VE :: Volume #8 三阶首战影之忍者

#713: Extinguishes Six Paths, the darkness comes

A main body adds on six entity clone . Moreover the incomplete goods that after this clone is also not that type was attacked, can vanish, but is approximate special existence in wooden clone. So long as were not killed will thoroughly then not vanish, moreover strengths have main body 70%, in addition tailed beast Strength even can compare favorably with the main body. 一个本体加上六个实体分身,而且这个分身还不是那种被攻击后会消失的残缺货色,而是近似于木分身的特殊存在。只要不被彻底杀死便不会消失,而且一个个实力都有本体的70%,加上尾兽力量甚至能够与本体媲美。 The black Karin strength does not stiffen simply 7 times, in using the Six Paths clone situation black Karin not only the strength multiplies but also the coordination with each other can also display the superior strength. 香磷的实力可不是简简单单地变强七倍而已,在使用了六道分身的情况下黑香磷不但实力倍增而且相互配合还能发挥出超常的实力。 In Le Yuan also when observes this crowd of Six Paths clone, actually sees, as movement of this crowd of clone, he already in breaths during surrounding. 就在乐渊还在观察这群六道分身的时候,却见随着这群分身的移动,他在一息之间已经处在包围之中。 „, This is nothing, couldn't duel win to change gangs up on? You were too sweet, little miss! The strength is not pure can make up by the population, you misjudged “啧,这算什么,单挑赢不了想要改成群殴?你太甜了,小姑娘!实力可不是单纯靠人数可以弥补的,你失算了” Le Yuan was saying to be wielding a fist in flash to dead ahead Six Paths clone void, at present Le Yuan this strange movement all around Six Paths clone has not responded with enough time Le Yuan made anything, is in Le Yuan in surrounding then to vanish without the trace again. 乐渊说着在一瞬间对着自己正前方的一个六道分身虚空挥出一拳,眼前乐渊这奇怪的动作四周六道分身还没来得及反应过来乐渊做了些什么,正处于包围中的乐渊便再度消失无踪。 Bang “嘭” Instance that Le Yuan vanishes, his dead ahead Six Paths clone that is at the head backward is immediately supine, the body flew high seems like hit an appearance of fist ruthlessly. The face of Six Paths clone even twisted in that moment, although the fist of Le Yuan has not contacted her body, but separates spatial fist wind actually already to kill people in invisible. 乐渊消失的瞬间,原本处在的他正前方的六道分身登时脑袋向后仰去,身子凌空像是被人狠狠打了一拳的样子。六道分身的脸在那一刻甚至都扭曲了,乐渊的拳头虽然没有接触到她的身体,但是隔空的拳风却已经能够杀人于无形。 Second!” “第二个!” When Six Paths clone on the scene also in surprised in just struck down No. 1 clone, Le Yuan was actually arriving at No. 2 clone unknowingly behind, the fancy skill has not had the unnecessary move, Le Yuan lifts own right hand merely. 当在场的六道分身还在惊讶于刚刚被击倒的一号分身时,乐渊却在不知不觉来到了二号分身的身后,没有花俏的技巧也没有多余的招数,乐渊仅仅是抬起自己的右手。 In Le Yuan lifts the right hand, behind No. 2 clone seemed like grew eye strikes the right elbow elbow to strike to pound to the head of Le Yuan. 就在乐渊抬起右手之际,二号分身像是背后长了眼睛似的一击右手肘肘击砸向了乐渊的脑袋。 Visual sharing, vision between all Six Paths clone and main body is sharing, in other words to Six Paths clone of war basically does not have the visual dead angle in the battlefield the issue, wants to depend on the sneak attack to defeat the Six Paths clone nearly impossible matter. 视觉共享,所有的六道分身与本体之间的视觉是共享的,换句话说在战场中对战的六道分身基本上不存在视觉死角的问题,想要靠偷袭击败六道分身近乎不可能的事情。 But so-called impossible also merely is to ordinary person, the so-called fight is the collision of speed and Strength. No. 2 clone that strikes the elbow seems like indeed is hard to guard, however in front of the person above her is as good as the flowery boxing in another eyesight and strength. 而所谓的不可能也仅仅是对常人而言,所谓的战斗就是速度与力量的碰撞。二号分身那一击手肘看起来的确难以防范,但是在另一个眼力、实力均在她之上的人面前不亚于花拳绣腿。 „” “啪” The left hand of Le Yuan kept off before own cheeks steadily, but what in his hand grabbed was the elbow of No. 2 clone. However then with does not know that its ability details that the Six Paths clone fight most abstains, in front of the Le Yuan six clone appearances nearly do not have the difference particularly, moreover bumps into opposite to conduct the intelligence analysis for the first time, Le Yuan does not know that what ability present No. 2 clone has. 乐渊的左手稳稳地挡在了自己的脸颊前,而他的手中抓着的正是二号分身的手肘。但是与六道分身战斗最忌讳的便是不知其能力底细,尤其是乐渊面前的六个分身外貌近乎没有差别,而且第一次碰上有没有对面进行情报分析,乐渊根本不知道眼前的二号分身具备什么样的能力。 Scoffs “嗤” After a puncture sound, Le Yuan looks the own that penetrated left palm, looked at the mechanical sharp blade mechanism/organization that drills from No. 2 clone elbow place later, which if to this step also not clear this is together, Le Yuan can commit suicide. 一声穿刺声过后,乐渊看着自己那被穿透的左手掌,随后又看了看从二号分身手肘处钻出的机械利刃机关,如果到了这一步还不清楚这是哪一道的话,乐渊就可以自杀去了。 Death “死” Saw with own eyes that the palm of Le Yuan was pierced, aware already holds No. 2 clone of fighter aircraft immediately the appearance big change, the back is at the flash separation respectively, the innumerable mechanism/organization weapons seized this opportunity to look to stood in her behind Le Yuan, at the same time the head of No. 2 clone transferred 360 degrees to open the Tailed Beast Ball cannon, but Two-Tails Matatabi chakra that bred. 眼见乐渊的手掌被刺穿,自觉已经抓住战机的二号分身顿时样子大变,背后各处在一瞬间分离,无数机关武器抓住这一机会瞄向了站在她身后的乐渊,于此同时二号分身的脑袋转过360度张开了尾兽玉大炮,而其中孕育的正是二尾猫又查克拉 Only broken blade wants anchorage Le Yuan, or thinks that can restrain everyone with the weapon that the black chakra stick manufactures? Le Yuan looks after oneself are the tent/account by the short blade puncture , the check claw that turns into quite disdains, the black chakra stick indeed restrains all body energy, is as for the Le Yuan within the body energy revolution after being pierced has stagnated, but if thinks that this can limit him, black Karin too was naive. 区区一柄破刀就想要定住乐渊,又或者认为用黑色查克拉棒制造的武器可以克制所有人?乐渊看着自己做帐被短刃穿刺后化成的勾爪颇为不屑,黑色查克拉棒的确克制所有身体活动能力,乃至于乐渊体内的能量运转都在被刺穿后有所凝滞,但是如果认为这就能限制住他,黑香磷就真的太天真了。 No. 2 Asura Path Matatabi clone in some sense indeed held Le Yuan, but this delivered to the mouth of Le Yuan this great antiquity beast of prey her own. Le Yuan does not care at all that already penetrated left hand, the weapon that in that punctures before him touches brandished the left hand fiercely. 二号修罗道猫又分身某种意义上的确抓住了乐渊,但是这何尝不是将她自己送到了乐渊这头洪荒猛兽的嘴边。乐渊毫不在意那已经被穿透的左手,在那向他刺来的武器触及之前猛地挥舞起了左手。 Bang bang bang 嘭嘭嘭 The left hand of Le Yuan brandished the sledgehammer hammering to brandish probably generally over hundred times in the flash, that moment when his left hand stopped, has entangled in No. 2 Asura Path clone actually already of her left hand only had a remnant arm that hung in the Le Yuan left hand, remaining body actually already become the disintegrating slag during that brutal hit. 乐渊的左手像是抡大锤打铁一般在一瞬间挥舞了超过百次,而当他的左手停下的那一刻,一直缠在她左手的二号修罗道分身已经只剩下了一只挂在乐渊左手的残臂,剩下的身子却已经在那惨无人道的撞击之中成为了碎渣。 No. 2 Asura Path defeats in this clone was killed, Matatabi situated in within the body again main body black Karin within the body that returns to that not to move. 二号修罗道击破不过在这个分身被干掉之时,位于它体内的猫又再度回到了那没有动弹的本体黑香磷体内。 With Six Paths clone to the war, the best course of action is to naturally kill the main body, main body dead clone is not naturally able the live alone. But a point plan is unable to kill in the situation of main body, first gets rid of in clone to resurrect Naraka Path of others becomes subdues the key. 六道分身对战,最佳的作战方案自然是干掉本体,本体一死分身自然无法独活。而次一点的方案在无法杀了本体的情况下,优先干掉分身中能够复活其他人的地狱道则成为了制胜关键。 However the issue is Le Yuan is unable to search the Naraka Path position through the semblance now, in such situation Le Yuan can only makes a move to probe while observed the action of this crowd of Six Paths clone to conduct the judgment. 不过问题是乐渊现在根本无法通过外表查找到地狱道的位置,这样情况下乐渊只能一边出手试探一边观察这群六道分身的行动来进行判断了。 When Le Yuan gets rid of Asura Path, all around three clone turned toward him to start the sprint, but that was first hit No. 1 clone of fist also to crawl by him, summoned the giant lava three dogs in white fog, the flash that Le Yuan saw then determined 1 st status Animal Path. 就在乐渊干掉修罗道的时候,四周的三个分身一齐向着他发动了冲刺,而那个被他先打了一拳的一号分身也爬了起来,在一阵白雾中召唤了巨大的熔岩三头犬,乐渊看到的一瞬间便确定了一号的身份畜生道 Although Animal Path is not in Six Paths strongest and most special one, but also is quite hard to deal with one, can be clever innumerable powerful summoned beast also to summon other Six Paths clone, fighting the protracted war without doubt is most troublesome one. 畜生道虽然不是六道中最强与最特殊的一个,但是也算是比较难缠的一个,能够通灵出无数强大通灵兽还能召唤其他六道分身,打持久战无疑是最麻烦的一个。 Le Yuan takes advantage of opportunity wants to charge into this already determination status Animal Path, before she summoned many summoned beast got rid of him. 乐渊顺势就想要冲向这个已经确定身份的畜生道,在她召唤出更多的通灵兽之前干掉他。 However without and other Le Yuan stepped forward one step, No. 3 Six Paths clone of his right rear then lifted own right hand, later the powerful incomparable suction must entrain Le Yuan together forcefully to her direction. 不过没等乐渊跨出一步,他右后方的三号六道分身便抬起了自己的右手,随后一道强大无比的吸力硬生生要将乐渊拽向她的方向。 No. 3 clone status confirmed, is therefore in Six Paths clone a strongest Heavenly Dao. Le Yuan may not have Kungfu and Heavenly Dao plays the game of tug-of-war, although this suction is indeed intrepid, but if unable to affect the body of Le Yuan naturally not to have the use. 三号分身身份确认,乃是所以六道分身中最强的一个天道。乐渊可没有功夫和天道玩拔河的游戏,虽然这股吸力的确强悍,但是如果无法作用到乐渊的身上自然也全无用处。 When the Heavenly Dao also wants to continue to observe closely Le Yuan its pulling back, actually discovered that fiercely own eyes power in the flash run into debt, Le Yuan body already vanishes in her at present, but eyes power is not naturally able always to use in one not the human in her attack range. 就在天道还想要继续盯住乐渊将其拉回的时候,却猛地发现自己的瞳力在一瞬间拉空了,乐渊的身子已经消失在了她的眼前,而瞳力自然无法总用在一个不在她攻击范围内的人身上。 Animal Path !” 畜生道,!” When mysteriously appearing and disappearing Le Yuan comes again then means the death of another Six Paths clone, not slightly accidental/surprised, in summoned beast surrounds Animal Path unable to assure own security all round. The defense line that trivial summoned beast composes let alone is under the stop Le Yuan Spatial Displacement, detected continually the attack of Le Yuan cannot achieve. 神出鬼没的乐渊再一次现身时便意味着另一句六道分身的死亡,没有丝毫意外在通灵兽团团包围中的畜生道根本无法保证自己的安全。区区通灵兽组成的防线别说是阻拦下乐渊空间移动,连察觉到乐渊的攻击都做不到。 Six Paths clone appears for short several minutes, two then already lost the battle efficiency, the battle efficiency that Le Yuan erupted can say that made the black Karin main body accidental/surprised extremely. Six Paths clone indeed is very with joint forces strong, but obviously results in the unreasonable person facing Le Yuan this, the Six Paths clone ability that separates actually seems extremely small and weak. Keeps in the ability, only then the ability of Heavenly Dao or may resist with it, others are not specialized are unsuitable are Strength are too small to Le Yuan are hard to be effective. 六道分身出现不过短短数分钟,其中两人便已经失去了战斗力,乐渊爆发出的战斗力可以说令黑香磷本体意外万分。六道分身合力的确很强,但是面对乐渊这样明显强得不合理的人,分开来的六道分身能力却又显得极为弱小。留到能力中只有天道的能力或可与之对抗,其他人不是专业不对口就是力量太小对乐渊难以奏效。 Human Path extraction Soul and Preta Path extraction chakra seems like the threat to be large, however their abilities are unable to help them block a Le Yuan fist foot of eruption, two people even could not have compared a Heavenly Dao to take to the trouble of Le Yuan to be big with joint forces, two people almost cut off the head in the flash by Le Yuan. 人间道的抽取灵魂恶鬼道的抽取查克拉看似威胁颇大,但是他们本身的能力根本无法帮助他们挡住爆发的乐渊一拳一脚,两人合力甚至还比不上一个天道带给乐渊的麻烦大,两人几乎在一瞬间被乐渊斩断了脑袋。 Nowadays is only left over Naraka Path, Deva Path and black Karin main body. The Heavenly Dao sets out to go forward to use the black stick of special material quality constitution without demur to try to block the action of Le Yuan, arrived at other four wreckage money to attempt as for nearby Naraka Path covertly their 11 restores. 现如今只剩下地狱道、天道以及黑香磷的本体。天道二话没说起身上前使用特殊材质构成的黑棒试图封锁乐渊的行动,至于一旁的地狱道则是偷偷摸摸地来到了其他四道的残骸钱试图将他们一一修复。 How however Le Yuan can let this fellow who destroys the victory disturbs, the golden light puts on the chest together, has been starting to take action then Naraka Path that Yama summoned already to leave the stage, the chest giant hole made it not have move Strength again. 不过乐渊怎么能让这个破坏自己战果的家伙捣乱,一道金光穿胸而过,正将阎罗王召唤出来的地狱道才开始行动便已经退场,胸口巨大的窟窿令其再也没有了动弹的力量 Six Paths clone six go to its five, moreover even resurrected others 's Naraka Path also dead in the hand of Le Yuan, can summon Six Paths clone still to even wait for by the black Karin strength again can achieve a long time. 六道分身六去其五,而且更是连复活他人的地狱道也死在了乐渊的手上,以黑香磷的实力就算能够再次召唤六道分身也要等待很长一段时间才能做到。 When Le Yuan strikes an attitude wants to attack the black Karin main body, Heavenly Dao clone fiercely leaps before the body of Le Yuan, when Le Yuan just lifted right fist already gathers Almighty Push that the strength completes to be ready together early. 而当乐渊作势欲要袭击黑香磷本体的时候,天道分身猛地跃至乐渊的身前,在乐渊刚刚抬起右拳的时候一道早已经蓄力完成的神罗天征蓄势待发。 The fist that Le Yuan just wielded felt drawn immediately probably by 32 horses is drawing back backward general, each moves points then to be impacted by several times Strength forward. The Le Yuan whole person can come to a stop in ground then already is the proof of powerful. 乐渊刚刚挥出的拳头顿时像是感觉被三十二匹马拉着向后退一般,每向前移动一点便遭受到数倍力量的冲击。乐渊整个人能够站稳在地上便已经强大的证明。 The function of strength mutual, Almighty Push Strength is attacking Le Yuan, Strength that Le Yuan shakes the fist is attacking Heavenly Dao that maintains Almighty Push. However compares to by 12 levels of typhoons are blowing Le Yuan, is in Almighty Push internal Heavenly Dao clone without doubt seems calmer and steadier. 力的作用是相互的,神罗天征力量在冲击着乐渊,乐渊挥拳的力量又岂不是在冲击着维持神罗天征的天道。不过比起来向被十二级台风刮着的乐渊,正处于神罗天征内部的天道分身无疑显得更加安稳。 The repulsion storm had the past that moment finally, but by black Karin Strength, although reduced the use gap of move to three seconds, but this and original five seconds of not slight differences regarding Le Yuan. 斥力风暴终有过去的那一刻,而以黑香磷力量虽然将招数的使用间隙缩减至了三秒,但是对于乐渊来说这和原本的五秒没有丝毫的差别。 Devil phantom buff, Thunder Eyes comes, Le Yuan right arm full speed enhances again doubled and re-doubled. The black stick that the Heavenly Dao just held up has not kept off at present, the fist of Le Yuan changed to the illusory image to pass through the defense together. 魔人虚影加持,雷瞳现身,乐渊右臂的全速再一次成倍提高。天道刚刚举起的黑棒还没有挡在眼前,乐渊的拳头就化作一道幻影穿过了防御。 A bang simple direct fist, the hit Heavenly Dao changed to a supersonic the shell to scratch black Karin main body one to hit immediately on the mountain wall, Heavenly Dao clone without doubt already thorough abandonment of already whole body bone smashing. 轰简单直接的一拳,被击中的天道顿时化作一枚超音速的炮弹擦着黑香磷本体一头撞在了山壁上,已经全身骨头粉碎的天道分身无疑已经彻底报废。 The black Karin main body just raised the head then discovered that Le Yuan that high form already of her head has stood before her body incessantly. 香磷本体刚刚抬起头便发现乐渊那高过她不止一个头的身影已经站在了她的身前。 Small girl, Rinnegan is not you uses, where do you obtain it?” “小丫头,轮回眼可不是你这么用的,你是从哪里得到它的?” Black Karin not obedient answered the issue, responded his is the black Karin chakra chains. The innumerable chains lived probably fluttered generally side Karin, the chains wrapped the body of Karin all round, probably the silkworm chrysalis spun a cocoon, black Karin aura was getting more and more thick, simultaneously innumerable tailed beast chakra of her within the body seemed like by anything is swallowed vanished generally gradually. 香磷可不会乖乖的回答问题,回应他的是属于黑香磷查克拉锁链。无数的锁链像是活了一般飘荡在香磷身旁,锁链将香磷的身体团团包裹,像是蚕蛹结茧,黑香磷身上的气息越来越浓,同时她体内的无数尾兽查克拉像是被什么吞噬了一般渐渐消失。 Unclear and strange, this is nowadays black Karin takes to the feeling of Le Yuan, witnessed this Le Yuan to have a feeling with own eyes, as if affected the Karin blackening the primary factor to come, but how to purify this thorough darkness, but also needed Le Yuan to further observe. To be continued. 不详、诡异,这就是现如今的黑香磷带给乐渊的感觉,亲眼见证着这一幕的乐渊有了一种感觉,似乎影响香磷黑化的主要因素就要现身了,不过如何净化这彻底的黑暗,还需要乐渊进一步观察。未完待续。 ... ...
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