VE :: Volume #8 三阶首战影之忍者

#711: Blackening? Also is the blackening!

Ninja Calendar in March 63, since Le Yuan received that punished Quest, already to pass for a month, compared that penalty to think of serious Quest, on Le Yuan new Main Quest penalty light many, but also was Quest awfully, penalty Quest that took over is overlapping with Le Yuan. 忍历63年3月,自从乐渊接收到那个惩罚任务之后已经过去了一个月的时间,相比较起那惩罚想到严重的任务,乐渊新出现的主线任务的惩罚就轻上许多,不过也是要命的任务,和乐渊正在接手的惩罚任务相互重叠。 Main Quest 2: the death of Six Paths 主线任务二:六道之死 Quest Description: When Pain invades Konoha, defeats Pain Six Paths personally, captures Rinnegan. The success obtains the key of vision class evolution, the failure deducts the attribute 0.6, the visual automatic drop to the blind condition, after leaving this world , the vision drops 50 to continue for 30 years 任务描述:在佩恩入侵木叶时,亲手击败佩恩六道,夺取轮回眼。成功则获得视觉类进化之钥,失败扣除属性点6,视觉自动下降至失明状态,离开本世界后视力下降50持续30年 Le Yuan initially first time in the time mind of seeing this Quest only then a thought that system this is playing him, compelling Le Yuan to violate inexpensively. According to present idea two sides the time of event is nearly overlapped, but the biggest possibility was also the best one result is Le Yuan dealt with the Karin issue of No. 2 world, then caught up in Konoha is destroyed beforehand blocks Six Paths Pain. 乐渊当初第一次看到这个任务的时候脑海中只有一个念头,系统这是在耍他,逼着乐渊犯贱。按照现在的想法两边的事件发生的时间近乎重叠,不过最大的可能性也是最好的一种结果就是乐渊处理了二号世界的香磷问题,然后赶在木叶被毁之前阻击六道佩恩 Collapses a level above equipment or the vision drops is not Le Yuan hopes, the former fluctuation range is too big, but has big probability massive hemorrhage by the equipment rank of Le Yuan on the contrary, this made to take equipping on the contrary does not dare to have slight careless as arrogant Le Yuan. 无论是崩坏一件级以上的装备或是视觉下降都不是乐渊所愿,前者波动范围太大,不过以乐渊的装备等级反倒是有很大的几率大出血,这反倒令一直以装备为傲的乐渊不敢有丝毫的马虎。 Is also heavy as for Main Quest 2 Failure Punishment, although the Le Yuan observation world not only depends upon the vision, after this world lost the vision the strength drops Third Layer at least, but the later vision drops 50 continue for 30 years is existence that Le Yuan is not willing to accept. 至于主线任务二失败惩罚同样不轻,虽然乐渊观察世界不仅仅依靠视力,但是在这个世界失去了视觉之后实力最起码下降三层,而之后的视力下降50持续30年的更是乐渊不愿意接受的存在。 Although by Le Yuan nowadays vision, even if eliminates 90 to be been still outstanding by vast majority of ordinary person vision, however in effect of expert on the war was really big, let alone dropped 50 such exaggerating digits, even if will be 10 deviations will still cause the final victory to present the change merely. 虽然以乐渊现如今的视力就算剥夺90依旧被绝大多数正常人的视力还要优秀,但是在高手对战中影响实在是太大了,别说下降50这么夸张的数字,就算仅仅是十的偏差也会导致最后战果出现变动。 However waiting of hardship Le Yuan had the result in late March finally, that is in a afternoon of sunny no cloud. Was attacked from previous Jinchūriki already passed for almost 2 months, until now did not have the mask person of sound to make security Konoha have lax inevitably. 不过乐渊的苦苦等待终于在三月下旬有了结果,那是在一个晴朗无云的下午。距离上一位人柱力被袭击已经过去了差不多二个月的时间,一直以来没有动静的面具人不可避免让一直警戒的木叶有了一丝松懈。 Thousand days is a thief easily, thousand days against thief is difficult. Present Konoha is in such a condition, after all as big ninja village, Konoha impossible guards against not to know most energy on unknown character who every time when comes back. 千日做贼易,千日防贼难。现在的木叶正是处于这么一个状况,毕竟作为一个大忍村,木叶不可能每时每刻都将大部分精力去防备一个不知何时回来的未知人物身上。 However is good to take Jinchūriki Uzumaki Kushina is also law-abiding, knows that at this time was not suitable to go out, has treated in the village. The village that however even if was covered by barrier is not absolutely safe existence, although all around and sky are as for underground are covered by barrier, so long as has a mind to pass through this seemingly perfect defense as before. 不过好在作为人柱力漩涡玖辛奈还算是安分,知道这种时候不适合外出,一直待在村子里面。不过就算被结界笼罩的村子也不是万无一失的存在,虽然四周、天空乃至于地下都被结界笼罩,只要有心依旧能够穿过这看似完美的防御。 But the invasion of mask person was above everyone's imagination similarly, the mask person has not entered the idea that Konoha conducts internal destroys, had his direct selections of six tailed beast most directly is also the stablest working method, Tailed Beast Ball that the direct round combined six tailed beast chakra aimed at Konoha. 而面具人的侵入同样超乎了所有人的想象,面具人没有进入木叶进行内部破坏的想法,拥有了六只尾兽的他直接选择了最直接也是最稳定的做事方法,直接一发混杂了六只尾兽查克拉尾兽玉瞄准了木叶村 From a Konoha dozens kilometers place, a fire that exceeds the distance then appeared. The diameter has more than 20 meters mix tailed beast chakra energy balls fully, once hit Konoha, can cancel from the plate of map Konoha absolutely. 在距离木叶数十公里的地方,一记超越距离的射击便出现了。直径足有二十多米的混合尾兽查克拉的能量球一旦命中木叶,绝对能够将木叶从地图的板块上抹去。 Most first felt this attack is not others Le Yuan, has waited to feel that to cut the expansive sky in him of Konoha alert to destroy all Strength immediately sufficiently. 最前感觉到这一攻击的不是别人正是乐渊,一直守候在木叶戒备的他在第一时间感受到了那划破长空足以毁灭一切的力量 Cannot attend to is conducting the Strength adaptation training Hinata to continue to relate in detail at present, Le Yuan looked at east of Konoha a direction anything not to say arrived at east in the village midair directly. 顾不得对眼前正在进行力量适应训练的雏田继续细说,乐渊望着木叶村以东方向一眼什么也没说直接来到了村子东面的半空之中。 Also is really a big ritual, but wants to destroy Konoha, first crosses me!” “还真是一份大礼,不过想要破坏木叶,先过我这一关!” Le Yuan pulls out four kunai toward washing a direction in the flash throws, shortly after soaring kunai departs then stops in the midair, Le Yuan pours into space Strength in kunai to start the mutual resonance, next. seconds a diameter achieved hundred meters circular space channel to appear in the Le Yuan front. 乐渊在一瞬间掏出四枚苦无向着洗个方向投掷过去,飞翔的苦无飞出后不久便在半空中停住,乐渊注入苦无中的空间力量开始相互共鸣,下一秒一个直径达到百米的圆形空间通道出现在了乐渊的面前。 Bang “轰” Similar Tailed Beast Ball Strength of chakra ball has no deviation, the total enters in the space channel that the track felt relieved, Le Yuan destroyed all Strength to induct the own Small World spacious region this, tailed beast Strength also reluctantly was tonic, although has the extremely heavy negativity, but was used to enrich the energy system in Small World is also the good choice. 类似尾兽玉查克拉球的力量没有任何偏差,全数进入了轨道放心的空间通道内,乐渊将这毁灭一切的力量导入了自己的小世界的空旷地带,尾兽力量也勉强算是一个补品,虽然带着极重的负面情绪,但是用来充实小世界内的能量体系也算是不错的选择。 First struck to block, but Le Yuan did not have the slight excitement. Following the direction sensation of fire in the past, Le Yuan then knows that this chakra tuber itself/Ben is the conventional skill, the master of attack is condensing the second attack there, if Le Yuan does not take action, the continuous attack association/will breaks his defense. 第一击挡住了,不过乐渊却没有丝毫的兴奋。顺着射击的方向感知过去,乐渊便知道这枚查克拉球根本就是常规技能,攻击的主人正在那里凝聚第二枚攻击,如果乐渊不采取行动,接连不断的攻击总会打破他的防御。 „, Destroys to me, disgusting place!” “切,给我毁灭吧,恶心的地方!” On the valley of above rock resembles end, was wrapped the mask male of whole body to condense that cruel chakra by the black robe before own, adjusted own attack angle to aim at Konoha of distant place again. 终结之谷上方的岩石像上,一个被黑袍包裹全身的面具男将那暴戾查克拉凝聚在自己身前,调整着自己的攻击角度再一次瞄准了远处的木叶村 Shoryuken!” 耗油根!” Both hands even lift/move at former gathers the tailed beast chakra mask male simply Le Yuan that does not notice Spatial Displacement to appear suddenly, but the Le Yuan attack speed was also more than he expected, flashes before on the hook to hit the mask male face, interrupted the accumulation of Tailed Beast Ball at one fell swoop, simultaneously the mask male body was not soared high by control under this fist. 双手平举在前聚集尾兽查克拉的面具男根本没有注意到空间移动突现的乐渊,而乐渊的攻击速度同样超出他的预料,闪现上勾拳命中了面具男的脸部,一举打断了尾兽玉的聚集,同时面具男的身体在这一拳之下不受控制地高高飞起。 Also does not know that actually that mask male spin nest mask uses what material to do, is unable to destroy Strength of rock smashing it by Le Yuan that fist sufficiently unexpectedly. Coming out that Le Yuan feels, in his fist strokes on the mask is, his Strength will be removed overwhelming majorities by that mask unexpectedly. 也不知那面具男的旋窝面具究竟使用什么材料做的,凭借乐渊那一拳足以将岩石粉碎的力量竟然无法将其打碎。乐渊感觉的出来,在他的拳头击打在面具上是,他的力量竟然会被那个面具卸去绝大多数。 Strikes Le Yuan that goes well to stand in same place, his intuition will tell him to follow up possibly to work just the opposite rashly. In fact also so, defended the mask male who did not have to stabilize in the midair probably suddenly lived in own body, later stayed the condition of partly drifting to occupy a commanding position to look at Le Yuan unexpectedly. 一击得手的乐渊站在原地,他的直觉告诉他贸然跟进可能会适得其反。事实上也正是如此,在半空中像是防御全无的面具男突然稳定住了自己的身体,随后竟然保持着半飘浮的状态居高临下看着乐渊 Is you! Is you brings to come to here that bastard? Damn, thinks of that fellow on the good pain!” “是你!就是你把那个混蛋带到这里来的吗?该死,一想到那家伙头就好痛!” The mask male noticed Le Yuan appears control not to live in own anger, the entire portrait saw the life and death archenemy is common, an intermittent evil intention covers Le Yuan along with the mask male vision, that profound, dark as well as chaotic tyrannical look is Le Yuan entire life sees. 面具男一看到乐渊就显得控制不住自己的火气,整个人像是见到了生死大敌一般,一阵阵恶意伴随着面具男的目光将乐渊笼罩起来,那种深邃、黑暗以及混乱暴虐的眼神乃是乐渊生平首见。 Un Karin?” “嗯香磷?” Is sizing up by the mask male who the black robe packages, although unusual Strength is preventing Strength is peeping at the mask male true colors, his all cover in the dense fog. However according to the present figure also had the flashing past red hair, Le Yuan was saying this name to the mask male. 打量着被黑袍包裹的面具男,虽然一股奇特的力量阻止着了的力量窥视着面具男的真面目,他的一切全都笼罩在迷雾之中。但是根据现在的身形还有一闪而过的红发,乐渊对着面具男说出了这个名字。 Shut up! You do not have the qualifications to say this name!” “闭嘴!你没有资格说出这个名字!” Hears Le Yuan to shout along with black Karin the anger that she has a fit of bad temper, her right hand is dividing fiercely furiously toward Le Yuan, as the movement of her right hand stretches out the innumerable black chakra chains from her body. 伴随着黑香磷听到乐渊喊她而炸毛的愤怒,她的右手猛地向着乐渊所在奋力劈下,而随着她右手的动作从她的身体中伸出无数的黑色查克拉锁链。 Unlike Adamantine Sealing Chains in Le Yuan impression, stretches out the chains that brings chakra more unclear from black Karin within the body, and exceeded it should on the might absolutely by limit. Le Yuan even suspected now the chains under this type of condition faces Ten-Tails still to be able even its blockade, is really because this move of might was too big. 乐渊印象中的金刚封锁不同,从黑香磷体内伸出的锁链带着的查克拉更加不详,并且就威力而言绝对超越了它本该由的极限。乐渊甚至怀疑现在这种状态下的锁链即使面对十尾也能将其封锁,实在是因为这一招的威力太大了。 „” “啪” Le Yuan one flashes toward the side, that black chains cannot stop pounds ruthlessly in the ground. Contacts along with the black chains and land, has Strength that to drill into the land from the black chains fiercely, ka ka the sound instant divides into two land, the cliff of Le Yuan under foot entire cleft in two. 乐渊向着身旁一闪,那黑色锁链没有能够停下狠狠地砸在了地面上。伴随着黑色锁链与大地接触,从黑色锁链上带有的力量猛地钻入大地,咔咔声瞬时将大地一分为二,乐渊脚下的山崖整个被劈成了两半。 This merely is a start, black Karin Strength probably is general inexhaustible, on each whip brings Strength does not see the weaken, the innumerable chains composed the airtight attack also to compose nearly absolutely the protection of defense for her. 这仅仅是一个开始,黑香磷力量像是无穷无尽一般,每一鞭上带着的力量都不见衰减,无数的锁链组成了密不通风的攻击也为她组成了近乎绝对防御的守护。 Facing this nearly desperate attack, Le Yuan actually moves own step merely little, as well as its weak disparity avoids that to destroy all Whiplash sufficiently. It seems like the danger extremely, but on face indifferent made hey Karin look annoyedly, Le Yuan this did not treat as the opponent her simply. 面对这样近乎绝望的攻击,乐渊却仅仅是一点点移动自己的步伐,以及其微弱的差距避开那足以毁灭一切的鞭索。看似危险万分,但是脸上的淡然却令嘿香磷看得恼火,乐渊这简直就是不把她当作对手。 In fact Le Yuan also really not the opponent who black Karin treats as the same rank, black Karin chains Strength indeed has to threaten the Le Yuan might, but hits move of opponent is not a trash. Do not look that black Karin uses to be refined and unusual Adamantine Sealing Chains unusually, but in fact is restricted in Karin own ability, is unable to catch up with Le Yuan by the swing speed of chains. 事实上乐渊还真没有将黑香磷当作同一等级的对手,黑香磷的锁链力量的确有着威胁乐渊的威力,但是打不中对手的招数那就是个渣渣。别看黑香磷金刚封锁用得超凡脱俗、与众不同,但是实际上受限于香磷自身的能力,凭借锁链的挥舞速度根本无法追上乐渊 Le Yuan, waited for black Karin to reveal own card in a hand. She thinks of every means to go to various Ninja World continent places to collect tailed beast to not only launch the Tailed Beast Ball attack, that without doubt is a waste. 乐渊在等,等待着黑香磷露出自己的底牌。她费尽心思前往忍界大陆各处搜集尾兽可不仅仅是为了发动尾兽玉攻击而已,那无疑是一种浪费。 tailed beast Strength has certainly some more vital function regarding present black Karin, but this absolutely is she biggest card in a hand. 尾兽力量对于现在的黑香磷而言一定存在着某种更加重要的作用,而这绝对就是她最大的底牌。 When under black Karin the chains of making threatening gestures stops that releasing behind, they were just standing cliff already changed into the ruins thoroughly, the big rock was slivered the stones of dependents by such as the laser cutting machine tool sharp chakra chains. 当黑香磷停止下那身后释放的张牙舞爪的锁链时,他们刚刚站着的山崖已经彻底化为了废墟,高大的山石被如激光切割机般锋利的查克拉锁链切成了一块块碎小的石头。 Also can continue? Your body had the problem, if you want, I think that I can help you give the solution it!” “还要继续吗?你的身体出现了问题,如果你愿意,我想我能够帮你把它给解决了!” Looks at the continuous attack more than ten minutes of black Karin, Le Yuan detected, as her violent anger attack, the body is lending the unclear aura is even more rich. But attack not black Karin does not have such as the Le Yuan imagination like that hot tempered anxious, on the contrary is similar to a beach not to have wave no billows stagnant water generally deep place even more, making one more open more feels immeasurably deep. 看着连续攻击了十多分钟的黑香磷,乐渊发觉随着她的暴怒攻击,身上散发着的不详气息越发浓郁。而攻击不中的黑香磷却没有如乐渊想象的那般暴躁不安,相反如同一滩无波无澜的死水一般越发的深处,让人越开越觉得深不可测。 Solution? Some things you could not solve, the method of solution only then one, that was makes that fellow die!” “解决?有些事情你解决不了,解决的方法只有一个,那就是让那个家伙死!” Also does not know that actually this blackening the principle is anything, making black Karin be regarded as the life and death personal enemy to regard another Karin generally, shortly was the undying continuous condition. 也不知这黑化的原理究竟是什么,令黑香磷将另一个香磷当作是生死仇人一般看待,眼瞅着就是个不死不休的状态。 But Adamantine Sealing Chains is unable to vacillate Le Yuan, black Karin aura entire dissipates to be huge to not unimaginable chakra packages later it completely, immediately the black Karin aura becomes even more fearful, the Strength tailed beast clothes that after this is she absorbs numerous tailed beast, produces. To be continued. 金刚封锁无法动摇乐渊,黑香磷身上的气息整个逸散开来随后庞大到无法想像的查克拉将其完全包裹,顿时黑香磷的气息变得越发可怕,这就是她吸收众多尾兽后产生的力量尾兽衣。未完待续。 ... ...
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