VE :: Volume #8 三阶首战影之忍者

#733: Samsara VS reincarnation

The whole world becomes with displaying of Infinite Tsukuyomi is silent, original at night becomes incomparable bright with the illumination of blood-color moonlight, such Heaven and Earth mutation should cause the changes of innumerable life, but was a pity very much under the sweep of Infinite Tsukuyomi all living lifeform all fell into the eternal dreamland. 整个世界都随着无限月读的施展而变得寂静无声,原本的黑夜随着血色月光的照射而变得无比的亮堂,原本这样的天地异变应该会引得无数生命的异动,但是很可惜在无限月读的笼罩下所有活着的生命体全都陷入了永恒的梦境。 The Infinite Tsukuyomi moonlight can penetrate the land and house is as for the impediments in world most materials, where life regardless in this case hides to be doomed by Infinite Tsukuyomi to be corroded in this moment already. 无限月读的月光能够穿透大地、房屋乃至于世间绝大多数物质的阻隔,在这种情况下无论躲在哪里的生命在这一刻都已经注定被无限月读所侵蚀。 But completed all these Six Paths Madara not to stop completely, he also needs to make divine tree further develop, according to the record of Uchiha Clan Naka Shrine underground stele, this needs to collect many chakra to provide for divine tree. 而完成了这一切的六道斑也没有完全停下,他还需要令神树进一步发展,根据宇智波一族南贺神社地下石碑的记载,这就需要收集更多的查克拉供养神树 The branch of divine tree covers with a Six Paths Madara hand seal roll-call battlefield completely, on the branch the deep below paper will fall into the Infinite Tsukuyomi person to wrap, derives sleep chakra of Ninja allied armies through the way of taking care of your pennies and dollars will take care of themselves little. 神树的枝桠随着六道斑结印一点点将战场完全笼罩,树枝上深下的纸条一个个将陷入无限月读的人包裹其中,通过细水长流的方式一点点汲取睡梦中的忍者联军的查克拉 But at this time control Obito Black Zetsu does not have to treat dry/does, he wants mother Kaguya that resurrects he to think then to need to draw support from his technique[ Yin-Yang Release: Will Materialisation], unifies with Six Paths Madara thoroughly, but this technique wants successfully to hit Six Paths Madara without doubt is dream of a fool. 而此时正控制带土黑绝同样没有干待着,他想要复活他自认为的母亲辉夜便需要借助他的术[阴阳遁·精神附体],彻底与六道斑结合,而这种术想要成功击中六道斑无疑是痴人做梦。 If not concentrate on the enemy who being worth fighting, Six Paths Madara hardly has any sneak attacked possibility, even if the spot thinks Black Zetsu that own Will extends also cannot achieve. Just like spot is a sly oversuspicious fierce and ambitious, even if he cannot entirely believe to himself similarly, let alone is Black Zetsu. 如果不是专注于值得一战的敌人,六道斑几乎不存在任何被偷袭的可能,即使是斑自认为自己意志延伸的黑绝同样做不到。正如斑自己是个狡猾多疑的枭雄,他就算是对自己同样并不能完全相信,更何况是一个黑绝 Moreover now divine tree has not reached the peak as before, but also naturally cannot easily make a move in Black Zetsu of waiting time, the preparation of 1000 year is close to the final moment with great difficulty, in any event he must endure patiently, the transparent potential threats have not existed let alone. 而且现在神树依旧没有达到巅峰,还在等待时机的黑绝自然不会轻易出手,千年的筹划好不容易接近最后关头,无论如何他都必须忍耐下去,更何况还有一个未明了的潜在威胁存在着。 When looks into the distance from divine tree downward, White Zetsu also discovered opens Devil phantom not to know why does not have Le Yuan of movement. 当从神树上向下眺望之时,白绝亦发现了开着魔人虚影不知为何毫无动作的乐渊 Really hadn't been affected? He was really that man of past years, but actually he wants to make anything now, before 1000 year , mother by his personally seal, actually this was......” “果然没有被影响吗?他果然就是当年的那个男人,但是他现在究竟想要做什么,千年前母亲可是被他亲手封印的,这究竟是……” Looks at the Le Yuan movement, Black Zetsu obviously thought the brain is insufficient. The Le Yuan behavior pattern was too difficult to guess, from him regarding the experience before Le Yuan 1000 year, since Le Yuan seal over Kaguya, nature understand Kaguya powerful, these be relentless will choose ahead of time the seal time. 看着乐渊的动作,黑绝明显觉得脑子不够用了。乐渊的行为模式实在是太难猜了,从他对于乐渊千年前的经历来看,既然乐渊封印过一次辉夜,自然明白辉夜强大,这一次更加会毫不留情地选择提前封印。 For these years but the Le Yuan unexpected action made Black Zetsu unable to feel the mind time and time again thoroughly, but Le Yuan the appearance of that negative waiting is to make puzzled deepening of Black Zetsu now. However although has doubts, however the threat of Le Yuan in the Black Zetsu heart has not reduced, in the past after he just appeared, by Le Yuan has shot a look at that really extremely in shocking, simply is the Black Zetsu childhood shadow. 可是这几年来乐渊一次又一次出乎意料的行动彻底让黑绝摸不着头脑了,而乐渊现在那消极等待的模样更是令黑绝的不解加深。不过虽然疑惑,但是在黑绝心中乐渊的威胁从来没有降低过,当年他刚出现后被乐渊瞥过的那一眼实在是太过于震撼了,简直就是黑绝的童年阴影。 The Infinite Tsukuyomi ray cannot continue forever, even if Six Paths Madara becomes Ten-Tails Jinchūriki, this Infinite Tsukuyomi consumes to him is too still big. After Infinite Tsukuyomi continued for about 30 minutes already was then enough, had 30 minutes, entire Ninja World continent already hardly has also the sober character. 无限月读的光芒并不能永远这么持续下去,就算六道斑成为了十尾人柱力,这无限月读对于他来说消耗依旧太大。但是在无限月读持续了将近30分钟后便已经足够了,有了30分钟的时间,整个忍界大陆已经几乎不存在还清醒的人物。 Nowadays also keeps sober, is only left over Le Yuan around this divine tree and Six Paths Madara also has in large numbers certainly. 现如今还保持清醒的,就只剩下在这个神树周围乐渊六道斑还有大批的绝。 Really, this did only have him? However indeed most powerhouse among the columns, such being the case makes me experience your calibre!” “果然,这个只剩下他了吗?不过的确是除了柱间之外的最强者,既然如此就让我见识一下你的器量!” Feels the tranquil world after Infinite Tsukuyomi, Six Paths Madara is obtaining forever the peaceful at the same time heart deep place that he expects also to flash through desolate. Was born as one in the tumultuous times, and trail blazer who opens the Ninja time, the Uchiha Madara life to fight to live simply, fight factor already imprint in his bloodlines. 感受着无限月读后的宁静世界,六道斑获得他所期望的永远和平的同时内心深处也不由闪过一丝落寞。作为一个出生在乱世,并且开启忍者时代的先驱者,宇智波斑的一生简直是为战而生,战斗的因子已经烙印在他的血脉中。 Because although the death of family member made the spot dislike struggle, but early he of already custom struggle in harvest peace also stretched out in the innermost feelings is hateful can with the opponent who he fought. Person already that in the the attack aftermath land, can sober is very few, but White Zetsu are one group of puppets who do not have the thought that nature impossible becomes the Six Paths Madara opponent, the opponent who now leaves the spot then only had Le Yuan and three -and-a-half remnantly by the seal Impure World Reincarnation of movement. 虽然由于亲人的死亡令斑厌恶斗争,但是早已经习惯斗争的他在收获和平的同时也在内心伸出可恶着能够和他一战的对手。满目苍夷的大地上,能够清醒的人已经少之又少,而白绝们又是一群没有思维的傀儡,自然不可能成为六道斑的对手,现在留给斑的对手便只剩下乐渊和三个半残被封印了动作的秽土转生 Six Paths Madara that falls gently from divine tree appeared before the body of Le Yuan, Six Paths Shakujō on hand wielded fiercely, floated to change to one piece thinly such as the bit of slip of paper to delimit toward Le Yuan Devil phantom in his behind Truth-Seeking Ball with the scratch of monk's staff. 神树上飘落的六道斑出现在了乐渊的身前,手上的仙人锡杖猛地挥出,漂浮在他身后的求道玉随着锡杖的划痕化作一片薄如纸片的刀片向着乐渊身上的魔人虚影划了过来。 With Truth-Seeking Ball has delimited, Le Yuan Devil phantom also vanishes. However at the present that Infinite Tsukuyomi relieves, already does not exist draws the possibility that Le Yuan falls asleep again. 随着求道玉的划过,乐渊身上的魔人虚影随之消失。不过在无限月读解除的现在,已经不存在再一次拉乐渊进入梦乡的可能性。 Good quick reaction speed, relieved your Susanoo in instantaneous of Truth-Seeking Ball contact unexpectedly, indeed is worth staying behind is my trial horse!” “好快的反应速度,竟然在求道玉接触的瞬间自己解除了你的须佐能乎,的确是值得留下作我的陪练对手!” Six Paths Madara with a vision that sizes up the sandbag looks at Le Yuan, obtained his self-confidence bursting of strength of Six Paths, or his self-confidence has not lacked. 六道斑用一种打量沙袋的目光看着乐渊,获得了六道之力的他自信心爆棚了,或者说他的自信从来就没有缺少过。 In Six Paths Madara appears after several seconds before Le Yuan body, Black Zetsu also controlled the body of Obito to arrive at the Le Yuan front, in a black face could not see that he is thinking anything. However can know from he tight body momentarily, this fellow has not relaxed the alert. 就在六道斑出现在乐渊身前的数秒之后,黑绝同样操控着带土的身体来到了乐渊的面前,一张黑脸上根本看不出他在想些什么。不过从他随时紧绷的身体就能知道,这个家伙从来没有放松过戒备。 Plays as the opponent in order to give others practice with you? I may not have that free time, when I the present may only have a goal, that is strongest existence disputes again, I want God-slaying!” “和你陪练?我可没有那个闲工夫,我之所以等到现在可只有一个目的,那就是和最强的存在再一次较量,我要弑神!” That final two characters God-slaying Le Yuan bites very much heavily the pronunciation, he believes that by the words that Black Zetsu head understand he spoke absolutely is what meaning. Especially in the Le Yuan nonchalant vision and Black Zetsu sweep, but, his understand Le Yuan finger/refers of anything person. 那最后的两个字“弑神乐渊将字音咬得很重,他相信凭借黑绝的脑袋绝对明白他所说的话是什么意思。尤其是在乐渊不经意的目光与黑绝一扫而过后,他就更加明白乐渊指的的什么人。 But perplexed Six Paths Madara also thinks Le Yuan said strongest is he, moreover God-slaying what in other words do not kill to become new Sage of Six Paths him? Assumes Six Paths Madara because again the defect on information was crooked. 而不明所以的六道斑还以为乐渊说的最强是他,而且弑神什么不就是说要干掉成为新的六道仙人的他吗?想当然认为的六道斑再一次由于情报上的缺失想歪了。 However although Le Yuan said that but Black Zetsu is not one pure or is the stupid person, because the Le Yuan statement of only one of the parties believe his words. Although the Le Yuan words very good to explain his action so will be why strange, but is still not able to make Black Zetsu believe that this is his complete intention. 不过虽然乐渊这么说了,但是黑绝也不是一个单纯或者说是愚蠢的人,会因为乐渊的一面之词就相信他的话。虽然乐渊的话很好的解释了他的行动为何会如此怪异,但是依然无法令黑绝相信这就是他的全部意图。 But the Le Yuan words are equivalent declare war, at least the Le Yuan words is belligerent in the Six Paths Madara hear. 乐渊的话就相当于宣战,最起码在六道斑听来乐渊的话火药味十足。 But Le Yuan stands there is waiting for the movement of spot, every action and every movement of spot under the scanning of spiritual awareness under the surveillance of Le Yuan, but now spot that leans on the Six Paths Shakujō movement to be it can be said that full of holes. 乐渊站在那里等待着斑的动作,在灵觉的扫描下斑的一举一动都在乐渊的监视之下,而现在斑那拄着仙人锡杖的动作可以说是破绽百出。 While Le Yuan is thinking should first attack, suddenly belonged to his sixth sense to send out the fatal reminder fiercely, believes own intuition Le Yuan stepped behind one step toward oneself, was such a half step, Le Yuan felt away before own forehead is less than one foot place has stroked fresh breeze. 正当乐渊想着是不是应该抢先出击的时候,突然属于他的第六感猛地发出了致命的提醒,相信自己直觉的乐渊不由向着自己身后跨了一步,就是这么一小步,乐渊感受到距到自己脑门前不到一尺的地方拂过一阵劲风。 The attack, almost projected on the forehead of Le Yuan in just that flash silent speechless attack together. 攻击,就在刚刚的那一瞬间一道无声无语的攻击差点就打到了乐渊的脑门。 Was attacked? 被攻击了? Le Yuan was drawing such conclusion instantaneously, after all Le Yuan is not the fool who does not understand, Six Paths Madara most abilities were kept firmly in mind by Le Yuan let alone. But just attack shadowless and invisible, belonged to Six Paths Madara without doubt specially[ Limbo: Border Jail]. 乐渊在瞬间得出了这样的结论,毕竟乐渊也不是什么都不懂的傻瓜,更何况六道斑的绝大多数能力都被乐渊牢记在心中。而刚刚的攻击无影无形,无疑是专属于六道斑的[轮墓·边狱]。 Will not be killed by any physical attack, and shadowless and invisible invisible Shadow Madara. Moreover Le Yuan, can summon five shadows to conduct the surprise attack in Six Paths Mode Madara if memory serves. 一个不会被任何物理攻击杀死,并且无影无形不可视的影子斑。而且乐渊如果没有记错的话,在六道模式的斑足足能够召唤五个影子进行奇袭。 While Le Yuan still in the ponder, turns toward Le Yuan after behind attack together instantaneously. When this attack is close to Le Yuan less than one meter, the Le Yuan intuition has a vigilance, but reminded already to Le Yuan at this time again without enough time, can detect that merely the danger is actually not able to detect the attack specific data Le Yuan is unable to dodge this to strike effectively. 正当乐渊还在思考的时候,一道来自身后的攻击瞬间向着乐渊袭来。当这道攻击接近乐渊不到一米的时候,乐渊的直觉才有所警觉,但是这时候再向乐渊提醒已经来不及了,仅仅能察觉到危险却无法察觉攻击具体数据的乐渊根本无法有效闪避这一击。 Behind Le Yuan that cannot avoid was intimate a numerous fist. 没能躲开的乐渊背后挨上了重重的一拳。 The move of Le Yuan intuition the five main internal organs (entrails) seemed like by a mountain is dashed one time, a blood could not stop from the mouth spouts. The body abandoned under the impact of powerful directly, pounds in together stone wall, pounded a human form pit. 中招的乐渊直觉得自己五脏六腑像是被一座山冲撞了一次,一口血止不住从口中喷出。身体更是在强大的冲击之下直接废了出去,砸在一块石壁上,砸出了一个人形凹坑。 It is not able to detect the attack, the opportunity that Le Yuan has not then won. According to the Six Paths Madara character, he will not send to attack all shadows absolutely, if Le Yuan turns toward his main body to launch the offensive only to keep off rashly by the shadow, futile did not say also because the attack has the flaw. 无法察觉攻击,乐渊便没有取胜的机会。按照六道斑的性格,他绝对不会把所有的影子都派来攻击,如果乐渊贸然向着他的本体发动攻势只会被影子挡回来,徒劳无功不说还会因为攻击产生破绽。 The Sage of Six Paths body can the action of sensation shadow, but Rinne-Sharingan can see clearly the shadow the trend. But Le Yuan does not have these two abilities, but this does not have the opportunity to decode this move on behalf of Le Yuan. 六道仙人体可以感知影子的行动,而轮回写轮眼则能够看清楚影子的动向。而乐渊偏偏没有这两个能力,不过这不代表乐渊没有机会破解这一招。 Le Yuan indeed does not have Rinne-Sharingan, although Thunder Eyes indeed absorbed many Sharingan eyes power before, but this did not have the Sharingan bloodlines ability on behalf of the Le Yuan thunder. However has pair of Tenseigan with eye Le Yuan of Rinne-Sharingan same rank actually. 乐渊的确没有轮回写轮眼,虽然之前雷瞳的确吸收了许多写轮眼瞳力,但是这不代表乐渊的雷霆就有了写轮眼的血脉能力。不过与轮回写轮眼相同等级的眼睛乐渊倒是拥有一双转生眼 But besides the discovery shadow, Tenseigan another ability, Tenseigan Chakra Mode can make Le Yuan grasp Truth-Seeking Ball, but Truth-Seeking Ball is can injure to the attack of shadow few. 而除了发现影子之外,转生眼的另一个能力,转生眼查克拉模式更是能够令乐渊掌握求道玉,而求道玉则是为数不多可以伤害到影子的攻击。 With it wants too many impractical tentative plans, to might as well personally experience gets down actual. Le Yuan then stimulated Tenseigan Chakra Mode that comes out from stone wall instantaneously, immediately with the aid of Tenseigan Strength Le Yuan looked the pattern of this world changes. 与其想太多不切实际的设想,不如亲身体验一下来得实际。乐渊从石壁上重新出来的瞬间便将转生眼查克拉模式激发了,顿时借助转生眼力量乐渊看这个世界的模式都改变的。 The field of vision very intensive perspective/see through that 360 degrees do not have the dead angle, that went beyond all observation capabilities in addition, by Six Paths Madara that unusual Shadow Madara fell on Le Yuan similarly at present. 360度全无死角的视野外加高强度的透视,还有那超越了一切的观察能力,六道斑旁边那与众不同的影子斑同样落在了乐渊的眼前。 Very good, since can see that launches the counter-attack on behalf of Le Yuan already sufficiently. 很好,既然能够看到就代表乐渊已经足以展开反击。 Le Yuan will change to the small ball of bullet shape to change to the supersonic the bullet to fire with the aid of wind Strength after behind Truth-Seeking Ball instantaneously. 乐渊在瞬间将身后的求道玉化作子弹状的小球借助风的力量化作超音速的子弹射击了出去。 But after Le Yuan that appears , the strange eye that suddenly shows( Tenseigan) made the spot feel surprised, but the Truth-Seeking Ball attack that next flash Le Yuan displayed made Six Paths Madara feel panic-stricken. Truth-Seeking Ball of high-speed surprise attack may be different from the general attack, even if becomes Six Paths Body Six Paths Madara to be intimate is still the severely wounded result. 乐渊那出现后突然展现的奇异眼睛(转生眼)令斑感到惊奇,而下一瞬间乐渊施展的求道玉攻击就令六道斑感到惊恐了。高速突袭的求道玉可不同于一般的攻击,就算是成为了六道之体六道斑挨上了也是重伤的结局。 But Truth-Seeking Ball bullet that projects rapidly under locking of Le Yuan Tenseigan no exceptional total hit, in three encircled on Le Yuan Uchiha, each Uchiha at least was hit by over ten Truth-Seeking Ball bullets. 而飞速射出的求道玉子弹在乐渊转生眼的锁定之下毫无例外全数命中在了三个围在乐渊身边的宇智波身上,每一个宇智波最起码被十枚以上的求道玉子弹击中。 Truth-Seeking Ball bullet in hit Shadow Madara then transformed the shape instantaneously, elongates the distortion to become the sharp thorn from the bullet shape, fixed Six Paths Madara in the ground firmly. 求道玉子弹在命中影子斑的瞬间便转化了形态,从子弹状拉长变形成为了尖刺,将六道斑牢牢地固定在了地面上。 The Tenseigan vs Rinnegan first game, Rinnegan ability[ Limbo: Border Jail] is not as good, was frustrated by Truth-Seeking Ball of Tenseigan summon. 转生眼vs轮回眼的第一局,轮回眼的能力[轮墓·边狱]略逊一筹,被转生眼召唤的求道玉挫败。 ... ... ... ...
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