!” “犀牛全垒打!” Held up the giant rhinocero merely had not finished, Le Yuan carried a baseball bat to entrain the giant rhinocero to revolve probably generally fiercely rapidly, struck the giant rhinocero with the aid of revolving Strength fiercely to the water buffalo that continued to hit. 仅仅是将巨型犀牛举起还没有结束,乐渊像是拎起一只球棒一般猛地拽着巨型犀牛飞速旋转了一圈,借助旋转的力量将巨型犀牛猛地击向了继续撞上来的水牛身上。 Bang “嘭 The impulse of giant water buffalo indeed does not deliver the beforehand giant rhinocero, a home run that but the angular force came facing Le Yuan this replenishment from one side, the big impact was still flung to fly even ruthlessly, immediately the giant water buffalo looked like line flying upside down of kite unable on the ground dozens meters away again. 巨型水牛的冲击力的确不出给之前的巨型犀牛,但是面对乐渊这加注了旋转力从侧面而来的一记全垒打,就算再大的冲击也被狠狠地甩飞了出去,顿时巨型水牛就像是断了线的风筝似的倒飞了在了数十米外的地上再也起不来的。 However strikes , the rhinocero baseball bat on Le Yuan also becomes half damaged goods. But the fission multi-thread dog that throws is really more intelligent, jumps fiercely throws bites at the same time, split the multi-thread dog to be divided into eight from throw immediately in all directions together, each head incarnation was an independent great dog revealed the chill fang toward Le Yuan. 不过一击之后,乐渊手上的犀牛球棒也成为了半残品。而紧接着扑上来的分裂多头犬就真的聪明许多,猛地跃起扑咬的同时,分裂多头犬顿时一分为八从四面八方一同扑了过来,每一个脑袋化身为一个单独的巨犬向着乐渊露出了恶寒的獠牙。 Has not studied clever, tornado attack!” “没有学乖,龙卷风打击!” Just revolved Le Yuan not to stop, just revolving of underspeed caught up again fiercely, the giant rhinocero on hand can only degenerate into Le Yuan to massacre the weapon of its companion pitifully again. 刚刚旋转了一圈的乐渊没有停下,刚刚降低速度的旋转再次猛地发力,手上的巨型犀牛只能可怜地再度沦为乐渊残杀它同伴的武器。 Is revolving Le Yuan that called to be watertight the giant rhinocero dance in hand, the huge rhinocero seemed like the use to result in the quantity not able a more skilled weapon, the great dog that which position regardless of threw poured under the giant rhinocero that unscientific huge impact without exception. 旋转着的乐渊将手中的巨型犀牛舞得那叫一个滴水不漏,庞大的犀牛像是使用得数量到再也不能更熟练的武器,无论从哪一个方位扑过来的巨犬无一例外倒在了巨型犀牛那不科学的巨大撞击力之下。 When Le Yuan the last great dog will overthrow, has acted the concealment to final Asura Path finally. Had just brandished the giant rhinocero in Le Yuan, when was unable to launch the attack again, from the great dog flashes before behind, but Asura Path lifts both hands, immediately on arm ball innumerable rocket projectiles. 而当乐渊将最后一只巨犬打倒的时候,一直隐匿到最后的修罗道终于出手了。在乐渊将巨型犀牛刚刚挥舞过,还未能再度发动攻击之时,从巨犬身后闪现而出的修罗道抬起双手,顿时手臂上弹起无数火箭弹。 [ Flaming Arrow of Amazing Ability] launch, the Naruto World corpse robot is not ordinary person can understand that this each departing rocket projectile has the track effect, and small that the might does not come compared with Explosive Tag. Sought ordinary person to be intimate a that dead, but now stared at the Le Yuan rocket projectile to be over 20. [怪弹火矢]发射,火影世界的尸体机器人可不是常人能够理解的,这每一枚飞出的火箭弹都带有跟踪效果,并且威力绝不比起爆符来的小。寻常人挨上一枚那就死定了,而现在盯上乐渊的火箭弹超过了二十枚。 pēng pēng pēng bang bang...... 砰砰砰砰砰…… The explosion flame that the rocket projectile forms covers the place that Le Yuan is in an instant completely, intermittent black smoke raises, the aura of scorched earth spread over this stretch of area. 火箭弹形成的爆炸火焰刹那间将乐渊所在的地方完全笼罩,一阵阵黑烟升起,焦土的气息传遍了这一片地区。 Did this get rid of Le Yuan? Konoha Ninja of distant place correct use Byakugan observation battlefield can actually be clear told you: impossible! 这就干掉了乐渊?远处正用白眼观察战场的木叶忍者却能明确的告诉你:不!可!能 Do not look that this rocket explosion Strength not only through the Byakugan observation battlefield actually discovered which in the black smoke also has the Le Yuan shadow. Only the corpses of some already completely broken giant rhinoceros pour there, Le Yuan has drawn support from this explosion to shift the position. 别看这火箭弹爆炸的力量不但是通过白眼观察战场却发现黑烟之中哪还有乐渊的影子。唯有已经完全残破的巨型犀牛的尸体倒在那里,乐渊早就借助这爆炸转移了位置。 [ Earth Release: Double Suicide Decapitation Technique], Le Yuan completed this move to drag into the land with the aid of Earth Spirit Bead Strength Asura Path completely, simultaneously in underground completely destroyed this mechanism/organization corpse, cut off resurrected his possibility. [土遁·心中斩首术],乐渊借助土灵珠力量完成了这一招将修罗道完全拉入了大地内,同时于地下将这机关尸体完全摧毁,同时也断绝了复活他的可能性。 Le Yuan that the Asura Path of solution Pain Six Paths, presents again stared on own goal Naraka Path. This had to resurrect Six Paths clone of others ability to be first solved, otherwise can also be a trouble. 佩恩六道修罗道解决,再一次出现的乐渊将自己的目标盯到了地狱道上。这个拥有复活他人能力的六道分身必须先解决了,不然还会是个麻烦。 Before Le Yuan charges into Pain Six Paths, did not fear any Ninjutsu Preta Path to clash, together also with it started the charge has Animal Path and Human Path. 就在乐渊前冲向佩恩六道的时候,不惧怕任何忍术恶鬼道冲了过来,与其一起发动冲锋的还有畜生道人间道 Naive!” “天真!” These three Six Paths clone actions made Le Yuan find the opportunity of action exactly, this matter after Naraka Path that sent was upfront battle efficiency worst one, but the Heavenly Dao was the appearance that simple has not restored. 这三名六道分身的举动恰恰令乐渊找到了行动之机,此事位于后发的地狱道本身就是正面战斗力最差的一个,而天道则是干脆一副还未恢复的样子。 Looks charges into own Six Paths clone, the body of Le Yuan vanishes in Kungfu of a blink in their fields of vision. At the same time before body of Naraka Path, Le Yuan presented already to lift the right arm to suddenly hit shortly on the Naraka Path face that wanted to retrocede. 看着一齐冲向自己的六道分身,乐渊的身体在一眨眼的功夫消失在他们的视野内。同一时刻地狱道的身前,乐渊陡然出现已经抬起了右臂眼看就要命中正欲后退的地狱道脸上。 Almighty Push!” 神罗天征!” The Deva Path Pain sound suddenly resounds, is one is unable his matter of move appearance also to have that silent appearance, lifted own right hand to start the repulsion impact on Le Yuan fiercely. 天道佩恩的声音突然响起,原本还是一副无法动弹样子的他此事那还有那沉默的样子,猛地抬起了自己的右手对着乐渊发动了斥力冲击。 What?” “什么?” Le Yuan has not thought that Pain thinks show the enemy to weakly, or after[ Super: Almighty Push] in the side effect restores does not have anxiously beginning, but is the choice makes the bait with other clone. 乐渊也没有想到佩恩会想到示敌以弱,或者说从[超·神罗天征]的副作用中恢复后没有急着动手,而是选择用其他分身做诱饵。 Does not have protection Le Yuan to be hit by this repulsion wave fiercely, the body was not flown toward the distant place by control. But lost Le Yuan trail Preta Path and Human Path in other three to return to the side of Heavenly Dao again, was play the same old trick summons giant summoned beast as for Animal Path again. 没有防备的乐渊猛地被这一记斥力波击中,身体不受控制地向着远处飞了过去。而失去了乐渊踪迹的其他三道中的恶鬼道人间道再一次回到了天道的身边,至于畜生道则是故技重施再度召唤出了巨型通灵兽来。 The aspect returned to a pair of five condition again, but was destroyed in Asura Path well thoroughly, moreover was laid aside the place that Naraka Path could not contact by Le Yuan, making it unable resurrecting Naraka Path, making Le Yuan be short of a trouble. 局面再一次回到了一对五的状态中,不过好在修罗道被彻底毁了,而且还被乐渊放置到了地狱道接触不到的地方,令其无法复活地狱道,让乐渊少了一个麻烦。 However even so, wanting the one breath to solve remaining Pain Six Paths as before is not an easy matter, particularly in Le Yuan be at the condition of normal state under. 不过就算是如此,想要一口气解决掉剩下的佩恩六道依旧不是件容易的事情,尤其是在乐渊处于常态的状态下。 To defeat Pain Six Paths, the only choice divides defeat in detail them. 想要击败佩恩六道,唯一的选择就是将他们分割开各个击破。 The strong winds writings, the innumerable production were started by the strong winds, the visibility dropped to under the covering of sandy soil and dust quickly less than one meter situation. But grasps Rinnegan Pain Six Paths, although is stronger than the ordinary person vision ability, however is also difficult to be potential achievement under this environment. 狂风大作,无数的生成被狂风掀起,很快在沙土、灰尘的笼罩下能见度降至了不足一米的地步。而掌握轮回眼佩恩六道虽然比常人视觉能力更强,但是在这种环境之下也难有所作为。 Bang “嘭 Only additional Preta Path and Human Path throw in Animal Path the midair fiercely jointly, condescending hand seal of Animal Path in the midair uses Summoning Technique to shift other Pain Six Paths to the midair. 只加恶鬼道人间道猛地联手将畜生道抛掷到半空之中,居高临下的畜生道在半空中结印使用通灵之术将其他佩恩六道转移至半空之中。 However when all clone sets to midair , the Deva Path Pain complexion actually changed. At this time in the midair only then the existence of Heavenly Dao, Animal Path, Human Path as well as Preta Path, most essential Naraka Path simply has not appeared in the midair. 不过当所有的分身集合至半空中时,天道佩恩的脸色却变了。此时半空之中只有天道、畜生道人间道以及恶鬼道的存在,最关键的地狱道却根本没有出现在半空之中。 In the sandstorm, near the foot of Le Yuan already were many a Naraka Path corpse. If not other clone responses is quick enough, perhaps had been struck to kill while this opportunity total by Le Yuan time. However escapes to the space does not represent to avoid the murderous intention, has to float spatial and ability of air fight except for the Heavenly Dao, others arrived at in the air him is a living target. 风沙之中,乐渊的脚边已经多了一具地狱道的尸体。如果不是其他分身反应足够快,恐怕早就被乐渊趁着这一次的机会全数击杀。不过逃到天上不代表能够避开杀机,除了天道有浮空和空战的能力,其他人到了空中他就是个活靶子。 “噌 Golden light air-splitting flashes past, drops the Animal Path actually already chest hole that to open from the midair floating greatly, large hole of chest basketball size showed that sufficiently this time Naraka Path is a deceased person. 破空的金光一闪而过,从半空中飘然落下的畜生道已经胸洞大开,胸口一个足足篮球大小的大洞足以证明此时的地狱道就是个死人。 Besides Deva Path Pain, two, even if knows oneself place the danger not to have the means that their only results at midair was met a spear/gun by a Le Yuan spear/gun through. 除了天道佩恩之外,其他两人就算知道自己身处危险也毫无办法,处在半空的他们唯一的结果就是被乐渊一枪接一枪地穿心而过。 ... ... ... ...
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