VE :: Volume #8 三阶首战影之忍者

#715: Purification? Swallow!

In Le Yuan the domain of the world projection, the dark samsara beast can not say the strength of slight resistance. Shut off it after the relation its Resilience and death aura was a joke, if were not also the Tailed Beast Ball style can threaten Le Yuan, Le Yuan a palm of the hand has clapped it. 乐渊的世界投影的领域内,黑暗轮回兽可以说没有丝毫的反抗之力。切断了它与外界的联系之后它本身的恢复能力和死亡气息就是个笑话,如果不是还有一手尾兽玉的招式可以威胁到乐渊,乐渊早就一巴掌拍死它了。 already was knocked down at this moment completely the dark samsara beast can only look like only the helpless kitten child general wū wū to sob, wants to escape, to walk in the Le Yuan domain unable to leave, is unable to revolt against Le Yuan Strength. 此时此刻已经被完全打倒在地的黑暗轮回兽只能像只无助的小猫崽一般呜呜哽咽着,在乐渊的领域内想逃逃不了、想走走不掉,根本无法反抗乐渊力量 Present Le Yuan regarding the control of domain must with the aid of own body, unable to drag into the domain the opponent in the final analysis baseless, only has in the time of contact can achieve. Perhaps this is unable to revolt regarding the person who simply has not controlled the domain, but if the opponent similarly is expert Le Yuan that grasps the domain is not that able to display successfully. 说到底现在的乐渊对于领域的掌控还是要借助自己的身体,根本无法凭空将对手拉入到领域内,唯有在接触的时机才能做到。这对于根本没有掌控到领域的人而言或许无从反抗,但是如果对手同样是个掌握领域的高手那么乐渊根本无法施展成功。 Facing by own the dark samsara beast of capturing, the hand of Le Yuan is not needed to contact then to feel that confusion incomparable dark aura with it. This darkness is not Strength, but is development of some Will, but this Will clearly is higher than the category of lifeform very much, is its some confusions then accomplishes merely so destroys the dark samsara beast of the world nowadays sufficiently. 面对被自己俘虏的黑暗轮回兽,乐渊的手根本无需与之接触便能感受到那混乱无比的黑暗气息。这种黑暗不是力量,而是某种意志的展现,不过这种意志很明显高于生物的范畴,仅仅是它的部分混乱便造就了现如今这般足以毁灭世界的黑暗轮回兽。 This is not the exaggerating words, the dark samsara beast do not look by the Le Yuan easy capture, hits with family/home cat does not have the temperament. However this is achieves the completely secluded from the world condition under Le Yuan, it outside the domain is the genuine complete body. 这绝不是夸大的话语,黑暗轮回兽别看被乐渊轻而易举的俘获,打得跟个家猫似的没有脾气。但是这是在乐渊将其完全与世隔绝的状态下做到的,它在领域外面才算是真正的完全体。 From its attack method was existence of non-solution, the black air/Qi of death can lead into the death all, ordinary Ninja does not have in the situation of protection that is will die shortly, how long even if there is Susanoo Uchiha Itachi not to support. 从它的攻击方式来说就是无解的存在,死亡的黑气能够将一切带入死亡,普通忍者没有防护的情况下那是顷刻间就死,就算是有须佐之男宇智波鼬也别想撑多久。 But crossed the death black air/Qi attack dark samsara beast main body to waste energy, that Undying Body was not cracks a joke, only if some people can go against the death black air/Qi to arrive at its front to display the seal, but the winning percentage was also only 10% even if. 而越过死亡黑气攻击黑暗轮回兽本体更是白费力气,那不死之身可不是开玩笑的,除非有人能够顶着死亡黑气来到它的面前施展封印,但纵然如此胜率也只有10%。 The fearfulness of dark samsara beast does not lie in its instantaneous destructive power, but lies in once does not have first to prevent it, then eliminates its opportunity then to be equal to zero, the death black air/Qi of rapid proliferation extinguishes existence that all attempts approached sufficiently kills. When the time comes even Le Yuan came, may still fall down in that nearly inexhaustible deathtrap. 黑暗轮回兽的可怕不在于它的瞬间破坏力,而在于一旦没有第一时间阻止它,那么消灭它的机会便等同于零,迅速扩散的死亡黑气足以将一切尝试靠近的存在灭杀。到时候就算是乐渊来了,可能也会栽倒在那近乎无穷无尽的死地之中。 In brief the dark samsara beast is the big unlucky star, where arrives dies to lightly, what is most essential is it creates destruction that is destructive, just like the psoriasis to stick in the land unable to drive away generally. 总而言之黑暗轮回兽就是大灾星,走到哪死到哪还是轻的,最关键的是它造成的破坏那是毁灭性的,犹如牛皮癣一般黏在大地上驱赶不走。 The weakness of dark samsara beast? This thing Le Yuan cannot look completely, gets rid of it thoroughly is not impossible, but according to Quest is actually the impact that the elimination that requests Le Yuan to need to do has dark? This not pure gets rid of it to end even, at least does not know that Le Yuan of cause and effect does not know can present the second dark samsara beast again. 黑暗轮回兽的弱点?这东西乐渊完全看不出来,彻底干掉它不是不可能,但是根据任务要求乐渊需要做的却是清除黑暗带来的影响?这不是单纯的干掉它就算完的,最起码不知道前因后果的乐渊根本不知道会不会再出现第二个黑暗轮回兽。 Chī “嗤 The Demon right arm of Le Yuan wrapped the strength of straight insertion world in this moment within the body of dark samsara beast, the strength of the world was preventing his right hand to be corroded, but the right arm of Demon directly used his talent to absorb Soul. 乐渊恶魔右臂在这一刻包裹着世界之力直接插入了黑暗轮回兽的体内,世界之力阻止他的右手被腐蚀,而恶魔的右臂则是直接使用了他的天赋摄取灵魂 Soul of dark samsara beast exists or is not unknown, but actually exists as black Karin of its main body inevitably, but Le Yuan before destroying the dark samsara beast must come out her, it is necessary to gain all cause and effect from her memory. 黑暗轮回兽的灵魂存在与否不得而知,但是作为其本体的黑香磷却是必然存在的,而乐渊在毁了黑暗轮回兽之前则必须把她给就出来,有必要从她的记忆中获取一切的前因后果。 Useless, at this time did you also want to save others? Was incurable with the little girl who I am in one, wanted to kill me to kill her, could you achieve?” “没用的,这种时候你还想要救人?和我合为一体的小女孩没救了,想要杀了我就必须杀了她,你做得到吗?” The already probably dead cat lies down in the dark samsara beast of ground generally saw that the Le Yuan movement makes noise the taunt saying that did not care about own death regarding it completely, can the nausea to Le Yuan to him be a life happy event. 已经像是死猫一般躺在地上的黑暗轮回兽看到乐渊的动作不由出声嘲讽道,对于它而言完全不在意自己的死亡,能够恶心到乐渊对他而言都算是一种人生乐事。 This dark samsara beast refuses to be convinced until one is faced with grim reality, on Le Yuan has copes with this type of extremely wicked individual exists most, any wicked to it is food, this is extremely wicked beast Black Fire Dragon Cat. 这黑暗轮回兽就是不见棺材不落泪,乐渊手上可是有着对付这种极恶个体的最强存在,任何的恶对它而言不过是食物而已,这就是极恶之兽黑火龙猫 In fact was seeing that moment Le Yuan of dark samsara beast has thought uses Black Fire Dragon Cat, but must have scruples the black Karin life after all, therefore Le Yuan has then endured now, but Black Fire Dragon Cat may not only be able to swallow the negative darkness, threat also by top existence. 事实上在见到黑暗轮回兽的那一刻乐渊就想过动用黑火龙猫,不过毕竟还要顾忌黑香磷的性命,是故乐渊这才一直忍到现在,不过黑火龙猫可不仅仅可以吞噬负面黑暗,恐吓也是以顶级的存在。 moe moe's Black Fire Dragon Cat appears in Le Yuan immediately at present, displays extremely clever Black Fire Dragon Cat to see that in front of Le Yuan that moment of dark samsara beast actually stretched out the tongue to lick licked lips close to. 萌萌的黑火龙猫立马在乐渊眼前出现,不过在乐渊面前表现得极为乖巧的黑火龙猫在见到黑暗轮回兽的那一刻却不由地伸出舌头舔了舔嘴巴。 Delicacy, pinnacle delicacy! Has existence of extreme dark composition regarding Black Fire Dragon Cat like the dark samsara beast is thing that it most likes eating, in this world basically does not have thing that it could not eat, be only liked with the distinction that did not like. 美味,极致的美味!对于黑火龙猫而言像黑暗轮回兽这样有极端的黑暗组成的存在是它最喜欢吃的东西,这世上也基本上不存在它吃不了的东西,只有喜欢和不喜欢的分别。 But( Dragon Cat) stared at the dark samsara beast that is looking at fiercely by the present giant rabbit actually hits trembling inexplicably, this is not pure was frightened by the smile of Black Fire Dragon Cat, after all moe the smile of goods is existence of Hyperdimension. Made the dark samsara beast feel that what truly fear was coming from the heart deep place regarding the Black Fire Dragon Cat fear, that was one type inborn regarding the fear of own natural enemy. 而被眼前的巨大兔子(龙猫)盯着猛瞧的黑暗轮回兽却是莫名地打起了寒颤,这不是单纯的被黑火龙猫的微笑吓出来的,毕竟萌货的微笑是超次元的存在。真正令黑暗轮回兽感到害怕的是来自于内心深处对于黑火龙猫的恐惧,那是一种天生的对于自己天敌的恐惧。 Yo, moe the goods to greet, do not steal food to me, it also has the value of existence!” “哟,萌货去打个招呼吧,可别给我偷吃了,它还有存在的价值!” With the Le Yuan words, Black Fire Dragon Cat can only exhibit the pitiful appearance to try to move the heart of Le Yuan, but how Le Yuan can not be clear true idea that this moe the glutton, but this dark samsara beast indeed has this value to him, later made Black Fire Dragon Cat eat may also all. 随着乐渊的话,黑火龙猫只能够摆出可怜兮兮的样子试图能够将乐渊的心打动,不过乐渊怎么能不清楚这个萌物吃货的真正想法,不过这黑暗轮回兽的确对他有这价值,以后让黑火龙猫吃了也无不可。 As arrives at dark samsara beast front Black Fire Dragon Cat half stooping body of hopping along, that smells before the dark samsara beast body with the nose unceasingly seems like smelling what delicacy. However Black Fire Dragon Cat is this, then made the dark samsara beast is frightened, feeling between this natural enemies with concealing of appearance will not really change. 随着一蹦一跳来到黑暗轮回兽面前的黑火龙猫半弯下身体,那不断用鼻子在黑暗轮回兽身子前嗅来嗅去像是在闻什么美味。不过黑火龙猫越是这样,便令黑暗轮回兽越是恐惧,这种天敌间的感觉真的不会随着外貌的掩饰而改变。 When Black Fire Dragon Cat just appeared the dark samsara beast also thought that is own misconception, when that Black Fire Dragon Cat approaches it truly, it 100% determined that this is the true enemy. 如果说黑火龙猫刚刚出现时黑暗轮回兽还觉得那是自己的错觉,那么当黑火龙猫真正靠近它的时候,它才百分百确定这才是真正的敌人。 What if dark samsara beast is really the condition complete condition, has the idea and Black Fire Dragon Cat by its ability actually comes a meeting the tough head-on with toughness contest, but dark samsara beast, so long as imagined oneself this already disabled condition then to drop this idea. By body of conflicting mode complete Black Fire Dragon Cat disabled person, washes to rest earlier! 如果黑暗轮回兽真的的是状态完整的状态,以它的能力倒是有想法和黑火龙猫来一场硬碰硬的较量,不过黑暗轮回兽只要想象自己这已经残废的状态便打消了这个想法。以残废之躯对抗状态完整的黑火龙猫,还是早点洗洗睡吧! Wait...... don't you want that small girl? I, I can give back to you her, but you must guarantee that cannot kill me, words that you can achieve, I give you her now!” “等等……你不是想要那个小丫头吗?我,我可以把她还给你,但是你要保证不能杀了我,你能做到的话,我现在就把她给你!” The dark samsara beast that really could not endure instigated ignominiously, this really cannot blame it being not very brave, really was really Le Yuan cannot give facing the pressure of natural enemy. 实在忍不了的黑暗轮回兽就这么可耻的怂了,这实在不能怪它不够勇敢,实在是面对天敌的压力实在是乐渊给不了的。 This feeling is the dark samsara beast entire life sees, was swallowed after let alone, even real rebirth, when the time comes can it also be present it? This regarding the matter that the dark samsara beast cannot compromise, how can preserve a life to see is the good matter. 这种感觉乃是黑暗轮回兽生平所见,更何况被吞噬后就算真的重生了,到时候它还会是现在的它吗?这对于黑暗轮回兽而言可是不能妥协的事情,能够保住一条命怎么看都是好事情。 Hands over Karin, is clear your origin confession, I can consider to put your horse actually, do not feign ignorance to me, otherwise I want you to be attractive!” “把香磷交出来,再把你的来历交代清楚,我倒是可以考虑放你一马,别给我打马虎眼,不然我要你好看!” Le Yuan the words of the half threat look like in the dark samsara beast on the contrary are the good matter, after all this surface looked like Le Yuan these words already is one type compromised, in other words two person some discussed that always in opposite directions came compared with the blade well. 乐渊的这句半威胁的话在黑暗轮回兽看来反倒是好事情,毕竟这表面看来乐渊这句话已经是一种妥协了,换句话说两个人有的谈总比刀刃相向来得好。 Now it is the meat on cutting board simply does not have the leeway of equal dialog, even if it also has Karin this hostage, but with Le Yuan familiar at all is not this black Karin, which Le Yuan can achieve for her is an issue. 况且现在它就是案板上的肉根本没有平等对话的余地,就算它还有香磷这个人质,但是和乐渊熟悉的根本不是这个黑香磷,乐渊能够为她做到哪一步是个问题。 Again later that black Karin puts out, dark samsara beast also a total that calls the roll of officers and assign them tasks oneself to know revealed. According to it, it is born in the nihility, during receives to be dark some Will influence on catalyze is born, significance that it is born only then, that is the elimination is not the heresy of this world. 再将黑香磷吐出的之后,黑暗轮回兽也一点点将自己所知道的全数吐露。据它所说,它诞生于虚无之中,受到冥冥之中的某种意志影响而催化诞生,它诞生的意义只有一个,那就是清除不属于这个世界的异端。 But the so-called heresy refers to then does not belong to No. 1 Karin of this world, in No. 2 world lived two years of Karin to say that made this world produce in the little activity was similar to the procedure/program confused trash code, these trash codes composed the blackening material, was the dark samsara beast. 而所谓的异端指的便是不属于这个世界的一号香磷,在二号世界生活了两年的香磷可以说在一点点活动中使得这个世界产生了类似于程序错乱的垃圾代码,这些垃圾代码组成了黑化物质,也就是黑暗轮回兽。 The same individual should not have two in the same world, this is a rule that all world should obey, but Le Yuan sneaked across No. 2 world then to break this rule No. 1 Karin. However because the uniqueness of Le Yuan player made him avoid directly faced the threat of the world cleaning, but No. 1 Karin is actually not able to achieve this point. 相同个体在同一个世界中不应该存在两个,这是所有世界都应该遵守的一条规则,而乐渊将一号香磷偷渡到了二号世界便是打破了这个规则。不过由于乐渊自身玩家的唯一性令他免除了直接面对世界清扫的威胁,但是一号香磷却无法做到这一点。 The method of now solving the problem only then, that brings No. 1 Karin to leave this world, so long as the confused source disappearance issue is naturally easily solved. 现在解决问题的方法只有一个,那就是带着一号香磷离开这个世界,只要错乱之源消失问题自然迎刃而解。 Although the dark samsara beast said that but Le Yuan knows that this solves the method of again having merely, the issue that now already has will not vanish, therefore the present dark samsara beast must die. 虽然黑暗轮回兽这么说,但是乐渊知道这仅仅是解决了再次发生的方法,现在已经产生的问题并不会消失,是故眼前的黑暗轮回兽必须死。 Before Le Yuan is feeling the body, tailed beast chakra that on black Karin already diverges, its anti- on the shoulder, the right hand is pointing out to nearby Black Fire Dragon Cat immediately: This fellow gave you, only gave you three minutes!” 乐渊感受着自己身前黑香磷身上已经散去的尾兽查克拉,随即将其抗在肩上,右手对着旁边的黑火龙猫一指道:“这家伙给你了,只给你三分钟!” Black Fire Dragon Cat heard that the word showed the incomparably happy smile immediately, on the contrary in addition the one-sided dark samsara beast is actually startled , a big mouth roared angrily. 黑火龙猫闻言立马露出了无比幸福的笑容,相反另一边倒地的黑暗轮回兽却是愕然后张大嘴愤怒地咆哮。 You, you fail to keep one's word unexpectedly, you basic promise is unable to observe continually, was too mean!” “你,你竟然言而无信,你难道连基本的诺言都无法遵守吗,太卑鄙了!” Despicable, lets off dark samsara beast matter Le Yuan not to comply directly. Le Yuan said considered, to the dark samsara beast thinks conceitedly oneself can can live, purely because of its intelligence quotient money owed. 卑鄙,放过黑暗轮回兽这种事情乐渊从来没有正面答应过。乐渊说的只是考虑考虑,至黑暗轮回兽会自以为是的认为自己能及能活下,纯粹是因为它智商欠费。 Facing the delicious dark samsara beast, Black Fire Dragon Cat that is will not keep the hand completely, as for three minutes of limit was not the issue, flash Black Fire Dragon Cat changes to boundless Black Fire to wrap the dark samsara beast. 面对可口的黑暗轮回兽,黑火龙猫那是完全不会留手,至于三分钟的时间限制更不是问题,一瞬间黑火龙猫化作无边的黑火将黑暗轮回兽包裹了起来。 When then meets Black Fire Dragon Cat again, dark samsara beast that huge body already vanishes does not see. Presently the problem solve, is the wrap-up work brings No. 1 Karin to return, only then this can completely solve this time penalty Quest. 当再一次便会黑火龙猫时,黑暗轮回兽那巨大的身躯已经消失不见。当前问题解决,接下来就是收尾工作带着一号香磷回归,只有这样才能彻底解决这次的惩罚任务 ... ... ... ...
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