VE :: Volume #8 三阶首战影之忍者

#712: Vortex Six Paths? tailed beast Six Paths?

The tailed beast clothes, this move presents Le Yuan then understand black Karin to control already regarding absorption tailed beast Strength no longer is the pure chakra extraction, but achieved Jinchūriki First Stage. In this stage, through the emergence of tailed beast clothes not only made black Karin obtain the First Layer protection also her speed Strength and so on large scale promotion. 尾兽衣,这招一出现乐渊便明白香磷对于吸收的尾兽力量掌控已经不再是单纯的查克拉提取,而达到了人柱力第一阶段。在这一阶段,通过尾兽衣的出现不但令黑香磷得到了一层防护还将她的速度力量等等大幅度提升。 In within the body has tailed beast chakra unable to call it Jinchūriki, can earn its Strength support to call it qualified Jinchūriki through tailed beast in within the body. But when such as the Karin this matter's condition is almost the same as valley of first ending end Naruto, the only difference is she is swallowed own consciousness by tailed beast chakra. 仅仅是体内拥有尾兽查克拉可不能被称之为人柱力,能够通过体内的尾兽获得其力量支持才能被称之为合格的人柱力。而诸如香磷此事的状态就和第一部结尾终结之谷时的鸣人相差无几,不过唯一的不同是她并没有被尾兽查克拉吞噬自己的意识。 The black Karin attack that Strength increases has no stop, is pursuing Le Yuan unceasingly, cuts the land with the destructive chakra sharp claws, tears the sky, is the attack, divulges chakra that from her within the body is huge. 力量大增的黑香磷攻击没有任何停顿,不断追逐着乐渊,用毁灭性的查克拉利爪划破大地,撕裂天空,越是攻击,从她体内宣泄出来的查克拉便越是庞大。 From black Karin behind the tail grew one after another, but every time the tail appears then indicates that her Strength and speed rise a level, appears in front of Le Yuan quickly is has the additional skeleton long to have 7 tails Karin of half tailed beast condition. 从黑香磷的身后一条又一条尾巴长了出来,而每有一条尾巴出现便预示着她的力量与速度上升一个层次,很快出现在乐渊面前的便是有着外附骨骼长有七条尾巴的半尾兽状态的香磷 Because this matter's Karin already Tailed Beast Transformation further deepened to lose the contour of human huge, body already to enough ten meters high, but her present tailed beast appearance is not arrest one of the in random six tailed beast, on the contrary was one type has never had the condition. 此事的香磷已经由于尾兽化的进一步加深而失去了人类的外形,身体已经庞大到了足足有十米高,不过她现在的尾兽模样可不是被捕的任意六只尾兽中的一种,相反是一种从未拥有过的状态。 How to cope? Killed her? This are not the Le Yuan wish, the request of Quest is the purification, this means that Le Yuan needs to discover the corrosion to cause the Karin blackening the basic material, before that thing comes must endure patiently. 怎么对付?杀了她?这自己不是乐渊的意愿,任务的要求是净化,这意味着乐渊需要找出侵蚀使得香磷黑化的根本物质,在那个玩意现身之前都必须忍耐。 Looks 7 tails seem like long spear/gun is brandishing Karin that inserts to the Le Yuan location, Le Yuan foot treads seven stars continuously to conduct the irregular movement, the body is flashing one to dodge the thorn of this thorough land to strike just like teleport generally. 看着七条尾巴像是长枪似的挥舞着插向乐渊所在地的香磷,乐渊脚踏七星不断进行着不规则移动,身子一闪一顿宛如瞬移一般规避这这深入大地的刺击。 Looks at the flash to insert the giant tail before own, Le Yuan wants not to be an blade hand blade cut True Qi, the Le Yuan True Qi blade may come sharply compared with this Ninja continent most weapons, after this giant tail was cut by Le Yuan, along with, even if were cut completely. The giant tail falls, in the ground crossed one second of then automation merely is chakra disperses in Heaven and Earth. 望着一瞬间插在自己身前的巨大尾巴,乐渊想都不想将化真气为刃一记手刀斩了上去,乐渊真气刃可比这忍者大陆的绝大多数兵器来得更加锋利,这巨大的尾巴被乐渊斩中之后随即便被完全切割开。巨大的尾巴落在地上仅仅过了一秒多钟便自动化为查克拉散于天地之间。 Although the attack of Le Yuan looks has the result, but chakra of only tail is not a problem regarding black Karin, carries six tailed beast her really to by chakra perhaps compare to Nine-Tails to come more abundant. 乐渊的攻击虽然看起来颇有成效,但是区区一条尾巴的查克拉对于黑香磷而言根本不成问题,身负六只尾兽的她真要论查克拉恐怕比起九尾来更加雄厚。 The being cut off tail place flashes through together the red light, later that being cut off tail then restored to complete in taking place of the fallen chakra turns toward Le Yuan to launch the attack again. The giant body of these half Tailed Beast Transformation can be Undying Body, if not make a move unable it to stop to Jinchūriki of core absolutely. 断掉的尾巴处闪过一道红光,随后那断掉尾巴便在前仆后继的查克拉中修复完成再度向着乐渊发动了攻击。这半尾兽化的巨大躯体算得上是不死之身,如果不对核心的人柱力出手绝对无法将其停下。 Small girl, gives me law-abidingly!” “小丫头,给我安分点!” Avoided such long time, Le Yuan had not seen thing that as before he wanted to see. Also does not know that is because he has conducted the reason that dodges, black Karin as if not want to put out the genuine card in a hand. Without Le Yuan of other means can only have the ruthless move, covers in Le Yuan body surface Devil phantom in a flash, will launch attacks the tail total to grasp in this moment in the hand. 躲避了这么久时间,乐渊依旧没有看到他希望见到的东西。也不知是不是由于他一直进行闪避的缘故,黑香磷似乎不怎么想要拿出真正的底牌来。没有其他办法的乐渊只能出狠招,一瞬间笼罩在乐渊身体表面的魔人虚影,在这一刻将发动攻击的尾巴全数抓在了手中。 Is been dishonest by black Karin that Devil phantom takes, like a tiger but not a tiger and like a deer but not a deer half tailed beast condition is struggling unceasingly, as to escape from the hand of Devil phantom, struggling black Karin changed the all around land terrain, the dust that raises blocks the sky the animal that therefore runs away is countless. 魔人虚影拿下的黑香磷还不老实,似虎非虎似鹿非鹿的半尾兽状态在不断挣扎着,似乎想要从魔人虚影的手中脱逃,挣扎的黑香磷四周的大地地形都改变了,掀起的尘土遮天蔽日因此逃窜的动物不计其数。 Buzz “嗡” During wrestles, black Karin of half tailed beast condition was opening the mouth to Devil phantom, Tailed Beast Ball that together the blue-black chakra mix becomes exceeds one meter diameter in short already, looks, although not but greatly on might, perhaps such near distance will be intimate round of Le Yuan Devil phantom to be even solid enough is still made the fissure. 扭打之中,半尾兽状态的黑香磷对着魔人虚影张开了嘴巴,一道蓝黑查克拉混合而成的尾兽玉在短短已经超过一米的直径,看着虽然并不大但是就威力而言,这么近的距离挨上一发就算乐渊魔人虚影够结实恐怕也会被打出裂痕。 To launch? Covers your mouth to look how you launch! Le Yuan controls not to ride to mix on compared with half Tailed Beast Transformation black Karin small Devil phantom tailed beast directly, the wing of Devil phantom in this moment Intangibility, became the innumerable chains from armor wing condition later in one second. 想要发射?捂住你的嘴看你怎么发射!乐渊操控着不比半尾兽化的黑香磷小的魔人虚影直接骑到混合尾兽身上,魔人虚影的翅膀在这一刻虚化,随后在一秒钟内从甲翅状态变为了无数的锁链。 Although Le Yuan chains missed a point compared with the Adamantine Sealing Chains seal tailed beast ability, but the firm degree actually does not need in the original difference many, good defenseless Karin to be bundled a solidity by Le Yuan immediately immediately completely, that just like the giant tail that the python walks randomly whips to be looked after by Le Yuan with emphasis. 喀喀喀乐渊的锁链虽然比起金刚封锁的封印尾兽能力差了一点,但是坚固程度却不必原版的差上多少,登时好无防备的香磷顿时完全被乐渊捆了个结实,那犹如巨蟒般游走拍打的巨大尾巴更是被乐渊重点关照。 already starts to use Tailed Beast Ball black Karin unable voluntary interrupt this move, was bundled solid her, even if wanted to stop still without enough time, now can only adjust own head to aim at Le Yuan Tailed Beast Ball. 已经开始使用尾兽玉的黑香磷是无法随意中断这一招的,被捆实的她就算想要停止也来不及了,现在只能调整自己的脑袋将尾兽玉对准了乐渊 Giant Devil both hands moved in this moment, is up and down to hold to mix the jaws of tailed beast, Strength astonishing Devil phantom closes up the jaws stubbornly, mix tailed beast that immediately also prepared to assume an awe-inspiring pose stared in a big way the eye. 巨大的魔人双手在这一刻动了,一上一下抓住混合尾兽的上下颚,力量惊人的魔人虚影死死地将上下颚合拢,登时原本还准备发威的混合尾兽瞪大了眼睛。 Hateful, does your bastard, you want our two same places dead? You want dead I not to die! Lets loose to me, bastard!” “可恶,你这个混蛋,你想要我们两个一起死吗?你想死我还不想死呢!给我放开啊,混蛋!” From mixing the tailed beast mouth spread the black Karin sound, because although the relations of massive chakra made her sound have the change inevitably, but still exposed her sound characteristics. 从混合尾兽的口中传出了黑香磷的声音,虽然由于大量查克拉的关系使得她的声音不可避免地产生了变化,但是依然暴露出了她的声音特点。 Death? I do not believe, at least I have the confidence to go on living, you also prepare to continue to hit to me honestly!” “死?我可不怎么认为,最起码我有信心活下去,你还准备继续打下去就给我老实一点!” The words that as Le Yuan threatens said, is sent out the speechless intense ray by mix tailed beast that his control lives in immediately, Tailed Beast Ball already in its mouth arrived at the critical point not to conduct the only consequence that the release waited for from exploding. 随着乐渊略带威胁的话说下,被他控制住的混合尾兽顿时散发出无语强烈的光芒,它口中的尾兽玉已经到达了临界点再不进行释放等待的唯一后果就是自爆。 Facing approach that Le Yuan this goes all out probably, the black Karin blackening but is not even silly, although she was changed the personality however not to change her intelligence quotient, before own life trades one , the life of person does not know, is not how cost-effective. 面对乐渊这像是拼了命的做法,黑香磷就算是黑化但也不傻,她虽然被改变了性情但是并没有改变她的智商,那自己的命换一条以前根本不认识的人的命,怎么着也不划算。 In the eye of black Karin, can perish together, but perishes together must draw another Karin to go to hell. Only then another Karin is in her heart must kill first in list, occupies top three as for Le Yuan at most, has not hated dead except beforehand black Karin in the heart big trouble. 在黑香磷的眼中,可以同归于尽,但是同归于尽也必须拉着另一个香磷下地狱。只有另一个香磷才是她心中必杀榜中的第一名,至于乐渊顶多占据前三甲之列而已,在心头大患没有除去之前黑香磷根本舍不得死。 In the Tailed Beast Ball forthcoming moment, as mixing black Karin of tailed beast core withdrew own tailed beast condition. Immediately wrapped in her tailed beast coat diverges immediately, but still has not so changed a matter even if, that is already accumulation Tailed Beast Ball not with chakra cuts off vanishes, because on the contrary balances Tailed Beast Ball black Karin no longer to balance chakra, making the eruption of Tailed Beast Ball be ahead of time. 尾兽玉即将爆发的关头,作为混合尾兽核心的黑香磷撤去了自己的尾兽状态。顿时原本包裹在她身上的尾兽外衣顿时散去,不过纵然如此依然没有改变一件事情,那就是已经聚集的尾兽玉并不会随着查克拉的断绝消失,相反由于平衡尾兽玉的黑香磷不再平衡其中的查克拉,使得尾兽玉的爆发提前了。 Ray, incomparably intense ray. With the eruption of Tailed Beast Ball, Devil phantom one and was wrapped by this unprecedented huge explosion in the flash. The huge impact seems like the nuclear bomb to explode general, is centered on Tailed Beast Ball turns toward all around to proliferate. 光芒,无比强烈的光芒。伴随着尾兽玉的爆发,在一瞬间连带着魔人虚影一并被这阵史无前例的巨大爆炸包裹住了。巨大的冲击像是核弹爆炸一般,以尾兽玉为核心向着四周扩散。 Demolition chakra to defeating will demolish all within range to give to destroy, animal that the thing or the mountain massif, or have not run away with enough time. During a short three seconds of explosion, the surrounding area all within dozens li (0.5 km) this explosion by the impact that produced are destroyed. 爆破的查克拉冲击破将爆破范围内的一切都给毁了,无论是之物或是山体,亦或者还没来得及逃走的动物。在短短三秒钟的爆炸之中,方圆数十里内的一切都被这爆炸产生的冲击毁灭了。 Demolition in the past, Le Yuan Devil phantom as he expected withstood this round of demolition like that but the short distance was intimate a round to mix chakra Tailed Beast Ball to make his defense have the fissure. 爆破过去,乐渊魔人虚影果然如他预计的那般顶住了这一轮爆破,不过近距离挨上一发混合查克拉尾兽玉还是令他的防御产生了裂痕。 However such damage is worth, activated the Byakugan condition in his then already that Tailed Beast Ball exploded instantaneously, did not think that the glare will destroy his eye, on the contrary can see clearly the condition that around that flash black Karin chakra changed during the observation of Byakugan well. 不过这样的损伤还是值得的,就在尾兽玉爆开的瞬间他便已经激活了白眼状态,丝毫不觉得强光会摧毁他的眼睛,相反在白眼的观察之中才能最好地看清楚那一瞬间黑香磷周围查克拉变化的状态。 Black Karin lived during the demolition, accurate she does not have the choice to flee, cannot flee such explosion. She who survives was blown to fly kilometer far by the powerful impact, but had not actually been lost slightly. 香磷在爆破之中活了下来,准确来说她没有选择逃离,也根本逃离不了那样的爆炸。存活下来的她被强烈的冲击吹飞了千米之远,不过却没有受到丝毫的损失。 Before the Tailed Beast Ball injury contacts her, was separated centered on she all completely, even the impact of Tailed Beast Ball is still makes that cover her spheroid to distort merely slightly, cannot break that defense. 尾兽玉伤害接触到她之前,以她为核心的一切被全部弹开,就算是尾兽玉的冲击也仅仅是令那个罩住她的球体稍稍变形,没有能够打破那个防御。 Almighty Push, this move of Le Yuan, when obtains Tenseigan also to use, the control repulsion separates all moves. According to the user level can defend various styles, comes to be thorougher compared with the great power. 神罗天征,这一招乐渊在获得转生眼的时候也用过,操控斥力弹开一切的招数。根据使用者水平可以防御各种招式,比起回天来更加彻底。 Rinnegan? Theoretically any Ōtsutsuki Hagoromo descendant has to awaken the Rinnegan possibility, but Uzumaki Clan descendant's black Karin is also the Hagoromo descendant. However most Uzumaki Clan had the superior physique is being more like awakened Sage Body, therefore and no one will idle attempts to develop the eye. 轮回眼?理论上任何大筒木羽衣的后裔都有着觉醒轮回眼的可能性,而漩涡一族后裔的黑香磷也算是羽衣的后裔。不过绝大多数漩涡一族拥有着超常体质更像是觉醒了仙人体,所以并没有人会闲得去尝试开发眼睛。 However so long as in fact the intention has the extremely low possibility to grasp Sage Eyes, but this possibility is close to innumerable generation of inheritance later already of zero, after all Naruto world bloodline(s) is very abnormal thing. Various abilities are explaining all according to the bloodlines inheritance by the unreasonable condition, some generation develops Bloodline Limit then to inherit the next generation through the bloodlines directly, this forced to engrave the gene level the ability simply, this perhaps was the Otsutsuki Alien bloodlines true ability. 不过事实上只要用心还是有着极低的可能性掌握仙人眼的,只不过这种可能性在无数代的传承之后已经接近于零,毕竟火影忍者的世界血统是在是很变态的事物。各种能力根据血脉传承以不合理的状态解释着一切,某一代开发出来血继界限便能直接通过血脉传承到下一代,这简直就是将自身能力强制刻印到了基因层次,这或许就是大筒木外星人的血脉真正能力。 But put forth black Karin of Rinnegan ability also seemed like let loose thoroughly generally, the spin nest mask on face seemed like in this moment is absorbed same integrated her body, but that scarlet red eye of Karin turned into the circle circle eye beautifully. 而使出了轮回眼能力的黑香磷也像是彻底放开了一般,脸上的旋窝面具在这一刻像是被吸收了一样融入了她的身体,而香磷的那一双赤红色眼睛妍变成了圈圈眼。 Put forth Rinnegan not to finish, sees only the Karin flash to be divided into seven, presented six besides the main body again with she nearly exactly the same clone. However Le Yuan will actually not treat as ordinary clone to regard them, their bodies are sending out chakra is solid tailed beast chakra, moreover each difference. 使出轮回眼还没有结束,只见香磷一瞬间一分为七,除了本体之外再次出现了六个和她近乎一模一样的分身。不过乐渊却不会将他们当作普通分身看待,她们身上散发着的查克拉全都是实实在在的尾兽查克拉,而且每一个的都不一样。 This is the Karin tactical rules, six entity clone, moreover has Rinnegan one is the ability has tailed beast chakra entity clone. Takes the clone approach compared with Nagato with the corpse, without doubt is Karin clone has powerful Strength. To be continued. 这就是香磷的战法,六个实体分身,而且是拥有轮回眼一系能力带有一种尾兽查克拉的实体分身。比起长门用尸体作为分身的做法,无疑是香磷分身拥有着更加强大力量。未完待续。 ... ...
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