VE :: Volume #8 三阶首战影之忍者

#714: Dark samsara beast

Six Paths clone 11 was defeated by Le Yuan, does not have to prevent as main body black Karin, after this is starts the ability , is actually not suitable participates in the fight, or she is really extremely in the pride, in which reason Le Yuan remained unknown. 六道分身乐渊一一击破,作为本体的黑香磷却没有进行阻止,这究竟是发动能力后不适宜参加战斗,亦或者她实在是太过于骄傲,其中的原因乐渊无从得知。 A matter that however Le Yuan knows only, that is after Le Yuan all extinguished Six Paths clone before standing the body of black Karin , the black Karin slight fear, that has not made Le Yuan feel the threat in ominous aura already that in the fight condenses unceasingly on the contrary sufficiently. 不过乐渊唯一知道的一件事情,那就是当乐渊全灭了六道分身后站到黑香磷的身前时,黑香磷没有丝毫的恐惧,相反那在战斗中不断凝聚的不祥气息已经足以令乐渊感到威胁。 However now is not the threat does not threaten the time, black Karin of different change cocoon is at the silent condition under the package of chains cocoon, Le Yuan is unable to observe the situation in cocoon through spiritual awareness and Byakugan, the cocoon before body also no longer releases any Strength, on the contrary all Strength and all aura were all inhaled in the cocoon again. 不过现在可不是什么威胁不威胁的时候,异变化茧的黑香磷在锁链茧的包裹之下处于静默的状态,乐渊无法通过灵觉白眼观察到茧中的情况,身前的茧同样不再释放任何力量,相反所有的力量、所有的气息全都被再次吸入茧中。 Breaks the silkworm cocoon? In the Le Yuan ability and method naturally is not the issue, but rashly its consequence of opening is anything, places black Karin in cocoon to receive to disturb the body dead, to guarantee Quest success Le Yuan cannot to plant the uncertainty consequence bets. 打破蚕茧?以乐渊的能力和手段自然不是问题,但是贸然将其打开的后果是什么,身处茧中的黑香磷受到打扰身死,为了保证任务的成功乐渊不能为种不确定性的后果赌一把。 Ten minutes, after or are 15 minutes, are waiting for Le Yuan side already that the silkworm cocoon is transforming to have the forms of two people much. One of them naturally is Le Yuan returns to Konoha Hinata together, another already in the Konoha medical service class can assume sole responsibility for an important task, having is only inferior in Karin of Tsunade medical service ability. 十分钟,或者说是十五分钟之后正在等待着蚕茧蜕变的乐渊身边已经多出了两个人的身影。其中之一自然是和乐渊一道回归木叶雏田,另一个则是在木叶医疗班内已经能够独当一面,有着仅逊色于纲手医疗能力的香磷 As has been placed hopes in to become Karin of medical Grandmaster saying that by Le Yuan placed in own complete experience the learn/study, in order to to become Le Yuan assistant she is studying always, in the two years occasionally sees Le Yuan then to make her be excited time sufficiently. 作为一直被乐渊寄希望于成为一名医疗大师的香磷可以说将自己的全部经历放在了学习上,为了能够成为乐渊的助理她无时无刻不在学习着,这两年偶尔见一次乐渊便足以令她感到兴奋。 But today when black Karin attacks Konoha, detected as her then already of common origin individual palpitation from heart, that is at the resonance of heart, even Karin as Ninja already can the returning to normal mood, but still could not prevent this feeling to ferment in the heart. 而今日在黑香磷袭击木叶的时候,作为同源个体的她便已经察觉了来自心底的悸动,那是来自于心的共鸣,就算香磷作为一名忍者已经能够平复心情,但是依然阻止不了这种感觉在心底发酵。 But Hinata is simpler, after Le Yuan vanishes suddenly for a very long time has not seen Le Yuan to return, after was found by Karin then started Tenseigan directly, discovered the Le Yuan location with the aid of the strong power of observation that Tenseigan gives. 雏田则更干脆,在乐渊突然消失之后久久未见乐渊回归,在被香磷找到后便直接发动了转生眼,借助转生眼赋予的超强观察力发现了乐渊的所在地。 Karin arrived at side Le Yuan just to want one in bosom that jumped in Le Yuan, walked step her then to stop immediately, with astonishment covered own chest to look at the giant black cocoon before Le Yuan body. Is the observation present black cocoon, heart beat of Karin is rapid, that is one fear from the heart, as if present black cocoon is becoming the big mouth of giant beast, possibly swallows it momentarily. 香磷来到乐渊身边刚想要一把扑进乐渊的怀中,走了一步的她便立马停了下来,惊愕地捂着自己的胸口看着乐渊身前的巨大黑茧。越是观察眼前的黑茧,香磷的心脏跳动的越是急促,那是一种发自内心的恐惧,似乎眼前的黑茧正成为巨兽的血盆大口,随时可能将其吞噬。 But another side Hinata also stared in a big way own Tenseigan, from going to this place started her then to feel the uncommonness of that black cocoon, when she put forth Tenseigan attempted perspective/see through black cocoon, her eye actually saw that Le Yuan could not see. 而另一边的雏田同样瞪大了自己的转生眼,从来到这个地方开始她便感觉到了那枚黑茧的不凡,不过当她使出转生眼试图透视这黑茧的时候,她的眼睛却看到了乐渊根本看不到的一幕。 The eye, a giant fierce eye, on the eye has three circles, this is the eye of Rinnegan. When Hinata looks with Tenseigan to this eye, that only huge Rinnegan also discovered probably Hinata is staring at Hinata generally in turn. 眼睛,一只巨大的狰狞的眼睛,眼睛上带着三道圆圈,这是轮回眼的眼睛。而当雏田转生眼看向这只眼睛的时候,那只巨大的轮回眼也像是发现了雏田一般反过来凝视着雏田 „” “啊” Even if nowadays Hinata becomes the powerhouse who Konoha have several with the aid of Tenseigan, but stared still to plant by this only Rinnegan suddenly facing the feeling of great antiquity giant beast, only felt oneself as if momentarily the swallowed possibility, did not retrocede several steps not to notice the Qing stone after own foot toward the body voluntarily completely. 就算是现如今的雏田借助转生眼成为了木叶有数的强者,但是骤然被这只轮回眼盯上也有种面对洪荒巨兽之感,只觉得自己似乎随时又被吞噬的可能性,不自觉地向着身后退了几步完全没有注意到自己脚后的磬石。 Forgot by tripping Hinata suddenly unexpectedly oneself is experienced Ninja, in the mind is still thinking just terrifying one that sees from that eye, fell intently backward. 被绊倒的雏田一时间竟然忘记了自己是一名身经百战的忍者,脑海中还在想着刚刚从那只眼睛见到的恐怖一幕,就这么直愣愣地向后摔了过去。 Hinata, be careful! You are my student, just your performance may not seem like original you, here gave me, you brought Karin to leave here a bit faster!” 雏田,小心!你可是我的学生,刚刚你的表现可不像是原来的你,这里交给我了,你带着香磷快点离开这里!” Although Hinata brings Karin to catch up with Le Yuan to be very gratified, but this fight was different from the past, faced was not general Ninja, but was completely unknown existence, was really makes Le Yuan feel uneasy. 虽然雏田带着香磷赶来乐渊很欣慰,但是这次的战斗不同于以往,面对的也不是一般的忍者而是一种完全未知的存在,实在是令乐渊觉得惴惴不安。 Teacher Le Yuan, you are careful, in that seems to be breeding a big monster, its eye is quite fearful 乐渊老师,你要小心,那里面似乎正在孕育一只大怪物,它的眼睛好可怕” In Hinata to Le Yuan explained when that just saw, nearby Karin covers the heart complexion to be getting more and more ugly, looks in the look of black cocoon has the fear is also richer. 就在雏田乐渊解释刚刚看到的一幕时,一旁的香磷捂着自己心脏脸色越来越难看,望着黑茧的眼神中带着的恐惧也是更加浓郁。 As the feeling of Karin becomes even more bad, Le Yuan also detected that the change of black cocoon, seeing only the black cocoon had the heartbeat to be the same probably, the giant black cocoon jumped and original deathly stillness condition is completely different. 而随着香磷的感觉变得越发糟糕,乐渊也察觉到了黑茧的变化,只见黑茧像是有了心跳一般,巨大的黑茧一跳一跳地和原本的死寂状态完全不一样。 It, it soon regained consciousness “它,它就快要苏醒了” Covers Karin of heart position to say suddenly, in which reason she is unknown purely because of her some feeling, she seemed like the incarnation to feel its pulsation in just that flash for the black cocoon. 捂着心脏位置的香磷突然开口说道,其中的原因她不得而知纯粹是因为她的某种感觉,她在刚刚那一瞬间似乎化身为黑茧感受到了它的脉动。 Le Yuan looked two people conditions then know they remain , is not only unable to become the boost, on the contrary is possible, because is restrained the black cocoon becomes implicates, no longer said that makes Hinata bring Karin to leave immediately, to the farther the better. 乐渊一看两人的状态便知道她们留下来不仅无法成为助力,反倒是可能由于受制于黑茧而成为拖累,不再多说立马让雏田带着香磷离开,离得越远越好。 With departure of Karin and Hinata, already situated in a slit that the black cocoon of eruption condition splits, experiences the giant eye that Hinata said with the aid of this slit Le Yuan finally. No mistake, is indeed big, wants the big pupil then fully to explain all compared with the Le Yuan most body. 随着香磷雏田的离去,已经处于爆发状态的黑茧裂开的一道缝隙,借助这一道缝隙乐渊也终于见识到了雏田所说的巨大眼睛。没有错,的确非常大,比起乐渊大半个身体还要大的瞳孔便足以说明一切。 Roar “吼” Anger complained and resembles to hate the indignant beast roar to transmit from the great sword, burst along with this great roar entire black cocoon. 一声似怒似怨、似恨似愤的兽吼声从巨剑中传来,伴随着这一声巨吼整个黑茧随之破裂开来。 The lifeform of the black cocoon appearing how should describe, the jet black body and Griffin have several phase splitting analogies, but the head is actually not eagle but is a Qilin head, the huge wings wingspan of appeared that moment opening is 30 meters, the wing that brandishes casually then compares general level Wind Release powerful. 从黑茧中出现的生物该怎么形容,漆黑的身体和狮鹫有几分相似性,但是脑袋却不是鹰头而是一只麒麟头,出现的那一刻张开的巨大羽翅翼展达到30米,随便挥舞的翅膀便比一般的级风遁更加强大 But most special is on that Qilin forehead huge Rinnegan, but this only actually seemed like a living creature to stare like night profound Rinnegan generally stubbornly on the body of Le Yuan, solid Ferocious Beast, or may be called the dark samsara beast. 而最特殊的便要数那麒麟头额头上的巨大轮回眼,不过这只如黑夜般深邃的轮回眼却像是一个活物一般死死地盯在了乐渊的身上,实实在在的一只凶兽,或可称为黑暗轮回兽。 „The different kind that you, that just left, must die!” “你,还有那个刚刚离开的异类,都得死!” This was only called the dark samsara beast by Le Yuan the giant beast, during the speeches lifted own former claw in a ground fiercely racket, vibration next that its Strength initiates, but sends out the unknown black air/Qi that from his claw is the truly fatal thing. 这只被乐渊称之为黑暗轮回兽的巨兽,说话间抬起了自己的前爪在地上猛地一拍,其力量引发的震动还是其次的,而从他爪子上散发出的未知黑气才是真正致命的玩意。 Sees only that black air/Qi dissipates after the claw also to turn toward all around to proliferate, the propagation rate of black air/Qi is not really slow, one. ten seconds a meters speed is general Genin is unable to avoid absolutely, but black air/Qi place visited the land or the vegetation were corroded, all vitalities were all eliminated by this inexplicable black air/Qi. 只见那黑气从爪子上逸散之后随之向着四周扩散,黑气的扩散速度着实不慢,一秒十米的速度绝对是一般下忍无法躲避的,而黑气所过之处无论是土地还是草木均被腐蚀,所有的生机全被这莫名的黑气剥夺。 But the dark samsara beast of black gas source head has inexhaustible Strength probably, does not have scruples own black air/Qi release. 而黑气源头的黑暗轮回兽却像是拥有无穷无尽力量般,根本毫不顾忌将自己的黑气释放。 Moves aside also or prevents, regarding this dark samsara beast does not know that the depth move of Le Yuan has to be discrete. After all regarding the destruction principle of black air/Qi completely unknown, moreover actually the dark samsara beast can display what situation this move is an issue, if the black air/Qi of this death can release unlimitedly, Le Yuan does not organize following Konoha not dead to decide now. 躲闪亦或是阻止,对于这黑暗轮回兽不知深浅的一招乐渊不得不谨慎。毕竟对于黑气的破坏原理完全未知,而且黑暗轮回兽究竟能够将这一招发挥到何种地步又是个问题,万一这死亡的黑气能够无限制释放,岂不是乐渊现在不组织后面的木叶不就死定啦。 Cannot hide , soldier expensive/noble God Speed. Once this type of black air/Qi really spreads to the situation beyond redemption, even Le Yuan really solved the later day not to feel better the dark samsara beast absolutely. 不能躲,、兵贵神速。一旦这种黑气真的扩散到不可收拾的地步,就算乐渊真的将黑暗轮回兽解决了以后的日子也绝对不好过。 Death!” “死吧!” The black air/Qi can not near body, Le Yuan then use a strongest move of long-distance move. The Gungnir golden meteor cut the expansive sky again, the gold/metal place visited death black air/Qi withdraws in abundance, but the dark samsara beast has not as if expected Le Yuan to put forth this move, in the situation of completely dodging was put on the body by Gungnir. 黑气不得近身,乐渊便使出了最强劲的一招远程招数。永恒之枪的金色流星再一次划破长空,金芒所过之处死亡黑气纷纷退避,而黑暗轮回兽似乎也没有料到乐渊会使出这一招,全然躲闪不及的情况下被永恒之枪穿身而过。 Ha, I am undying, I am dark, I am the sin, you and other undying and sins are needless, you with that reprint are the chaotic source!” “哈哈哈,我是不死的,我就黑暗,我就是罪孽,你等不死、罪孽不消,你和那个翻版才是混乱的源头!” The body of dark samsara beast was drilled large hole, but has not actually affected his speech slightly, and this large hole gradually changed under patching of black air/Qi then completely vanishes in less than 10 seconds of time later. 黑暗轮回兽的身体被钻出了个大洞,不过却丝毫没有影响到他的说话,并且这大洞在黑气的修补之下逐渐变随后在十秒钟不到的时间里面便完全消失了。 Buzz “嗡” The black air/Qi near the body, Le Yuan had not planned that examines the might with the mortal body, Devil phantom changes to the complete defense to be one of them its cover. 黑气临身,乐渊没有打算用肉身检验一下其中的威力,魔人虚影化作完全的防御将其罩在其中。 Strength of black air/Qi is indeed fearful, Devil phantom indeed protected Le Yuan immediately, but this protection in covering of dark aura is unsafe, Le Yuan can be worn down the sensation to the defense of Devil phantom little, anything does not make the defense shatter is the matter of being doomed. 黑气的力量的确可怕至极,魔人虚影的确在第一时间将乐渊保护了起来,但是这种保护在黑暗气息的笼罩中是不安全的,乐渊能够感知到魔人虚影的防御正在被一点点消磨,什么都不做防御破碎是注定的事情。 And Two Le Yuan withstood/top the death aura of this Annihilation nature to arrive at the side of dark samsara beast, moved aside regarding the dark samsara beast does not need completely, wants to kill its nearly impossible matter from. 一步、两步乐渊顶着这破灭性的死亡气息来到了黑暗轮回兽的身边,对于黑暗轮回兽而言躲闪完全没有必要,想要从上杀死它近乎不可能的事情。 Devil phantom holds the dark samsara beast in this moment fiercely, but the opportunity of dark samsara beast waiting has approached similarly, holds its instance in Le Yuan, its being a traitor is also then arriving. 魔人虚影在这一刻将黑暗轮回兽猛地抓住,而黑暗轮回兽一直等待的机会同样来临,在乐渊抓住它的瞬间,它的反戈一击便在同时降临。 Strikes has far ultra death aura chest armor of sharp claws hit Devil phantom, after kāchā short rapid, already suffers the corrosion Devil phantom to be unable to withstand the load, chest This was struck the puncture. 一击带着远超死亡气息的利爪命中魔人虚影的胸甲,咔嚓短暂急促的一声过后,已经遭受腐蚀的魔人虚影不堪重负,胸甲被这一击击穿。 However even if was penetrated regarding Le Yuan was also enough, the strength of Small World spreads, the world shields, the world replaces, domain blockade 不过纵然被击穿对于乐渊来说也足够了,小世界之力扩散,世界屏蔽,世界替换,领域封锁 Before the sharp claws of dark samsara beast touch Le Yuan Le Yuan already completed all movements of two people battlefield maneuver, although does not know that actually undying of dark samsara beast is dependence what thing, but Le Yuan does not believe that this is its ability. If it really has so abnormal undying performance, Le Yuan penalty Quest not only. 在黑暗轮回兽的利爪触碰到乐渊之前乐渊已经完成了将两人战场转移的一切动作,虽然不知道黑暗轮回兽的不死究竟是依靠的什么东西,但是乐渊就不相信这是它自己的能力。如果它真具备这般变态的不死性能,乐渊的惩罚任务就不仅仅是而已了。 Recalled description that this punishes Quest, Le Yuan has 70% grasps own enemy is not Karin of blackening, but is rampage the darkness of world. But this so-called world dark does not know so-called, how without the physique to solve? But the dark samsara beast of embodiment without doubt is the best goal, solved this Quest then to complete it time most probably. 回想这个惩罚任务的描述,乐渊有70%的把握自己的敌人并不是黑化的香磷,而是暴走的世界之暗。而这所谓的世界之暗根本不知所谓,如果没有形体的话如何解决?而具象化的黑暗轮回兽无疑就是最好的目标,将其解决这一次的任务便完成了大半。 But world dark how? In No. 2 world it indeed is invincible existence, when the domain shifted in the Le Yuan Small World domain, can it also communicate the world infinite rebirth that to form a big question mark. 而世界之暗又如何?在二号世界里面它的确是无敌的存在,但是当地盘转移到了乐渊小世界领域内,它还能不能沟通世界无限重生那就要打一个大大的问号了。 But the shift Le Yuan of oneself domain, how wanted to get rid of the dark samsara beast also not to Le Yuan handling. 而转移到了自己领域的乐渊,想要怎么干掉黑暗轮回兽还不就是任由乐渊处置。 Looks to be close to own giant sharp claws, Le Yuan centralized forwards such a to extend on own right hand the strength of the world later. 看着接近自己的巨大利爪,乐渊将世界之力集中在自己的右手上随后向前那么一伸。 Had happy feeling one to appear, the great claws of Le Yuan right hand volume over ten times dark samsara beasts were pinched by Le Yuan gently in the hand, now the onset and retreat does not get became the dark samsara beast on the contrary. To be continued. 颇具喜感的一幕出现了,乐渊右手体积十倍以上的黑暗轮回兽的巨爪就这么被乐渊轻轻捏在了手中,现在进退不得的反倒成了黑暗轮回兽。未完待续。 ... ...
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